tv [untitled] August 16, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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we have a talk here it is mitt romney rick perry michele bachmann. there's an elephant in the room and it happens to be the person who came very close to winning the ames straw poll so if we saw a popular with the public why is the mainstream media ignoring ron paul. if you post people are one or two paychecks away from losing now single and some people in california are even closer than that they're setting up camp on the sidewalk so with main street now out on the streets is the american dream fading away. plus the bus stops here president obama is rolling into midwestern towns but this tour comes with a lot of economic baggage like where all the jobs. and
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a mind of the gas income levels between the rich and poor are at an all time high in the u.s. so should we expect to see rioting in our own backyard or is it already here. it's tuesday august sixteenth eight pm in washington d.c. i'm christine frizz out there watching our team. well good evening i am fresh back from ames iowa where i covered last week's g.o.p. debate as well as the iowa straw poll to spend some quality time in middle america and also got a front row seat to some of the early campaigning that's going on for the republican primary to make some observations about what it looks like on the ground from where i stood the night of the debate standing on a grid overlooking the road where the candidates in the media come in a large group of supporters all for ron paul i ran into
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a couple college kids who said you know they had very little money but they drove in from missouri to show support another family who drove from vegas for the same reason and if you want any of the debate and heard the cheers in the audience you don't understand he has a following and many of them were pleasantly surprised to see he was asked a lot of questions in that fox news channel sponsored debate i thought ok maybe mainstream media is going to give him a fair shot even try to talk to ron paul about that afterwards looks like they paid more attention to you this time around. all right so ron paul not convinced but i've got to say the most astounding thing i saw with the straw poll itself each of the candidates it was laid out on the i was state university campus they each had a campaign bus or van and the tents would be a stage ron paul had an entire wing of iowa state university i took these photos that you see right now people decked out holding signs you saw that bus that was
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filled with supporters there this girl had a very fashionable dress i took a picture of her but just to give you an idea it was an enormous area on the campus and ron paul the rumble kid needed it there were so many supporters there. now they have did have bus loads of people come in they also spent money to have that real estate but they sewed up and they vote it out of the sixteen thousand eight hundred ninety two votes cast ron paul came in second place losing to michele bachmann i just one hundred fifty two but less than one percent but take a listen to how most of the mainstream media interpret. what based on what we know today the republican nominee for president is almost certainly going to be one of three candidates so michele bachmann rick perry or mitt romney we have a top here it is mitt romney rick perry michele bachmann guess what if you get video of syrup alun or get a sound bite from her brain dead back unless you can hold the ron paul stuff. i
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have gotten a ton of e-mail today from people saying look ron paul finished one hundred fifty two votes behind the shell bachmann to be instructed basically a dead heat why are we giving him his no well let me start with a certain question because it's easier to remember it was the latest or rather he's not going to be taking over united states libertarian he's not going to be elected we're not a libertarian country so what's the deal here the people are voting ron paul's views on everything from gold to ending the wars to closing down the federal reserve are starting to be adopted by more mainstream republicans his ideas have remained consistent and yet according to most of the people out there on the media he is on a lot well luckily the ron paul camp is still full speed ahead i want to leave you with us a snippet of ron paul's latest campaign. is still standing
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. still liberty. who can. restore america. i will say this no matter who the presidential nominee is the one thing he or she will be forced to talk about is a plan for jobs and the economy this is issue number one for so many americans many of whom have seen everything they've worked for slip away with economic disparity spreading across the country it's not just the poor losing their jobs and their homes it's also people who were once members of the middle class in some cases joblessness and the inability to pay rent has forced people to live in their cars or shelters or on the sidewalk argues ramon glynn though gives us a firsthand look at how this is impacting people in several cities across the golden state california. many americans who wind up living on the
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streets never thought their economic prosperity would eventually become economic ruin one moved here. from kevin payton describes his financial stability when he was working as an electrician in louisiana after being laid off so he headed west to san diego in search for work but payne has been able to land a job in this expensive city and within months and up on the street begging for change they say i'm overqualified. i'm overqualified. jobless and pain is not alone when it comes to formerly middle class americans able to find work and ending up on the street i used to be consistent but come a little hospital and elderly out of shame nina doesn't want to show her face on
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camera she's on bears about her financial situation she hasn't come clean to her relatives about how bad things have gotten she now sleeps on a mattress on the street corner it's a rough life made and tougher as police and force measures to push homeless people out of certain neighborhoods while there are signs for a vacant luxury condos right next door you can see the belongings of hundreds and thousands of homeless people who will not have a bed to sleep in tonight there are people all over the city in cars with more people finding high rents or mortgage payments impossible to pay sleeping in a car or motor home has become a widespread last resort they saw i mean not just sleep in. in my car. it was. angel who is also ashamed to show his face has been threatened by police for living in his
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pickup truck in venice california others have been arrested or ticketed for doing just that and we live in a city where people are one paycheck away from being homeless if you go down on skid row that's what you see people lost an apartment they wound up there and it becomes a cycle you can't get out of those trying to help the homeless sometimes are targeted by police as well this video shows that it's being arrested for handing out who to transients in orlando florida one of several american cities where people in the homeless is outlawed. most people are one or two paychecks away from losing now thing and that's just the truth nationwide the official unemployment rate is doggedly stuck at over nine percent many economists how reclaim the real figure is twice that with many no longer bothering to look for jobs a record forty million people are now on food stamps food pantries struggle to keep
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up with demand and if it weren't for these services who knows how many people might be on the streets. no one made them richer richer. as the government struggles to get its own financial house in order little thought seems to be given to the housing of americans across the country leaving many to wonder if scenes like these might be the new normal for america in los angeles. archie by his own ramones report many of these people literally living alongside the docks where some of the wealthiest residents keep their boats their yachts so they go deeper into the implications of this growing gap between the rich and poor earlier i spoke to richard ask our he's a senior fellow with a campaign for america's future i asked him how much of a role this income gap plays in the state of our economy. well an enormous
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role and an increasing role i think what we've seen over the last twenty to thirty years has been an enormous upward distribution of wealth not only to the top ten percent but to the top one percent and not only to the top one percent but the top point one percent and on and on and on so we have this enormous inverse period made of wealth where. huge amounts of money are controlled by the few and relatively small amounts not the many historically this has always been out of precursor of enormous instability of one kind or another but we are recklessly pursuing policies that will perpetuate that problem and make it even worse and that's the way it's looking right now so what do you think are some of the policies on that really stand out that we should be aware of. well right now we're seeing a situation where after ten years of tax policies that enormously benefit the wealthiest among us we have
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a situation where one political party is saying we will not raise taxes on these wealthy people no matter what and the other political party is saying gosh we want to work with you guys so what can we do so the president said yesterday for example that he was disappointed because the republican candidates for president indicated that they wouldn't accept a spending agreement that involved one increase in in tax dollars for a ten dollars in cuts and he thought that his comment on that was they don't seem willing to compromise well if we're moving toward a country as we appear to be where you have to cut nine dollars in services to the middle class and lower income americans in order to perhaps request a tax increase on for the wealthiest among us we're going to see an enormous sturrock lehi imbalance and inequality of income get even worse and that's a very unstable situation yeah right why would anyone change if what they're doing
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is working out for them i want to point out something that you wrote it just sticks out for me in terms of a comparison that you made between the u.s. and egypt egypt being thought of by most americans as being a corrupt country where you are right that riff executive can break the law without being punished increasing poverty and hardship even as the stock market rises and now a nation caught between a broken political system and a populist movement that could be hijacked by religious extremists at any moment and you also say that income inequality is actually greater here in the united states at the top a little bit on the comparison and answer to this why are americans then not on the streets protesting as we saw in egypt. well first of all obviously egypt is a poorer country to begin with so poor people in egypt are really struggling to survive and that's one reason but it's not the only reason people do reject
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inequality eventually and recoil at it in terms of why aren't americans out in the street you know it's a complicated question but people in great britain weren't out in the street until a couple weeks ago either so i think what you see often historically is a boiling point you know what we're seeing is a country our country that refuses to realize recognize the signs of impending trouble you know they they impose austerity economics in europe and those economies stagnate riots break out across europe they oppose austerity economics in great britain that economy goes into the tank and riots break out there and what are we talking about in this country how much more austerity economics we're going to impose here so i think you've got a mad situation where people aren't watching the danger signs and in fact even though they're headed towards a brick wall they seem determined to press down on the accelerator maybe for the short term economic gains or political gains i don't really know but i think you
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know i think there are warning signs all around us and that was richard ass down senior fellow with the campaign for america's future. often and obama is on the road heading up and then west to some of the smaller cities in town and hearing directly from the american people and we'll say that afterward seems like the on the fence talking about the debt ceiling the president is finally talking about the issue most people say he should be talking about jobs and the economy but for many in america talk is cheap specially when you're unemployed and there's nowhere left to turn earlier i spoke to rhonda taylor jobless herself and also an advocate for others that are in her suit that are known as the ninety nine herd i asked her i thought of our conversation by asking her a little bit about her background and exactly how long she's been out of work take a lesson. i've been out of. me i or my car or our march. or not we are my saving my life saving everything and i parked.
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in a group around. and i'm not alone a million other people. i'm not different in their so you're. part of the ninety nine ers people whose benefits have run out and it really is difficult for you i want to ask you president obama out on the road hearing from all kinds of people i really think it's fair to say that he is aware of the issue of unemployment in this country but what do you think he still may not fully understand in terms of what people like yourself are dealing with he doesn't understand that we've waited three years i've been on an around hundred and we why now all of an. election are we bringing up rhetoric that is going on in washington they. are not treating it like a crisis they're not dealing with it like they made up we didn't make or. we
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did create all that and job. they did that. and now they left no like right and protection that we don't. even with a job you will never recover we have. in this question not a discussion. has been going on for too long you just don't matter. and that's something that washington has not provided. and i think do you hear some of the same arguments you know i just came from the i was straw poll republican candidates out there on the stump. sounding some similar some similar arguments as you saying you know why why isn't the president creating jobs but do you think this is really something that the president has the power and the ability to do. i don't mind him or no job creation i blame him for not using his bully pulpit for the last three years to spout off and whining about why. not creating
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jobs here are big oh well we are in washington and he has not you understand real mainstream america i'm not a union member i mean there are millions just like me we're not organized we don't know how to run a boy to gather we don't have money back. there why are these guys in a town that need to run and i think it's really important to point out rhonda that you know a lot of people when they think of this recession and they see the foreclosed signs and they see you know people living in their cars a lot of times people who have jobs think well you know this is just the lower classes anyways you deal with a lot of people and you yourself were part of a middle class you don't have a job and how don't talk to me about what you think is missing in terms of the message that's getting out there about americans and your position. that it can be
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you it can happen to you or not and you think your job losing everything you own losing your or alarm those things are not. government didn't protect what makes you think they're going to protect you there's a reason why union jobs are being wrong we're not. going to be more we have not been able to produce and without us you know will be no recovery so earth didn't burst that we were burnt didn't question we should be addressed. get out there and . then so be it and demand out there and it will trickle up from there since the politicians here in washington and the president don't seem to be able to help you and i think it's an important please that you're making that you were hit first and probably the hardest the politicians in washington are just having
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a rough time with all the politics i guess that they're having to deal with so who else do you think should be stepping in here who else can save people like you. my neighbors my family my friends people that are unemployed are seeing it live with the shame because they've already been working members. they've never had to ask for help it's always been able to go now they're stuck in the article rather you're just lazy you're just a drug addict or sorry there's no money we can't help you and they're stuck in this role and it rears on somebody and their neighbors around them need to look out their own interest reach out how can i help you what can i do how can i speak up for you because together in the unity of america america was created because we left russia we didn't want to be a crock by our noble modern day noble isn't. it and lest we all stick
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together. rhonda taylor is an unemployed woman who's lost her benefits and also an advocate for other ninety nine er's. all one thing is clear the distressed economy across europe is having a direct impact on chaos and violence in the streets of many cities and we've been watching one of the last few weeks where we not only seen cars and buildings burned and people taking to the streets we've also even seen social networks and websites temporarily shut down for us don't want us to sort of spread it's a question or harmfulness the president asked people in the center of new york city times square here's what they have to say. is your neighborhood next week let's talk about that because it is very different because we are much interested in what's happening in our how was. private.
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public. barbaric and i think unfortunately around the country we have situations where people are disappointed with leadership and various parts of the world and they're rising up and trying to do something about it whether you're in the middle east in europe you know fortunately we have an arrest here in the states but i could totally see it. because in taiwan most people very. fine fine like they don't want to have this kind of thing happen but if they were angry enough about what was going on do you think that would push them to the limit . yes yes sometimes like a lot election time he was going crazy but not too far. but there were demonstrations in creation but they were peaceful there with the
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burn the flag or you know but they will break from the story so why are these british people doing that right now. it's always you know some people started for political reasons and. break and still you know. you know in the old days people when they came on hard times just worked a bit harder tried a bit harder you know sort of. look where everybody expects on the plate you know if you go back in the street and look at the hundreds for example you'll see many of the same comments in the newspapers published in. the street with this group running the same course. so what can we do to change it if anything. whether or not you think building can happen in your city the bottom line is the rise of social media and the growing disparity between social classes could be a recipe for violence anywhere.
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and you know it is we're thinking about even preparing for how our own neighborhoods would handle the anger turning into protests and we think about the cities hardest hit you really can't look past some of the cities in the state of michigan and reginald keibler is a libertarian video blogger and you too commentator if you've seen any of his stuff you know we have a strong opinion about a lot of things going on in politics and the economy and right now he lives in flint michigan. that's right and although you know i read something online lately that america's fourteen most ready to riot the number one was detroit i know the author calls detroit the poster child for what is wrong with american capitalism now you're not far from there you're about sixty miles away in flint michigan certainly your city has felt the effects of the shuttered factories and mass layoffs paint us a picture of the view from where you stand. are saying thank you for having the
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situation in france is very similar to detroit and that they were those cities that were once automotive manufacturing powerhouses they both had general motors ahead of chrysler plants they had factories that relied on the automotive industry ergo and we experience it the industrialization of america when a lot of jobs went overseas but we had a big economic downturn in both the cities and the cities both cities have been ever since the top of the violent crime list for many many years and i understand how that offer came to the conclusion that detroit is most likely to be a city that would riot because i did my own chart using a number of caliber i used her increased crime levels i used current property levels and history of violence and i to determine it is pretty obvious by the u.s. census or in actual f.b.i. statistics that detroit was pretty much the second most violent city and entire
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country only to my hometown plant this one actually has the highest level or property in terms of amount of their citizens living at or a low level probably it was somewhere around thirty or thirty five percent and of course before it has a history of rights and one of the most destructive riots in us city and cities and i and my team sixty seven i believe so when you look at the growing disparity between the rich and poor it's very very white we have twenty five point seven million people on from spams and according to the national foundation consumer credit assume credit counseling. sixty five to sixty seven percent of americans didn't have enough money to afford a one thousand dollars emergency expense wow guys i know i know they like you say probably fewer people would be surprised even to see you know protesting rioting around detroit or even flint but i know when you look across the ocean to europe
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and especially to london what we've seen in the last few weeks a lot of people were surprised at what they saw with the rioting with the looting. and i'm wondering you know it was interesting these two men in england twenty one and twenty two years old i think they were just sentenced to four years in jail for setting up a facebook page and encouraging a riot now they admitted to inciting disorder but their websites were quickly shut down so because there wasn't chaos and also the threat of violence loomed these kids will spend the rest of their early twenty's in jail pretty harsh for a country considered civilized i mean for years in jail for these kids in london what do you think about that but it is also a country that has cameras for its press is all over london so it's up there is in a lot of ways very authoritarian which you see and in london which we're seeing throughout europe in the u.s. is something that also believes a lot of writings like you want to support an economic situation but there is
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a general sense that there's two classes there's the wall street there are national bankers now you can see the same thing about the london games they're basically able to buy all the politicians and they can do whatever they want to do they can engage and brought this inning game out right the arena to belarus or whatever they can it would separate by the political system but if anybody anybody else over them do the slightest thing a hammer is dropped on an individual. were credible let's let's bring it back here you know not far from where i am in d.c. up. back of about thirty teenagers essentially a flash mob looted a seven eleven early sunday morning in germantown maryland now the video is the molars of what we saw and london with the god of control protests in the streets turning into to the looting but i'm wondering do you think that the scenes like what we're looking at now on the screen with these teenagers just going into the store taking everything because they basically overpowered the employees do you
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think this is something we write in or in this country absolutely we've seen this in chicago we've seen this in the southeastern part of the united states it was ensnaring and minnesota where a bunch of teenagers showed up and started to randomly attack individuals or white teenagers and i think right teenagers this is where you have the entire. class and you have a charter generation of people who really don't have that much to lose they rely upon the situation is worsening the realizing that the jobs are the most eligible and they're in these are viruses we're in the schools are filling them in some urban areas are half of the population half the actual students can't even speak fluently the money to litter so when you head out of this situation or people don't feel as though there is a lot for them to gain each year it was on the right opportunities you're going to see more of this and with us where we stand is that we all across the country.
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certainly when we take a look at some of the urban neighborhoods around the country it is i think you make a really good point that a lot of these people especially these young people don't have anywhere else to turn and they don't have a good school system or a job and and they are resorting to some scary things i really want to thank you for sharing. your thoughts with us us and pretty good videos i've seen a few of them and we appreciate you hope you'll come back on. and you very much for that was reginald cuddler libertarian video blogger and you tube commentator and that is going to do it for now but for more on the stories we covered go to our t.v. dot com slash usa also you can check out our you tube page we post most of our stories that address is you tube dot com slash r t america you can also follow me on twitter at frowsy i'm christine for south africa next. show.
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