tv [untitled] August 23, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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into that only a military mechanism to do the work of the brain just the sort of thing. i have every right to know what my government would want to know why i paid taxes. but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so it's all a complete you think you understand it and then he's in something else here sees some other part of it and realize that everything is all you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. see.
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part of time for show and tell on tonight's program the last time we told you that a second round of a global financial crisis seems like one might be on the horizon so we want to know if you thought the two thousand and eleven is going to be the sequel to what we saw in two thousand and eight for the producer for truth in science and to find out what you have to say.
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wait a minute video you see this movie back in two thousand and eight and looks like we're stuck in a sequel the only difference is the banks have been bailed out and the streets have been newly paved using stimulus money because our part is the millions of underpaid actors who make up the struggling losses are all of us real americans so what do you think is twenty eleven a sequel to the financial crisis of two thousand and eight well unfortunately most of you think so we're going to said i'll be surprised if twenty eleven isn't a sequel for two thousand and eight and like movie sequels they tend to be worse than the first one how many said he imagines the next crisis will be worse than two thousand and eight while many of you agreed with tommy that the worst is yet to come some believe that we are still stuck in the same old two thousand a disaster for iraq. miles once
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a certain note the recession never ended the bailouts only served to paper over the cracks joe felt the same way he said i don't think the prices from two thousand a day over one thing washington needs to learn from hollywood is that sequels they can be very risky and most of the time they lose money so less is director takes a new approach and throws out that old script looks like all of us will look back on the economy of twenty eleven like a bad scene out of the movie groundhog day. now earlier we spoke about the continued fighting in libya and the battle over tripoli so we want to know what you think will the u.s. put boots on the ground in libya that's our next question you can respond to us on facebook twitter and you tube and you know the response just might make. the sky. don't mind. so much jill carroll's we'll be seeing. today we have a glimmer of hope in this one comes from the police in cleveland and we have
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brought you countless incidents across the country where people have been with police in action and been arrested or harassed for it but cleveland police have decided to order their cobs to leave citizen video videographers alone. we learned cleveland police just got new orders if they see you videotaping cops in action cop should leave you alone you have the right to keep you cheeky conduct elections weekly police officers. well they have a right being so surprised but i have gotten so used to people being arrested and harassed for pushing the record the record button when police are in action it looks like we believe they got it right after seeing the media's attention on the actions of local law enforcement they even said go ahead and record at least they understand the importance of keeping their officers in check at all times after all if we're giving them up already and allowing them to carry a firearm should we know that they're doing the right thing but lest you think of the war on camera as is anywhere near over here is the latest example of cops
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aggressively stopping anybody from filming that and seaside heights a man named chris and his brother walking down the street when police caught the two men taping that i promise we're not happy about it. it's a good idea here is your. first photo so don't go get a small pleasures in life or fall for. a pretty slim one i will be relieved i meet a lot of you see. i'm going to perform this thing. i'm sorry i'm going. out a little tough to see what actually happened when the man rode into cop block he explained that he and his brother were walking by cop car and as they started to walk away the cop got out of the car and approached him and that's when he pushed record he goes on to explain the cops quickly took my phone and violated my rights my brother were separated he was handcuffed peacefully a short while later eventually he was thrown to the ground and beat after while they gave me a ticket for a public nuisance and my brother was arrested for aggravated assault he was taken
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away and subsequently in jail now sadly even though feeling police is only technically illegal in three states maryland illinois and massachusetts a lot of people are going to have to deal with the harassment. police officers for doing so so the fact of the cleveland police department at least one understands the importance of average americans being able to keep law enforcement in check i would say unfortunately it is one tiny example is a glimmer of hope. all right so new polls keep coming out almost on a daily basis showing that approval for washington and the president are not so good at the recent c.b.s. new york times poll that eighty two percent of americans disapprove of the way congress is doing its job at the highest disapproval rating since polling began in one hundred seventy seven that leaves just fourteen percent who actually approve of congress' performance and a brand new gallup poll shows president obama's approval rating at its lowest point just thirty eight percent i said not a good sign for them or for us so one reaction of course is to get angry another
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could be to turn that anger into comedy take a median polonius month in his recent video over the debt ceiling debate. the student government the united states government no fourteen point six twenty million dollars b. all my credit cause will be cut off a long time before it all i'm asking you to do is balance the budget be so you've got to do some reporting for your because we were told gay rights marijuana legalized all of these other things were concerned about how can we get rolled more money for schools your best this can't even balance a checkbook a check this is something every american has to go through every week we've got to figure out what we're going to pay what we've got to cut off a little bit. our well we'll have that video so much that we just had to hear some more so joining me is comedian polonius monk thanks so much for joining us and i call you bank of that work and we can shorten it a little bit for starters something about yourself you used to be a finance director making six figures and now you're
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a comedian yet it doesn't seem like the normal path that my mother still upset about it. actually cause she says i want to join the circus i think my girlfriends are fed about the new mother as i probably would be if i had to. know what would happen. you know. what we call it we're saying it's not it's recession or depression whatever happened though financially to the country it was one of the first things one of the worst things and as a plan is the right there my job is to get loans for people to buy cars well the banks stopped lending money so there was you know not as much need for me so i lost two guys in my department my money went from six figures to very very low five figures and you know we had to try something different i've always loved comedy i've always thought that if you had an absurd way of looking at the world and you can present the people and make them laugh you could make them feel better about something that's not so good so all the stopping is of course that everything we were saying the fact that everyone is expected to balance their checkbook we have to do that all the time and congress some reason doesn't i would really call that absurd i would just call that logic unfortunately but tell me about that right i
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mean so you're saying that the recession is part of the reason you had to go into comedy and leave your job or you were angry at wall street or you know this seems to be more. are directed towards congress towards the president particular here's here's the thing the people the people elected who we haven't are and it was good to see those numbers that we just saw fourteen percent you know are still saying go congress you know when there's eighty two percent saying no no you got the same thing with iraq obama was thirty eight and fifty four thirty eight say ok he's ok and fifty four say no and what we're seeing is you know you have the republicans going yes the everyone's ticked off at you obama only thirty eight percent approve and then you've got the rest of the country going you have we've got a republican led congress and you're only at fourteen percent so who's losing everyone's losing so whether it's wall street or our government we elect or government officials we don't elect wall street so i can't really you know i'm almost talking to appear when i talk to wall street i have to talk to the president i have to talk to the government say hey we elected you you said these are things
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you can do obama in particular people said it's an obama no but i'm saying as you campaigned on unity i'm going to bring the parties together no more no more partisanship and i'm going to be able to get things done smoothly and then we saw what happened with the health care bill and we saw what happened with pretty much everything he's done it's been contentious so you didn't do that part i'm not upset with your policies as much as i'm upset with that was the one promise i thought you were going to be able to handle and that's to get people to agree and you went from being in the center on your campaign to be in far left what you got in office and that's what happened oh i totally disagree with you there that's a very being he's got even more towards this that or another thing that i document all the time here on this program obviously you're getting a lot of attention right this video has become a sensation i got the attention of glenn that to tell you about that i mean what are your thoughts on glenn beck and he was loving this but you think he's just loving it because you're angry obama in your dressing obama are he actually likely have to say of course i think what happened if i did two minutes and thirty seconds
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of actual talk time and twenty seconds of it talk time it was a president obama this is for you it was twenty seconds out of some minutes and thirty seconds and it was renamed epic anti obama. it and i'm going wow that was epic and anti obama and that really wasn't it but you know i understand what we're doing here everything was done in sound bites the last five presidents in my dinner in my lifetime have been elected from soundbites they've been elected on celebrity they've been elected on personality and there's probably a good thirty probably forty percent of the people who vote who know what the issues or and really know what you're voting record is and where you stand the other sixty percent vote for the guy they like and so that's when he says hey i can i can sleep this this way i've got a guy who's there's a black guy he's got a beard he looks angry he looks per going to be saying bad things about obama so let's call that something when they use you yes i will call it that that's i mean you know but at the same time. i used the situation we were in to make
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a funny video it went viral video use me use that to do what you wanted to do hopefully a more typical enough to be able to say hey it wasn't an answer or it was a real government you just have to get it right but if you want to phrase it that way i can't stop you so you make a lot of great points there like i said again very logical points and you know we've had other guests on the show here because all the time everything you see is just pundits here in washington that he's trained t.v. people and you know we've got other people who have posted videos on you tube his average angry americans want to get their voice out i think that's a really good way to get that message across now ok so you said that glenn beck to try to use you're a because you're black and you said a few negative things about obama but tell me and we try to do this the other day on the show to obviously you're not going to able to speak or speak for the entire black community in america but we just went through all these poll numbers and i also looked at the gallup poll from the day for black americans eighty eight percent still approve the job obama's doing but what gives. interesting conversation to the most part a lot of black people are very conservative especially with their religious
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preferences very conservative fiscally. but they vote democrat and the republican party basically says we're the concert with the fiscally conservative party with religious right we don't understand it i can explain that i can only say there's this one thing that you don't speak out against family and the black community still sees obama's family and if you criticize him that somehow with selling out what they'll criticize him behind closed doors and here's the issue i have with that i can't be afraid to say what i want to say publicly for fear that some black guy is going to look at me and say you're a sellout i'd rather sell someone out because they don't like me more than sell myself out there that's a horrible feeling to look at the mirror every day and say when someone asked me a question i'm going to answer the way be expect me to so as not to offend the black people as opposed to i'm going to tell you the truth because we're lying to each other that's not a dialogue i completely agree i couldn't agree more. i think it's good everything we have to say to you even though we may disagree on a few policy things here but i want to check out your video of the video as he makes very funny thanks so much for thank you. as telecoms and i state lawmaker
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here in the u.s. thinks that young people aren't worthy of earning the minimum wage so she. also has d.c. in the east coast a little shaking this afternoon thanks to an earthquake around for a much needed happy. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here's some other part of this i realized everything. was a big. and yet.
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it's our prison i have tolls on award and then i go to new hampshire state representative carolyn why are c. carroll was elected to the new hampshire house of representatives in two thousand and eight as a republican and apparently carol is no fan of young workers in her state she believes in the current seven dollars and twenty five cents that is middle way to new hampshire is too high for that this year lawmakers in new hampshire passed the bill but tied the state's minimum wage to the federal minimum wage leaving their state their wage could not be higher on the federal what so the governor vetoed the bill but state lawmakers overrode that but carol feel as. that is she still thinks that seventy five is too much for young workers and
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a statement to reporters carol said that she would sponsor a bill that would repeal all minimum wage laws in the state and just let importers pay workers what they're worth she believes that the seven twenty five minimum is overly generous to young people listen to her quote she said it's very discriminatory particularly for the young people they're not worth the minimum of what hell did you just build sorry for the teenagers out there that are trying to support their families college students trying to quit themselves through school in new hampshire and we're throwing in college students because according to carroll statement there's no age limit here it's just about young people fairly she gets to pick and choose when you're no longer considered young so carol thinks that the young folks are only worth about five bucks an hour despite the fact that they do the same work as many of their older counterparts i guess was one of the young people or states to succeed but let's do some fun factor here of a guy or two if somebody or state is making seven twenty five an hour and they work forty hours a week that's about two hundred ninety dollars
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a week take home pay before taxes so if you multiply that times fifty two weeks in a year for a grand total i makes just over fifteen thousand dollars a year if we take carol's proposal to cut the minimum wage down to five dollars workers who put in forty hours a week with make two hundred dollars a week so when you multiply that size fifty two weeks a year you get a new salary of wow just over ten thousand dollars a year maybe carol mcguire should take her own advice when it comes to introducing a new bill next time. i'm on the second apartment in st and i hope the sheer to kill bill that would require registration of home contractors and building so forth which i've been fighting for several years. at the moment my being killed a number of bills. that was carol mcguire talking about her theory on introducing bills maybe she's unaware what happens when young people feel left out of the
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decision making process i think we have a prime example that it's not but a few weeks ago cross the pond in london and the u.k. youth are unemployed pair paid very poorly they took to the streets and huge uprising the london riots are a prime example of what people will do when they're pushed they're scared with their disenchanted and don't feel like they're part of the system at all so carol dwyer go ahead come up people's basic pay even more people are hurting but you're fine to give the corporations give them more power to screw over all the workers but we have the power thankfully to give you our tools have a board tonight so we will. ok it's time for happy hour this evening and joining me tonight i have our team producer jenny churchill and andrew blake web writer thanks for joining me guys answering your debut on how to be our next week party her and her happy days are
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very hard to be here because you know the rest of washington d.c. is right now everything led this city because we experience the earthquake and everybody freaked out at first it was by point eight so then the u.s.g.s. bumped it up to five point nine and last i heard it think they bumped it back down to a five point eight but the news obviously was it was all over this. we filtered for about. thirty seconds you know they're. shaking beneath and then everyone alarm went off and everyone went down the stairs and i was stationed here to see and they have pictures apparently of some sandstone and some granite crumbling from the spires of the cathedral. i mean this is a little funny jenny you know because you're sitting right next to me there are a number of us who work in this office are from california and so we were kind of making fun of the rebels because they were freaking out or office building made us evacuate i was like come on guys you know it's just an earthquake i have work to do
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i have a pre-taped interview here like i got to get back to work you just stand outside of the story wandering around but for those of you who haven't told her speak before jenny because it really scary i know i've i've been here but here's one other time but i was asleep and i thought that someone had really just broken into my apartment and was shaking my bad side enough that really counts but you know i mean you were definitely cool collected and promising no. no no no you people out of my way basically when i think you're like oh it's mine your way but i think my favorite part was when meghan kelley said that the washington monument was tipping i think that was definitely the one with allen for a while that maybe the washington monument just had a little a little snow so that we could have had our own readings our washington you know they say earthquake i lived in l.a. for a little bit there's no earthquake you see become trails today but it was always bin ladin you see they say they say two shots and that was. well actually.
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i don't know i mean that was my i obviously that's not happened but that was my first ok all right maybe not but that was likely dismiss the theory that was my first thought though i was actually really ok i mean it took four shots to get to the still putting out albums so you never know well the funny thing is i realize how different it is to be exhibit is it. tells earthquakes are for a just immediate was like oh it's an earthquake whereas other people being here from the sea they're like it we thought it was a bomb but then we realize that there wasn't a sound also that equipment was trying to steer you know you know weird stuff going on here there are g.'s studios sometimes let's look at a few tweets compiled from the funniest tweet because everybody fancied themselves a comedian after this over so our favorites were i think chris christie just jumped into the race not to panic anyone in new york city bruce screaming jump just drove by in a limo that was missing a door reference to twenty twelve there and i thought that earthquake last week from a broken hips or it could have easily said california headstart because i probably
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everyone from california was being so smug today like oh ok anyway get over those west coast. sometimes too let's move on to some stuff that we can actually laugh about. like we didn't start this with. this new children's book that's coming out and causing quite a storm. on the cover of the new book maggie goes on a diet maggie is seen dreaming of a thinner self the fourteen year old character is bully relentlessly but after losing a lot of weight by eating healthier foods like oatmeal and fruits and exercising more making instantly makes new friends and even transforms into a star soccer player. what do you say andrew is that sending the wrong message to girl no no good for maggie because i mean i grew up in buffalo and i used either chicken wing or twenty with you know most meals and i could use
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a book like that when i was just before ten in the book some some. you know i mean i think no i think that this book is totally wrong though because why my dear editor is i know no let me finish from my experience the fact kid is always funny and has the most friends so i don't know there's a bad kid growing up i can vote just that i had on who are heads i don't know i am that everyone by were amazing and funny and i did you live in. the film. that's right there you see every day for the show if you experience. taking it as an arm i just think that people are freaking out a little bit ok if there's a pull to the comes out with a message like if you feel like you're being bullied because of your weight you can exercise and you can eat healthy. for your obvious it's not going to help all of your problems but it'll make you feel more comfortable about your body image you know we find discussions too about how in the u.s. it's like this thing that people freak out about it's very taboo for people to talk
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to their kids about being overweight and in other countries it's not so much that they're just like you're fat this is what i'm always look for. i don't want to. go through a lot of next story. well take a look what david letterman he made fun of the lot of death and there were. songs of jihadist web sites the people wanted him killed is tongue cut out and he or she joked about it last night on his show. i'm so sorry i'm a little late coming out backstage i was talking to the guys from c.b.s. we were going through the c.b.s. a life insurance policy. to see if i was covered for jihad a guy a radical extremist threatened to cut my tongue out. i wish i had a nickel. ok i probably like that he has a sense of humor about this in can laugh about it rather than hiring like a twenty person security detail and freaking out it's only going to further my
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theory that david letterman is the most bad ass man on television he if you watch the whole model he manages to call out and jay leno in the same monologue those are the two greatest evils in america right now so i mean that because he looks scary he just doesn't know or isn't acceptable or he's like totally used to people hating him i mean honestly like you think that jihad is so the only ones that once even letterman go on in two thousand and eight somebody sent him an envelope full of anthrax people like him he's used to it it's nothing no never going to it was a quite a few women out there i think don't like him either and you know never got to get are you guys going to wrap it up thanks so much for joining me tonight and thank you for tuning innovations that tomorrow attorney and former cia officer jack rice is going to be on the show because that's the latest developments in libya now meantime because it's become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show any other nights you can always talk about that. plus your money show up next is adam vs the man.
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