tv [untitled] August 17, 2011 6:01am-6:31am EDT
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or malcolm to you live from our headquarters in central moscow you're watching r t with me and he said now it's two pm here in the russian capital eleven am in london and an imminent british inquiry into its agents use of torture overseas has been slammed before it's had a chance to get started it was revealed that britain was prepared to use harsh interrogation if the potential information that was gained was considered important enough that's what human rights groups boycott the inquiry saying it lacks credibility as more emmett now reports. walking a tightrope of pain versus gain it's emerged that's how britain security agencies were encouraged to decide when to talk to terrorist suspects. was held by graham in afghanistan and in guantanamo bay between two thousand and two and two thousand and
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five he says he was tortured and accuses the u.k. of being complicit in that torture only now is the level of the official complicity being revealed i am completely one hundred cent sure but i would not have gone to guantanamo or to back room had it not been could be involvement of british intelligence services i spoke to british intelligence officers quite regularly in rome and. they were physically present when i was being abused they saw my hands and my legs. with me they saw my according to policy documents seen by the guardian newspaper senior m i five and m i six agents were all still way up the quality of information they might obtain with the level of mistreatment a prisoner would suffer and if it was worth it to go ahead amnesty international says there's a mounting pile of credible evidence on the. extent to which britain was involved
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in torture as the document that's been hidden for a very long time has just been released that shows that there was you know perhaps circumstances in which. you know. very senior officials authorized to participate in an situation where it was more like for the not the torture would occur there's a police investigation into torture allegations under way and as soon as that's finished an inquiry will begin but it's already come under fire the policy on interrogation and all the relevant documents may not be made public which is good human rights groups so much that they've refused to give evidence or go to inquiry meetings there's also control to see about the chair of the investigation so peta gibson used to be the intelligence services commissioner the government doesn't see a conflict of interest but many m.p.'s do have confidence that the judge presiding is not somebody who has been heavily involved with the secret service in the future
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in the past and i think on that point it powerful people including tony blair jack straw and david miliband have refused to reveal whether they knew the policy led to a number of people being told that the minister is an agent. public would be outraged according to the guardian it includes warnings that if it got out the policy could lead to increased radicalization. agrees it's true anybody would get radicalized if you hear about the types of torture that took place however when the government said that they will hold to account those people involved in torture and we take them for the wood and if the government goes against that and when i have this inquiry but it's going to be in secret you won't get to see those people involved in your torture then people will lose. any support any idea that the government is actually going to try to him. just as many
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fear the inquiries set to begin shortly will be ineffective and that a second one will be necessary out vost expense but there's also concern that creeping revelations about just how complicit the u.k. has been in torture and extraordinary rendition will lead to further radicalize ation whatever happens it's clear we haven't heard the last of britain's involvement in torture your and it's all it's he. well billions of dollars worth of aircraft cells are likely to be into over the next few days of an airstrip here in moscow as the international air show takes off for the second day it's already proving to be quite a sight on the ground and in the air with over one hundred planes to take part in a skyline showcase as are to his worst reports. he is live for the next few days of the two thousand and eleven max air show i'm
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with captain patrick parrish nice to meet you sir nice to me pleasure you are a captain in the u.s. air force that's right and what are you doing here in russia well we're out here to basically meet the russian people and meet some other members of military and show your friends but also there are some fair excitement as we were saying earlier about the new t. fifty the new sukhoi what the expectations were basically we're just really excited to see the show they put on yes i know that it's going to be like all the other. fascinating t.v. fifty is going to put on some serious maneuvers now your captain and you pilot a ten warthog. it's really our first gatling gun on the front what size of the shells that comes out of that machine gun in the front it's a seven barrel thirty millimeter galland gun and shoots are about eleven hundred fifty rounds totals will be carried at a rate of about seventy rounds a second so i suspect that's a savage piece of equipment isn't it is i know have you have you seen him do you see the enemy in any war zones or anything like that it's been utilized. as you
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know right now so we shoot it often even in training just to stay current with him but have you seen any any any time with it in afghanistan or iraq i have and it's an effective machine isn't it it is a ten warthog it's got a reputation all into itself and we have to have f. sixteen s here we have american f. twenty two years or twenty two so just the f. fifteen s sixteen soon that we have k.c. ten c. one thirty s b fifty two thank you very much for your time and i'll be like you very excited to see the debut of the t.v. fifty sukhoi superjet answer thanks very much you're welcome all right now let's turn over to my colleague tom barton he has a story about the new russian passengers that is going to become one force to be reckoned with in the civilian a passenger market his party's top. this is one of the new hopes of russian aviation. it's called the n s twenty one and it's talented as an airline of the twenty first century there's a lot riding on the fate of this plane it represents the efforts of a russian aircraft industry that so far failed to break into international markets
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and it will have to be as modern as it says it is to survive the competition. as a sort to mid-range passenger jet it will be going up against the likes of boeing seven three seven and airbus is a three twenty both well established planes its makers are fully aware of the challenge ahead we understand they were not we're not terrorists on these markets. market fifty five but we hope we will have. for our whole market. we'll see. they're confident the m s twenty one will be able to technically match its competitors with a third of it built like complicite materials and totally us it will save on that crucial substance field. want to see is to present some. approximately fifteen percent of course operational course. but the image twenty
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one also follows the earlier sukhoi superjet as one of the first russian airliners built in years the efforts are being led by the united and craft corporation which is trying to make russian plane companies work together like airbus has done in europe we use engineers engineers capacity from suporn own party who can see where to go to political solution it's early days yet but with a wealth of aeronautical engineering experience from soviet times hopes of flying high the m.s. twenty one will put a new generation of russian airliners in the clouds tom boston tea. party is at the max twenty eleven throughout the week to bring you the best of moscow's jet powered air show stay with us for that.
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approach. to future flight. or to take to the air show well in a few minutes we'll update you on the worst oil spill in decades in british waters under control but green groups aren't convinced the crew gushing into the sea for six days. and as american drone strikes continue to hit pakistan journalists add up the lethal three billion cost we bring you their findings. europe's nations are on the verge of blurring into one financially at least with germany and france calling for economic harmony across the eurozone gross grinding to a halt and contras are struggling to stay afloat the euro's big players think the answer
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is to force mandatory budgets on to member states but as our europe europe correspondent daniel bushell explained surrendering sovereignty is not what people want. the key decision is they have announced a single united eurozone government they also announced a corporation tax to unite the corporation taxes of germany and france so we're moving slowly towards a fiscal union which is what many had predicted but of course there's one small problem which is the people of europe have been almost because the the president of france faces an election next year where he's already trailing behind his rivals and it's suspected this may make him even more important because the people of europe probably knows but in poland in the opinion polls they say that they don't close the european integration angle or merkel the chancellor of germany says they showed great courage to do this and but they dismissed the use of euro bourne's which many have said would be the solution agreed eventually they said that you're
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a miracle they're not a cure and france and germany won't guarantee other countries that so they refused to bail out the royal problems in countries like italy and spain they also denounce the rumors and speculation and said they'd fight against this. is that they say are trying to bring down the euro a tax on financial transactions was also announced. that the purpose was to homeless economies and taxes across europe so a very wide ranging proposals on offer here well investors have been left mostly unimpressed by chancellor merkel's and president sarkozy's plan saying they expected more. ram and professor of business and international affairs says the decisions are political not fiscal. unfortunately this is not going to make much difference for the ongoing crisis all the news that came out of this press
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conference was quite negative for the market the most negative i believe was the fact that it was announced that the european fund a full stabilisation facility that bailout fund for the european euro zone members will not be expanded and they believe it's enough as it is for the moment the second thing there's no common euro bond that was going to be issued and there was very clear about this when the markets were not expecting this other bad news for the market was that taxation is going to go up especially in terms of corporate taxation for harmonization and then down the road they also want countries to have a balanced budget so the european leaders unfortunately have done it again they haven't really addressed the market's needs for clear concise actions but what they are doing instead is looking at the long term political solution to this dilemma that they have it doesn't seem as they understand the markets seriousness about what's going on no one is asking the taxpayers to pay another bailout instead
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they're using the european central bank as a mechanism to buy the bonds for italy and spain for what most europeans don't understand is down the road when the greeks cannot pay their money back it will be the taxpayers from germany and france that will end up paying for these bonds down the road the bad news is that we're not going to see any growth and i think everybody understands that and with that joblessness will not get any better and not any time soon. you can have on line for more on the news we're covering here on r.t. let me run you through some of the reports lined up at our dot com the struggle to stay alive by selling your own organs the grim reality for poverty stricken indian through are being preyed on by the illegal bodyparts market. and there's no rocking the boat between russia's leading pair wants the president and prime minister angle for a catch on the country's biggest river including video of them both happy to get
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to hospital for a price that's r t dot com. the oil firm shell is struggling to plug a second leak at one of its north sea platforms the company was forced to admit it's responsible for the worst spill in british waters for more than a decade about thirteen hundred barrels have leaked so far the company says the first pipe rupture is now under control when the flow of oil into the sea is now down to two barrels a day green groups sounded the alarm that there will be big consequences for the environment shell vent eventually came clean but either man it is and our g. analyst from the environmental organization platform says a lack of transparency calls into question the seriousness with which the company is treating the incident. with. the ukrainian government while those small. breasts. were.
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against the plans in the one super last year i remember it's a fool's phil coles all those claims and question it's a particularly since two. year for. sure was. neat he plays a role in the morning growth. we also know that. shows using dispersants been highly controversial. on the uses of questionable because well they do is very important to smaller boats and more difficult for cleanup operations staunchly on skin from government bowden's even to those fears to claim them but they don't have adequate information coming from show certainly insurers and public at large are still in the road about a lot of the holes show holes on. very small bits of information and there's been
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no official statements coming from a new home on the members of the company including see it on the board of directors which those call into question susan as to which companies to. iran's howling russia step plan to help restart international talks on tyrone's disputed nuclear program russia's foreign minister and his iranian counterpart have just been discussing that in moscow under russia's proposal major power powers i should say it will reduce sanctions against iran for each step it takes towards opening its atomic ambitions to international inspection and iran is that longer iran is at loggerheads with world powers over its nuclear aspirations and the latest round of talks stalled in january without agreement during the meeting in moscow the foreign ministers also talks about the launch of iran's first nuclear power plant built with the help with russia how to give iran says the bush era facility will be fully
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on line in the near future. a look now at some other world news for you in brief this hour india's prime minister has criticised the country's most prominent anti-corruption campaign or describing his actions as totally misconceived on a has already is on hunger strike in jail demanding tougher laws against fraud and bribery thousands gathered in front of the facility chanting slogans of support has already spent a night behind bars despite a government decision to free him. syria's state news agency says the army is withdrawing from the eastern city of als or after clearing what it calls armed terrorist gangs the military crackdown on protesters shows little sign of slowing security forces reportedly opened fire on thousands who gathered in various cities calling for president assad to go human rights activists claim over eighteen hundred people have been killed since the uprising a rutted in march. a turkish soldiers have been killed and
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nine others injured after a roadside bomb exploded in the south east of the country the mine is believed to have been planted by the outlawed kurdistan workers party and went off at a military vehicle passed over it there was a show as behind a number of attacks on the turkish military killing over twenty people in recent weeks the assaults came after the government unveiled a plan to adopt new measures in the fight against terrorism. two men in britain have been sentenced to four years in jail for trying to stir up last week's rioting by using facebook they became the first people to be sent down by judges for the mass civil unrest that swept england in a separate case three men were jailed for between sixteen months and two years for looting and handling stolen goods nearly thirteen hundred suspected rioters have been brought in from the border. and investigative journalists report says u.s. drone strikes in pakistan have killed at least three hundred eighty five civilians
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almost half of them children but washington is refusing to pull back on its aggressive military campaign against al qaeda chris woods from the group which studied the deaths says american officials are getting in the way of comprehensive research on killing innocent people. a minimum of three hundred ninety five civilians we think and as many as seven hundred seventy five civilians among those killed just to be clear the cia has now admitted that they have killed around fifty civilians in pakistan during the duration of the seven years of the drone war but they say that they haven't killed a civilian since in iowa for last year and our evidence suggests entirely the contrary we were hearing rumors of u.s. officials in washington trying to cast aspersions on our study before it was even published. for example trying to link to someone they were claiming was a spy in pakistan and also raising doubts about the validity of our research itself
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we went back and looked at over two thousand individual media reports from pakistani us u.k. international media looking at the strikes and then once we've actually untangled by process and got the clearest idea of what had taken place we don't cross reference with a host of material which included legal studies case notes of lawyers who are fighting cases on behalf of civilians in pakistan leaked intelligence documents us secret cables there were leaks by wiki leaks earlier this year and so on so we're trying to build up really as comprehensive a public view as we could of what's actually been taking place with these attacks well just a few minutes we talked to the prime minister of abkhazia independence from georgia along with south they said here three years ago but first it's the latest business with dimitri. and he said thank you very much the russian can see has been having a tough time in recent wave of markets was declining marginally versus the euro in
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my six trading this hour however yet another someone from deutsche bank believes the rouble could win back some of its positions although it won't be quite. there is scope for the will to recover given the fact that oil prices so far are quite resilient so what we're seeing in the markets is that people are still very cautious and taking on the risk and even though the. current levels does look cheap. it does off for significant value at the same time of the fact that risk levels are elevated across the board across the world economy that i think will act as a deterrent to the very fast recovery in the world will i think this recovery will take some time venezuela may transfer up to six billion dollars worth of its international reserves from europe and the u.s. to russia brazil and china and opposition lawmaker says obtained documents showing
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the venezuelan finance ministry plans to move the cash to emerging markets and these countries are considered to be more friendly analysts say the move would make little for sense however it's in line with claims from president chavez about ending the dictatorship of the dole. well to be markets and we start with commodities group prices are rising ahead of us symmetry reports which is expected to show a decline in results brant crude is up more than one dollar well the double t.-i is at eighty seven dollars fifty seven cents. to europe now shares of some one recovered after dropping one hundred percent sure he offered the opening investors are disappointed with the lack of action coming out of tuesday's meeting between local and sarkozy. and russia is mostly ignore the negative sentiment in europe as stocks are supported by high oil prices snapshot of the main movers on the my six
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most blue chips gaining now and of course the energy sector is dominating gains gazprom point six percent this hour. is the center best is up pricing in the announcement that the stock has been included into the m.s.c.i. global standard indices and d.t.b. bank is losing losing a half a percent this hour that's after reporting a thirty five percent net profit growth for the first seven months of the year but that's under russian accounting standards and the bank says given the current market volatility players prefer to buy into less liquid but safer stocks for long term investment. what we have seen is. activity from situations which are picking up some second tier names across the russian universe in small quantities they're cognizant of the fact that we're probably going to get a bit lower from here but they're happy to start by now. so select second tier names are potentially. good investment opportunity for long lonely investors for
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investors with a long term price and in terms of blue chips the activity has been quite volatile there hasn't been any sector outperformance which is markedly. explicit over the last few days and i really doubt this will. change somehow in the next couple of weeks at least. the world's fourth largest brewer carlsberg has seen its second quarter profit drop by twenty two percent as russian drink. the company says sales in russia fell below expectations as a result of a thirteen percent increase of prices due to higher taxes russia's top brand bowl ticket is one of those birds so it's the change of fortune has forced carlsberg to move to more than haul of its profit out of. the moscow government is getting out of the hotel business and selling it since the operation as part of this year's privatization program the hotel company as it's known controls around fourteen
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takes fifteen to twenty million years for the planet to recover from a major extinction event but the planet has time we don't. it's been going on for months twenty twenty five years uncensored been eco terrorist before there was even islamic fundamentalist terrorist in this country when the nine eleven happened the bush administration could not find any terrorists because the feds couldn't find any real terrorists they decided to take these young people who are accused of property sabotage and label them as terrorists someone he'll destroy his property. with absolutely zero intention of harming a single human being. in my mind it's not fair it's real people who are green in this country are the housewives who recycle. and the children who play trees on the
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weekend with their cub scout troops that's the. sound. guys. sound. odd. that. it can hit doctors ones. policeman swines ministers why not just. if you couldn't find me if i could just live through the night that i would get my kids out of here because i knew that what was going to happen was that he was going to kill me many victims don't understand that domestic violence includes verbal abuse psychological abuse physical abuse and sexual abuse at least four million women are affected by abuse every year. that. kill him i'm in jail or he's got it killing me.
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from the headlines human rights groups are signing a new case probe into torturing prisoners overseas as after details surfaced. secret policy of using extreme measures to fit under covered information and considered valuable enough. said to go at moscow's international air show as global buyers and flying fanatics taxi out for the best aviation cost to offer billions of dollars of sales are expected for both military and civilian aircraft. and the discord over closer european harmony france and germany want a unified economic front they've been struggling euro but investors are left unimpressed amid growth scribing to a halt across figure oh so. now the republic.
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