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tv   [untitled]    August 19, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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who is you know you would have global machinery to see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called factions when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more. five. ft. five. are you ready to rumble and so on for friday night's big picture rumble where i sit down with three expert political commentators who debate the week's top stories on
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our panel tonight heather ceremony conservative strategist a managing order for forty group public relations blog other surnow dot com lisa the braswell conservative activist and contributor at human events and joe madison goes to the joe madison show on sirius x.m. satellite radio during weekdays six to ten am e.s.d. and channel one twenty eight thanks for getting up or staying up so late due. to begin warren buffett turned heads this week when he wrote this in the new york times he wrote while the poor and middle class fight for us in afghanistan and while most americans struggle to make ends meet we measure rich continue to get our extraordinary tax breaks my friends and i have been coddled watered up by billionaire friendly cars it's time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifice fox news followed up by accusing buffett of being a socialist. warmblood through a knock at the new york times today so we should be i think you mentioned earlier
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we should we should be taxed more i guess for people who are getting a little troubling you got ones who create oh you're not getting any of these job creators tax them a little bit more because they're not doing enough already what is this i mean is he completely a socialist so my question what's socialist about asking millionaires and billionaires to pay the exact same tax rate as their secretaries i think warren buffett should go ahead and write a check to start the ball rolling on tax rates not voluntary contributions i mean i'm just saying that if he really is serious about that and set an example of my writing a check and saying i'm serious about this and i want other billionaires apollo and i lead in and get all this stuff this is true that it would be before you all get you have a chance to respond congressman holdren actually suggested that today and here's how his constituents respond because i'm not out there trying to coddle anybody in fact to support a bill that allows super rich if they want to make. sure we give more money to the federal government computer i'm going to use it as
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a term of contribution so this is a republican who says no i was a charity joe. you know warren buffett does write checks he writes billions of dollars worth of checks to charities and causes around the world that's a straw poll that's just a talk of straw point that's just a talking point we're talking about changing the tax structure so that there's a consistent contribution of millionaires and billionaires and millionaires and billionaires not only because they're very smart but because they live in the united states of america we provide them the workforce we provide them the research and development how is all that paid for it's paid through tax dollars and so the reality is that this thing of just write it. because nothing more. than a talking point something is terribly wrong in the united states and i know what people are going to argue with fifty percent of americans don't pay taxes because
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fifty percent of americans don't recognize to pay taxes and i was our tax system is really good so you know if he is a socialist is one thing rich or socialist in the world because i think that is the point is you know i would call him a hypocrite a part of a socialist i mean he's making money on a system and then saying that we should have this you know other system for other people and i think he made a good suggestion that asking warren buffett who's paying seventeen percent income tax to pay the same thirty six percent income tax that his secretary pays makes him a socialist i said i wouldn't call him a socialist i call him a hypocrite and i think he makes a good point that what about people does that he wants the system that he is not better i mean he has benefited from a capitalist society so you know it's not like he has and he's three more years your money i mean he's leaving his money to charities because he knows that charities do work that government can't do i mean why not leave your money to programs walk the walk like ted turner give your money to the u.n.
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but the reality is that giving their money to the federal government is not a wise move if you want to stimulate the economy there are many other ways as a billionaire to get good. perry and. a reason to believe your state and all of their money to the government that's still be what i call the no money world why don't we go to the extreme if anybody say i'm going to you know nobody. to get all of their money to back to the government we'd still be in a hole so i think in our business men they want to make a good investment i wonder so much waste going on in government spending i mean it's hard and you know what the fans up with the fence on the table too there's waste everywhere. both parties seem to be addicted to free trade kool aid and we all agree on one thing that the government should be buying american goods in one hundred thirty. a law called the american act it says that any government agency if it's going to buy anything chair computer typewriter they have to buy it from an
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american source if it's a government agency spending u.s. dollars and basically since the reagan administration he basically suspended inforced of the buy american act and we have not been doing it and we've lost fifty two thousand factories just in the last load factors livers obama's bus was made in canada the border guards for the for the border patrol that are patrolling the mexican border their uniforms are made in mexico and what is wrong with this picture is that just common sense in a really good way to read we are manufacturing to go back to having things made in america and i think any time the government implements something it never turns out the way that you wanted to i think in order to have more american goods and we do it we can't fight we didn't fight world war two successful. we didn't. make commerce astable we didn't build hoover dam in the tennessee valley authority beso i don't remember building things i'm talking about by you know telling people to
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buy something that's like telling people to buy an electric car went out no one wants and like they were talking about the government's hold back softer voice oh yeah but what you need to do is level the playing field and don't make it worth their while for american companies that want to do business here are not going to see the government spending is twenty percent of our g.d.p. and right now a large chunk of the twenty percent the government's buying computers made in china but you are the first part of the right making enough things here that could sustain the government and the people that really do want to buy american because companies are going overseas because it's more attractive to be over there if they want is more attractive because it's how you firms are lower. so you guys want to run to the u.s. taxes are lower but it's also cheap let's be honest it's cheap labor and in the same companies that are in china you know it's very interesting they're also in prison labor so i'd. you're right it's cheaper to hire people to do phone. solicitation you know if you go to victoria secrets you know one of the laundress
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of india. and also in prisons in us a u.s. prison now why are we making laundry in u.s. prisons. i think there's a lot of you know you connect the dots it's gotten much more complicated as you as we all know i mean your cart supposedly is made in japan right by toyota but really there's a manufacturing plant in south carolina that helped with those parts and then it's also partly built in japan and also partly perhaps built in china has been for an apple computer that came from china it's really hard to figure out where all the it's what i say by every girl is what is really there are twenty g. twenty countries the biggest economy is twenty g. twenty countries nineteen of those countries have was on the books which are actually in force today which require all government expenditures to come from manufacturers within those countries were the only one of those was right in this particular right so it's hard to say what's american mean they're going to how
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there's going to be some sort of government regulation that says it has to be ten per cent near american and that we really gaining anything if there's some regulation that says buying american counts as something that's going to give you an example this is coming next week. martin luther king memorial the granite came from china. the actual memorial was it was designed not designed but you have designed and sculpture china. it should have been done in a manner the granted could have come from burma not the sculpture's could have been here in the united states in open california replacing the bridge they won't buy the metal from the united states they're going to buy it from china and ship panetta will be here to build a bridge and why don't they want to buy the metal from here because they would have to have american rules to hire americans and they don't want to do but that's
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ridiculous and that's why we're in the boat we're in now it's not just china it's countries all over the world that encircles their journeys and germany and they get free trade so so china and and taiwan and sell cars in the united states we can't sell fords there there's something wrong ok let's let's move along to the gang of twelve these so-called super congress they're supposed to meet figure out how to cut one point two trillion dollars out of our budget we discovered today it was reported several sources that the banks are is have given eleven million dollars to these twelve people over the last decade. some of the largest banks passed no money to them and one and the single largest institutional organization that has contributed to the gang of twelve is the club for growth and we know what their agenda is this is a right wing group an anti-tax group so before the gang even meets is the deck been stacked let's move it's
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a bipartisan committee called for growth i'm sure did not contribute to the democrats here on that committee so you've got different interests being represented but the bank an m.p. is going to be a bloody as we know it's going to be a bloody fight it's going to be to the and we're going to probably you know ignore having to you force cuts on the elderly as they're threatening but it's not going to probably get the results that i want nor that the liberals and i think it's going to be something that we all go actually i expected with a bipartisan super committee or not is wrong i mean i figured. you're right but i do hope you're absolutely wrong i may be on their side on this one you know my hero this week is really the c.e.o. of starbucks. where he said nobody's get no money when i give it to republicans or democrats quite honestly i wish that would have been the criteria for this gang of twelve both republicans hate corporations stay the hell out of it but perhaps not in these corporations were embarrassed to give money to politicians they generally
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didn't need and when you're not going to have a good idea i don't want to play at all reality where you're not going to be and i do believe the founding fathers would be just i'm amazed and horrified to see how much money plays in the role of elections so what do we do about this i mean it has to be there has to be really i mean i think people on both sides would agree it's unfortunate that you know elected to congress and the moment you're lectured are thinking two years down the road how do i get reelected well you know in aurora colorado you know that they're trying to get a proposal passed that corporations vote in elections corporations and certificates corporations because this whole push the corporations are people. and so now they get to vote in elections in a row of the proposal limited thirty two it. is go back to that thread that's really. scary place to go to the stock market is below eleven thousand again
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it drops today one hundred seventy three points four hundred nineteen and it was yesterday. repealing health reform will cost four hundred thousand jobs a year currency the john boehner says he got ninety eight percent of what he wanted with this deal which is expected across the economy one point eight million jobs mostly government jobs to contractors and want to just because it's cutting back government spending not a single jobs bill is come out of the house of representatives as republicans took it over so if we fall into another. or the great depression will this be another republican great depression and it and is this part of the strategy to unseat president obama let's remember obama did inherit some pretty bad policies a legacy from george that i'm not going to say he didn't however he has done nothing to improve the situation in three years he's been there he's only exacerbated the problem so to say that it's our public and congress when he is the
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one who has put forth these ideas that just make government huge or cheap which is the health care plan that we have still yet to have to to bear the cost of and feel the repercussions i mean i think it's obama's problem it's democrats problem. but how can repealing health care something that has even gone it's of a fact a fact four hundred how lot of already has gone into effect that there are people experiencing protections right now there can be. like like for example you can keep it. one in six whether they're in college and won't let me tell you i don't know young or old you are but let me tell you what somebody with children in college who would have been off my health care would have been very expensive on top of to wish and preexisting conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure is can no longer be included to drop them those are some of the things that in fact have been implemented in my community diabetes and high blood pressure are major major
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major problem these are great he closed the donut hole as far as seniors are concerned pharmaceutical drugs so yes some of those things have been but let's go back if in fact the you you said it where is the job from the republicans each year is the job to be fair we their public and candidates are talking a lot about jobs right now congressional people in congress talking about jobs and i do think it's time. time to see real rhizomes jobs it was the same thing it has one hundred thirty years and nobody knows any rich and also it had a long term vision we can't just say ok if we enact this next year we're going to see more jobs if you remember that these things take a long time to see one specific. oh i think they're going people to be making the tax burden less this is what i mean every thirty years you need to cut taxes but i think also we also need to see things differently i think one thing that paul ryan
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suggested and it's not separate from jobs is see medicare yeah so that's one of the jobs bill no but it is creating a retirement that's going to create jobs and of creating jobs as i said you know if making an environment that's good for creating jobs is you know step after joe we're still eight three twenty saris here you know this is i'm sure this is going to. tell the ninety nine er's who have been out of work all this time what america wants now are not jobs thirty years from now ten years from now they want to right now every college play one small role in that the government should not be creating jobs or whatever we want to. create an employer three people for people to see or hear who are who are meaningfully employed we ought to be concerned about those who are unemployed and they're there and you have the last word on that last question quick fire science nasa scientists or science is affiliated released a report suggesting what might happen if we come into contact with aliens they were
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warned that aliens may destroy the human population after witnessing the damage we're doing to the environment aside from us killing planet earth that's another reason why illions might want to bite humans were extremely ugly i mean you're good we're here to alien and we're really ugly so i think that's a good reason. why i think it to pile on and say jersey shore. yeah ok. sure. i mean if the answer that way. you know that i think that they might signal a better approach i feel corndog. no no. no no no they're not and tell you. we're all. very much all for joining.
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us we'll see if it will suit all but thank you very much. for the break america voted for change when they elected our forty fourth president barack obama but today a lot of the voters are disappointed in my daily take all write a letter to president obama telling him what i believe he needs to do to bring the change that he promised. drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions great through it through being made who can you trust no one who is you know with a global machinery to see where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called satchels when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more.
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i know to president obama the. to president you're running out of time at this point a double dip recession is all but certain and outside a c.e.o. of boardrooms and wall street most americans never recovered from the first recession and to prevent things from getting worse we hear that you're going to release a jobs bill next month and i as well as most progressive and frankly i think most americans around the nation even the tea partiers hope you go big because ultimately this is your best chance to really boost both your presidency the
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progressive movement and frankly to save the united states of america from economic disaster you spent the first three years of your presidency trying to be the post partisan president you promised to be well campaigning and most of us today or many of us wish that that was the campaign promise that you'd broken because look we're negotiating with the republicans hell bent on destroying your presidency has gotten us it got us a stimulus package in two thousand and nine to your own economic advisers that was far too small to repair the massive multi-trillion dollar hole blown into our economy by the banks toure's a stimulus package that may have worked to prevent a great depression for a few years but was not big enough to trigger an actual economic recovery and is running dry today just when the nation needs it the most it got to health reform was it does a lot of good things it falls way short of the mark you set in the campaign for
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a real progressive reform no single payer no public option no guarantee that health insurance is a basic human right and it's a health reform law that is now just one supreme court ruling shy of being gutted by ginni thomas as husband he got us a wall street reform bill that only started to address the underlying causes of the financial crisis that and then made too big to fail banks even bigger and the republicans today are hard at work trying to repeal. and compromising we with the republicans got us a bunch of nothing to as in no plan to end the wars no plan to close gitmo no plan to solve our energy crisis no plan to bring transparency to our elections no plan to solve illegal immigration and as of right now no plan to end the bush tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires as you've promised and we can well a lot of these things slide most of us could imagine back in two thousand and nine
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the links that senate minority leader mitch mcconnell and his republican soldiers would go to in their efforts to sabotage your presidency even though last year he promised to take you down. to our top political priority over the next two years should be to obama's second term could any of us really have guessed that the republican party would try to crash the economy just to kick you sir out of office i was predicting it would people called me a conspiracy nut turns out i was right and now that we do know how totally lacking in ethics or patriotism these republicans are now that we've seen what these republicans are willing to do in this recent debt limit debate that ended with you signing your name to a piece of legislation that john boehner bragged to get ninety eight percent of what he wanted in it downgraded our credit rating and it will cost our economy one point eight million jobs by next year there are no excuses and. you can no longer
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afford to negotiate with the hostage takers and economic terrorists in the republican party. now is the time to fight and with one year to go turn things around and you have to be bold you have to put forward a jobs package that invests brilliance of dollars which is what your first stimulus should have invested and trillions of dollars is actually a small amount to undo the damage of literally thirty years of neglect that's left our nation's infrastructure crumbling because of ronald reagan starve the beast economics trillions can rebuild or out of our did outdated energy grid and unleash a green revolution to kick our addiction to dirty fossil fuels and create millions of jobs in the clean tech industry there are scientists and entrepreneurs just waiting to get their technology out of the market but they need the full force of
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a government which is instead giving tens of billions of dollars to big oil they need their government to change course and get behind new energy. wealthiest nation on the planet there's no reason why we should still be depending on a nineteen seventies infrastructure some of it actually built in the one nine hundred pounds in the twenty first century we're depending on stuff and if we're willing to give banks or is truly is a dollars to keep them from going bankrupt we should be willing to make the same investment on main street to once again have america leave the world in a solid safe and secure a middle class you know is that right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness thing some will say this cost too much money. but there's a real simple way to pay for it all and the american people are in near total agreement on how to do it and that's the tax the rich and are giant transnational corporations that are showing trillions in profit and pain in many cases no taxes
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whatsoever you know those millionaires and billionaires who are enjoying literally the lowest levels of taxation in fifty years make them pay their fair share as congresswoman jan schakowsky is plans and we can fund everything we need to get this economy back on track course there's no way the republicans are boy along with us which is fine it actually gives you the opportunity in fact the best opportunity to not only win reelection but to get all these republican bums voted out of office and you do that by hitting the republicans over the head again and again for the next year with this bold jobs proposal make the republican party take the position that they don't believe the united states can compete with the rest of the world make the republican party take the position that millionaires and billionaires must have their tax cuts even if it means throwing overboard the kids and seniors make
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the republican party take the position that they don't want to see tens of millions of americans working and collecting good paychecks and that's what harry truman did to the republican congress in one nine hundred forty eight and he not only won the presidency but the republicans didn't control the house of representatives again for forty six years mr president there are millions of people who work their butts off to get you elected and haven't given up on it and are ready to stand behind you but you have to lead right now you have to be the loud voice for progressive change that you were in two thousand and eight. if you do that if you fight and fight hard then we will snatch victory from the jaws of defeat and turn this nation around and put an end to the tea party and the republican hostage takers once and for all but if you don't then one of these guys will get elected president that's the choice drastic times require board measures we've done our
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part showing up to get you elected and even taking back parts of wisconsin and a lot of efforts in a lot of other states it's time mr president for duty for you to do your part in a big way sir get out there get active tag your it mr president. and that's the big picture for more information on the stories we covered visit our website to tom hartman dot com free speech dot org and argue dot com also check out our two youtube channel for links of tom hartman dot com this entire show is also available as a free video podcast on i tunes and we have a free tom hartman i phone and i pad app and the app store you can send us feedback at twitter at tom underscore our friend on facebook autonomy or school our blogs message boards and telephone comment line at tom haueter dot. and don't forget democracy begins with you kit out there and get active tag your it to see the.
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wealthy british sign on the sign it's time to. market why not. why no one should really happening to the global economy with mikes concert or a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to congress report .
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just so.


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