tv [untitled] August 19, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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let. me. you have the right to remain silent but that won't stop police officers in the u.s. from finding other ways to incriminate you like your facebook page or twitter account so is this an invasion of your cyber privacy. and as the bell tolls so does the death of the global economy as doc slide in with gold an all time high in the volatile market saying we're headed or in a recession we'll talk to renowned investor evangel expert peter schiff for answers . and one man's trash is another man's life line with this that americans are going to extremes to beg first graham's take it to detroit where metals are a precious lifeline. too soon to be acquitted of killing her two year old daughter
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auburn gardner went missing in aruba two weeks ago and shocking news the mainstream media misses yet again this time passing up a little three year old favor of hot blondes for big headlines. good evening it's friday august nineteenth eight pm in washington d.c. i'm lauren lyster you're watching r.t. all right so is america taking a page from the u.k. and blocking social unrest through social media or even better a page from egypt or syria the new york police department has formed a new unit to track troublemakers who plan or brag about crimes on twitter facebook my space social media and remember last week we saw authorities shut down the san francisco bars cell phone system to preempt a protest that had even happened earlier i spoke to someone who is concerned
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freelance writer blogger and food freedom advocate karen de coster i asked her if this new n.y.p.d. unit which was formed to look at social media is the right or wrong thing to do. the government is known for its many or its honor behaviors and lifestyles and this is just another government warning this time on social media so this is the police state and this is a police state that is forming social media of us a spy and harassing us citizens and this isn't preparation for the civil unrest that we see going on around the rest of the world so the succulents war is for the purpose if you think about it there are the purposes for create a so-called crisis and when they create this crisis they need to create a massive government bureaucracy to solve their crisis so again it's another tool to enlarge government to oppress individuals to read and hear rights and it's always under someone grella they had
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a supposed to appeal to us in opposing war way in this case it's the word terrorism isn't goat by the media. and also this past sense of security that always seems to supercede our property rights you know it's interesting because we were talking about this in our editorial meeting this morning and a few of us reporters were realizing that cops in various cities where we covered crime had used tactics like this and i passed that it was common to use social media to find identify say gang members or attackers and that that that this has been going on for years so do you see this n.y.p.d. . taskforce this unit as some kind of a tipping point. i think it is because you know there are other units around the country including federal units and you've ever seen pictures in the media just massive technology rooms there where a bunch of agents sit around and the crews twitter the hearst facebook crudes my space and also you tube and to other tools that there or it about building years if
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you look at it this way now i'll talk about twitter i'll talk about it isolate for a second and the reason is because of the san francisco. or they can ourselves or as twitter really think about it it's an enemy at stake and yes because it's an intelligence tour. if you think about it transmits data rate to your fun right now when it's fresh and relevant and the establishment he says it's the socially in because it circumvents the keepers of conventional wisdom in spite of what they want you to know or now add up so be it is social media polices i like the car they're attempting to hinder social media under the pretense they're protecting us are saying he's sort of multifarious that. what makes you believe that they're limiting social media obviously this new york p.d. this and i p d announcement has to deal with monitoring it do you not see
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a distinction. i do you are you know it's not more about monitoring it's an absolute right and i can think of it is you know people talk about our freedom of speech but before you can even talk about freedom of speech you have to think about private property i supposedly have private property rights in my tools whether it's a computer or a phone and i also supposedly have a contract with my service provider and i think the distinction here is when you think about rising e t. and t. and ali service providers that are willing you know they're ok we're shutting down cell service because the government wants to disrupt a disruption i'm concerned about the property rights issue concerns of our all the innocent bystanders that are also affected by shutdowns like this so privacy for you and me are the rights that you feel that you're guaranteed as a citizen you see as more important and more of a right as an american citizen that any kind of benefit that could possibly be to
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public safety and you know you say you could possibly be and again that's where you know if you think about it the government is famous for ramping up these so-called crises and this is something they've always done and they always use the same word security and say here are two of the favorite catchwords and this is how i was somehow supposed to grab us so that we think it's for our benefit and we have nothing to lose because exactly for us it's not for us it's for role in government we're only the bureaucracy who are only in their power control or the citizens and you benefits from that. government government keeps growing it's the only sector the private sector is shrinking and the government center whether it's federal state or local continue. to grow and grow and grow when you say that they have tools that create a crisis what exactly do you mean because even though we're reporting on this
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typically the mainstream media doesn't report on these sorts of things and you don't see a lot of public outrage over them but the crisis well look at scaremongering and your mockery they keep everybody afraid if you think about it i was watching fox the other day they were discussing this issue and the typical media people they like to talk about is that there's always something we need to be afraid of there's always something to use here or i want to pick a term here and just what is a scared me a scared little the childish term when your kid you say you're a scared are the american people are scared at this point in time yes they are just like children and they believe what they hear they take it face value the propaganda on the part of government it works very well on the populous i'm ninety nine ninety percent of the population it works you look at the flying flu scaremongering in that was a total failure on the part of government to usurp
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a lot of control upon the part of the government medical establishment complex it didn't work the terrorism complex has been ramping up for ten years it gets worse and worse and this to me is just another step in usurping more government power and expense a ball of that i have to ramp of course as obviously comes in the wake of the riots in the u.k. where we saw social media play a role in organizing and sustaining them and also and seeing u.k. leaders use social media to track down protesters track down people that created crime do you see the n.y.p.d. the move coming in response to that as a preemptive measure. but it's still tyranny i mean you can say or you can say that you can prevent just about any bad action on the part of some government action and a crackdown on individual rights everywhere and it's always in the name of the so called security first of all we can't prove that and secondly i i still keep coming
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back to it it's so our major crisis on the part of government the always exacerbated suppose it crisis to gain the emotions of people through their propaganda but do you see this as coming in reaction to what we've seen in the u.k. i just know because actually this this comes before their government has been preparing for social unrest for a long time now your read about it everywhere around your neck there to you to listen to and i mean stream t.v. your dog he talking about in general. and the reason is because we have massive government debt we have states and local governments as well as individual households that are financially bankrupt we have rising commodity prices rising food prices we have total distrust of the police state government they know the civil unrest is coming any know that they cannot prop up this false prosperity any longer so they are preparing thank you have units and preparations for the right
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embrace yourself as they're also watching you on twitter too that was pretty last writer blogger and food freedom advocate karen acosta thanks so much. and speaking of bankruptcy then rising prices more thought market turmoil today in what had been needless to say of volatile week meanwhile gold keeps soaring to reach new highs almost one hundred dollars an ounce today remember once upon a time gold was thirty five dollars an ounce as of bygone days u.s. treasury yields collapse to seventy year lows this week too and hugo chavez venezuela hugo chavez of venezuela taking matters into his own hands he says he wants his gold back out of the u.s. and europe he's going to repatriate it take it home so what is this all really about what does it say about the u.s. and global economy about sovereign debt and the banking system well it will trivia we like to give some perspective maybe you recall that just before u.s. lawmakers reached a debt deal it came to a point where the company apple as in the manufacture of i pods and i phones had
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more cash on hand to pay its bills and then the you as government well now apple's making more news their market cap just hit seventy five percent of the market cap of the entire european banking stocks index apple is worth almost as much as the european banks and speaking of banks just how much power do they have these days after washington passed financial regulations to rein them in well picture or in this case a video we think speaks a thousand words watch this exchange caught on tape involving texas governor rick perry who is of course running for the g.o.p. presidential nomination. that's it drive by handshake bank of america will help you out another said well earlier i spoke with peter schiff who had plenty to say he told me he thinks the u.s. is already in a recession peter schiff is president of euro pacific capital of course and he has
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been saying that gold prices are going to go up for a long time he got right and as we continue to see gold prices do just that i asked him if this means that it's now a safe haven next to u.s. treasuries. well it is a safe haven i mean treasuries are not i think the people who are buying treasuries think it's a safe haven they're mistaken and when you figure it out it will go to gold but people have to understand what it's a safe haven from because i keep hearing people on television saying well people aren't buying gold because of inflation because there's no inflation they're buying it as a safe haven gold is a safe haven from inflation that's what you're getting safe you from it's an alternative to a currencies like the dollar or the euro or the n. or any other currency were central banks are creating too many so if if central banks are going to base their currency if you want to of stored value that will protect you from inflation this safe haven is goal treasures are not a safe haven at all i think they are abundant the treasury is printing them like they're going out of style that's the ball you know people say there is
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a bubble in gold i get an interesting statistic in mid two thousand and eight before the financial crisis gold was a thousand dollars that was the peak and it fell about thirty percent but it's now eighty percent higher than it was at its peak in two thousand and eight get gold stocks are only ten percent higher than they were back then if this was a bubble or a mania you would expect gold stocks to be outperforming the metal because that's where all the speculative money flows but the fact that nobody has confidence in goal enough to buy these stocks shows that there's so much fear in the gold market it's not green and that's the antithesis of a bubble so how high do you think gold price they said. and they they're going higher and you know there's no i said there's no floor to use vi currencies if they keep printing up unequally the dollar so there's no ceiling to the price of gold but really you know if you look at gold gold is like a thermometer on the economy it's like of a doctor patient character you got one hundred five he can't he can't just send you
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on your way i mean obviously there's something wrong with you where you would have one hundred five temperature beat the goal going at eight hundred hours now it's going up every day is saying the economy is. sick is really really sick yet our leaders are ignoring gold and just keep on doing the same thing as if gold is telling them nothing and i want to ask what you think it is a u.s. bonds are not a safe haven and they're telling investors the wrong things right now how do you explain then that yields on ten year treasuries have collapsed a seventy year low is below to place that they've collapsed because people are buying them because they think they're safe haven but they're wrong of course central banks are buying a house or state that it can your church. is yielding two percent the government's own inflation numbers we've got c.p.i. this week they show you're over your prices increased by three point six percent so the yield on treasuries is negative how do you get safety with
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a negative you know in fact the yield is pretty biggest you have to pay taxes on that interest rate of course the government is lying about inflation inflation is much worse to three point six percent if the c.p.i. shows i think it's closer to ten percent and you know what's interesting is if you remember back to the one nine hundred seventy s. when richard nixon imposed wage and price controls it was because inflation got to four percent so we were so worried about inflation of four percent that we did something as crazy as wage and price controls now that was the wrong thing to do but that shows you how concerned we were about inflation a work percent is three point six the way the government reports it yet we don't even care so then are you saying that the whole u.s. bond market is wrong essentially and you're right absolutely and that's not going to be the first time where almost everybody has been wrong and i've been right well you know i'll carry a cell converse of the entire usa by market you heard a hair bird but the market got a check technology stocks were on the nasdaq was up at five thousand
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a market was value we internet stocks sky and they found out they were are in the market made the same mistake with allstate and with mortgages you know it always boss securitized buy mortgages markets often get it wrong. in the short run and here they figure it out and get it right and you get to the bursting of the bubble and i think people who are going to lose the most money are the people who are in bonds those are the people who's more money in bonds then in stocks by far so when is this collapse well if i knew that you know i wouldn't be sharing it with anybody i'd be yeah i got the caribbean place in my trade i don't know exactly when it's going to happen but i know it's going to happen i've got a pretty good track record at detecting bubbles and it's interesting that people that missed the stock market bubble and mr real estate bubble think that they see a bubble in goal that's the one place to reasonable because gold is reflecting the loss of purchasing power of currencies gold is simply telling you how much money how much value rather dollars are losing euro's or losing yen or losing r. and b.
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is losing so it's not a bubble is goals are going up is paper currencies that are losing value gold is simply letting you know that that's occurring you know most people would accept gold exchange for goods or maybe you need silver but if the person who has it good that you want doesn't have the gold you can always sell the gold with somebody else and get the cash because gold is money and it's recognized around the world everything else is just a bore substance. not those that ben bernanke eba who's he anyway that was the president of euro pacific capital all right that we thought that precious metals are in demand as we've seen with gold prices which are through the roof and metals are in demand in detroit michigan in fact they are the only thing that seems to be worth any value and if you can thingy other detroit as very important i have found for herself. this was once a city that symbolized america's innovation and manufacturing market.
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but today detroit is the third most violent city in the u.s. with unemployment estimated at up to fifty percent according to officials the ones motor city now has more people living in poverty than cars on the streets home foreclosures continue flight to the suburbs which takes the tax base away from the city and there's more and more of that the decline in the school system. is making people leave the cd and so there's no money there really in and there are no jobs here and as the u.s. census points out a quarter of a million people have left detroit in the past ten years the economic scars of this once vibrant city are impossible to escape roughly sixty thousand vacant buildings and thirty five thousand abandoned homes line the streets of detroit hollow shells
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of america's former middle class which have ignited an industry of scrappers people these properties of copper wire and steel pipes as a means of income. scrappers ruins for profit yards like this just five miles out to troy scrap yard owner alberto says he sees new faces every day a little bit more they get closer by peterborough good at making everything going to hell even more hellish is the sight of a city looting itself landmark buildings and foreclosed homes are gutted for survival go around and when to do a little british work over in addition to scrappers an increasing number of cash working americans. are treated in goods. greenbacks guy in the lexus and like you said with a suit and tie and low grassland oh you know he's not into the like recycling kind
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of guy. bro short of money the u.s. president promised things would be better for america's car making capital after the two thousand and nine fifty billion dollar bailout general motors and chrysler are automakers are in the midst of their strongest period of job growth in more than a decade since g.m. and chrysler emerged from bankruptcy the industry has created more than seventy five thousand new jobs for the first time in six years ford g.m. and chrysler are all operating at a profit g.m. has reported six straight quarterly profits chrysler's revenue is said to be up by thirty percent nearly fourteen billion dollars from last year what about bail in the people out you bill about the corporations who bailed out the banks and doesn't mean a whole lot because the people who are in the city still don't get those jobs those jobs are still being outsourced so they can nobody in the community they're not getting no they're not been a sitting around them so you still have a large percentage of people who are jobless in this once great industrial beacon
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of american ideal work henry ford pioneered that famous model t. production schools police and fire stations now stand a bandit as many americans are reduced to dealing and scraps see if you'll take just to make ends meet what r.t.e. detroit. so on the local level you can see the u.s. economy is not doing well and i already gave you several data points about how the u.s. and possibly global economies not doing well part of that equation too is that the u.s. government is close to fifteen trillion dollars of debt and of course we've seen the u.s. credit rating downgraded as a result well what is the solution to that my colleague christine for that she sat down she spoke with g.o.p. presidential hopeful and is also former governor of new mexico gary johnson and she asked him for his solutions to the u.s. budget deficit and the tax system here's what he said what i'm talking about is
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balancing the federal budget what i'm talking about is throwing out the existing u.s. tax structure and replacing it with the with the fair tax and for those that are watching get online fair tax or this is been around a long time but it is what it says it is it's a fair tax replaces all other taxes does away with the i.r.s. does away with income tax there's a way of corporate tax really establishes this country is the only country to do business and yet with the fair tax he'd still be able to cover the cost of a lot of these programs that so many people depend on in this country while its revenue neutral so spending still needs to be reduced by forty three percent so i am mostly across the board across the board i am promising to submit a balanced budget to congress with my first budget and that would involve cutting government spending by forty three percent i mean that's nearly half of government spending and a lot of course that's what we're currently borrowing and printing for every dollar
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that we're spending and that is not sustainable. and i maintain that if we don't do it if we don't fix this which i think is actually doable but if we don't fix it we're going to find ourselves without a country we're going to find ourselves in the midst of a monetary collapse were all the money that we've saved isn't worth a thing i mean it seems like a great idea on paper but i live here in washington i just witnessed this debate over the debt ceiling that seemed to last you know weeks or longer over cutting a percentage of the by very exactly and here big circularity three percent of how would anyone ever sign up to that well and so now we're back to this is what i'm saying there is nothing in my resume to suggest that i'm not going to pursue what it is that i say i'm going to pursue i just suggest to you that if this country alexa president promising to do what i'm saying that that is a real statement to legislators that we want the budget balanced as opposed to
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electing a president that's promising to do that over a fifteen or twenty year period because that's the only reasonable way that's the only way we're going to really get it done well guess what we're never going to get it done that's what i've lived my life listening to and it doesn't work let's stick with these domestic issues you are a proposal to cut the budget has the real repercussions for people who rely on things everything from you know food stamps to medicaid to social security to the military what happens to those well forget about the forget about let's let's talk for a second about our country the viability of our country when it comes to medicaid and medicare i think the federal government could cut medicaid and medicare by forty three percent block grant the states a fixed amount of money and leave the delivery of health care to the poor and those over sixty five to the states now let's switch gears to the u.s. role abroad i'm curious you know let's just take an issue that's going on right now and that is what's happening in syria we just heard president obama secretary of
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state clinton say you know president president bashar. assad should step down they want him to step down however they're not going to meddle in that country's affairs on the other hand you have this country meddling in the affairs of at least three other countries iraq afghanistan and libya talk about obama's middle east policy well i think that we should get out of iraq afghanistan and libya to morrow i would never have gone into iraq from the start believing that we had the military surveillance capability to see iraq rule out any weapons of mass destruction that we could have gone in and dealt with that if it were to have happened it didn't happen i thought if we went into iraq we'd find ourselves in an endless civil war in afghanistan i thought initially that was totally warranted we were attacked we attacked back but after being in afghanistan for six months i think we effectively wiped out al qaeda that was ten years ago syria libya i'm completely opposed to
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libya where was the military threat where was the congressional authorization were in the constitution does it say that because we don't like a foreign leader we should go in and topple that foreign leader and don't five other countries qualify for that same intervention syria being one of those countries let's let's stop diplomat diplomacy one thing suggestion one thing but intervention a whole nother thing and i haven't seen a military intervention in my life in a country that has threatened us militarily now if he doesn't call g.o.p. presidential hopeful and former governor of new mexico gary johnson now it is friday happy friday this for us is a good day to recap what the mainstream media missed this week and when it comes to death it is always sad there are always tragedies but the mainstream media seems to value some a lot more than others. police in missouri have found the body of a missing three year old brianne were three this was discovered in a floodway drainage ditch a mother's worst nightmare the tragic story of
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a little girl found murdered by her neighbor who confessed to suffocating brianne face and disappeared if it doesn't ring a bell maybe that's because on the day the news broke mainstream networks gave it maybe thirty seconds of air time plus she's still missing in paradise but there is a new clue before moving on to live coverage of something bigger you may have heard about this story robyn gardner went missing in aruba two weeks ago her disappearance and possible murder may have been like an elaborate thought of her life insurance money well apparently can tough it there were two insurance policies even mainstream media hosts realize what makes this story so newsworthy every time we have these stories good looking blonde woman who disappears meaning the little briana's of the world take a backseat to just a little hispanic girl this is why blonde possibly you know glamour model and creep in a room that engages more people raising bigger issues about mainstream news and
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national priorities i think we do value the life of a white sexy woman more than a hispanic child subconsciously i think people do and raising other obvious questions i'm just curious if this was somebody for example who had black and was missing we don't story about this as for the gardener story it's a two for one we're news crews can fly over to get a shot of this bug the book deadly hole we and now robyn gardner went missing. so bizarre coincidence that two blondes disappeared there over a span of several years and sad though it may be twenty four people were shot during a particularly bloody forty eight hours in detroit and we don't see the national m.s.m. sending out the news choppers and in the. us every day seven women and children die just from abuse and it's just like deja vu earlier this summer we were doing the
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same kinds of stories about casey anthony another pretty white woman whose murder trial captivated the mainstream media is the expense of so much else and i gotta say it won't be long before we're doing another as the mainstream media continues to ditch hard hitting stories that affect so many more people in favor of sad but sexier sensational stories that sell lauren lyster r.t. washington d.c. . and so that story gives you a good reason to turn off the mainstream media and to be sure to tune in to our team next week for a brand new line up first it's a gold rush as we've seen as u.s. markets teeter between losses and gains who go chavez is banking on catastrophe he's pulling his gold out of the u.s. so what is the negative truth behind his daring decision plus shari'a law for all while that's what will happen in neighborhoods across the.
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