tv [untitled] August 24, 2011 12:01pm-12:31pm EDT
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good to have you with this is our to come to you live from the russian capital with you twenty four hours a day our top story this hour an unmanned russian cargo spacecraft has crashed in the eastern russia after its engines fail to take into orbit to take it into orbit i should say progress launch from baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan on wednesday morning and was due to dock at the international space station on friday well arty's tom barton joins us live with more now tom tell us what did happen. well bill it was in the three hundred twenty fifth second of its blast up toward it that this progress modules sat on top of a soyuz rocket suffered what serbian called a third stage engine failure that's the third stage of the rocket boosters the take it up into wall bit and essentially that failure
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a drop in pressure was noticed in the fuel apart from that little is known as to what may have caused it but that bends basically meant it came crashing back down to work with an almighty great bang in russia's east in the altai republic now it's not known at the moment whether the casualties may have been sustained on the ground it was about forty kilometers from the nearest village so at the moment it seems unlikely but a search is going to start there may have been agricultural workers in the fields around where the crash happened and we just hear from an eyewitness who spoke to his earlier about what she saw. you know category i don't know if you know that i looked at it and it seemed like a white stripe right i thought it was a train a first time but then i realized going never find that or quietly then it turned into some white object and i saw that it was sparkling on he went behind a cloud and i thought you were come out in a minute or two and it disappeared i. i didn't see it again but i heard
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a loud noise it was like three bangs one really loud and two quieter i thought it was sunday first it was not raining at the time. this spacecraft was on man being that though there were no crew on board that could have got hurt but the problem that this has raised is with the supply to the i assess this craft was carrying about three tons of food and fuel up to the six crew on the i s s and because it has now crashed it means but they only have enough food for around two to three months which means it's highly probable now that an emergency launch is going to have to be quickly put together before the the next scheduled launch which is on the twenty eighth of october ok tom thanks very much indeed for that update live there in central moscow for more on this we can now talk to your t. kalash he is a member of the russian academy of space yuri thanks very much indeed for being with us so tell us who or what is likely to be responsible for this.
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especially so the mission control center and the space corporation and their gear their primary develop and manufacture a. spacecraft. like out of there looking into the situation but at this point it looks like. him so that is the soyuz rocket i'm not actually progress itself. well things like this happen actually the soyuz launch vehicle has a very good reliability rate which is almost ninety eight percent so is steel and longer the more through launch vehicle so the world iraq would have been possible though to avoid this happening if the problems were detected on time. well you want to know what their fourth happen if the program was detected beforehand. sort of didn't get their questions head again. i was just wondering
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whether if problems have been detected in time could this accident have been avoided. well depends on the problem of there are some problems which even if they're detected in a flight of the leave. do the. function anyway to the major malfunction so. as i said if a specialist of the mission. space corporation their gear i have to determine what exactly did happen to the launch vehicle i understand that there will be more supplies coming up to the i s s a little later so the crew will be all right in that respect but one of the other consequences. facing the crew now as a result of this delivery not occurring. you have to keep in mind. there i assess operation planners always. keep in mind the
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possibility of a big cargo space ship to the international space station for some reason so the crew on board has enough. water and food supplies to survive on for another three or four months until their. cargo spacecraft arrives to the space station. just one question a speculative question if this rocket or indeed the progress of the spacecraft on top of the soyuz rocket was manned would the crew have survived after this engine failure. and definitely yes as a matter of fact there are already a couple of tests. region a month rated that. will survive even with their launch vehicle function. first happened in april of ninety seven to fire when two crew members.
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are flying so use a d. in a sending to orbit. an explosion happened into the launch vehicle so the soyuz spacecraft just separated from their malfunctioning to launch vehicle and safely landed so on . then there was a ninety. story buy that was another there was another person for the launch vehicle in one thousand eight hundred three when the launch vehicle exploded on the launch pad and the game and none of the cosmonauts and neither were the motive. so just very briefly if that spacecraft was still attached to the rocket and it didn't reach orbit and it fell to earth that spacecraft would actually be able to detach itself and land itself safely. definitely or this spacecraft would be able to jettison from the launch vehicle. safely very interesting thank you very much indeed for joining us live there in moscow a member of the russian academy of space thanks for your time. one hour from moscow
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we're heading to london and i'm now joined by mark hemp still the president of the british interplanetary society thank you very much indeed for joining us live there in london well obviously we've heard quite a lot about the technical reasons and what could have happened if there were a crew on board but what i'd like to ask you is there any way to control a rocket like this once it starts to fall i'm thinking of it landing on a city for example. not really but the flight part of rockets are designed so there's no possibility of them landing on cities most nations will fly them over the ocean in russia's case that's more difficult but they fly over a very sparsely populated region so there's very little chance of failing actually reaching any sense of population are you surprised that after what forty four missions that an incident like this should occur now not really the soyuz is
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a very reliable vehicle but it's still got something like a one in fifty a little bit of the money fifty failure rate so as long as you use expendable vehicles the sort of failure is bound to happen you know every fifty to sixty eighth flight so statistically this is almost what one might expect but certainly not good news if you're going to get more and more rockets going up in space carrying people. no that's true which is why the company i actually work for a trying to design be usable launch vehicles that will be much more reliable but with the escape system currently the risk to astronauts is a low one in a thousand every time they take a flight still very high but not anywhere near the failure of the actually right now the u.s. shuttle program of course is now finished and nasa is relying on russia's rockets will this affect that partnership anyway. i doubt it very much partly because
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at the moment america has no choice and the soyuz is a more reliable system of the shuttle remember the shuttle did not have an escape system so when it failed the crew were in very serious trouble whereas the soyuz as has already been described to you has a very effective escape system so both the rocket and the escape system have to fail before the astronauts are in any danger you were referring to a little earlier about a little turnitin rocket being developed something that you're involved with how long will it for an alternative soyuz to be launched and what sort of time scale you talking about here. well we've got a very very aggressive program and we might make it by twenty twenty so it's not going to be this decade and this is competing in soyuz then. well see where things stand in twenty twenty i mean this is a decade of way our current plan to the international space station will be coming to the end of its life may be extended so it's far too early to say but certainly
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what we're designing will replace all the deep spending or launch vehicles and do that job but we're a long way and it's not something we can put it more you're developing is that in line with the ambitions for space tourism. our vehicle probably could be used for space tourism. it's skylon has been designed so that it is what's called certifiable like an aircraft but it won't go into service straight away with space tourism in mind. well it's very interesting to hear what you have to say thanks so much for joining us live in london and that is mark hampson vice president of the british interplanetary group thank you very much indeed. well this is r.t. coming to you live from the russian capital we're keeping a close eye on the situation of course and keep you updated on that story and you can always find more on our website it is dot com. other news now
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rebels now control colonel gadhafi is fortress in central tripoli but violent clashes continue throughout the capital however the u.s. defense department says it has another concern the security of sites in libya known to contain stockpiles of chemical weapons including you're a dust was speaking to my colleague earlier today james corbett from the center for research on globalization question why libya's new government is not being trusted to deal with it. perhaps it presupposes the idea that the stockpiles are unsafe in the hands of the rebel forces and would be safer in the hands of the nato forces whereas the people who have so far been involved in siege in tripoli and killing trickle east civilians in tripoli have been the benito side so i think the question is really who are the people to be concerned about having access to those weapons i would imagine that that if there was any danger to be had it would be obviously in the proliferation of those weapons as in early july cut off he was quoted as saying that he would be willing to strike at europe if if tripoli was was attacked so i
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guess that is a possibility it seems to be on the table but but certainly it's unclear to me whether it's the weapons would be safer in the hands of the gadhafi forces or the terrorists i think ultimately perhaps getting rid of these types of weapons would be the ultimate goal for in terms of peace and stability of the u.s. as it's working to release up to one hundred billion dollars of frozen assets to the new transitional government some say that for a government barely six months all that's simply not ready to handle such cash or anything. certainly i think it would be foolish to hand that sum of money over to a transitional council which has yet to demonstrate that it has the support of the vast majority of the country and and even by their own standards even at recent meetings obviously true libya is very much divided along tribal lines as you know and of the dozens and dozens of different tribes represented in the in libya only only less than half of them actually claim to be in support of the true transitional council so so there is a deep divisions going on in libya right now and i think it would be very foolhardy to release those types of funds to a transitional government which so far has really only demonstrated its interest in
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securing contracts with foreign and western companies. the leader of libya's national transitional council now put djibril has been a tour of europe to secure funds for his new government and first he'll meet french president nicolas sarkozy in paris. on a bush reports from france washing say for france as much more than just democracy on the table. fraud's feels like a winner was the first power to recognize libya's rebels the first to become tree and now the first in talks with rebel leaders for mr allan she paces victory gives him great satisfaction opposition m.p. jack lang everyone to be thankful that france inspired action at the united nations corporations in states that voted for u.n. intervention are rubbing their hands one of the first. members of
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a french team. to. march as a representative of the different or company. is not. french all join the toll has been named as this was big enough rubble all for a go to look brazil russia and china for quote political issues there are three states who refuse strong sanctions against gadhafi those nations had voles contracts with the former regime of russian official says quote we've lost libya completely it is well known that it is a wall for all that these so-called position government has promised to give the old two from france officially claims its war mission is over but analysts tippit to secretly stay you'll be in libya to make sure it profits france early maintaining forces. presence in libya even the. resolution.
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yes but keeping troops in the country means heavy costs drag on latest polls say most french people now oppose the military intervention this in pieces for the bloodshed and the hefty price tag to deal with it now is the past but it could take yes for a few months the war is far from over and this invasion is already costing much more than we give back. fears a growing that libya's new leaders are too divided to win the peace learn points to the rebels murder last month of their military chief general yunis experts will widespread rebel looting and executions beat france's problems they have only just begun the new bushell r.t. paris. the future of libya now appears to hinge on the capacity of the transitional council to establish law and order and scott bates vice president at the center for national policy believes it will be much harder to establish stability than it was
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to remove good effie. look it underscores the real problem in libya right now which is that no one is in charge and security is tenuous make no mistake the libyan rebel movement could not be where it is today without nato's involvement the real test though is going to be what comes after because there are good feelings toward nato governments in benghazi right now but if the country falls to chaos over the next six months two years time frame it'll be very different story you can't just go in and use force of arms and destabilize an entire nation and then leave any time you go into these situations it's very easy with a modern force of arms and the disparities in the world when it comes to that to topple a regime it's incredibly difficult then to stabilize situation especially where for decades there's been little to no tradition of consentual rule or democratic
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rule at all so he was a master at pitting group against group i think first of all what this intervention showed to me is nato has capabilities are incredibly stretched and the european component of nato exposed itself is not particularly capable as it should be so i hope the situation doesn't deteriorate because the only force in the world military force capable of projecting the logistical strength and the force is the united states and the united states does not need to be front and center in this situation so i think the nato alliance is in a very precarious spot right now. well you can get more analysis on the situation in libya on our website while the conflict rages on just log on to r.t. dot com for the latest details. north korea has confirmed it's ready to resume long stalled six party talks on its nuclear program without any preconditions pyongyang will also consider suspending the production and testing of
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nuclear weapons while talks are ongoing north korea's reclusive leader kim jong il met president dmitry medvedev in russia's republic of here during a rare visits to the country and artie's catherine is there of or is in the republic's capital following the talks. after a meeting with the russian president the north korean leader kim jong il has announced his country's willingness to return to the six party negotiations aimed at denuclearizing the korean peninsula but it will only reimpose its moratorium on production and testing of nuclear weapons once those six party talks begin the rest of the six party talks members like south korea japan the united states they all want the north korean leader to implement the moratorium first and then have north korea return to the six party talks which have been stalled since two thousand and eight the north korean leader still wants to do it his way but still his announcement is
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a very big deal there were several signed pointing to the possibility of such a breakthrough even when kim jong il began his journey usually the very secretive north korean leader travels completely incognito and the international community finds out about his travels post factum or even not at all this time the entire world knew as soon as kim jong il crossed the russian border on his specially designed armored train and that of course led many to speculate that the meeting also publicized with the russian president dmitry video would bring about some definite breakthrough and we know that there have been further developments in the plans for a gas pipeline that would go from russia to south korea of course north korea we also know that a number of movies have been created and this c.e.o. of russia's gas giant gazprom has been tasked with overseeing the project so that definitely is still in the works and could be
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a very lucrative deal for north korea for south korea as well and definitely for russia which is looking to export more of its resources. kim jong il's trip to russia began on saturday and. trains stopped on his do. your website is not to call the trip including relaxing the world's deepest lake baikal. in its winters more a website. called. iran has filed a lawsuit against russia and the international court over its refusal to supply s three hundred missiles. brings us more on the story from outside the iranian embassy here in moscow according to the iranian ambassador to iran is suing moscow over a shipment of a bad show for russia's last three hundred air defense systems to tehran under a deal which was signed back in two thousand and eight but the shipment never went through because in june two thousand and ten the un the security council slammed
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the set off sanctions on iran which in force was a wide range of limitations including those on the sales of various types of all arms so russia froze the shipment last year officials said that they are ready to give iran back its down payment which is around two hundred million dollars or we could go on go through with a deal if and when the u.n. security council a lift this set of sanctions tehran says that it has taken this case to the international court of justice but what's interesting is that they see these steps are not aimed against russia but are actually aimed at giving moscow the so-called illegal trump as the ambassador said in order for this shipment to go through but actually talking about the s. three hundred air defense systems we've been production strictly for export since one thousand nine hundred ninety four but just a few days ago their production was stopped altogether more advanced models taking
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their place. even if you can off their twenty three minutes past the hour now i'll be back with the summer news stories in seven minutes from now in the meantime business update is next with marina. i. tell and welcome to business here on prices are rising four times more quickly in russia than they are in the rest of europe although at five percent for the first seven months of the year inflation is more under control about it has been for the rest of the country's modern history so there's good or bad to find out i'm joined by alexander if the fear from lead to the capital thank you so much for joining us now can you tell us do you think russia has finally exercised the demon add of inflation. well at least the central bank is doing the right the right job and the shift in mind that happened in the past year is indeed helping to curb inflation but not do you think we'll go back to
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a time when inflation was fourteen or fifteen percent. while i think with a flexible ruble policy and. flexible bill policy and central banks interventions at the minimum i think there has been a regime shift in inflation and probably we are looking at the highest the highest level with around ten percent so we're not going back to fifteen e. all the central bank is actually targeting seven percent of inflation this year do you think that's achievable. and certainty about inflation for this year is huge because the slowdown that we've seen has been driven by vegetables prices and this component is very volatile so it's possible that inflation will stay it will decline to seven percent if vegetables prices continue falling but my concern this fiscal policy for the second half of the year and the stronger ruble has been helping keep prices down the currency has been sliding winsomely what's your
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outlook on lots. they're pulling their u.s. downgrade the central bank allowed the ruble to take the heat from falling oil prices in a negative external so from the from this point of view the central bank allowed the ruble to adjust to negative terms of trade meaning that if price continue falling on the known global outlook global growth deterioration then the mobile will will depreciate as well and that much damage these in this oil depletion will do to the russian economy because with the situation with the libya we're seeing oil prices fall sharply if it goes even further and we expect yeah we run the scenario with oil price at seventy five and we arrived to two percent g.d.p. growth and around thirty. thirty third you poor dual within a few rights well if. from b. to b. capital thank you so much for joining us thank you. let's take
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a look at the figures now will start with gold it's dropping from and all its mime high of all the one thousand nine hundred dollars an ounce in the us a concern of a worsening solver and debt crisis complicates and global economic slowdown has been in demand for us the world value but right now gold is losing some point four percent so let's move on to oil crude is trading in the black despite forecasts of growing crude stockpiles in the u.s. right now w. is trading at close to eighty six dollars per barrel and bryant says at one hundred ten also potion one hundred eleven dollars per barrel. oil in the u.s. stocks are trading in the red after opening on the positive notes the dow is shed and point four percent and nasdaq is approaching one percent in the red. over in europe shares are rising after a choppy start to trading the only direction seen for investors so far is
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a key speech by federal reserve chairman ben bernanke three and that's on friday. here in russia markets ended the threat in session on the positive know both the r.t.s. and m i six closed more than a percent it's all investors though where he stands to make any big moves there we're also looking forward to digest the news from the u.s. throughout friday as i mentioned earlier but let's take a look at the individual share moves on the my psych's most of the blue chips were trading in the black lukoil added points eight percent said gas monopoly gas from one up over two and a half percent and that was the news that will pump natural gas to south korea moved in the republic banking stocks also climbed in supporters of territory. point seven percent. that's all the business news for now the headlines are next to it bill.
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