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tv   [untitled]    August 24, 2011 4:01pm-4:30pm EDT

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baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan on wednesday morning was due to dock at the international space station on friday but the engines on board the soyuz rocket taking it into orbit appear to have failed. explains it was a three hundred twenty fifth second of the rockets ascent into orbit when there was this engine failure it certainly hit the ground with a bomb path towards having come down to worth very rapidly there are you as yet unconfirmed reports also that they rocket broke into three parts which fell in three different areas in the altai region in russia's east we heard from an eyewitness earlier who saw the rockets coming down in that region you know i don't know if you know i looked at it and it seemed like a white stripe i thought it was a train a first time but then i realized planes never fly that or quietly and then it turned into some white object and i saw that it was sparkling on he went behind
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a cloud and i thought and here come out in a minute or and it disappeared i didn't see it again when i heard a loud noise it was like three bangs one really loud and two quieter. so obviously that evidence there from that eyewitness also perhaps supporting the idea that there are three separate sites of impact those three bangs however on the ground having fallen in such a wide area it's not known whether anyone was around at the time and may have as a result become a casualty from this massive falling debris there were no crew on board and the search in the area will begin shortly sale for a tease we heard recently from the local ministration have them there is no good people go there to collect pine nuts they grow everywhere so they may well be people mounting the tiger although we don't know how many in that area back in december when the three glowed satellites responsible for navigation used by the space program run by russia. as military they plunged into the sea in february
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a ministry of defense satellites stopped working properly and just a few days ago on the eighteenth of august another freshly launched satellite went off its orbit and disappeared off the radars altogether so this is the fourth in that line of rather worrying pick ups it's also made a little bit more worrying by the fact that the u.s. has now stopped its space shuttle flights to the international space station those astronauts up there can survive about two months on the supplies that they have but it's thought to have to be another emergency mission up there and they're totally reliant on flights of these soyuz rockets up from baikonur. all the founder of the capital science connections innovation agency in london dr patrick fuller told me a little earlier there's little possibility the rocket could crash onto a city or launch trajectory of all of these craft tends to pass over very sparsely populated regions or even over the ocean in the case of the u.s.
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launches so the risk is really very very remote indeed i think that's that's not something that we need to be overly worried about the provision of a new launch vehicle and a new launch. something that's pretty expensive of course it's all insured or imagine it is in the case of the russian launches it's all insured so the cost is covered but you know it's a pretty costly process i wouldn't like to put a figure on it but certainly tens of millions of dollars must be the must must be that sort of assessment here. patrick put it toward me a little earlier from london now the president of france has met with the head of libya's national transitional council in paris after talks behind closed doors nicolas sarkozy promised a minute recess and to the libyan government for as long as they need it daniel bushell has the details france becomes the first e.u. power to host the head of libya's transitional national council nicolas sarkozy said that he and nato will continue to supply military equipment to the rebels as
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long as they need it though he didn't mention the un resolution authorizing intervention in libya which many think actually expressly rules out military supplies to libya the rebel leader. said that he sees france as a driving force in the nato campaign against gadhafi troops now the french and british have invited libya's government to a meeting on september the first with e.u. leaders adding that they will meet quote not military allies but friends but the british prime minister's office has also released a statement saying that the meeting will help to build a free and democratic libya during wednesday's meeting sarkozy also cut france's economic growth forecast and announced eleven billion dollars in. measures the french president being accused of trying to bury this very bad news in the euphoria
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of war victory but they're all signs that the war isn't producing the results because he wanted more in this report. feels like. it's the first power to recognize libya's rebels the first to become free and now the first in talks with rebel leaders for mr pace's victory gives him great satisfaction opposition m.p. jack lang every want to be thankful that inspired action. at the united nations corporations in states that voted for u.n. intervention or rubbing their hands one of the first members of a french team. as a representative of the different or company. is not the. french all john toll has been named as this was big enough rubble all for
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a go to look brazil russia and china for quote political issues there are three states who refuse strong sanctions against gadhafi those nations had contracts with the former regime of russian official says quote we've lost libya completely it is well known that it is a wall for all that these so-called position government has promised to give the old two from france officially claims its war mission is over but analysts tippit to secretly stay only in libya make sure it profits from early maintaining forces. presence in libya even the. resolution. yes but keeping troops in the country means heavy costs drag on latest polls say most french people now oppose the military intervention this in p.c.'s further
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bloodshed and the hefty price tag to deal with it now is the past but it could take yes for a few months the war is far from over and this invasion is already costing much more than we get back fears are growing that libya's new leaders are too divided to win the peace. points to the rebels murder last month of a military chief general yunis exposed widespread rebel looting and executions beat france's problems may have only just begun the new bushell r.t. paris. spokesman for kind of gadhafi regime has promised libya will become a volcano of loyalist forces are continually vowed to keep fighting pointing to a prolonged civil war according to author and journalist afshin rattansi he told me earlier that the evidence points to more conflict i think what we should expect to see the national have said in the past few hours is a humanitarian crisis i've seen pictures of the dead children killed by nato
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airstrikes what we have ahead of us is an insurgency campaign the bombing is going on in tripoli from the forces and then of course when they get the regime finally crumbles we have the onset of the rivalry between this. transitional council. standing next to the leader of it was of taking away the french people's minds from the austerity cuts the corporate media loves to call libya. transitional council now calling for him. to be captured dead or alive is not about free this is exactly one of the idealistic. again without thinking again with reporters in the field morris imbedded with the rebels cheering the rebels on the understanding saying what people said of the armed services committee in the united states is. now in the what we have
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here is the possibility of terror attacks around the world because yet again support for a ragtag band of different forces different types of people supposedly in an idea some kind of idea that liberation will follow. talking about eleven rebels now control colonel gadhafi is fortress in central tripoli but violent clashes continue throughout the capital however the u.s. defense department says it has another concern the security of sites in libya known to contain stockpiles of chemical weapons including uranium dust james corbet from the center for research on globalization questions why libya's new government is not being trusted to deal with it perhaps it presupposes the idea that the stockpiles are unsafe in the hands of the rebel forces and would be safer in the hands of the nato forces whereas the people who have so far been involved in siege
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in tripoli and killing tripoli star civilians in tripoli have been he'd been you know side so i think the question is really who are the people to be concerned about having access to those weapons i would imagine that that if there was any danger to be had it would be obviously in the proliferation of those weapons as in early july it was quoted as saying that he would be willing to strike at europe if if tripoli was was attacked so i guess that is a possibility it seems to be on the table but certainly it's unclear to me whether it's the weapons would be safer in the hands of the gadhafi forces or the terrorists i think ultimately perhaps getting rid of these types of weapons would be the ultimate goal for in terms of peace and stability. u.s. senator and former presidential candidate john mccain has lashed out at russia saying it could be the next country to experience a libya like. he's not the first american legislator to statements like this russia let's cross not at all to use washington correspondent for more. so what was the
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point of view senator mccain was trying to express. well senator mccain has got a very far far fetched that's for sure he's for the so-called arab spring will rage on and will make it to countries like china russia which according to mccain need democracy just like libya does by the way at some point even said libya has already achieved a democracy which judging by the situation on the ground is really far from reality because even as the transitional national council takes over in tripoli that's not the government that was chosen by the libyan people and many libyans are outraged by the fact that foreign powers of essentially made those choices for them and looking back at it gyptian is to don't have to seem to have achieved were actually worth fighting for so as far as democracy is concerned in those countries there are still lots of questions but according to mccain it's all great and the fire of our pricing should move on to other countries first stop syria according to the senator right after could be said it's bashar assad is next to fall but too many mccain's
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statements are not surprising really because he is seen as a mouthpiece to those forces in washington who have this hawkish mentality and would want to see some countries go upside down especially rich nations or strategically important ones interesting choice that russia and china why did he pick up those two you think. well it's quite interesting that senator mccain is pointing at some of the world's richest countries russia that sitting on vast natural resources and china which is developing extremely rapidly it's america's biggest creditor it's the world's number one export of goods as we know the center is basically calling for revolutions in those countries. presuming that their livelihood. they need to rebel immediately poll shows that most americans are not happy with where their economy is going also they are not happy with their president is approval rating is below forty percent the nation's fourteen plus trillion dollar debt continues to rise the economy is not generating enough jobs and unemployment remains above nine percent as we know you know we're talking about
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millions of people jobless the rights of unions that were supposed to protect employees were slashed a lot of states have seen massive protests about it but their voices have been largely ignored following mccain's logic so does that mean that americans to have to take to the streets and rebel and with all not clear really some want to have to ask that question because there's a lot of discontent in mccain's home country but to senator mccain obviously you know hell is other people as one wise french writer said. ok thanks very much indeed for the live from washington studios. by the way just to remind you that all the stories you see here on screen you can also see on our website any time of the day online all the time it's. dot com. north korea has confirmed it's ready to resume stalled six party talks on its
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nuclear program without any preconditions and would also consider suspending the production and testing of nuclear weapons while talks are ongoing north korea's reclusive leader kim jong il met president dmitry medvedev in russia's republic. during a rare visit to the country. is in the republic's capital following the talks. after a meeting with the russian president the north korean leader kim jong il has announced his country's willingness to return to the six party negotiations aimed at denuclearizing the korean peninsula but it will only reimpose its moratorium on production and testing of nuclear weapons once those six party talks begin the rest of the six party talks members like south korea japan the united states they all want the north korean leader to implement the moratorium first and then have north korea return to the six party talks which have been stalled since two thousand and eight the north korean leader still wants to do it his way but still his
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announcement is a very big deal there were several signed pointing to the possibility of such a breakthrough even when kim jong il began his journey usually the very secretive north korean leader travels completely incognito and the international community finds out about his travels post factum or even not at all this time the entire world knew as soon as kim jong il crossed the russian border on his specially designed armored train and that of course led many to speculate that the meeting also publicized with the russian president dmitry video would bring about some definite breakthrough and we know that there have been further developments in the plans for a gas pipeline that would go from russia to south korea of course the north korea we also know that a number of committees have been created and this c.e.o. of russia's gas giant gazprom has been tasked with overseeing the project so that
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definitely is still in the works and could be a very lucrative deal for north korea for south korea as well and definitely for russia which is looking to export more of its resources. turns out of reporting there russia has to play a crucial role as mediator in soothing tensions between the two koreas so says eric a co-founder of the national campaign to end the korean war this is what he told me earlier. is in the perfect position to play this role because of their closer relationship with the united states over the past years because of the fact they aren't seen as a lot i did with north korea as china is and because someone has to as a world leader stand up and say this war has gone on for sixty years there's been a change the cold war has ended let's get on to the idea that you only build peace through engagement and relationship you know president vaclav havel once said
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that we must change our ray of attention from what separates us to what unites us and russia plays a unique role right now to help lead the world in that direction. to the world of football now where an unheralded russian team is breaking records and breaking the bank from russia's republic of dagestan has signed a super star striker from italian side into milan and football it may cost thirty six million dollars pocketing a cool twenty nine million dollars a year himself putting him easily among the best paid players on the planet and will be covering the story in more detail tomorrow. and as the civil war in libya rages many say the country could go the way of egypt to end up with a disillusioned society impatient for reform but some believe it could be much worse artes nor emmett talks now to the editor of the london based pan arab
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newspaper for his views on recent events and that's coming up in a moment and i'll be back with a summer of our main news stories about ten minutes from now stay with us here in moscow. i'm talking to abdel bari atwan who's the editor of the london based newspaper. he is obviously going to talk to me about libya and he says that there's a huge potential for libya to turn into another afghanistan i missed out on thank
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you for talking to r.t. today now explain to me what the facts play that's all comparable between libya and afghanistan there are a lot of similarities here between. afghanistan and we have been nato intervention military intervention it is through this intervention is not actually sending troops on the ground but the. try to say. like afghanistan the other point is you know. to a failed state like what happened in afghanistan nobody can predict what will happen after we know who would be removed from power because he cannot actually fight and he has a good backup abilities but the big question is you know what transitional council which is the presenting that he will be able first to clean pain. differences you
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know divisions. whether it is capable but that seems i can. excellent overview of the issues in libya at the moment but let's talk about the more specifically first of all where do you think gadhafi is at the moment what's he going to do you think you'll fight to the bitter end qaddafi is a very cunning despite to many people and their words you know describe him as. three times in my life. you know. whether we like it or not he believes very well we don't know where he is actually hiding it took the need to american fifteen years to find osama bin laden and kill him i don't know how many months how many weeks how many years you know that it will take him to come back and as far as the mood on the ground goes what do you think will happen when and if the rebels catch him will they kill him or they they talk big about the
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international criminal court what do you think will happen it depends who is going to capture him if he is captured by. the groups there are. he could be sure death these presidents or not libya is obviously key particularly because up till now the rebels have really been united by a common hate. how likely now do you think the violence splits in the transitional council i think the problem after that. could be more actually problematic the problem before or before the removal of could very cheap because there is a huge slick split among. themselves the factions who are participating in this fight. there are united by the hate to talk at their feet but if he is captured if he's killed i think you know now we will turn against each other and we know that some brigades you know who are fighting with their bills. but.
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they wouldn't fight with the secular and the same time even belief to talk. to those secure those or to those actually liberals they consider them. part of the wisdom conspiracy so maybe those people will turn against each other but also we knew that you know the majority of the people who are fighting muslim extremists or actually. people who believe that they should slip mixtape and so how that the two is going to deal with those people after about a mobile of chemical are they going to legitimize them considers them illegitimate illegitimate after but part on the future lead so there are huge question marks here. personally i believe the post will be more problematic than that.
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david cameron has been talking about sending british troops to libya as a peacekeeping force but will that be enough to keep put a lid on what is potentially a nation at war if david cameron sent. army . personnel on the banner of keeping peace in post era this will be seen in libya and also in the arab world as a foreign intervention exactly like what happened in afghanistan the stakes are massive out there now nato and the u.k. specifically is talking about democracy by the libyan people how realistic do you think that is talking about democracy is very easy option actually practicing democracy. it is a very complicated process democracy cannot actually parachuted with people in iraq or afghanistan democracy is a culture and it is a process first you have to start this process in
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a country like libya you know for the last forty two years never had the you know multi-party system been never had the parliament been never had institutions democratic institutions or any institutions do you think the rebels basically sold off the oil when they accepted western military support there finitely the need to bombardment played a major role in the success of their able to capture most of the cities of leap year to advance toward tripoli so presumably there was a deal struck between that and libyan rebel that need to put it in france in particular it is not. a free service you know definitely there is something behind that. i suspect the need to would like to have military bases in libya i suspect that you know british and french company is looking for exploration
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contracts abdel-bari atwan thank you very much. as you know song was sixteen years old when he committed these murders that's not to say that song so or should not be honest for his crimes song is being passed no rational person can deny that sean has been honest is being honest and will be honest. the souers must be executed for the brutal crime committed this is a punishment this is not to. mention. that it's. cause you've been immersed know me whatsoever.
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here in the russian capital this is good have you with us top stories this hour back to earth with. russia's. progress to crash. a hundred kilometers away. libya's rebel government. rushes to prevent stockpiles of chemical weapons. the country's elusive leader on a rare trip to russia. with more on those stories more developments in less than thirty minutes from now in the meantime as our special report looking at life in the former soviet republic of. central asia.


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