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tv   [untitled]    August 22, 2011 11:31pm-12:01am EDT

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and e.u. leaders rush to hold talks with officials from libya's transitional council as it nominates several. favorites for lucrative oil contracts. be here with a full look at your news in thirty minutes but right now it's back over to our washington studio for the second part of the. we've got to. the biggest issues get voice face to face with the news makers. are it is time for you said it read it right take time to respond to my brilliance and engaging viewer comments from facebook twitter and you tube and you've got something to say i listen now first i want to respond to a viewer who watched my interview with jamil bluey from the american prospect on president obama's record of the african american community here's dragon one
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thousand nine hundred two set on you tube alone though she doesn't realize it has just made a classic mistake unfortunately this interview appears to make the assumption that the quote black community is a monolithic entity comprised of individuals individuals who are all exactly the same who are experiencing the exact same hardship who have the exact same thoughts who all just happen to claim that certain people represent them as leaders and who act the exact same way i know i have to be odd as this one is one of the hardest things about bringing guests on the show to try to have them calm and analyze on something as a larger problem to have one person speak about a larger group of people who obviously don't all feel the exact same way but neither develop nor myself claim to speak for the entire african-american community obviously rise of the entire african community does not feel think live the same way and i don't mean to communicate otherwise but you have to look at polling you have to look at the representatives of the congressional black caucus and do your best to get a broader perspective but it's never going to apply to every single member of any group one responder if you were to watch my interview with atticus sperry and all
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the rest of looters in the u.k. including one man who was sentenced to six months in prison for stealing a water bottle and eight said on you tube guys if you're going to commit crimes join barclays or goldman sachs those people commit all kinds of financial crimes and they never have to worry about doing time now but i have to agree here seems. stealing a water bottle smoking some weed that makes you enemy number one of the state but you swindled the american people through fraudulent loans and hey you just get a little slap on the wrist if you can call it that i think that it's high time we rethink who the real criminals in this country are the ones committing petty crimes or the ones who recklessly destroyed the world economy with little or no repercussions and who have continued to fight tooth and nail against any regulations that would prevent them from doing so again and lastly i'd like to respond to a huge viewer boss hog seventy one sixty nine who said a lot is so progressive in many of her ideas that she refuses to follow europe's lead by adopting their naked news formats get with the times alone i'm sorry to say
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that my progressive ideas no they don't go so far as to do the news naked keep dreaming sorry that's it my ranting today i will be back with more as usual later in the week. activist group anti-sex is that again and this time their crosshairs have pointed out the contractor vanguard defense industries after making an announcement last week via twitter to engage in n f f b i friday or hash tag f f f seems that now the group is targeting private corporations who work with the government and law enforcement in a recent interview with tech herald and anti-sex supporter explained any private corporation supporting us military or law enforcement operations are legitimate targets in our eyes in for guarding the f.b.i. our especially our enemies so it is no surprise the hackers released internal e-mails and thousands of documents from this defense firm that to give you a little background vanguard is based in texas and is responsible for projects like shadow hawk unmanned aerial vehicle that can be enforced by law and used by law
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enforcement and the military now for a firm who prides itself on security think of a repair for attacking those behind anti second offshoot of anonymous another reason the anti so in their hit list is because of their senior vice president richard garcia if you check on his credentials garcia also used to work for the f.b.i. field. office in las vegas so in other words he's the bull's eye for anti-sex latest operation but here's what i find most interesting about this the activist group took time to address the entire hacking community after dumping the v.d.i. confidential information and in a statement anti-sex wrote we are doing this not only to cause embarrassment and disruption to vanguard defense industries but to send a strong message to the hacker community white hat sellouts law enforcement collaborators and military contractors be where we're coming for your mail spools bash history files and confidential documents now when they say white house sell out there for him to those who are talented with their hacking skills but rather
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than infiltrating they choose to work for the government and in terms of protecting federal servers and systems so earlier this month we told you how the fed sent several recruiters to defcon i can conference to try to win over some of those talented individuals and attempts at employing them as what had actors. there's a lot of competing attitudes here and for every person that says don't sell out somebody else is handing over a business card give me their phone number and really you know there's a lot of competing trying to demographics lot of different groups are involved so some people think you know let's be honest you're borderline anarchist types if they get in government is that there's others that recognize hey i can do more good work from within the government were if i do see bad actions then i could become you know that my job is to stop that. so it seems like this really is a point of division within the hacking community to work with the government or to not work with the government but in the meantime with this latest hack i think i want to say that at one point hacktivists zero points for the government and their security contractor friends. now the tea party has been called everything from
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patriots to racists to terrorists and so we saw the movement come to life and all began with an anger towards wall street bailouts and the attention turned towards obama's health care reform then the acid anti washington sentiment led the tea party candidates shaking up elections and helping republicans win a majority in the house and then most recently we saw the movement take center stage in the debt ceiling debate now democratic members of congress have gone on the attack for the tea party's fiscal outlook maxine waters so the tea party could go straight to hell but as one time grassroots movement now mostly swept up by big money corporate donors it's been a little hard to figure out where exactly they stand because fracturing on economic principles something that's already occurring but our guest tonight argues that after attending tea party meetings observing them for two years he's figured out what it is that they really want a christian nation he writes while the cameras are on at large rallies the talk is all about fiscal responsibility taxes tarp deficits when the lights are off it's
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all about jesus with god throwing it on occasion for israel so let's see some more proof to see of social and not fiscal conservatism is the conservatism is the tea party's real goal joining me to discuss this is a sour blogger at the l a i want to thank you so much for joining us. so nine if you could start by telling us about yourself why it is that you were invited tea party rallies for two years is it because you believed because you thought maybe you wanted to be a tea party member or were you trying to infiltrate per se. i would say and as i said in my article i would say that i was originally sympathetic to to the tea party movement as i saw it described. in the kind of meeting the meeting announcements that went out at the time i was in north dakota. and that was you know it's not a it's not a large state it's not a populous state i guess it is a large state so a populous state like that but they are very politically active in north dakota has traditionally been at the forefront of
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a lot of different movements for the last hundred years so i was interested in going to some of these meetings i went to a couple and originally i was very sympathetic they were basically people who for the last i would say twenty years been getting screwed by kind of the direction. of american economics toward more attention to wall street and start profits and less attention to a middle class income. but so when was it they have you decided that the fiscal issues when it came to of course like i said protesting wall street bailout protesting health care reform now not wanting the debt ceiling to be raised when as if he had decided that it was really more about religion and more about creating a christian nation as he said. well i think that the the throughline start to become more apparent about a year ago. that it's not just that the tea party is only about
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wanting a christian nation it's that the organized elements of the tea party are about that the rest as most tea party people will tell you is a is a really difficult movement to nail down you they don't know you or they don't want to admit that they are about any one single issue so that they can kind of move around a lot and not be held accountable and at the same time call for whatever they want but that the organized elements for the onus that were there before they were the you know kind of christian coalition elements. read the anti-abortion elements definitely the anti-gay elements and those because they already had such a good organization before and they had networks of support when it came time to as is now used as a verb primary even candidates within their own party. they already had the infrastructure organizational infrastructure in place to bring to bear the primary
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pull and that means that those groups could start to control the conversation within the tea party and tea party candidates or or of those who want to tea party support. needed to be first and foremost cultural conservatives and secondarily they needed to tote it you know do the lip service to economics and you. i think you'll find this in the fact that there there just is no single tea party candidate out there who is associated simply with whatever the tea party says it is. who who isn't hard core social concert you know i think that we see that you know throughout the entire republican party though and so i'm just wondering here you know because we've heard a lot about the tea party being co-opted by by corporate donors by the koch brothers who have made it no longer just a nice grassroots organization and the same way do you think that they were just
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co-opted by the religious right in that sense i mean the candidates that we see now even for president they want to ride some of this tea party wave including herman cain or michele bachmann or rick perry is trying to lean that way too i think that they have all made it pretty clear that social conservatism comes before fiscal conservatism sure. but it but those groups are already darr a long time ago they just found that. the media that stopped ignored stopped paying attention to them as as a legitimate movement. in the larger scale suddenly started paying attention to them when they said that they were about reducing the debt or getting to sleep conservative or treating american spending like your family pocketbook it in you know once they notice that the media listen to that message where they had stopped listening to the you know anti-abortion right to life messaging dismissing it as just say you know right wing christian conservative message that didn't wasn't
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wasn't just you know that self sound political direction. and then they got all this media attention the money people on the you know koch brothers who are the bogeyman for all this now but that the koch brothers say they started helping them organize and giving them a platform that allowed them to get the media attention they had kind of lost since you know the eighty's what would you say that they've been successful and have a shifted the entire direction now because of you know watching right any of the recent republican debates with a presidential candidate it seems like they're getting very very very far to the right when it comes to all the social issues so how they actually managed to move the entire republican party tea party wing included more to the right on social issues. i think gabs i think they have been able to do that without a doubt and you'll see you know movements in in minnesota for for we were headed
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you know for every state that now passes a gay marriage bill or something like that you have a state that is putting a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman in wisconsin the the just completely defined and planned parent. state funds and you know these are the tea party candidates not all that were organized and led to a republican complete broken takeover of the legislature and the governor's office and one of the first things they did in their budget was defund planned parenthood now that's you know if you call that saving money expenditures but honestly in the long run i think anybody will tell you you know defunding planned parenthood war and of course you knew very social services absolutely was definitely i'm definitely there with you i don't think of that's a good way to save money is just to defund planned parenthood we're able to thank you so much for joining us tonight and you know it does seem like whenever there is a lot of populist anger you can try to find
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a way to use that to your advantage and to perhaps you know organize well organized groups like you mentioned and then get their ideas back in the spotlight thanks so much thank you. now still to come tonight he wrote a book calling medicare as social security unconstitutional but now his presidential campaign wants to ignore that very same but we have more in our told time segment plus feet of horn in his back and a promise of free football tickets and that a very smart police to stick around for happy hour in just a moment. as you know song was sixteen years old when he committed these murders that's not to say that song sellers should not be punished for his crimes sean is the no rational person can deny the song has been punished is being punished and will be punished.
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the saudis must be executed for the brutal crime committed this is functional this is not. to mention. that it's. causing. the murders. you want to. know i didn't come here just. in the first. this time or the small. town. my wife. and my sister.
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i decided tonight's tool time award to go to texas governor rick perry so their
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public has only been in the two thousand and twelve presidential race for a week he's already made several gaffes so the perry is a good texas good old boy he says things the way for thinking shoots from the hip if you will so apparently rick also writes before thinking because last november the governor released. and the two hundred forty. page book makes the argument that medicare social security and other entitlement programs violate the constitution but now that perry is on the national stage his book is being dissected for info on how president how president perry would govern and that has the perry campaign a little worried he just nine days after becoming a candidate rick perry's team is now trying to disavow his own book the one just released nine months ago when asked about that book the communications director for rick perry ray sullivan said that he had never heard the governor suggest that social security was unconstitutional and then made the claim that fed up is not meant to reflect the governor's current views on how to fix the program but it gets even better due in the same interview with think progress sullivan went on to say
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fed up is a look back not a path forward it was written as a review and a critique of fifty years of federal excesses not in any way as a two thousand and twelve campaign blueprint or manifesto that p.r. guy is earning his money if he can make that claim with a straight face but here's where things got even more confusing for p.r. people just last night at a campaign event in iowa a person asked governor perry how he would fix the entitlement programs and perry said quote have you read my book fed up get a copy and read it so you know somebody should really tell rick perry that his campaign is trying to disavow that same book but it's pretty clear that he didn't get the disavow and discredit me think progress also has video of rick perry touting his book at a campaign stop last week when asked an education question. your .
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education. so as you can see rick perry as a blueprint for the perry white house would look like but his campaign is trying like hell to back away from that book but his hate on the right hand of the no with the left and doing i think it is the latest stumble just adds more fuel to the fire that texas governor rick perry isn't ready for prime time but he is ready to weigh in our monday tool tie or between perry and michele bachmann this q.p. presidential race is going to be a lot of fun to cover. ok time for happy hour this monday and joining me tonight is our correspondent christine for south and alex sites while the porter and blogger for think progress
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dot org hey guys and i monday thanks for joining me well as we normally do on mondays we go to get news not just getting bloomberg came out with a new report today about the federal reserve we just keep finding out information about what happened exactly how much money was given in the bailouts who it was given to and bloomberg got this only from filing a greater integration act request and it turns out the federal reserve also gave out public funds one point two trillion dollars in fact in there we have some of the banks who received those funds morgan stanley's citi bank of america so it is not nice to know every every day new bit of information of how much more money they gave out to save the economy i mean i think it's a little frightening that we're just finding this out now i mean thank god for foyer requests but to find this out so much later that it actually. happening where was the media where were the financial journalists why was this kept a secret for so long and why aren't i hearing anyone get angrier or i don't know
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how long it actually took them for the request to be honored for them to get the information but the federal reserve also kept this information a secret from the government accountability office so they were doing everything they could to keep it off the books yet when the fed is notoriously secretive and when they released you know meetings of their minutes they don't say who said what but this is like beyond even though i mean keeping it even from other government agencies really i think is beyond the pale and they also gave huge amounts of money to foreign banks not just american banks which makes it all the more outrageous i mean you know in hindsight i guess the economy was stabilized and they claim they've made have to profit some eight billion dollars or something of that but still doesn't put a whole lot of confidence in the well it was either i guess it depends on what side of the tail or on right it was either stabilized or they just kicked the can down the road and now we're in for an even bigger problem he was right in the fed needs to be operative yeah i definitely think the fed should think it's a bad idea all right let's move on to. the next story peta organization
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which i find their antics a little annoying personally they are going to start a porn website can you believe that they said what is what were you just reading to me a second ago that they're having to go so far as being able to be rated as triple x. they're going to have enough adult contact content on the website to make it qualify for triple x. but there will also be some graphic images of animals on there i don't get how this is new because they haven't we all seen these peta commercials before. really i just you know i just never say why they have to use sex to sell because sex sells i have no problem obviously sex sells great doesn't really have to do whatever i guess the no one else wants to see images of a group animals in gruesome positions or of you know turkeys getting their beaks cut off no one wants to see that so in order to force people to look at it peta has
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to use the one tool that has worked for the last hundred several hundred years or maybe maybe the government should then start using sacks to not sell cigarettes or something right instead of putting the scary pictures of the fetuses in the black lungs and everything on it peter should be using the dead animal pictures there you go but i mean who's going to go to a porn web site that has like terrible graphic images of animals get immediately and without getting they're not going to resign they're going to see the i make it go right out you know that was very effective business model because you're going to go once looking for porn and then you're going to like this is disgusting animal things i mean i would imagine one would do that and then probably never go back again i mean i don't know it just seems like another publicity stunt from peta and what about the people for the ethical treatment of women i think this seems a little bit degrading i mean you guys are speak more of that than i could but how about once they actually launch the website you go check it out and then report back to. well this one is really going to take a look at this new story this is a way that in alabama the police set up
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a sting to get that was dead beat dad. yes they. pulled over you don't look too freaked. do you suppose you're. ok. with that so you. know the story here why or why the recall of a deadbeat dad is because these are men who. paying their child support or alimony and so in order to go after them the police just set up a sting and it's so easy you just say you won free tickets to a football game and they come flocking in yeah i mean i am all about going you know making dads pay their child support and all that but this just like really adds insult to injury and would be one thing to have them come in for the fake to give away but to have the news cameras there and balloons and a banner like have them talk about how excited they are to win the tickets goes
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a little bit too far well it's becoming the reality t.v. what other shows do we have out there like that cheaters you know where are they when they catch you doing bad things on camera you know what else is there well there's the to catch a predator show where there is a predator of course incredibly word in there i don't know if i really struggle with this one and by the way there was at least one mom that i saw that got called in there to to pick up her free tickets because she wasn't paying child support i think it's creative i think it's a creative method to find these people who are not doing what they're supposed to be doing on the other hand to what extent is it legal to go to these you know measures to get you to set up these kinds of things i mean we see this all the time and like here people might laugh about it because it's just trying to get a guy who. you know like you're saying hasn't actually paid. alimony or child support but then sometimes maybe the f.b.i. sets up these type of actions where i would never actually i didn't have a list the way it was really really do feel kind of it was like you know one ferret
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and then he was on the ground with handcuffs. the guy should be doing is paying his child well so you get but these are new for him to be all over the evening news like you know looking like a fool he has a right to privacy say nothing about the news in this country they love nothing more than getting video usually played along with it better they're like how excited are you to win these tickets like they're lying to you is. ok all right you guys thanks for joining me tonight that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in and make sure that you come back tomorrow comedian felonious amongst is going. on the show to discuss his latest feelings about obama and washington but in the meantime coverage has become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter you missed any of tonight's show or any other night c.n.n.'s capital at youtube dot com slash they want to show and coming up next is adam vs the man.
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breaking news this hour a want to get out and some is considered by manny yes his father successor appears in tripoli in front of supporters despite rebel claims to have been detained when they stormed the city a day ago it's added to the confusion over who is in control of the capital as both government and insurgent forces insist they have the upper hand. also doubts are cast over whether a rebel victory would actually leave the libyan people people in control of their destiny of experts point to egyptians were those who fought for the revolution and it up with the governments they didn't choose and. even before the fate of tripoli is sealed stick great oil grab is already beginning. as western oil companies start circling around the violence torn country cern's resurface the so-called battle for democracy was a war for black gold all along.


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