tv [untitled] August 18, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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to the. u.s. vice president joe biden in trying to smooth things over to be a good idea considering the economic chop suey this country has gotten itself into and while this may be a friendly visit some wonder when will the u.s. have dropped its meat. and it's not the right speech of barricades to became a city hiding the rich just like hostages and while some syrians are welcoming the sight of their troops i mean president obama is calling for president assad to step aside so what exactly will the cities. and we've all seen the london rioters but now some new faces are entering the
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picture sentenced to four years for inciting violence that never happened so what's the big brother poking around online and should you be watching your postings. it's thursday august eighteenth four pm in washington d.c. and christine for is out there watching our team. but i want to start off by talking about china ice president joe biden is there right now meeting with china's vice president and no doubt this is significant for a number of reasons china of course the holder in chief of so much u.s. debt and with the downgrade of the u.s. credit rating china wants assurances that the u.s. will indeed continue making payments on that that china also continues to develop at a rapid rate leading the way on everything from industry to technology to their standing in the global economy but i. i want to focus on the relationship between the two
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countries as we move ahead in what is certainly a trying time for the u.s. and increase an increasingly says successful time for china now let me do that i have here in studio former ambassador to saudi arabia chas freeman jersey premier says i so much for being on today i know you have a lot of insight on this i know also that you were president nixon's lead interpreter and that to china back in one nine hundred seventy two this and certainly broke some major ground about visit and a few years later another president president reagan spoke a little bit about the u.s. relationship with china i want to play something really quick that he said and then we'll talk about it today i bring you a message from my country as china moves forward in this new plan america welcomes the opportunity to work by your side we've always believed deeply that incentives are key in the free people build free markets that ignite dynamic development for everyone for
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a time america's government it drifted away from this key principle and our economic growth suffered. so let's talk about this particularly when president reagan said the u.s. role comes this opportunity to walk by china's side let's fast forward to today how have things changed well politically we do have a lot of cooperation economically were incredibly interdependent which is a problem for both of us jobs in the united states migrating to try to. the american dollar is held by trying to use in such quantity that they're worried frightened about what might happen. in the military sphere we've gone through it's under reagan and very bad it's now there's a lot of distrust a lot of animosity. between sides actually are busily planning for conflict it's really interesting that you say that because you know we do see from you know president hu coming here for the state dinner to this visit on the surface there
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seem to be a lot of you know nice pictures of the two countries meeting but i think it's important to talk about this behind the scenes as you say the two sides are climbing for conflict is the u.s. this problem you know with china on an ideological basis or is it more that they're worried about china as a rival. it's not ideological to try to use don't have an ideology that they can articulate and they have no intention of imposing something they can't define on other people but certainly the u.s. has been critical about the human rights record and various things like that the united states has problems with chinese behavior which but then we have a peculiar habit internationally of wanting to insist that you must be like us to deal with us which i think is perhaps overreaching a bit. the problems. between the united states and china have to do more with the fact that china is beginning to be able to extend its defense beyond its
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immediate borders and the united states. become accustomed to having a sort of sphere of influence it goes right up to the china coast and it's trying to comes out in develops a greater defense capacity it threatens our military supremacy doesn't threaten the united states but it threatens our military supremacy on a global scale so when you say the two countries are sort of secretly or behind the scenes planning for a conflict what does that actually mean bill has mostly to do with taiwan which is a relic of history. the chinese civil war to which john kai-shek retreated. and where the existing regime is a direct descendant of that know now democratized. united states intervene in that civil war to prevent its outcome which probably i think certainly would have been the incorporation of taiwan into the rest of china so from the chinese perspective
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we're thwarting a major objective of their nationalism from our perspective we're keeping faith with an old friend right really interesting but we've got to be careful because the u.s. relationship with china is not the u.s. relationship with asia i think it's interesting when you look at the u.s. relationship with india india of course a democracy china not quite as much why why are these relationships so vastly different well in part it's a question of scale china plays about ten times the role in the international economy that india does. our relationship with china is therefore much more intense . partly it's also. india. is a place we don't know much about. we know that it's a democracy and our knowledge sort of stops there we now know a fair amount about trying to we spent forty years learning about it there hundreds
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of thousands of times students in this country there are somewhat less but climbing number of american students in china. and we have a much more intimate relationship with the chinese and it was a sometimes leads to spats but that's pressure on talk about what you think the real purpose of this visit for you know vice president biden to be in china and you know rightly so china has cause for concern in terms of you know their friendship with us but i think the trip was not conceived in the context of the downgrading of the united states economy by standard and poor's it was intended rather to begin to develop a relationship with the next leader of china the future chairman of the secretary general of the chinese communist party and the president of china sea jinping with whom vice president biden is spending his time in front of the two of them will travel together to the interior and look at the search runners great damage and
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hopefully get to know each other and. develop a relationship that can continue into the future what needs to happen right now in terms of this relationship what are some changes or they need to be made or things that need to be done within the next you know six to eight months well i think the main thing is we need to find a way to establish a bit more mutual trust and confidence in the military sphere. because the trend of events is not good and the united states and china in a way have entered a sort of arms race where we're at a severe disadvantage because. it cost thirty billion dollars to build an aircraft carrier battle group or maybe more but it costs probably a million dollars for the johnnies to build a missile that can sink a carrier it costs a lot of money to have the navy patrolling off the china coast appearing over the border and john it doesn't cost the chinese very much to troll through cyberspace
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in the united states. and so it goes in every case they have found a cheaper more defensive. less. burdensome way of competing with us so in a sense the united states is in the position of the soviet union in our contest with the soviets. we cause them to spend themselves to death tolls i want to put something up on the screen i don't know if you saw this right now the georgetown basketball team in oh in china and we have some video of what was supposed to be a friendly game between the two countries i believe it was tied it ended up turning into as you can see here a major brawl on the basketball court i think the coach had to pull the team off before the game was even over it is this is symbolic of anything i mean certainly in attempts to get the two countries to play some sports did not end the way that anyone had hoped well i think it's
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a very very good development but the fact is that the chinese basketball players cover reputation for being exceedingly aggressive this isn't the first time. they've gotten into fights on the court with. foreign affairs in timor or even abroad. so it's a it's a sad development but i wouldn't read too much into it this country was just the latest sort of victim of that aggression i want to switch gears now to what's going on in syria protests violent crackdowns on the people and after quite some time president obama and secretary of state clinton have called for president bashar al assad to step down those calls were echoed by france germany and the u.k. so i want to take a look now at a report from one of our reporters on the ground in syria the notion that is there and then will reconvene and talk about some of the implications. the city over there is sort of maybe liberated but in the last few days it suffered a brutal occupation i mean my family's
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a spaniard's it's not the raids put up barricades it came across a city hiding just like hostages for more than a week reclaimed beyond fought against armed groups that had taken control of the city and have been terrorizing its residents. told of the syrian army i live in the city of the iraqi border mr officials are saying operation is now over that the city has been freed from armed groups as you can see people are welcome in the soldiers as the waiters but in other parts of the country the troops little assad's vicious crackdown a far less welcome in a similar offensive against so-called terrorists in the coastal city of latakia the opposition claims government troops killed almost fall to civilians while human rights groups report the number of deaths in the country could be almost as high as two thousand some say assad is simply using his army to silence peaceful
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demonstrators across the country oh and. the syrian army hasn't met a resistance in the cities across the country were going to maybe there was some so-called bandits among protestors and maybe they use the momentum to spread cancer but if so where have they been when the army. armed groups is just a theory invented by the state they have an excuse in the cities. in new liberated there is so life seems question back to normal and markets reopened and roads bridges days ago were empty outgun filled with cars but reminders of the recent troubles and still hard to find and the most obvious one is fear regional shakti syria. so i want to bring our former ambassador to saudi arabia has freeman back into this discussion as we know today president obama called for president
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bashar al assad to step down but he released a statement in doing this and he said quote the united states cannot and will not impose this transition on theory it is up to the syrian people to choose their own leaders and we have heard their strong desire that there not be foreign intervention at this moment so the u.s. will not take action so what was the point of making the statement and of making it now i think probably more domestic politics. than anything else so the fact is the united states doesn't happen much of a relationship with syria and virtually no relationship with president assad. has in life people you don't know saying things about you probably don't have much impact interesting let's not about a few scenarios though as far as what could happen let's say somehow president assad does agree to step down. what's what are the chances of a group you know maybe like the hezbollah of syria or something like that something
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like that kind of taking his place somebody that would be even more disagreeable with the u.s. there are there are actually a series of very complicated situation there is a significant portion of the population maybe a majority that is less supportive of president assad than fearful of what might replace him. because this is a country that is very secular it's neutral on religious matters the army is mostly going from an ordinary officer corps from a minority called khalid writes from which mr assad comes but the country is a majority sunni country and it's been very influenced by neighboring iraq. people in syria are scared to death that the same part of secular violence. discrimination that has come to prevail in a row. well will infiltrate their country i think there are real similarities in some ways to libya. that is to say the situation is more complex than the outside
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world understands and it would be easy to make a mistake it's not wise to intervene in syria. and second because he probably in many ways is the neighbors in this case turkey. and also saudi arabia as the course for the arabs in the united states would be well advised and probably president obama's statement was influenced by the fact that the king of saudi arabia the president of turkey the prime minister of turkey have both come out called for that for president assad to either reform or really but i was going to ask you about that i mean to what extent do you think the u.s. has been you know before choosing to make this decision you just said you think that the u.s. government probably in communication with turkey in communication with saudi arabia what about countries like iraq and iran to what extent do you their notions about the syrian government are fact armand's here not really up at all i think the
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interesting thing is that iraq which of course we will be leaving at the end of the year. has moved in iraq stuck with iran which is really dominant political influence in iraq apparently on two issues this issue of syria where they have been strongly supportive of president assad. regime where the saudis intervene so there is some kind of. coordination between tehran and baghdad which i think is disturbing to the united states i think a really really interesting i'm not sure to what extent you've been following sort of how this has been covered on cable news i know a lot of the mainstream networks have been showing this this photo of this twelve year old boy a victim killed in what appears to be an assad. led the raid. you know just gruesome gruesome pictures are sort of a symbol as to perhaps why it was
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a good thing that the u.s. called for assad to step down what do you think about this i mean what are the messages that americans are seeing regarding the conflict in syria well it's it's there's nothing new about americans being anti regime in syria we have been for decades so it's not surprising that the mainstream media would. portray their outside government in such a negative light and seize on an incident to make that take that point i think the problem is that as i said the situation in syria is very complex and a lot of people suffering from. all quarters of society including those who support depend on the government. i think it's a mistake to assume that. one person suffering really can be taken to represent very much just last question for you are you have extensive experience and knowledge about all these different countries that seem to be having something
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going on and what do you think happens next in syria as we look ahead you know to that to the next few weeks and months. well i think it's on the verge of becoming a governable for president so. i'm interested in. what turkey will do you know turkey is a neighbor which had invested a great deal in trying to. promote reform through president assad in syria it's been frustrated turkey is also a country with a very strong army. a lot of resolve when it decides to do something it does it i think it turks have put the syrians on notice that they're not going to tolerate indefinite turmoil in the country so i think we need to watch that space certainly a lot of eyes will be on that region of the world former ambassador to saudi arabia chas freeman jr thanks so much for joining us pleasure well it started as a joke drunken night and the creation of
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a facebook page that invited people who wanted to riot to come out and do so well the riot never happened but the two young men who started the page both in their very early twenty's were sentenced to four years in jail for even attempting it it's one look at multiple harsh sentences being dished out by the british government after those four days of violent protests there are days i've or bennett has the details. four years behind bars for the riot that didn't even happen jordan black sure and perry sutcliffe kenan were banged up for inciting disorder on facebook no one turned up after their invitation to riot which they later said was a drunken joke but now they face sentences even tougher than most looters in our worry is that it is an imbalance and a four year sentence for example would normally be given to somebody for a previous bodily harm for holding someone up with a knife or even for. some form of sexual assault so it seems to me that.
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there is a danger that the courts are moving into disproportionate territory and that actually devalues our response to more serious crimes the governments encourage courts to dish out harsh sentences by using the public disturbance as an aggravating factor it's meant this man anderson fernandez could even be sent to jail for theft of just two scoops of ice cream because like this one denying bail to most offenders and ignoring any claims of previous good character of the one thousand two hundred seventy seven people charged so far two thirds are being reminded in custody that's way up on last year's rate for serious crimes which is just ten percent some offenders even being made homeless is their punishment with local governments taking away their houses but many say it's all simply cause more harm than good i think this is very unwise the move to remove people from housing interim you've got if it's because actually if we are saying that some of the crime
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that we saw on the streets was an expression of people not feeling proud to society not feeling part of our communities then these measures are actually going to push further away from society further away from our communities and far more likely to commit crime the facebook case is the first sign of the government's desire to crack down on social media sites like twitter were applauded by the west for mobilizing the masses in the arab world but they were also instrumental in the u.k. riots so now the prime minister wants it to stop. we are working with the police the intelligence services and industry to look at whether it would be right to stop people communicating via these websites and services when we know they are causing violence disorder and criminality when social media fuel revolutions in egypt and she needs written called it democracy but now the shoe's on the other but when troubles closer to home i'm very conscious i've been you know the.
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only would. we. be. the prime minister says this is where britain fights back but it spears this fighting fire with fire could only fan the flames of civil disorder are definit artsy london and try to prevent bad civil disorder british police have been unforgiving i'm seeing more than three thousand people arrested more than a thousand charged and to give you an idea of some of the other harsh sentences another twenty three year old but six months for stealing a case of bottled water sentences like this being praised by prime minister david cameron now this is a developed country with an advanced legal system many critics saying this is severe overreaction on the part of the british government and that you know what we should be worried about what comes next if this is happening today while among
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those calling for a close examination of all this radio host alex jones he's in austin texas right now and i would imagine has a few things to say about this. alex i want to start off with this case of these two young men who started a facebook page for a riot that never happened and who got four years behind bars what do you make of this. well we've got the intel for you here on exactly what happened in day one when it started on that sunday we broke down what would happen now it's been confirmed that the police were ordered to stand down the government admits that when the when the looting was localized and very light then word spread to basically the hooligan football types and other miscreants that it was time to have a party and that you could loot and steal and then four days later the parliament comes in attacks the internet and says we need to start restricting the internet across the board so yes they're going after people that kind of got on the
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bandwagon instead of asking why did the police stand down at the very beginning and that's being done so they can now come in and crack down on free speech across the board because the british ministry of defense report in two thousand and seven predicted that the oncoming austerity in the next five years and now here we are four years later would cause a real political demonstrations and political rioting so they allowed some hooligan type activity to now bring in draconian rules and label all political demonstrations and activity as violent and so that's why these hooligans targeted people stores family homes set fires so they're going after people who stole ice cream or bottle water or who you know joke around on facebook instead of having real police investigations and finding the real violent criminals that set the fires and attack the firefighters so this is a type of false flag of event that we're seeing and we caught the police here in
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the us in seattle twelve years ago in ninety nine actually hiring thugs to attack not prosecuting them and then pulling back and then the public saying do something then the police attacked the peaceful protesters that the w.t. does this is a labyrinth psychological warfare operation and i'm just saying. it's after the fact that prison planet dot com and forwards are called our reporters in london we predicted everything that unfolded this is a standard operating system and it's so interesting alex whenever i hear about things like this happening especially crackdown on social media i mean it was not very long ago that our government the u.s. government was criticizing egypt for setting down their internet service which is you know a lot of these social media sites facebook and twitter is where their kind of protests were being organized i know too that this is not just overseas in this country you know a lot of police departments have been reacting to what they're seeing a by bringing in you know i know and my p.d.
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is one are bringing in an entire social media unit these officers will spend their days sort of scouting what's going on and and looking for things like this to be happy exactly one of my listeners actually broke that story because it happened to him a few months ago he said let's go protest the federal reserve the real power structure that ron paul and others talk about when he got there there were fifty cops waiting because he called for a peaceful demonstration look at last week in san francisco they were going to have a peaceful demonstration and so in a third of the city they just shut off all the cell phones because a peaceful demonstration was happening the u.s. government the british government and others and nato criticized the mubarak for after weeks of rioting and protest and burning and looting they shut off the internet and boy that was the worst thing in the world but now you even talk about a peaceful demonstration of the u.s. the cell phones are cut off for everybody it's really really interesting to see i mean to what extent can this argument by the british government just trying to to
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watch out and maintain safety in the area to what extent is that argument hold any water at all in terms of these really harsh crackdowns. it holds no water because the british government pressured amazon three days into it to not sell people baseball bats and other things to defend themselves so the so the brits have been disarmed and then the government stands down in southern london with some very small. riots going on over a youth who was shot and i mean it is insane to watch this happening and we saw it when we saw the police stand down we said in a stand down was ordered then it came out there was a stand down so it holds no water the west is getting the public ready to demonize real political demonstrations against austerity that we've seen in greece ireland and many many other areas they're getting us ready for the economic collapse to basically brand all protest or even violent demonstrations in response to violent
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police actions. who look at as some or some type of crime and so when people target the general public with riots the police stand down if those demonstrators would have gone and tried to burn ten downing street or the parliament they would have been shot not with rubber bullets but with live live ammo so this whole thing is very very serious and we see the internet kill switch more and more being rolled out we see the pentagon in control of it and darpa here in the united states and they admit it to track and trace and shut down political speech if you could just give me one or two sentences of your prediction for sort of the implications of this especially in regards to social media and the internet it's one to be used all over the western world as a pretext to even shut down mile political speech and it's all being done because the police stood down and didn't miss these these riots in the bud from the
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very very beginning this is this is the beginning of the end of the internet and freedom of speech if we don't stand up and speak out against this radio host alex jones joining us from often tax us. and still ahead here on our king of the america at five pm we've heard all about the end of the world in two thousand and twelve but could it be much much sooner we'll consider this just this year alone we've had a devastating earthquake rocked japan and set off nuclear sized worries about radiation to the flooding that turned the u.s. heartland into a swamp making some homeowners into island owners and on top of that all the tornadoes that blew away entire communities in the south just freak accidents of nature well some think not we'll have some comment mongering ahead so is that the end of the world as we know it sure to tune in and a half hour because for now that's going to do it for more on the.
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