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tv   [untitled]    August 17, 2011 8:01am-8:31am EDT

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live from our headquarters in the central moscow you're watching r t with me and use the now it's four pm here in the russian capital our top story a billion dollar exit bishan at an airstrip near moscow is promising lucrative deals for sellers and displays of the latest aircraft for spectators starting up staring up i should say in the sky among the highlights on wednesday will be a first public glimpse of russia's new fifth generation fighter jet. we crossed straight live to the max air show where our t. is where he says she is standing by looking very cool with those aviators in that plane worried too bad you don't make enough to buy one if the second day. and it looks like you like to take a plane home with you tonight that's not going to be the case tell us more of what
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other untouchable aircraft is there for most normal people at the show well i mean let's just get to the point here you have a world without a boss get me a raise i'll buy one for you to ok my dear cheeky girl you know i'm sitting here at the two thousand and eleven show it's been an absolutely amazing couple of days and three more days still to come massive high flying acrobatic maneuvers right now in the distance is a massive low flying commercial plane we just watched some respect for the helicopter maneuvers in some true russian choppers maneuvers that i thought were going to end in tragedy they were absolutely out of this world not regarding the plane i mean now this is basically a kit plane you get in a box you can build it in about five to six months or so but about one million to one point two million dollars if that's just lying underneath your sort of occlusions you can have this plane build it to it's an experimental aircraft it has been approved though in the west categorically speaking it's
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a bit of history in the making as this came from philadelphia to moscow had to stop about eight times to refuel but still we think that an experimental aircraft has never made such a journey from america to russia prime minister putin has been here he came to make a small speech he came to show is the encouragement for the business the economic and financial deals going on here with a new line of jets indeed he also came to give his secretive stamp of approval on the ground you sukhoi t. fifty the fifth generation striker jet that is set to rival america's f. twenty two raptor the f. eighteen as well. i haven't seen it nobody here has seen it except the prime minister it is due to be unveiled a little bit later this afternoon it will only fly for about one minute so it's a very quick secretive showing of this new piece of a russian military hardware this new t. fifty has stealth capabilities it has a supersonic ranging speeds and it's absolutely loaded to the nine with a state of the art technology and it's i'm i'm just thrilled to see it and see what
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kind of maneuvers it can do and there's loads more to tell you about here but some i think i better get into a we've got a lot of people to speak to out here more to see it's not going to pass you over to my colleague tom barton who has a story about a brand new russian civilian lined up other is going to go on the market hoping to sell an immediate hundred crofts when its debut is going to get boeing a run for his money so for now here's artie's. this is one of the new hoops of russian aviation it's called the m.s. twenty womb and it's time to it is an airline of the twenty first century there's a lot riding on the fate of this plane it represents the efforts of a russian aircraft industry that so far failed to break into international markets and it will have to be as modern as it says it is to survive the competition. as a short to mid range passenger jet it will be going up against the likes of boeing seven three seven an airbus has a three twenty both will established planes its makers are fully aware of the
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challenge ahead we understand it will not we are not interested in this market. market. but we hope we will. all market. will succeed. they're confident the m s twenty one will be able to technically match its competitors with a third of it built like complicit materials and totally us it will save them the crucial substance fuel. present some. approximately fifteen percent or so of course operation of course. but the image twenty one also follows the earlier sukhoi superjet was one of the first russian airliners built in years the efforts are being led by the united and craft corporation which is trying to make russian plane companies work together why can't the us has done in europe we used to be engineers and use capacity from soup or
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company. to people to political illusion it's early days yet but with a wealth of aeronautical engineering experience from soviet times hopes of flying funny that the m.s. twenty one who puts a new generation of russian airliners up in the clouds tom johnson. well r.t. is bringing you the best of mach's twenty eleven throughout the week stay tuned for more highlights from moscow suggest powered air show. hands. off approach. future flight. are two types to the max air show global markets have taken
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a nosedive after the leaders of the e.u. or strongest economies fail to claim calm fears of a deepening crisis angola merkel and nicolas sarkozy call for the creation of a central economic body which would ensure euro zone members take more financial responsibility but they brushed aside suggestions of expanding the e.u. bailout fund or releasing euro bonds to help keep the single currency afloat artie's daniel bushell reports. the key decision is they have announced a single united eurozone government they also announced a corporation tax to unite the corporation taxes of germany and france so we're moving slowly towards a fiscal union which is what many had predicted but of course there's one small problem which is the people of europe have been. because the the president of france faces an election next year where he's already trailing behind his rivals and suspected this may make him even more important because the people of europe
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haven't been asked but in polls in the opinion polls they say that they don't need to omit the european integration angle or merkel the chancellor of germany says they showed great courage to do this but they dismissed the use of your abortions which many have said would be the solution agreed eventually they said that you are a miracle they're not a cure and france and germany won't guarantee other countries did so they refused to bail out the royal problems in countries like italy and spain they also denounced the rumors and speculation and said they'd fight against this group is that they say are trying to bring down the euro a tax on financial transactions was also announced. that the purpose was to homeless economies and taxes across europe so a very wide ranging proposals on offer here. well the measures announced by medical and sarkozy are aimed at saving the long term future of the euro but investors are
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not seeing the why they want an immediate fix are just spoke to one business expert to explain why she thinks paris and berlin are off target. unfortunately this is not going to make much difference for the ongoing crisis all the news that came out of this best conference was quite negative for the market the most negative i believe was the fact that it was announced that the european fund a full stabilisation facility that bailout fund for the european euro zone members will not be expanded and they believe it's enough as it is for the moment the second thing there's no common euro bond that is going to be issued and there is very clear about this in the markets we're not expecting this other bad news for the market was that taxation is going to go up especially in terms of corporate taxation where harmonization and then down the road they also want countries to have a balanced budget so the european leaders unfortunately have done it again they haven't
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really addressed the markets needs for clear concise actions for what they are doing instead is looking at the long term political solution to this dilemma that they have it doesn't seem as they understand the markets seriousness about what's going on no one is asking the taxpayers to pay another bailout instead they're using the european central bank as a mechanism to buy the bonds for italy and spain for what most europeans don't understand is down the road when the greeks cannot pay their money back it will be the taxpayers from germany and france that will end up paying for these bonds down the road the bad news is that we're not going to see any growth and i think everybody understands that and with that joblessness will not get any better and not any time soon. in other news human rights groups are boycotting a british inquiry into allegations of torture saying the government is taking an irresponsible approach to the case activists insist the probe is
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a quote waste of time and public money because downing street will have the final say over whether or not to disclose the results are met one torture victim who also doubts the inquiry will bring justice. walking a tightrope of pain versus gain it's emerged that's how britain security agencies were encouraged to decide when to talk to terrorist suspects. held in afghanistan and in guantanamo bay between two thousand and two and two thousand and five he says he was tortured and accuses the u.k. of being complicit in that torture only now is the level of the official complicity being revealed i am completely one hundred percent sure that i would not have gone to guantanamo or to back room. with the involvement of british intelligence services i spoke to british intelligence officers quite regularly. but.
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they were physically present when i was being abused they saw my shop and my lecture. me they saw my according to policy documents seen by the guardian newspaper senior m i five and m i six agents were asked to weigh up the quality of information they might obtain with the level of mistreatment a prisoner would suffer and if it was worth it to go ahead amnesty international says there's a mounting pile of credible evidence on the extent to which britain was involved in torture as the document that's been hidden for a very long time has just been released that shows that there was you know perhaps circumstances in which. you know ministers were very senior officials authorised agents to participate and in situations where it was more likely than not the torture would occur there's a police investigation into torture allegations under way and as soon as that's finished an inquiry will begin but it's already come under fire the policy on
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interrogation and all the relevant documents may not be made public which is good human rights groups so much that they've refused to give evidence or go to inquiry meetings. there's also a control to see about the chair of the investigation so peter gibson used to be the intelligence services commissioner the government doesn't see a conflict of interest but many m.p.'s do we have should have confidence that the judge presiding is not somebody who has been heavily involved with the secret service in the future in the past and i think on that point it fails powerful people including tony blair jack straw and david miliband have refused to reveal whether they knew the policy led to a number of people being tortured but the ministers and agents who knew the public would be outraged according to the guardian it includes warnings that if it got out the policy could lead to increased radicalization. agrees it's true anybody
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would get radicalized if you hear about the types of torture that took place however when the government said that they will hold to account those people who were involved in torture and we take them for the wood and if the government then goes against that and so we'll have this inquiry but it's going to be in secret you will get to see those people involved in your torture and then people will lose. any support any idea that the government is actually going to try to. carry out justice many fear the inquiry set to begin shortly will be ineffective and that a second one will be necessary at vast expense but there's also concern that creeping revelations about just how complicit the u.k. has been in torture and extraordinary rendition will lead to further radicalize ation whatever happens it's clear we haven't heard the last of britain's involvement in torture your and it's all to me. back to our top story the max
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twenty eleven era so right now the debut of the russian t.v. fifty super fighter jet is taking place these are live pictures of from the air show as you can see it's the fur. time ever being seen this is at the duke of ski airfield live pictures of this fifth generation fighter jet the jet is top priority for the russian aircraft industry meant to rival of course the u.s. asked twenty two raptor the joint strike fighter. this is developing the superjet with india and that's its biggest export market. it's the fifty made its first flight last year and the second prototype took on this march again the debut of this fifth generation finder jet taking place live at max airshow twenty allowed.
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just to give you a little more information russia plans to develop up to a thousand stealth fighters over the coming decade with the fifth generation jet expected to enter service in twenty fifteen over eight hundred russian and foreign firms including boeing and airbus are taking part in much air show taking place over the next few days with the super fighter expected to do with the show it's happening as we speak live pictures of the debut of the fifth generation russian super fighter. f t i should say fifty. take a look at some other news the giant oil giant shell's the oil giant shell i should say says it still doesn't know what caused the leak at one of its north sea platforms the company was forced to admit it's responsible for the worst spill in british waters for more than a decade about thirteen hundred barrels have leaked so far so confirmed it's still
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struggling to control a secondly but said the first pipe rupture is now under control and the flow of oil into the sea is now down to one barrel. day well greenpeace has criticized the company for taking too long to make information about the spill public adam on it who is an energy analyst from the environmental organization platform says a lack of transparency is a worrying sign what's important here is that the u.k. government has been rather smart in claiming that it's regulatory regimes where breasts. and resilience against the plans for and so forth have been there for them suppose last year i remember this particular as phil calls all those claims and question it's a particularly since two particularly the year for breeding. for growth almost certain city. sort of share has been playing with it's part of the
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difficulty part in the certainly the players of all the moving growth in the us and all that shows using dispersants that isn't been highly controversial. on the uses of questionable people swore they do. or on the smaller boats in a more difficult for cleanup operation staunchly on steel from government for these even some stairs to climb in the pool don't have adequate information coming from show certainly insurers and public at large are still in the brought about a lot of the polls show has always very small bits of information and there's been more social statements coming from and you see more. members of the company including c. or on the board of directors which there's call into question seriousness through which the company is taking. a major anti terror operation is underway in russia as
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north caucasus republic of dagestan after militants killed at least two policeman let's get the latest details from our correspondent in the caucasus medina question of our joins us live what's the latest on this special operation and that gets down . well two russian servicemen were killed when a group of militants attacked a the call him off of the russian military forces of the republic of dagestan everything happened during a search operation that was carried out by the russian troops and in a wooden area of the republic they were looking for the militants who farida point the russian military forces early on a tuesday night and as of the moment of the fighting continues and what we know so far is that six militants have been killed in that battle and we know earlier a major terrorist attack was in fact prevented in the same region take us through what happened there. that's right basically at the same time and very
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near to the location of the fighting that i was talking about earlier russian federal security services have a just a bone with an m. presidential and a massive amount of one hundred kilograms of t.n.t. the bomb was also filed with a destructive components and to the explosive device that was hidden in a pipe that was a lying at the back of the car that was part of a very near to the market it was a remotely controlled bomb asked of the criminals installed homemade electric nader's on to it and the russian terrorists committee said it was the people who first noticed the suspicious looking car being parked and so they called the police meanwhile it's not the first time such client according to russia's office b. has a quite recently another large scale attack and as this time on the russian railways in the moscow region was prevented by the special forces right region of course in the live from the north caucuses thank you very much for those details.
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all right well back again to the max twenty eleven air show taking place in the outskirts of moscow we can cross live and take a look at what's happening there we were only promised a minute of the debut of the fifth generation t.v. fifteen super fighter jet but that's not the case what a joy for spectators there the first time ever people are seeing this jet in action it was kept very secretly under wraps as we've been hearing from our correspondent who's there in the little bit of an aviation expert i am self i myself i'm not but these are some fantastic pictures coming out of the max twenty eleven era live of the t. fifty making its world debut this show we of course will stay there be there live for you over the next couple of days as lots of deals are made billions of dollars worth are expected and our correspondents will be there bringing you the latest
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each hour of live from max twenty eleven again the t. fifty super fighter jet making its world debut just landing here in fact at. the max twenty eleven supposed to only fly again like i said for a minute we got much more of a show there got to go twice live for you to see that the t fifty superjet back down on the ground after its world debut. says it's ready to resume international negotiations on its disputed nuclear program the islamic state sees russia's efforts as key to restarting the talks that's according to the iranian foreign minister who's on a visit to moscow in artie's katrina as our allies following talks at the foreign ministry go through that iran is currently under four sets of u.n. sanctions what's russia are proposing to ease the situation. or washer of course has always been against this approach to the iranian nuclear agenda saying that the
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only way out is a diplomatic one and that in forcing further sanctions on iran would only worsen the situation and it's proposal is a step by step plan which has been deemed acceptable by the iranian side and also cautiously welcomed by the united nations security council and that plan proposes a greater openness in the return of the reigning officials to the negotiations table in return for a gradual removal of all of the un imposed sanctions against iran of the iranian side is said to be very satisfied with the russians proposal of the step by step program and said that it is prepared to open its doors to international observers. make sure that. representatives from the international atomic energy agency from the united nations security council can see that iran is not interested in creating nuclear weapons it only wants to have an existing peaceful nuclear energy program
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but it will not tolerate any further sanctions against it will see those sanctions . has basically an infringement on its right to peaceful nuclear energy and this is exactly where russia's step by step plan comes in and seemingly of course satisfies both sides will of course have to wait to see how that plan is implemented and whether it is as effective in reality as it has been so far in words. now to put it lightly some members of the international community suspect iran of developing nuclear weapons what's what's tehran doing to try and disprove those claims which of course for years it's been saying are not true. well to iran maintains its position that it is not attempting to create nuclear weapons it's simply wants to have peaceful nuclear energy for the country and of course skeptics
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specifically in the united nations security council have frequently doubted that and that was of course the reason for imposing those sanctions and that led to a sort of a lockdown because tehran buckled down and refused to admit international observers in return the united nations imposed more sanctions so it was kind of a dead end situation for a while but iran is now saying that if the step by step plan is implemented it will be more than happy to allow international observers to come and visit the country to visit the only so far existing nuclear power plant in iran that's the bush era nuclear power plant built by russia to make sure and reassure everyone that it is only interested in creating peaceful nuclear energy to power the country's needs and of course the bush air power plant which is which has been started by germans in the one nine hundred seventy s. and finished by russia just recently is still not fully operational we know that it is already working but it is still not been launched and it's still not producing
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that peaceful nuclear energy that iran needs but according to the russian side the launch of iran's first ever nuclear power plant is to take place very soon considering those are the live from central moscow. up next here on r t it's the business stay with us. our welcome to our business update is the russian currency has been having a tough time in the recent wave of market turmoil and it's declining largely versus the euro this our. trading however your list of all that from deutsche bank believes that the rouble could win back some of its positions although it won't be quick. there is scope for there to recover given the crisis so for quite resilient what we're seeing on the markets is people are still very cautious and taking a risk. even though the. global.
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look. does off for significant value at the same time of the risk levels are elevated across the border across the world economy that i think will act as a deterrent to the very fast recovery in the ruble i think this recovery will take some time. to collect oil prices are rising ahead of us inventory report which is expected to show a decline in reserves brant crude is trading at over one hundred nine dollars per barrel while. eighty seven dollars a barrel to europe not always show where shares have somewhat covered from earlier losses investors are disappointed would lack of action coming up from tuesday's meeting between american and sarkozy and russia is ignoring the negative sentiment in your of the stocks are supported by high oil prices and here's the snapshot of
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the market movers on the lies next most of the blue chips are showing modest gains this sell gas is adding almost want to have percent static almost trading better than the market investors are pricing in the announcement of the stock has been included into m.s.c.i. global standard indices and the t.v. is losing almost point one percent after reporting a thirty five percent net profit growth for the first seven months of the year but that's under russian accounting standards. world's fourth largest brewer calls perak has seen its second quarter profit drop by twenty two percent as russian drinkers tame their appetite for beer the company says sales in russia fell below expectations as a result of a thirty percent price increase due to higher taxes russia's top be a prank brand balticon is one of called key assets the change in fortune has forced calls book to more than half its full year profit outlook. that's
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a business update for this i'll be back with more in forty five minutes. we'll. review the latest in science and technology from the realms. we go to the future covered. for the fall we've gone to. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. it's
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four thirty pm here in moscow these are the top stories from our team aviation sensation russia's fifth generation fighter has made its international debut at moscow's airshow buyers and flying objects watches cutting out aircraft take to the skies near the capital live coverage of the aviation festival throughout the day right here on our street. more wobbles on the global markets after berman and paris ignored the advice of investors on how to save the euro zone from going under angela merkel and nicolas sarkozy wanting a new economic government but are refusing to expand the ballad fund and release euro bonds. because activists say a british investigation into torture alec.


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