tv [untitled] August 17, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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for. the. art it's time for you said it i read it or take time to respond to my brilliance and engaging viewer comments on facebook twitter and you tube because when you've got something to say i listen now whereas i would respond to a viewer who commented on my interview on a bart police shutting down cell service to thwart a protest last week th thirty three m. zero kids. when the eleven said on you tube welcome to america land of the free
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unless you me that you want to use a cell phone or protest the government in that case we reserve the right to brand you a terrorist and block your communications to say i agree with the viewer it's quite interesting that in countries like iran or egypt want to turn off cell phones during government protests it's totalitarian yet when the us does it it's a safety measure all in the name of safety and little bit like hypocrisy to me and i want respond to a viewer who commented on our school time last night over spoke about representative paul ryan charging money for his constituents to attend a town hall aaron political set on you tube this is a great idea if you charge admission you'll keep out all those pesky poor and lower middle class folks out right now all right it was august and i've called taxes it is truly appalling the way that money is corrupted our political system corporations pay millions of dollars to co-opt our politicians by political influence and now every day americans are being asked to pony up just as their representative a question that's
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a sad day fish and seek to further reduce the already do in doing political influence of the everyday voter who is a millionaire running their campaign now next i will respond to a viewer who watched my interview last night with the brilliant east smith founder of the blog capitalism harvey birdman and commented on you tube and said they both were hot pink how embarrassing very sorry to break it to viewers but no i don't coordinate my operates with my guests so yes we both have to be wearing pink and i can't speak for my guests but i can say for myself that i was very much not embarrassed about the color coordination now lastly i want to respond to crypto eight thirty two who tweeted i'm kind of digging below to show on our t. dot com and think for yourself mainstream media makes us sheetal well thank you for starters and yes i agree you must break away from the pack for today's ranting and leave back with more next week. well it's been a number of weeks since the debt deal was signed that includes a three hundred fifty billion dollars in defense cuts and the possibility of about
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six hundred billion more of the bipartisan super committee can't come up with a deal and the trigger effect goes into action and the cries against these cuts are only getting louder i've heard it was your typical warhawk lawmakers organizations like the heritage foundation and then leon panetta the new secretary of defense got in the mix saying that three hundred fifty billion would be hard enough and even called the trigger a doomsday mechanism after which this democratic president barack obama are firmly and he agreed with panetta now don't forget and that also said he thinks that before congress takes another swipe at defense they should cut from social security and medicare and raise taxes but if you want to read weave through some of this hysteria try to figure out what could actually happen what could actually get cuts well you have to look at much farther than the statements that you're officials make these are the facts and they don't not publicized according to pro publica in this debt deal that was signed they managed to slip in that would of it would apply not only to defense but also security spending which encompasses programs such as
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homeland security border enforcement foreign aid and even veterans' benefits as their ten children are get around washington i've already jumped at the idea of overhauling pay and retirement previously considered untouchable so does that system actually need reform or are weapons systems being chosen over the needs of those who risk their lives for the country or the skies this is retired lieutenant colonel anthony shaffer senior fellow for both the center for advanced defense studies and packed america tony thanks so much for joining us tonight now you were just on the show so good weeks ago talking about this and you said that you think it's all a good make no one's actually going to make any cuts here but it seems like perhaps they found exactly where they're going to cut are they going to go for benefits. well i think that's one of the easy fixes they always go for to begin with you have to remember that the veterans are not a large lobbying group they do have representation in service has somewhat of a. but they really can't match the funding or prowess of a boeing a lot. of any of these large corporations which frankly make
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a turn of money off of defense programs so frankly what you're going to see is them pushing very hard to maintain maintain the status quo while others are going to be asked to pay the bill and i think that's what i think we've talked about there both on and off the air and frankly at best for a huge appeared to be pushing this whole issue and i want to ask you obviously you might know much more about this than i do because they try to make arguments that while you know why the annual per person cost for active military military duty personnel has just sort of almost fifty percent right that there are so many people now the defense department has too many employees are these actual things that should be addressed or are they just becoming scapegoats i mean they may have more costs for military personnel but we also have ten years of work. well it let's be honest here the real soaring number of people have been contractors in need to look at the stats on is more fact you all may want to go and check out project on
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government oversight they have the stats that shows that we're talking about literally hundreds of thousands of civilian contractors being added looks one of the sad truth about afghanistan for example is that there are as many as as many contractors civilian corporate hired contractors on the ground as there are military personnel so frankly should come from there first for anyone who's been paid for example one hundred thousand dollars a year the corporation is generally making fifty percent above that another hundred thousand dollars above it so there's clear money to be made and frankly it's an excuse and so what they need to do is look at all these corporate contracts first before they start actually looking at the people who have to do the hard work the soldiers and actual deity and other civilians having to do the actual dangerous missions so when you hear the new secretary of defense leon panetta saying that if the trigger when in fact would have to be more than three hundred fifty billion dollars in cuts that would be called a doomsday mechanism who would it be doomsday for for for the politicians that
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might actually have to talk tough to the defense contractors. i think they're bracing for this more than they're saying and i was in meetings yesterday with d.o.d. on this issue and this is what they're talking about they're talking about going to a budget based rather than a strategy based defense i think about that for a second the reality is that they're trying to basically you're out what amount of money they have and then figure out how we can spend it and still be everything we're doing so that's what they're telegraphing right now what that means in the real world is this they're going to cut in areas where to go to get away with it is the old adage this week you will gets the oil so the people are going to scream the loudest are going to be those who are contracted to do government work and i just mentioned some of them be a and these other folks so that's where there's going to be a huge battle. there are bad let me say this for the audience there are clearly cuts that can be made safely the question becomes. will they do the right thing and
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look at where those cuts can be made or will they do the wrong thing which cuts where no one will scream which generally speaking is benefits and things like that again that's where the base going to come over the next year i also know last time you promised they would have a specific examples for me of what you think would be a good project or a good areas where we can cut spending on snap let me yeah and i'll just tell you right now there's a certain agency national geospatial intelligence action agency which actually has a team of folks who do nothing more than internal briefings i think about this they do internal briefings save self promote this sell actually has paid each member over one hundred thousand dollars and from my it from my understanding there's like twelve people doing this internal marketing why on earth would an intelligence organization be internally marketing its products to itself think about the insanity of that and yet this is one of those critical programs that is necessary
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for the sustainment of the community nonsense so what i'm saying to you and you know your audience can judge for himself or is that adding to. national defense of anyone it is also a promotion so this is why i'm telling you and others and by the way those are all contractors on the home for a second tax hike is not a lot of people like to actually say these things and named these programs the last time you were on you also said that you just received a retirement letter in the mail well warning can you tell us more well they basically emailed me my retirement order saying thanks a lot so you're around and yes they were a bit rude about it they basically are and never really been happy with me being in a policy level role and actually being job as most of your audience knows you know i am a reserve i was a reservist and i work at a think tank which is policy stuff and let's be on really honest here lot of folks i've been told this by a general officer or other general officers don't like the fact that a lieutenant colonels out talking about policy so i think some of this is just.
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sour grapes if you will about the fact that i'm i'm doing a lot of the policy stuff and they just don't they don't like it but that's the way it is so i think it's really important people like you do speak out it's also not forget for the audience that you had a book that was printed ten thousand copies of it were the car and it has never been done before so tight thanks for talking to us thank you. now on the topic of defense spending we've dedicated ourselves to reporting to you the latest in that wasteful military spending just recently we told you how the entire fleet of f. thirty five an f. twenty two fighter jets have been grounded due to a slew of serious mechanical problems and now an audit from the inspector general shows that questions are being raised over five million pieces of body armor that the army has used in both iraq and afghanistan for the past ten years. the pentagon report questions the reliability of five million pieces of body armor safety tests were conducted with the wrong place they were inconsistent and two designs were approved without any testing. approving body armor they didn't even bother
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to test can't really say i'm not surprised now that i gave in-depth information about seven military contracts for armor plates known as ballistic inserts and in the report the inspector general wrote consequently the army cannot be sure of the ballistic inserts meet requirements as a result the army lacks assurance that five point one million the lipstick inserts acquired through the seven contracts provide appropriate protection over the course of the two years of the i.g. investigative inserts they noted that they did not conduct any tests on their own regarding the structural integrity of the armor and sadly politicians have been calling for the indefinite research of this equipment since two thousand and six when representative louise slaughter notice eighty percent of marines died from wounds in the upper chest region issuing a protective equipment to our troops fighting tirelessly abroad and the pentagon can't even take the time to make sure those soldiers are going to be safe but here's something else that's going to get your blood boiling the price tag of that wasteful armor and those seven military contracts are ballistic inserts into
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a cool two point five billion dollars that's right billions for armor the pentagon it can't even promise will work and they can't be bothered to test it's just more money to flush down the drain right after the trillion dollars of the pentagon is invested in those oh so precious fighter jets you know the ones that are currently not flying. let's just out of the military were actually well into the inconclusive evidence for the army body armor unlike when the pentagon signed yet another five hundred thirty five million dollars deal with lockheed martin for thirty eight more f. thirty five despite the fact that they don't work so there you have it more proof the pentagon loves to spend money without doing their research and no wonder they want they don't want to have their budget cut by the government they just need all that money to throw around of military equipment that doesn't even work and worst of all put lives at risk. now still to come tonight for your right the county of new york wants to ban certain people because of safety concerns we have knowing that tonight's july award also have an happy hour popular clothing line offers
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a pay pay a group of reality stars to not wear their clothes and also don't want a vacation from the big break if a camping trip to a tropical destination backing them up. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here's some other part of it and realize that everything you. are is a big. deal . and yet. five five. five.
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artists are besides tool time awarding tonight goes to suffolk county new york now the county is located on long island and they're having problems with gangs so community leaders and police have decided that they have had enough of gang members in their town so they've come up with a new way to deal with this issue. is it a legitimate crackdown or gangs or is it a breach of the first amendment that is the called versus the right to tell a long island where it's a gang initiative was launched today that prohibits dozens of known gang members from head to go with each other in the town of wanted it. that's right city leaders and police are asking a judge if it's illegal to band gang members who are two point two mile area and
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waning now the area covers the downtown business district and police say the measure is desperately needed in the community which isn't plagued by gang violence between two fighting factions of the bloods gangs have the propensity to take over school your. street corners playgrounds in many areas within a downtown. page you know i don't know shoots but now here's how this proposal would work a judge must sign off on the plan and approve the thirty seven members from the way in danger and braveheart bloods he would be banned from the area and the thirty seven members are people who've already had run ins with police for gang activity and if they violate the judge's order they could face contempt of court charges now i'm just wondering personally if these run ins are they get you banned from the city are they violent then felonies or is it simply something like getting pulled over and as you can imagine i'm not the only one who asked some questions about
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this proposed gang free zone some pretty well a civil liberties organizations and well basically sane people. it's plainly unconstitutional but civil libertarian so even gang members have rights the suffolk county chapter of the new york civil liberties union pledging to fight the injunctions in court we have the one of the most highly paid police forces in the country i'm sure they can come up with creative thoughtful and smart solutions to violence. i know it's crazy right even gang members have rights and the reporter almost sounds shocked at the concept there i'm obviously not supporting violence again behavior but i went point of the belief that the government here in the us acquire the power to simply ban citizens that they don't like from public places and are giving police departments the power to determine who it is that gets banned come on we have documented story after story on this show police corruption so this band is just asking for trouble what happens in former gang member becomes reformed
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will he ever be allowed back in this city and what happens the police don't like somebody and they just ban them too it is absolutely absurd the police have no better ideas to combat gangs and you banish them from someplace come on you guys you can do better than that and i'm betting the court system is going to stop suffolk county from these gang free zones but for attempting obviously unconstitutional and plainly stupid ban we're going to give suffolk county leaders tonight still time award. ok time for happy hour tonight from joining me this evening as archie correspondent lauren lyster and alex sites all reporter and blogger for think progress dot org and the progress report thanks to try to guys thank you so really big news in the fashion world today abercrombie and fitch had
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a little something to say to these guys. thank you we. would have been. america pride and joy the jersey shore so abercrombie and fitch has actually asked not to wear clothes anymore they said they like they just don't want to wear their clothes they wear these they will literally pay you to stop wearing our clothes i was really curious i didn't like who wears abercrombie and fitch anymore as i have heard maybe like pre-teens or when you're like fourteen or fifteen years old and abercrombie and fitch should be all about you know tanning engines they're the only hire good looking people i feel like they're making a big think you know what it's so funny you said that because back in the day before i was a broadcast journalist i used to be an equity research analyst and i used to
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actually cover abercrombie and fitch and their brand was suffering from tarnished whatever they think is going to be tarnished by the situation les several years ago so i can attest to the fact that the situation is probably helping their sales if anything i mean i can understand how the jersey shore doesn't really help your image but it's going to get really expensive for them because i think every single person who wears a recording phish is tarnishing their image i mean they think you're this is the executives should be positive promotion for them i think this is too asian is exactly their their prime client should put them on the cover of the next catalog but i think this says a lot of abercrombie and fitch right because you know if you're walked into an abercrombie and fitch store they only hire people that look like models that are attractive that is their criteria which also is i guess you could say unconstitutional you know and so now they're just being very blatantly obvious about they still only want certain people wearing very close that they like or you don't know you're totally they should because that's their sales time depend on it but they want to through away or like a girl and their clothes for
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a new concept. it didn't work as opposed to donating actually charity or having it sold through you know those discount stores like ross or t.j. maxx rather than tarnish the brand they burrow their clothes they're all about people that i mean you walk into never come into shore which i will admit i've done on occasion and it feels like the jersey shore there's music been the lights are come alone it's overwhelming smell of cologne that is this is no middle of the more yeah this is perfect for them so you don't like it just they're not something that they're having an identity crisis they don't want to look in the mirror yeah yeah yeah yeah. let's move on so you're going. first artist just check out this video and tell me you know where this kid is from. is that going to do with the story of or that little kid is or even a little kid that we're. looking at we never said we were adults here.
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there is an eleven year old boy in germany who actually called wide wide wide to report is not there or forced labor just because she told him to do some chores and call around the house and i don't just cracks me up but i did it with a pretty innovative approach he actually had a logical argument you know this is child labor not legal i think it's pretty clever why don't i ever think about that this kid is the hero of kids everywhere and the nightmare of parents yet going nowhere i mean to read this press because nine one one in germany old one one or whatever it is going to be getting a lot of calls from kids that think that they don't really you know you're just getting so smart these days but as the now they they know they can say like i'm going to see you or i'm going to call child services on you and this is coming from children i want to stop it kids i mean spouses room you know hey i don't want to take out the trash and i force labor i'm calling the cops i'm going to start doing it like it better when it's a kid but i mean it's one of them are you the head of the time. someone who is not
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. at all. how do you respond to people who say that your campaign has been a mess so far but we should first of all chris that i took seriously brett's injunction to put aside the talking points and i wish you would put aside the gotcha questions. now by the guy i met newt gingrich chris wallace but so you can reach fifty even really have a campaign left anymore i don't know i'm gone a long shot and they know he's not going to be president but he didn't now it's you know well everybody right now is in iowa and we're also going minnesota or new hampshire newt has announced that he's actually taking his campaign to hawaii and to hollywood first they're making a stop in hollywood ending to make screen two films or something and then they're going to hawaii that is the best excuse for somebody who knows that they have no
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shot at winning anymore but all these people have already donated money he would need to say well i thank you my loyal followers i'm going to take a vacation in hawaii that is absolutely you think it can be to go everywhere you want to go i became sin yeah i mean a couple things first of all the timing is a little suspect here in that it's nuking is anniversary with his wife and he just happens to be going to hawaii eleven and letters that are here eleven of her now i mean you know well who knows if you make it to twelve also he's campaigning for the republican nomination for president why he will not play a big factor in that and even if this were the general election barack obama is from hawaii it's a democratic state there's probably like three republican voters there this is a clearly always on the stage manager parent move of all time and yeah just coincidentally it happens to coincide with their anniversary and so you know he obviously doesn't like paying for things we thought of the debt that he racked up at tiffany's so. you know just kind of scam when it comes to giving his wife getting obviously if you have that big of a down that he had a gun maybe it was going to be stuff on board i mean i think that's what's really
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going on here if you're newt gingrich a staff why are you staying on or you get a free trip to why i stick around well obviously you get them to argue that you're losing. you know whatever the thing is. you know you guys you line things like that ok a lastly here we have a clip here i don't remember ok we have a clip. take a look. at the largest tobacco companies are fighting back against federal drug administration regulations they're suing the f.d.a. over some extremely graphic warning labels that they want to put snack over the package of cigarettes the company's going to be forced to use by two thousand and twelve they say that the federal government is violating their free speech rights. i mean i think it's might actually go pretty far i've heard quite a few people say that they think i mean actually considering the type of money that big tobacco has behind it this might go all the way up to the supreme court i mean
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i don't know what do you for why do you think you have radiative with your warning labels i think it is on the part of the f.d.a. they already have warning labels on the cigarette i don't understand. what i don't know that they're you want i think which is so good for because they're emotionally charged because they're going to be here and say that you have and so they're saying it violates their free speech i mean they're saying with all your violations you know they all have the same things on their smoking pipes but i don't know who you think's going to win here i don't i mean i'm a pretty you know a big government progressive but even this makes me a little bit on cultural and make music with the cigarette companies are saying is that they're being forced to subsidize the government's anti-smoking message which sort of seems like a legitimate is i mean can you see all these things are you know any other one of those which are wrapping up unfortunately but i mean i think there are legitimate points definitely on both sides are you guys thanks for joining me thank you for giving us a fun little umbrellas today and that's it for tonight so thanks for tuning in make sure you come back tomorrow if you will believe the american prospect will be on discuss the congressional black caucus is jobs event in atlanta and the state of
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