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tv   [untitled]    August 24, 2011 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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mine. would be soon which writer if you knew about someone from phones to question some of. these flames totty don't come. but your job to do most of the. league is rebel forces celebrates the army colonel could obvious compound in tripoli and launch again claimed to have control of the city but the docking balance to find its to the death. machine to be no children and i think that these problems with these nice little folks who want democracy and freedom and don't know after one of a new struggle for power that might emerge between the rebels when kadafi is regime is toppled. a major breakthrough in alcohol cosco case investigators say they know
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who ordered the russian journalist murder and calls tuesday's arrest of the man suspected of organizing the killing. and the leader of the world's most close state comes out into the open as north korea's candy aisle holds talks with president medvedev during his first visit to russia in almost a decade. eleven am in the russian capital you're watching artsy with me wearing a joshua welcome to the program rebels have stormed and lui colonel could out his compound in tripoli after three days of fighting in the libyan capital here's how it happened. i was like oh my god. this thing happened. oh my goodness you know i'm having this.
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angry crowds vans of their anger add the poor trades and a lot. of the compound while the location of gadhafi himself is still not known he made a second radio address in the space of twenty four hours falling on his supporters to play as a capital claims that his retreat from the compound was a tactical moves and promised to fight to the debt some progress forces continue their armed resistance with reports suggesting you're attacking the town of a july rest of tripoli missiles attainments journalist richard spencer says that even if the rebels take control of the kinds of civil war is imminent i think would be us accomplish is to establish a coming civil war in libya which we have financed we will be a trained number of people who will be killing one another. children and think that these rebels are these nice little folks who want democracy and
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freedom and nick donalds this is clearly a chance for them to our but the media in action against north enemy that mean we could them to be in control and they're going to be fighting with each other for control of the next months in yours. on our website it's you dot com we're asking what you think away sleep if the rebels assumes power let's take a look inside both now well as we can see most of our viewers think it will be nothing more than just an oil rich colony for a nato members around a fifth of the country will be torn apart by a power struggle sixty percent think that little will change with one dictatorship swath or and no other and only four percent saying that the rebels will preside over a democratic state you're saying by logging on to our web site r t r office know what you think on this issue. their rivals were only able to answer
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tripoli after a huge help from nato including our bombing campaign in the country lasting five months brian backer from the antiwar coalition answer declare it's humanitarian reasons for the intervention had nothing to do with us relaying whenever the united states or britain or france the colonizers and enslavers of africa intervene in africa or the middle east or anywhere they assign their mission a noble cause to protect freedom to protect democracy you could protect civilians in the case of resolution one thousand nine hundred eighty three but this is a longstanding policy of the u.s. government to overthrow the government of libya the country that possesses as you've said before the largest oil reserves in all about africa it has nothing to do with human rights and in fact when you bomb of tripoli when you drop seven thousand five hundred bombs and missiles on a country a country that did nothing to the american people that's an act of aggression that's a war crime that's a crime against humanity that's the complete opposite of the kind of human rights.
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meanwhile lyndsey german our london based activist from the stop the war coalition believes the majority of libyans don't want the west to tell them what to do. we have to remember we've been here before we've been here before with archivists before with iraq and i think the lesson from both of those are naturally the message that is even coming from many of the rebels in tripoli and elsewhere in the here is that they don't want nato there any more they don't want western troops on the ground and they want to run their own country and i think it would be very foolish for david cameron or anybody else to believe this really vindicates their foreign policy in terms of the war on terror this town's. bringing to mind some of the worrying ways in which these things have been used i personally think the intervention of the international criminal court. the idea of a control i feel his family is criminal also this is yet another sign of
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western hypocrisy when we have to suppose tony blair and various other people responsible for the disastrous episode in iraq in particular who wanted to i think in this wire if there is evidence to control they should they should be dealt with in libya or not. or anywhere else. french oil companies are likely to be among those who would have enjoyed the pictures coming in from tripoli last night hopes for a look pretty of oil contracts with a new government maybe are certainly high desert is daniel gristle reports the cost of intervention and the unknown to jam the rebels could mean more losses than gains . prudes feels like a widow was the first power to break you guys libya's rebels the first to become the no the first in talks with rebel leaders storm is the island ship aces victory gives him great satisfaction opposition in p.j.
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laying off everyone to be thankful the inspired action of the united nations corporations in states that voted for you it needs a bit of groping their hands one of the first members of a french team. as a representative of a different or a company that is not. french all drawn to its whole has been named as this was the rubble of a go through a lot brazil russia and china for quote political issues there are three states who refused strong sanctions against gadhafi those nations had contracts with the former regime the russian official says quote we've lost libya completely it is well known that it is or will for all that these so-called opposition government
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has promised to give the all to false fronts officially claims its war mission is over but timeless tippett to secretly stay you'll be in libya make sure it profits from only a new jailing forces. presence in libya even the. resolution it's going to answer yes but keeping troops in the country. means heavy cost. latest polls say most french people now oppose the military intervention this in p.c.'s further bloodshed of the price tag to deal with it not of course but their guess with the war is far from over and this invasion is already costing much more than we can. see is a growing that libya's new leaders to do so with the peace. points to the rebels murder last month of the military chief general yunis exposed widespread looting
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and executions france's problems they have only just begun a new bushel altie paris. as a leading cause of continuous oil companies are waiting in the wings with locomotive oil contracts up for grabs or you know business desk is keeping an eye on. that story and they are absolutely right well the we've been oiled race has kicked off and the rebels hailing the end of the good after regime saying about russian oil companies may lose some lucrative for oil contracts but which will to some experts and they say that it's unlikely as it may not be able to afford this business about ten minutes time. as get some more analysis of what the future levy occlude look like in shapiro professor of political science at yale university thinks the high number of former gadhafi officials among the rebel leadership raises doubts over whether and new regime will be any different from the old one. we know very little about the agenda of the forces that are
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coming to power after all. was or justice minister in cut off these. real was head of the economic development council in the regime these are as far we are slaves libya's ambassador to india for the gadhafi regime beason to relieve is of the national transitional council they're certainly known have any history as democrats you know they've been associated with the gadhafi regime for a very long time r.t. has also spoken. and it's an arabic newspaper based in london he sings colonel gadhafi will definitely fall but the question is why there are the rebels will be able to govern the country. yeah. a failed state like what happened in afghanistan and nobody can predict what will happen after we knew that there would be removed from power because he and i actually need and he has
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and could pick up abilities but the big question is you know with that position the council will be april first came. the disease it's the same with he's capable to run back on thing and to keep and leave the united states. to other news stories now here on our t.v. investigators say they have new information about who ordered the murder of russian journalist anna politkovskaya five years ago the statement follows the arrest of a former key witness in the case has now fallen under suspicion himself for organizing the killing party's p.r. all over has the latest. very latest to come out from the investigators is that they say they have information regarding the name of the person who alters
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a sheet of journalist anna politkovskaya now this is the person they've really been looking for the man right at the top of the pyramid and they haven't released any further information about him as of yet but that's the the latest this comes just one day after the arrest of for the key with this for the prosecution to me to the public chain called was a retired senior police officer here in moscow he had been on the stand as a witness for the prosecution many in the. camp have been wary about what he's been saying since the beginning and they say that his arrest now and the fact he will be charged later on today shows that they were right to have their concerns about him if i was before you know dearest man was a prosecution witness in the case as far as i understand had been misleading investigators very clever wife for a long time pretending to be an important source of information about the murder when the prosecutors have doubts he was sincere but there was not enough evidence
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now prosecutors have enough evidence also quick to. show this man was. murder this is of course a case that has. media attention from around the world anna politkovskaya but not because yet she was a very highly respected journalist and games much praise and not just here in russia but around the world for her investigative work into human rights abuses in chechnya you know she gained amongst some of the people she wrote about some some say the enemies in the north caucasus area and it has always been assumed that it was somebody from the last part of the world this was behind her saucer nation. just in may of this year the case received a bit of a boost to investigators as the. the man accused of being the gunman who pulled the trigger that fired the bullet that killed out of particles was arrested in a village in chechnya he was brought here to moscow where he's charged with that private remains in custody and now with this latest news that they have
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a it looks like we're going to see probably ten calls the former police officer as a former witness for the prosecution being charged with having being made the olcott iser of the killing and investigators saying that they now have information regarding to who is the kingpin the the all the name up behind altering the assassination. that all of our reporting there it wasn't actually coming to live from moscow and later today we continue our series of special reports on what lives now like in countries on sparta of the soviet union. largest country. to some degree to. what had been trying. to get your. take.
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kim yano is visiting russia for the first time in nine years in a usually open foreign visit for the north korean leader has been touring the country on his armor train was tight security involving dozens of guards and he is now meeting with president medvedev and russia's republic of body as you are discussing as ours following a visit. his usual atmosphere of secrecy has been kept up but not to the extent that it usually is most of the times we get to hear about his business post facto or even not at all this time you know when you've crossed into russia we know where he's made stops what kind of people he's met and what he's done so this kind of thing has led many to speculate that the subject matters that will be discussed during the meeting between the leaders of north korea and russia is definitely going to be attention worthy and most likely it will be focused on the six party talks will force rio withdrew from the six party talks which include north korea
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south korea russia china a new u.s. and japan and continued with its nuclear experiments defiant in its continuation of its nuclear program that of course caused outrage within the six party community but also within the international community so the fact that the russian president is meeting with his north korean counterpart and that visit is being publicized in the media definitely leaves many to believe that korea is preparing some sort of statement but of course it's not the only subject matter that is likely to arise during the discussions various economic debates are also balance to make their way on to the table. trilateral trade with russia south and north korea and also by lateral trade relations with north korea exported six million dollars worth of goods to russia in two thousand and eleven alone so definitely a lot of things on the agenda and the very usually secretive north korean leader
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has a lowered the veil of secrecy for this visit so everyone here is very eager to find out exactly what is going to be said. let's redesign our reporting there well the look on the significance of this visit we can cross to lend you control a lecture in korean studies now the university of sydney who joins us via broadband there's a different thing for being here with us in the program now it's the north korean leader's first trip to russia in almost a decade so what do you make of the timing of this visit. for the timing is always and work on but has been. just the last year during your visit to china three times and twelve months and only the first visit after almost a decade shows that something use changing in either inside north korea or in relations between russia and this. is because of say we know the
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situation economic situation in north korea is not a birth it's improved since one thousand ninety's north korea needs more and does not come from south korea any more china provides as much as it can and probably it's time for use for the bell and between relations and china and north korea china or north korea and russia so i think it's a p.r. exercise for to make sure that people still believe next year two thousand and twelve. as promised is going to be strong and careful and state that all of russia probably very significant. poll will talk about the economic and political landscape in the region in more detail a little later before is out there i'd like to ask you a question about the media coverage of this visit i mean because what's interesting though it's very unusual this time it's very publicized we usually see a few pictures photos of after the event and not for media coverage during it so what should we read into this change in approach in your opinion. so
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there is some change in approach. in china just three four months ago probably learned from this chinese. maintain his positive image not only among his own people but also aboard the fourth. was traveling from china use a little soviet union and information about his travel was not publicized until he was safely back in. actually last month the rumors about can go into russia the group was cancelled in the last moment apparently due to. order because. the need for the information about his trip and security issues for simple stay so there is some change but not much. as you know the relations between north and south remain a quiet terence how big a role can russia have as
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a mediator in soothing stanchions between the two countries. follow russia one of the seats parties but the speed in position talks. these the. shelves indefinitely in order to really know was when they're going to be resumed so russia. expects the u. successful resolution of negotiations for local negotiations between moscow and the only one but cannot really force any sides to go back so these days north korea use the party which really wants to build for the six party talks and participate in this discussions or waiting for more concessions some aid in exchange for its nuclear program but. probably korea japan and the united states who are much more reluctant to do you want talks so russia's ability is
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limited but i'm sure by literally can be resolved peacefully be able to promise the world things a little cooler quite positive after the after meeting with president need to build if there is a possibility of presumption of six party talks with news from moscow's perspective all right lenny thanks very much indeed for sharing your views with us here in the program being trafficked or injury in studies university city with a sneer at progress. well you're watching our t.v. if you log on to r.t. dot com our web sites find out how the north korean leader has been spending time in russia ahead of the key meeting this includes paralyzing day out of the world's deepest made by car and take you did in its waters so more on this can be found on our web site that is r t dot com. after months of scandalous headlines and slanderous whispers criminal charges against
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dominique strauss kahn have been dropped the former half of the i.m.f. was accused of sexually assaulting a hotel maid in new york our brings us the latest a manhattan supreme court judge delivered that ruling on tuesday after prosecutors in the case say that the accuser now facade to diyala has not been truthful on all matters a great and small now however this morning delivered by the judge is on hold pending an appeal by of misty gallo the accuser now in his first public statement since being arrested on may fourteenth dominique strauss kahn says that the past months have been a nightmare for him and his family and they are looking forward to no turning to france dominic strauss kahn was arrested on may fourteenth shortly after paraded in front of news cameras by the new york city police department at that point he was
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essentially vilified by the moon most mainstream media outlets and found guilty in the quarter of the public but he knew now the new york media turned this criminal investigation into somewhat of a circus because many of the new york new york city newspaper headlines refer to dominique strauss kahn is a frog wanted to refer to him as happy lapu and they also refer to him as a womanizer now this of course ruined the reputation for this french politician he was considered a contender for the next presidential race in france but his basically his reputation was ruined before he was convicted at all he lost his job as head of the international monetary fund and there was a lot of of a lot of vote comments and negative press that proceed after his arrest. reporting there from new york let's take
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a look at some other stories from around the world the u.s. lapping up the pressure on syria due to the ongoing crackdown on protesters there europe and the us have prepared a draft security council resolution to impose sanctions against president bashar assad's regime russia is against the move and says acid should be given an opportunity to carry out the reforms he started on human rights council puts the number of dead at around two thousand two hundred and ordered an investigation into the actions of syrian security forces meanwhile a group of syrian opposition members has been meeting in turkey to try and form and national council. a lot of the strongest earthquakes on record has shaken the east coast of the united states the tram or asked for an evacuation of parts of washington including the white house and pentagon the quake was also felt in new york and office workers had to leave buildings fishel say several people have been injured manning buildings damaged. well brings us up to date here on r
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t let's take a look what's happening in the world of business you'll use here. how loans are very warm welcome to the program the scramble to gain access to libya's oil has kicked off although the fine is not tova rebels hated the regime were rushing problems may lose lucrative oil contracts with a pail to support the rebellion hold the analysts believe libya will not be able to afford this. the when there is that any girl known to leave you will need money as soon as possible you know for for the country or restoration or feeding the people . saw they will welcome any investments for basically the source or the budget for new projects or the country's oil or gas so basically i think the any company especially the ones that already have been there will be
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welcome there. always has been the best month for gold in twelve years its gentleness seventeen percent in the last three weeks and then sessions he bought economic prospects in europe and america the market is waiting for a key news conference in the us to hear more about further stimulus measures that what he wants to confront thought says the current trolley in precious metals reflects investor perception that a new round of money printing is unavoidable. if one looks at sequence of events the central banks need to do they are in effect dry in terms of liquidity so the only option they have left is to do more the round of quantitative easing you can see that the market is forecasting quantitative easing so the price of gold seems to be here in force two thousand and beyond. all that hard pricing is just people trying to prepare their currency from any for that to move to the point
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easing wall would go up silver is going all oriel stop falling m l seems to be one thing to go or so everything will go up really but just the dollar will buy less. let's take a look at the biggest of all is flat after seeing some gains in private sessions investors are keeping an eye on the situation lever and right now the drug is trading at around eighty five dollars per barrel while the brand plunge is at one hundred nine dollars per barrel time to precious metals gold is up one percent after hitting another all time high of one thousand nine hundred dollars per ounce on tuesday and silver is flat to negative it's trading at almost forty two dollars per ounce. and finally in asia the nikkei is on the right despite a strong cues from wall street that's after moody's cut japan's credit rating is the said it made the downgrade due to the country's largest budget deficit under
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a buildup in government since two thousand and nine and. also low as china life insurance company plunged into supplanted over its first profits which fell twenty eight percent. trading in europe has already started european shares are rising in early went astray is extending a rally into day this comes as speculation prove that chairman ben bernanke here this week will signal new help for the economy and of course all eyes. strange as. only this news from the us the russian markets have opened blow up both here at us in the my six outraging in the red. that's after a brief bounce in the first few minutes of trade time to check up on some of the individual show moves on my six energy majors are still trading up both gasp from crossing after gaining over one percent and banking stocks are also on the rise the sperm banks are a third of a percent. ok that wraps up the business bulletin from all stores log on to our
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website our team dot com slash business.


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