tv [untitled] August 16, 2011 2:01am-2:31am EDT
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is that the runway for the wealth of aviation right now the annual monk said a promise is causing edge technologies for tomorrow's travel as well top gun pilots put their across through their paces with some spectacular aerobatics to sell if it is out on the sky raffle for all sane as told to him now so what's in store this. tells all it is the first day and is just about to a takeoff air show started and as he said earlier they will be showcasing a lot of new technology here there's a lot of russian participation here a lot of the participants are russian companies there are also foreign a contentions from france germany c.i.s. countries interestingly enough for the russian side at least one of the most highly anticipated models is the fifty fighter jet now it has been more than twenty years since a russian made a new generation military aircraft has been produced so again this is the first time it will be unveiled and taken to the skies in the public now however behind me there's also some commercial planes you can see the boeing seven eight seven
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dreamliner and the airbus a three eighty two of the biggest commercial airliners out there so at the organizers do think that they can achieve or go beyond the a ten billion dollars in contracts they secured in two thousand and nine and they think it's going to extend beyond the a military contractor defense contracts and go into the commercial arena well let's talk more about that with the air bust excited by vice president for europe and asia pacific christopher buckley thank you very much for joining us this morning so is it is it realistic to be optimistic about the market given the situation the two thousand and nine box happened on the back of the financial crisis of two thousand and eight this is happening on the back of some crisis is it is it fair to be optimistic. but i think we can be. pretty optimistic right now you know i think we've been through the whole market has some big ups and downs over the last few years particular last couple of years but i think. this year the market is bouncing back i mean we're delighted to be. we hear the opening day here in the max and
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seeing the interest from russian airlines in iraq robbed seeing how the market is today no i think we're optimistic about the way things are going i understand that air flight has put in orders for a three thirty s. but he also the russian russian manufacturer is planning to come up with an m s eighty five if i'm not mistaken m s twenty one that is to go like against airbus a three twenty how do you see the business relationship with russia one of them ordering from you on the other hand trying to come up with a competitor well i think we've far value over the years hugely business relationship and industrial corporation here in russia but we don't underestimate that the russians are going to pull out a very good product with them as twenty one. but having said that we value all competition because that makes us more competitive will improve our products as well as we go along with that but i think the reality is there must twenty one is probably also available for airlines until two thousand and sixteen two thousand and seventeen so you know until then and even up to then with our a three twenty
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family in particular we've still got an across that's doing very very well here in russia you know the huge amount of across sold flying with all kinds of airlines here and i think there's no better example of the way the market is going for us than us announcing and we're very proud this morning the trans aero has become you know an airbus customer again and is ordering a three twenty s. ok now at the year end customer it's not just the airline operators is it's passengers people like me and we are concerned about safety of course and if i may ask you about the plane crash brazil to france flight that fell over the atlantic there were air france had said that they would change the speed equipment has a robust sub maybe made modifications to address some of those issues directly related to that accident or other modifications you know on all science whether it's. france investigation authorities i mean we've really got all professionals working to ensure air travel remains safe for ever. body and it is the safest way
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of transportation worldwide i think everybody knows that you know i'm not going to comment on. leading on right now but the right people dealing with everything and just to reiterate that we have full confidence and all the products we build that's good to hear this i'm not a very good flyer thank you very much for your insight there thank you all there you have it will be bringing you a lot more updates throughout the day and anderson about the six days of the max two thousand and seven of course for the public a lot of them are looking forward to the airshows well i'm my colleague did manage to go behind the scenes at their practice let's see his story. cadmus fair here at the cuban air field this stands for two of the most famous aerobatic teams in the world even in a dress rehearsal there's no margin for error should a's one of the last chances for the russians and the swiss track as the new program ahead of the marks show performance. the showstopper the trademark nine plane diamond of two
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very different aircraft delight to mix in formation with. down from below the force jets look i'm perfect sync but as the pilots touch down tempers run . out of money. that's normal everybody can we're all in the mood to work we all want to put on a great show. but these pilots don't think of themselves and the pain as they're serving officers the flying elite hand-picked from bent the russian air force yes technology develops talk and style maneuvers being abandoned in favor of long range missiles and straight down. so are these demonstrations of piloting prowess just becoming a side show as night. richards i don't think so at all in real war electronics could often be jammed so we would go back to who sees whom and how they can respond
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to the situation and skills will never become obsolete enough to go again practicing for hours perfecting the skills only harmful in the world capable of old fashioned dog fights might not be as big a part of combat as they once were but here they're keeping that off the live. field. off more of the side view of this without batting squat in action ahead for the free video. web site see the breathtaking pile of performances yourself online they're free video dot com dot com as a change i'll take as will be out the monks at twenty eleven ashley throughout the week i was in first class prize action as well as keeping you in touch with the movers and shakers in aviation hope be that sort.
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of approach. shape the future flight. our team takes to the max air show. the anger the dutch energy giant shell has been forced to admit that more than two hundred tonnes of crude oil has leaked into the north sea it's said to be the worst spill in british waters in more than a decade and they can last wednesday but it was only acknowledged by the company two days data and runs into the tapings people and planet student organization think shell and the government think that one has to come perhaps eight is. i think the people who are used to dealing with show wouldn't be surprised at all about the lack of communication it's worth remembering that it was only a few days ago that they admitted after years of lawyers and cover up their role in
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the enormous spills across nigeria this company has never let the truth or in fact people's lives all the environment in the way of get in the way of the profit margin so so i think we certainly don't know for sure how bad it is but we do know that this is a serious bill we know for certain it's the worst spill in this country in more than a decade i've seen very little coverage of this at all and i'm saddened to say that i'm not at all surprised how little coverage has been of this also as i said the biggest in ten years but it's important to remember that the government and the scottish government have both got long histories of being hand in hand and in the pockets of the all industry in this country and so with the government to the only other potential moments of the history of the town to keep it quiet in the shell peculiarly not talking about it it's not surprising that the media covering it again and again not surprising but very sad as you say major incident really not reported in the u.k. press. the british oil industry's track record is still in
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a shaky state even though this oil spill is far less than the catastrophe in the gulf of mexico in april twenty eleven people were killed in that disaster and almost five million barrels of oil into the ocean as footage and coverage of the devastation all online of course that. in india not everyone is benefiting from the with some people tragically selling their own body policy to survive and the illegal organ trade is thriving because donors are hard to come by it's pretty sure it is been discovering. cala a room again is alone in her tiny empty apartment in chennai like many indians who struggle to make ends meet kala is constantly in debt despite selling pretty much everything she has including her own kidney and i'm not. going to grow curry he told me that i could sell my kidney i agreed because i was in
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a bad situation and my children were small we did not even have any food to eat when the two thousand and four tsunami hit the coast of south asia kala was one of hundreds of thousands of people who lost everything in order to get back on her feet she got a loan that she was later unable to repay. we had a lot of debt i had to borrow money to buy the fishing boat the people i borrowed money from started asking me for money they said they will come home and embarrass us if we didn't pay the money desperate and vulnerable tsunami survivors soon became the perfect targets for the illegal organ trade in india it's become known as the red market every year one hundred thousand indians need organ replacements a demand that drives an illegal supply with some organs even being sold to a small percentage of desperate transplant tourists in one thousand nine hundred four the indian government hatched
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a law meant to regulate organ donation in this country each recipient was supposed to get an organ from a donor who was in some way known. even though each transplant was supposed to be approved by a committee of doctors it's almost impossible for anyone to stop money transactions from happening under the table in general when a recipient finds out that he or she needs an organ donor they normally approach friends or family for a match when those options are exhausted rogue doctors or hospital staff can introduce the recipient to a broker usually a former illegal donor too who can scout nearby poor neighborhoods for someone who is willing to see. well they're kidney and go under the knife but they are really forced by good news for them also part of it so there's got to this the law. doctors also done a blind eye to this happening to transplants from the donor to the recipient takes place in the hospital simultaneously the donor ends up making a little over
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a thousand dollars while the brokers can profit almost double that. i went to the broker he said he will give me fifty thousand rupees for my kidney it was supposed to be much more but the broker cheated us the donors also frequently are robbed of their health by different i used to run around and work a lot but now i can do as much work as they used to i find it difficult even to leave the part of what i can go to work i have severe pain in my abdomen and my chest we are god only given while the horror stories of the red market are exchanged among locals those with no options left are forced to take extreme measures sacrificing their health just to stay alive preassure either party chennai india more from prison flies into india on our website were lining up more news on the dot com he's also right now a firsthand account from two survivors of the months ago norway's
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a spoil island has two children teenagers tell how they tried to stop i understand that it's run a page also. saw me at military secrets for the chinese dragon why ukraine seeking to sell china playings times their defense system is more on that and the other stories we're covering all it all to dot com. now with america's debt down is distress dollar more and more investors are turning to the shiny stuff gold is fetching record prices right now industry analyst scott carter told r.t. that the push for precious metal will continue while the u.s. struggles to get its house in order. objective was to make the dollar stable for the world we did not achieve that and as
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a result what you're seeing because of the boom bust cycle inflation the devaluing of the currency you're seeing a move back to the gold standard even though it's not official you see gold increasing in value you see individuals sovereign nations and central banks purchasing gold as a way to hedge against the dollar with the dollar as the world's reserve currency there has to be some sort of consistency to its value day to day it can't be worth less tomorrow than it is today otherwise the means of which we measure goods and services is subject to the whims of the federal reserve of the us and i think the world is is skeptical of that so whether we have a gold standard or not if governments don't figure out how to spend or live within their means you're going to continue to see gold take the lion's share of the increase or the appreciation and you're going to see currencies like the dollar decline in value and america's woes have already angered the largest holder of its debts china and now vice president cheney five is heading to beijing on are we sure
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it's mission on wednesday proof that santa who's an investment advisor in hong kong says washington's troubles are too big for its asian ponit to stop buying. china is extremely skeptical they must be very worried if i was the biggest holder of u.s. treasuries i'd be wary too because the us is in a terrible situation their budget deficit is out of control assume most eight percent of g.d.p. the federal debt is now about ninety six percent of g.d.p. and politicians in washington don't have any will to get the house in order all they know is to prolong the problem to push the can down the road and as long as that is the case we are going to see severe pressure on the us dollar the economies in asia generally speaking are in a lot healthier state than they are in the us or in europe and when mr bernanke it prints money this is the value of the u.s. dollar devalues the dollar makes commodity prices go up well the european central
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bank has repealed the details of its emergency operation to save italy and spain from being sunk by spent a record twenty two billion euro zone government bonds at the head of it tuesday's meeting between the french and german leaders in another attempt to stop the crisis from spreading as that in a goodish to reports hopes of survival within the painting in spain. some work to live others live to work corky market combines the two today he and his nephew run the picture framing shop set up by hawking grandfather almost a century but the family firm is in a rough spot. in my business has been struggling though it is not visible in all areas of business at all times have been very hard. consider this unemployment at more than twenty percent one of the highest in the eurozone bigger gantry and sovereign debt ever cross their bonds and the country's problems don't stop there
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despite being the fourth largest economy in europe spain is definitely feeling the bite of the credit crisis and that many ask the question is the eurozone such a great idea after all the answer may just be no the country's rating has been downgraded twice in september of last year with moody's agency threatening to do so again in the future in fact some in spain believe the best strategy in the current climate may be an exit one. this would give us a certain autonomy it would affect positively internal procedures in the country the purchasing power would give citizens access to all sorts of benefits and would have been good for the wages very well could lead to the improvement of situation in spain. a key factor here is distance while the spanish struggle with debts and unemployment their fate is largely being decided by the masters in chief in brussels. what we're witnessing here major internal problems which you
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cannot solve. because it's outside of competence they have neither the finances nor the labor capabilities to help spain or of course many people are unhappy with the place spain takes and the european union will be out but him isn't losing hope that his country and his business will eventually climb out of the slump. of course it will stay. lies in the end it's the small businesses like mine that will do the job losses here because the real people will take work close to heart in large corporations something which me only be possible if spain quits the foundering federation of the era zone and put its own house back in order to give me those core two hundred. last. months a kaiser's across all the developments in europe and the latest kinds report will be here next hour.
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the libyan government has reportedly fired a tactical ballistic rocket for the first time in the country's conflict a scud missile said to happen and rebel forces but landed eighty kilometers off targets in the desert it comes as the front moves closer to gadhafi stronghold that fifth battles raging in the city is where just fifty kilometers from tripoli libya's interior minister and his family purportedly flying to cairo in his private jets with colonel gadhafi as position appearing shaky skies into egypt looks more like defection according to a former u.s. diplomat. he says he and his family are there on a tourist visa although we haven't seen pictures of him and his kids and on camels in front of the pyramids eating ice cream it seems like he really has defected and if so it being the top cause the senior interior minister is a real blow to the regime in the last couple of weeks there been some significant
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advances by the rebels capture rebels that we have blocked the road from tunisia they control the hills south of tripoli the jebel nafusa and they control the city of misurata in the east of the rich they've got tripoli surrounded on the other hand i remind you that nato forces that have been absolutely essential to the military success so far of the rebels can you imagine an embarrassment to president sarkozy and prime minister cameron and even the american president obama cannot be should survive all this from the mightiest good looking our alliance on the planet . well more international news this hour now and thousands of palestinian refugees . to flee a u.n. camp in the syrian border town and that shelling by government troops the latest military has told. protesters has claimed around thirty life since saturday if it's reports are random gunfire raids that house to house arrest on monday in the
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violence turned city itself to join troops and attempt to cross the. rising against president. and will strain has been arrested in the usa of an attack on a sydney teenager in which a fake bomb was attached to one meg amol son broke into the girl's family home and change the device for ten hours before a bomb squad for which she was the husband the device was later found to contain no it's places police still think it was an explosion that's had even though initial reports were rounds of proved wrong. the. israeli airstrikes on goals are on tuesday morning of reportedly killed one and injured several people including a five year old boy the israeli air force struck four different locations allegedly targeting some mosque training bases officials claim militants were about some gold remorse a shell from one of the tell of the falsely says the shelling was
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a response to rockets fired from gaza. timeouts you catch up with his business deals with. if you're in a warm welcome to the program well as alice told you earlier most international show has kicked off the organizers expect more than ten billion dollars worth of contracts to be signed over the next few days the russian government will be the biggest buy with the majority of deals in the defense sector also the country hopes to sell one hundred of its new medium range passenger planes like those who are super jet. foreign producers boeing and us expect no big deals at max twenty eleven now of a boeing has been talking up the market here saying it expects one hundred and ten billion dollars to be spent on new aircraft in russia in the next twenty years. russia so weakly capital fund outflows jumped over ten fold at the beginning of august to four hundred fifteen million dollars many believe russia's upcoming
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elections are starting to influence investors' minds but alexei devout of what else have kept so believes that politically there's little to worry about. there is no much of an interest in looking sports. because well we have two hundred candidates one of them we will go with it since we here in the russian don't really see much difference between with all go and know that in the list many people think that mr may do it because the more liberal politician here the fish looks like to me in the recent economic and political development course. whatever means there were actions will be regarded to implement that in the future so that's one thing that there is not much of a certainty here there is more much of both dr lee in the world terms of on. saying look at the markets now crude prices down after seeing some of the night
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games in the us light sweet is shedding seventy two cents per barrel brant is one hundred and nine dollars twenty two cents precious metals are flat to negative this hour gold is actually up by just the not silver is down point six percent the south . asian stocks are flat next to strong gains in the previous session while the nikkei has just managed for the last couple of minutes to go back into positive territory point two percent but technological so stocks they're driving the growth meanwhile energy producers see the stronger gains in hong kong with c.n.n. below sea up over. half a percent. and in moscow the r.t.s. has kicked off in positive territory up point eight percent my space will start trading in around four minutes time on monday there was a pretty strong session with energy in mining stocks among the best performance of the r.t.s. gained almost four percent my sixty two point seven percent. markets are heading
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for new gains as concerns over to date their two thousand and eight rerun haven't been realized at least for the time being and the sound from the nation's capital explains the difference between recent market volatility and the latest financial crisis of two thousand and. four days are behind us and people are looking at two thousand and eleven and see that is not thousand and eight. low for reasons first the wall there is no losses in the economy yet the second thing people are still cautious you know this too would have been east of two thousand and eight and be remembered you know that created the leverage is bad so there's not a lot of leverage in the system and finally this time what we've seen gold prices spiking clear the street that we will see other come what is the strength. against the dollar as well and this is what we're watching you know people are still aware that the paper money are not the solution to the current problems you know choosing
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to row for commodities and then eventually they will go for stocks because stocks are not completely paper money there because of the stock so this this tribe's i think stocks are much more safer than you know in two thousand and eight. russian shareholders and. taking their british counterparts back to the still come arbitration tribe you know once a final ruling on whether b.p. broke the shareholder agreement by trying to organize the arctic exploration and share swap deal with ross the corporate lawyer andrei gold's plot is confident that has a good case. as long as the roast never approaches b.p. b.p. should have told us never you should have approached first ten k. b.p. the photos are awesome if approaches b.p. it's opened a big door for ten key b.p. be part of the deal this is going to prove the decor that looks. headlines are next on c to save us.
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it's all. great this is all the aviation enthusiasts from around bowl on down to ring in the field is the stage for the latest. technology it's the tent. which is also round for it spectacular says russia's premier hideouts. and as you giant shell on the british being accused of trying to play down the scale of a major oil spill off the coast of scotland more than two longer tons of oil in the pool to have spewed into the sea following a need to believe to be the country's it was over a decade. and india's becoming a global marketplace tolkien's put the go forward timing of lying to the enemy go driving.
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