tv [untitled] August 16, 2011 5:01pm-5:31pm EDT
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good to have you with us this hour so germany and france have proposed what would be a dramatic centralization of power to help get the eurozone out of its debt crisis chancellor angela merkel and president because of course he want a single eurozone government with the power to monitor whether member nations are following its decisions daniel bushell has more for us from brussels the key decision is they have announced a single united eurozone government they also announced a corporation tax to unite the corporation taxes of germany and france so we're moving slowly towards a fiscal union which is what many had predicted but of course there's one small problem which is the people of europe have been asked because the the president of france faces an election next year where he's already trailing behind his rivals and is suspected this may make him even more unpopular because the people of europe haven't been asked but in polls in opinion polls they say that they don't want the european integration angela merkel the chancellor of germany says they showed great
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courage to do this and they dismissed the use of euro bourne's which many have said would be the solution agreed eventually they said the euro bonds are not a miracle they're not a cure and france and germany won't guarantee other countries dead so they refused to bail out the rising problems in countries like italy and spain they also denounce the rumors and speculation and said they'd fight against this the rumors that they say are trying to bring down the euro so there will be a single government they'll elect a president be very official a tax on financial transactions was also announced. that the purpose was to harmonize economies and taxes across europe so a very wide ranging proposals on offer here today. then you will there and dr raymond professor of business and international affairs at george washington
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university says decisions taken at the meeting reflect only the political aspirations of german and french leaders and not market demands unfortunately this is not going to make much difference for the ongoing crisis all the news that came out of this press conference was quite negative for the market the most negative i believe was the fact that it was announced that the european fund stabilization facility their bailout fund for the european euro zone members will not be expanded and they believe it enough as it is for the moment the second thing there's no common euro bond that is going to be issued in there were very clear about this and the markets were not expecting this other bad news for the market was that taxation is going to go up especially in terms of corporate taxation more harmonization and then down the road they also want countries to have a balanced budget so the european leaders unfortunately have done it again they
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haven't really addressed the market's needs for clear concise action but what they are doing instead is looking at the long term political solution to this dilemma that they have it doesn't seem that they understand the market's seriousness about what's going on no one is asking the taxpayers to pay another bailout instead they're using the european central bank as a mechanism to buy the bonds for italy and spain what most europeans don't understand is down the road when the greeks cannot pay their money back it will be the taxpayers from germany and from france that will end up paying for these bonds down the road the bad news is that we're not going to see any growth and i think everybody understands that and with their joblessness will not get any better and not any time soon. high tech combat jets and the latest gleaming airliners pierce the skies of moscow the world's biggest aircraft manufacturers are showing their wares at russia's max two thousand and eleven and show showcasing their latest
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designs and artie's test is there at the field. well it's been a very eventful day here the first day of the max two thousand and eleven we've seen some pretty impressive individual shows of some of the aircraft here we saw the thirty we also saw a modified version of the savoy twenty seven as well as the f. fifteen of the u.s. air force again very impressive performances and one interesting one was the airbus a three eighty which is the largest commercial aircraft out on the market right now flying in the sky like it was a small plane that was interesting to see but again it marks two thousand and eleven that's what it is it's here for it's basically for these companies to showcase their latest innovation their latest technology what their aircraft are capable of and as far as the russian the participation here is concerned there is one model that's really highly anticipated a lot of build up towards it that's the savoy fifty now this is a russian made a fifth generation military aircraft and it's the first of its kind that is made as far as russia is concerned also the first at the country has done
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a produced in the last twenty years now the only other fifth generation of military aircraft out there is the f. twenty two raptor which belonged to the u.s. air force and now we're talking fifth generation we're talking about faster more efficient aircraft as well as those with better stealth capability so that's something to look out for this is the first time they will be unveiling it to the public it's made its maiden flight already but again unveiling to the public so interesting to see how it will fly in the sky but it's not just military of course we have some a commercial aircraft here we've seen some of the bigger commercial aircraft in the market of course the boeing dreamliner the airbus a three eighty i mentioned earlier and of course the so why super jet you have people just going inside trying to find out exactly how big it is but i actually was looking for smaller planes this plane right here the one i'm sitting in is one of those and not military not commercial it's called an experimental plane it's traveled eight thousand kilometers to come here to russia from the united states the first time it's been out of the united states and it's actually also home built basically can build it
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at home. and as the world shows off the very latest and their combat developments at the max and show in the moscow region one of the recent participants has been picking up the pace hoping to become a new world leader in the field beijing has only just finished a round of sea trials of its first camera heralding a new era for china's naval fleet meanwhile the u.s. accuses pakistan of providing chinese experts with access to a top secret u.s. helicopter dell and in the raid that killed osama bin laden well to talk more of china's military aspirations i'm not joined by author and forbes columnist gordon chang thanks very much indeed for joining us live in r.t. well as the u.s. and indeed other countries throughout the world are looking to curb that military spending thanks to the economic pressures at the moment china is bolstering its might why is it doing that oh china wants to project power of its new aircraft carrier for scientific research and training well of course it's not it's meant to
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try to countries in the region especially in the south china sea where china's claims the entire body of water is an internal chinese lake and of course china wants to project power not only southwards but northwards towards mongolia and russia they talk about the last territories clearly wants to get the use territories in a later day so it's threatening its neighbors but is it itself feeling threatened. well no country right now threatens china and that really is what is bothering the countries in the neighborhood and the united states because no country. war against fiji basically what's going on is there is this military buildup which really is the big sis in the world today and clearly you've got vietnam japan south korea india the united states all very concerned about what's going on i'm seriously thinking that china may well invade these areas you've been talking about. well
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clearly china would like to we we have out fighting but clearly we have seen some very belligerent tactics on the south china sea not only against the united states in march two thousand and nine but also against the vietnamese in june of this year and there have been a sort of incidents against the south koreans and the japanese coast guard so clearly china is willing to use the roughest tactics and so we should not rule that out in what direction do you see the chinese minute treat developing more technology base or perhaps concentrating more on land sea all forces almost all of the above its most recent white paper talked about information technology and cyber war also clearly they're putting money into their navy and to their air force the only laggard really is the army the army used to get almost all the money but now clearly china wants a big air force and a big navy so that's where
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a lot of the money is going into as well as strategic forces in other words nuclear capable missiles getting mixed messages about the chinese economy the moment clearly can't afford all of this kind of. well china has probably more debt than the united states you know the chinese like to lecture washington about the dollar china is to g.d.p. ratio is the least as bad as america's it's probably almost double and so clearly you have a country which is looks like greece but it's not talking about its so-called debt and when you add that hidden debt to be acknowledged in china probably has a debt to g.d.p. ratio of about one hundred fifty to one hundred sixty percent of the goal of greece for instance thinking of its massive population i suppose it can capitalize on its people by employing so many people within the military and therefore boosting the economies in some ways well clearly the military has become much more popular for college graduates because they have not been able really to find work quickly in the civilian economy so the people's liberation army will do and has actually done
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better on recruiting in the last three years what's this going to do with the relations between china and the u.s. . but eventually it's going to sour them even further before that it is going to really undermine chinese foreign policy because all the countries on the periphery in the south and the each are now very very concerned the only countries that are complaining are north korea and burma i do want to ask you you've written an intriguing book which concentrates on the future of china indeed its intitled the coming collapse of china can you explain briefly why you foresee a collapse of the communist party there in the country because i think almost everybody in chinese society believes that a one party system is no longer the communist party is becoming much more repressive it stays in power only through force and when the economy starts to stumble as it has in the last three months i think we're going to see very very
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significant changes in the very near future i'm going to see perhaps a revolution inspired by what has been seen in the likes of libya syria the so-called arab spring. yes i do see that and you can see the chinese people for instance in the big protests began the major city in china over the weekend you can see the rest of the chinese society not only do we have many more protests than we did in the past but they're becoming more violent we're seeing riots disturbances even minor insurrection this is not good and this is an indication of the instability in china itself which can also manifest itself in a more belligerent foreign policy of course much of what we've seen in the arab world and in north africa many say that there have been external forces that were could we say the same for china that there could be foreign pressures that were there behind the scenes not really i don't think you know most countries want to keep a healthy distance from china if they can no one's going to try to destabilize china
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the chinese people are doing a good enough job of that on their own and you know beijing likes to talk about foreign enemies but really china doesn't have foreign enemies the enemy right now basically is the chinese people who are becoming much more assertive much more defiant because they want more say in their lives gold and i could talk for another thirty minutes on this but we've got no time thanks very much indeed gordon chang the author of the coming collapse of china also a columnist for forbes dot com we really appreciate your time thanks a lot thank you. the two thousand and four tsunami in south asia took everything from many of the victims that lived along the coast of india recovering it's been next to impossible in some of resorted to sending the only thing they have left their body parts as this report. cala a room again is alone in her tiny empty apartment in chennai like many indians who struggle to make ends meet kala is constantly in debt despite selling pretty much
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everything she has including her own kidney. i went to a group he told me that i could sell my kidney i agreed because i was in a bad situation and my children were small we did not even have any food to eat when the two thousand and four tsunami hit the coast of south asia kala was one of hundreds of thousands of people who lost everything in order to get back on her feet she got a loan that she was later unable to repay. we had a lot of debt i had to borrow money to buy the fishing boat the people i borrowed money from started asking me for money they said they will come home and embarrass us if we didn't we pay the money desperate and vulnerable tsunami survivors soon became the perfect targets for the illegal organ trade in india it's become known as the red market every year one hundred thousand indians need organ replacements a demand that drives an illegal supply with some organs even being sold to
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a small percentage of desperate transplant tourists in one thousand nine hundred four the indian government hatched a law meant to regulate organ donation in this country each recipient was supposed to get an organ from a donor who was in some way known to even though each transplant was supposed to be approached by a committee of doctors it's almost impossible for anyone to stop money transactions from happening under the table in general when a recipient finds out that he or she needs an organ donation they normally approach friends or family for a match and when those options are exhausted rogue doctors or hospital staff can introduce the recipient to a broker usually a former illegal donor too who can scout nearby poor neighborhoods for someone who is willing to see. well their kidney and go under the knife. by good news for the most a part of it to this. is the law. doctors also done
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a blind eye to this happening to transplants from the donor to the recipient take place in the hospital simultaneously the donor ends up making a little over a thousand dollars while the brokers can profit almost double that. i went to the broker he said he will give me fifty thousand rupees for my kidney it was supposed to be much more but the broker cheated us donors also frequently are robbed of their health before i used to run around and work a lot but now i can do as much work as they used to i find it difficult even to leave the part of what i can go to work i have severe pain in my abdomen and my chest. and while horror stories of the red market are exchanged among locals those with no options left are forced to take extreme measures sacrificing their health just to stay alive preassure either party chennai india a recent report by the bureau of investigative journalist says u.s.
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drone strikes in pakistan have killed at least three hundred eighty five civilians almost half of them children washington's own estimates are much lower and as chris woods senior reporter the bureau told me earlier the cia getting in the way of a comprehensive investigation. minimum of three hundred eighty five civilians we think of as many as seven hundred seventy five civilians among those killed just to be clear the cia has now admitted that they have killed around fifty civilians in pakistan during the duration of the certainly years of the drone war but they say they haven't killed a civilian since may of last year and our evidence suggests entirely the contrary we were hearing rumors of u.s. officials in washington trying to cast aspersions on our study before it was even published and for example trying to link us to someone they were claiming was a spy in pakistan and also raising doubts about the validity of our research itself that we went back and looked at over two thousand individual media reports from
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pakistani u.s. u.k. international media looking at the strikes and then once we've actually untangled that process and got the clearest idea of what had taken place we don't cross reference with a host of material which included legal studies case notes of lawyers who are fighting cases on behalf of civilians in pakistan leaked intelligence documents us secret cables that were leaked by wiki leaks earlier this year and so on so we're trying to build up really as comprehensive a public view as we could of what's actually been taking place with the cia attacks . now let's update you on some other world headlines this hour at seven nearly nineteen minutes past the hour to france first and a full investigation has been opened into the international monetary fund's chief christine lagarde it's alleged that you had time as france's finance minister she approved a huge payment to a friend of president nicolas sarkozy that god denies misconduct and there is no suggestion she profited and their attorney doesn't believe the investigation will
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affect her role as i.m.f. chief. government tanks continue the siege of syria's port city attacking force and thousands of palestinian refugees from a camp four days of shelling has claimed at least thirty lives in. troops have been making house to house arrest officials have denied reports that gunboats joined troops in attempts to crush the uprising against president assad and human rights council plans an urgent meeting on the syrian bad. party's reporter is in syria by the way one of the few foreign journalists there and you can read her understanding of what's happening on our twitter feed and she has all the latest updates for you. it's.
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russia's president and prime minister took a little time off to mess about on the volga river. trip before a pleasant dip in the river photographer. brought along his underwater camera for a few aquatic snaps and finally the. casting for a spot of fishing and even enjoying some success. the summer of our main stories in just under ten minutes from now but first the classic . dog turn this year as riots and looting flared up across the country. what happened and why it's our exclusive interview next.
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he's written a book called the nation and is a frequent commentator on youth culture francis thanks for speaking to r.t. so what was your reaction to the riots and were you surprised i suppose i was shocked when i heard of happening in the near where i live but i was not surprised because i mean i think
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a lot of commentators have said that this sort of thing. has been waiting to happen for a number of years now why is that. i think it's complicated and i suppose you could isolate a few factors firstly we have a kind of run of disaffected socially disadvantaged young people in open areas for. maybe a couple of decades and they have become more and. become angry. divisions in society have got bigger. and they've become less frightened of the consequences of misbehavior because actually they've been getting away with this sort of behavior for many many years what about the education system is failing this generation i actually argue very forcefully not know that said
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education isn't everything as i've been hinting at you know once you've got the highly educated group of people who know that they're not there haven't got huge prospects then you've got even more of a problem than if they were totally uneducated we also know we have a small minority of very disaffected illiterate poor so the education system has done well and i think it's that mix it's a sort of toxic mix of the bright working class kids and. a group. people lake a manipulator perhaps raising educated or not though surely these kids should know that violence is not the answer people brought up in a context where they have a kind of conscience perhaps you wouldn't be doing this with a gee this is a one off or is the energy more to come the underlying rumbling kind of
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disaffection of your brewery that kind of affects all of us in the day to day level i don't think that's going to go away. for many years unless we kind of reorientate the prospects for a lot of these young people so could this spread to europe do you think i don't know i i personally not i mean i always say this in my your nation. you know french italian cultures so-called have a different kind of attitude to social behavior and it doesn't seem to be so much of a problem because of the way for example a treat things like alcohol which again we have mentioned alcohol in britain plays a huge role in the perpetuation of anti-social behavior and causes you know mass kind of problems throughout the u.k. every weekend what is it about british society then. the means your vicious flourishes and has it always been the case i mean i argue in the book how to mean
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our mascot in britain used to be john ball who was this drunken fierce sort of yeoman type character who would bash the foreignness a broad and that was a. cologne. and that's that was two hundred fifty years ago even people like david cameron were members of the thing called building society which actually actively encourages young men to get drunk and trash property. you know the deputy prime minister john prescott few years ago punch someone in the mouth or reined him posting actually was celebrated for. you know we have a kind of as a culture an attitude to violence we've always joined in whatever was going on you know we kind of quite an aggressive adversarial culture and that that really influences things as well it permeates into every level of our society the reaction in many parts of the country from communities to launch vigilante groups
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clearly they're angry and they want a heavy handed response is the answer i don't think the public are very well educated about how and why children come to do this so for example there's a lot of discussion around how parents should be teaching their children and you know disciplining them more is so much evidence and all my experience a teacher is that the children by their parents are the ones who are worst behaved you know and that just doesn't come out in the kind of general conversation and sort of knee jerk reaction you know we need to be much tougher when we know it doesn't work in the long run ok so what should we do then if we say see thirteen year old who walking down the street so we give him a hug i think again it's so much more. she should say hello building relationships with the community is very important this is something i've
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argued with you know quite strongly on the website and in my writing you know we have very socially segregated communities and socially segregated schools. where you have schools where all clean she come together where you have communities that actually know each other these sorts of problems are dealt with in a bit better fashion. thanks very much thank you. can hear dr swan. policeman's wives ministers why not just pray to god. if you didn't find me if i could slip through the night that i would get my kids out of here because i knew that what was going to happen was that he was going to kill me many victims don't understand that domestic violence includes verbal
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abuse psychological abuse physical abuse and sexual abuse at least four million women are affected by abuse every year those are my only two options that i saw at that moment either i'm going to kill him me in jail or he's going to. see. you see. if. you want to. see. the street still keeps its secrets.
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very warm welcome this is all in the russian capital with the twenty four hours a day top stories now but half past the hour france and germany proposed a single collective eurozone governments led by the e.u. president to steer the block out of its debt troubles. to oversee its decisions be implemented. in the world of aviation and scores of the latest jets performed breathtaking stunts at this year's. gruesome organ trade in india is on the rise with authorities accused of colluding with those illegally preying on poverty stricken people. the news continues in the next thirty minutes with thomas he'll be here at the top of the on the main.
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