tv [untitled] August 24, 2011 8:01am-8:31am EDT
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a very warm welcome to you this is r.t. live from moscow with me. journalists trapped inside tripoli's rixos hotel say there's heavy fighting nearby and the area is still thought to be controlled by colonel gadhafi loyalist fighters there are around thirty five people from international media organizations inside the building some of them say they're not being allowed to leave by gunmen guarding the hotel these are the latest pictures from the hotel where gunfire is moving closer the libyan leader's compound meantime which was taken over by rebels on tuesday there are reports of snipers firing at rebels the opposition celebrated victory vented anger at the portraits and luxuries of the former dictator but still the location of gadhafi himself was unknown earlier he made his second radio address in the space of twenty four hours calling on supporters to cleanse the capital he claims his retreat from the compound was
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tactical and promised to fight to the death journalist richard spencer says that even if the rebels take control of the country civil war is imminent i think would be us as accomplish is to establish a coming civil war in libya which we have financed we will be here we will have trained a number of the people who will be killing one another we shouldn't be naive children and think that these rebels are these nice little folks who want democracy and freedom and mcdonald's this is clearly a chance for them to gain our bit and maybe that in fact some revenge against north enemy but mainly for them to be in control and they're going to be fighting with each other for control for the next months in yours. meantime the pentagon says it's monitoring sites known to contain stockpiles of colonel gadhafi chemical weapons it's feared terrorist cells and militants could raid the arsenals which allegedly include tonnes of uranium dust more of this and are joined by james
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corbett a member of the center for research on globalization a lie from osaka japan a thank you for joining us today so nato says it's absolutely critical to secure gadhafi as vast chemical weapons arsenals are given the chaos in tripoli a non-existent police force a lack of structure among rebel fighters just how safe are the stockpiles. well it's an interesting question but perhaps it presupposes the idea that the stockpiles are unsafe in the hands of the rebel forces and would be safer in the hands of the nato forces whereas the people who have so far been involved in siege in tripoli and killing tripoli's civilians in tripoli have been the nato side so i think the question is really who are the people to be concerned about having access to those weapons but certainly there are in by the most conservative estimates upwards of five hundred civilians have been killed in the fighting so far if not more and it's difficult to get accurate numbers obviously at this point but hundreds of civilians certainly have died at this point so i think it would be
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strange to suggest that could off these forces would actually be interested in killing citizens in tripoli whereas the rebels are the ones actually laying siege to the city so it's hard to tell which side would be potentially more dangerous where that with access to these off but let's talk about gadhafi loyalists still in the city perhaps they could launch a last ditch attack using these weapons all or possibly proliferate them to terrorist factions and a spiteful act of revenge well again i think the idea of them using them inside libya is is while it's possible but i think i would say it's rather farfetched i would imagine that that if there was any danger to be had it would be obviously in the proliferation of those weapons as in early july kind of he was quoted as saying that he would be willing to strike at europe if if tripoli was was attacked so i guess that is a possibility it seems to be on the table but but certainly it's unclear to me whether if the weapons would be safer in the hands of the gadhafi forces or the terrorists i think ultimately perhaps getting rid of these types of weapons would be the ultimate goal for in terms of peace and stability let's talk about gadhafi
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himself are there reports that he's been hiding in a twenty kilometer network of heavily fortified tunnel is beneath tripoli a given if you still there or indeed even in the country. personally i have no knowledge of it and no way of finding out i think it would be foolhardy to get venture a guess at this point especially when there's so much of a fog of war over the situation right now and that's been demonstrated in all sorts of events including b. early reports we had to get off the sons had been captured by rebel forces only do have video footage that was aired on our t.v. of good of the sun parading around in the center of tripoli so so this point really is it's anyone's guess what's really happening there and unfortunately it's extremely difficult to get in touch with people there as you know and as i know having tried to contact not you know the royal who's also reporting through the center for research on globalization from tripoli and and actually having the experience of talking to him and having the line cut out suddenly it's just it really really difficult to to get ahold of and keep in touch with people there at the moment so there is a fog of war and it's it's really anyone's guess where gadhafi is at the moment and
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i think there is this information being put out on both sides of the coin at this point in terms of what what both sides are capable of and what so far been achieved it certainly does seem there's been some back and forth with this information about you know the capture of gaddafi sons and as you said these blackouts that have a code as well as limiting the communications there in tripoli but if indeed he is still on the ground in these in these huge tunnels that are being dug for the past twenty five thirty years just how far would nato go to smoke and do you think there would be deployed the bunker buster bombs all the moab the mother of all bombs you think because it may seem possible the rebels could not get into these have any fortified tunnels. it certainly does seem a possibility in there are reports even that there is a tape battalion in these giant underground tunnel complexes so the idea that there would be bunker busters or other types of heavy weaponry used in trying to lay siege to it is not out of the question and certainly need to have demonstrated that they have no compunction about using these types of weapons on civilian populations and in civilian populated areas so they would certainly be no moral qualms about
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that and unfortunately likely no international criminal court investigation of the war crimes being perpetrated by the nato led rebel forces that at this moment of the un says it's working to release up to one hundred billion dollars of frozen assets to the new transitional government some say that for a government of barely six months all that simply not ready to handle such cash would anything. certainly i think it would be foolish to hand that sum of money over to a transitional council which has yet to demonstrate that it has the support of the majority of the country and and even by their own standards even at recent meetings obviously true libya's very much divided along tribal lines as you know and of the dozens and dozens of different tribes represented in the in libya only only less than half of them actually claim to be in support of the transitional council so so there's a deep divisions going on in libya right now and i think it would be very foolhardy to release those types of funds to a transitional government which so far has really only demonstrated its interest in securing contracts with foreign and western companies suddenly seems to be the
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point right now with european all companies are already trying to stake their claims with the mineral reserves of libya and as you were saying we've had analysts also discussing the fact that these are representatives in this new transitional government come from various tribal factions that don't always see eye to eye james corbet editor of the colbert report news website thank you very much thank you ari dmitri medvedev said that russia might establish diplomatic ties with the libyan rebels if they unite the country the russians need to call for immediate talks to determine the future of libya an activist from the stop the war coalition lindsey german says that most libyans don't want the west to tell them what to do. we have to remember we've been here before we've been here before with afghanistan we've been there before with iraq and i think the lesson from both of those and that actually the message is even coming from many of the rebels in tripoli and elsewhere in libya is that they don't want nato there any more they don't want western troops on the ground and they want to run their own country and i think it
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would be very foolish for david cameron or anybody else to believe this really vindicates their foreign policy in terms of the war on terror this does. bring to mind some of the worrying ways in which these things are being used i personally think the intervention of the international criminal court. the idea of a control i could half in his family is criminal also this is yet another saw in the western hypocrisy when we have to suppose tony blair and various other people responsible for the disastrous episode in iraq in particular who want indicted in this while if there is evidence to trial they should they should be dealt with in libya or not. or anywhere else. well as i said a few moments ago the u.s. u.n. a you are on the verge of releasing up to one hundred billion dollars of frozen assets to libya's incoming government but as the leader of the national transitional council prepares to meet with french president nicolas sarkozy in
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paris as artie's daniel bushell reports for france there's much more than democracy on the table. france feels like a winner was the first power to recognize libya's rebels the first to become tree and now the first in talks with rebel leaders for mr allen jew pace's victory gives him great satisfaction opposition m.p. jack lang every want to be thankful that france inspired action at the united nations corporations in states that voted for u.n. intervention or rubbing their hands one of the first members of a french team. who. was a representative of the different or company and that is not very far from of course french all drawn towards hall has been named as this was big enough rubble all for a go go has threatened to block brazil russia and china for quote political issues
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there are three states who refused strong sanctions against gadhafi those nations had contracts with the former regime of russian official says quote we've lost libya completely it is well known that it is a wall for all that these so-called position government has promised to give the old two from france officially claims its war mission is over but analysts tippit to secretly stay you'll be in libya make sure it profits france early many jaylene force is. presence in libya even the. resolution it's going to answer yes but keeping troops in the country means heavy costs. latest polls say most french people now oppose the military intervention this in p.c.'s for the bloodshed and the hefty price tag to deal with it now reported by the us with the
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new memoir the war is far from over and this invasion is already costing much more than we give back fears a growing that libya's new leaders to do so with the peace. points to the rebels murder last months of the military chief general yunis exposed widespread rebel looting and executions beachfronts these problems may have only just begun bushell paris. ted rowland american columnist and author says that it's now europe's turn to move in on the foreign oil following the u.s. example in iraq it's a striking replay of two thousand and three. u.s. invasion of iraq when the united states toppled a dictator that effectively stifled this opposition and do you know what they would be replacing him with we're seeing the same exact situation now in libya and the. council is a hodgepodge of groups who inevitably are going to be in conflict with one another
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civil war is almost inevitable because the war against libya you can see much more colonel gadhafi was really written by president obama was kind of feverish payback for a reason you don't buy new shoes because it's the european companies that have the most at stake in libya so this is really more of a he i'm you know you scratch my back in afghanistan and iraq some extent and so now i'm going to say that it looks like the europeans stand to gain the most. or the editor of london's arabic al could say newspaper abdel-bari atwan has given his view on developments in libya to us here today. iran has filed a lawsuit against russia in the international court over its refusal to supply s three hundred missiles let's get the details on this marty as you go to prison officers outside the iranian embassy right here in moscow are you go to say what is this lawsuit all about that. well according to the iranian ambassador whose country
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is suing russia over a shipment of its three hundred air defense systems to tehran this deal was signed back in two thousand and eight but the shipment never once through since in june two thousand and ten the u.n. security council adopted a set of sanctions against iran which enforces a wide range of limitations including the sales of various types of all arms so moscow froze the shipment last year officials said that they are ready to give iran down payment which is around two hundred million dollars or they could go through with a deal if and when the u.n. security council a lifts of sanctions on iran says that it has taken this matter to the international court of justice but what's interesting is that they claim these steps are not aimed against russia but actually to give moscow a legal trump as the ambassador called it for the shipment to be able to go through . many many thanks indeed live outside the iranian embassy in moscow.
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north korea has confirmed it's ready to resume a long stalled six party talks on its nuclear program without any preconditions will also consider suspending the production and testing of nuclear weapons while talks are ongoing north korea's that reclusive leader kim jong il met president dmitri medvedev and russia's republic of korea during a revis it to the country. and the republicans capitol following the talks after a meeting with the russian president the north korean leader kim jong il has announced his country's well unless to return to this. negotiations aimed at denuclearizing the korean peninsula but it will only reimpose its moratorium on production and testing of nuclear weapons once those six party talks begin the rest of the six party talks members like south korea japan the united states they all
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want the north korean leader to implement the moratorium first and then have north korea return to the six party talks which have been stalled since two thousand and eight the north korean leader still wants to do it his way but still his announcement is a very big deal there were several signed pointing to the possibility of such a breakthrough even when kim jong il began his journey usually the very secretive north korean leader travels completely incognito in the international community finds out about his travels post factum or even not at all list time the entire world knew as soon as kim jong il crossed the russian border on his specially designed armored train and that of course led many to speculate that the meeting also publicized with the russian president to meet they made the video would bring about some definite breakthrough and we know that there have been further developments in the plans for a gas pipeline that will go from russia to south korea of course north korea we
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also know that a number of committees have been created and this c.e.o. of russia's gas giant gazprom has been tasked with overseeing the project so that definitely is still in the works and could be a very lucrative deal for north korea for south korea as well and definitely for russia which is looking to export more of its resources or he's kind of you know sort of reporting right the trip to russia begun sort of more and where else is on the train stopped on his journey just going to super bowl that included a relaxing day the world's deepest lake the to do in its waters. more on our website. more details have surfaced about the murder of russian human rights journalist anna politkovskaya five years ago investigators say they have new information about who might have ordered the killing on tuesday police detained a key witness in the case he's now under suspicion for organizing the crime himself
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over points. the very latest to come out from the investigators is that they are saying they have information regarding the name of the person who alters the subsidization of journalist anna politkovskaya now this is the person they've really been looking for the man right at the top of the pyramid and they haven't released any further information about him as of yet but that's the latest this comes just one day after the arrest of a form a key witness for the prosecution to me to the public cenk of was a retired senior police officer here in moscow he had been on the stand as a witness for the prosecution many in the. camp have been wary about what he's been saying since the beginning and they say that his arrest now and the fact that he will be charged later on today show that they were right to have their concerns about him in the party has not been with before you know a theorist that man was
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a prosecution witness in the case as far as i understand had been misleading investigators in a very clever way for a long time pretending to be an important source of information about the murder in the prosecutors have doubts that he was sincere but there was not enough evidence now prosecutors have enough evidence also quit to buy nobody because after the show this man was linked to political skies murder this is of course a case that has. drawn media attention from all around the world anna politkovskaya was to a fanatic as yet she was a very highly respected journalist and gains much praise at not just here in russia but around the world for her investigative work into human rights abuses in chechnya now she gained amongst some of the people she wrote about some some say the enemies in the north caucasus area and it has always been assumed that it was somebody from the last part of the world this was behind her assassination now.
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just in may of this year the case today received a bit of a boost to investigators as the. the man accused of being the gunman who pulled the trigger that fired the bullet that killed out of particles was arrested in a village in chechnya he was brought here to moscow where he's charged with the private remains in custody the investigation into who killed anna politkovskaya is progressing along and that we could see some major developments in this case in the next few months and weeks. now are twenty minutes past the hour here in moscow after a three month case surrounded by a sensational list media circus sexual assault charges against dominique strauss kahn have now been dropped the former head of the international monetary fund called the ordeal a personal nightmare. reports from new york. a manhattan supreme court judge delivered that ruling on tuesday after prosecutors in the case say that the accuser now facade to diyala has not been truthful on all matters
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a great and small now however this ruling delivered by the judge is on hold pending an appeal by mr gallo the accuser now in his first public statement since being arrested on may fourteenth dominique strauss kahn says that if the past months have been a nightmare for him and his family and they are looking forward to returning home to france dominic strauss kahn was arrested on may fourteenth shortly after paraded in front of news cameras by the new york city police department at that point he was essentially vilified by moon most mainstream media outlets and found guilty in the court of public opinion now the new york media turned this criminal investigation into somewhat of a circus because many of the new york new york city newspaper headlines refer to dominique strauss kahn as a frog one refer to him as pepe le pew and they also refer to him as
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a womanizer now this of course ruin the reputation for this french politician he was considered a contender for the next presidential race in france but his basically his reputation was ruined before he was convicted at all he lost his job as head of the international monetary fund and there was a lot of a lot of vote comments and negative press that preceded after his arrest. all right it is a very important reporting right there now and some more international news now from our world update here on r.t. a strong earthquake has a right to the east coast of the united states tremors centered in virginia forced evacuations in washington including the white house and pentagon in new york to a nuclear reactors were shut down and people also had to leave buildings officials say no one was seriously injured but many buildings have since been damaged. yemen claims up to thirty al qaeda linked separatists are being killed and forty wounded
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during airstrikes in the country's south eight soldiers also died during clashes with islamicists who are trying to use a power vacuum in the region to gain influence yemen has been in turmoil since an uprising against president ali abdullah saleh that started in february. an iranian man has admitted killing a nuclear scientist in toronto last year and working with israeli intelligence at the trial. said that mossad told him to carry out terrorist acts including how to plant a bomb the defendant could now face the death penalty for that is that must come out marty was murdered in a bomb attack outside his home in january last year two other scientists were killed shortly afterwards. time now for the business with marine. hello and welcome to business here on artsy now russia wants to bring the normally hostile north and south korea sic at their end the name of business at are some
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lights inside barry admitting medvedev and tim john l. have agreed to look at building a gas pipeline across north korea to supply the republic in the south but analysts warn that south korea will have a hard time coming to terms with the independence on that smaller than tell us apart. i think there will be eight large amount of skepticism to overcome in south korea about allowing themselves to become even partially dependent on supplies of gas that all point across their northern neighbor you have to have an agreement between all three countries russia north korea and south korea it's no good. building a pipeline i think the simply links russia or north korea because the north koreans are not going to be able to pay a sufficient price for gas imports from russia that would ever pay back the cost of
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building the pipelines of the pipeline has to be extended into south korea to tap the south korean market that's all this has been the best month for gold and twelve years it's jumped almost seventeen percent in the last four weeks and that then certainty about economic prospects in europe and america the market is waiting fourteen news conference right now in the us to hear more about further stimulus measures there caught him on the back there from platt says the current rally in precious metals reflects investor perception that a new round of money printing as unavoidable. if one looks at the sequence of events of what the central banks need to do they are in effect draw in terms of liquidity so the only option they have left is to do an all the round of quantitative easing you can see that the market is forecasting that quantitative easing so the price of gold seems to be here indorsed eight thousand and beyond all
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that high price in gold is just speak for trying to return their currency from any further dilution with a quantitative easing wall we'll call silver is going all oriel stop falling m l seems to be one thing to wall so everything will will go up really but just the dollar will buy less than they used to. and let's take a look at the figures now while gold has rebounded after dropping from an all time high above one thousand nine hundred dollars an ounce investor concern of the worsening software that crisis complicating global economic slowdown is going to divine for a store of value gold is gaining almost one percent this hour that's why i want to oil which has slipped from its highest close in four days in the war and that's after a downgrade of japan's credit rating and forecasts of growing crude stockpiles in the u.s. he's concerned that slowing economic growth will reduce demand right now there. is
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a losing four cents and brands as losing three cents about the sell them let's take a look at what's happening in europe shares there are laws saying after top you start to trading the only direction seeing for investors so far is a key speech by federal reserve chairman ben bernanke on friday. here in russia investors are hesitant to make any big moves they're also looking forward to digesting something was due out friday the markets are flat after a brief rally in early trade let's take a look at the individual share moves on the my socks and the two majors are. mix the sour with lukoil slightly down gasman off from the gas as i add in point seven percent and that's the news that will pump natural gas to south korea to the north but public banking stocks have climbed into the blank with its burbank point nine percent. russia supermarket chain monkey need has reported a second quarter profit off seventy nine million dollars and that's up eighteen
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percent from the same period last year during the first half my believe has opened over one hundred stores and that sales by nearly forty percent russia may granted gas from at domestic price increase fifty percent next year and that's according to the of the miss daily and that's almost three times more than all the regulated firms the price hike will help bring profits at home in lloyd with export profits the government says the move will help maintain investment levels in the company. that's all the business news for now the headlines are next to the board.
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the russian capital with a recap now of the top stories have you got to. also tell the tripoli where around thirty five journalists are reportedly being held by government fighters in the rebel controlled compound is meantime to be crawling with slightly. north korea will consider halting a nuclear test if six party talks to resume so says the country's elusive leader on i read a trip to russia. iran files a law. the suit against russia over its refusal to supply the s three hundred mobile missile systems to iran says they don't fall under a un resolution preventing weapons imports. and russian investigators say they now know who ordered the murder of investigative journalist anna politkovskaya it follows the arrest of a former seen.
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