tv [untitled] August 14, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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good human voice face to face with the news makers. in the headlines this week senior politicians and police take a swipe at each other over the hunting of mass rides in the u.k. and while they play a war of words brought up local communities not a lot of themselves to keep all of the streets of london. the setting marks three years this week since georgia launched a war that claimed hundreds of innocent lives after he takes an inside look at how people still try to rebuild their shattered lives. downdraft up a week of roller coaster trading with obama's cheekbones and global markets have entered a new danger zone as best as they lose confidence in the economic leadership of several key countries.
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hello got into the program this is our cheesy weekly review and you can tell a story now police said top politicians in the u.k. have continued to play a blame game over hundred of the riots in england the worst in decades harsh criticism of each other's performance came after prime minister david cameron claims it's also appeared powerless in the face of disturbances during the first tonight of looting and arson senior politicians a world away on holiday when last riots began north london after the fatal police shooting of suspect protesters began smashing shop windows and setting fire to cars and buildings leading to widespread call the kind of violence and over two thousand arrests have been made so far and pools have worked around the clock to clear the backlog cases but while police and the government run out of those who deserve the credit for why didn't the rights groups and most. communities to get into their own
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hands to protect their name trees out is not. a good result contrary a warning to looters around five hundred mainly young men chased down the road after police ready to drive troublemakers out of town. despite the mob atmosphere a large crowd of young men are out for justice there's been no trouble so far most ordinary people out to protect their communities a lot of people are here to help there obviously are some people that i can to do the opposite effect but you're going to get everywhere very much started checking out stories of what young children out there will patrols in the streets on the decide if there's not enough police they move help them and just give everyone a wage the cost to the shops and just push them away because we don't want to go off to really cause any trouble we just want to make sure that no one comes in specially no shops open. and it's not just in enfield in other parts of
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town seeks have banded together to protect their livelihoods and property sons and daughters come together with us and say let's solve the problems with out on through violence and causing distress control which then takes over the causing the violence in the streets. this is the current face of communities across england many of which felt under siege from looters and said in their darkest hour the police were nowhere to be seen police have not been anywhere where the police if the police have it you think all that would've been done maybe this is what david cameron means when he talks constantly about the big society handing power and responsibility back to local communities and i think the scenes we all saw all our television screens last night of communities coming together to try and stop violence taking place was a model how these things should be done. that despite the fact that three young
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asian men were killed in birmingham early on wednesday trying to protect local businesses looters allegedly rammed the with a car the tragedy ignited anger in the asian community a vigilante attract all thoughts and more pentel it doesn't just rear its head in hooter's visit huge number of police officers on the streets of england at the moment which many find reassuring but groups like the enfield army prove that communities still feel police are unable to protect them and with budget cuts the front line officers still on the table bookies on the beach could get fewer and further between while the local vigilante group could take up the slack nor emmett's r.t. . political activist john breeze here right now providing one of longer part of hope by progress on be long before war does what it wants long cannot function until quote if
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a program this isn't something that can simply be battened off the streets and water cannon and plastic bullets isn't something that can be and that isn't something that we got rid of by imposing look only in prison sentences we've seen one teen aged forty jail for six months for stealing one pound fifty bottle of water and i live in hackney i live right next to the temporary state which was the main site of. this week so i can tell you that if that happens you can come back to the pembroke state in a moment or two months or six months or year and absolutely nothing will change and therefore the fundamental cause of this is this which will remain the untold story here is not just what happened to mark duggan but glad that this is a a one iceberg when you know there's been three hundred deaths simply that the over less decades you can see why people do not trust the police what the prime minister is doing is making up the law and making up the punishment regime as he goes
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a lot well actually that should be a crime for a leading politician to start suggesting that there are simply ad hoc. completely invented on the moment punishments that we had to go for people is outrageous and the social network is always there already cases now old not people who commit the crime doing it right but it's the parents of people who are committing crimes during the riots being evicted from their council homes in a london borough because of what happened last week nobody's ever said that making some of the still raw. this is an aussie and another nation locked into street in syria see the harsh steps the government takes to crush them but it's gone out flies in later in the program. year anxiety groups poland as more and more people review their position on adopting the single currency say they don't
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want to pay for their mistakes about. is a three years this week since georgia law is sure that's hard on the small republic of south ossetia and its people the conflict so five days of heavy fighting as georgia is sort of regain control of the territory hundreds of innocent lives were lost and immoral serves as have been held in the capital in a while and across our the set here hundreds of people lived candles and prayed for the victims of the conflict releasing wide illusions in their memory aussies medina has talked of those who still struggle to come to terms with their losses. i come here almost every day i sit and talk to my son so a new i will lie next to my dear boy. for the last three years stacey you see nick has come to this cemetery in south the search area where her son is burritt five days unorganised two thousand and eight split her life into a before and after. as when her son
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a medical college graduate heard the republic's capital t. involved was under attack from georgia he rushed home to help the injured he died in her arms us they lay trapped for days under the rubble of their apartment block that was in the georgian algeria's firing line kay says the only thing that makes her life worth living now is returning to your old daughter they now live together in a newly built house surrounded by families was similar tragic stories. in that house across the street lives of really two children into the house opposite lives a man who lost both his wife and she struggled. all these people are victims of georgia's military aggression in august two thousand and eight when they try to retake control of the breakaway republic of south ossetia a russian peacekeeping mission in the region also came under fire nursed my abuse dive i was on duty with them and witnessed average thing that happened that night
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for me it's all i saw skin violence fire when you know it was going to be our last night but it was still carried out peacekeeping mission and tried to be calm. most cool santorini foresman to protect its citizens and prevent more civilian deaths within five days georgian troops had been repelled three weeks later russia recognized the city as independence. the last three years have changed the face of this thursday i new residential area where new roads sharp and have been burst and have been built but still kinds of the conflict remains this ruins behind my back i got all the luck of the russian peacekeeping port for those who lived through the horrors of the brief a deadly conflict the memories are still very raw. but in the question the r.t. reporting from sea involves self-assertive. it's been one of the most turbulent
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weeks and years of the world's financial markets sparked by america's downgrade from its aaa credit rating trading saw the biggest volume of shares changing hands as two thousand and eight as panicking investors went on a setting spree standard and poor's the rating agency behind the move says it made the decision based on an apparent inability of the u.s. government to deal with the problem echoing the claim was robert zoellick the world bank head the second the loss of confidence in economic leadership in the united states and europe has pushed markets into a new dangerous however investors now look for a calm week of trading as the u. imposes a ban on short selling of financial shares and see every tail sales gain in the u.s. the biggest in four months but economist michael punters that is there is a much greater problem in the us and trade is interesting because she's. an american this is intractable america is becoming insolvent and the shooter is getting out and was showing fully understand it and what the japanese and the
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europeans and all of foreign creditors all sense of the idea that you can do it without inflation and martyre and china being there will be caught i'm sure your action which will soon interest rates to the moon or lesions or losing high single digits and then it will be clear as day that the u.s. is insolvent and the should be seen as trying to who if you look. at you and the way they are being in the mainstream media and press upon it was not confined to the us and europe among the worst hate were some of the ted based economies such as india and economics professor chance onkar to believe that now things could swing either way for a new day with developing countries as a source of growth and opportunity. part of their initial selloff was was panic and i think the panic responded to the downgrade in credit worthiness of u.s.
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treasury bills after the initial panic his has outlasted i think investors realize that emerging markets like india have strong fundamentals they have strong structural reasons going into diffusers such as a positive demographic trend high savings in investment rates there are other things as well if there is a recession in the world as is being talked about in other words of the dollar weakens and if india's rupee therefore strengthens views of you the dollar it's important to go down as well the risk is somehow whether india can finance its current account deficit because of the general climate of risk aversion in the economies and if investors are less willing to invest in emerging markets how does india continued to finance its current account deficit since the euro is inception many countries have done the best to join the one thing that's all changed about the debt plague sweeping through the continent and as aussies alexy yourself can out of both the washing of the euro troubles has given all a fresh perspective. while parts of europe have been teetering on the edge of
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economic abyss poland has remained stable in the storm along with this currency. there is a widespread belief in the country that being outside the euro has helped keep poland out of trouble. if we were part of the eurozone then we would have been obliged to help countries like greece and portugal happily help out someone else without solving our own problems it's almost guaranteed that prices would go up that we join the euro zone which would damage my business recent opinion polls suggest that more than sixty percent of poles want to keep their own currency a dramatic turnaround from just a few years back a few years ago the euro was seen as a euro club was seen as something very exclusive holes as. they wanted a country control now the name of the euro has been sullied by the troubles in greece and italy poles don't want to be dragged into this crisis if the government forced the euro issue try to bring into the eurozone it could be political suicide
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poland has fared much better than many of its partners in the global crisis several countries like greece ireland and portugal are on the brink of disaster partly due to a boring binge allowed by your membership and associated low interest rates being outside the eurozone members pulled could not join the party but now it does not have a hangover poland was meant to have the euro by next year the time of the country's co-hosting the printed well european football championship but with the latest developments these plans may be shelved for another four years e.u. rules say poland is obliged to adopt the euro once it meets the economic rules for joining but both are titian's are now much cooler on the idea with minister saying the eurozone needs to get its house in order first place very important for us. they need for. or institutional changes in the eurozone i mean these economic
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governance a few of them and also some crisis management tensions that we see some need for in the euro zone before. the target date and came. up the game has changed and the you look look everyone wants wanted to join me now be the no one wants to accept alexei worships the odyssey it was you from your store in poland. this is on c.n.n. later in the program. to france donald rumsfeld can be held liable for alleged torture as an american court allows to veterans to soothe their. fears over the basic principles of democracy and future employment arise among hundreds of media workers the government's new media controlled or as well billy restricted . at least twenty five people have been reported killed in intense london see
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assault by government forces in syria ski cross the city of latakia the operation continues a brutal crackdown on several cities to root out protesters demanding president. down these protests. that have grown dramatically over the past five months with around two thousand civilians dead in clashes with government forces the continuing bloodshed has caused the international community to line up against the state's handling of the uprising and to demand an immediate end to the violence according to journalist clark president promised multiple artists and has brought now bring in as the opposition supported by the last appears to me. two days ago president assad said he was going well now multi-party system in syria but i think the opposition be emboldened by the support they are getting from foreign countries such as the usa in france etc i think that's what's really is very
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dangerous situation where we could be heading into civil war and we really don't know too much about you because you know we are. seeing things in the west who are very sort of you because you know you're position of the traders right and white they're absolutely fantastic democrats of course i'm sure there are people whose if you are like that but when we contrast it with the situation in bahrain we didn't get the statements from the u.s. saying that the government must go the opposition must take power we're going to let me syria isn't very helpful at all i'm really worried about the future of syria i'm not sure is a very nice country greatly book it's a very. it's a scientists i'm sure everyone knows is divided on tribal lines religious lines and . this regime has been one party state we were sent there has been a one party state of the twenty one party state but it has brought a level of stability because if there is a. new regime falls we could be into iraq situation where we have seen terror and violence developing we could have attacks on a christian community. and the real fear is that syria could just blow up together
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terrible terrible civil war we've got to prevent that from happening in the only way we can prevent it from happening he said if there's internal dialogue in syria . and another troubled country leiby aware clashes between colonel qaddafi and the natives supported opposition have raged for huffer year creating thousands of lives but as a kind of country who recently returned from a monitoring mission in the country's leaders oil contracts and potential investments are now a more attractive proposition for some nato members are going to continue because this whole nato aggression on libya is looking increasingly embarrassing for the nato countries so it's not just a question of recognizing the council when benghazi actually i think it's quite clear now it's a race for nato not only to save its own face in trying to extricate itself out of the mess that they've put themselves into but also it's a race to who's going to be the first to kiss cut off his hand because now with
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it's only about the default in the euro zone and even the president united states on this incredible historic times we're living in warning that the dollar could default world goes billions off of oil contracts from libya and investments could come in very handy especially for someone like berlusconi in italy. and iran bo not acquire nuclear weapons there's no place for this in his main weapon in the twenty first century so says present shot who spoke exclusively to ask his half an hour. are you saying that at some point in the future you want to acquire a nuclear deterrent a nuclear weapon how did you never know that this is an inhuman weapon our religion says it is critical and we are religious people if any country tries to build a nuclear bomb in fact they waste their money and resources and they create great danger that the international equations are not determined by nuclear arsenals today the americans have nuclear bombs and nuclear weapons and could they win in
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iraq and afghanistan could the nuclear weapons help the israelis to gain victory and this guy was a nuclear weapons help the former soviet union from collapse. and you can always the full interview with mahmoud ahmadinejad in ten minutes here on the scene. struction of sixteen hundred twelve and he's drifts an earlier this week and is trying to raise that number to almost three thousand the building i was ready settlements on the west bank has been a significant irritant for palestinians and is one of the major causes of political deadlock in negotiations between the two sides israel's announcement comes just a few weeks before the expected vote of recognition of the palestinian authority in the security council and our list of buckskin believes tell of it is not inclined to reach a compromise he told us here the timing of new settlements plans is far from being
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a coincidence. when it seems likely that israelis and palestinians will be moving toward the peace talks and that the americans will be. the main issue that has blocked a return to negotiations and continued settlement building by the government of israel that the government of israel feels pretty immune to any. criticism around the world right there on this issue everyone is busy with a global financial crisis and we all know that mr netanyahu has a lot more support in the american congress than he does even in his own parliament so this isn't just be another is really building more settlements within neighborhoods of east jerusalem without anyone really. it's not going to help the situation it's not going to hurt it much more than it's already hurting freedom of speech in hungary maybe under stress as the country's government tightened the knot on its journalist with a new media or some in top positions have already been dismissed and more layoffs are still to be coming for those brave enough to voice our position to them sarah
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ferguson at center of the prospects of a hungarian journalist following the controversial developments in the country's media magistrate's. at least not about the hunt gary in government opinions of hungry new media low claim began journalists being silenced. it's about hiding things and hiding that's not covering controversy and she was. proof of the government that's the. message of this. covering broadcast print and online content the controversial new law will also established any media a third say that these one hundred for the media regulator. by the ruling party and your loyal supporters being selected public service broadcasting. by the government there had been some measure of the office and they put. people into the
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government positions public public t.v. channels journalists he voiced criticism have felt the wrath of been you will third say they were journalists of the. interviews have run when the silence the national radio. and run of. the radio. in fact he was the other one was fired hundreds of others have suffered the same fate with wave of layoffs across the industry he says contributed to an uneasy situation in the media here he wants to keep their jobs in. line so murky the shakeup to get. a very inflated public media sector.
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has not only talking been talking about people off. this debate has become. very politicized it's more about politics than about pressure. and something is unsustainable you have to cut costs that the day has been strongly contested many talented journalists have found themselves out of the job. in recent firings and uncertainty about the implications of the new law just some of the recent events look who's in serious concern about hungary's democratic. government needs an independent media so if this government thinks. it can. influence. and regulate.
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it's very. very bad ground but heavy criticism from both within the country and internationally the government is sticking by the new media laws the changes they could bring to peace that's a radically transformed face of hungary's media. a bit of. a us court has given to iraq veterans the green light for us conference secretary donald rumsfeld for illegal in. simmons and if proven guilty he could be held accountable that american screen two thousand and six that they found and what they take government contracts and they were then reportedly detained and subjected to violence by the u.s. military without explanation or charge and after being released they filed a lawsuit against rumsfeld which has that rejected by prosecutors this week to
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oxidize back the case may open the floodgates other officials to be held to account for war crimes what we have to recognize is that by stripping rumsfeld of immunity for the acts of torture against american citizens this opens wide the door not only for rumsfeld but for cheney for bush for all of those who advocated or put into place policies like the policy of torture which they call enhanced interrogation techniques euphemistically and very thinly euphemistically disguising torture which is illegal then that means all of these people could be in the dark if you try to hold pentagon officials in this case the head of the pentagon donald rumsfeld accountable for torture or other illegal acts that somehow shackles the hands of u.s. military but ironically it suggests that the united states government needs to demands too and is engaging in illegal acts and that if anyone holds them accountable that will be quote shackling in their effort to carry out war it's
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it came here dr slimes policeman smiles ministers wires i just pray that if you didn't find me if i could slip through the night that i would get my kids out of here because i knew that was going to happen was that he was going to kill me many victims don't understand their domestic violence includes verbal abuse psychological abuse physical abuse and sexual abuse at least four million women are affected by abuse every year those are my only two options that i saw at that moment either i'm going to kill him or me in jail or he's going it killing me it seems.
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