tv [untitled] August 18, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT
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four years in jail for posting on a facebook she made in britain our last stop of calling for riots that never happened as human rights groups say charges are going to follow. european leaders in the u.s. and she's strong statements calling on syria's president to step down just as he announces the hopes to all military operations of the country. the un security council's consider is allowing the international criminal court to prosecute syrian officials for crimes against humanity details coming up from new york. is rolled onto the edge of a station a strike in gaza in retaliation for a string of deadly shootout in the part of the country killing me police here in
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a few moments. a very warm welcome to you this is r.t. live from moscow britain has sentenced two young men to four years behind bars after their facebook posts they said were a joke on others to cause trouble in their home towns now human rights groups is sounding the alarm saying the courts are overreacting by dishing out penalties which are far too harsh for bennett reports as part of the political drive for tough justice in the wake of the looting in disorder across england. four years behind bars for the riot that didn't even happen jordan black sure and perry sutcliffe kenan were banged up for inciting disorder on facebook and no one turned
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up after their invitation to riot which they later said was a drunken joke but now they face sentences even tougher than most looters and i worry is that it is an imbalance a four year sentence for example would normally be given to somebody for a previous bodily harm for holding someone up with a knife or even for. some form of sexual assault so it seems to me that. there is a danger that the courts are moving into disproportionate territory and not actually devalues our response to more serious crimes that governments encourage cause to dish out harsh sentences by using a public disturbance as an aggravating factor it's meant this man anderson fernandez could even be sent to jail for theft of just two scoops of ice cream because like this one of the annoying bail to most offenders and ignoring any claims of previous good character of the one thousand two hundred seventy seven people charge so far two thirds are being reminded in custody that's way up on last
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year's rate for serious crimes chris just ten percent some offenders even being made homeless is their punishment with local governments taking away their houses but many say this will simply cause more harm than good i think this is very unwise the move to remove people from housing interim of benefits because actually if we are seeing that some of the crime that we saw on the streets was an expression of people not feeling puerto society not feeling part of our communities then these measures are actually going to push people further away from society further away from our communities and far more likely to commit crime the facebook case is that person of the government's desire to crack down on social media sites like twitter were applauded by the west kimo. lising the masses in the arab world but they were also instrumental in the u.k. riots so now the prime minister wants it to stop we are working with the police the intelligence services and industry to look at whether it would be right to stop
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people communicating via these websites or services when we know they are plotting violence disorder and criminality when social media fuel revolutions in egypt and cheney britain called it democracy but now the shoe's on the other foot when troubles closer to home. we knew. who. we thought. was. the prime minister says this is where britain fights back but it's clear this fighting fire with fire could only fan the flames of civil disorder i've been it r.c. london. or british prime minister david cameron have defended this thing death ending at times but message of freelance investigative journalist you can chandan says the harsh response will only bring more violence across england. i think it's
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quite clear that the government was to send a very draconian message out to young people. who had any sympathy even with the uprising or the riots or whatever you want to call it that took place but never again really can the british government legitimately criticize any other regime in the world for any human rights abuses when people are facing jail time for scoops of ice cream for mineral water and one child stealing a dustbin for his mother this is these young people have been ignored and they've been exploited and oppressed and they just have no voice now through in a very traumatic experience through the writing that they have a voice will is the response again of people is to further criminalize them so if you're going to further criminalize and we're going to get more angry and i'm very regretful to report that the message is going around the street gangs in london and other parts of england is a competition as to who is going to kill the first policeman so this is the this is what we're facing in england now it's a civil war situation which is going to make the writing previously excuse the pun
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look like child's play and nothing is going to stop these young people the very shortly learn from the student protests that they're not going to be cut all that they're going to hit and run essentially and they'll find other ways of communicating with these these are young people who live in communities with each other so you can start these social networks all that you like it's not going to have a really fundamental adverse impact on the writing which will come again quite soon . the u.s. and major european countries have urged syria's president bashar assad to step down and impose a freshness that if they cannot make sanctions when it comes in response to the regime's violent crackdown against protesters there's a means of incense as that a special u.n. security council meeting on syria taking place in new york he's made a point neither has more. not only has the u.s. president called for the syrian president to step down he has backed up his words with action and that action includes issuing an executive order of thursday morning with fresh sanctions against syria according to the new sanctions that have been
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signed by. all americans and u.s. corporations are now prohibited from investing operating or having any business dealings with the syrian government this includes a ban on imports and exports including cereal syrian oil and petroleum products i do all the syrian assets under u.s. jurisdiction will be frozen so clearly this is some more mounting pressure coming from the u.s. government in terms of financial you trying to corner syria shortly after president obama issued his statement and his executive order we did see germany france britain and the european was even rapidly issuing statements calling for the syrian president to step down and this all coming just a day after president assad did speak with the un secretary-general ban ki-moon are
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suring him that all military and police operations in his country have halted but clearly this is not stopped or the u.s. and its western allies from putting more pressure on the syrian government the u.n. security council is meeting today to respond to scott's findings of a report that was released by the u.n. human rights panel this twenty two page report hughes's the syrian government of carrying out of human rights violations since mid march when the anti government protesters began taking to the streets one of our teams correspondents marie if you know she is inside syria did speak to some people on the ground there some people who believe the government security forces are actually helping their lives here's a bit of what she found. the city of there is sort of maybe liberated but in the last few days it suffered a brutal occupation i mean by. bandits plot their weights put up barricades it became a city we were hiding we were just like hostages for more than
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a week the military claimed the army fought against armed groups that had taken control of the city and had been terrorizing its residents. holders of the syrian army i live in the city of the iraqi border measure officials are saying operation is now over that the city has been freed from groves as you can see here we're welcoming the soldiers as the way there is but in other parts of the country the troops little assad's vicious crackdown are far less welcome in a similar offensive against so-called terrorists and the coastal city of latakia the opposition claims government troops killed almost forty civilians while human rights groups report the number of deaths in the country could be almost as high as two thousand some say our side is simply using his army to silence peaceful demonstrators across the country. the syrian army hasn't met any resistance in the
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cities across the country were going to maybe there was some so-called bandits among protestors and maybe they use the moment. where if so where have they been when the army appeared. armed groups is just a theory invented by the stude who have an excuse in the series. a new liberated there is all life seems guess and back to normal the markets reopened and roads bridges days ago were empty are again filled with cars but reminders of the recent troubles are still hard to find and the most obvious one is fear roof national party syria. often one of the not only live from the u.s. by political fear is dr benjamin and other men helping whether style part of the intervention in libya and taking on colonel gadhafi the west is now taking tough
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action against assad but why now. well the west has been deeply inconsistent in its approach to these uprisings across the border in libya where there was an armed insurrection against gadhafi and there's really a civil war we have yet and the west has been extremely active using nato forces as the air arm of the insurgents in syria were innocent people have been murdered their day and week after week no action at all as once they can because nobody can imagine what a lot turn to to assad would look like i myself believe that these new sanctions will do very little to stop the regime there is a simple reality in these countries and it is that the governments can either survive or disappear this is a they're in survival mode that's true in yemen it's true in libya it's true in bahrain and it's true in syria there's no option for assad but to put down the resistance in any form the can and simply to survive because the alternative is not
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just that he moves his power but probably ends up on trial like move iraq or in front of the international criminal court as khadafi with fact the best the worst is left no alternative but armed battle to these dictators or you say that these sanctions that have been forward on the table now would do very little thing what do you think need to be done north make a change in syria. well the trouble is there is little can be done because we have offered no way out you can't do an all or nothing policy and that will that's what we've done we said in libya gadhafi can go to the international criminal court or he can go on fighting we have constantly refused to negotiate a middle ground were released power for example and stays in syria nobody has said to assad what little turn it to to him continue to rule will be will be that he grow up and trudges at the international criminal court should be tried by his own people clearly unless there's an alternative other than the total demise of the
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individual and his family and that these guys are going to fight on despite sanctions and so on it's also clear that the west isn't really willing to put its mouth and muscle and money where its rhetoric is and until it's willing to do that i think you'll find that there is very little change in this country as well are you then suggesting that some sort of military type intervention is necessary in the country and russia has repeatedly said that they were veto any action at the un that could lead to a newbie a military intervention i am totally against military action in the middle east and for that matter in afghanistan and other places i think it's been proven over and over again in iraq and afghanistan that military intervention leads to anarchy chaos and civil war so i'm not advocating that i'm advocating negotiations the problem is the west constantly in effect threatens and says leave office get out
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whatever happens or threaten something terrible but do you know opening for negotiation the trial of mubarak in egypt is a warning to the sorry society and to colonel gadhafi that if they leave office they are likely to be brought up on charges and may be executed why under those circumstances would anyone then give up office or at least. officer step down from power my complaint is that the west is not engaged in genuine negotiations but is largely empty threats and sanctions that won't work in trying to force people who are in survival mode to give up power when there's a third of the chance they will do that work if they want to stay likely that negotiation is the way forward but realistically is there a peaceful way to push syria towards peace or do you think that the syrian people will simply after thought this conflict out for themselves well i think you've just put your finger on the real answer revolutions can't be made by outsiders people
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really want to overcome internal dictatorship they have to do it themselves and be willing to take the consequences we've seen in syria what the consequences are you know the slaughter of innocent people but the fact is the less we are willing to intervene from the outside which i think is a bad idea alternately these things have to be settled internally we've seen in libya what has happened this is not the ousting of gadhafi but a costly civil war in which more and more casualties are being lost on both sides without any reconciliation which the insurgents are now turning on one another in a tribal war that will make libya look more like somalia i think than the western democracy new hopes will ok dr benjamin barber live from the u.s. many thanks for your thoughts thank you. the israeli military has launched an air strike on barbara killing at least seven hundred palestinians of carrying out
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a string of fatal attacks there's been three separate shootout in the south of the country along the israeli egyptian border on earth day. in tel aviv more. it's well the twenty minutes he has come firming one airstrike over the fathom part of gaza and then at the same time there are israeli drones flying over the city of rafa which is on the egypt and gaza border not none of the supply is only at the i.d.f. the israeli defense forces issued a statement in which if it would bring to book it was those responsible to speak to them at all costs the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is meeting with seizing these days with defense officials they are messing up the way forward that's the only way he did say that this was an attack on assault when states and that israel would retaliate and so yes security now the jordanians that has transpired not so long ago did influence waning intelligence that they had picked up that there was a cell operation in the south of the country that they were planning such an attack
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is was in line with his main intelligence for some time now israeli security officials have been warning that the sinai peninsula is chaotic and it is an alkie there that rains and they've been warning that shipment of weapons have been making their way to in gaza the israelis are convinced that this operation included originated in gaza that there is still a massive manhunt in a manhunt in the south of the country the israeli air force of kuwait as well as all need foot soldiers and just a short time ago they was a shootout between some of those shoulder the soldiers and militants have been told that one israeli has been critically injured and the number of gunman and so forth killed totals seven point eight the gazans deny having any involvement in mosques and in fact issued a statement saying that not only is it not in bold but it has warned israel not to attack it having said that though he had nothing to a minister has given a directive for his security picoult has to be evacuated for fear that the israelis will retaliate and strike it as one of their targets to quote him out in one of the
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states and they say that israel was trying to exploit that crisis and transfer it to gaza and all the care. a long border crossing which is the want to crossing between israel and gaza that allows goods to be transported has been closed down. now venezuela's president wants all the countries being held in european and american banks to caracas it would be the largest this is called movement of gold in recent history hugo chavez is trying to protect his country from the financial woes on both sides of the atlantic for more talk now seawater and research agency and we're not there is for us this is she what do you think is driving chavez to withdraw this huge amount of gold from international banks well i believe that you have to make a double reading on this for some or lose it for one and political one the financial one is really quite simple i would imagine seeing the way the markets are
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growing seeing the way the european union the united states' economy is going to go all the eight hundred fifty dollars in these last few days so naturally. that is the thirteenth largest holder of gold countries in the world so they have something like about one hundred fifty four tons of gold in the central bank of an israel or and they have two hundred eleven tons of gold brought so they want to bring that into in a similar coincide with the fact this has nationalize all mining and so forth and when those who are so from the point of view of the financial aspect i think it's a very shrewd mood to protect this country's gold acids there is however the political overtone in that he used wants to pull out the other financial assets that israel has in the u.k. in the u.s. and in britain and push it into what he calls. russia china and brazil not to
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me a very big statement being made but in practical terms we're talking about huge volumes here over two hundred tons. venezuelan's gold is currently held a with c. so really how can this be executed. well it can be executed and israel has said very clearly that they will be doing it transitionally and slowly because they want to make sure that the actual goal that they get back is the goal that they originally sent especially after some rumors that there had been some counterfeiting of certain gold. in various especially in america and other parts of europe so i think it was once to make sure he sent out is that gold is going to be getting back in his central bank vaults there is however another aspect which i think perhaps mr chavez has not measurable potential risk and consequence because this is an outright attack on the u.s. on the u.k. and on the european union as
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a major financial markets as major areas of safety to keep your goal argentina for example my company has always cold in the vaults of the federal reserve bank of new york now if this would start a run on keeping gold in america in the european union and in the u.k. and switzerland this might have a much more dire consequences than mr travers imagines because if we go back in history in two thousand and two and november to be exact so then hussein uses billion dollars per annum. for food and medicine agreement after the first gulf war to just to buy to sell oil well he instead of the dollars urals and that could create a run on the dollar has normally been the major currency you want to buy some of that was. really just to clarify this is the movement all of this their knowledge of gold enough to reiterate the market. as i was saying it is if it creates
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a run on the gold market and what's the point i want to sort of very much stress he said when iraq that in some thousand to. we all remember that in march two thousand and three saddam hussein ran into a google of trouble so very often the reaction can be dire i say this because what we're seeing in syria and a newbie of all this regime change epidemic clearly stressed from countries the us and britain will start spreading throughout america and this might be a triggering mechanism then why even justify a political move to start regime change throughout latin america which would no doubt start we've been as little or so actions such as it is very will be the triggers for group your political actions as. in november two thousand was a true for this country actually being invaded in march two thousand and three. author a researcher talking from where else there is many thanks for those thoughts thank
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you. turning to the skies now which have been particularly noisy in the mosque a region the ongoing lax international airspace has been all thoughts of never the men and their flying machine. or the third day of the show still multibillion dollar deal sealed on the ground at all sorts of military and civilian aircraft on parade overhead. lax leasing allows private investors to see the flying machines in that sin before buying them on the spot it's also the scene of death defying our stars from some of the world's leading aerobatics. passing glide into the cockpit of one of their planes and live to tell the tale. engine check. instruments check. runway check. and then it's takeoff of the russian
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aerobatic display team the as moves they're nine first class pilots are performed over two hundred times in the past nineteen years but they all have to start somewhere. and draw a training to join the team he thinks he's nearly good enough now but still remembers his first flight as a solo pilot. without any warning they told me i was going to do the next flight on my own i had no time to be scared it was no longer an instructor at my back it was unforgettable takeoff you're on your own controlling the plane then when you land you've done it i think you're a real pilot at that point. he has moves are always trying to hold them a new voters they practiced most weekends thinking of new tricks and practicing old ones. every word of god we come out strong and then research them but it often turns are you've been done before nested of a russian came up with
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a loop and all the other stands are based on the loop the loop is the basis for all aerial acrobatics. however it always comes down to time in the end even with years of flying and training experience between them it never becomes easy with the most smoke when you leave the cockpit or you can squeeze a gallon of swig from your suit your knees are shaking because it's extremely difficult search for and anyone would feel that way. so with that gut wrenching fear ringing in my ears i was told it was mine to put crowds on the ground this is an exciting spectacle but that's not quite the emotion that's going through not mind at the moment because i'm about to see what happens from inside the cockpit. we did the loop the loop all the planes just meters apart.
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but when it came to the fountain i nearly blacked out. white faced but not defeated i returned. to pick up his. kit. kat. but i can also see some of the strains that go through. there's no tip and if you know the might be for the crowds but ereal acrobatics aren't issued for the pilot it's always a difficult job to test a pilot has to show his skill and the beauty of flight so next time you look up at those speeding planes spare a thought for the pilot inside. tom bottom marty. stay with our team can bring you
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more updates on the math twenty eleven and satire so throughout the show ok coming up now business. her welcome to business update the markets taking a tumble world europe and the united states feeding off each other's insecurities european american markets have all been down at least four percent and there are underlying fears of a double dip with morgan stanley warning that the global economy is dangerously close to recession startled like a key from r.b.c. capital markets explains what spurred the sentiment. we've had two bits of information come out this week today which is really driving sentiment one in europe has been following did the mercosur cause the sun was there earlier in the week rise in discussions about whether the second group could be able to some to be reopened meanwhile in the u.s. even though we have had a decent part of data over the last couple weeks with retail sales making claims
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being a bit stronger today still effed index has been very nasty very ugly number saloon index in about two years and because of that we seem you know could you stumble we see new records of those in ten year treasuries and booms and phillips and gold reaching new highs as well whether this is something that's a repeat of last week i'm afraid of sticker thing last week we're still in posts u.s. . mentality we're looking at these to be intervention in spanish and italian paper resists we could focus shifted a bit more towards economics would we have softer european data. in germany to people so i think a little darker expectations are going to the u.s. later today as we said. on wall street deep in the red in volatile trading the u.s. economic data is pressuring the markets in a broad selloff sector is associated with growth were hit hard drugs of the dollar shares of i.b.m. down over five and a half percent and united technologies down five point seven percent here in russia
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markets closed deeply in the red as well training otherwise it has been holding for more than an hour due to technical problems deals came to a stop just after four o'clock last time i do see you about an hour later here is this is not a shot of the markets move with all of my six energy majors among the worst performers. losing four percent backing stocks also got hit as investors were pricing in the recent decline in futures for s. and p. five hundred as their bank ended six and a quarter percent however point is gold managed to gain half a percent on strong the passions and i. thought the business news we happening this thursday night join us. tomorrow from are. really that of. the.
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