tv [untitled] August 19, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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you know when we talk about marijuana so much on this program well aside from the now medically undeniable fact that it's awesome it also very conveniently exposes president obama as the supreme hypocrite. the war on drugs is going to be or appeal . that was two thousand for the case so we've also got some of the movie about snooki our first ever viewer produced block alex jones and of course you the viewer round out another wonderful week of adam versus the man.
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remember this guy. no no no no we know him today the college photo oh there we go remember what he said about pot before he was president. has been a. lot . for all the yes we can it was in two thousand and eight there was no look at the fine print. but i know who we believe. will be the one but i do believe that the. only. group with whom we. are you see decriminalization is the worst position on marijuana because under
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decriminalization it's ok for an individual to possess we but not to grow or sell it so we still get the violent monopolies of drug gangs now fueled by partial legalization but what's worse is that well he smoked pot before and every day in this country countless lives are ruined because of the drug war and obama is basically saying anyone who is not me but mostly like i do should have their lives ruined but what about his campaign pledge to respect state's rights on the issues of medical marijuana and what i'm not going to be doing is using justice department resources to try to circumvent state laws on this issue simply because i want folks to be. investigating. violent crimes and attention terrorism we've got a lot of things for law enforcement officers to deal with violent crimes and potential terrorism are funny ok well this july the obama justice department made
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it official that marijuana has no legitimate medical purpose and the raids of state legal medical marijuana dispensaries continue and yes thanks to obama f.b.i. agents still regularly shoot guard dogs in the courts of clear them to do during drug raids do you get the feeling that obama is laughing at you with a pokes about which questions were going to be asked and i think three million people voted or. three point five million people voted i have to say that there was one question that was voted on that that ranked fairly high and that was whether legalizing marijuana would improve the economy and job creation actually the question will you consider legalizing marijuana so that the government can regulate it tax it put age limits on it and create millions of new jobs and create a billion dollar industry right here in the united states was top voted question and. i don't know what this says about the online audience.
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maybe the online audience cares about personal freedom and the american economy maybe we're catching on to the fact that you would rather do the bidding all the drug war profiteers want you to than the right thing because you care more about your own power or perhaps the drug war suddenly magically became the good war like afghanistan was when you took office and now we can afford all these wars right. do you really think it's wise to so casually disrespect three and a half million americans mr president. but i just want i don't want people to think that this was a fairly popular question we want to make sure that it was answered the answer is no i don't think that is a good strategy to grow our economy and the hand paid audience laughs right along sort of harvard university can on its professor jeffrey myron saying
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that in his book drug war crimes legalizing pot would add seventy seven billion dollars to the economy i guess when obama was at harvard. extracurriculars kept them from learning anything about economics but on his recent throw america under the bus tour he couldn't avoid the question. you can't legalize marijuana why can't we just legalize medical marijuana to help people that need it well you know a lot of states are making decisions about medical marijuana. as a controlled substance the issue then is you know is it being prescribe by a doctor as opposed to. you know well i'll leave it at that he was going to say is it being prescribed by a doctor as opposed to how i bought it from the guy in my underwater basket weaving class but he caught himself and instead of giving you an honest direct answer he
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decided to laugh at you instead and now we're going to ask. this is look at ascii here in georgetown washington d.c. i'm trying to find out what people know about congress i'm actually joining my good friend victoria pictorial what do you want to find out while we're trying to figure out if you will know more about reality t.v. or reality. there's a new gallup poll number that says only thirteen percent of americans approve of congress what do you think congress is i think it's a lot of white people in robes of. congress are now is a mess all they care about it seems is getting reelected i mean congress seems to be broken a like the congressman who agree with all the law president barack obama and i'm not so crazy but the congressman who don't agree with brock a lot of my my thoughts on progress are pretty negative right now the fact that they were going to allow that to happen so let us also keep in mind i
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apologize she. has infuriates me for rating of congress has been low for ways to new. reason being since nine eleven that we we as a country have been going down you know way to either side of congress people in robes or that the senate now that's. up to susan congress who's in honduras. you have the senators in. the senate but i mean can you name a congress member that you dislike now but you like. duncan hunter have actually. like the black one but one which was a black black one with the suit. not really i guess. can you name one. no i really could name one i really could name any of my i didn't know. the one
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who's sitting there and they are both as i mean absolutely kind of vote means absolutely nothing miss eleanor holmes norton from washington d.c. . this is the facade name boehner now what do you think of the super congress. now when you say what do you mean the super congress the super congress it's a new legislative body that president obama created that will have authority over the regular congress have you ever heard about the super congress there's no such thing as a super congress that doesn't exist you know ok have you heard about the super congress. and i don't know anything about that no i'm not of the super congress you know never heard of it you know i work in government i have not heard much about super congress what do you think about the super congress that we cool you know the super congress says no no but it sounds cool because that's super in it now they were brought the obama admin with him and then inflates so he's he wants this. i stand by the president united states. so we're going to ask you know i
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don't know where this is unfortunately that is snarky about this later that is snooki because she's orange she's like a new palooka yeah she didn't like it that's not from the jersey shore yes nucky from jersey shore but i. don't know who with this famous jersey shore armadillo is. snooki no i can't you don't know who the famous snooki is from the jersey shore and even in the case . tom. i think anyone. you know that hair jersey something. for a lot of watch still stuck up for you i almost see it and then newsman shall thirteen the yes man and what about this lady.
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is she on some type of a spanish committee it's not that she's actually her name's eleanor norton and she's the congresswoman for d.c. . did you vote for barack obama and now this lady. that is a black lady. it's a black we with a mustache and i like that blazer to do with sex that you know that's not his mom now. she's a congresswoman yes. he definitely got me on i don't. need an answer plus he now i do not know who that is that is congress and they're saying. they're saying that. house show a little birth celie of the homes north they go into congresswoman of want watch to see you happy thoughts about ron paul no but i heard he is going to run for like
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a bigger party instead of being an independent i don't know if that's true i can't any of us feel like i'm better really know much about it now like or dislike him ok sounds like a nice guy that only you think of rubble i hear he's bad i think that's why why is he running i don't know i just heard his name use with the word bad. now i know the name please tell me again who ron paul certainly is. kind of a unique thinker he thinks outside the box and i agree with some of his stances. but it's all really know what's about him. ron paul. what's the name again ron paul. maybe i've seen his name here and there but i couldn't remember i couldn't remember
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hearing it. exactly yeah well he's a congressman he wants to end the war he wants and the federal reserve he once our constitution actually honors. bill of rights those things that our country is founded on he basically wants to keep those in place and keep them safe so that america is safe. in a minute of the minute. you should look him up he's a good guy is a good yeah and you want to uphold the constitution absolutely and he wants to end the rule yes bring all this to sound like family and friends. how does he stand with the president. run yeah well his last name for the. ron paul ok got you got you.
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can go texas edition rick perry the clone of bush who announced into the g.o.p. talk here last saturday recently said that fed chair ben bernanke was almost reasoners one and he writes if rick perry wants to talk about reason and look no farther than i have been mirror you traitorous bastard how about selling taxes roads to spain and making them toll roads or carousel types as roads to central kansas you want to stay in festival to your us they put on sports a spanish company look it up that is the very definition of a treasonous act they are not your roads to sell. it's also coming to light that in addition to being a former democrat and big al gore supporter and trying to force vaccinations on texas girls and being a cheerleader in college and all the big government in texas he's also thanks to politico's he was a dot com now associated with teens never say no teens with tits bisexual bareback in volume one and big brother lover six thanks to his investment and political favors to a certain point distributor rick perry is a joke he doesn't stand the scrutiny and won't last more than
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a few months in the top tier even if he does have a little behind him and by email from i didn't read oh said he is dr paul berkley i am a supporter that wants to make seven historic i'm trying to spread the word to all sites to get the word out saturday is ron paul's money bomb but also google search term ron paul money bomb google bombs when you continuously keep searching the same term over and over door all during the same day to make it the hottest google search of the day i'm also trying to get ron paul money on for an on twitter i want all eyes on ron paul on saturday and hopefully it turns into the huge turns into a huge turnout for the money if you get someone up on your side about ron paul's money on saturday it would be huge let's give paul the greatest birthday ever let's make history done let's do it and then they dr paul so in your honor sir the next two comments come in your defense they ask fell off writes i'm glad stewart brought attention to paul being a bore but he was jumping on the bandwagon he saw his target audience causing a large voice of post-treatment so he made a statement to get attention and viewers he did the same thing with the nine eleven
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responders and people call him their champion now funny because he hasn't said anything else to support them since like a year ago jon stewart referenced by the way and if you recall what reason magazine senior editor katherine mengele ward said about ron paul as we shared on the show earlier this week. i don't think it's unfair at all to just simply say the guy's not going to try that he didn't have a plan for being president he's great when he talks about principle he's terrible when he talks about politics and what he would actually do if he made it into the oval office that's good he knows he's never going to get there then you would know why so many people are upset with reason magazine just like with millis the funny baker who writes we cancelled our subscription to reason magazine today thanks for talking about this you're welcome thank you for being a conscientious consumer of information when we come back we'll have our first ever viewer executive producer claude thanks to one of our facebook fans us so if it sucks you can buy this guy go on the right path in america incidentally came in second in our facebook post office so tonight you're watching adam vs.
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back to adam vs the man a little over a month ago we announced that we were giving away a block of the show to be executive produced i guess i would say in t.v. land by our show's biggest facebook promoter we had of the repose in the winner is john rizzo an enthusiastic liberty activist from cape coral florida don thanks so much for being with us and congratulations and thank you all right so what would you like us to cover tonight well like to cover monsanto nonsense or why do you think that's such an important issue. and i think an airing would see animals and make a product like aspartame. and terminator seats ok so who would you like to to have for us to invite on the show to talk about this
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tonight. alex jones alex jones or i will carol see if we can if we can get in right now. i'm glad i want to say congratulations again i'm really grateful for the help support the show but you know you're really right we have not done an adequate draw of addressing the issue of monsanto so i want to thank you for for bringing it to our attention making sure that we've covered tonight. i'll send a thank you so much people the good war and thanks for promoting adam vs the man really appreciate it don thank you all right let me let me just look some something up here. let's see here. monsanto monsanto ok i got i got to type something up here and then the second once oh wow. ok i sent it e-mail this to my my my my good friend the teleprompter
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over there and well all right just let's see now it doesn't and yet can we can we get can we get alex jones on for tonight we do that we get it all right yeah excellent excellent. ladies and gentlemen i present to you a john rizzo and adam vs the men l.l.c. production the history of one center monsanto is a beast with a trail of blood and crony capitalism and its wake famous for strong arm tactics crooked litigation and bullying nonsense it was founded in one thousand no one is a chemical company but with time their influence is reached deep into agriculture and food production their first product was the artificial sweetener saccharin which it sold to coca-cola by one nine hundred nineteen its tentacles that already reached big operations in europe and by world war two it had become a major industrial player monsanto was also involved in operating the dayton project site in mt laboratories for the manhattan project which was the sponsible for the atom bomb monsanto has had
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a number of extremely successful products some of which have included carcinogen links links artificial sweeteners like saccharin and aspartame there was a course d.d.t. wrote hormones like r b g eight and numerous herbicides like roundup monsanto also gave us agent orange which was used extensively as well they called it a fully integrated jungle by the u.s. military during vietnam it was responsible for the deaths of four hundred thousand vietnamese and cause five hundred thousand vietnamese children to be born with birth defects just for fun let's tell you what it did it to one vietnamese soldier who survived exposure and in case you were wondering about the severity of the birth defects we're talking about here so it didn't come as no surprise that exposure to u.s. service members also caused a wave of cancer wave of cancer and miscarriages as well. of course soldiers were told agent orange was completely safe and the department of veterans affairs has denied all but four hundred eighty six of the thirty nine thousand four hundred one
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thousand claims that have been filed to the agent orange exposure in one thousand eight hundred one center became the first company to successfully genetically modify a plant cell and in one nine hundred eighty seven they began field testing genetically modified crops and sent it was repeatedly used patent to claim ownership over the use of certain scenes allowing them to control the food at the very source then it seems cannot be safe from one crop season to the next so they have a crop police of bullies who go from farm to farm to ensure there are not violations essentially farmers are being forced into buying new sees each year they are now the world's largest dealer of genetically modified seeds farmers that don't play along with monsanto as props them have been sued for patent infringement after their fields were contaminated with monsanto seeds from nearby g.m.o. crop fields michael taylor was a month santa attorney before being appointed as deputy commissioner of the f.d.a. in one thousand nine hundred one while with the f.d.a. he made crucial decisions that allowed genetically engineered foods to come to
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market then return to monsanto to become the company's vice president for public policy one hell of a sweet deal if you're monsanto what corporation would love to send one of their lawyers through one of the seas many revolving doors just long enough to rewrite regulations in their favor since his tenure policy has been to accept inadequate modified or enhanced foods without proper testing and without consumer labeling put simply it's in monsanto's interests to completely destroy organic farming and organic seeds and to create a total monopoly over the food supply the scary part is they're pretty far along with it and this stuff never hits the news why well again too many corporate interests unchecked by the free market in the democratic process thanks to news consumers having too much trust in the mainstream media the stories have been pulled before and one example a whistleblower journalist that a fox affiliate in tampa florida was prevented from a recent report on monsanto's corruption and was then fired before winning a wrongful termination lawsuit. but now perhaps there is hope that monsanto's war
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against real food will come to an impasse an army of organic farmers eighty three families strong are taking a stand against the drones of nonsense so in new york city a lawsuit was filed on march thirtieth of this year led by the organic seed growers and trade association it seeks to provide legal protection from monsanto's frivolous copyright infringement lawsuits hopefully this will mark a win against a behemoth that has far too much power over what goes on the dinner table one of the most dangerous monopolies possible is nearing a monopoly on the production and control of food it's for this reason that it's imperative more people are able to shed light on the shady dealings and want santo and more people are made aware of their dangerous house if we. can yes oh we have a.j. on line excellent yeah we're reading it all right joining me now from we go to austin texas to check in with a friend of our show adam vs the man alex jones and host of the alex jones radio
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show and info wars dot com alex by request from our viewer winner of the executive producing contest on rizzo thank you so much for being with us tonight well thanks for having me and i enjoy watching your show which is watching it last night on a local cable system here in austin we've reached a sufficient office and i'm glad to see that we've got that reach now but let me ask alex is because you're really good at putting things like this in perspective in the big picture why should everyday americans be at least informed about what monsanto is and what threat is are those. well monsanto is more of a military operation a conquering army they've stated that they want to take over the entire biosphere and patent all major forms of life so they see natural crops and natural foods as their enemy that need to be taken over via a corporate takeover and that's why their whole history with the agent orange and
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the terminator seeds and the. bovine harm own all of it has been so horrific the aspartame a but there is one area in your great report that you didn't get into and that's the fact that monsanto and other big agra companies and other g.m.o. companies gave a record amount of money last year to try to ram through the quote food shafeeq act that was designed to shut down small family farms ranches and organic food producers so they're not just infecting the biosphere with their g.m.o. and then shewing people who they contaminated they're also trying to get government passed regulations to shut down their competition so this is a total corporate takeover of the lifecycle of the planet is it is something you would expect b.n.a. superman comic book being carried out by the legion of doom or something oh it's
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scary is how it's kind of we've allowed to creep up on us through want santo itself over about one hundred years now and finally people are starting to notice this significant of this but let me just add this i'm going to i need to explain what is the relationship between round up and roundup ready crops like roundup ready soybeans which are now the most dominant distributed seed for soybeans in the united states. well you got to the end spray their chemical on your crops and then with many of these g.m.o. crops they've produced it then infect your crops and even if there's one percent of their genetics in your soybeans or whatever you're growing they come onto your property pull samples of it go test it and then go show a court that hey part of our genetics is in this even though. you didn't use their
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seeds without paying and they infected you they have convinced the courts to then rule against your farm or your ranch so it's extremely extremely diabolical and it's not just monsanto all of these other big g.m.o. companies are coming out with crops that grow their own pesticide so that insects won't eat it inside of the corn inside of the soybeans inside of other major food crops and they're saying oh it's safe for humans to be eating this pesticide because it's a natural pesticide sure we've increased it one thousand times in the case of the corn bt corn we've increased the amount of this natural fungal pesticide one thousand times so it's ok and then we wonder why it's connected all these different types of health problems and environment studies it's linked to some of the die offs of the honeybees it's just crazy and it's perfect because it still looks like
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corn it still looks like soybeans it still looks like a regular sugar beet but it's been fundamentally altered a manipulated and there are hundreds of g.m.o. companies coming out with thousands of different varieties of pharmacological crops where they actually grow drugs or grow viruses inside of crops that they then extract and now it's been proven that these big pharma. logical g.m.o. companies not just monsanto then that they're incredibly altered crops are now spreading into other crops and now they're mixing reptile fish in chick genes into the crops i mean this is beyond we're a new world so is the best thing that people can do to fight back against this simply buying organic foods gloating with their dollars withdrawing their support from the system is that is that really the best viable option right now and i'm absolutely right ten years ago you couldn't find organic food in motion or it's now
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it's been displacing the g.m.o. stuff show they've gone to the fed and got an authorization through the food drug administration to build organic shield a u.s. government she'll on it that it's organic even if it's seventy five percent non-organic so you out here even be that much smarter of a consumer and really dig into the bottom of all this and i'm sorry it's all the time we have alex but i know that you're so so in for as icon is also a great source for that kind of information thank you so much for joining us tonight thanks for having me and that's our show for tonight tune in next week for our on the ground reporting from the lemonade freedom civil disobedience and they will announce the new contests so that you too can be just like congress on executive produce a block of adam versus the man this week it will be catching up with obama's number one super fan on the campaign trail and how the lucas also fallen out of an airplane while attached and yoke on nancy we'll finally have that story for you as well the only way to cheat death is a live look.
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