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tv   [untitled]    August 16, 2011 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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the grand imperial. told us that. you can a little bit you know it's a duty to go. run to the colonel was literally to retreat. all eyes are on the most glorious skies as the world's a new estate v.a. should achieve alongside premier pilots for the stunning show that is not twenty. a major oil spill off the coast of scotland an energy giant shadow in the british government are accused of a slippery set up to keep it quiet and. india's gaudy bizarre a gruesome organ trades with leaders turn a blind eye to those in legally preying on poverty stricken people who sacrificed their hells to survive. after two sessions of gains a russian markets open tuesday session one point seven percent lower that says world prices are heading down also u.s.
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and european stock futures are pointing to more on that in twenty minutes on the business a. very warm welcome this is live from moscow the aviation world's high flyers have arrived aphelion them also reject this isn't a national asho takes off twenty eleven promises cutting edge technology for both civilian travelers and forces while top gun pilots will put acro through their paces spectacular aerobatics well there's also the rehman square for us to test what's being on the. well as you said earlier we're expecting to see a lot of new technology innovation in the aviation industry both it but the bill terry sector as well as the commercial sector right behind me if you can see the
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screen we have the boeing seven hundred seventeen liner and the airbus a three eighty two the biggest commercial airliners out there in the market on the defense side you can't see right now but i can see a lot of military planes right here and as far as the russian contingent is concerned there are some a very highly anticipated models that are here prototypes of which one of which is the a t fifty so whitey fifty now this is a fifth generation military aircraft that is it has been really into the payload because the only other aircraft that is flying in the air a fifth generation want to see f. twenty two raptor which the loss of the u.s. air force so we have to see this in action it will be unveiled to the public at max two thousand and eleven also there is for those more to military hardware their c.e.o. who shall attack drone oh this is again a next generation on manned aerial vehicle again the only other country right now with a with this kind of attack role in existence and already is deployed in the field is the united states if this does get into the field russia again will become the second country with this technology now of course it's not just the military
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hardware we know that the russian defense ministry doesn't want to opt in modernize their hardware we can expect a lot of got a lot of contract deals in the military side their part for those spectators but there are a whole of course looking forward to the air show that we expect to be american air force the russian air force italian and the french air force to give us quite a spectacular show we know that for the americans we had to have the f. fifteen fly into the air and another important thing is this is the first time that they're back at the map show since the two thousand and seven show so again an interesting combination of air forces here that will provide us with a very exciting show all my colleagues are grown up to go behind the scenes and went on their practice run lissie has story. happiness fair here and they couldn't get air field the stance of the most famous aerobatic teams in the world even a dress rehearsal there's no margin for error should say one of the last chances for the russians and the swiss has
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a new program ahead of the marks and show performance. the showstopper home trademark nine plane garment of two very different aircraft the light that makes information public areas see cory's. turn from below the false jets look i'm perfect sync but as the pilots touch down tempers run high among the. that's normal everybody cares we're all in a need to work we all want to put on a great show for. these pilots don't think of themselves and the trainers they're serving officers the flying elite hand-picked from bento russian air force yes technology develops top gun style maneuvers being abandoned in favor long range missiles and straight down. so are these demonstrations of piloting prowess just becoming a side show as night. richards i don't think so at all in real war electronics
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could often be jammed so go back to who sees whom and how they can respond to this situation skills will never become obsolete enough to go again practicing for hours perfecting the skills only harmful in the world ok the old fashioned dog fights might not be as big a part of combat as they once were but here they're keeping the live. here and never see. the states. for max trance eleven ashton throughout the wind was a fast pass rise ashen as well as continue in touch with in the this and in aviation who. hands on. approach. shaping the future slight
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try hard to taste to the max their show. a dutch energy giant shell has been forced to admit that more than two hundred tonnes of crude oil has leaked into the north sea it's said to be the worst waters in more than a decade and began last wednesday it was only acknowledged by the company two days later and ramsay from the u.k. based people and planted seeds organization think shell and the government are complicit in the wind industry coverup strategies. i think people who are used to dealing with shell wouldn't be surprised at all about the lack of communication it's worth remembering that it was only a few days ago that the years of lawyers in cover up their role in the enormous spills across nigeria this company has never let the truth or in fact people's lives or the environment kashmir way of getting the way of the profit margin so so
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i think we certainly don't know for sure how bad it is but we do know this is a serious bill we know for certain it's the worst spill in this country in movement i've seen very little coverage at all and i'm uncertain to say that i'm not at all surprised how little coverage has been that it's also as i said biggest in ten years but it's important to remember that you take government and the scottish government the long history of being hounded and in the pockets of knowledge in this country and so with the government to the only other potential more of a story of they can keep it quiet from the shell picture really not talking about it it's not surprising that the media don't covering it again and again not surprising that the very start of the major incident really not reported in the u.k. press. all the bridges all industries track record still in a shaky state even though this oil spill is far less than the catastrophe in the gulf of mexico which happened back in april of twenty ten eleven people were killed
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in that disaster and almost five million barrels of oil spewing into the ocean. and coverage of that devastation it's online for you as r.t. dot com. in india in order everyone's benefiting from the some people tragically selling their own body parts to survive and be illegal grim organ trade thriving because donors our hearts are. discovering. cala room again is alone in her tiny empty apartment in chennai like many indians who struggle to make ends meet kala is constantly in debt despite selling pretty much everything she has including her own kidney not enough to know when to group her he told me that i could sell my kidney i agreed because i was in a bad situation and my children were small we did not even have any food to eat when the two thousand and four tsunami hit the coast of south asia kahlo it was one
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of hundreds of thousands of people who lost everything in order to get back on her feet she got alone but she was leader and able to repay. we had a lot of bit i had to borrow money to buy the fishing boat the people i borrowed money from started asking me for money they said they will come home and embarrass us if we didn't pay the money just for it and vulnerable tsunami survivors soon became the perfect targets for the illegal organ trade in india it's become known as the bread market every year one hundred thousand indians need organ replacements a demand that drives an illegal supply with some organs even being sold to a small percentage of desperate transplant tourists in one thousand nine hundred four the indian government has the law meant to regulate organ donation in this country it first that it was supposed to get an organ from a donor who was in some way known said even wrote each transplant was supposed to
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be approved by committee of doctors it's almost impossible for anyone to stop money transactions from happening under the table in general when a recipient finds out that he or she needs it organs or they normally are approaching friends or family for a match when those options are exhausted rogue doctors or hospital staff can introduce the recipient to a broker usually a former illegal donor too who can scout nearby poor neighborhoods for someone who is willing to see. well they're kidney and go under the night but there was really forethought biker news from also by the roots of this got a. lot. doctors also done a blind eye to this happening to transplants from the joiner to the recipient take place in the hospital simultaneously the donor ends up making a little over a thousand dollars while the brokers can profit almost double that. but then i went to the brokerage he said he will give me fifty thousand rupees for my kidney it was
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supposed to be much more but the broker cheated us the donors also frequently are robbed of their health i'm fine if i used to run around and work a lot but now i can do as much work as they used to i find it difficult even to leave the court or what time i can go to work i have severe pain in my abdomen and my chest get me out there i don't like it and while horror stories of the right market are exchanged among locals those with no options left are forced to take extreme measures sacrificing their health just to stay alive preassure either archie chennai india or more from prayers insights into india on our website well are they are more news than analysis at all to dot com saying here is. a firsthand account from change the five years of the massacre on norway's a toy i just to chechen teenagers how they tried to stop understand it's wrong page also. saw the military secrets for the chinese dragon why ukraine is
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seeking to sell china planes times as offensive systems and more on that and the other stories we're covering orders are to talk. with america's. debt strain and his distress dollar more and more investors the turning to the shiny stuff gold is stretching backward prices right now industry and the scott carter told r.t. the push for precious metal will continue while the u.s. struggles to get its house in order for objective was to make the dollar stable for the world we did not achieve that and as a result what you're seeing because of the boom bust cycle inflation devaluing of the currency you're seeing
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a move back to the gold standard even though it's not official you see gold increasing in value you see individuals sovereign nations and central banks purchasing gold as a way to hedge against the dollar with the dollar as the world's reserve currency there has to be some sort of consistency to its value the the day it can't be worth worse tomorrow than it is today otherwise the the means of which we measure goods and services is subject to the whims of the federal reserve of the us and i think the world of yours is skeptical of that so whether we have a gold standard or not if governments don't figure out how to spend or live within their means you're going to continue to see gold the lion's share of the increase or the appreciation and you're going to see currencies like the dollar decline in value and america's woes have already angered the largest holder of its debt china now vice president joe biden's heads paging on a reassurance mission on wednesday who says that they used investment advice in hong kong as washington's troubles too big for its asian planets and stop worrying
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. planners extremely skeptical they must be very worried if i was the biggest holder of u.s. treasuries i do worry too because the us is in a terrible situation the budget deficit is partly out of control the soonest eight percent of g.d.p. the federal debt is now about ninety six percent of g.d.p. and politicians in washington don't have any will to get the house in order all they know is to prolong the problem to push the can down the road and as long as that is the case we are going to see severe pressure on the us dollar the economies in asia generally speaking are in a lot healthier state than they are in the us or in europe and when mr bernanke it prints money this is the value of the u.s. dollar devalues the dollar and makes commodity prices go up and that causes inflationary headaches in asia. where the european central bank has details of its emergency operation to safely and spain from being sunk by debt it's been
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a record twenty two billion year its own government bonds under tuesday's meeting between the french and the german media in another attempt to stop the crisis from spreading as an evolution or reports hope since a viable within the euro zone are painting in spain. somewhere to live others live to work hawk a monarchy combines the two today in his nephew run the picture frame shop set up i hope to father almost the century but the family firm is in a rough spot. like all in spain my business has been struggling so it was not visible in all areas of business at all times have been very hard. consider this unemployment at more than twenty percent one of the highest in the eurozone bigger gantry and sovereign debt ever crossed their bonds and the country's problems don't stop there despite being the fourth largest the problem in europe spain is definitely feeling the bite of the credit crisis and that many ask the question is
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the eurozone such a great idea after all the answer may just be no the country's really has been downgraded twice in september of last year with moody's agency threatening to do so again in the future in fact some in spain believe the best strategy in the current climate may be an exit one. this would give us a certain autonomy it would affect positively internal processes in the country purchasing power will give citizens access to all sorts of benefits and would have been good for the wages very well could lead to the improvement of situation in spain. a key factor here is distance while the spanish struggle with tears and unemployment their fate is largely being decided by groups paymasters in chief in brussels. what we're witnessing here majoring in china problems which you cannot solve out of brussels but this is outside of in your comfort zones i have
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neither the finances nor the labor capabilities to help explain it but of course many people are unhappy with the place spain takes in the european union he put me out but hook him isn't losing hope that his country and his business will eventually climb out of the slump. of course it will. lies in the end it's the small businesses like mine that will do the job necessity because the real already to take were close to heart in large corporations something which may only be possible if spain quits the pondering federation of it erodes own and puts its own house back in order to make those core two hundred. classes financial pundit max kaiser's across all the developments in europe and the latest kaiser reports here until next hour. easy. to think. the libyan government has reported the fired at tactical ballistic rocket for the
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first time in the country's conflict a scud missile is said to have been aimed at rebel forces about landed into kilometers off target in the desert it comes as the fundies close to gadhafi stronghold in fierce battles raging this is just fifty kilometers from tripoli meanwhile libya's interior minister has found many of reports of the things kyra in his private jets cannot get out these position apparently scotians egypt will swell like defection according to for me is to some degree. he says he and his family are there on a purpose to be served although we haven't seen pictures of him or his kids on camels in front of the pyramids eating ice cream it seems like he really has defected and if so he being the top cop the senior interior minister it is a real blow to the regime in the last couple of weeks there been some significant advances by the rebels capturing hours and we have blocked the road from tunisia
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they control they killed south of critically the gentleman who's there and they control the city of misurata in the east they've got tripoli surrounded on the other hand i remind you that nato forces that been absolutely essential to their military success so for the rebels and you imagine the embarrassment to president sarkozy and prime minister cameron and even the american president obama cannot if you should survive all this from the might use military alliance on the planet. more unsettling news this hour for you thousands of palestinian refugees forced to flee a un camp in the syrian border to the shelling by government troops the latest military assault and it's reaching out protesters has claimed around thirty lies this saturday activists report random gunfire raids and house to house arrest on monday the bonnets to see what it's all to gamboge store and troops in attempts to crush the five month rise again exploded and. on the street the man's been
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arrested in the usa of an attack on a sydney teenager in which a fake bomb was attached to her meg a mosque man broke into the girl's family home and changed her to the device for ten hours before a bomb squad. she was in the heart of the device was later found to contain no explosives please still think it was an extortion attempt even an issue of it was moved ransom demand wrong. through the israeli airstrikes on gaza which used to really have killed and injured several people including a five year old boy the israeli air force struck four different locations allegedly targeting hamas training bases officials they militants were about to launch a mortar shell from one of the telly evil so says the shelling was a response to rocket fire from gaza. on monday. now poll after poll in the u.s.
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show that a growing number of americans think it's high time to lift the embargo against cuba it's been in place for over half a century and was designed to bring it down fidel castro bandits cuban citizens. and political promises from president obama downwards it seems the powerful anticancer lobby you weren't at the drop any time soon as you came forward investigates. cuba ninety miles from america's shores and for fifty two years a world apart following the cuban revolution in one nine hundred fifty nine the u.s. imposed an embargo and all trade investment in travel and attempt to bring down the communist government official castro. some of the cubans who fled the island for the u.s. push to keep this agenda alive and so the n.s.a. castro lobby was born they give a lot of money you know u.s. elections are in fact privately financed so they've been able to figure out how to play the game so even though they're a small percentage of the population they play very big in
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a key swing state polls consistently show that two thirds of americans favor ending the embargo and normalizing relations with cuba and some in congress agree it's about time we talk to cuba and still stop fighting these wars about thirty or forty years old and say castro groups have given more than one point seven million dollars in donations to federal candidates from two thousand and four to two thousand and ten more than half a million dollars in two thousand and seven alone to both republicans and democrats ensuring us killer policy remains virtually unchanged impeding on the military approach but. that it will enhance the effectiveness of the embargo the united states will keep the embargo. fewer than one percent of americans are of cuban origin and the journey emigrated before the end of the cold war unlike the rest of this been a population in the u.s. fifty percent of cubans are u.s. citizens cubans who arrive and step foot beaches in south florida are on their way to citizenship haitians who arrive and set foot on the beaches of miami are on
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their way to a detention center in deportation cuban americans are also a force to be reckoned with in congress we definitely are the most over represented community in congress with two senators and four representatives we say so. including the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee and we've got to. welcome the opportunity of having anyone assassinate fidel castro and any leader who is suppressing oppressing the people they have powerful political action committees behind them like the u.s. cuba democracy pac the number one campaign donor in two thousand and six with more than five hundred thousand dollars our community is very focused and is very concentrated in florida in new jersey therefore we really have to be a good effort to get out there and there create the relationship so you live socially and agenda that has been known to change many politicians minds including president barack obama. you know obama changed his mind while campaigning before
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the cuban american national foundation. for the majority of americans favor ending the sanctions against cuba even protesting in the streets i think. he has yet to match the strength of the intake castro lobby came in ford r.t. washington d.c. . ok that's where the news this is our next this is scenes with dmitri. thanks and a saloon welcome to business are saying well as our channel reported earlier moscow's international air show ask a bit off the organizers expect more than ten billion dollars worth of contracts to be signed over the next few days and the first deals are already there as russian airlines trans there are signs up to buy eight ad bus jets with a catalog price of over seven hundred million dollars christopher buckley vice president of us outlines his hopes for the russian market. we're very optimistic
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and enthusiastic about the russian market we still see growth continuing a little bit over five percent to five point three percent per year which is higher than the world our fridge so frosts. and plays many more aircraft in the coming years. let's see if we can get probably like when. between forty and fifty percent of federal market. and even this year in two thousand and eleven we have a new operators we're very proud we express. and we've sold a few twenty's to trans aero if we can continue with our current rate and say grow our sales here by five to ten percent a year we'd be delighted with that. switch to the markets now we sell commodities crude prices are down now to see some overnight gains in the u.s. light sweet is currently shedding seventy six cents per barrel brant is that just
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a one hundred nine dollars a barrel. precious metals are mixed gold is up as a selling is back on the stock market silvers or is down is down were around one percent asian stocks are mixed this hour they were seeing actually different down i was actually moving closer to session now technology firms are getting a lift from google's twelve a half billion dollar takeover of motorola sony up around up a sense produces all seeing strong gains. in hong kong and now let's take a look at the opening picture in the r.t.s. down one point six percent my six two percent that says european and u.s. stock futures are pointing lower and as oil prices of course lower as we saw there therefore gazprom is losing around two percent example as reported a eighty six percent increase in net profit for the first half ros telecom continues its high volatility of the making double digit gains yesterday in double digit losses last week it's advancing higher and lower all the time financials are
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also suffering burbank two percent lower this hour. the russian shareholders and c.m. k.b.p.s. taking their british counterparts back to the stockholm arbitration tribunals a once a final ruling on whether b.p. broke the shareholder agreement by trying to organize the arctic exploration and chance what do you with their now corporate lawyer and a gold is confident that they are has a good case as long as they're all sniffing approaches b.p. b.p. should have told us nerved you should have approached first in the photos or sniff approaches the opened the door for to include b.p. be part of the deal this is going to prove to be poor the laws. all right i'll be back in my fifty minutes time with an update i've made a business news alison that's going to have. to.
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keep up. the limited to just send.
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subsists. piss. us. all into a. closer to the belly of. the bucks same up the bardsley to see to the max air show.


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