tv [untitled] August 16, 2011 11:01am-11:31am EDT
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combat jets in the latest gleaming airliners a piercing the skies over the moscow region the world's biggest aircraft makers are at russia's max twenty eleven showing off their newest designs and. see where the field. it's been a really nice exciting day here we've actually seen some of the individual military aircraft making a doing some stunts in the air we saw the sewer thirty of modification destroyed twenty seven as well as the f. fifteen that was pretty impressive as well and this is what it really is the a max two thousand and eleven it's about showcasing what they're capable of what these aircraft are capable of doing in the sky and as far as russia's participation is concerned one a very a highly anticipated model is the assumed fifteen and that is the first russian made fifth generation plane and it's also the first in twenty years that russia is putting something forward in the market here not the only other the generation plane out there is the f. twenty two raptor which belongs to the u.s. air force and what we're talking this generation these are more efficient faster
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and have better stealth capabilities are military aircraft so again it's it's sort of going to be a game changer if it does get into the market right now they have the prototype is going to make its first public unveiling here at the max two thousand and eleven certainly looking forward to that and for the for the russian fleet this is again a milestone seeing that the defense ministry for example had wanted to improve the hardware of the russian military which will be a good positive sign while other countries as we've seeing it been seeing a defense a budget cut so again interesting dynamics here at the max at two thousand and eleven but of course it's not just that i've been looking at smaller planes looking commercial planes you have the big airliners here the a dreamliner of boeing the airbus a three eighty and i've also found some small what they call experimental plane some of them you can build at home so i've been trying out those but i have been careful not to try anything funny because you leave that to the professionals are waiting for the teams of the a french air force the italian air force the u.s. and as well as a russian to russian t.v.
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have the a russian knights as well as we have now we're expecting them to perform one of these in one of these a six days with my colleague wrote that he was lucky enough to actually see a glimpse of that he went behind the scenes with them during one of their practice sessions let's see what fun he's had. the atmosphere here at the cuban air field the stands for two of the most famous aerobatic teams in the world even a dress rehearsal. today is one of the last chances for the russians and the switch to practice their new program ahead of the mikes to show performance. to show stopper the trademark nine plane diamond of two very different aircraft delight them exude formation. down from below the four jets looked in perfect sync but as the pilots touched down tempers run high. that's normal everybody cares we're all in the mood to work
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we all want to put on a great show. but these pilots don't think of themselves and to train as they're serving officers the flying elite hand-picked from the entire russian air force the best technology develops. a new was being abandoned in favor of long range missiles and advanced trade. so. these demonstrations of piloting prowess just becoming a side show. which i don't think so at all. electronics could often be jammed so we would go back to who sees whom and how they can respond to this situation skills will never become obsolete enough to go again practicing for hours perfecting distills only harmful in the world capable of old fashioned dog fights might not be as big a part of combat as they once were but here they're keeping the alive.
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field. now it. will be at the max two thousand through out the week will have. class flight action as well. talking to the captains of the industry who also that . ship future flight. takes us to the max air show now a five minutes past the hour here in moscow european stocks plummeted on news that economic growth across the e.u. has stalled all this france and germany meet to work out a way to end the debt crisis sweeping the eurozone but europe's two financial powerhouses are at
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a dead end even before the negotiations have started ballin is refusing to throw in even more money at the crisis he's done your bushel reports from brussels. the magic pill that's supposed to spread the euro across the european union is something called euro bonds that in effect would transfer northern european stability to the southern states it would create a single that people could go into and the suppose it would begin to calm investors to show that there is a united front and the strongest states also lead and in solidarity with the weaker than periphery countries like greece portugal also spain and italy now germany for good reasons doesn't want to discuss it particularly at the moment it doesn't want to lose its hold the reputation as a reliable. by signing up to this and it has actually said the euro bonds will play no role in the talks today some investors a bit surprised because growing numbers are saying that your response is the only
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way to save the euro now influential investors like george soros say portugal and greece should leave the euro and eurobonds all the only way out now even germany is already being sucked into this crisis its growth the growth of its economy skidded to a halt just one percent in the second three months of this year which suggests that the euro debt crisis is even bringing down europe's biggest economy. what he's done you're pushing right there while the world markets are hanging on the outcome of the meeting between france and germany but some have doubts over its significance international consultant and former m.p. of the belgian parliament a load of analyst believes the meeting will be used by so cozy and merkel only to boost personal ratings. and went to london biggest economies of the european monetary union get together that is of course always meaningful if only on the psychological level these meetings tend to draw the line of should the eurozone
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countries at last in general so whatever to decide there is no basically taken by the other countries this specific meeting and i don't really know what this is about i mean i think it does need to do with domestic problems they're not going after the ones that cost the crisis they're not going after the ones that have the money that as we lost in this crisis i mean why not talk about the raising taxes on those people why not too are talking about putting social demands on these bailouts for the danes merkel and sarkozy are facing huge problems with their popularity in the in the polls so i think it's also new with the image of building etc not so much for it to finding a real solution. meantime the european central bank has announced it spent an unprecedented twenty two billion euros in just one week the money went to propping up the shaking economies of italy and spain but as artists are going to go to school reports public faith in the ailing euro may already be beyond
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a quick fix. some work till they have others who have to work hockey market combines the two and today he and his nephew run the picture framing shop set up by hawking grandfather almost a century golf but the family firm is in a rough spot one of the very end of a home or like all in spain my business has been struggling although it's not visible in all areas of business times have been very hard for you consider this. it's unemployment at more than twenty percent one of the highest in the eurozone again soon sovereign debt ever crossed their bonds and the country's problems don't stop there despite being the fourth largest economy in europe spain is definitely feeling the bite of the credit crisis and that left many asking the question is the eurozone such a great idea after all the answer may just be no the country's rating has been downgraded twice since september of last year with moody's agency threatening to do
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so again in the future in fact some in spain believe the best strategy in the current climate may be an exit one. this would give us a certain autonomy it would affect positively internal processes in the country the purchasing power will give citizens access to all sorts of benefits and would have been good for the wages very well could lead to the improvement of situation in spain. a key factor here is distance while the spanish struggle with debts and unemployment their fate is largely being decided by the masters in chief in brussels. with what we're witnessing here major internal problems which you cannot solve. because it's outside of e.u. competence they have neither the finances nor the labor capabilities to help spain of course many people are unhappy with the place spain takes in the european union . but who took him isn't losing hope that his country and his business will
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eventually climb out of the slump and of course it will stabilize in the end is the small businesses like mine that will do the job because three or four people take work closer to heart than large corporations something which may only be possible if spain quits the floundering federation of the own and puts its own house back you know what are you going to college carty madrid. and. a look at how the economic misfortunes of the us. trying investor trust in the world's top economy so forcing the u.s. vice president to show you all a confidence boosting trip to china but some say america's troubles are simply too big to ignore plus. the markets in the u.s. trough at the opening for more after more evidence pointed to a slowing global economy and the latest economic growth figures from germany are particularly disappointing they show the euro zone's biggest economy virtually stalled in the second quarter growing just point one percent.
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but two thousand and four tsunami in south asia took everything from many of the victims that lived along the coast of india recovering has been next to impossible and some are resorting to selling the only thing they have left their own body parts to reports. cholera a room again is alone in her tiny empty apartment in chennai like many indians who struggle to make ends meet kala is constantly in debt despite selling pretty much everything she has including her own kidney i didn't mind that buying a little brother when i went to grow curry he told me that i could sell my kidney i agreed because i was in a bad situation and my children were small we did not even have any food to eat when the two thousand and four tsunami hit the coast of south asia kala was one of hundreds of thousands of people who lost everything in order to get back on her feet she got a loan that she was later unable to repay the loan we had
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a lot of get i had to borrow money to buy the fishing boat the people i borrowed money from started asking me for money they said they will come home and embarrass us if we didn't repay the money desperate and vulnerable tsunami survivors soon became the perfect targets for the illegal organ trade in india it's become known as the right market every year one hundred thousand indians need organ replacements a demand that drives an illegal supply. why with some organs even being sold to a small percentage of desperate transplant tourists in one thousand nine hundred four the indian government hatched a law meant to regulate organ donation in this country each recipient was supposed to get an organ from a donor who was in some way known to even though each transplant was supposed to be approved by a committee of doctors it's almost impossible for anyone to stop money transactions from happening under the table in general when a recipient finds out that he or she needs an organ donor they normally approach
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friends or family for a match when those options are exhausted rogue doctors or hospital staff can introduce the recipient to a broker usually a former illegal donor too who can scout nearby poor neighborhoods for someone who is willing to sell their kidney and go under the knife when it falls through but good news for the most part of roots of this. is the law. in a blind eye to this happening to transplants from the donor to the recipient take place in the hospital simultaneously the donor ends up making a little over a thousand dollars while the brokers can profit almost double that. i went to the broker he said he will give me fifty thousand rupees for my kidney it was supposed to be much more but the broker cheated us to donors also frequently are robbed of their health before i used to run them around and work
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a lot but now i can do as much work as they used to i find it difficult even to leave the point of what i can go to work i have severe pain in my abdomen and my chest. and while horror stories of the red market are exchanged among locals those with no options left are forced to take extreme measures sacrificing their health just to stay alive preassure either party chennai india. a quarter past the hour here in the russian. other world news now and staying with india hundreds of protesters have been arrested as they gathered to demand the release of a prominent corruption activist chanting slogans and even blocking some roads police seventy three year old right before he started. hunger strike he had been urging officials to tighten legislation on the country. the israeli parliament has interrupted its summer break to discuss the growing social protests across the
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country started this summer to demonstrate against housing prices the cost of food fuel and education politicians will debate what can be done not expected to introduce new legislation until they return to work. palestinian refugees have fled a camp in the port city of latakia government shelling. ten thousand people were trying to escape the bombing which has now claimed at least thirty lives government troops reportedly made house to house arrest in the city and gun boats and join the troops as part of the attempt to crush the five month long uprising against president assad. well you can always find the latest updates on this story on our twitter feed it's where our reporter in syria will be providing information first hand.
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with r.t. live from moscow the largest holder of u.s. debt is getting frustrated over washington's financial situation so vice president joe biden is heading to china on a mission of reassurance on wednesday. who is an investment advisor in hong kong says washington's troubles that too big. not to worry about. turner is extremely skeptical they must be very worried if i was the biggest holder of u.s. treasuries i'd be worried too because the u.s. is in a terrible situation the budget deficit is out of control it's almost eight percent of g.d.p. the federal debt is now about ninety six percent of g.d.p.
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and politicians in washington don't have any will to get the house in order all they know is to prolong the problem to push the can down the road and as long as that is the case we are going to see severe pressure on the us dollar the economies in asia generally speaking are in a lot healthier state band they are in the us or in europe and when mr bernanke prints money this is the value of the u.s. dollar devalues the dollar and makes commodity prices go up and that causes inflationary headaches in asia. now the majority of americans think it's time to lift the fifty year old embargo against cuba but the government doesn't appear to be listening. for to find out because the powerful anti castro a lot he doesn't want to see it go. cuba ninety miles from america's shores and for fifty two years a world apart following the cuban revolution in one nine hundred fifty nine the u.s.
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imposed an embargo on all trade investment in travel an attempt to bring down the communist government official castro. some of the cubans who fled the island for the u.s. push to keep this agenda alive and so the castro lobby was born they give a lot of money you know u.s. elections are in fact privately financed so they've been able to figure out how to play the game so even though there are a small percentage of the population they play very big in a key swing state polls consistently show that two thirds of americans favor ending the embargo and normalizing relations with cuba and some in congress agree it's about time we talk to cuba and still stop fighting these wars in about thirty or forty years or anti castro groups have given more than one point seven million dollars in donations to federal candidates from two thousand and four to two thousand and ten more than half a million dollars in two thousand and ten alone to both republicans and democrats and sharing u.s. cuba policy remains virtually unchanged they are impeding on the offensive military equipment and that it will enhance the effectiveness of the embargo the united
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states will keep the embargo. fewer than one percent of americans are of cuban origin and their journey emigrated before the end of the cold war unlike the rest of this panic population in the u.s. fifty eight percent of cubans are u.s. citizens cubans who arrive and step foot beaches in south florida are on their way to citizenship haitians who arrive and set foot on the beaches of miami are on their way to a detention center in deportation cuban americans are also a force to be reckoned with in congress we. if we are the most over represented community in congress with two senators and four representatives we say that we ought to rag on what they're asking including the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee ileana rustler and i welcome the opportunity of having anyone assassinate fidel castro and any leader who is suppressing oppressing the people they have powerful political action committees behind them like the u.s.
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cuba democracy pac the number one campaign donor in two thousand and six with more than five hundred thousand dollars our community is very focused and it's very concentrated in florida in new jersey therefore we really have to make an effort to get out there and create the relationships to live in a socially and agenda that has been known to change many politicians minds including president barack obama. you know obama changed his mind while campaigning before the cuban american national foundation. going to the war room but while the majority of americans favor ending the sanctions against cuba even protesting in the streets i think. they have yet to match the strength of the anti castro lobby given ford r.t. washington d.c. . now at twenty one minutes past the hour here in moscow kareen assume with the process but for now the international olympic committee has been checking construction for the sort through two thousand and fourteen games by the team including the head of the i.o.c.
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says good progress is being made in the preparation. he went to see for himself. this is the melbourne cluster of the all the big project i'm a hundred metres above sea level as you can see you know the views here are fantastic and this is exactly what a visitor is an athlete will see during the two thousand and fourteen winter games and of course everything you see here will be covered in snow over the games. this morning facilities are taking shape with construction moving into the fly and on your website you will see a stadium for fifteen thousand. visitors to ski trampolines and also immediate village which will house over two and a half thousand journalists will show sochi sports spectacular to the world members of the i.o.c. visited these housing facilities during their short working visit and they say that this part of the olympic park is very important because it will leave a lasting legacy even after two thousand and fourteen what's happening here is absolutely tremendous we've never seen something like to see these families grow to
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be turned into a city to refeed distribution results and. responsibility you know it will cease to develop support we were there was this is exactly what's going on you know i'm not so sure we should look at it or do it to twenty four. but this is just the beginning. because you guys here but still it's really after the games next year here in the style in sochi we'll see nineteen world class sporting events giving the venue at the royal joy run before the facilities will be used for their primary purpose. all right now on top of the business news with korea. and i welcome to business here and i think thanks for joining me after three days of gains the markets have once again turned south confidence has been hit by weak
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economic data from germany growth in the euro zone second biggest economy was virtually stagnant in the second quarter and this has raised further fears that the global economy is once again sliding down the slippery slope of recession now joining me now to discuss what's happening is us left us about it from deutsche bank thanks for this law for coming to the program so what's the recent lanny what we're seeing the recent rally in the markets is it a dead cat bounce in your opinion i don't think so i think there are reasons to believe that the markets can last for. trajectory in the coming days a lot of course will depend on the data flow from the u.s. and europe in the coming days but if we get a week of sustained gains in global markets and in russia i think that should provide grounds for further sustainable growth and that what is your view on the second dip recession well i think the threat of that
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is rising as long as this volatility in the markets continues because if this volatility continues for too long we can have a situation whereby just like in two thousand and eight this volatility and this uncertainty will start to penetrate into the real sector of the economy through slower growth and investment through lower consumer confidence that cetera so i think that if we do see swift action from the u.s. from the e.u. in trying to. bring confidence to financial markets that still can avert a double dip recession and being more precisely about what happened in two thousand and eight you were just talking about that do you think the world is in a better or worse situation compared to the crisis in two thousand and eight yeah i think there are different sides to this on the on the one hand corporate balance
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sheets are better now than they were in the run up to the first wave of the crisis on the other hand the sovereign balance sheets in the developed world are worse you have tremendous budget deficits in the u.s. in some of the countries of the eurozone and it will take time for that to be sorted out so on balance i would say it's probably somewhat more difficult now to deal with the crisis because essentially for the countries involved the fiscal channel of dealing with the crisis is. restricted is difficult to activate now we're seeing what's happening in europe at the moment and they're trying to decide to you know to do something with the present situation how do you think. mobile is russia because the last time we saw russia you know we experienced a slowdown in major slowdown and. i think well during this period the volatility is still vulnerable because fundamentally the source of this
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vulnerability is russia is the pendency on the rise and if oil prices again decline if they decline significantly this is of course a blow to russia's matthew economy including to russia's budget including to russia's balance of payments on the ruble so a lot depends on the dynamics of the oil price in terms of how this global volatility translates into russia's macroeconomic situation the higher oil prices the better for russia they obviously yes ok thank you yourself is the most i spect thanks for joining the program and let's take a look at the markets now u.s. stocks retreats opening up to disappointing growth in germany but trim losses after a federal reserve report showed industrial production gained in july the most this year point nine percent energy stocks down together with with other shares occidental petroleum one of the previous sessions strong this performance is leading percentage decliners with a three percent drop to eighty six dollars forty three cents
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a share and markets in europe under pressure the latest economic growth figures from germany have proved to be particularly disappointing showing eurozone biggest economy virtually stalled in the second quarter growing just point one percent overall eurozone growth stands at one point one point two percent for the period and here's russia where the r.t.s. and my six and lower the r.t.s. sank one point three percent and i'm isaacs is down nearly just under two percent here the snapshot of the my of the market movers on the my six gas problem is lou was losing over to have percent come to. he has reported eighty six percent growth a net profit for the first tough construction company pick also posted first half results its almost thirty million dollars net profit against twenty one million dollars losses during the same period last year and financials were also suffering spare bank lost under three percent. crude prices down on those worries about german economic growth light sweet is currently trading at eighty six dollars
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a barrel while brant is that one hundred eight dollars a barrel and precious metals are mixed gold is up. selling is back on the stock markets while silver is down and trading at thirty nine over thirty nine dollars an ounce. that's all for me headlines are next. we've got. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. from
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