tv [untitled] August 16, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT
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the grand imperial truly the torturously bush coromandel. socialist good to see don't need to go and. read this the colonel was her child as a retreat. france and germany proposed a single collective eurozone governments led by the president to steer the block out of its troubles have the power to oversee its decisions are being implemented. the skies over moscow welcome the world of aviation the scores of the latest jets performed breathtaking stunts of this year's met show. and a market in bodies a gruesome organ trade in india is on the rise with authorities accused of colluding with those illegally preying on poverty stricken people sacrificing their health from like our top stories this.
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international news and comment live from moscow this is r.t. with twenty four hours a day so germany and france are proposed what would be a dramatic centralization of power to help get the eurozone out of its debt crisis chancellor angela merkel and president nicolas sarkozy want a single eurozone government with the power to monitor whether member nations are following its decisions daniel bushell has the latest now force in brussels. the key decision is they have a single united euro zone government which can overrule national governments they also announced a corporation tax to unite the corporation taxes of germany and france so we're moving slowly towards a fiscal union which is what many had predicted but of course there's one small problem which is the people of europe have been lost because sarkozy the president of france faces an election next year where he's already trailing behind his rivals and suspects this may make him even more important because the people of your you
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know his but in polls in the opinion polls they say that they don't you close the european integration angle or merkel the chancellor of germany says they showed great courage to do this and they dismissed the use of euro bourne's which many have said would be the solution agreed eventually they said the euro bonds are not a miracle they're not a cure and france and germany won't guarantee other countries did so they refused to bail out the rising problems in countries like italy and spain they also denounced the rumors and speculation and said they'd fight against this the groomers that they say are trying to bring down the euro so there will be a single government presidents a very official tax on financial transactions was also announced. that the purpose was to harmonize economies and taxes across europe so
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a very wide range of proposals on offer here today. and a bushel there well let's get more insight from brussels professor of finance market back from the solvay brussels call joins me live from there thank you very much indeed professor for being with us well is this going to make any difference from what we just heard from those two do you think what they've announced will have a positive impact on the eurozone crisis. well who are not really i think we've not really been surprised by anything that was said what markets are looking for is the chile implementation or the decisions that were taken in july which is mostly loading up the european financial stability mechanism with money so who can become operational purchase bonds and secondary markets but nevertheless not making the right sort of noises saying they're going to bring those nations like greece and italy under control over their excessive spending those those countries which they
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blame for rocking the eurozone boat to growth that's a good intention got the european union has no power to dictate anything to those member states what you have to do is to provide incentives for those member states to grow to credibly commit to fulfilling the agreed stability criteria but wouldn't this initiative actually suggest there will be power over all of those states and i mean if that is the case what about the reaction from the general public over this many obviously against what's happening from brussels at the moment what's the reaction could we see where we see perhaps an imprint an impingement on the sovereignty on their sovereignty by the e.u. labor leadership. well i think that's not quite fair i think the citizens and some european countries were actually quite happy. pressure came from the outside to push through reforms that many people believe were necessary in those countries and i think that many italian colleagues believe that the reforms that have now been
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it's a little announced in italy were necessary timely and in fact some people think that for example soft privatizations girls don't go far enough. both leaders made it quite clear that they had no faith in your opponent certainly at this stage being the solution to the crisis do you think they were right to abandon the idea of euro bonds. but the euro bond issue is really extremely interesting because i think we have a problem first of all we have a problem with the one which when the german government refers to euro bones it means that all the issues that of euro zone member states will be issued or i think no economists no economist signs of in europe are talking about this sort of europe moment what people are talking about is what some people from brutal cold war not meaning to blue bones so these blue bones are going to be
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issued up to a certain percentage of g.d.p. these two people one of them german yog from bites proposed that up to sixty percent of that will be issued blue bones so nobody is talking about issuing all that out of the euro zone as euro bonds just briefly i want to ask you about the immediate reaction now some may say that these two leaders are struggling they're not too sure what to do but what sort of reaction do you think there could be from the markets and indeed investors over this or do you think it was too late has been done and in fact europe could be heading for another recession. but i think it's truly to say this i think the numbers on g.d.p. we have today. certainly not encouraging on the other hand german court corporations that have published results are doing extremely well for them to publish very good numbers i think it's true to say whether we're going to have a dog. so i think we'll just have to wait and see on this yeah certainly it's
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a waiting game at the moment thanks so much for your thoughts on the latest developments there in brussels professor market backed from the department of finance from the solve a person's thank you time thank you very much. well the european central bank has announced it spent an unprecedented twenty two billion euros in just one week the money went to prop up the shaking economies of italy and spain but as. reports public faith in the ailing euro may already be beyond a quick fix. some work to live others lives to work corky market combines the two today he and his nephew run the picture framing shops that are by hawking grandfather almost a century gulf but the family firm is in a rough spot. like all in spain my business has been struggling although it's not visible in all areas of business times have been very hard. consider this unemployment at more than twenty percent one of the highest in the eurozone again
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should sovereign debt ever cross their bonds and the country's problems don't stop there despite being the fourth largest the problem in europe spain is definitely feeling the bite of the credit crisis and that many asking the question is the results such a great idea after all the answer may just be no the country's rating has been downgraded twice in september of last year with moody's agency threatening to do so again in the future in fact some in spain believe the best strategy in the current climate may be an exit one. this would give us a certain autonomy it would affect positively internal processes in the country purchasing power will give citizens access to all sorts of benefits and would have been good for the wages very well could lead to the improvement of situation in spain. a key factor here is distance while the spanish struggle with tears in unemployment their fate is largely being decided by the masters in chief in
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brussels. what we're witnessing here major internal problems which you cannot solve out of brussels because it's outside of e.u. competence they have neither the finances nor the labor capabilities to help spain of course many people are unhappy with the place change takes in the european union . but who came isn't losing hope that his country and his business will eventually climb out of the slum. it will stabilize in the end it's the small businesses like mine that will do the job because three or four people were close to heart in large corporations something which me only be possible if the foundering figuration of it own and put its own house back in order. madrid. later this hour here in r.t. more economic ups and downs in our business bulletin after three days of gains the
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markets are again pointing down and this is confidence is had by weak economic data from germany growth in the eurozone second biggest biggest economies were actually stagnant in the second quarter and this has raised fears that the global economy is once again heading for recession. from crean a little later now high tech combat jets in the latest gleaming airliners appears in the skies over the moscow region in the world because aircraft makers are russia's next two thousand and eleven airshow showing off their newest designs and . is there to. well it's been a very vengeful day here the first day of the match two thousand and eleven we've seen some pretty impressive individual shows of some of the aircraft here we saw the u.s. war thirty we also saw a modified version of the savoy twenty seven as well as the f. fifteen of the u.s. air force again very impressive performances and one interesting one was of the airbus a three eighty which is the largest commercial aircraft out of the market
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right now a flying in the sky like it was a small plane that was interesting to see but again a day max two thousand and eleven that's what it is here for it's basically for these companies to showcase their latest innovation the latest technology what their aircraft are capable of and as far as the a russian effort to space should here is concerned there's one model that's really highly anticipated a lot of build up towards it that's the super eight hundred fifty now this is a russian made of this generation military aircraft and it's the first of its kind that is made as far as russia is concerned also the first that a country has done i produced in the last twenty years now the only other fifth generation of military aircraft out there is the f. twenty two raptor which belong to the u.s. air force and now we're talking fifty generation we're talking about faster more efficient aircraft as well as those with better stealth capability so that's something to look out for this is the first time they will be unveiling it to the public it's made its maiden flight already but again unveiling to the public so interesting to see how it will fly in the sky but it's not just military of course
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we have some a commercial aircraft you would see some of the bigger commercial aircraft in the market of course the boeing dreamliner the airbus a three eighty i mentioned earlier and of course the soyuz superjet people just going inside trying to find out exactly how big it is but i actually was looking for a smaller plane so this plane right here the one i'm sitting in is one of those not military not commercial it's called an experimental plane it's traveled eight thousand kilometers to come here to russia from the united states the first time it's been out of the united states and it's actually also home built basically can build it at home that's what it is but i'm not going to try and be fun. i think i'll leave the stance the professionals are still looking forward to the aerodynamics that's are aerobatic performances of the french italian and american air force as well as detainees from russia we have russian night's episode with my colleague probably had a chance to see them behind the scenes practicing a lot of the prop is right so let's see what funnies. there he must bear here every
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cuban kid airfield the stands to the most famous aerobatic teams in the world even in a dress rehearsal shoes no margin for error. today is one of the last chances for the russian knights and the swiss should practice a new program ahead of the mikes show performance. show stopper the trademark nine playing time and of two very different aircraft delight the migs information would be a c. course. down from below the false jets looked in perfect sync but as the pilots touched down tempers run high among. everybody cares we're all in the mood to work we all want to put on a great show for. these pilots don't think of themselves and to train as a serving officer as the flying elite can take from the entire ocean air force yes
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technology develops top gun so maneuvers are being abandoned in favor of long range missiles in advance trade. these demonstrations of quality prowess just becoming a sideshow right. richard said i don't think so at all the real war critics could often be jammed so go back to who sees whom and how they can respond to the situation kills will never become obsolete enough to go again practicing for hours correcting the skills only firm for the world apart capable of . old fashioned dog fights might not be as big a part of combat as they once were but here they're keeping alive. the. field. will stay tuned to artie will be at the next air show throughout the week and will have some first class flight action as well as talking to the captains of the aviation industry who are there all week.
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and. closer. i approach. shaped the future flights. our team takes to the max air show. a recent report by the bureau of investigative journalists say that u.s. drone strikes in pakistan have killed at least three hundred eighty five civilians almost half of them children washington claims there have been no civilian deaths at all well to assess these contradictions are now joined by chris words he's a senior reporter with the bureau thanks very much indeed for joining us so some grim statistics there tell us more on what your investigations uncovered there in pakistan. well we've been looking at this subject for about a year now and we've uncovered clear evidence of between two thousand three hundred
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and two thousand eight hundred three millions of people killed in pakistan all of those a minimum of three hundred eighty five civilians we think of as many as seven hundred seventy five civilians among those killed just to be clear the cia has now admitted that they have killed around fifty civilians in pakistan during the duration of the certain years of the drone war but they say they haven't killed a civilian since may of last year and our evidence suggests entirely the contrary where were you getting your evidence from what we all sources. will initially we were we went back and looked at over two thousand individual media reports from pakistani us u.k. international media looking at the strikes and then once we'd actually untangled that process and got the clearest idea of what had taken place we don't cross-reference with a host of material which included. legal studies case notes of lawyers who are
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fighting cases often civilians in pakistan leaked intelligence documents us secret cables that were leaked by wiki leaks earlier this year and so on so we're trying to build up really as comprehensive a public view as we could of what's actually been taking place at the cia attacks but although you say the cia do admit to civilian deaths nevertheless they did indeed try to thwart your investigation efforts and i'm right in saying that. they were quite aggressive towards us over the last few days certainly we were hearing rumors of us officials in washington trying to cast aspersions on our study before it was even published and for example trying to link us to someone they were claiming was a spy in pakistan and also raising parents about the validity of their research itself we were leaked documents by other journalists. from the cia which were raising serious doubts on their side about our work we have absolutely
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no trouble with what we've put forward and we're very robustly defending it against these attacks train attacks and to be extremely precise on why our mistakes made. i mean the u.s. has described the groans is the most precise weapon in the history of warfare but you're still talking about missiles fired from a great distance away into housing compounds. where other people are going to be in the vicinity and the history of the drone strikes as we've seen it reveals many many strikes in which civilians have been killed one hundred forty of a reporter two hundred ninety two strikes have recorded civilian deaths. just briefly finally are there any signs that the obama administration is learning lessons from this in trying to avoid such tragedies in the future. there are some indications that civilian deaths have been dropping the since two thousand and ten
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. on the question of child that's gone from being a large numbers of children killed in strikes to individual children really killed by flying shrapnel was front of me can see in the vicinity but we have to temper that slightly it was a huge escalation in the number of strikes last year and reporting suffered accordingly it's very difficult to report from with a wristband so while it's indicative that the civilian deaths the cry and we're not one hundred percent clear actually took place chris would very interesting to hear what you have to say thanks so much for joining us live here senior reporter with the bureau of investigative journalism joining us live there in london thank you time. the two thousand and four tsunami in surveys or took everything from many of the victims that lived along the coast of india recovery has been next to impossible and sun have resorted to selling the only thing they have left their own body parts more color
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a room again it is alone in her tiny empty apartment in china like many indians who struggle to make ends meet color is constantly in debt despite selling pretty much everything she has including her own kidney other than that banal it was when i went to a group where he told me that i could sell my kidney i agreed because i was in a bad situation and my children were small we did not even have any food to eat. when the two thousand and four tsunami hit the coast of south asia kala was one of hundreds of thousands of people who lost everything in order to get back on her feet she got along that she was leader unable to repay. we had a lot of get i had to borrow money to buy the fishing boat the people i borrowed money from started asking me for money they said they will come home and there's us if we didn't pay the money just for it and vulnerable tsunami survivors soon became the perfect targets for the illegal organ trade in india it's become known as the
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red market every year one hundred thousand indians need organ replacements a demand that drives an illegal supply with some organs even being sold to a small percentage of desperate transplant tourists in one thousand nine hundred forty indian government has meant to regulate organ donation in this country a first step it was supposed to get an organ from a donor who was in some way known said even though each transplant was supposed to be approved by committee of doctors it's almost impossible for anyone to stop money transactions from happening under the table in general when a recipient finds out that he or she needs an organ donor they normally approach friends or family for a match when those options are exhausted rogue doctors or hospital staff can introduce the recipient to a broker usually a former illegal donor two who can scout nearby poor neighborhoods for someone who is willing to sell their kidney and go under the night. but good news for the.
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part of roots of this got a. lot of blind eye. to transplants from the donor to the recipient take place in the hospital simultaneously to joan or ends up making a little over a thousand dollars while the brokers can profit almost doubled. you know i went to the broker he said he will give me fifty thousand rupees for my kidney it was supposed to be much more but the broker cheated us the joiners also frequently are robbed of their health i before i used to run around and work a lot but now i can do as much work as they used to i find it difficult even to leave that part of what i can go to work i have severe pain in my abdomen and my chest. and while horror stories of the red market are exchanged among locals those with no options left are forced to take extreme measures sacrificing their health
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just to stay alive preassure either r t chennai india or some other world headlines now in france a formal investigation has been opened into the international monetary fund chief christine lagarde it relates to allegations from when she was france's finance minister when she approved a huge payment to a friend of president nicolas sarkozy she denies any misconduct and there is no suggestion she probably personally her attorney believes the investigation won't affect her role as i am a change of government trying to continue in the siege of a syrian port city of latakia forcing thousands of palestinian refugees from their four days of shelling has claimed at least thirty lives in troops and be making house to house arrests officials have denied reports gunboats joined the troops in the attempts to cross the uprising against president assad the un human rights council plans an urgent meeting on the syrian crackdown. by the way all t.v. reporter is in syria one of the few foreign journalists and you can read her understanding of what's happening on our twitter feed she has all the latest
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updates. it's. the. latest news now from the world of business with kareena. welcome to our business update this hour after three days of gains the markets have once again turned sour confidence has been hit by weak economic data from germany growth in the euro zone's second biggest economy was virtually stagnant in the second quarter and this has raised further fears that the global economy is once
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again sliding into recession meanwhile news from the summit between sarkozy america that we've been hearing about earlier came too late to affect the markets here. u.s. stocks are falling as more evidence points to a slowing global economy stocks the drug down by news from europe that's despite some good did mystic news which showed industrial production roles last not. really all the european markets were closed down but main exception being the footsie which ended a shade higher jack's last half percent is quite good negative sentiment surrounding those g.d.p. numbers and it was a similar story here in russia whether or not he has a nice expanded lower the r.t.s. sank one point three percent and i'm isaac's and it nearly two percent. and here is the snapshot of the market movers in the my six gazprom lost almost two percent the company reported eighty six percent growth in net profit for the first half construction company because also oppose the first half results it's almost thirty million dollars net profit against twenty one million dollars losses during the
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same period last year and banks were also have also suffered with burbank losing one point eight percent. and now crude prices also falling over worries about the state of the world economy quite sweet is currently trading at eighty eight dollars a barrel while brant is a little below one hundred ten dollars a barrel on precious metals are higher gold is up selling is back on the stock market so it was trading at nearly forty dollars per ounce. business at high altitudes in the moscow region the international air show is generating billions of new deals and potentially cause for business not to. this is set to be a record breaking year for mocks with more people than ever coming to the show that's one of the spectators at the meiers it's acknowledging the aerobatics display teams there's also plenty o. serious business taking place the russian market is expected to grow rapidly boeing
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says potential of one hundred ten billion dollars over the next twenty years and says it's ready to invest heavily to build on its position here over the next thirty years we expect it to invest about twenty seven billion u.s. dollars here and russia about between billion dollars and titanium five billion dollars in engineering support and expertise in about four billion dollars in other ventures a number of deals have already been announced abbott has agreed to sell eight a three hundred twenty jets to russia a line trans there zero with a catalog price of over seven the phones of twenty million dollars russian made aircraft are also selling well sukhoi has to sell twelve over its super jets to indonesian airlines almost full of hundred million and following the success of the plane its parent company united aircraft corporation has announced a full new plan to build a loan to pay range aircraft this would be in direct competition with planes from
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