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tv   [untitled]    August 16, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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well i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like please get think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and here's some other part of it and realize that everything is ok if you don't i'm sorry welcome to the big picture says. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right leg i think iraq the bombings even funny well.
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whenever the government says to her keep him safe get ready because you're going to lose your freedom. for. the first few.
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artist time for show and tell on tonight's program last time we spoke about the pentagon's claim that they knew the guy who shot down the helicopter in afghanistan that killed thirty u.s. service members if you believe a pentagon they really know who the guy was or was it all scott was that a producer producer for trees in a sense you to find out what you have to say. the u.s. military told us that they were able to hunt down and kill the insurgent who fired the shot that brought down a u.s. helicopter killing thirty american it paid afghan troops become on there are still some tough questions that still need to be answered first the military says it is not certain it was an r.p.g. that brought down the helicopter so how can you identify a man who pulled the trigger on an r.p.g. when you're not sure if an r.p.g. round actually hit the helicopter well the u.s. military said they found this man due to information provided by local civilians so what do we know about him what was his name what province was he from surely if the
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locals knew who had done this and where to find him someone had to know who he was right well we wanted to know do you believe that the u.s. really got the right man we're as you pointed out it looks it took them ten years to find a lot in here if they found out who shot the helicopter before the weekend well miles on the other hand said there is no reason for the u.s. to lie but west side said hell no don't believe them and told us show us the picture so it didn't happen then he has just how the bloody hell can they tell all your common stories a lot of questions one thing is for sure the media needs to question what the pentagon officials tell them not to accept it simply as truth just because it came out of the mouth of a u.s. official when a story of revenge for an act of war against the u.s. is dished out to the press everyone rushed to the be the first to break the news just flash journalism and message spreading through mainstream media without much thought. but how originated so the next time any government tells
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a story without supporting information it looks like it's up to you guys still keep asking the questions that most press never will and then decide for yourself who to believe. now is always thank you for your responses and here's our next question for you just spoke about some of the statements that we've heard from the g.o.p. presidential candidates so we want to know what your thoughts are do you think the g.o.p. front runners are more extreme than those we've seen in the past you can respond to us on facebook twitter and you tube and who knows your response just like me. now we've got an update on a story that we told you about yesterday hacktivist organisation anonymous organized operation barge to protest the unjust actions of the bay area transit cops over the past few years and last night it took. protesters made a mess of rochelle on san francisco's board train system yesterday for downtown stations had to be shut down the hacker group anonymous called for the demonstration after transit officials blocked so phone service during another
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approach us last week. now some are calling it a real life denial of service attack something anonymous usually does when conducting a cyber protest of a website or organization and this time around protesters were wearing the guy fawkes masks distributed excuse me disrupted commuters from boarding trains at the civic center montgomery palace three and our stations and well they shouted no justice no peace reports say that cell phone service remained on this time around the opposite of what happened last time the public attempted to protest the actions of our police and the i.c.c. is still investigating whether or not bart had the right to shot self-service in the first place however it could take some time to determine if they were in the wrong as declan mccullagh told me yesterday there's a lot to be sorted out. this isn't something we've seen before in the u.s. at least in my memory and in this is something new that egypt this is something which need it all the program or access to social networking sites or other forms
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of communication is maybe used to improve transparency and still this is something it's going to take people while to figure out that the f.c.c. is looking at it also included violates the first amendment except by only one year constitution which also provides even stronger free speech rights than the federal constitution does or be surprised if there weren't lawsuits here really. so all the f.c.c. tries to sort out the legality of the cell phone mess has become clear the people of san francisco are continuing to fight against police brutality and for their rights of free speech and assembly. now it's fact technology the internet it's changing the way we get arac with one another changing the way that we learn and changing the way that we remember last month a new study was released that show that thanks to the ability to have information available at our fingertips think google searches we some consciously start storing away as much data as we used to we now forget things that we're confident we can find on life and we're more likely to remember the things we think are unavailable
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online on top of that we're better able to remember where to find something on the internet but we are remembering the information itself so it's a reorganization of the way that we remember things doesn't mean that we're getting stupider or just more efficient now it's added this a recent study conducted by telegraph the lot of that our separation anxiety through our smartphones what would we give up in order to have our phone so he found that a third of our people surveyed were willing to give up sex for a week rather than go without their self up what in five people were willing to go without shoes rather than their cell phone and get ready for this one at twenty two percent of people said they would be willing to go a week without seeing their significant other rather than go without their phone so what does that say about our society and can we make ties between these two step. joined with the studio rescue in new york is betsy sparrow lead researcher and assistant professor at columbia university's department of psychology at the i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight and first we're going to start with your study here so google is making us remember things in
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a different way there are a lot of headlines out there said the google is making is done google is making a stupid do you think this is necessarily a negative thing. we don't know yet. research but i have just shown we're using google in the same way that we've always used other external memory systems like other people so we've always allowed other people to be responsible for certain types of information and we're just the internet is just a much more pervasive and ubiquitous. portal to other people and so we're allowing more memories to be stored externally from ourselves and we're getting really sophisticated at knowing where to find things. restoring what seems to be the essential thing in today's age i don't know yet if it's making us i don't know you know i don't know if people's grand store of memory is any less but i suspect is that people are becoming more specialized what they remember are we just you know i
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guess you could say the coming rely on certain forms of technology and you know could this be seen as an evolution of sorts mike masnick over kind of describe it or compare it to the fact that now we have talked to later so you have fewer people memorizing their multiplication tables because you know that at the end of the day you can depend on a calculator if you have to write i mean it's just like any other revolutionary you know when you when you look at the from the oral tradition to the written tradition and things like that people worried about what would happen people's memories and and the same thing is happening now that you know you know people you know think that oh no you know i don't remember phone numbers anymore votes not really a skill to remember a phone number you know brains chunk things and so automatically that's our working memory does it so if someone took away my smartphone to connect to your other story . for you know for a week or whatever i would remember numbers you know i would have because i would have to do is just that we don't we don't need to now so we can't we don't need to remember you know that actresses name anymore we can we can store it externally if
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it's something that's important to me you know something that you know i'm going to teach my students i want to you know i want to know because you know that's my profession and you know that will be something that i will continue to you know two or. so memory is much more than memorization and so that's what the next step will be the next several steps will be looking at you know how is memory changed and how might it be beneficial how might it not be. what has really changed all we really got now is just some preliminary data that show that we have organized what we encode in a different way so that we're remembering where and sort of what what you say you know this is preliminary data but would you go out as far as saying that perhaps we need to apply this to the way that we teach students because so much of today's education system is based on memorization right on doing so many tests have never actually. i never been a big fan of memorization myself that might be just because i'm not
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a very good at it so one of the things that i've noticed just i mean i teach myself and i've noticed that the students they want to just regurgitate back to me what i've told them you know they don't want to actually show that they understand it or they don't want to apply it to a new situation or something like that so i think that you know taking onus away from memorization could actually be a policy and that if you don't have to remember names and dates and all those other things that it might be possible that people are better able to remember the connections or better able to apply it to a new situation like i said before so you know the there might be so an unconscious memory trace and this is one thing i'm looking at so there might be still in what we call implicit memory so the if you ask people in a way that's not conscious of what they've learned might still be there and those connections will still be there and maybe maybe using them in a different way so that's one thing to look at in education was definitely interesting to think that you would know where to go going to google something and
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what web site may be on although you don't retain the information that's actually there so i don't know if that's another sign of becoming lazy or actually any kind of a critical thinking but let's go ahead sorry. i was going to say that i was actually pretty florida how well people remembered where to find things because i gave them a really impoverished folder names in the actual study and the trivia statements were really memorable so i found it pretty remarkable how well people remember it so i think it's even more than just doing a google search you know they're able to kind of go beyond that first layer and like really look for multiple sources. you know reliable sources for information and going beyond you know just a simple google search you know going into you know databases and stuff like that and being able to find things so i think it's obviously an adaptive skill you know to have now but really i just want to get this last question for you right out of time so that if we talk about this cellphone study could that be some of the reason that we have separation anxiety if people don't want to be away from their phone as
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because now they get so much information from their smartphones by being able to google so i think so i mean i know i know if i drop my phone in the toilet but a month ago. so i didn't have one for about a week unfortunately i got well fortunately i didn't have to give up sites or anything. so i didn't have my cell phone and it was it was hard not to get information as soon as i wanted it so i do think there is that aspect that we're we do have some you know there is action there are dependent on it you know we expect to find out things as soon as we want to and we don't we don't have that patients to look for to wait for information any more yeah and i definitely don't have that patients i hate when i don't have service and i can't access everything right then and there but i think you certainly have you know where you can just put it thank you. now still to come tonight he's an elected official but if you want to ask him a question you have to pony up fifteen bucks why not tonight full time award added happy hour a new campaign ad that promises world peace plus being fat pretty healthy i've got
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more than a month. to get up some go to see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here's you some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm charged welcome to the big picture. and yet though. fuck fuck fuck. fuck.
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let's get it we started right. i think even funny well. whenever the governor says they're safe get ready for freedom.
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hard surface night school time award and tonight it goes to congressman paul ryan it was constant republican is now charging it constituents to attend town hall meetings and yes you heard me correctly it's now going to cost you fifteen bucks to get your question answered by congressman ryan and paul ryan isn't the only lawmaker to charge voters for these town hall meetings it's actually a growing trend lawmakers are now hiring a third party firms to organize the events back in their districts when they're home so the event planner then charges an entrance fee with the promise of getting your question answered i'm sorry but whatever to free democracy what's next they're going to charge you to vote and i think we all know why congress members are starting to charge these events they're hoping to keep angry voters out in recent years so we've seen video clips posted online really pissed off voters are getting
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a wee bit testy with their lawmakers and congressman paul ryan is not immune to the outrage earlier this year after his plan to end medicare and replace it with a voucher system was voted on in congress i should say that a lot of wisconsin voters were unhappy. you want to take a publicly administered program such as medicare and turn it over to a private corporation tell me how my gramma's going to benefit from that you should bear. the risk in the older lead to take on the insurance companies when we can so you go yes so it's up at least right so. you'll know anything about medicare what you know what i'm driving it when i look at your pleasure as you cutting the things that that i agree with incredible progress i don't cross the board cuts with the military. all right so just a few months after being called a liar and congressman ryan is only taking questions from voters for a price i barely the congressman doesn't understand that he works for the voters
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they pay his salary but what's really interesting about this pay per view move so far only applies to republican congressman politico says the republicans ben quayle and private are also guilty of pay that's actually really be surprised the g.o.p. agenda has obviously have privatized privatized privatized or privatizing democracy this seems like the next logical step but you remember back to the summer of two thousand and nine that's when town hall meetings were getting ugly over health care reform and it was the democrats were facing angry voters. shots from the health care debate in michigan. where. it's. coming by faking it in georgia they've decided that we're just stupid you and congress have a cadillac health care plan. well after that one the democrats didn't start charging now hauls so i think this time congressman paul ryan to spell a g.o.p. lawmakers get it through their head it is time that they do that american citizens
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we the people we pay your salary we should not on top of that have to pay to ask you a question you work for us plain and simple so for charging its constituents asking a question argus and paul ryan it wins tonight's tools i'm bored. ok it's time for happy hour this evening and joining me tonight as our team producer jenny churchill and a pretty fair senior communications strategist with new media strategies thanks for joining me guys thanks for that well we are speaking about it's presidential candidate and. ron paul has a new ad out there now course yesterday we speaking on the cell and happy hour about whether ron paul wasn't getting enough attention from the media i mean he did come in second from the straw poll in ames and yet everybody kind of glossed over
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him was acting like mitt romney and michele bachmann and rick perry are the only ones worth talking about well maybe people will get talking after they look at this new ad is. it's the story of a lost city lost opportunity. still the stories of the city's seal. the story you're smiling too she. says she said. to be sure. to. see. spoke. to the. principal. there's still. a pretty. good. restore america
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now. i'm going to go out on a limb and say that's probably the most epic campaign ad i've ever seen about you guys. announcement but it was actually pretty epic i would say yes and this is the morning i could never get out well i mean this one really kind of addresses the issues head on i mean. you also did you know actually you know i read the script of it and i thought oh that's a little bit over the top you know this is this is still over the top but it's a pretty good music to bring these i mean you know i mean like this is clearly the second coming of jesus he is the messiah and you know i think up played really good with libertarians because from others it's a weird kind of courting and crush him where it is like we're had formulation but he wants to go to the end of rand is in your heart substantial portion of america so i think that's my point all of that ron paul is treated like a bit of a god figure in the entire libertarian movement at least from what it seems like
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well it's interesting you should use the phrase a bit of a god in fact that's the phrase that was used to describe barack obama when he was running for president i'm glad that you brought this up in fact the adult. tree really i mean if you're going to hear it let's talk about obama who is a guy who's been during the recent years can you know i mean. i suppose you're missing a plate i know that we've. been saying that like ron paul has the most hardcore supporters right that's something that has been acknowledged by everyone out there as they are dedicated they're hard core as they are calling him to the edge you're calling you're calling the. points and they're in this ad about the fact that he has stood by his word which is what makes him such an interesting politician such an interesting candidate candidate is that he hasn't changed his stance five million times and flip flop i lean times like every other politician out there over the last thirty years the one that can bring peace i'm sorry right we all hope for world peace to say you're the only one that can bring it along so this is a little much but what i'm. saying learned not to. accept campaign promise
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now you know i know we'll. get you know clinton clinton got the same treatment as he was he was a sensation when he was first running and then we all realize just how he was and i think that we're all realizing this about obama and i think that the funny thing about republicans is that nobody ever gets that kind of choked up about republican candidates even republicans don't really i mean people are grinning and bearing it with mccain for instance i mean nobody that he's already granted it's maybe sucked i am sorry you look at john mccain he wanted people to get choked up and be excited that that might be the president of the country you got to be kidding me. kerry is any better. kerry was a boring candidate you know i totally agree with that al gore people but people like you charismatic him it's people like that's why they like george w. bush that's why they like me i hear you they're not actually i've always liked be charismatic when you can have an ad that's like an a hollywood trailer like simple empty most boring person on the planet i shouted here of all botching has an hour if i told you you need to do more ads running at
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a time that very quickly actually the pay pal founder. peter thiel is giving one point two five billion dollars to initiative to create floating libertarian countries in. international waters when you go live on a well i'm just curious as to whether we're on cold run for president of the libertarian country would even have to run i feel you would be annoying to he would be you know answer the question and also i think it's obvious that the reason cruise ship is going to take everyone there is no. reason that com has a cruise every year all right let's move on to something that paul krugman that was saying today when it comes obviously his idea of how to stimulate the economy what we need to get back on track. interesting i think. if we if we discovered that space aliens were planning to attack and we needed a massive buildup to counter the space alien threat and really it's lation on budget that's just took secondary place to that. this slump would be over in eighteen months. ok i mean obviously equipment isn't feeling right out there that
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argues for the fact that right we need to stimulate the economy you need to pour more money into it but at the same time kirkman now is advocating for some kind of a war in order to stimulate by kind of economy and aliens attacking who the hell knows but there were also in endless war and we've been pumping money into defense for the last ten years and that hasn't quite worked so i just i'm just so long this is like he's searching high and he's seen independence day and somebody to take you away from it just put it i mean blue to be raised to see it on blue ray now to be fair i think the best losses in life can be learned from the twilight zone so i mean i do admire him i wake up every morning like oh my gosh is everyone going to be ugly today it was i didn't say by the way is one of the greatest movies ever. how did that impact romantic advice for you did you feel like this was going to do you think it was going to make much of a difference. i think so. let's
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move on through there comes another study that may prove this woman wrong. i'm the one with the funny story if. you. are you were you were. if you can if you go i know it's going to chase you are you. ok that's doing like all those seen from the biggest loser and this woman is a she's tough but that's how she's made her entire career but it's basically the show is really emotional life movement of us a couple episodes and stuff there and you really get into it these people are trying to lose weight and change their lives they don't die but now comes a new study that says not everyone who is obese needs to lose weight it's possible to carry extra pounds and still be healthy. if this is going to ruin her career i mean we've got guys on the program to come on and talk about why every single study can't be listened to because of the most part they're all crap this so you've been rumored over the study people are going to be like oh you know what i totally love
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being fat screw it how many people are going to use this to fight against michelle obama's fight against obesity. those of you watching at home we are the pretty television people that are telling you about. whether or not one pigs but of the other yeah. i like to think you are very very p.c. the laws are not so easy i mean if you think you know you think that's an old fart right is not here is certain about overweight this study is ridiculous because it's saying if you happen to be one of the obese people who do not suffer from the entire list of illnesses that obesity makes more likely then you're one of the chosen few and you will not die from any of those illnesses this is why i wouldn't go to the saudis are you guys i don't know i got her thanks for joining me that's it for nights out thanks for tuning in and making a comeback tomorrow an experience with a young person back on the trail. because become a fan of the lower show on facebook and follow us on twitter if you missed any of
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