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tv   [untitled]    August 22, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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there's a tripoli takeover as rebel forces move and on libya's capital it's more than just the rebels who are celebrating coming up we'll show you how the mainstream media is picking sides and drawing battle lines. plus the u.s. stock market seesaws gold hits new records do americans really feel their money is safe anywhere. so mean. nobody could paulson do anything. i'm not a slave fighting back against the system and
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a sign of the times and your great surprise to addicted eighty two year old farmer hold but she isn't moving without a fight. good afternoon it's monday august twenty second four pm here in washington d.c. i'm lauren lyster and your watching r t o's rebels claim to control the libyan capital of tripoli after a weekend filled with nato bombing the u.s. mainstream media is championing it as an apparent nato victory over moammar gadhafi if you have lines. six months of a war has ended the four decade reign of terror of moammar gadhafi history unfolds in libya with the all but certain end of forty two years of dictatorship let me ask you about the rebel success is something we can be proud of as a nation how much. was it worth it so
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does nato strategy vindicate president obama's patience. lots of celebration were them showing them on the streets of tripoli as well as celebrating a possible nato victory according to the pundits what we're asking where are the big headlines about the possible thirteen hundred deaths and five thousand injuries over the weekend of nato airstrikes we see those scenes of celebration but what about all of the civilians nato forces were supposed to protect it's not a simple story and it gets more complicated when you talk to more sides and more people on the ground earlier today r.t. spoke with journalist mahdi nasm roy he's from the center on research and globalization and tripoli he gave us a firsthand account where along with other foreign journalists he had to stay in a hotel in tripoli during that conflict he was trapped they were trapped in the building as practically all the staff and all of the security personnel had run for
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their lives we will have his firsthand account for you he spoke with r.t. earlier here it is a situation. feels like a rollercoaster right arm. two years we are going through you know one of them is hurt we don't want to be treated. we were not transitional council answers so if you're to come for you to pursue soldiers we heard gunfire you know several hours very sorry is going to. be grouped into all the rooms. i could be used chairs as ladders. projectors in the rooms the school computers they went through the rooms install things. get didn't seem violent just young men who came to take what they could what happened after that even to these offices which belonged couldn't be you know
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which are american movie and foreign no foreign media authority is that some of the journalists here came and started going through the files that the. foreign media stored on them and. that's the present situation here when we we mean what is going to change some panic will be coming down on people crying actors saying it was a con man right now right specially telling him not to you know it's for his safety and i perfectly understand it. but. we need a way out we're ok what i want you. i was nodding out and roy with the center for globalization and for research on globalization giving us his account very different one thing see on the us mainstream media so what else then is missing from those mainstream us media headlines on libya today while here to tell me is
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asia times correspondent pepe escobar he's been covering us from the beginning he's in brazil he joins us so happy thanks for being here why do you think the u.s. media is lauding us as a victory focused not on the death toll or the reports on the ground it's a valiant effort structure has been targeted but on a possible nato victory well it wasn't any of its victory because we've made all the rebels or the nato rebels as they were called by merely libya in libya never gets a trip very important information you know early july more or less the above the restriction came to the conclusion that first class intel in terms of satellite images an arm draw it would just as well would pass through nato commanders they were not be best before because they were considered you know american national security items since then made this a five it won't be didn't decide it finally that the major plan after five months
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where there was a stalemate or a quagmire would be ok let's try to get tripoli and that's how they launch operation siren on eight pm libya time all saturday evening and that's when they start killing everyone in sight and everything and you know in hitting everything in sight during saturday nights and throughout sunday and this includes madea's report that you just played at pax only independent journalists like those a c.n.n. and b.b.c. correspondents all pathetically are inside the hotel wearing a bulletproof vest they're now being here. so my question to you that is if nato is gore its stated goal from the beginning was to protect civilians protect civilian casualties and yet you have these reports of civilians being targeted civilians being killed then why do you think the u.s.
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media doesn't focus on these at all today. because you know this is the cover story this story from the beginning was our two people responsibility to protect their as the basis for u.n. resolution one nine seventy three there is abuse of the agreement between the u.s. and saudi arabia we get a result lucian based on your fake arab league ball nine countries are those twenty two and you can do it if you want with the arena in saudi arabia itself but this was the cover story sold to american and european public opinion especially the chinese the russians many people in brazil for that they're not buying it they know it so us need to coordinated operation without them there will be no victory this will be a still little go for ever then we have an international community sort of these you can get lance assist our us taking sides in the civil war so lindy knew that he could cool war for months or years on end it's ok let's try to take tripoli in one
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piece and they did it because they blew all these ecliptic on the whole sea and away towards the sea and you know what you just dropped a point that i was going to bring up with you you said this is a cover story of a question because the cover story for what you say a civil war i want to show images today that we're seeing all over the mainstream media are of rebels cheering in green square in tripoli rebel supporters waving their flag now take a look back just a week if we can roll that but it's there you have the same scene but with khadafi supporters cheering victories with their flag in green square in the same place just a week ago so happy with this civil war the nato got involved in from the getgo. yes absolutely and this image just being broadcast everywhere from how i wish i was in greece where yesterday really reminds me of my good old times reporting on the ground and you see western burger western mountain bare bears you see
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mercenaries that came from being you see mercenaries were recruited into east bardoli by qatari special forces in emirates special forces and they were sent by ship on saturday to the shores of tripoli you know protected by nato ships and of course he will also see people from the outskirts of tripoli who are against gaddafi remember these people when they demonstrated out three or four months ago they were savagely repressed so it's a mix you have you have a rent a mob crowd anyhow the legitimate democrats or aspiring democrats and so on but this is being sold as the whole population of tripoli now searching towards the rebels it's not true it's not true because good then that a question becomes what is next for libya's leadership i mean who is going can roll and have the kind of people within
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a rule you mentioned that either the next script is not a unified fourth exactly the transitional council you know really you remember dentsu we circle all the killed they're all military commander and the attack on eyes were the key eastern libyan tribes deal beat him which are not behind a transitional council anymore as far as we can tell we have. a loyalist that defected to three five months ago we have islam ists al-qaeda linked cell laffey jihadi hardcore islam is we sure are operating coordination with the boots on the ground british special forces qatari special forces and french special forces as well we have i would say a minority of sac. killers syrian i can say let's put it is we who really want democracy and we have all the western interests that are already look i just saw a story five minutes ago on the map here this criminal the power play for libya's
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oil has already started so who's the traditional council is going to reward all these lead. me to all countries especially france and england ok so you just had on several points i want to get to you first what are we going to see the u.s. and nato do now because look already today i want to show you a quote from a council of the council on foreign relations president had an op ed in the financial times called live here now needs on the ground and just a quote from that we have it he essentially says some sort of international assistance and most likely an international force is likely to be needed for some time to restore and maintain order is that what we're going to see now what this is called politically crazy because people have such as a short memory not this reminds me of i was there at a time because lucian provisional authority in iraq in two thousand and three and this is the same thing we're going to have western boots on the ground and we're
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going to open up. libya for a hardcore law holds far too little capitalism with a request to ration of profits you know let's get there or you were slim as we can the best contracts possible know that this is completely quit if this is the way we don't know yet if u.s. and nato goals we're going to have the rock two point zero that's what is it how does this bode for the u.s. given though unlike iraq two point zero the u.s. is now in fourteen point six trillion dollars of debt so you have a whole other element to that story how does this bode for the u.s. if it is iraq to point out is that who's going to pay for their china again look like the international community supports and r two p. libya it's a miss the bric. all are in fact. he will be one step there really developing a little of this recession between the us and europe the bric countries are totally against it the. the upstream which means faulting against. women seventy three
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and they know that these pontiacs especially the russians the chinese and indians the contracts you know oil and gas are going to be specially france and britain and even any has very good at very good contracts with the message they're going to lose everything that they had because it really was not planned out of this. need to coolish and it's funny because we've already learned that the italian foreign minister has already sent oil workers from italy back and there will definitely be a place for that one point six million barrels of oil a day that the world used to rely on from libya but my question to you you have been covering this part asia times you mention the grex you mention a different perspective what is been the biggest takeaway for your reporting of what's going on today in libya for your audience. look what i learned from the bikini was stacked on a two piece you money terry interventionism is the way the american ruling elites rebranded george bush the greater middle east so i'm sure the next step is going to
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be syria even if the brics are against it and sooner or later it's going to be live with them as well because the master plan is to isolate old east pockets all right hands off. release them in the world and this means what northern africa there you go past that they were going to have to leave it there i'm sorry to cut you off there but that is the headline that you just gave us that i can guarantee you our viewers are not going to see on the us mainstream media that was asia times correspondent pepe escobar now still ahead right here on r t do not go away taking stock of an unstable economy with the markets on the rebound and gold hitting new records do americans think it's safe to get back in the game or are they better off watching from the sidelines plus facing foreclosure are not a unique story in the united states unfortunately but the banks are in for a rude awakening is this is one great grandma who isn't moving out without a fight could this be
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a sign of things to come. we just put a picture of me when i was like nine years old on the side of the truth. i'm a contestant i am a total get of friends that i love rap and hip hop music and pretty. it was kind of a yesterday. i'm very proud of the role that i'll just see it's playing.
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welcome back well the price of gold today continues to hit new records it was just two dollars away from a record high of one thousand one hundred dollars per ounce earlier this is global economic fears have sent stock markets up and down over the last weeks was back out today but that's after the worst four week loss since reported in march of two thousand and nine so what are average people thinking what are they doing about it and why harshness of the resident out net went to times square to find out for us. as the global economy continues to be volatile where do you feel like your money is safest this week let's talk about that do you have faith in the stock market are
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you kidding me. i'll go to that i love las vegas play blackjack or play roulette that's when you have a chance you have faith it's not too much but i'm still worried because they're. calling go but you haven't called oh you know it'll come back. do you have money invested. we don't trust it that much or just haven't got the money if you have the cash now's the time to fire. but what if it just keeps crashing further if you have the money to lose you lose it if you don't don't play it so you have money invested on best. everything to me is not stable so i just at this present moment the stock market is not so where's your money. matters the way it goes up and down it's really it's just. so i have no faith in it is it was a why we play a game with our security. what are your choices what are you going to do with your
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money you have put it under the mattress was the best kind of work to grow but what about in gold's you could put seven goals and says you take something from. dollars. and. you have to get your money back. from selling the gold so. if things were to get to where you have to go i don't think the u.s. government with. the currency is your chance that we could go back to a system of artery or more local kind of exchanges. with less. money and that's what is that was the money so that we're seeing we're seeing signs of it and here with what's going on with the economy i think so no matter where you keep your money these days the bottom line is no place will ever be
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completely. you heard of average folks saying they see signs of the end some keeping their money and mattresses some say hey what are you going to do keep your money or mattress can't do that well here to tell us the reality of how he sees it is max rogoff he's economist at the news he says it does average folks are right on the street i max nice to see you so we heard a lot of different theories from new yorkers where you're sitting on the street in times square where do you think people's money is safe. but i think that all investments particularly all long term investments in common stocks or bonds or all kinds of future opportunities involve a certain amount of confidence and confidence is not supported by the fact that over the last ten years we've seen public share markets public stock markets go through two major violent readjustments one around two thousand and two thousand and one with the explosion in the high tech bubble another in two thousand and two
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thousand and nine the global market slide and then since april middle of april late april two thousand and eleven this year we've seen three trillion dollars in total equity market losses in the united states as we saw two very good years in a row two thousand and ten and the second half dozen nine all of two thousand and ten and the first little bit of two thousand and eleven here go from great to not too great fairly quickly in a violent process i still do think though that these folks are keeping their money at home under the mattress they may tell us an important social story but i don't know what you would learn from them i'm going to ask basis other than maybe but if times get really hard you should go to their house lift up their mattresses get yourself out of whatever hole you're in and maybe however it sounds like in all of those examples you just gave you said especially you don't think that people's money is safe and the u.s. stock market. actually i think where we are right now in the u.s. stock market there's probably more reason to be chasing the u.s. stock market than lots of other things that people chase that being said it's been a wild ride there's been a lot of erosion of confidence people had
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a sort of sense that the way they could get out of this problem was with the new regulations i don't think that the regulations have come in quickly enough i'm not sure the regulations we've seen have been enough at least not yet to restore public confidence so it's impossible to sit there and tell someone you know believe me not your own eyes as they watch stock market story after stock market story become depressing and as the the old saw or the old joke goes that there for a one k. now to a one k. so i do think that for an amateur investor who doesn't pay much attention the stock markets are a wild ride and they should limit their exposure to that make good choices get good advice and of course that's easier said than done a good choice is you are you are diversified u.s. stock market is still a better place to be most times that a lot of other places people tend to go with their dreams of having more money likes a lottery tickets and it's a fact i think so the u.s. stock market is better than a lottery ticket that's not that outcome but speaking of erosion of competence i want to keep going on that because
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a bloomberg analysis of documents that they got through. i found that the u.s. federal reserve made one point two trillion dollars and loans from public money to support wall street firms in the middle of the financial crisis but here's the thing they did it in secret and they didn't even disclose it to the government accountability office which we saw earlier this year out of the fed what concerns does that raise for you. but i mean i think we saw a lot of this information come out about two years ago with the freedom of information act or the filing from bloomberg news lets us see exactly who took our much what we could see even back in zero eight zero nine was that trillions not the hundreds of billions that caused all the upset around tarp the trillions of dollars in special programs were made available to the largest financial institutions and banks in the country they took full advantage of those. as for various reasons in some cases they stayed in business because of those knowns and in some cases they simply did better than they would have otherwise there is a decent reason that the fed did a very bad job of telling the public for why you might do that is if you do tell
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people in real time who's getting special assistance because of the way the system works here because of the way private markets and public markets particularly work you would have a situation where the rumor would quickly spread that a company was in trouble and it was therefore going to the fat and that of course they're going to the fed could easily become a death sentence for them when the fed is making this incredibly generous low cost large as available to the firms exactly to prevent the blowup that news could actually engage further as a reason perhaps but why would average americans have confidence in their government and the money that they're giving to their government if the federal reserve is giving secret loans that it's not disclosing to anybody sure that look there's long been a very worthwhile debate that most people are few refused to engage about the federal reserve we do need and want to see an independent central bank which the federal reserve is that being said the federal reserve tends to be one of the least transparent most opaque most secretive of any government agency and in this
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particular era where people have come both with conspiracy theories as well as reasonable critiques of the federal reserve their secretive nature makes people believe the worst even in those instances when they haven't done anything that isn't beneficial and so there's a huge credibility problem right now for the public markets and also even for the public market regulators because people have a painful memory of the recent past that we don't i and the not so distant past two thousand two thousand and by speaking advent the question i want to. you had warren buffett have an editorial earlier that's not. but should tax him and his super rich friends more they've been coddled you had charles koch as and the koch brothers fired back he said i believe my business and nonprofit investments are you know better and more beneficial to society then send it to washington remember what you think. you have a point when you have all of these. factoids coming out that show that maybe you can't trust the government like you thought. sure look there are issues with
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government i think that both ideological extreme positions suffer from the fact that their ideological extreme positions and they don't update themselves or have much sensitivity to the reality so some people believe that anything done by the government is done right you can trust the government and i think history offers many cautionary tales about the faith one might have in the government on the other side you have people who think that anything and everything done by private individuals or private markets is always efficient and best and we have at least as many cautionary tales of misadventure on the outside so in other words if the government does it at least we have accountability and some recall through some kind of electoral process whereas there is no electoral process and i think as we've seen more than once the koch brothers have a sort of limited public accountability all that being said to private individuals and institutions sometimes make more efficient and better decisions than the government absolutely and of course the reverse is absolutely true and the lessons of history class adventures past misadventures offer the best guide forward as opposed to people's deeply held and highly impassioned ideological topes and trumps
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that give you every time whatever the situation might be so you think is best to make these decisions if not these ideologues who has the best perspective it's real quickly oh well i think that former supreme court justice brandeis probably have the best piece of advice transparency is the best disinfectant public and private should have a better disclosure process it takes a long time to rebuild trust as rightfully degraded as the american public's trust both in its government and many of its leading private institutions as we have seen and recent history very clearly that was max rodwell take on this for the news corp thanks so much for being here now as analyst like we just talked to see a lot of things going rod in the economy now and possibly in a future we turn once again to what this means for real americans millions has seen the toughest times in decades that it hit their every day lives and many have had no choice to give up hope now. we've had no choice but to give up their homes but
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today we visit one american who probably represents many many more but she's standing her ground regardless of social status and age artie's anastasia stark and i spent time with her maybe she is a sign of things to come. cruel times in america in a plummeting economy the seizing of homes the skyrocketing leaving many americans with nowhere to go their all of the one and a half million homes in foreclosure across the west right now this is a fleet that has taken over the country but some of the ways in which americans are being kicked out onto the streets are more shocking than others reach eighty two year old great grandmother mary ward she has lived half my life in this house like now end up homeless though poor me not that i could. do anything. i'm not a slave to sr took out a ten thousand dollars loan against her house back in the ninety's and never got
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that money and the lending bank was shut down for predatory schemes even so she has been facing foreclosure because of that money ever since i'm going to walk barefoot if i have to to washington d.c. they got to listen to me i got all the evidence is washington d.c. going to do all this good stuff with the rights and whatnot of convention going to marry words battle with the system has already lasted sixteen years the courts have failed nearly word for the last sixteen merits elected officials have failed her for the last sixteen years right on friday some two hundred supporters gathered on mary's doorstep to physically block her fiction sounds like as a matter of. common sense actual law that if the lender who gave her the money was put out of business because of engaging in predatory practices and she never got the monday it seems absurd that the house is now being foreclosed upon
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for some of ten thousand dollars which she never got which was considered illegal mary were far from the only one to fall into a bank stocks during tough times can really is sad because there are thousands of people that have already left their homes they have lost their homes because of predatory lending schemes despite only eight years of education the stuff sr is the only one to put up a fight for this law probably teachers is goes on the politicians and the real estate mogul they all dance and they haven't been given what now is the relationship it should be broken up but it's politicians and corporations continue sleeping in the same bed this year is why do week and says she is unstoppable they cannot recognize that now is the fact there are little older black woman. outsmarted them banks are in for a rude awakening as this feisty lady isn't going and.


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