tv [untitled] August 23, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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it starts on t.v. just come. in the. breaking news from libya hundreds of rebels are meant to beat libyan leader's compound the opposition claims to be in control of most of the capital whether the whereabouts of colonel gadhafi remains unknown. secret assistance friction intelligence has reportedly planned the endgame for gadhafi regime guiding the rebels in their push on trip and. they're going to join in jubilation anticipating gadhafi fall but skepticism that maybe she would need to celebrate is just as widespread. and eager. to flock back to libya on a red carpet laid up a self-proclaimed new government king to reward those who helped oust gadhafi.
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international news and comment live from moscow it's just past nine pm here in the russian capital and in tripoli seven pm where the breaking news is that libyan rebels are inside colonel gadhafi tripoli compound following a fierce fight they now claim to control most of the capital three days after entering the city well these are the latest pictures from the compound and rebels are on the square where colonel gadhafi used to make speeches to the nation exactly where he is no one seems to know at the moment smoke has been rising over the libyan capital throughout tuesday as a result of pockets of placing a tree in the two sites and casualties are said to be ninety. the electricity in tripoli has been restored after i was. well of
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a blackout. well for more insight on the developments in libya let's cross live now to lindsey german she's an activist from the start coalition joining us live in london thanks very much indeed for being with us while western leaders have already started planning a post gadhafi libya despite the fact the opposition hasn't won yet but is the rebels potential victory a done deal now do you think i mean justifying the actions of nato well i think it looks as though. the regime is finished we've been saying this for a couple of days that failing to sidestep now i don't think that's a tool justifies the actions of nato nato has been involved in a lengthy. killed thousands of people now in libya on the grounds that they were protecting civilians actually they were there to achieve regime change they obviously look like they're going to achieve that but we have to remember we've
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been here before we before with after the start been there before with iraq and i think the lesson from both of those and that surely the message that is even coming from many of the rebels in tripoli and elsewhere in libya is that they don't want nato there any more they don't want western troops on the ground and they want to run their own country and i think it would be very foolish for david cameron or anybody else to believe this really vindicates their foreign policy in terms of the war on terror but one of his sons made a surprise appearance despite the rebels claiming he was captured for almost two days there was saying they are in control and that also turned out to be untrue does that ring the alarm bells for you concerning the credibility of this and he could afy coalition. well i think what it does raise alarm bells with is the why in which these these issues are used very very much politically it's
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a justified western intervention we had the international criminal court saying that they knew that could. saif al islam gadhafi was in custody when clearly they didn't know conclusively that that was the case and therefore this is being used in a political way. to employ the regime was weaker than perhaps it was at that particular time that the rebels have made move on says that they perhaps have at that particular time are not as full of this information which really should be becoming. an international institution and this town's. bringing to mind some of the worrying my ease in which these things have been used i personally think the intervention of the international criminal court. the idea that they can try could half in his family is as war criminals is yet another sign of western hypocrisy when we have to suppose tony blair and various other people
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responsible for being disastrous episode in iraq in particular who wanted to i think in this wire so you think we could go after the sons when they are captured should face trial in libya and that should be no foreign intervention whatsoever in their fate. i think it is absolutely out to the libyan people to decide what they do with it that way and with anybody else that may if there is evidence to put montreal they should they should be dealt with in libya and not say in the hay or anywhere else i feel that the whole western intervention around this has been the and. two they were caught taken by surprise by the average brain of what they're trying to do is to reassert western control would you say to live shorter and shorter you say i should let the libyan people decide but it's quite clear isn't it that the majority the libyan people decided but gadhafi should go but there was no way that they could carry that out without the help of the likes of nato now i know that you were there in london british intelligence apparently reportedly playing a key role in this now if they're playing
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a key role in order to fulfill the wishes of the majority of the libyan people what is the problem there. well the problem is that it shouldn't be dependent on a foreign power i think most people in britain including the british government would have something to save the world foreign intervention here in this country. these things become least a major diplomatic incident so i think we have to say that the libyan people might many of them i felt the nato intervening would help them i think it's absolutely true militarily but they have been helped in in getting to aaa probably the air raids but this is a fantastic cost because it costs western intervention in the middle of what started out as an uprising and that cannot be justified in anybody and we now have a situation where the whole doctrine of humanitarian intervention which has been so discredited in afghanistan in iraq in all those places they are now trying to
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resurrect this doctrine of humanitarian intervention of liberal interventionism which was spelt out in the one nine hundred ninety s. long office tony blair and if we go down that road if they try to attack syria or intervene there or anywhere else then this will be a very very serious situation which will lead us closer to war in the middle east and all through we already have a situation where there's quite tension between israel and egypt over the sign on the last last few days we know that the saudis intervened to stop the movement in bahrain at the same time as the west intervened in libya and therefore these things were connected the lesson of history in the middle east is that they do not need the british will refrain through retaliatory americans or anybody else to intervene in their countries the arab people are quite capable of making their own decisions and whether they win or lose it's much better that they do make their own decisions rather modality plans and on france or britain as they will pray as this new
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government will open. the way this is being reported by. i the media in fact i'm just learning here on the wires that a journalist has indeed been shot inside the gadhafi compound journalists from the al-jazeera network now of course in the thought of war there is so much confusion the way that we've been getting these mixed reports would you blame that on journalism would you blame that on the mixed messages from the rebels how do you perceive the way we're getting information at the moment from this very confused situation in libya. well i think i think part of the problem is a lot of the reporters are in a hotel in tripoli which is. they're not going outside of the hotel or. radio four this morning had rather a long report of the journalist was asked what it's like in the hotel which could be very interesting but it isn't actually telling this war is going on in the streets of tripoli and that i applaud the very brave journalists who have tried to
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get this news out i think there is always great confusion and the clearly are different things happening in different parts of the city and obviously the journalists will reports according to what they're actually saying they can't actually do that do more than that so i don't blame the journalists themselves i do blame the kind of the sort of cheap police teresa need to get from various. from various politicians and problem taters makes out this is all a fantastically smooth and easy process and we're not at the end of the process of maybe many many more people dying in tripoli before this is resolved and you have to leave it there thanks very much indeed for your thoughts lindsey german from the start world war coalition joining us live there in london very interesting to hear your thoughts and we're going to stay obviously with the developments in libya at the moment and i can now talk to stephen lemon he's a chicago based radio host and author stephen good to have you live here on our to
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you particularly during these what appear to be crucial moments with what's happening there in tripoli first we heard that the rebels have the advantage then that they could have the forces are controlling the city now we're seeing in the well whether we're to believe these are live pictures of his compound being attacked but we've certainly been bringing life footage of the events there in tripoli what do you make of what's happening at the moment in the libyan capital. for so restrictive you know you know when we can do it when we could be close and. this is. the only stable. written numerous articles on what's going on in libya i wrote one to reason go or wrote one yes they are a once in a behavior no one will go out tomorrow i described conditions in purple he is chaotic fast moving fluid violent and what can be going on in any one moment can suddenly change and it can be vastly different an hour later.
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that afternoon in the next state so we hear rebels coming into the city it's gadhafi forces taking over from the rebels supposedly now we have rebel forces getting the upper hand. bill you could be back on again later to sell the new might ride it's around midday to me in chicago maybe you mean by tonight you could have a completely different story what's going on to get out he calmed down i honestly don't know wherever it is you can change to arrest the leaker he quickly can i say one more thing. numerous reports of the rebels taking over. control cities sleet and was right here. over the number of other cities they were all falsified reports the truth was and
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this was one independent journalists could hear out freeling and contacts libyan state t.v. was artillery people to really have an idea they were getting real reports on what was going on when nato was blimey. people supporting the city that he forces according to city lay low when needed was wanting tripoli crowell gadhafi forces program to be residents of tripoli who laid low they don't want to be underneath they don't want to be straight by helicopter gunships they lay low shit way the crimea the strafing lace up they come back out again you made a comment with the last hearsay into the maturity of tripoli residents of libyans support the rebels below. so all right stephen let me ask you then you talk about nato if nato has what appeared to be instrumental in what could well be the part of moments of gadhafi in the collapse of its regime haven't hasn't nato's actions been
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justified vindicated in the people's wishes in libya could well be achieved in the next few hours in the next couple days we don't know when but could well be achieved. bill the latest report i saw the latest poll numbers i started with eighty five percent of libyans so. they didn't reply on nato they were vile the so-called rebels they're not rebels the mercenaries they were recruited these peace with it it's a mixed group for healthcare that is ordinary people most of them imported into the concrete most of them i suspect kids never offered as much money if they want to come in and fight a bad regime medo very little of. the rebels have been now that being led by the entity in the national transitional council which is being recognized even people in egypt or many other countries now isn't that an indication that this is the wish
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of the country in those rebels pain coherent and opposition and if they could be coherent and united in government. well the council has no legitimacy in the country the countries around thirty countries of if the regime there is the council kill and there is no increment who are over legitimacy nato's war is illegal responsibility to protect we hear a lot about there are people to work part b. to really should be a bio according to international law is to protect people nonviolently without military action then nato military action is a lawless it is no legitimacy to lead people did not invite nato into their country ok storm do you only wrote i guess they were just very briefly got a lot of time to talk about international law should the fate of gadhafi be left to
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the libyans or should they turn him over to the international criminal court just finally well the international criminal court is an imperial tool bill has no legitimacy to try. of another country leaders or anybody else neither libya the united states no russia china a member of the so-called i.c.c. has no legitimacy to try the libyan leaders always good to hear your point of view stephen lemon thanks so much for your time joining us live there in chicago thanks thank you bill. well the question about his whereabouts is yet to be answered and i spoke to dr gupta moon at he's the director of the german or an institute based in berlin he thinks the embattled leader is not likely to run away. apparently the rebels were in a situation to advance from or to. to the compound in which he
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might still be i mean he would be there in the bunkers in the underground bunkers and not not on the surface still during the last hours of putting the rebels have advanced somewhat in their part of the city that's the southwestern part of tripoli's and i think we said that up to twenty percent of the city were still are still in the hands of the soldiers and militia who are defending a good outfit so are you convinced that gadhafi could well be in a bunker in that compound being stormed at the moment by those rebels if that's the case we could be witnessing the last moments of get their fees regime. well yes is he is very erratic in his behavior in surrey difficult to say what will he do i mean his son and the television yesterday said no no by far the still here and we are fighting and he's not the man to run away like the other dictators but on
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the other hand side i'm quite sure that he must have an emergency exit from his bunker system and can escape if he still should be there it might also be you know unfortunately as we see truth is the first victim of any war so nobody knows what is true in all the different in outs but nevertheless if he did escape from that bunker how long could it be actually on the run bearing in mind he wouldn't be able to take a plane because there's a no fly zone imposed over the country there what are his chances of perhaps setting up camp somewhere else. well it's very difficult to know i don't think that will take him to tunisia definitely not maybe he might go to the south to be here and the other countries and take a plane from there to zimbabwe or to the very few countries north korea where he would be still accepted as a host so it's very difficult to say i did might take some time to discover it even
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if he stays in his own country if we remember sort of who's seen how long it took to discover him in iraq. while the whole world guesses where colonel gadhafi might be hiding world chess federation chief kind of illusion or says he knows he's reportedly spoken. this up on three hours ago when i was in my. car that hit the sun here called me and i was surprised. yes yes i am and i asked the why because yesterday i saw you were in prison and. ok now i am in tripoli. we saw my father moammar gadhafi and my father wants to say some words to you and after that here in arabic with a letter which i'm out of that here. now he's in
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a country he doesn't want probably if he's home alone and he wants to different country and he wants to thank all the people of all supports a small country and a small nation right against countries from me and after that it's in english thank you very much. mohamed. these sentences are from the english and up to the he said. because of security and i will call you later the u.k. is reportedly authorized to plan to stand operation to aid the assault on tripoli convert intelligence agents were allegedly inserted into libya to coordinate rebels actions during the push more u.k. military personnel are said to be on standby in the mediterranean artie's i bennet's has more on this. it seems the british did have
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a bigger around in all of this than it originally let on the press here today reporting that a whole team of intelligence officials have been operating in the country for some time now. ever since it became clear the rebels would need some help if they really were going to topple back he said people like spies m i six officials former s.a.'s officers to give the military advice and also non-lethal aid now it's important to note here that the u.n. mandate that nato is operating under in the country does not include a provision for ground troops and so the u.k. foreign secretary william hague has been quick to stress that. they've been supplying rebels with non-lethal and therefore not in breach of this u.n. resolution however these missions have been very covert clandestine and off the grid so as not to cause any diplomatic issues. and also in these reports that.
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intelligence officials have been planning for some time now this assault on tripoli so as to catch daffy on the back they've been smuggling weapons fighters even fighting and also telecommunications equipment secret weapons dance around the capital and then on the weekend following the bombing campaign from the air of strategic daffy communications they got the go ahead for the final march on tripoli itself so the british government actually knew this was all macarthur some time now however it did concede that it does already have two hundred troops ready to be deployed from cyprus as peacekeepers should the situation transition they want to send into anarchy so they're prepared for that and also six hundred more marines actually also stationed in the mediterranean to be deployed in what the government terms as the role of support for the humanitarian cause so clearly downing street at the moment refusing to rule. the use of what could be almost one thousand ground
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troops should the situation call for it clearly there is some contradiction there to this idea of handing over control to the libyan people so they're in charge of their own future and clearly the british and also other european states are not that confident just yet this transition will be as peaceful as they all want it to be. there and there may still be fighting in tripoli but the new self-proclaimed government is wasting little time in setting up its future cash flow european oil giants given the go ahead by rebel officials have already begun moving in with italian company any which had close ties to gadhafi spearheading the return and there's reports this time its services won't be quite as cheap. delivered as a promise but seen by many as more of a threat david cameron says nato will stay while libya makes the transition to democracy as allied forces lend their support to the rebels to take tripoli to stop
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the war coalition warns libyans not to expect they're getting something for nothing but western powers don't do this without asking for a paper why is it that the head of appearance is running off to paris to meet with the french president well of course star he's gone very very important issue that's why the western powers tony blair has struck a deal. in the first place it will be exactly what they're seeking to continue with the with the p. and c. to further explore those oil riches to purchase government makes no secret of the fact that it's motives in supporting the rebels aren't entirely altruistic last year the u.k. export it around forty billion dollars of goods and services to north africa and the middle east but it's black gold that's the key libya has the largest oil reserves in africa and western powers look at the region they talk about humanitarianism all chemical facing the whole world great martinet says it's
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impossible not to draw a comparison with iraq he's written a book about the aftermath of the iraq invasion in which he maintains western powers imposed a democracy which played on sectarian divisions that ensured years of tribal struggle but also meant the allies retains control of the oil supply while the u.k. government insists lessons have been learned from iraq where the oil firms move into libya even get pulled the bait of tripoli is fields the great oil grab is already beginning b.p. has a contentious oil and gas exploration contract in libya which the u.k. government will be anxious for its resume italian oil giant easy n i. he is the first to send back to libya and it says rose on their knees french tape towel and all three is a way envy also did well as investors hoped they'd soon be able to resume production in libya but it was price to the libyan people the great fear is that
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just as they did in iraq the creation democracy which serves push interests the west's interests or oil companies interests and does nothing to keep it nor and its policy. well the seams of excitement and jubilant celebrations across libya recalled in caro's tahrir square in february when the high expectations after the revolution have given way to disillusionment and dismay what is going to look at how the latest events in libya have parallels in history. the kid there he regime is crumbling. the levy and rebels are cheering. the. same cheers and tears could be seen in egypt in february as the nation ousted their longtime leader hosni mubarak but six months on many egyptians say their home has been crushed by reality. you know i love the revolution when it happened i
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welcome the third looked at the time we call light at the end of the tunnel we see it's not getting better we have nothing to eat don't tell me about democracy for hungry people just doesn't matter their gestures now are not governed by who they chose as their leaders instead it's their army that's in control the army that has strong ties with the u.s. and he sponsored by washington the military regime the edifice the institutions that were the absence the fundamental essence of the mubarak regime those remain and we can see that thousands of people have been brought to military trial since the end of the popular revolution that ousted mubarak in tripoli the body taking over is the national transitional council also not chosen by the levy in people yet the council is being recognized as the legitimate government of libya by all allies in helping oust gadhafi many libyans are outraged by the fact that foreign powers are effectively making vital choices for them there is too much wealth and
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geopolitical strategic value to libya to look at only become reform democratic rights and universal participation by the citizenry. western powers need to implement a western economic and military agenda and therefore the people who will eventually command the political situation in libya and the military situation in libya will indeed be supported and buttressed by western powers western power. thrown all their support behind the league in national transitional council giving them billions of dollars and weapons to gain control but the rebels are far from being a united group what is going to face after that is a period of prolonged chaos and nobody knows the outcome this is as i said in the beginning this is try again strive this is not democracy against the revolutions in egypt and libya have developed under different scenarios in egypt it was an on arms
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of uprising of millions in libya it's been an insurgency flooded with weapons by the west and those weapons are still in their arms and they're not going anywhere and many analysts are saying that we could find themselves in a much worse situation than the egyptians because on top of power crisis similar to the one egyptians are having libyans could be facing a fresh out of violence at the hands of the mom i'm trying to shut down reporting from washington. on the news this dominick the former head of the i.m.f. has been cleared of criminal sexual assault charges by a new york court a correspondent report nor has the details. khan has been cleared of all sexual assault charges that were filed more than two months ago and in a nutshell the prosecutors say that the accuser in this case thirty three year old nafissatou diallo is not a credible witness according to prosecutors they say that the accuser former
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cleaning lady herself into a hotel here in new york but was untruthful with investigators in virtually every interview prosecutors say she lied in matters great and small and that the problem in this circumstance is her credibility all these charges against him have been dropped however this border is on hold because the defendant. has appealed for a special special product prosecutor in this case now the judge already denied that request for a special special prosecutor but we do have to wait and see what the an appeals court says but as we know now the judge has dropped all this case of sexual assaults against. the wind that has caused this scandal here in the u.s. and around the world the u.s. media jumped on dominique strauss as if public enemy number one had been finally captured this was through the ringer basically all the headlines of all the major news.
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