tv [untitled] August 23, 2011 2:00am-2:30am EDT
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breaking news on r t one of gadhafi sounds considered by many as his father's successor appears in tripoli in front of supporters this wide rebel claims it's been detained when they stormed a city a day ago it's added to the confusion over who is in control of the capital as both government and surgeon force says they have the upper hand. also doubts are cast over whether the rebel victory would actually leave the leaving people in control of their destiny as x. birds point to egypt where those who fought for the revolution ended up with a government they didn't choose and. even get pulled the faith to tripoli is sealed so that great oil grab is already beginning when the oil companies start circling
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around the violence torn country concerns resurface the so-called battle for democracy was of war for blab gold all along. can i am in the russian capital you are watching r t with me marina joshie colonel gadhafi son has made an appearance in central tripoli refuting rebels claims that he had been arrested he came to speak with international journalists are still trapped in a hotel without electricity and communications during a brief window when power was restored we managed to speak on the phone wasn't upin a journalist lazy fellow who saw a safe gadhafi herself. so there have been some extraordinary event tonight of course we've been hearing over the past few days that the libyan government is crumbling opposition of the rebels are claiming they are we are told of tripoli
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that was not surprised at the specified foreign. power went by but one shot at the hotel. on a boy and he gave an interview saying that he also took some of that done with him for a drive to fifty when they were taken. away some of them say they still thousands of people in this area and took a look at the video of him and. a number of boxes of people from five different the country have come into the capital to support the struggle here against the rebels fight and is very much relaxed and hide their id insisted that the libyan government and for them is a winning against the rebels and then we also have the news that the harvest is afy his father because he got a son who was reported to have been captured had been released by his other brother ahmed good abby and he apparently gave a speech in television so of course these events just completely plan
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that the perception of the wild about what's happening here in the capital on it cried you can log on to our g dot com for more eyewitness accounts from tripoli. journalist staying in the central tripoli hotel say they've been targeted by rebels get more information from inside the libyan capital at our t.v. dot com. journalist and anti-war activist susan lindauer says levy and regime might fall but that won't bring an end to the bloodshed. i think that it is the end of the regime however i do not think that it is the end of the war i think that that nato has a very serious problem they have arrived on at the point of a gun they've brought. democracy to libya through guns and the people of libya are very angry at nato they are not jubilant they're the rebels who have
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arrived there celebrating but people are not celebrating with them these people do not like outsiders they are now appearing to pursue tribal vengeance and vendettas very quietly they will punish those who have attacked them and we will probably not hear very much about that in the in the western media at all but this war is not over they will now have their blood and they are not going to be eager to reciprocate and reward britain or france or italy they would like to see those countries stay out of their of their of libya and to stay out of their oil as well the fine is not over in tripoli but carve up of levy is vast oil riches the biggest in africa is already beginning italian foreign minister fired a starting gun saying italy's any oil company will play the number one role in the region and as artie's laura and it reports the service won't come cheap or believe in people. delivered as a promise but seen by many as more of
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a threat david cameron says nato will stay while libya makes the transition to democracy as allied forces lend support to the rebels to take tripoli to stop the war coalition warns libyans not to expect they're getting something for nothing but western powers don't do this without asking for a paper why is it that the head of appearance is running off to paris to meet with the french president well of course that is one very very important issue was why the western powers tony blair struck a deal. in the first place it will be exactly what they're seeking to continue with . further explore those oil riches the british government makes no secret of the fact that it's mostly in supporting the rebels aren't entirely altruistic last year alone the u.k. export it around forty billion dollars of goods and services to north africa and
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the middle east but it's black gold that's the key libya has the largest oil reserves in africa and western powers look at the region they talk about humanitarianism all democracy think about for the great martin says it's impossible not to draw a comparison with iraq he's written a book about the aftermath of the iraq invasion in which he maintains western powers imposed a democracy which played on sectarian divisions that ensured years of tribal struggle but also meant the allies retained control of the oil supply while the u.k. government insists lessons have been learned from iraq western oil firms move into libya even get pulled the fate of tripoli is feel great oil grab is already beginning b.p. has a contentious oil and gas exploration contracts in libya which the u.k. government will be anxious to resume italian all giant easy and i. it's the first
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to send back to libya and it says rose on their knees french to towel and. the whole thing it did well as investors hoped they'd soon be able to resume production in libya but it was price to the libyan people the great fear is that just as they did in iraq the creation democracy which serves british interests or western interests or oil companies interests and does nothing for the people here nor of its polity. asia times correspondent pepe escobar believes as soon as western countries get leading oil contracts they are one boots on the ground to secure their own. this is the cover story this story from the beginning was our to peep responsibility to protect there was no basis for a un resolution one hundred seventy three there is a be there of the agreement between the u.s. and saudi arabia we get a resolution based on your fake arab league all nine countries out of twenty two and you can do it you want with bahrain or in saudi arabia itself but this was the
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cover story sold to american and european union especially the chinese the russians many people in brazil for that now they're not buying it they know it so us need to coordinate our operation without them there will be no victor just will be a still little go for ever and we have international community sort of basically atlanticist powers gauging sides in a civil war so windy new biblically cool in four months or medium years and that it's ok let's try to pick tripoli in one day and they did it because they belong basically going the whole city and the way towards you know what this reminds me of i was there at a time because listen provisional authority in iraq in two thousand and three this is the same saying we're going to have a western puts on the ground and we're going to open up. libya for a hard core nor holds bar to people capitalism with a repatriation of profits you know well let's get their oil western as we can the
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best contacts possible know that this is cool pre-treat if this is the way we don't know yet that us and meet the goals we're going to have we're rock two point zero. of course while we gauge expert opinion on the story we value your input to so that we can have your say on our website r t dot com where we're asking for opinion on what lies ahead for the country assuming a rebel victory. well it seems not many have faith that we'll be left with little more than an oil chest for nato members around a fifth year the country will be florence of parts in a power struggle nothing will change at all is the view of eighteen percent and the spider having been a so-called five for democracy only a minority feel that's what it will achieve if i don't have your say click along to r t v dot com let us know what you think. out cheering crowds in tripoli's green square now renamed martyr's square left many around the world with
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a feeling of deja vu back in february gyptian is worried united in joy and hope for a brighter future when they celebrated the toppling of hosni mubarak now it's the feeling of disappointment that unites them or he's going to take on looks of what's ahead for levy and if the change finally comes. the cadets the regime is crumbling . the levy and rebels are cheering. the. same cheers and tears could be seen in egypt in february as the nation ousted their longtime leader hosni mubarak but six months on many egyptians say their hopes is being crushed by reality. you know i love the revolution when it happened i welcomed it but look at the time like a life would be in the time and it's not getting better i'm not going to eat just don't tell me about the market for hungry people just doesn't matter the egyptians
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now are not governed by they chose as their leaders instead it's their army that's in control of the army that has strong ties with the west and sponsored by washington the military regime that the edifice the institutions that were to be as since the fundamental essence of the mubarak regime those remain and we can see that thousands of people have been brought to military trial since the end of the popular revolution that ousted mubarak in tripoli the body taking over is the national transitional council also not chosen by the libyan people yet the council has been recognized as the legitimate government of libya by all allies has been helping oust gadhafi mendeleev ians are outraged by the fact that foreign powers are effectively making vital choices or that there is too much wealth and geopolitical strategic value to libya. only become reformed in democratic rights and universal participation by the citizenry. as to the powers needed to implement
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it western economic and military agenda and therefore the people who will eventually command the political situation in libya and the military situation in libya will indeed be supported and buttressed by western powers western powers have thrown all their support behind the league in national transitional council giving them billions of dollars and weapons to gain control but the rebels are far from being the united group what is going to face after that is a period of prolonged chaos nobody knows the outcome this is as i said in the beginning this is tribe against tribe this is not democracy against the kalahari revolutions in egypt and libya developed under different scenarios in egypt it was an armed uprising of millions in libya it's been an insurgency flooded with weapons by the way and those weapons are still in their arms and they're not going anywhere and many analysts are saying that we could find themselves in
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a much worse situation than the egyptians because on top of power crisis similar to the wanted gyptian are having libyans could be facing a fresh outbreak of violence at the hands of the mob i'm going to check our reporting from washington our team. former bush administration official michael bryant says once caught no matter what happens to gadhafi to be the hague tribunal pulling the strings. be careful where yes for you might get it then again you may not be the example of egypt when they're not really there they they didn't get what they were fighting for that may happen in libya as well. it seems that. the west is very there's a there's a bond between the libyan rebels and the western countries there's a lot of input. now what will have to do a lot of you know a lot of interplay i should say but now we'll have to wait and see. the rebels who are still sort of well you know exactly who are what are they and how will they get
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there are they just using the west to get to take over tripoli in the country and get rid of gadhafi and then once that's done they're going to do their own thing and they don't need the west anymore the hague the international force he's very much involved in what's going to happen when when they capture kodachi which i have no doubt they will so does that mean the people of libya are going to decide his fate i don't really think so i think the international court's going to decide his fate and i sound a little cynical when i say this i think maybe his trial and maybe punishment execution life in prison may be in libya to make it look like the libyan people or are deciding his fate. we'll be bringing you more expert opinion on developments in media and also this hour for you in our t. front here fighting for the border where people fear the internal conflict is already spilling into tunisia plus. this is what's left from the offices in the
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sense that the city of peaceful says it was attacked by extremist groups operating here shortly before. the six. party tours the country which many believe is following media's footsteps our special report on the aftermath of the military operation in the syrian city of hama is coming up later this hour. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov says there could have been a less bloody resolution to the levy in crisis but both nato and khadafi didn't allow it to happen. we have always wanted a quicker outcome and it could have been faster but a number of factors prevented this from happening including could have his position told the allies they could actually insisted that negotiations were only possible through him as actions were also an obstacle they far exceeded the mandate do you
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want security council. fighting in libya is reported to have reached the country's border with tunisia we're having gunfire has been her tunisia has beefed up its army presence in a frontier area as levy and infiltrators have allegedly crossed the border or if you responded to really loose goes out a spot for us. violent clashes have been reported along it's unusually been border over the weekend it all started on friday when local resident has reported that near the town of jews reportedly several vehicles with the license plate carrying arms men have been spotted afterwards clashes have been erupting throughout the weekend between the tunisian border patrol and the even men we cannot talk with certainty about their identity now you have to remember that it was in tunisia where the events of the so-called arab spring have started transfer to transpire this year with the ousting of the tunisian president and the unrest which started in tunisia has essentially been caught like
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a fever throughout the middle east and north africa and the result is that what we are seeing in. right now now back in the spring of this year thousands were fleeing from tunisia to europe in order to escape the mayhem which was going on here and now a similar situation is happening to libya broad's now libyans are fleeing over the border with tunisia into tunisia and of course what we could be witnessing is yet another human catastrophe in the region with thousands of refugees trying to escape to me of course we do not know whether or not those refugees will try and make their way into your wish to live with that crisis and now may be facing another one with the ongoing clashes in libya former u.s. diplomat in libya john graham says even if the rebels take over their old barely be a hint of democracy in libya. but there is so little civil society in libya there
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are so few and so democratic institutions are so weak they have nothing to build on egypt in tunisia there was at least something to build on once the top filter was was was cut no way we're in libya there's nothing case these people have to start from scratch and there are all kinds of reasons why it could fail what is that the whole nature of the transitional council is we it's it's it's it's a mess it's these people are some of them are exiles some of their marmar have fled from there you could argue regime a few of them are islamicist some are intellectuals and college professors some are business people so we're just hanging together is going to be an enormously difficult task for him the only thing is that leaves you worried reprisal they've got they can't they can't they can't have reprisals against their enemies and it will just. kind of civil strife that everyone wants to avoid france plans to hold a high level meeting next week to discuss levy as political future the top leader
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your opposition leader has been invited to the french capital his day i'll go shall reports on both saying paris is jumping the gun anticipation of look pretty well contracts the french president has spoken to the rebel leader. by telephone on monday and announced that he's invited him for talks on wednesday in fact paris is behaving as if it's all over now in brussels to converse and analysts seem to be united states has really taken a back seat here soon opportunity to take a leading role so long before western ration for its oil corporations for example we know that it's only any had large contracts with gadhafi before the civil war and was accused of corruption in order to gain must have contracts in that country . just to remind you of god extensive coverage of the situation in tripoli on our world go outside so you can always had to r.t.
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dot com for the latest video analysis and opinion and you can also get up to the minute news from the region on our twitter page so for us at r.t. underscore. now fighting between protesters and government forces continues in syria's well the u.n. says more than twenty two hundred people have been killed there in the six month long crackdown on anti-government forces and despite growing calls by western leaders on bush on alaska to step down he says his regime is not in danger and the government is in control. in syria want to see for herself whether that's true. the city of hama around two hundred to one of those north of the capital damascus religiously conservative sunni dominated city it's been one of the century's old religious tensions here in syria for many years in one thousand nine hundred eighty two during the current president bashar assad's father ruling the city saw bloody massacre wouldn't to amnesty international over ten thousand people were killed
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there in the regime's crackdown on the city's sunni population but during this conflict the city has been among the last to join the national opera's in the army were moved into in july through ten days later i t. is now going to see how things are on the ground after the army left the city and to try to find out exactly what's happening there during a ten day military operation. goes through homs the c.q. where activists have been reporting dozens of civilians over the last few months of violence. the closer we get to the more dramatic this to becomes checkpoints appear and on the highway. at the entrance to hama all the cars. but that's not the on the rim. kind of the recent unrest. this bridge in the city of hama became infamous after it appeared in an amateur video posted on you tube showing the bodies thrown
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to the ousted river coming accompanying this video sad biz work residents of hama killed by security forces while syrian t.v. reported they were policeman. despite the president's failure to end all military operations against anti-government protesters they've recently been reports about the army still being deployed in several cities across syria including hama. this is what's left from the offices in the center of the city of hama officials say it was attacked by extremist groups operating here shortly before and said the city they say that. young group set the building on fire and killed at least twenty soldiers who were inside the building at the time. the only came to remove barricades and go find these barricades there were armed people peaceful demonstrations and there were clashes between them and the troops.
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while the governor sharing his views on what's happened a crowd gathers outside his residence this slogan sound natural first. to the changes in seconds which people's thoughts change gives a completely different picture we live go both go months in the. service world immigration right after the service if we see. this but. maybe i can just give us. a little number is that officials though put all responsibility on the people themselves they have the right scotch these people just don't want to give the government trying to do reforms the reforms cannot go through in such an atmosphere. i would journeyed to hama has been part of a so-called syria is trying to work but no matter what its initial goal was it turns out to be very different from its name. r t damascus
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hama syria. and i'll be back with a recap of today's top stories in a few moments after the business news with yeastie this. flow that's right time to delve into the world of business the latest plunge in the markets could force russia to revise its privatization program one of the most anticipated deals of the autumn and the sale of a seven point six percent stake in spirit is under threat country's biggest lender has lost twenty percent of its market cap since july lemme say the current market situation is not favorable for selling any assets as a good price earlier this day who says it's privatization program aiming to get over two hundred billion dollars why twenty seventeen. and staying with china's second largest lender plans to open a subsidiary in russia and china's construction bank will invest one hundred fifty
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million dollars into the project this will allow the firm to get a retail license straightaway and his her market the company is mainly focusing on mortgage operations decision is contrary to a number of western banks that firstly cut for tail business in russia. and continued fighting in libya how surprise some of the market prices that edging up again that's after the truck sharply the day before and hopes that a split tends to lead to a civil war would bring the country's oil exports back to the market however christine to kuranda from status report says it will take the country at least a year to get back on top. i think it will take about a full year before production he said its peak levy is currently producing around less than one hundred thousand barrels which is about nine percent of the previous capacity now we understand from any which is the largest producer in the country that so far as they know installations have been hurt but still you cannot just
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turn it on you have to build up the pressure and you have to start gradually so it will probably take up for twelve months before they reach peak. loads have a look at those figures oil prices edging higher as the fighting in libya continues as we're now and into submission of fall a new outsprint stockpiles around lunch is trading at one hundred eight dollars a barrel while w t i use that just stands at eighty five dollars per barrel. project it could go up to precious metals after hitting another all time high of one thousand nine hundred dollars per ounce gold is losing ground and sun but it's also ensure it's trading up forty three dollars per ounce. asian shares are higher following overnight gains on wall street and european markets versus the super rich guy signs of relative improvement in the chinese economy a survey on countries about fact trying to visit all the sort of flash purchasing managers index reaching two months high. and here in russia they are to the us has
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opened on a positive note it's edging around three quarters of the percent on my so it will open in just a few minutes we'll bring you the figures now on next. and looking ahead to the trading day on monday from much greater investment banks as us economy and events in libya will be guiding market sentiment. investors and russian markets we focused on the key story of the week which is going to be the data coming out of the u.s. at the end of the week that has us same point to g.d.p. revision as well as u.k. but the story of course the jackson hole on friday will be trading around stories that potentially could come out of the big story is there going to be q e three is there going to be another round of easing is there to be another program by which the fed buys backed securities or extended mysteriously on the debt that it's already bought that no one really knows but that'll be the picture ever really through the week for the rumor mill around that so i think it's
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a day of nice the markets are going to be pretty volatile as they happen for a lot i think the second story as well of russia which is important is that the market has to digest the implications of the of the events unfolding in libya and what the implications are for the oil price. that's not the business bossing up search more news on that side r.t. dot com slash business. the be. the be. the be.
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