tv [untitled] August 21, 2011 11:01am-11:31am EDT
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seven pm here in moscow with a look back at the past week's top stories and latest developments this is r.t. live in moscow libyan rebels say they're pushing on towards tripoli and claim they're now around thirty kilometers away from the capital they have also been reports of sporadic violence within tripoli itself but many people on the ground there say the situation is much calmer than those reports suggest lizzi feel and as an independent journalist in tripoli who says that force accounts of what's happening have served only to stir up the conflict. we've been hearing from the rebels and from nato that nato allies ascension to the rebels a day a week or very close to tripoli we've been hearing this for the past five months so the people of tripoli have essentially got used to these claims and treat them very seriously we've been hearing that zawiya is under control that breaker is in country kinds of control but the reality is that what is happening in these areas is that they are coming under intense nato bombardment and leaving the libyan army
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and the volunteers essential to the tribes and people in libya to move out of the area temporarily while the airstrikes are taking place last night there was some incidents in parts of tripoli which with seem to have been quite rapidly of dealt with why by the people here by the libyan government people started to come out into the streets to rally in support of their lead to essentially and then after that there were a few more incidents it appears as though there have been a few snipers from the rebels shooting from buildings i'm talking about a very small number of rebels but the issue creates mass panic and it's very difficult to deal with because of the threads of hurting civilians has obviously failed in its military strategy and to create a military solution here so instead what we're seeing is a massive psychological operation going on to try and weaken the government in the libyan government in that way the beginning of the crisis and continuously the international media the western media al-jazeera in particular has been responsible
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for a number of really grave lies of course there was the lie that gadhafi was attacking his own people which thanks to the satellites of russian that intelligence proved that there were no such attacks. we had the lie that the libyan government was hiring mercenaries from african countries that has led to the mass lynching of black people in areas like benghazi and misrata and other places that was also proved to be a lie by human rights organization. we've had the lie that there was an imminent must occur about to take place in benghazi and also there was already thousands that have been killed by the libyan government in benghazi but we have yet to see the mass graves we have yet to see the footage we have yet to see the evidence of this most recently there was of course the claims in the international media that somehow the civilians that's the massacre that took place in the town wasn't quite on the scale that the libyan people and government was paying and i went to the found myself i went to the burial i saw the evidence of the massacre of children
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and other said radians so it's quite understandable that few journalists here may be receiving receiving the pleas of the libyan government to just do their job essentially and report what is happening on the ground here because thus far they have been they have proven incapable of doing so and that is they are largely responsible for the crisis in this country and a little later we'll bring you more about the troubles in the region as our team meets one participant of egypt's revolution who says the fight for democratic reform seems simply to have given birth to another military regime. brutal than the previous one. cross border violence and saw in the middle east this week with israel launching airstrikes in gaza which for dozens of rocket attacks the arab league has condemned the israeli assault some call for the u.n. to take action the exchanges have already claimed the lives of around thirty people from both sides earlier i spoke to our teams paulison who's keeping across developments. there are now a new round of
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a strikes and rocket attacks since last night saturday some nine rockets have been fired into southern israel one man was killed one woman was critically injured and a number of buildings had to be any damaged at the same time we're talking here some one hundred and seventy markets that has rained down on southern israel since this line into this began on tuesday now it is increasingly looking likely that these are the only might be considering a ground offensive into gaza and this comes amid a number of israelis one of the interior and points of such an operation to take place early today sunday israel resumed a strike the hamas leadership is calling on the international community to condemn israel and this is a sentiment that was echoed at the arab league meeting that was held here today in kind of that meeting issued a statement in which is saying that israel needs to stop its aggression on both these gyptian and gazan soil and at the same time he called on the united nations
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to intervene now israel's also been gripped by massive protests over domestic problems for months now what are people that think about this escalating tension. well the social protest has now been ongoing for more than a month and by and large people are insisting that they will remain with their demands high on the agenda but of course there is growing concern that the netanyahu government might use this current violence as an excuse as a detraction away from actually addressing the very real concerns with me i has adam can se is a spokesperson from the movement had been the most recent protest last night saturday seemed to see demonstrators with a new slogan now in light of the latest conflict. always the old slogan the vehicle on social justice they will also thing the people want to see is for you is this representative of most israelis what most is why you support a cease fire the moment when this is where goshen good folk everybody would be very
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few. the problem with what was said. bill you meant mainstream columnist to do in the article not that there is a kind of macho question where we live the last word will shoot first short the last shot which is completely unimportant politically or militarily but it is a question of the issue and that causes more people to the forces for the cheap. one time the issue here for the last month has been issues of social security and social issues all of a sudden an agenda seems to have changed to terrorism and security do you think that the netanyahu government is using this as an opportunity to detract from issues at home there is certainly no question that netanyahu is using it and certainly the people who made this attack in the negative gave it to him on the social. a silver platter. but i don't think that this
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social put this is going to disappear because there is a very very much feeling of bitterness in the hopelessness and it's always been living very much most of us because of free markets capitalistic economy in for many years that falls on children into the valley society no it is very much. a i think this will not go away what will happen in the outside for the palestinians and of course another sentiment that's being expressed here in israel is that the country is so quick to respond to these attacks with something distinct here and a move with cancer is something that's been on the cards for some time it will keep in place to then and. now without seeing still ahead is the knights of the sky. the crowds on the ground this is an exciting spectacle but that's not quite the emotions going through my mind of the moment design about to see what happens from inside the cockpit all the frills and some spectacular stunts from the final day of
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the max international air. the images go. to britain now where two young men have been handed tough jail sentences for using facebook to encourage violent riots the jail terms were praised by prime minister david cameron but slammed by human rights groups as over the top of a bet at has more on how the policy of zero tolerance has taken hold in the u.k. . four years behind bars for the riot that didn't even happen jordan black sure and perry sutcliffe kenan were banged up for inciting disorder on facebook no one turned up after their invitation to riot which they later said was a drunken joke but now they face sentences even tougher than most looters and i worry is that it is an imbalance a four year sentence for example would normally be given to somebody for a previous bodily harm for holding someone up with a knife or even for. some form of sexual assault so it seems to me that that
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there is a danger that the courts are moving into disproportionate territory and that actually devalues our response to more serious crimes the governments encourage courts to dish out harsh sentences by using the public disturbance as an aggravating factor it's meant this man anderson fernandez could even be sent to jail for theft of just two scoops of ice cream because like this one denying bail to most offenders and ignoring any claims of previous good character of the one thousand two hundred seventy seven people charge so far two thirds have been remanded in custody that's way up on last year's rate for serious crimes which is just ten percent some offenders even being made homeless is their punishment with local governments taking away their houses but many say this will simply cause more harm than good i think this is very unwise the move to remove people from housing interim move benefits because actually if we are seeing that some of the crime that
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we saw on the streets was an expression of people not feeling participating not feeling part of our communities then these measures are actually going to push people further away from society further away from our communities and far more likely to commit crime the facebook case is the first sign of the government's desire to crack down on social media sites like twitter were applauded by the west to mobilize. the masses in the arab world but they were also instrumental in the u.k. riots so now the prime minister wants it to stop we are working with the police the intelligence services and industry to look at whether it would be right to stop people communicating via these websites or services when we know they are plotting violence disorder and criminality when social media fueled revolutions in egypt and tunisia britain called it democracy but now the shoe's on the other foot when troubles closer to home i'm very conscious i mean you know they're really poor
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or. movements and we would be the force to complete. the authorities in those countries we're trying to walk. the prime minister says this is where britain fights back but it speeds these fighting fire with fire could only fan the flames of civil disorder either bennett's artsy blunder. of more on this story or spoke to freelance investigative journalists who can't and than he believes the homeless response will only lead to more violence across england in the long run and further criminalize vulnerable young people. i think it's quite clear that the government want to send a very draconian message out to young people out there who had any sympathy even with the uprising or the right away if you want to call it that took place but never again really can the british government legitimately criticize any other regime in the world for any human rights abuses when people are facing jail time for scoops of ice cream for the movie one child stealing
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a dustbin for his mother listen these young people have been ignored and they've been exploited and oppressed and they just have no voice now through in a very traumatic experience through the right thing but they have a voice what is the response again of people is to for the criminalize them so if you're going to further criminalize them we're going to get more angry and i'm very you know regretful to report that the message is going around the street gangs in london and other parts of england is a competition as to who is going to kill the first policeman so this is this is what we're facing in england now it's a civil in a situation. our collective economic government best the latest measure proposed by top e.u. leaders in their bid to hold market turmoil and reverse the stagnation across the continent but the latest idea is a found little support among investors who say it's come as too little and too late angela merkel and nicolas sarkozy rejected the idea of euro bonds favored by the markets and seen by many of the best way of emerging from the deck size businesses
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and according to international consultant and former belgian m. he lord of our north american the entire affair was a p.r. boost for ailing politician. and went to london biggest economies of the european monetary union get together that is of course always meaningful if only on the psychological level these meetings tend to draw the line of should the eurozone countries at last in general so whatever to decide there is basically taken up by the other countries they're not going after the ones that cost the crisis they're not going after the ones that have the money that as we lost in this crisis i mean why not talk about the raising taxes on people why not to talking about putting social demands on these bailouts for the banks merkel and sarkozy are facing huge problems with their popularity in the in the polls so i think it's also do with the image of building at or not so much richer finding a real solution. and yet another blow to the euro zone the block second one hundred
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sixty billion euro bailout for greece may be under threat athens as agreed to provide finland with collateral in return for its contribution to the financial rescue package but it sparked indignation among the other fifteen donors some of which are now also demanding collateral analysts however warn that greece is incapable of handing out such guarantees and professor of applied economics patrick says that lack of direction in the e.u. is not helping at basle this crisis there's obviously a lot of uncertainty about the eurozone and what will happen go to the eurozone summit wasn't very conclusive or helpful in that respect that's a great deal of uncertainty which is worrying the markets about the situation of banks in europe i think that will be a result but it may take some time to resolve it that's the problem meanwhile the markets are very nervous the eurozone will be will take time to sort itself out
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either the euro will break up or they will produce a fiscal union with big. to bail all these countries out nobody really in a quite knows which but that won't be resolved any time soon i think what it is happening what is happening is that the western economies the richer economies are having a harder time of it because you know all the growth if you like in vail ability of raw materials is being taken by countries like china and india and brazil and so that's leaving very little scope for the richer countries to grow their groaning under these very high oil prices you know which depress their incomes and make them much more cautious. world of football is abuzz with news of a new dream team possibly gathering on russian soil that's. from russia's republic of dagestan are expected to sign the superstar striker samuel eto from the italian side into milan artie's but in the courtroom as more on the deal that could well
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prove a story for russian football. the transfer of the interim millon striker has taken some time but according to the latest reports some of the atto has said goodbye to his italian teammates and is sad to join. football club has become or an international will undergo medical examination within the next two days and will sign a contract with the dentist on the football club on monday and the and. pay over sixty million euros for three years of the contract to the camera international and this move will make of this player the most highly paid for good player in the world in the space of a few months of the against any football club has made headlines only across the world by buying leading international football players and this happened after the dagestani football club was bought by the locally born a businessman and also one of the richest man in russia so the monkey team of who
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is spending millions of euros in a bid to make the russian our football club known across the world the team has already legendary brazilian above the cardless and holes has already signed a contract where is it you had this many say it's like russian tycoon so are not only spending money on the development of the lestrange will struggle like it was done earlier but i'm on them but i want each one he bought chelsea but also the signing of out so will bring us the degen study football club on to a new level of development in the international world of football this week the world witnessed the second appearance of former egyptian president hosni mubarak in court robotic and his interior minister queues of corruption and ordering the killings of protesters during february's uprising monday session was accompanied by clashes outside the court building between pro and anti mubarak protesters who threw rocks at each other these acts on the boy because many people who for two
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entirety of square for democratic reform. now i feel trapped saying the interim military rulers are no better than the regime. so young to bold yet old enough to die for his country this boy was just seventeen wanted to kill him on the tucker square last winter today his portrait adorns one of cairo central thoroughfares there's even a talk of naming a street in his name what makes someone a mortar and another well in the age of right now it's the date of death those gunned down prior to mubarak's resignation celebrated its patron who lives with the brighter future of their country those killed after his ousting sometimes are free to ask criminals to stop to undermine their country's democratic stripes and it doesn't matter that they share the same goals and they just this is about power and
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knowing the other way around this young man also counted himself among the children of the revolution with his older brother he celebrated mubarak's departure from power or to fear taking needs for the and to deploy state three months later he was killed and what his brother believes was a government sanctioned shoot them in islam by an army sniper showed my brother dead and a bullet went through his fool hit and it came out to the right and i saw that no one here has a weapon like this. families to this whose deaths are now being pinned on mubarak these people receive no monetary compensation for their loss in fact they're increasingly worried that the new military authorities may persecute them a starts became an own compassing term for those who don't appreciate the ruling military. and as. we expected the army to intervene to protect people just do it with minds free but instead they started to kill people. who didn't expect. that if
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the supreme. council of the armed forces the super egypt as an interim caretaker when mubarak stepped down brought to power by the protest the generals nevertheless don't show much liking for mass gatherings the cradle of the egyptian revolution is now cordoned off by riot police those protesting accused of public disturbance to military trials in the last seven months there have been more people put on military trials than the number of people that were put on military chose under president of the president of war so that's really president mubarak's regime individually of course there are thousands of cases that have been put have been arrested and put on trial and sentenced within the span of two to five days sent horrible sentences starting from three years up to twenty five years as current his forehead still hasn't healed but these activists believes he got off
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lightly from seasoned counter in the middle east a month ago homes from a son of a former presidential speechwriter who was jailed by the mubarak's regime nor says the new authorities are just brutal like the version of they all are and it's extremely clear that there is very little difference between the people who are ruling us now hosting botha and that many of the crimes hosting were committed to his people are currently being committed to us now by the people who are ruling with the disguise of the revolution he gives these bloody t. shirt as a reminder that the egyptian revolution is far from over the former president is now on trial for his role in the mass killings but the body is still being built on the streets of cairo it's not a boycott artsy it's. only the trial itself might look like a step forward real change in egypt is
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a long way off that's according to asia times correspondent pepe escobar. the fact that mubarak is in a cage and he's being on trial this could be the beginning of the new middle east but we don't know what's going to happen in the elections because if dearie gene triumphs in the elections if we have somebody like the airports in this then we will see former secretary of the arab league or even mohamed el baradei it was composing with the muslim brotherhood or even another candidate which is a region candidate revamps and we did p.r. quite some for me in washington d.c. for instance not seeing a sense of change and this is what that the rear square protesters do beat with their eyes full cause laser focus on this trial at all times the international max asho has finally come back down to earth and closed its doors after entertaining crowds near moscow or week the world's top aircraft makers were there to show off their latest designs with a highlight being the maiden public flight of russians brand new fifth generation
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fighter jet the t. fifty and as a tease tests are sillier reports the final day ended with a flourish. well we're here the last day of the max two thousand and eleven air show now i'm drenched as you can see and i'm also going deaf now for the last five days today's the sixth day we've seen some pretty impressive launches we saw the teeth fifty the first russian the fifth generation stealth fighter launching its first public debut and we saw what it backed into in the air this will go against you have twenty rafter of the u.s. air force now that's on the military side on the civil aviation side saw the launch of the fs twenty one but that is a mid range plane that will go against the likes of the airbus a three twenty is still a prototype but will be interesting to see it once it is out there in the field now also we saw the big champs the eighty three eighty the boeing dreamliner and of course it's a voice which i don't when you see those massive blaze you just hope that the eleven hour flights will be a lot more comfortable for us passengers for me these are really big it's too big
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for me actually i've been looking at some small things and there's one that really caught my eye let's take a look. well as you can see i found myself a toy business all enough for me that this is how i like it i you know sitting in a cockpit and watching an aerobatic scene performing in the air it's like i have my very own simulator but i wouldn't dare move it not even an edge my colleagues on board is braver than i am he actually went inside a military aircraft with an aerobatic c. and he had one heck of a right to take it out. engine. instruments. runway. and then it's takeoff for the russian the robotic display team. the nine first class pilots have performed over two hundred times in the past nineteen years but they all have to start somewhere. andre is training to join the
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team he thinks he's nearly good enough now but still remembers his first flight as a solo pilot going to the piers there without any warning they told me i was going to do the next flight on my own i had no time to be scared there was no longer an instructor who wanted back it was unforgettable takeoff you on your own controlling the plane then when you land you've done it. yes move is trying to hold them the knew this they practiced most weekends thinking of new tricks and practicing old ones however even with years of flying and training experience between them it never becomes easy because difficult smoke when you leave the cockpit you can squeeze a gallon of sweat from your suit what your knees are shaking because it's extremely different stressful and anyone with fuel up with america so with that gut wrenching fare ringing in my is i was told it was mine for the crowds on the ground this is
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an exciting spectacle but that's not quite the emotion that's going through my mind at the moment because i'm about to see what happens from inside the cockpit. we did the loop the loop all the planes just meet us apart. but when it came to the fountain i nearly plucked out. white faced but not to see to it i returned to. being. a. kid. but i could also see some of the strains that go figure. good there's no script but
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if you know he might speak for the crowds but serial acrobatics aren't a shoot to the pilots it's always a difficult all that attached so. so next time you look up at the speed planes spare a thought for the pilot and something. from bottom on take. a special report on domestic violence in the u.s. just ahead but before that a recap of the week's top stories in just a moment. in
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some pieces books ots available in grown to tell europe grand hotel emerald marco polo blue they club small hotel so close hotel olympic gold circus hotel if ski corinthian the ski punnets reticent s.a.'s royal kempinski might go twenty to look you will come sky punch in the sky now so it's a. great . comfort to. your needs. so different but the. moscow.
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because you have your company you're watching rebels say they're advancing towards tripoli but the libyan leadership dismisses the scale of the threats and calls for all parties to negotiate. volume snowballs in the middle east for the fourth day amid fears exchanges of fire between hamas and israel may lead to a ground offensive in gaza meanwhile the arab league blames israel fueling the tension. the crackdown against english rides gains momentum with harsh sentences handed to those who played. in the chaos as human rights groups say judges and politicians have gone too far. and e.u. leaders promise of a single economic government fails to reassure anxious investors and. fresh trouble over greece once again threaten the stability and. domestic violence a.
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