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tv   [untitled]    August 17, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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i know what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cancer the no holds barred look at the global financial headlines comes a report. the c.e.o. of starbucks has decided to cut off washington sadly he's not up to fighting the caffeine fueled fascism he's just disappointed that c.e.o.'s aren't getting their money's worth for their campaign contributions we've got some harsh words for the senior editor at reason magazine for slamming ron paul and by we i mean look i'm jake will be joining me there this we've got the latest on the almost bro america out of the bus tour and why you want to think that you're a lone wolf terrorist just waiting to happen and because ron paul famously said i always knew that if you were going to have a revolution you needed two things young people and music tonight we've got young people as always then jordan joining me in studio to share the new ron paul things like you just laid out in studio this morning for your listening pleasure only on
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adam vs the mitt. obama's bailout bus continues to trample through america's heartland as he does his best to give old conservative midwesterners her attacks as part of a plan to save money on health care costs so is the baracoa bill a grand estimates of the prosperous state of the american auto industry now turns out that the luxurious dollar destroyer was built in canada yes by pretty well as the motor coach manufacturer the bronco matic killing machine as they view the i p h three four five considered the top line model for the ontario based company it's a no all your hard earned tax dollars are creating new job opportunities. for
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floppy headed friends north of the border obama also took some time out of his thrown america under the bus door to call out is the media annoying to challenge or fifty thousand and twelve rick perry think that while the media is going out of their way to ignore discredit the constitution's champion ron paul governor perry is hard at work trying to repackage ron's position on the federal reserve and in his own poll cowboy swagger into the mix if this bridge. between now and the life. i don't know what you know if you kill me with we. we treat. the printing more money. to play politics. at this particular time in american history. is all right there are three in the. oh you don't politicize the fed rick don't you know the first rule of builder are you do not talk about the federal reserve so did he upset
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the rest of the establishment seems like you both rhinos and jackasses are taking reservation with the comment former bush me and karl rove jumped on the issue with this on fox you don't want to accuse the federal reserve chairman of being guilty of a crime punishable by death which is what treason is really because they're going to treason is pretty clear and any would be president so no it is the crime of trying one's country and basing the monopolized currency of the american taxpayer is not only most treason for once happily come to the aid of mr kendall texas edition the existence or perpetuation of the existence of the federal reserve system is treason or as obama said to perry in response to make it clear that he cares so deeply about the importance of the issue of the federal reserve he's got to be a little more careful about what you say. the blame everyone else express has also been hard at work stumping for endless war and
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a permanent police state what you want to think will be outfront in obama's campaign messaging but they need something to distract from the economy with the tenth anniversary of the september eleventh attacks just around the corner president obama told c.n.n. that the government is nor concerned with the threat of lone wolf attacks then i impact incidents from large organizations the risk that we're especially concerned over right now is the lone wolf terrorist somebody with a single weapon being able to carry out widescale massacres of the sort that we saw in norway recently you know when you've got one person who is doraine or driven by a hateful ideology they can do a lot of damage and it's a lot harder to trace those lone wolf operators. i guess they realize the al qaeda bogeyman narrative was getting stale after ten years of syndication so we need a new super villain who lots of new super villains that weight the h.s.
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in the military industrial complex and the rest of the security state contractors can have new justifications for more government spending after all you can't keep a series going to don't change at the bad guy every once in a while so it's out the old in with the new the new threats aren't khalid shaikh mohammed or bin laden but they could be your blond haired blue eyed next door neighbor they're the unders bearing gray vic's you know the norway shooter or the the jared lee lawford's the punk from different shooter all the while you have a vice president reportedly calling tea party activists terrorists for opposing the administration's how determination to destroy the dollar which is ironic coming from a man who looks kind of like dick tracy comic villain but reframing the terror threat narrative as something more likely to come from a loner than al qaeda brings the police state to our front doors and back doors in a way we haven't really seen yet this paves the way for a lot more scrutiny of the individual making violations of individual liberty all
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the more likely we started to see the vilification of certain political ideologies or forms of communication the media now and as i previously noted the media has already begun reframing the meaning of the term flash mob into something with i don't connotations or vice president equates fiscal sanity to terrorism government or obstructing communications as happened in san francisco in the bay area rapid transit stations where phone service was blocked to prevent protests of course anonymous was there to expose the federal government has been in negotiations with booz allen hamilton to develop software that would subvert and distort the free flow of information and ideas in social media again and again government strikes at the very heart of a free society open information and as is always the case and fear any it will be done in the name of security along with doesn't just include underground. there are little network we simply need and the range of nine suddenly americans own paranoia can feed the notion that the next madman might very well be your next door neighbor
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suddenly there are calls to tone down the fiery political rhetoric which ends up being classified as anything the establishment finds uncomfortable like say politically criticizing the fed and you see sales spike in government purchases of backscatter machines and base of surveillance equipment the excesses releasing informational videos and making angle saxon terrorists and local governments are arming themselves to the teeth with crowd control weapons all the sudden it becomes the norm to see militarized right cops and full body black armor and the revolver carrying sheriff humbly protecting public safety becomes a mythical image of the past the new bad guys aren't muslim extremists it was simply too difficult to justify the control of ideas or movement in the west by parading an external threat you know the new threat that's being more malignant and more ambiguous something not foreign to the imaginations of everyday americans for governments to get what they really want the new bad guy has to be you. so the
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enemy now for the word on the street we're bringing up a topic is a little bit of a carry on of our criticism of the media recently in ignoring ron paul and we're very glad to see someone like jon stewart such a infamous liberal journalist coming to his defense but you would think that in times like this when ron paul is clearly earned his spot in the top tier of republican candidates you can at least count on the libertarian media those of us who both fully proclaim proudly our libertarian bias for freedom but we could consistently stand behind ron paul and supported now that he's a real contender for president but that doesn't seem to be the case with catherine manga award senior editor at reason magazine here she is on fox business this history i think ron paul is getting a tremendous amount of coverage for someone who's never going to be president he
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knows that the press knows that everyone's behaving as if he's never going to be president. does that sound like a libertarian see i don't i don't get this like it was seriously. is this what reason magazine readers and supporters believe is this is this like this and now yeah yeah i mean everybody i took the iceberg with this interview it was shattered yeah absolutely and first of all everybody knows i'm not a libertarian i just hate neo cons and i hate socialists so that's pretty much i mean i don't i don't really have a dog in this fight but i'm going to say that even with ron paul the best lot right ron paul is the best option we have to beat obama is not here now but not for ideological reno right and the fact is a reason should be ashamed of itself to have its editor going on fox business which reason is supposed to be largely a platform for libertarian ideals and dog their man dog being ron paul like i'm calling sitting on this network calling for the resignation of this girl they
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should fire her sit her down give her a spanking something because she cannot go on fox business and say well read and speak for ron paul he knows he's never going to how do you know you know what he's done his brain i mean what do you expect from the mainstream media i mean who is she going to use knives and the commentators she's coming from the libertarian mean reason is not friends it's not the most popular magazine in the country but it's a loop it's a legit established libertarian magazine bringing out her points on fox news what i'm saying is who is she to decide i think the people out there on the internet on the streets are making the voices heard and right now we see all the supporters of ron paul being out there more than any other person out there and forget the forget about the major media forget about what they're saying we see the real support out there in the internet and you know i have a theory here and i actually mentioned the relationship with thoughts business fox news here. maybe maybe not now you're going to call me the conspiracy theorist but no this is motivational hypothetical on katherine languor herself perhaps she and self interest once the media attention like this wants to get these interviews and
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if she's oh. even people who are supporting ron paul don't think you can be president then these are the good calls you get the mainstream going to love are right you know you're all right that's a hell but that's unacceptable she needs to get on the team or get off either you're a libertarian or you're trying to score the rhetorical as you remember you're this way will cause her to libertarianism but i would expect better from reason hold on now we've got one more thought i want to one more clip from this interview let's roll that. i don't think it's unfair at all to to simply say that i can be proud that he didn't have a plan for being president he's great when he talks about principle he's terrible when he talks about politics and what he would actually do if he made it into the oval office because he knows he's never going to get there what does she know about politics you don't necessarily go in having a blueprint to do x. y. and z. because that always blows up but you start with having principles he's the most principled man in the entire house remember that the relative political novice here when you look at ron paul's for when he becomes president how does it stack up to
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the plan being put forth by all the one thing we know about ron paul is that he keeps his word he keeps his promise he has a definite regularly but that's why ruben unlike all the other republican nominees who keep changing their talking points different crowd so there is that allegedly in this parable his plan is very credible i can agree with everything but he's the most perfect that we have right now and he's an awesome guy and he's the only one that barack obama is this this this woman that her commentary is unreliable it's utter nonsense and a reason should be ashamed of itself for putting her forward communicating some sort of nonsense claiming to know what's on ron paul's mind or what can house because she never served a day on the hill she's never sort of elected office she knows nothing and by the way she has a hideous last name. all right ok now this raises some broader issues about journalism and you know with jon stewart repeatedly said i'm not a journalist and this comedian you know i'm a commentator on commentating serious things i want to circle it from someone in the same vein or this is my favorite humor columnist dave barry and he said.
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thanks to my solid academic training today i can write hundreds of words on virtually any topic without possessing a shred of information which is how i got a good job in journalism now i'm going to say we're grateful that jon stewart now is seems to be on the round and we're going to least caught the media for ignoring him but he might be guilty of the same thing if you recall a clip we played just a couple weeks ago from john stewart. you know i think i may have isolated the republicans problem it's not that republicans have too few candidates is that the candidates they do have are doppelganger they have handsome middle aged mormon twins. they have the american history challenged. they have conservative firebrands from georgia and of course a pair of outreach. only one of them can be the nominee and aside from plenty i think they've all got a pretty decent shot. never mind the libertarians which he just pointed out
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a couple days ago is what the mainstream media is afraid of talking about he himself is afraid of really addressing libertarians because it could hold out state as you read about or know about that i mean i mean john stewart and colbert these guys are polemicists there are comics they're supposed to sort of radical ideas out there that we're not going to them for real without measure of people are that's the one where there is no you're just saying you or it doesn't matter if you're a journalist or not you have a responsibility to be cognizant of the effect of what you're saying is on your audience anyways thanks for joining me tell me when we come back the c.e.o. of starbucks decides to cough washington from its addiction one that doesn't involve caffeine plus he's an activist he's a musician he's the man behind the adam vs the man thing song and he's wrong possible. run for president of this country and i'm pleased to hear it is good salaries. so distorted they still have that sticker on his guitar we'll find
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out when he joins me right here in studio with guitar and hands and i think they view a new song about ron paul coming up next right after the break speech and you're walking out of the system and. leave the. least. since you leave the seat. the on. the a.
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little below and he has told rachel that. nothing people are suggesting she's told her no she says she's a star. the i. welcome back to adam vs them so why do people donate the politicians well in the case of c.e.o.'s of major american corporations it's usually because they get more than their money's worth back when the politicians they donate to tilt a free market playing field in their direction now the c.e.o.'s of major
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corporations and a true free market would be the people most capable of organizing mass economic resources in their various industries but let's be honest we know that in this corporatist political system the c.e.o.'s that rice of the top are the ones that are best able to provide political bribes because we the people have fallen for the idea that the government can regulate businesses better than we the consumers through the free market those regulations usually serve to raise barriers to entry in a way that stifle competition while too many of our top c.e.o.'s these days are the ones that are best at cooperating with government regulations anyway so what does it mean when the c.e.o. of starbucks howard schultz announces in an open letter to his fellow c.e.o.'s that it's time to cut off washington no the nation's largest drug dealer isn't planning on taking away the capital's caffeine fix he's talking about campaign contributions here's his personal record by the way according to the nonpartisan center for responsive politics howard schultz donated one hundred eighty two thousand six
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hundred fifty dollars to democrats and of course not wanting to be viewed as a partisan himself one thousand dollars the republicans who are a grand total of one hundred eighty three thousand six hundred fifty dollars all this really means is that the constituents of democrats have proven to be more willing to tolerate the representative supporting the kinds of policies that help starbucks at the expense of smaller competitors if we were talking about the c.e.o. of a defense industry corporation the partisan ratio might be reversed howard schultz himself suggests that there is a bipartisan appeal to the noble stand he's taken against washington. i suspect in the coming days people who will be signing the pledge with me will be both republican and democrat c.e.o.'s who have had enough shots of his breaking point was the great that the great lawmakers have stirred of fears about our economic prospects without doing anything to truly address those fears see if the government can keep the corporations on the gravy train the c.e.o.'s get scared well
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we should be glad that american c.e.o.'s might not be bribing politicians quite as much least for a little while this story should really make us reflect on a wire economy is distorted by the government to serve the needs of the few at the expense of the many in the first place and there are two reasons first is that by a large we the american people don't understand economics and we should have to because free market principles affect the individual so it's pretty simple but i see you cannot mix to mean the school of justifying force government intervention in the free market so do we all have to study economics no we just have to have faith in ourselves as a society to regulate quarter behavior by not supporting companies we don't like with our business the second reason see a c.e.o.'s bribe politicians is that most voters make decisions based on things in turn by how much money a campaign as yard signs billboards and of course radio and t.v. ads we allow our votes to be bought and there's
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a simple if not easy fix for them think for yourself. and we're very fortunate to be joined in studio on my good friend jordan paid he's here in the d.c. area because he was in studio this morning laying down the tracks for his latest ron paul theme song light of revolution jordan page thanks so much for being with us tonight really sad to have this video if you back now just to so we can get it out i want to put up the graphic from your your latest album liberty it's a beautiful album cover and i want to point out to our viewers that they can find this jordan page music dot com but absolute before we get into your music i want to talk about aids you or i was a list past weekend for the strong cool i was tell us about it it was amazing it was amazing i showed up on friday and got a look at the site you know ron paul's. the layout was clearly like the. pride that was going to stick they i mean they fed four thousand people they. were supporters
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of of all the candidates that were there ron paul's place was the central location everyone had passed through it to get anyone else's the other the other sites most of them out although most of them looked like a kid's birthday party here it's a ron paul's tent which was what i had in my mind what they were all going to look like and we took a ride around i was just kind of really amazed and shocked to see how little effort these other candidates put into it so so for all the grassroots activists i know we have some and our audience who might resent some of the some true lies leadership control that is the ron paul campaign within the broader freedom movement the money is getting put to good purpose and things like this for a candidate for ron paul are really essential absolutely will the fact that ron paul said it was so well done and so welcoming and accommodating to everyone didn't shut anyone out i think we brought a lot of people into the fold that day you know i mean there were just thousands and thousands of folks consistently all day long and i performed for them several times throughout the day and you got a chance to do
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a lot of revolution i got to say revolution i actually play with ron paul's grandkids on stage we did the ballad of wrong fall which is a country. and i was up there with the whole paul family and that's open for congressman paul i'm going to look let's hear a lot more of listen i know you've been working out yes more let's say we can we can we get a live performance and sit here this out really exciting absolutely and this is the sticker this is the sticker all the guitar has are the promise he would have on there until ron paul and president say that i'm told today ladies and gentlemen lot of revolutions ok. good. but if you lose the voices. in. this. thank you good. as to. call. me with
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a. red stone rises that's an old saying. and began to. flow through all the. food. so. closely broke no let's meet. last ten miles long the phone three homeless begging. for a bank you see. both sides of the. forest chairmen spouting the last of. you will be told. to live the way the creed told there's clearly an. old game
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you see it's good to see. old. when i. moved. to. say. it's a little close just. to. be flown lovely to be. kids. told. the.
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police the truth is treason pm. me to freedom are all the elderly. it's temple's me you told me where the four racists or a few old panel itself followed a blow to the feeble badge above with the brush and the. prices to. the list still to put the big breasts you'll really needed for a. serious old book you. let's say the budget. cuts trip to baltimore new york use polizzi to. the list stand together. meet with us just old. stand
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true you told. me oh i. just sold the good. old smooth to the old must see. outstanding jordan thank you so mike please oh ok bigots are with their masters ausubel we got a few more so i want to talk about how you came to this point where you're so powerful using your music and your art for your activism because personally as were you a musician first or a libertarian first i've been a musician said about eleven years old and had and had no real direction as to what i was supposed to do with with a gift or it with a belief that with a passion that i had. i was always a songwriter since a since i was a little kid and writing writing songs even for play guitar been writing songs but the the liberty message liberty came in my life around the end of two thousand and
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six through a song i wrote called pendulum. that changed my life that even though the song was about you was talking about really heavy subject matter talking about the bush dynasty and the federal reserve it even had ron paul in it for i knew what ron paul who ron paul was and i said i'm playing the song of the liberty movement came to me yeah i played a lot i played it live you know and you certainly have. a you have a mazing fan base in the cotton you found a home for your music as well i guess it's really amazing to see that you you so powerfully combine that with all of your music is imbued with what i know from you being a friend and you know how you take the message of liberty all of that's in all of your passions in there but now you're able you've had some recent really powerful achievements in your career such looks well i mean right now this week is a huge promotion online we have featured artist in the rock section on i tunes in the spotlight will be featuring pretty soon a oh well it's also been playing my song list in the new version of listen on my
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new album liberty they've been playing it on their new rock station which has been amazing and now they're doing a full cd listening party so they're streaming the whole album live for you know. i think it's mainstream exposure for a message that just years ago was a fringe niceish but now dr crossett at the ames straw poll that he hasn't gone mainstream the mainstream shifted our way you know and it's now to the process i had before because of the message that i was putting out are have now broken through and we're getting mainstream exposure because it's popular freedom is a popular and my age and well here is amazing to do that so what is it on the album is liberty and you can find it at page music dot com gordon thank you so much for being with us really appreciate it and best of luck in your music career and your career as an activist that's all the time we have friends and i have a policeman and some knowledge about adam vs the man. we've all got in common both guests and topics and find me on facebook and twitter as always get me out of it an aversive the man dot com and we have just enough time last night for jordan paves
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the place out with one more song so ladies and gentlemen dora paige the message of freedom. so. good to. see you free. to feed. us today and. still to be soothed it's three the best thing. he feels leggings be easy for me to. put this new three. month free. soon to be disaster it would be to me to stay.


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