tv [untitled] August 15, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT
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so how can they learn to show that the real headlines with none of them are sick are going to live out of washington d.c. now tonight we'll take a look back to forty years ago today when then president nixon at the gold standard let me add today's economy it was not move a win or any lose in american people then after bar shut off cell phone service last week anonymous staged a protest for tonight so will they do it again and is what bart did even legal then statistics released by the army for the month of july show an incredibly horrible reality army suicide rates hit a record of thirty two in one month for i'm not ending our wars what else are we
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doing wrong when it comes to stopping this trend we're going to have all that and more freedom not including a dose of happy hour but first let's take a look what the mainstream media has decided to me. now even though we're still more than a year away from the november two thousand and twelve presidential elections campaign has gone into full swing and the mainstream media has shifted into full on election coverage mode not only because of the ames straw poll in iowa this past weekend but also because president obama has now hit the road in a fancy new bus how much has the republican landscape changed so dramatically since just froggatt. that well rick one major candidate is in another major candidate is out there rick santorum and herman cain is in the child's story describing their campaigns the little engine that could see the wake of ames president obama launches a new pope. little coward fits this weekend he's kicking off
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a fall of city bus tour of minnesota iowa and illinois. they see i believe that covering elections covering campaigns is a must there are people out there that are trying to be the president of this country or trying to hold on to being president of this country and in today's world that is a position of holds a truly scary amount of power so if somebody wants that chance then you better watch them like a hawk you better hold them accountable under statements from the past on their promises that they make for the future on the character that they display and the american people are going to go per someone they need to be informed about that somewhat but converse leave the media need to be informed about what the people are actually interested in seeing and hearing what they want in general see sure thousands of people i want came out and voted on a straw poll the choose between the g.o.p. candidates that are there so far what about the thousands that did it what about this general feeling of disgust in this country right now towards our politicians
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congress and the president in particular. for example howard schultz c.e.o. of starbucks is actually calling for corporations and individuals to boycott all campaign donations because of that level of disgust because he like so many others feel that our politicians no longer work for us or on our behalf they're only trying to get reelected to get more donations and if you've got whole cycle going that is something to talk about that's something to debate during talking heads on for to talk to average americans about the mainstream media well they can't be bothered that idea they've already devoted too much time and energy and should just a mindlessly covering the whole charade as they do every single time around every election is the same for politicians and for the media but guess what americans want something different and that's what the mainstream media chooses to. forty years ago today president richard nixon gave
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a speech addressing the nation from the oval office announcing a new economic policy or nixon shock as it's now called. we i mean we you know all the war on the american dollar. strength of the new concurrency you raised was pretty good news. and the american economy is my bra are the strongest in the world. accordingly i have to read the secretary of the treasury to the necessary to defend a dollar against the speculators. the dollar would no longer be pegged to gold it formally became a theocracy and bretton woods international financial order was over free floating exchange rates like we see today would become the norm now at the time nixon promised the ending the gold standard bring prosperity would bring jobs and create their competition around the world and allow the federal reserve to create monetary policy to increase the prosperity of the american people and yet forty years later
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point as the world is reeling from a financial crash and the value of the dollar has fallen consistently against again against the euro against oil and especially against gold lately so what ending the gold standard really get us and if the debate over whether we could or should return really back to life when we discuss this is ralph banco senior advisor at american principles project thank you so much for joining us tonight for i've never started so you go back to forty years ago today when nixon made this announcement forty years later are we better off or are we worse on our surely worst recessions are more frequent the crises more frequent job creation is what is less and academic growth is less if we have been growing these past forty years ago old standard rates there would be no deficit today now why is that why did everything get so much worse we have it when we went off the gold standard gold is like a gyroscope that keeps the world of economic trade on an even keel so these smart guys like john connelly was circular the treasury said we don't need that that's
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old fashion we could do better well we've got forty years of them doing worse and there's a movement on today to bring it back and the odd thing here too is that of course there were. excuse me there were there were tariffs instated here right. what is that here it's ten percent. also wages and all of that and we have prison controls rated and they're being temporary right this was also supposed to be temporary or ending the gold standard but how come that's the one that stuck in forty years later here we are because money is abysmal people just take it for granted and economists are very old school so they fought the thought of support for to keep us on the gold standard of their. fighting to keep was off the gold standard they're very kind of fogies but they are there it's the last vestige of dixon omics and it is created nothing but misery but realistically you look at the world today could we actually go back to a gold standard. bester that you could possibly imagine and only it's going forward
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to according first century gold standard rather than going back to a gold standard it doesn't mean that you're carrying around gold coins to pay things with when i was a kid i could go into a bank with a silver certificate of gold one dollar bill and get a dollar a silver dollar from there now i still have those silver dollars you know people didn't use them in currency but it kept the value of the currency steady my father could do that with a gold coin a twenty dollar gold card when he was young then we're simply saying by baking the dollar convertible into gold and making each currency convertible into gold it will level the prep playing fleet field and allow for economic growth both in america and all around the world but what has to happen first before you see that type of economic growth because a lot of people would say that of course our entire banking system would fall apart because it's not based on sound money because there's still so many to riveted floating around out there that we would see a new sort of crash because it's just not sound and he would find out that all of this is based on nothing somebody just made up a value they're just so wrong about that the fact is the gold standard is not is
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not a is not handcuffs the gold standard is not a recipe for austerity or for contraction the gold standard is a recipe for job creation economic growth through the stability of this gyroscope but before you get to stability do you first found to have another form another sort of. when you have to come to reality when you realize it's not worth and actually don't we are by making the dollar convertibles cold you make the dollar as good as gold again or the ruble or the pound or whatever it happens to be ultimately ideally every every currency in the world would be convertible into the old now i want to play another clip from president nixon at that night let's take a look yes. the sensible element and building the new prosperity is course related to creating new jobs and holding him play. we must prepare a position nobody american dollar as a pillar of monetary ability around the world. there's all that protecting the position of the american dollar is the pillar of monetary ability in the value of
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the dollar which he promised in that same speech would be worth as much tomorrow as it is today it's now only worth eighteen cents compared making seventy one it has been a consistent erosion in value and it has been complete instability the whole crash we had of two thousand and eight and monetary shocks are from our monetary phenomenon at a function of the paper dollar or the paper europe well the want all the dollar has consistently fallen like you said at the same time look what's going on right now we look at the crisis in europe even the fact the s. and p. downgrade of the credit rating of the united states investors are still flocking to the dollar at this moment it still seems like that's the safest investment they have around the world yes i'm not just not disputing that but by making the dollar as good as gold it will lock in reasonable interest rates so that the economy will begin to grow again worldwide and this is just something that living erhard did a month to reform in germany after world war two the day before the monetary reform
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it was recession joblessness shortages the day after the monetary reform the economy perked up the factories were working full capacity the shops were full and people got back to work the gold standard is about creating jobs do you think that it's still considered a crazy fringe idea though now of course we have people like congressman ron paul who is a presidential candidate who would who has been for a long time who has always been asking right over our return to the gold standard but still nobody nobody is really taking us seriously i think it has evolved a lot in the last two years i am an advocate for american principles in action i am an advocate for the gold standard dot org from the lettermen institute and i am a columnist contributor to forbes dot com the shift is between night and day respectability. the gold standard is no longer a refuge for mavericks and social dystopian as it's become extremely it's becoming very rapidly and extremely respected option i know we don't have any other
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presidential candidates that are put on this or that that's not true at all over half of the presidential candidates have made lot of very stability a core doctrine and half of those have called for the gold standard and that would be governor johnson. mr cain. and and dr paul have all three called for the gold standard. representative bachmann has come right to the edge she's made all of the argument she just hasn't said that four letter word ok but i you know i have reasons to believe that she's very sympathetic to the gold standard why does seem to be especially you could say with more of the tea party crowd to you it's becoming more of a popular sentiment but i still don't think that if any of them were to get into office right if one of these people were to get elected aside from probably congressman ron paul and you're right governor former governor gary johnson and maybe we would see any action on that you know actually come into play but we'll see it does seem like finally there is another debate surrounding this issue and you know the economic policies of today something is definitely going wrong there
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if you look at what situation what they want more than anything is jobs is to create jobs president reagan through race through a stable money policy president clinton through a stable money policy we're creating millions of jobs a month i mean it's it's striking much more than either of the presidents bush and much more than president obama once they key in on what a powerful job generator of the gold standard is all of a sudden it's old fashioned reputation will become will become this sort of material they're desperate to create jobs they've tried everything else the gold standard has a wonderful trapper for that so why not give it a try. thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you so much for having. speaking the gold standard economy and fiscal policy still remain issue number one in the. as an actual race for two thousand and twelve and the number one candidates for and as usual excuse me stop number one for all the candidates this time around it was iowa but why does one state hold so much importance artie's christine for as
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outtakes the same as i want to get a real feel for their political landscape. it is the place where six stalks of corn blanket the landscape simultaneously standing from out and swaying when. we're city centers resemble a different time. and those who live here say they are the true and garden of main street in america. because these are the wave. of. people who are generally very welcoming and open. they're very practical people. it turns out that they're also very colorful can be a first hand look at all the candidates they come to our city as they come to our area we get to see camp meetings with them and ask them questions find out what
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their real real core values are which is very very important to the iowa caucuses is among the first softs in the presidential primary but for republicans the initial hurdle is always the iowa straw poll your critics say its popularity contest needs county fair but don't let this carnival like atmosphere for you what is happening right now man and not very significant when it can determine who thinks. man whose campaign carries on is a prime example of small town politics big time consequence you know none of lived here for two years and i see a lot about never felt more energy and interest in politics than living here actually. to give money for a little attack they call it retail politics out here where you'll be able to talk to the candidates i think that's good good for iowa for sure. i got to shake
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michelle's got his hand how crazy is that but out of fifty states i was population ranks thirtieth at a mere three million people are now ready to go we all know more than ninety one percent of those who do live here are white on their own my feet and it's economy is primarily agricultural. looking the other group candidates nevertheless spent considerable time and money still. in most of proving to the party and the country their organize and should be taken seriously by half of the over six hundred thousand i will republicans asked for this year the winner of the two thousand and eleven i was struck will is congresswoman michele bachmann and in second place by just one hundred fifty two votes congressman ron paul in one thousand nine hundred yards w. bush won the iowa straw poll and while he is the only one that's gone on to win the
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presidency so far iowa voters treat voting as a duty the people of iowa are pretty good at seen through what's sometimes a little bit later a little bit shiny and they find the substance and the basics that are basically here in the candidates being from the midwest a lot of times people so serious with what's the really the best about america and i think that we both people take it seriously. but for those on the outside it can also be a perplexing reality that in a land where corn is king it's people are in some ways viewed as kingmakers in ames iowa christine for south archie. so it comes right outrage in california after it has covered the bar transit official the shutdown cell service during a protest at the surf. fighting back in the f.c.c. if you can investigate for why not only can. you know sometimes you see
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a new real name policy both its implications on your privacy and a way that changes social interaction and the public outcry has been so strong against a switch that it forced the google are to enact a grace period if in use there is a more time to switch over their accounts to coordinate with their real identity but to morrow it becomes official if you have not been filed to comply with the official google plus naming policy your account will be suspended now while lot of people are complaining about it calling it a radical attack on privacy there are a few people out there like brick stone found some good and google plus his real name policy so we're going to let him explain why. google plus is officially announce that as of tomorrow they are suspending the accounts of all users to review their full legal name and i for one think this is a great opportunity for people to reconnect i have an old friend we lost touch back in the mid ninety's after i said some things and she changed her name turned off her phone and moved in the dead of night now she doesn't have a my space facebook twitter tumblr blogger adult friend finder account but
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eventually google plus replace these things she'll feel the need for social networking and i'll have her address in fifteen minutes now i just want closure google plus she showed us that it's important to be open and honest and not hide behind things like new so security numbers or restraining orders so if you're trying to make some of fall back in love with you or just silence a tattle tale the plus is finally on your side so think you google for finally looking for all the other misunderstood ex-boyfriend's between this industry few maps you're better than a crooked locksmith that reuniting people whether they want to or not. so stocking tool are just a way to help people stay connected i'm a let you decide. now last week we were poor to you that bart san francisco's public transport system had shut down cell phone service to hundreds of thousands of commuters on my thursday night the move was done in preparation for a scheduled protest as anger towards the brutal tactics of the bart police continues to spread of our cops or has been responsible for two cats in the last
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two years both of which we've covered on this program that of charles hill forty five year old homeless man was fatally shot after he confronted bart police with a knife and a case of oscar grant an armed man who had been shot in two thousand and nine and whose death was caught on video. was now over the fourth of july weekend of this year this was the scene when protesters stormed the bart system. demonstrated the demanding the release a surveillance video that supposedly shows what happened that night charles silva shot and killed that was july third there is some video you can see here disrupted protests there. so bar claims that it's shut down cell service on thursday to keep people safe but a lot of people don't see it that way not to mention the legality of their move is being questioned as the f.c.c. has launched an investigation now anonymous also launched bart and over the weekend
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the transit services website and lead to over two thousand user names e-mails and passport and they say that's just the beginning and today at five pm pacific time they're scheduling another protest so could part shut down service again joining me to discuss this is jacqueline mccullough correspondent at sea that that i want to thank you for joining us and for starters do you have any updates from that coast as to what might be going on in terms of this protest or is it still on any chance that bart would actually care to shut down cell service again. still. going again as you can tell from the doctor and your office just a mile or so earlier less than a mile. or so. later will report from a distance to. ninety minutes. do you think that they would actually go for it but i would i want to know your take i don't whether it was illegal or not for them to
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be able to shut down cell service to even begin with like i mentioned the f.c.c. is now investigating it so it does seem like there are a lot of questions. right this isn't something we've seen before in the u.s. at least in my memory in unison something you're going to egypt this is something that's needed for the program that access to social networking sites or other other forms of communications media used for a protester it's and so this isn't it's going to take people while to figure out at the f.c.c. is looking at it also included violates the first amendment it could buy only that california constitution which also provides even frogger of free speech rights and the federal constitution goes i'll be surprised if there weren't lawsuits here. like ali i want has been. eleanor mills is going to be covering the bill and social or we'll have some live reports from the scene and when it happens i think they're actually going to probably pull the plug this is
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a government agency they're not really that responsive to taxpayers and i think they're going to do what they want. what do you think the logic is though for example you know bart did release a statement and they said that they have the right to cut off a cell phone service to everyone within the fare gates so once you've paid and you're inside that it's ok but like you mentioned this is a government agency is this when you start comparing it to i don't know public schools how you have to surrender certain rights once you step onto a campus so there's some parallels there but remember public schools acting in local were interests and now public school is responsible for people who largely aren't the don't last a tractor and don't have a lot more rights than say a twelve year old kid goes and it's kind of insulting for it to think oh we were basically just kids so that they can order around this is. unprecedented and so it's going to take us a while to figure out we can only be here but it is. luther this way
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but aren't is a government agency first amendment to the u.s. transportation applies to government agencies it says the freedom of birth of the grass the freedom of speech and the freedom to assemble to petition the government which by the way is not written about your they're all protected under the first amendment and if you don't really since you violates that little bit they can be sued and held liable for damages i don't imagine of course parts making the argument that they were doing this to keep people safe but i think that people are very rightly so point out that if something had happened while their cell phones were shut off and they needed to call and i whine whine or make an emergency call they would have been able to do so so they could have even maybe put you know more people in danger or in jeopardy here but what do you think the situation here is with the telephone companies parts that they voluntarily shut the service off but at the same time does god have a little leverage over them because can't they decide whether they want to terminate a contract or not the future. well i know for me to contractors to if they lost our earth were a few hours but even the way part it wasn't written was kind of tacky instead of
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saying in advance this is what's going to happen they just pulled our people the electricity and cut off to the small so towers inside stations i'm going to but let's think about this sort of broader level what happens if the city of san francisco decided they're going to be some protests and let's cut power to a limb winds and also phones maybe even home internet connections from the entire city you this is an unacceptable and so why you are reviewing are having access to just and workstations and circles and so it's kind of a slippery slope and that's what's worth and you can see because this is unprecedented is that way a slippery slope and it's a little surreal to you know just last week i was talking on the show about the reaction in london to the riots there the fact that david cameron had also mentioned the idea of cutting off social networks and shutting them down and i was calling that out toward how you know contradictory they are what hypocrites they are and wondering if we could ever see the same thing happen here in america and
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here on a very small scale you've seen it part do it now and not of this responded they went after their web site over the weekend then they leaked the information of two thousand people and what do you think of that move i mean did they also put some people that are innocent bystanders in jeopardy and put all their information out there. well i mean this is something that doesn't really hurt. government officials as much that hurts part riders when when you have this kind of massive data dump people who are already counseling the first thing you've got to do is make sure that you can change your password if you have an account at my barn really thought affiliated web site and so this is something and send them there or start it's not something that really is probably going to be affected so in the long run. but do you think that it's actually in my hurting some people because anonymous said we're sorry if your information happens to get out there but don't worry they're probably going to go after the other guy but you know shouldn't honest be doing this to people to the average bart users it could mean this is this is
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a kind of direct action. on something that. responsible. for them to be responsible and so you know if you don't change your password you can easily. if you're an actor and i'm sure. more. i want to thank you for joining us tonight and of course we'll be following the coverage by c.n.n. to see what actually happens at that protest but it definitely is a scary development that we're seeing now where because of a process for because of the threat of a protest cell phone service getting cut off thanks so much. thank you so. that's all accounts i we have our monday edition of you said it i read it and a number of u.s. soldiers who are committing suicide is on the right play with a disturbing trend says about the u.s. military and the endless war.
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ensure that only a military mechanism can do the work up to bring justice and accountability. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. but i would characterize the obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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