tv [untitled] August 19, 2011 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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this is. allowed friday at the markets to end song so plain in the red following similar falls in europe and asia amid new fears of old world recession. russia cautions against international calls for change in syria saying the president on sunday time to implement promised changes. most who says the syrian regime needs time to implement promised changes and should be given the chance to sort out his political future before more join me in response to the from damascus in just a few moments. passed its twenty years to the day since the attempted coup by a group of hardline communists against nicole go to help bring about the end of the
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soviet union. and swimming is in russia's far east a group fights terror off to cheat people with stoppage by shots in today's attacks that have never been seen before. very warm welcome to you this is our see a live from moscow stocks in europe have plummeted sharply after a similar falls in asia investors are growing more anxious about the european financial situation and its leaders ability to resolve the debt crisis and as aussies have done to push a report this all comes of it new fears that the world economy may be on the verge of another recession. you're picking up where the us left off on thursday which is the there's a big greed gets poisoning investors at the moment not only is america releasing
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toxic figures on unemployment housing and so on yesterday was the worst day for the footsie one of the world's biggest stock markets over in london in two and a half years on fears that the world will slump into recession taught by morgan stanley has slashed its full cost for growth for the world economy a worrying sign there and asia is not being left out of this asian markets are also now there's a saying when the us when the us sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold and that's particularly true of asia which is export driven countries like china and india rely on the west's employ its products its computers its toys and so on so you understand why the whole world is suffering at the moment so this week's summit really raised more questions than it owns that they announced a single financial government for the european union but the people of europe say they don't want to it's in opinion polls which raises real questions about the.
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leaders just how democratic european leaders it also doesn't point to the real enemy which is that many countries have too much debt and their economies on competitive here in europe it really doesn't pull those issues and there's times like this. they wish they had a safer easier job. for example. ok he perceived that he was joking about russian markets also suffering losses today following the downturn in stock exchanges around the world let's get the latest now from our business desk marina's on the buy for us. safe is a double dip recession reflected in the mood of russian traders to them it seems well here in the us of course is we're heading to a two one slow extending also from the previous session but now the r.t.s. is one point ninety seven close advisors one point ninety eight so they've recovered a little bit but investors are still concerned about the state of the global economy and the worst hits are energy majors banking stocks we'll have the latest
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figures for you very shortly you know this is. looking forward to getting all the details from you a little later this hour now kareena. well still ahead this hour. to change we look back on l. the course of the soviet union to a major to twenty years ago on this day on attempt to overthrow the government with staged on the streets of moscow. russia has refused to ban the call made by the u.s. and the urging syria's leader to step down as president assad should be given time to implement promised reforms and that the country should be left alone to sort out its political future. in damascus with more. russia's position has always been clear steer it definitely needs reforms these changes are definitely needed are required in this country but president assad needs time to do that. the syrian
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leadership needs time to implement its reform program but significant steps towards that have already been taken the state of emergency has been lifted the higher court of state security was abolished the decree allowing citizens of from peaceful demonstrations was accepted by the syrians should negotiate not fight the opposition as well as the regime is responsible for making that happen probably a lot of work but i don't it's russia at all presence. could only deteriorate things here only ground and could come as transition to democratic states at the same time russia has all the time to reach rating and that's even present our side doesn't keep his promises in that case the social communities are to react to russia's delegation that is a jew is a masters very soon on saturday to try to find out exactly what is going on on the ground how assad is full feeling these promises bulbous attrition on the ground
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he is here it is very complicated and i have to emphasize that the call from the u.s. and e.u. for the syrian president to step down comes just hours after president bashar assad has announced that the military operation in syria is over and had promised for more reforms he witnessed the army is a troll we've seen at least thirty tanks live in the city and inside the city we haven't seen and in ministry laughed police has returned to duty meanwhile we are receiving reports and the run media reports. based on information received from protesters and local residents that's the army is still. on the ground. in with talk here and even the reports that. the soldiers are firing from tight time to peaceful demonstrators but i have to emphasize and this is very
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important these reports are very hard to very far because international journalists are not allowed to move freely here in the country as the syrian government says because it's dangerous. let's cross live now to james call but that is an independent news website based in japan the corporate report many thanks for being with us here on r.t. so what falls moscow's position for the way that this crisis in syria could evolve well it's extremely important right now to to watch how russia's position in this unfolds because obviously we are entering into unthinkable times where the idea of military intervention in syria is on the table which is something that truly and in almost any other geo political situation would be unthinkable but given the economic collapse that's proceeding apace we see people even on the far liberal left of the of the american establishment like like paul krugman arguing that for
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the keynesian style of that to the economy that major military intervention would give so so unfortunately with economic destabilization we often see this type of preparation for a massive military intervention and unfortunately that seems to be the phase they were in and only the only major force like russia seems at this stage capable of really preventing a repeat of what you saw in libya but there's been no public indication yet from any side of military intervention is on the cards we're now at this stage of economic sanctions nor was there any real forewarning of the type of intervention that was going to be taking place in libya during the the preparatory phase of that of that campaign which of course started out as the u.n. security council resolution one thousand seven. which immediately became a born again which immediately became the. overt attempt to overthrow gadhafi which was something that we were assured at the outset of the the hostilities was not
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something that was on the table so so we've seen how this is just a stepping stone to a later phase and unfortunately the type of rhetoric that we've seen especially with all of the major neato powers yesterday coming out with cameron and sarkozy and merkel and harper and obama and clinton all coming out simultaneously telling assad that he needs to step down it's exactly the type of preparatory phase that we saw in the lead up to the libyan campaign so. they are what we do know for sure is that international delegations are on their way to syria to try and determine what's going on on the ground we know that russia is sending their own delegation as is the u.n. so how much do you think the international community really knows about what's really going on while i'm on the ground in syria at the moment. that's an excellent question and i would say that the answer is next to nothing and that's reflected in so much of the reporting on the situation which so far in the western media has
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been relying very heavily on unverified sources activists and others because of course there is no easy for the international press to operate freely in syria since so much of this is sourcing back to and verified and unverifiable in a lot of cases sources that quite frankly aren't worth the pre-pay for they're not printed on we have a lot of claims about what's happening there but very little way of determining at this point what what really is and it would be it would be a travesty i think for the world community to be to be acting on unverified claims from from actually the source instead that perhaps have a vested interest in cleaning things that are not really happening well despite the credibility question marks raise over some of the sources coming out of syria the how's been lots of stalking footage to come out and shocking reports from eyewitnesses on the ground do you think that is why the western powers in particular have chosen this moment see ratchet up the pressure on the president
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assad to go. i think that it provides a convenient opportunity to ratchet up the pressure but i'm not particularly convinced that we that we have any understanding of exactly how how this is play note or who really is the aggressor in this situation we have the reports of assad's military being firing on unarmed protesters but we also have reports of protesters that have machine guns and antitank weapons and being supplied from through turkey so those types of reports have been coming out in recent weeks but unfortunately have not been getting a lot of traction in the western press ok i think that's a key piece of the puzzle that we need in order to figure out what's happening and it's likely these delegations going to syria will give us a clearer picture as to what is happening on the ground but let's talk about the possible alternatives for syria on this channel we've heard experts criticizing the western powers for not giving the gauche asians
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a chance in syria but instead calling for assad to go who could actually replace the president though at this point in syria. well that's an excellent question and i think it's not for one for us to determine really i would say that that would be in the hands of the syrian people in whatever process can be put into play to enable them to have a voice in this process but i really don't don't see anywhere in the western media any sort of reflection of what even the official assad position is other than to see the the. visit regime and that's not to offer it as a defense of his regime by any means but simply to say that that it is difficult to even see that viewpoint being reflected so it's not at this point pretty much impossible to speculate on how things might play out if if assad does step down because we're just not getting that other side of the story and unfortunately that plays into the hands of the people who are calling for for deeper involvement as
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many have been calling for months in the western establishment including the u.s. for for military intervention ok that is her of an independent news website based in japan and likely face thoughts if you. know with all say still to come a sharp teeth and giant jaws there's horror on the beaches of russia's far east as the hunt begins for the shoulder two young men in the space of just two days. it's a twenty years ago to the day since eight communist hardliners staged a coup to overthrow. then president of the soviet union but while it failed to topple the government it's widely seen as a pivotal factor in the u.s. that follows eventual collapse takes a look at how it changed the course of history. if you turned on your t.v. set in moscow on the morning of the nineteenth of all this nine hundred ninety one
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this is what you would have seen tchaikovsky's swan lake. why are so many muscovites because on the streets this is what was really happening. there was confusion and panic even among the tent crews themselves. we were ordered to march towards in moscow i thought i'd figured out when i get there as we weren't given any information as to what was happening. soviet leader mikhail gorbachev had been shot in his holiday home in the crimea a state committee on the state of emergency declared itself and charge it was made up of high ranking communist party officials including the head of the k.g.b. . president and the defense minister they were terrified that gorbachev's democratic reforms and the union treaty due to be signed on the twentieth of august would give so much power away from the center to the soviet republics it would
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destroy the soviet union. it was an act of treason on the part of good but she often yeltsin and this circle out right treason they were going to ruin our country . in a press conference later that day they said that gorbachev was ill and that they would take over in his absence of their show wasn't convincing on the nineteenth of august vice president kennedy and naive on the other members of the emergency committee sat in this very spot as he delivered his statement the assembled journalists noticed that his hands were shaking then one twenty four year old journalist blew his official words right out of the water. bottle tell me do you realize that you've conducted acquitted they look very convincing. just. meanwhile on the streets the russian supremes soviet building the white
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house but become the center of resistance to the coup boris yeltsin the president of the russian part of the u.s.s.r. but convinced some of the time crews just switch sides people flocked to join him and demand cribbage office return. he failed him tells you that was the yeahs of your command a trait is an enemy's whose always will you have be as night fell on the twentieth of august the curfew ordered by the cool denies is raised fears of an assault on the white house when armored vehicles began moving through the rotunda the night protesters disillusioned with the communist party rose up to defend their hopes of democracy. of kamaz son dimitriy was killed in war with police and out on to the right by his friend legitimate tried to drag him away want a machine rode over my son's had and killed lead to marriage wow. cool fail and
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what's more it destroyed trust in the communist party which was then back russia and then by ninety ninety one by the end of the year the very system they sought to keep alive the soviet union had ceased to exist on boston r.t. . the israeli military guards are exchanging deadly fire after a series of attacks allegedly by palestinians on thursday will seven israelis were killed after a bus is a v.m. civilian vehicles and soldiers came under fire in the south of the country let's get some more analysis on this now and cross live to gaza and dr honey i love. many thanks for being with us here and also you know israel's been quick to label thursday's attacks as terrorism is that enough proof that these were in fact carried out by palestinians. no in fact all palestinian political factions have
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denied any link or responsibility with this attack on the israeli side and despite this fact we have witnessed last night military operations or give us the gaza strip and which syrian policy there were killed more than twenty people were wounded israeli side insisting that the palestinian faction is have been standing behind this military to get into the israeli side in the lead but in fact as they say they all policy and political factions including hamas have denied any responsibility on this still that we can see last night and this morning. it has been clinching between the two sides in which song homie don't we are launching from the gaza strip against israeli cities and again there has been some last minute on some policy. institutions. against someone a senior political factions by the israeli military tanks by the israeli
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helicopters that was last night i think tension is still there are standing and i speak in addition that some attacks by the israeli military forces will take a glaze in the next few days and this evening as well because these really sides still insisting that the palestinian factions will have the responsibility for their operation ok well if the palestinians didn't carry out the tanks then who. well we still don't know the israeli side there is no one who would know executives to get in there the israeli military forces and intelligence. that palestinian factions are standing behind this little prescience but we do not see any concrete evidence to suggest that the policy in effect is who did this operation or this day in addition to has been some communication between the egyptian side and the israeli side in order to investigate this case and to see exactly who is behind
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this operation until that point we have to wait and see ok let's talk about the timing now of all this is just weeks before the u.n. vote on palestinian statehood is going to take place do you think that's a factor in this recent spike in violence. yes i think there has been talk about this and i guess there is a link between the case of. authority going to the united nations next month praying to. now behind this operation which yesterday no one knows exactly what the situation what information but still i think the israeli side trying to use this as a pretext to launch more really try to get to the palestinian civilians and palestinian factions i think the israeli military would like to drupal dies.
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before it's to go to the united nations to seek a palestinian state this is why own policy and political. party are trying to call for calm and try to call for ceasefire with the israeli side in order to prevent. the west bank by the israeli military forces and in order to give a chance for the palestinian authority to go to the you moms to seek a palestinian state we're also looking at israel now and the timing of this thousands of israel's have been and are continuing to protest against their own government's economic internal policies but do you think that an escalation all of the conflict with hamas right we're ninety israeli people perhaps we already know that one major demonstration was canceled as a result of this. yes that we have witnessed for the past two weeks at meijer or fortis in sight is where you and i just saw the israeli government would use the
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fortis in order to support its own stand against the government. i see now there is really people would be more united against the australians in this case i guess that netanyahu government and his coalition they would use this. tool might be only for that it is a blessing and be able to end the war but in the default just inside israel. many thanks for being with us here on r.t. dr honey i'll bust through thank you for your thoughts. the classic horror movie jaws has become a reality in russia's far east which has been terrorized by a marine predator a cash rewards been offered by a local authorities the capture of a shark that savaged two people. that tells the stories of the victims who were lucky to be alive nothing like this has ever happened here before
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russia has never seen a shark attack let alone two in two days this sixteen year old boy was diving a hundred meters off shore when it appeared the young man's wet suit service protection and saved him from death but both his legs were severely wounded. who cry help don't be shocked he would be booed when it was time to some guys went out on to duties and gave first the. only a d l e a twenty five year old man lost his forearms trying to defend his wife when the couple was saved witnesses were shocked at what they saw but i would say it was really scary a country even described that the man's hands were chewed off and the boat was full of blood. the attacks happened in the far east and from where your region that shares a border with north korea it is known for its beaches and clear water and swimming here has always been a safe dangerous sharks don't usually go that far north in
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a sea of japan scientists believe the predator was a white shark and man eater and are trying to work out what it was doing here. this type of shock really comes to what is it's a species that lives in trouble gold subtropical waters of the ocean but with global warming they're now starting to move more and more to the law i don't roughly three hundred sixty spaces of sharks just over thirty are known to be dangerous to humans the rest are either too small on live today but most experts agree that any shark with sharp enough teeth and longer than one point two metres can cause serious injuries especially if there's food of blood in the water and while scientists are looking for the reasons for these recent attacks the swimming season in the area is over at least for the time being. r.t. moscow time now for an update on all the latest in the world of business karina's
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here. hello and welcome to our business update this hour and we start with our top story the markets which puncture another round of volatility with fears of an underlying double dip the sentiment was spurred by negative data from europe and the u.s. and russian bourses haven't bucked the trend now for the latest on joined by a correspondent with us another car a. hello to you i thought it was the market looking like now. well american markets opened in the red zone better than expected but still with both not good nasdaq and dow jones going down they began recovering slightly off to the all pretty european markets have been losing going down all day. as to as they were doing to morrow slightly better though with both fitzy and the that's going down today that's lost about three percent yesterday lost more than five percent which is the most it has lost since the global financial turmoil. there was slight
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recovery at some point so on the european financial markets when the european central bank bought the new class of italian and spanish bonds but the debt didn't last for long and it still bears game on those markets russians google is also losing at this point against the basket of main currencies juices for investors withdraw their money from our russian stock markets due to the panic or new year being markets and how are some experts do you think that there is a bright side to this current turbulence on a european stock markets and that is the fact that will prices and gas prices will go down if this tendency continues and that will mean a lower inflation. ok you have a snorkel thanks very much for this off base let's cross over to the fingers and let's hear how the markets are doing now u.s. stock futures have opened lower but both accounts nasdaq managed to recover and now
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. ending up words but economic jitters an uncertainty about financial finance continues to fuel another day of selling around the world stocks in europe have recovered from early a sharp falls but are still trading in the red the footsie is trading half a percent lower while the dax is down less than two percent some banking shares were hit again with lloyds lloyds banking group down five point four percent in london and france's b.m.p. probably down three point nine percent and here in moscow the markets are trading in negative territory sending purrs these losses the r.t.s. in the markets are losing one and a half and nearly two percent respectively and here is the snapshot of the markets movers on the mind six this hour energy majors among the decliners gas come down two and a half percent banking stocks are worst hit the spread bank is losing over five percent and bt be dropped over four percent now or will prices here are slightly out after an almost six percent decline on thursday concerns about global economic
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recovery are weighing on crude over the week a dollar is giving some support now light sweet is trading at eighty two dollars a barrel while brand is up to almost one hundred eight dollars a barrel and a quick look at precious metals gold is trading at a new record high level as uncertainty about the global economy is pushing investors to say papers the stock price is now above one thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars per ounce and sobers also up it's gaining half a cent. that's our update for this hour for more stories you can always log on to our web site r t dot com slash business or join me for.
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