tv [untitled] August 18, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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the foundation shows a significant decline in the well being of american children over the last ten years as the rate of child poverty grew eighteen percent currently one out of every five children in america lives in poverty that's fifteen million kids and if you include children living in households of four people making double the poverty line and more than thirty one million children live in desperation certainly half of all kids in america this is a national crisis the republicans are making worse as they try to cut programs for our kids are protecting their billionaire buddies from tax increases meanwhile on the other side of the spectrum of those in need republicans are trying to gut social security for senior citizens it's a topic that came up yesterday at a town hall meeting hosted by republican front runner for president mitt romney take a look. i'm wondering what you need to do to me so he sees all them and i know you mentioned even raise her to me the most is the only thing that will help our generation years since nine hundred ninety three you're the one i want to do the
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research so should you fear for your generation i don't know what. surgery for you from your choice one this week you show security the great best begin to solve . actually raising the cap was the woman in the video suggested does the problem with social security currently only the first one hundred six thousand eight hundred dollars of a person's income is taxed for social security in other words billionaires pay virtually no social security taxes while working stiffs making forty thousand bucks a year carry the entire load and according to the congressional research service just by a limited cap and insuring the billionaires pay the same social security tax rate as the rest of us the program will generate massive surpluses and stays solvent for at least another seventy five years but for some reason that's off the table as is government spending was fifteen to lifted fifteen million children in america out of poverty so why did the republican party lose its compassion and well when did it
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stop looking out for children senior citizens those who are most in need of more on this i'm joined by democratic strategist erica community erica welcome not to be here but what's happened even the pretense of compassionate conservative i think that i mean i would say that this that conservatism hasn't been compassionate in a long time but in fact i think kind of thrown out even the label of compassion is really kind of striking i mean i i think there's a couple things that are mentioned here is that this idea of who is the constituency because the majority of americans seventy five percent more than that do not agree with an increase in fact that they were they wanted social security continue at its benefit rate more so than they wanted the deficit to be taken and tackled two to one is the proportion to one tea party members also believe that there should be no cuts to social security benefits so it's not even there are conservative the thirty not you know those that are looking towards retirement it's
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certainly not a younger generation it's people making over one hundred six. a lot of things begin to list because they also collect social security checks so you know george soros gets a check. so does. the koch brothers so it's also have benefits them as well it is one of the few programs that literally goes to everybody well back to the compassionate conservatism was that just a brand i mean i never saw any evidence you know george herbert walker bush you know when they were rolling. his thousand points of light it was basically government doesn't do anything new moon churches to do stuff you know go find a rich person abroad from below and that's actually a really interesting point i mean you we have people like frank luntz who've made entire career out of those clever little names that don't really describe what we're actually talking about the kind of make it sound more palatable if you want member and compassionate conservative search conservatism certainly is one of those things that's very easy going but you know you mention something about the churches
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taking care of people and and it's a really important point because you know this is something where you know america is generally a religious nation not just christian or or jewish or muslim or hindu but a religious kind of base and we were founded off of a lot of these principles of taking care of the collective not oligarchy but you know democracy people we did he call everybody everybody and you will even have the pope who in the same breath is espousing things like you know no abortion and very kind of what we consider conservative mainstays has also come out this week and talked about economic balance and saying that profit isn't the main measure of an economy that it's the common collective good so i think this idea that churches or this moral believe that we take care of the poor stuff that was taught in the bible something that you know even henry ford who has is a big you know capitalist paid his workers more increase their wages to make them a middle class a stronger economy although his wife of business for fortune just for the record
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but in the end it is you know who would you vote for others are you telling me that's entirely different they're breaking up unions and one of them in a poll ryan's bill in the house of representatives every single republican voted to basically. turn medicare into a voucher system which has horrified american singers and could wipe out the republican party unless republicans for can figure out a way to get the democrats to even. one percent out of medicare so that they can say oh you know they want to do the same thing we're doing are they going to succeed in this strategy or the democrats going to follow this trail you know i think rhetorical democrats are often kind of all into a trap were guarding medicare and kind of pushing back against republicans but i think the more that people know about the ryan plan and the more that they really understand financially what this means for them in wisconsin paul ryan's home state it means seniors paying six thousand dollars more a year i mean it when people hear that it kind of gives that the startling
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democrats have been doing a better job of really pointing out kind of the absurdity of just taking though the sentence that says you know you know we want to end medicare or change it or you know this program and fillets use allness or it is inefficient or it's made care worse people hear those kind of quick sound bites something's off and it's not quite right so there's no amount of handshaking or charming smile or sleeves rolled out at a town hall that kind of talk their way out of it and all the charging people would come in. as a way to get a filter in the mouth with rick perry in the majority of republican candidates all kind of unwatched saying that things like social security are unconstitutional i mean this is an argument from the thirty's by the way it was before the supreme court so. what if if we give power to america what america looks like well i think you would end up with an america that look a lot like it did before the great depression when there was a massive wealth and balance and i think this this idea that it's unconstitutional
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is if it decided in the courts but i actually disagree i think it is exactly what the constitution allies when it says that congress has the power to tax and have the obligation to take care of the. common to all the gentlemen and the general welfare and that's exactly what the constitution says and you know tom coburn i mean has also said this and as a member to sherry committee and as a man who's taken that open office you really should know what's in the constitution i think when you have people who pick and choose which parts of the constitution they like and twist and manipulate it it's a really dangerous thing to have a government right in the basically trying to not just pick and choose but you can interpret what it means since it's really quite right thanks so much for being was the last thirty three to us. we will see you really have to question the majority more rowdy of a political party that will turn its back on children and the elderly starving to make sure that their billion or campaign contributors don't get their acts like let's hope the republican party steps back from the edge of manatees.
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diggy science is my opportunity to share with you use some of the week's most bewildering interesting or weird science news the journal science is reporting this week those super thin electronic ads with sticks to the skin like a temporary tattoo to transform medical sunstein computer gaming and even spy operations we'll get back to that in just a second spy operations the microelectronics technology called an epidermal what tronics or e.t.s. was developed by an international team of researchers in the united states china and singapore one of the creators professor john rogers university of illinois and said that the us eliminates the distinction between electronics and biology
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because his words it integrates with the skin in a way that is mechanically and physiologically in visible to the user in test the patch was used instead of bulky electrodes to monitor brain art and muscle tissue activity and users who had it down their throat operated of voice activated video game with more than ninety percent accuracy the wireless device is nearly weightless and requires so little power it can fuel itself with miniature solar collectors or by picking up electromagnetic radiation less than fifty microns thick devices thinner than a human hair and as soft as human skin and it can stick to the skin without any glue or sticky material in fact e.a.s. uses a molecular force known as the vander walls interaction to create and he between the patch and human skin at the molecular level scientists have spent six years developing this technology and they believe that e.-s.
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might find future medical. uses in patients with sleep apnea babies in need neonatal needle care and for making electronic bandages to help skin heal from wounds and burns on the other hand it could also be the ultimate by tool imagine someone comes up and touches your neck and unbeknownst to you you are now carrying a device they can transmit to somebody else everything from your blood pressure are you under stress or lying to the words you're speaking future versions we even have cameras and they wouldn't even need to touch you a few thousand of them could be blown into a crowd it wouldn't even look like a little bit of dust and suddenly everybody is chipped everybody's monitored everybody's trackable anywhere on earth and this isn't my paranoid rant this is explicitly why the spy organizations of the countries that collaborated to develop a single portrait of the united states are so excited about it more as the story develops. vox so-called news is great when it comes to
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infotainment but not economics in my daily take republicans and their buddies of fox so called news keep pushing the vonte economic theory sabotaging our nation's economic recovery. drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions complete couldn't break through get through to people who made who can you trust no one who is you know view with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more. fun. for.
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thanks month our nation will honor the tenth anniversary of the nine eleven terrorist attacks like previous years they'll be a special ceremony at ground zero in new york city at this time some people are not invited for nine eleven first responders this week mayor michael bloomberg office confirms the nine eleven first responders are not invited to the ceremony and that the ceremony is specifically for the families of the victims of nine eleven a statement from the mare's office read while we are again focused on accommodating victims' families members given the space constraints we're working to find ways to
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recognize and honor first responders and other groups at different places and times john feal the founder of an advocacy group for nine eleven first responders reacted to the mayor's statement saying the best of the best that this country offered ten years ago are being neglected and denied their rightful place of course this is just the latest slap in the face to nine eleven first responders at the end of last year republicans finally dropped their filibuster against the james zadroga rogue up act which gave medical care to nine eleven first responders who are now dying from the toxic debris they inhaled while working for months at ground zero recovering bodies and cleaning up the site just last month responders discovered a catch in the bill that disqualifies them from receiving any medical care assistance for cancer since according to the world trade center health program there is no scientific link between ground zero debris and cancer. tell that to the
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countless firefighters and policemen who worked at ground zero and now have throat or lung cancer so why are we turning our backs on the first responders some of the bravest men and women in the nation for more on this i'm joined by two of those first responders and sacrificed so much john one and can george john can welcome to the program i mean. it's been a while since we've talked john in particular i'm curious how you're doing. i'm doing all right you know what's happening now again with the government now with my own city down turning their backs on the respond and gives me a lot of strain and in my condition to keep buying from my brothers this is the. but. my my recollection was that you have stage four throat cancer. that. i developed for cancer in two thousand and nine and there's
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a funny thing about what you just said about here so not being in the bill my own state and of new york state compensation they recognized that my cancer was directly from ground zero. this it's only because little my cancer doctor my ears nose and throat guy out there and the doctor of the world trade center monetary program which is run by the government also wrote letters in my behalf stating that my cancer was there directly from ground zero and that's how i got. recognized as having cancer down a ground zero from my own state new york state. federal building it all up all look at their lives they it is not statistics and they are wrong every day more and more responders are getting cancer and if they look at the facts no less to with three years now at the beginning with two thousand and three four and five it was disease
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and cancer is the disease a look well as it spreads and it takes a while don't tell me there are and of all those that i was working side by side and i represent a union tradesman down there the actual work force that went down there you clean that pile up i never hear about that. heroes all the time but it was the civilian force. is the steel barriers that dark builders carpet electricians union workforce the trades they had to go out there pile cleaned up and i don't hear anything about that so now ryan from a. family with the exact space around there that will be used for the ceremony i mean i've been there but i know that you're very familiar with it as as you and john both work for. does mayor bloomberg have a legitimate logistical problem he's trying to solve here of too many people and
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not enough physical space to put them in and if not then why would he do with us this way that you know i feel that the mayor can think whatever he wants there is at the power. to have the the first responders. that were there when we were on search and rescue when we were in cleanup. and he could open some pretty nice guys no i'm just say hypothetically he could open up say like madison square garden was something swear these people could go i spoke to a lot of responders and a lot of the first ones i spoke to which will cause firemen construction workers they all heard about that and not you know just because of people. you know out of responders that are dying now and they feel they feel and left out and it's a shame that they should feel left out we're all we were all there that day we all did what we had to do and we all should be treated the same way i mean claim my
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brother john here and there's people dying of heart disease. all kinds of stuff they should have something for them you know we all went down here pain years ago as patriots to this country don't love this country in fill up my city and now can years later we can use the eye for a bill that they literally ripped billions of dollars out and now my own city where i live is now turning their back on a nine eleven responding we're getting slapped in the face left and right by everybody and i just hope the public is aware that you know what it was fifty states that were represented down the act and this is united states they were united it's not just the new york area problem this is the united states problem. do you guys think that the america's going to organize a different. event in a different place maybe a little later on for you guys for the nine eleven responders or is he afraid of
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the blowback that he might get if they all got together in one spot particularly given how you got screwed with this legislation. well you know what. they responded we're not and we did nothing. ever hurt and the memory of the those that were lost on that day if i'm in the cops and the civilians that i i saw those family faces every morning when i went there in the morning to work on the other side of a fence he gave me those pictures of their loved ones i know how much the this memorial feels for them that we never disrupt it any circumstance that day no matter what that's why we're doing this now and we're trying our best i gave my heart and soul i got sick of being down there just to help find somebody survivors so i hope every time i found my part of maine is something that it brought some kind of closure to one of the family members so why should
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a couple responders be invited to a. ceremony here you know if nothing else is representative john candy i'm absolutely with you we'll keep an eye on this and we'll keep reporting out thank you both for being with us thank you so much and if you listen everybody out there will tell all we can go. now let's keep these nine eleven first responders in our thoughts as they continue to struggle with their own tragedies a decade after our national treasure. box news doesn't know jack about economics today forty five million americans depend on food stamps just to have enough. to eat a fact that makes conservatives crazy not because it's a national tragedy that so many americans are in need of because our government is
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giving so many poor people but republicans call and it's beside the moral obligation we have to make sure millions of citizens living in the wealthiest nation on earth don't starve to death food stamps known as the snap program are actually one of the best economic stimulus programs out there as agriculture secretary tom vilsack noted when you talk about the snap program or the food stamp program you have to recognize that it's also an economic stimulus every dollar of snap benefits generates one point eight four dollars in the economy in terms of economic activity. if people are able to buy a little more in the grocery store and someone has got to stock it package it process that ship and all of those are jobs it's the most direct stimulus you can get into the economy during tough times because gresham a budget office agrees uncertain terryville sec so is the center on budget and policy priorities so does the economic policy institute and so does moody's and so
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does virtually zero all or every serious or nonpartisan economist but fox so-called news the republican party. they beg to disagree. is still of this program now is it actually people who are in food stamps stimulate the economy because every dollar generates one dollar and eighty four cents into the economy you buy more groceries if you're on food stamps. he by that is a stimulating part of the economy. you but. you just said the numbers yourself every dollar spent on food stamps generates a dollar eighty four in economic activity how is that not an example of economic stimulus but go on. so if you give people money and if they didn't earn and you tell them to go spend it on stuff they normally couldn't forward everyone's better off that's exactly right kill me aside from the condescending tone if you give
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people money to buy stuff then guess what they buy stuff and buy and stuff stimulates the economy it creates demand which increases the need for more stuff which means some people have to get hired to grow or build or manufacture and supply more things to sell which means more jobs and more pay jackson pretty much everybody doing much better it's called economics one one hundred. but let's let's see let's see what the other guy in the house has to say. very quickly jay carney earlier this week or last we came out and said unemployment benefits are stimulus well this isn't this is in the ministration it just doesn't get it it's really it's socialism it. of course any help for poor people is socialist don't. but as the old saying goes here and tell your own opinions but you're not entitled to your own facts unemployment benefits food stamps and other forms of government spending that end up in people's pockets have been proven time and time again to
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help the economy as this data from the chief economist at moody's mark zandi shows government spending does boost the economy every one dollar spent on rebuilding our infrastructure creates a dollar fifty nine in each increased economic activity a dollar spent on unemployment benefits or what fox news calls socialism generates a dollar sixty four in increased economic activity and as for food stamps every dollar spent on them creates a whopping dollars seventy three in increased economic activity making at the most effective stimulus program at the government's disposal yet all of these programs are programs that republicans and their mouthpieces of fox news rail on as an extension of that in any state and government waste. so if stamps and unemployment
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benefits don't really stimulate the economy then tell me if i actually use what does. pulling right to being socialist the more you give the more you stimulate now sorry it's got to come from the private private sector. it's got to come from the private sector that same private sector is sitting on two trillion dollars of the cold hard cash but is not spending one dime of it not hiring people not investing in new equipment and not expanding their business course except for in asia but if we just give a bunch of tax cuts then robin everything will be right right. moody's economist mark zandi also looked into the stimulative effect of tax cuts and here's what he found out every one dollar spent getting corporations a tax cut creates only thirty cents any increased economic activity every dollar spent on giving billionaire hedge fund managers a capital gains tax cut creates only thirty seven cents in increased economic activity and what about the bush tax cuts every dollar spent in the bush tax cuts
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generates only twenty nine cents of economic activity just twenty nine cents probably because the other seventy one cents banished into some billionaire swiss bank account again your in total your own opinions about food stamps but not your own facts so why is it the tax cuts don't stimulate the economy like government spending does because supply side economics or what some call trickle down economics does not work it never has and never will the idea that if you just give billionaires a bunch more money and then the magically turn into a job or turn themselves in a job creating fairies is absurd. the idea that stocking shelves with stuff will entice people to buy that stuff when they don't have the money to buy things makes no sense people buy stuff when they have money that's how economics works demand drives economies we've known that since ancient some areas seven thousand years ago
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the republican strategist julie roginsky invented the phrase supply side economics in the late seventy's it wasn't for economics he wasn't an economist it was purple a little positioning it was a way to sell to the american people the idea that it was ok to hand a bunch of tax dollars collected from working people or borrowed from overseas to the multimillionaires who were who were and are the main funders of the republican party. this is impressive crowd the haves and the have horse. some people call you the elite. i call you my base i thank you so i say it's time to stop taking advice and gretchen carlson brian kilmeade and socialist obsession eric bolling over so-called news and start taking our economic advice wasn't learned in history lessons learned from the great depression when franklin roosevelt help poor people get back on their feet again by stimulating the economy and took on employment from over twenty five percent to fourteen percent in
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just three short years we need to kick the supply side economics up stairs out of congress and out of the media and get back to the basics of economics making sure people have enough money to spend to meet their basic needs and not making sure billionaires have enough money in their swiss bank accounts that's it for the big picture tonight and don't forget democracy begins with you get out there get out to your it. drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions it's going to get through it if you need me who can you trust no one who is your view with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called satchels when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more.
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