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tv   [untitled]    August 17, 2011 12:01am-12:31am EDT

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well it was revealed that britain was prepared to use harsh interrogation if the potential information that was gained was considered important enough while that's led to human rights groups are boycotting the inquiry saying it lacks credibility as war emmet reports. walking a tightrope of pain versus gain it's emerged that's how britain security agencies were encouraged to decide when to talk terrorist suspects. was held by graham in afghanistan and in guantanamo bay between two thousand and two and two thousand and five he says he was tortured and accuses the u.k. of being complicit in that torture only now is the level of the official complicity being revealed we and i am completely one hundred percent sure that i would not have gone to guantanamo or to back room not been could be involvement of british intelligence services i spoke to british intelligence offices quite regularly.
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and they were physically present when i was being abused they saw. me they saw my according to policy documents seen by the guardian newspaper senior m i five and m i six agents were asked to weigh up the quality of information they might obtain with the level of mistreatment a prisoner would suffer and if it was worth it to go ahead amnesty international says there's a mounting pile of credible evidence on the extent to which britain was involved in torture. where security services officials were sending questions receiving information participating interrogations in situations where they either knew or ought to have known that he was being tortured or otherwise mistreated garcia was youth rendition flights and there's this sort of you know every week or every month there's a new allegation or new piece of evidence yet. a document that's been hidden for
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a very long time that's just been released that shows that there was you know perhaps circumstances in which ministers were very senior officials authorized agents to participate in an situation where it was more likely than not that torture would occur there's a police investigation into torture allegations under way and as soon as that's finished an inquiry will begin but it's already come under fire the policy on interrogation and all the relevant documents may not be made public which is good human rights groups so much that they've refused to give evidence or go to inquiry meetings there's also control to see about the chair of the investigation so peta gibson used to be the intelligence services commissioner the government doesn't see a conflict of interest there but many m.p.'s do i think there are a number of issues with the torture inquiry the first thing is we have to have confidence that the judge presiding is not somebody who has been heavily involved with the secret service in the future in the past and i think on that point it
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fails powerful people including tony blair jack straw and david miliband have refused to reveal whether they knew the policy led to a number of people being tortured but the ministers and agents who wrote it knew the public would be outraged according to the guardian it includes warnings that if it got out the policy could lead to increased radicalization. agrees it's true anybody would get radicalized if you hear about the types of torture that took place however when the government said that they will hold to account those people who were involved in torture and we take them for the word and if the government then goes against that and so we'll have this session this. session about complicity in torture this inquiry but it's going to be in secret and you won't get to see it and you won't get to see those people involved in your torture and then people will lose. any. supporting any idea that the government is
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actually going to try to. carry out justice many fear the inquiry set to begin shortly will be ineffective and that a second one will be necessary at vast expense but there's also concern that creeping revelations about just how complicit the u.k. has been in torture and extraordinary rendition will lead to further radicalize ation whatever happens it's clear we haven't heard the last of britain's involvement in torture your and. billions of dollars worth of aircraft sales all likely to be into over the next few days at an airstrip in a moscow as the international air show takes off for its second day one of the biggest crowd puller this year is the veiling of a new russian stealth fighter the t. fifty military orders are expected to make up the bulk of sales but high flying developments in civil aviation are also want to show parties tom barton reports of a new russian jet that's hoping to break through the boeing and airbus to wobbly
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with a plane that's kind to the planet that cheaper to run. this is the new russian aviation it's called the in this twenty but it's trying to do is an airline in the twenty first century there's a lot riding on the fate of this plane it represents the efforts of a russian aircraft industry that so far failed to break into international markets and it will have to be as modern as it says it is to survive the competition. there's a short to mid range passenger jet it will be going up against the likes of boeing seven three seven an airbus has a three twenty both well established planes its makers are fully aware of the challenge ahead we understand they will not we're not for us on this market. market for what we hope we will hobson for our whole market.
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we'll see. they're confident the m s twenty one will be able to technically match its competitors with a third of it built like complicite materials and a totally new air frame it will save on that crucial substance field in the one for she is to present a bus number in. approximately fifteen percent or so of course operation of course . but the ennis twenty one also follows the earlier sukhoi superjet as one of the first russian airliners built in years the efforts are being led by the united and craft corporation which is trying to make russian plane companies work together like campuses done in europe we used to engineer or so engineers capacity from suporn company to court soon to go to political illusion it's early days yet but with a wealth of aeronautical engineering experience from soviet times hopes are flying
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high that the m.s. twenty one will put a new generation of russian airliners up in the clouds tom boston. l r t is at the max two thousand and eleven throughout the week to bring you the best of moscow's jet powered their show. hands. closer. every single approach. shape our future flights try hard to take to the max air show. meanwhile it china is taking its military might to a new level finishing a round of trials of its first ever aircraft carrier although building the future is carriers fleet will take time beijing is already heralding a new chapter for the country's naval fleet gordon chang from forbes business magazine says its neighbors need to keep
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a close eye on what's happening he said that its new aircraft carrier is for scientific research and training well of course it's not it's meant to try to intimidate countries in the region especially in the south china sea where china is claims the entire body of water as an internal chinese lake and of course china wants to project power not only southwards but northwards towards mongolia and russia they talk about the last territories clearly beijing wants to get the use territories in a later date but no country right now threatens china and that really is what is bothering the countries in the neighborhood and the united states and basically what's going on is this is the military buildup which really is the big some of this is in the world today it is most recent why your favorite talk about information technology and cyber war also clearly they're putting money into their navy and to their air force the only laggard really is the army the army used to get almost all the money but now clearly china wants a big air force and
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a big navy so that's where a lot of the money is going into as well as strategic forces in other words nuclear capable missiles well china has probably more than the united states you know the chinese like to lecture washington about the dollar it is to g.d.p. ratio is that at least as bad as america's it's probably almost double and when you add that hidden to be acknowledged in china probably has a debt to g.d.p. ratio of one hundred fifty to one hundred sixty percent nearly the military has become much more popular for college graduates because they have not been able really to find work in the civilian economy so people's immersion. will do and has actually done better on recruiting in the last three years eventually it is going to really undermine chinese foreign policy because all the countries on the periphery in the south and the are now very very concerned the only countries that are complaining are north korea and burma. and in
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a few minutes we'll update you on the worst oil spill in decades in british waters well shell says it's under control but green groups are convinced with the crude gushing into the sea for six days. well europe's nations are on the verge of blurring into one financially at least with germany and france calling for economic harmony across the euro zone where growth griding grinding to a halt and countries are struggling to stay afloat the big players they could be answer is to force mandatory budgets onto member states but as our europe correspondent daniel bushell explains surrendering sovereignty is not what people want. the key decision is they have announced a single united eurozone government they also announced the corporation takes to unite the corporation taxes of germany and france so we're moving slowly towards a fiscal union which is what many had predicted but of course this one small problem which is the people of europe have been asked. the president of france
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faces an election next year where he's already trailing behind his rivals and suspected this may make him even more unpopular because the people of europe haven't been asked but in polls in opinion polls they say that they don't want it the european integration angle or merkel the chancellor of germany says they showed great courage to do this and they dismissed the use of euro bourne's which many have said would be the solution agreed eventually they said the euro bonds are not a miracle they're not a cure and france and germany won't guarantee other countries did so they refused to bail out the rising problems in countries like italy and spain they also denounced the rumors and speculation and said they'd fight against this. that they say are trying to bring down the euro a tax on financial transactions was also announced. that the purpose was to
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harmonize economies and taxes across europe so a very wide range of proposals on offer here well investors have been left mostly unimpressed by chancellor merkel's our president sarkozy's plan as they expected more doctor she had as a professor of business and international affairs says the decisions are political and not. unfortunately this is not going to make much difference for the ongoing crisis all the news that came out of this press conference was quite negative for the market the most negative i believe was the fact that it was announced that the european fund stabilization facility the bailout fund for the european euro zone members will not be expanded and they believe it enough as it is for the moment the second thing there's no common euro bond that is going to be issued and there were very clear about this in the markets we're not expecting this other bad news for the market was that taxation is going to go up especially in terms of corporate
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taxation more harmonization and then down the road they also want countries to have a balanced budget so the european leaders unfortunately have done it again they haven't really addressed the markets needs for clear concise action but what they are doing instead is looking at the long term political solution to this dilemma that they have it doesn't seem that they understand the markets seriousness about what's going on no one is asking the taxpayers to pay another bailout instead they're using the european central bank as a mechanism to buy the bonds for italy and spain what most europeans don't understand is down the road when the greeks cannot pay their money back it will be the taxpayers from germany and from france that will end up paying for these bonds down the road the bad news is that we're not going to see any growth and i think everybody understands that and with that joblessness will not get any better and
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not any time soon. now iran is welcoming russia's latest proposal for restarting international talks on terror on disputed nuclear program well under the proposal major powers will reduce sanctions against iran for each step it takes towards opening its atomic ambitions to international inspection president ahmadinejad appraise the initiative at a meeting with russia's chief security official in tehran well iran is out loggerheads with world powers over its nuclear aspirations the latest round of talks stalled in january without agreement and ways to renew the negotiations will also be on the table when russia's foreign minister meets his rainy and counterpart in moscow later on wednesday. but the oil firm shell is struggling to plug a second leak at one of its north sea platforms the company was forced to admit it's responsible for the worst spill in british waters for more than a decade about thirteen hundred barrels have leaked so far well the company says the first piper upcher is now under control and the flow of oil into the sea is now
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down to two barrels a day green groups sounded the alarm that there will be big consequences for the environment shell that eventually came clean. as an energy analyst environmental or from the environmental organization bought for says that a lack of transparency calls into question the seriousness with which the company is treating the incident. what's important is that the u.k. government has been rather small in claiming that it's regulatory breasts. and resilience against the constant support have been there for that super last year however this particular spill calls for those question it's a particular sense to the period of the year for breeding. program if. there was one point in that it's difficult to work
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in the certainly the prayers of all the moving growth. we also know that shows using this for highly controversial. on the uses of questionable people. or into smaller boats in a more difficult for. proper ocean staunchly. government and even so those stairs to climb in the pool don't have adequate information coming from shore certainly insurers and public at large are still in the broke about a lot of. very small bits of information and there's been no official statements coming from and you see more. members of the company. or the directors which there's call into question susan is through the company. well head online for more of the news we're covering here and let me run you through some of the reports lined up right now at our dot com be
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a stronghold and stay alive by selling your own organs the grim reality for poverty stricken indians who are preyed on by the illegal bodyparts market. was selling to siberia through star wars a movie fan asks the russian president to want a giant statue of r two d two to highlight the region's techno progress all that story at r.t. dot com boss you can find all our video reports on our you tube channel. to. the.
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well now let's look at some other world news in brief this hour syria's state news agency says the army is really drawing from the eastern city of. clearing what it calls armed terrorists the military crackdown on protesters shows little sign of slowing security forces reportedly opened fire on thousands who gathered in various cities calling for president assad to go he will rise activists claim that over eighteen hundred people have been killed since the uprising ruptured in mid march. and one of india's most prominent anti corruption campaigners has been arrested after he began a hunger strike to demand tougher anti corruption laws in the country thousands of his supporters were also detained by security forces notorious said the rest were because the protesters had not obeyed the police conditions for the demonstration. yemen's president is vowing to return to his country two months after leaving spurs
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saudi arabia to be treated for injuries after his palace compound was attacked well yemen's been torn by six months of mass street protests calling for president saleh to be ousted and there are fears his return might spark a civil war the u.s. has frequently urged him to quit over concerns of a renewed conflict could encourage the yemen based wing of al qaida. now an investigative journalist report says u.s. drone strikes in pakistan have killed at least three hundred eighty five civilians almost half of them children and washington is refusing to pull back on its aggressive military campaign against al qaida and chris was from the group which studied the deaths says american officials are getting in the way of comprehensive research on the killing innocent people. a minimum of three hundred eighty five civilians we think and as many as seven hundred seventy five civilians are among those killed just to be clear the cia has now admitted that they have killed around fifty civilians in pakistan during the duration of the seven years of the drone war
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but they say they haven't killed a civilian since may of last year and our evidence suggests entirely the contrary we were hearing rumors of u.s. officials in washington trying to cast aspersions on our study before it was even published and for example trying to link us to someone they were claiming was a spy in pakistan and also raising doubts about the validity of our research itself we went back and looked at over two thousand individual media reports from pakistani us u.k. international media looking at the strikes and then once we've actually untangled that process and got the clearest idea of what had taken place we don't cross reference with a host of material which included legal studies case notes of lawyers who are fighting cases behalf of civilians in pakistan leaked intelligence documents us secret cables that were leaked by wiki leaks earlier this year and so on so we're
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trying to build up really as comprehensive a public view as we could of what's actually been taking place with the cia attacks all in a few minutes we talked to the prime minister of cossey i wish you gained independence from georgia along with south such as three years ago but first the latest business news with dmitri. thanks tess and we start with business at high altitude in the moscow region the international ash i'm seeing dozens of new deals being struck the town thinking of as examples. this is set to be a record breaking year for mocks with more people than ever are calming to the show while the spectators at the myers it's acknowledge it and gasp at the aerobatics display teams there's also plenty of serious business taking place the russian market is expected to grow rapidly boeing says potential of one hundred ten billion dollars over the next twenty years and says it's ready to invest heavily to build
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on its position here over the next thirty years we expect it to invest about twenty seven billion u.s. dollars here and russia about eighteen billion dollars in the titanium five billion dollars you know engineering support and expertise in about four billion dollars in other ventures a number of deals have already been announced bad boss has agreed to sell eight a three hundred twenty jets to russian allied trans they're all with a catalog price over seven hundred twenty million dollars russian made ad craft also selling well sukhoi has agreed to sell twelve over its super jets to indonesian airlines almost four hundred million and following the success of the plane its parent company united aircraft corporation has announced a bold new plan to build a long range aircraft this would be in direct competition with planes from boeing ounds ab os and it expects to start production in twenty. percent of the report and
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so i go to the markets now we start with commodities crude prices are rising slightly ahead of us and true reports which are expected to show a decline in reserve so brant crude is trading at one hundred nine dollars per barrel light sweet to. eighty seven let me correct myself asian shares are trading mixed this morning saying is gaining around one percent while the next day's news in it was sent fresh concerns about the european economy and weighing on the best of sentiment following disappointing pools in the euro zone and german growth and force financials of the first. it is also under pressure with the losses accelerates in order make is so you. will start trading in around two hours time is the closing picture for tuesday for you both of the indices and the previous trading session you are saying one point four percent my stocks almost two percent. russian equities dropped after many rally on monday.
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believes this trend will continue for the rest of this week we're likely to continue seeing losses across markets today and throughout the rest of this week and perhaps a couple of weeks to come that's because there are still issues which are quite substantial on the table that have no resolution as we see it now from that we can conclude that perhaps we should be trading currently around the levels of the summer of two thousand and ten the june july august levels which were the two levels if we talk about the u.s. markets or the russian markets we're talking about ten fifteen percent downside from here and that's when in my view we will be able to talk about a potential rally potential bargains to be picked up as markets move to the bottom and to the fair level where they could switch into two thousand and twelve figures for the price and the slower growth than we all expected and then look into a value place perhaps. the russian currency has been having
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a tough time in the recent wave of market turmoil however give us love in a civilian from bush believes the ruble has the muscle to recover all that would be quick. there is scope for the will to recover and given the fact that oil prices so far are quite resilient to what we're seeing in the markets is that people are still very cautious and taking on risk and even though the. current levels does look cheap. does saw for significant value at the same time of the fact that the risk levels are elevated across the board across the world economy that i think will act as a deterrent to the very fast recovery in the world but i think this recovery will take some time. back with no place in fifty minutes time tasa is next with the headlines.
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to. the feel that if. i am to it.
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if it's. ok whatever. to st still keeps its secrets it's time to reveal the full soviet files on the a. committee. to lose to just say. it's. just sick to pick
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a and. it can hear dr swipes policeman's wives and ministers why yes i just pray that if you didn't find me if i could slip through the night that i would get my kids out of here because i knew that what was going to happen was that he was going to kill me many victims don't understand that domestic violence includes verbal abuse psychological abuse physical abuse and sexual abuse. at least four million women are affected by abuse every year those are only two options i saw that movie either i'm going to kill you. or he's going to kill me.
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welcome back here's a recap of the main stories we're covering today on our t.v. human rights groups are shunning the u.k.'s probe into torturing prisoners overseas that's after details surface about britain secret policy of using extreme measures if it uncovered information considered valuable enough. to set go what moscow's international air show as a global buyers and fly. for the best that aviation costs wall for billions of dollars of sales are expected for both military and the sigil going to. china tests its first aircraft carrier as it beefs up its military machine it will take several years to fully equipped the vessel but. it's already entering.


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