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tv   [untitled]    August 22, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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it's a tripoli takeover as rebel forces move in on libya's capital it's more than just the rebels who are celebrating coming up we'll show you how the mainstream media is taken sides and drawing the paddle lines. don't you. know but it could also do anything. i'm not a slave biting back against the system and a sign of the times a new york bank tries to a victim eighty two year old from her home but she's not movin out not without a fight.
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plus the u.s. stock market seesaws gold hits new records but do americans really feel their money is safe anywhere. and it's a gold rush venezuelan president hugo chavez is mining for more stable markets taking his gold back so was there a nugget of truth to his decision. that evening it's monday august twenty second eight pm here in washington d.c. i'm laurin lister and you're watching r.t. now as rebels claim to be gaining control of the libyan capital of tripoli after a weekend filled with nato bombings the u.s. mainstream media is championing it as an apparent nato victory over moammar gadhafi here are some of the headlines. the civil war has ended the four decade reign of terror of moammar gadhafi history unfolds in libya with the all but certain end of
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forty two years of dictatorship let me ask you about the rebel success this is something we can be proud of as a nation how much twenty four hours. or so of brain should was it worth it so does nato strategy vindicate president obama's patience so not heard in some of those jingoistic lines are big headlines about the possible thirteen hundred deaths and five thousand injuries over the weekend of nato airstrikes now we've seen scenes of celebration all over the t.v.'s but what about all of the civilians nato forces were supposed to protect are they and those casualties being reported now not a simple story at all especially when you back up when you talk to more sides and more people on the ground earlier today for example r.t. spoke with journalist mahdi nasm from the center for research on globalization and he is in tripoli where along with other foreign journalists they had to stay in a hotel during a conflict they were trapped as the building was in the middle of tripoli with
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practically all the staff and security personnel running for their lives here is his press hand account of what's going on on the situation. feels like a rollercoaster right. now in. two years. they're going through the building young man one of the hurt they don't want to be to speak. up we were going to national. transitional council answers soon to get complacent pursuit of the soldiers we heard going for several hours. so i was going to go. into all the rooms. and i could be used chairs letters. and projectors. and the rooms the school computers they went through the rooms install things. didn't seem violent just young men who came to take what
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they could what happened after david was offices which we couldn't be you know which are very connected to movement for a new foreign media theory is that some of the journalists who came and started going through the files that you know. for need to get through it because i don't care and. don't see the present situation here we have we is going to some parity it will be coming down on people crying actors see. right century town you cannot see you know it's for his safety and i perfectly understand . why. we need a way out we all be one on one. that was mahdi nasm royal with the center for research on globalization and a different account from what you're seeing on the mainstream media now so then what else is missing from those us media headlines here to help me out the jaipur
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shah he's director of international studies at trinity college thank you for being here so i first want to start out with something we heard from the president today he spoke to the american people at two pm around there here's a little snippet of what he said for over four decades libyan people have lived under the rule of a tyrant who denied them their most basic human rights now the celebrations the we've seen in the streets of libya shows that the pursuit of human dignity is far stronger than a dictator. my first question to you is that what we're seeing in the streets of libya right now in the streets of tripoli. well you know i think that what president obama is talking about is sort of wish fulfillment and need to has been blocked for ten years in afghanistan on a need to has a bad record of trying to push you politically grooves through military means and
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finally in libya they've been able to create a kind of propaganda situation when need do is now as secretary general anders fogh rasmussen said today need to is demonstrated that it is the most effective tool in the woods arsenal this to me is remarkable it is a form of. propaganda skill that you know one has not come to see at least since the kind of egg on the face of the bush administration after the entry into iraq oh you know the situation in libya is far more complicated there is a sense from people dead to the rebellion that might come no from deeded off the site is germinating after all the calmest brigade most simply does all of that rather than stand and fight you know to defend tripoli so the question that we need
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to be asking isn't you know that this is the. human freedom narrative but we should be asking is tripoli in twenty to eleven anima in one thousand nine hundred nine winning. pretty quickly and believe it was sprinted off to an american prison will he face trial and now sits in prison so is this panama nine hundred eighty nine or is this two thousand and three when again besides bomb regime seemed to have collapsed immediately and was. you know when you keep it into it rebellion and an insurgency that went on for four possible years. two thousand and seven so rather than celebrate this as a little iffy without comment i would ask is this bad in one thousand nine hundred eighty nine or is this iraq two thousand and three war which. one.
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my few it is that this is going to be iraq two thousand and three and it you know people in the city of tripoli incirlik be other parts of the country who remain loyal to the gadhafi regime have been given norreys and. to basically. enter it consign those who are coming into this cities in other words given that there is no political platform for the conciliation i shear that the fighting is going to continue and a lot more people are going to be killed as it does need to have the fighting and now revealed. and yes special forces troops on the ground they have been providing technical assistance providing more sophisticated oh you know means of being in touch with walk ins folk bombing i mean the saudis have been on the ground right through in fact it took sections of the big guys did
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a billion to cut out to be trained so i fear that this is going to set it down a little precedent already our monies are being reviewed oh you know i'd be g.'s have been stolen from the armories is this going to be you know arc two thousand and three or even worse is this going to be kabul after the fall of the polish burnt when that civil war was grevious and hope for the people of afghanistan so you only you know i don't think there's going to get into a multi-year occupation own way that were you saying. there is no question that the united states is going to find itself in much more but then we should accomplished cyd got two thousand and three that the united states is going to find but it's not so easy to orbits routine and then as you can't get those will you in the back going to suddenly commits to create stability on the ground things are going to do very complicated it's hard to have a definitive answer right now which is why i find that the sort of jubilation is
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one sided and is unable to see that things are going to be far more complicated there is an amnesia that infects the media across the atlantic would you don't have the mission accomplished banner of two thousand and three i would have thought they would have to look at something obviously eight years later they've learned nothing and you know that was going to be my question to you because when we look back on iraq the u.s. media says you know we learn lessons from napa back then there was this going away state coverage of the u.s. as role there and then it was found out that that was all wrong and fast forward and today you see a similar a similar kind of simple analysis in the mainstream media where if they're talking about nato victory and celebration and showing these images on repeat of the rebel supporters in green square so why do you think the me other facts are out there you know we know that. people are saying that civilian infrastructure was targeted and
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that thirteen hundred people possibly died in these airstrikes and that civilians are among them so why is the u.s. media ignoring these that acts. well the united states media has a very simple narrative ohv freedom versus a part in an ism and if you simply have that narrative what appears to have happened today is that authoritarianism was defeated by freedom what you don't get form the united states media is how different couldn't complicated it's going to be absent the leadership of gadhafi you know for this new government to go forward and you have to consider that the been gazi transitional council has said it would like to have elections within eight months that seems to me awfully optimistic we have to also consider will the people of giving the food who conducted some of the most of you know review and fighting over the last year and a half people of the sort of bit this is the we're being marginalized in libya
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we're getting mightn't left again you know there are some very good questions the devil by the way is always in the details and it is the details that are being here put into the drawer and this simple narrative of freedom was is a part of it isn't is allowing the media to once again really have millipede ideas of dimension isn't for humanitarian reasons and to sort of what the bush legacy behind i'm afraid the bush legacy is going to come back again tomorrow so you think that with kerry is going to repeat itself nothing has changed if you don't learn from history repeats itself if you learn from it it just be shipped with you i guess yes or no you're saying the u.s. and u.s. media yes that would have not learned the lessons. i think i think this. means being the be of humanitarian intervention is. just give you an idea that freedom comes from it this is the winning side here in
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the united states and it is not something that. at this period of clarity and intervention all right thank you so much for being on the show that was the jaipur shah director of international studies at trinity college with that analysis now wall when you have war going on in libya and he's making the headlines there is still a consequence of this involvement you have u.s. debt close to fifteen trillion dollars and i'm sorry look an economic picture if you look at any of the data that continues to come out or if you glance at the stock market but what does all of this mean for real americans millions of dean the toughest time in decades if their everyday lives and had no choice but to give up hope and their homes in many cases but today we visit an american who represents so many of those people that have stood to lose their home but she's standing her ground regardless of social status or hades and argued and i thought the church and
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i spent some time with her maybe she is the face of what we're going to see from our american people cruel times in america in the plummeting economy the seizing of homes the skyrocketing leaving many americans with nowhere to go there are over one and a half million homes in foreclosure across the west right now this is a fleet that he can over the country with some of the ways in which americans are being kicked out onto the streets and we're shopping another leaf eighty two year old great grandmother mary ward he has lived half her life in this house because now end up homeless no. no classical. an infant. i'm not a slave the senior took out a ten thousand dollars loan against her house back in the ninety's and never got that money and the lending bank was shut down for predatory schemes even so she has been facing foreclosure because of that money. i'm going to walk barefoot if
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i have to the washington d.c. they've got to listen to me i've got all the evidence is washington d.c. going to do all those questions right and what not what convention don't you think mary words battle with the system has already lasted sixteen years the courts have failed in the water for the last sixteen errors elected officials have failed her in the last sixteen years. on friday some two hundred supporters gathered on mary's doorstep to physically block her fiction sounds like as a matter of. a matter of common sense actual law that if the render and gave her the money was put out of business because of engaging in predatory practices and she never got them are they it seems absurd that the house is now being foreclosed upon for some of ten thousand dollars which she never got which was considered illegal work is far from the only one to fall into at bankstown during tough times
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it really is sad because there are thousands of people that have already left their homes they have lost their homes because of predatory lending schemes despite only eight years of education it's tough sr is the only one to put up a fight for this law which it is is goes on to politicians and it really. shouldn't have been given what now if there is this relationship it should be broken up but as politicians and corporations continue sleeping in the same bed this see here is why don't we and says he is unstoppable they cannot recognize acknowledge the fact that a little over a black woman. i'll smarted them thanks are in for a rude awakening as this party isn't going anywhere just yet in the meantime she's won her way to becoming a hero for millions of others left to themselves the future cannot or to.
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all right well mary leeward has taken on the government it doesn't seem that stories like hers are going anywhere if you look at the numbers the number of americans who are at risk of foreclosure are still eight times more than what that number would be in a normal market and one hundred audit by the government found the biggest service there's a mortgages are still committing extensive fraud or at least they were over the two months this spring that they did the audit just a small snippet still going on now joining us to talk about how this is impacting people that she represents as foreclosure attorney south son zachary thank you so much for being with us now this woman although she is one woman her story highlights a lot of things which which are characteristic of foreclosures in this country and one is that her loan which mind you she never got was sold and resold and repackaged until ended up in foreclosure so there's this kind of web of of banks
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and investors and it's hard to discern who's responsible how many of the people you represent deal with that web. honestly i would say at least half of my clients come to me with. with a foreclosure complaint. in which the claims if is a security. entity. of the large majority. loans that i see or securitized so this isn't something i mean they've been packaged repackaged as you said and this is not something that's uncommon at all fortunately so in those situations who usually wins out the investor the bank that originally issued the loan the homeowner. it depends on it depends on what state you're in because really it becomes an issue of what the law is in each state so for example in new york state you really i mean although there's case law that leans more towards the borrower and allows more of an opportunity to fight standing which it would be in
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this case you know with respect to securitize them so standing is something that the banks really would be able would be forced to prove in new york whereas in other states. it's much easier for a bank that demonstrates the ending because the requirements are not as strict ok so but but what the people that you cover the whole most on are usually when or does the bank usually when. unfortunately the banks win more often than not but at the end of the day for most borrowers a loan modification is what they're looking for so you don't even really see foreclosures are foreclosure actions. really take their full course because if you get a loan modification borrowers don't care what whether or not a bank has standing as long as they make that mark occasion ok speaking of when i interviewed you a little over a year ago you said that not many of your clients were getting approved for a loan modification because the banks weren't approving them has that trend gotten
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better or worse in the year since we spoke. it's actually gotten better i mean i can't say significantly but it has gotten better there are my clients fall into two categories there are half modifications. that fall into the obama program and there are in house modifications i'm actually seeing more in house modifications now than i was last year last year you were seeing you have modifications here and there but now i see a lot of in-house modifications and i would say that that has a lot to do with standing issues and case law and the base not being able to prove that they can actually that they actually have standing for her actions so they're trying to negotiate and they're more willing to come to the table and they were before so banks are more willing to come to the table now. ok yet meanwhile you still see a lot of analysts who come out and say that policies especially government policies
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are still favoring the banks too much and not average americans and one example of that would be that the d.o.j. is pushing for banks to settle so that they won't have any of these criminal investigations into mortgage fraud but they'll settle for modest fines do you think that that's fair oh absolutely not absolutely not why shouldn't the banks and their executives be held accountable or for the fraud perpetrated it's. our judicial system our legal system is based on the premise that you're held accountable for what you do so the fact that the middle class the fact that mourners are are being forced out of their homes they're being was upon because of the action pov. executives in the banks and the criminal actions of. executives. is on unbelievable and it's unfair absolutely unfair so looking bigger picture at your experience at a foreclosure attorney during these years where we have seen this housing crisis
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have policies been more favorable to the banks that in many cases if you use predatory loans and then package them and securitized them or to homeowners that that said losing their homes as a result of your practices unfortunately we have not seen the our elected officials take enough action against them i mean there really should have been much stricter enforcement much stricter regulation against the banks and accountability but that has not been the case i think that really. the banks have very the courts have done a better job in many states. holding banks accountable than our elected officials have very interesting and you know from the trying to first hand we sure appreciate your insight that was foreclosure turning south and that that that now the big question obviously if you whether or not you're facing home foreclosure you're probably looking at the stock market and saying hey what do i do it's been up it's
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been down gold is surging so what do you do hide your money in your mattress play the game you know who has it right well earlier i spoke with gerald celente publisher of the trends journal and director of the trans institute to get to the bottom of where your money really is safe he said. i don't give financial advice on tell you what i do and what i've been doing since two thousand and one when we predicted the beginning of the gold bull run is investing in gold or a little bit of silver and for a while the swiss franc but now they're trying to drive down the value of that so when the ship is sinking what are the options what are a lifeboats life preservers and then the debris and right now gold looks like a life preserver because what's really going on lauren is the world knows that the european situation there's no way out of it other than printing more of that
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digital money not worth the paper it's not printed on and then you look what happened this morning when the stock market opened it's ok it's high on the good news and this is the way they described it that ben bernanke may talk about q.e. grade which means dumping yet more money into the system so the more digital money that they keep printing the higher the value of gold so right now gold to me is the wisest asset for my own personal purposes of investing in blueberry came out of the report yesterday didn't make any of the news and that is that the the that ed had pumped in one point two trillion dollars worth of loan money to the banks that said that they didn't need them and such as the in the investment firms as well between two thousand and eight and two thousand and ten and what i'm saying
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is that when people say is that better to keep your money in a mattress why keep the bank you're not getting any interest on it you know getting annie's and what if there is a run on the bank we'll go back to nineteen thirty three what did they do they called it. holiday. you take it your money out and what they did was they devalued the dollar because in those days the dollar was paid to go funny you bring that up let's bring up an executive order from f.d.r. back in one thousand eight hundred oh we do have it there we go so under this executive order at in one hundred thirty three at the are made it illegal to own gold except for just a little bit and he made people turn it into the government for as you mentioned twenty dollars an ounce and effectively confiscated people's money he didn't people are worried that the government could ever do this again yes i look at that it didn't do anything they were what they start was they they gathered at the
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constitution they did it before and they will do it again and there's something else significant in that remember after they got it they made the people turn in their golden replied the price of thirty five dollars an ounce that meant that you just lost forty percent of the purchasing power they don't teach you that he is very good oh let's make this really clear wall street has hijacked washington who was the treasury secretary under bush henry paulson where did it come from goldman sachs when did they repealed the glass steagall who's the biggest ration did it happen under clinton and so who was the treasury secretary that got it so motion robert rubin where was the from goldman sachs whose obama's chief of staff bill daley where is he from vice chairman of j.p. morgan chase it wall street washington it's the same club and the leader of
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venezuela hugo chavez his solution to all of this economic woes he wants his gold back you heard mr selenski it's very valuable he's having it repatriated earlier i asked adrian south was he what is the main reason for this. well there are two basic reasons one of them is financial and he obviously wants to protect the financial assets of his own country so he is repatriating these two hundred eleven metric tons of gold which sounds like a lot but since gold is heavy it's a relatively small volume and he is asking the united states and britain to give it back to him but there is another level that this needs to be interpreted and it's a political in a way after seeing the way that the needle countries for example are grabbing the assets of other countries we're seeing it in libya we realize and he very well realizes this is not about human rights this is clearly all about gold it's all
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about oil about minerals geopolitics and global control i think hugo chavez you know rather crude way is understanding that there is a global power elite embedded within the united states britain and the european union but that does not respond to the interests of the american religion or european evils and he sees that regime change which has wrecked so much havoc in north africa and the middle east is now coming towards latin america and his country is the first target them as well so do you think he sees this as his defense against the u.s. or other countries praising his assets in an act of economic warfare because that is an act of economic prosperity think that's genuinely a concern. absolutely i think he is understanding the garment effect that is coming this way of where i'm speaking from latin america from argentina so we think that the next stage will very likely affect well the rest of africa in the first instance and then latin america and as i say venezuela is a prime target in this sense and he's understanding that he has to defend his
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assets that instead of pulling them in britain the u.k. and europe and swiss slips of them he's looking towards more friendly allies such as placing these at financial assets in russia in brazil or in china he said that this is a an analysis in latin america and other countries are concerned do you think other latin american countries are going to follow suit and repatriate gold pull their assets back home pull them into other countries. things would have to get worse before that happens maybe some of the smaller countries who work which are aligned with venezuela such as ecuador or bolivia might follow suit however the major countries notably brazil mexico argentina will not do so i don't think any time in the near future so in a way regrettably hugo chavez is a bit on his own and she should be more careful i believe the way he handles these things it is making it to august it becomes a very very clear target of what is a basically.


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