tv [untitled] August 24, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT
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scream and holler about how we need more tax cuts for president obama proposed payroll tax cuts for the g.o.p. you suddenly oppose the idea so is the republican love for tax cuts only overshadowed by your desire to see the economy crash before november of two thousand and twelve and you want congressman paul ryan to be looking out for you in congress well it could happen but only if the price is right and i still you take i'll tell you how paul ryan is one of the best congressman money can buy. republicans a lot of tax cuts right. now to president obama supports them to one of the most bizarre examples a right wing political hackery yet republicans are already lining up against president obama's proposed payroll tax cut extension a policy the president. to include in his new jobs plan to be unveiled next month
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to cut lowers the six point two percent social security payroll tax down to four point two percent saving the average worker of a thousand bucks a year since millionaires and billionaires pay a much lower percentage of their income in payroll taxes because hardly noticeable to them which might explain why republicans oppose a budget number committee member and one of the gang of twelve republican jeb hensarling nixed the idea of extending the payroll tax cut saying it's always a net positive like taxpayers keep more of what they earn but not all tax relief is created equal for the purposes of helping to get the economy moving again as in tax cuts are all well and good when they're for millionaires and billionaires but when they're for working people no way so what's the real reason why republicans are suddenly against tax cuts for the day has something to do with their agenda to crash the economy to make president obama lose in the twenty five elections it offer their take is neil aspirate host of truth for
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a truth for america radio show and author of the book conscientious equity an american entrepreneurs solutions to the world's greatest problems neil thanks for joining us from our miami studio hey tom thanks for having me back tax cuts for rich people great but tax cuts for poor people who is that the g.o.p. tax platform. well i think that this is a slippery slope for republicans but this is also desperate politics for democrats because there is an economic plan right piecemeal this thing out why doesn't the president come out and say here is our overall solution in saying you know we're going to raise social security i mean this is one hundred billion dollars out of social security a bankrupt program that's going to even be more pink liberty it's social security is down bank really good no it's not bankrupt so it is two point seven trillion dollars sitting in the trees social security trust fund and the guys on wall street
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are so salivating to get their hands on that money that they've got a bunch of republicans the republican front men out there saying oh this could be a problem it's going to be solvent for twenty seven years it'll pay eighty percent of benefits forever after that and right now you only pay social security taxes on your first hundred six thousand eight hundred dollars in income if we simply said you know gee warren buffett is going to pay the same amount of so security tax as you and me suddenly social security is solvent forever. tom there's eighty million baby boomers about to become social security eligible and i'm on the back into that look i don't expect because right it would go back to security that's why when i got my reagan double tax them the baby boomers are the only generation in history that not only paid for their parents' retirement but also are paying for their own that's why there's a two point seven trillion dollars surplus in the trust fund that's what reagan. taxes in eighty three. perm everybody agrees or entitlements is the biggest part of
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our budget problem no it's not here is that nobody agrees to absolutely there the budget problem along here are social security medicare and medicare is in trouble because the republicans inserted medicare part d. would says that while the veterans administration can buy by penicillin for a penny a pill when when medicare buys it they've got to pay full retail at three dollars and eighty cents a pill it's a six hundred eighty billion dollars giveaway to the drug companies it was a poison pill for medicare medicare is in trouble because of that you can fix that social security as i said a little bit chattels because wherever there's nothing wrong you know medicare is in trouble and medicare is in trouble because it was designed when people live three years after retirement when the return meetings with sixty five and they live to sixty eight that is we're going to say d.m. beyond neil that is another guy who is in trouble the lifespan numbers that are out there we can throw in the increased lifespan numbers that we have seen in the united states since the one nine hundred thirty s.
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are well over ninety five percent of them of the consequence of decreased infant mortality and children dying of diseases of childhood that used to kill people it's because of the polio vaccine it's because of chicken pox and measles it's it is not because and infectious diseases and penicillin in the one nine hundred forty s. it's got nothing to do with all people living older. well i think i'm going to people are living less holders more than we did back in sixty five but we have to that's only if you use that pony the average number that includes child they were dollars on the other thing the other thing is is that this whole thing that obama is proposing is also one popular with the progressives congressman de fazio of oregon said it was obama's stupid social security tax holiday you know if we're going to if we're going to give all these things away how we're going to pay for do you propose we go and borrow more money from the chinese well there's a really simple reality actually if you can borrow it out of the social security trust but the reality is that that thousand dollars that he wants to put the pocket of all the working people in america we less than one hundred six thousand eight
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hundred dollars that thousand dollars for the next year will decrease the lifespan of social security one hundred percent solvency from twenty seven years to twenty six years and nine months he cuts three months of it so again with why is it that you don't want working people have an extra thousand dollars. this is yogi berra it's the job all over again we tried it with the stimulus in two thousand and nine and it didn't work we gave everyone five hundred dollars we went into a true talking about george bush's tax cut way gave everybody is oriented ali check back and you know as i'm talking about this stimulus program that obama did within his first ninety days of office it's one of the better to miss it and forgetting it goes in eight hundred thousand jobs a month to make in job market isn't eight months of job creation it's let's let's be creative and stimulate the job creators and there isn't more eyes are neal how do you keep a straight face and still use frank luntz is
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a term job creators i mean this is this is to describe rich people jobs are not combat or these you know people are people are hired or laid off and you're going to hear these jobs creator have faith in the. how to thin the american free enterprise system happy the american entrepreneurial ism it made us the most powerful country in the world and now we want to be we want to be sung at the end of the year and since i don't know it's good for the phrase each of the republicans and democrats your job creators so-called job creators are hiring more people overseas over the over the past decade than they are in the united states you can achieve fifty seven percent of our workforce is overseas i mean you know we've lost fifty thousand factories in the united states why don't we start calling them job killers. a very interesting thing is happening and it's called back sure and if you're absolutely right a lot of american companies went overseas and they're finding out it's not all of what the scraped up could be the corruption the inefficiencies the poverty dealing
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with a communist government of china it's a big problem in many companies are starting to come back it's called back shoring coming back is the unions it is a bit lost it and they can hire people for seven dollars and twenty five cents an hour but we want the journey back and i mean ok i mean we'll we are and we're flat out of time but i think we both it has to have our say thank you much for being with us i push a i preach it when push comes to shove republicans will have to make a choice carry on their plan to crash the economy and support tax cuts that they say they love but in reality only look for millionaires frankly i'm betting they'll refuse to cut taxes on working people so they can further deflate the economy and hurt obama. the. yes that would be the good the bad and the very very hellman the publicly ugly the good constituents of texas republican congressman john culberson more than one hundred constituents gathered outside congressman culberson his district office in
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houston last week to hold a mock funeral for all the good jobs that have been was the republican leadership demonstration featured a casket with the words our ip good jobs scrawled on it and a real reverend eulogizing the job losses. that. we are. seeing the. shops. are also. jobs. in a car crash thanks. to
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congress the. good work let's hope others get the message that this recession was caused by republican economic policies and the recovery has been sabotaged by those very same republican economic policies the bad roger williams the former texas secretary of state is now running for congress and has a new campaign that compares poor people spending on welfare and don't use. let's hope williams gets to spend a little more time having phone conversations with his dog he's in texas and not representing people. and the very very ugly to keep up with today's texas thing rick perry the texas governor george republican candidate for president has executed more people than any other governor in modern history curry put two hundred thirty four inmates to death during his tenure as governor of texas that's
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more than oklahoma and virginia the next two states on the list combined over the last thirty five years no wonder why he used the threat of execution and criticize fed chairman ben bernanke however a new poll in the republican field shows rick perry as the front runner now holding a double digit lead over mitt romney i'm not sure who's uglier execution happy rick perry the republicans want to be president but they're both very very. kind of protests continue to rally it in protesters continue to rally in front of the white house against big oil's latest pollution project trans national pipelines stretching from canada's oil tar sands to the refineries of texas is all the guards so will the big oil executives succeed and lay in the pipe on u.s. soil or will president obama say no to our oil.
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the white house this week is that ministers continued their push back against the proposed trans canada oil pipeline since monday more than one hundred sixty people have been coughed in protests the project mostly pushed by oil all guards in texas will create a massive pipeline across america stretching from canada to texas will follow seven hundred thousand barrels of highly toxic crude oil every day across some of america's most treasured and pristine lands protestors of the project describe it as a fifteen hundred mile fuse to the biggest carbon bomb on the continent a way to make it easier and faster to trigger trigger the final overheating of our planet president obama can stop the project on his own with the stroke of a pen and environmental activists around the country many of whom believe president obama's promises to heal the planet and voted for him are hoping he doesn't turn their back on us now. for more on this i'm joined by janie
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organizer of tar sands action dot org and sharif oil and co-founder of gulf change and a blogger at bridge the gulf or well both of you thanks a lot to have you with us jamie what we're sure viewers know about how dangerous this pipeline is or. even more broadly what it is what it's all about sure so there's a reason that over two hundred seventy five people have been arrested at the white house this week and that many more are coming into washington d.c. over the coming days to risk arrest to send a message to the president the keystone x.l. pipeline is proposed to run from the tar sands of alberta canada all the way down through america's heartland over one of our largest sources of fresh drinking water to refineries on the gulf of mexico. you know that this pipeline could cause a b.p. style oil spill which people have experienced in the gulf right over that sort of fresh drinking water but even if that oil makes it to refineries and gets dumped
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into the atmosphere in the words of our top climate scientist dr james hansen at nasa it could be game over for the climate so we're really seeing an incredible outpouring of people saying no to this saying no to the tar sands up in alberta and really trying to get this president to stand up to big oil and send a jolt of electricity through the progressive base to show them that the clean energy economy which at this point has been mostly rhetoric could actually start to be a reality and hopefully it will be sure you're the wife of an oil worker in louisiana i am and you came up to tell people the consequences of. of working with oil like this yeah i came to testify actually. down in the gulf we had with the oil spill last year and we're still dealing with the oil spill and it was a major multi-million dollar campaign to tell the rest of the world that the oil was gone and everything's fine but i'm here to tell it's not fine we still have oil in our marshes over our beaches we have dead wildlife come in every single day we have people that are you. right now we have people that are ill because the
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dispersants everything from neurological disorders skin problems and we're talking about from small children with people benzene in their system to older people and i've come here in solidarity to fight this pipeline because it's it's not fair the truth matter is clean air and clean water are human rights this is a human rights issue and i don't want to see that what's happened in the gulf happen across the nation just. slightly aggression with regard to the gulf i saw news reports a couple days ago that there appears to be oil leaking out of the b.p. well again no i think it is ok it is not our days that. we have any of the gulf restoration network in a fire over and they did find pictures and i can send that to anybody that like oil fresh oil coming in and i right before i came here i saw pictures of boom going on on the boat and i can i say that that's from mcconnell say it was applicable to macondo site can i say that's not well i don't know but i do know that there are two hundred three hundred a year around the country tankers you know so this is
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a major problem is a global problem. changing what are we up against actually just a mechanical question and probably hopefully a very quick one. why don't the canadians just refine their own handle and if they want to so it's gasoline burning down here in trucks all right well one one of the things about these canadian tar sands thankfully is that up until now they still demand puffed and so the canadians are desperately trying to get this oil the market and so it is an environmental disaster that is affecting indigenous people in canada right now affecting people that live in alberta and beginning to move its way out and so one of the i think the goals of this protest is to avoid the type of disaster that we've seen elsewhere but i mean if you and eons trying to avoid it nimby situation we've got cancer alley down in texas well there and i mean because of the refineries and refinery process because i was stuff in the air it's that we can do is try to avoid well i mean canada doesn't have the refining capacity for this oil so they're trying to get it down to the massive are going to be chewed off we'll get them to build a giant pipeline i think it. this point they really want to get it out to market
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too so they're trying to get it to our port and i think we're beginning to find more and more evidence that this well isn't even intended for the united states it's intended to be shipped abroad so the u.s. is going to bear since they're willing to give it traveling across their land the risk of it be refiled to result and they'll set it up and then send it back to south america and latin america as well and so so what are we up against here surely you've been here you've seen the part of the protests you came here to justify. are the lobbyists prevailing or are you all being heard i hope so i mean honestly it's really hard to have hope at this point because we went for a year and actually walked from new orleans to d.c. to raise awareness about this and what did that was last for to morrow in april but we've talked to health and human services c c. i've talked to the white house the center for environmental quality anytime we get a chance to go out and to tell people what's happening when we've done that and so far i really we we still have oil and we still have the consequences of it and that's what our communities in texas like this this is going to this pipeline is
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going to go through have already or much of the burden of energy production in the united states they already have those cancers there and then this is just going to multiply the problem jamie for people who want to support who want to get involved through if you don't org obviously but coming to town is this thing continuing. this show off her bracelet today since she was arrested at the white house this is happening every single day and it's been amazing to see people come out from the gulf come from nebraska we have people signed up from all fifty states who are coming in willing to risk arrest to send a message to this president and so if people do go to tar sands action dot org they can sign up it's a way to spend a day to really take a stand and to join people actually in others who have really been fighting this on the ground fighting this back at home this has become a national issue at this pipeline it's become the defining environmental test for the president of the reporters for my radio show met somebody from the soul oh that's right well our people. from all places our first arrest is from with phil
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alaska which i think tells you something about the way this country might be waking up to what's going on and might be willing to fight back and and in their final note here we have just a little less than a minute but what you all are asking for is not some giant law passed through congress or constitutional amendment or supreme court decision or anything you're asking the president to keep a campaign promise this is president obama to do this with us with the signature of his present about no political climate right now this pipeline shut it down and i think would send a troll of electricity through the progressive base not just environmentalist and show people actually and others that maybe we're making progress maybe someone is beginning to listen to the people that have been suffering for a long time is there a deadline as you have to do or there are certain periods of the state department says they want to get a yes or no by the end of the year on this pipeline but we hope it's sooner rather than later i mean this could be tonight right now and so i think when the president does get back from his vacation we'll see a lot of americans who have been willing to spend their vacation in handcuffs to try to get him to send a message thank you both for sure thank you appreciate this is
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a big test for the president will be the transformational president would face our country in a new energy direction will it cave in to the demands of big oil or the wait and see. study ronnie baby grows for congressman at the top of the list you'll find republican paul ryan but not destroy it metaphorically because he's currently up for sale to the highest bidder that's right the conservative boy wonder with an eddie munster haricot and unusual thirst to throw grandma's off cliffs as they have a writing legislation that specifically benefits the donors who give him the most money. take for example the chemical company as the johnson and son a company that sells air fresheners and bath and shower cleaning appliances which
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dropped forty one grand in paul ryan's campaign war chest for them brian turned around a row two pieces of legislation aimed specifically at giving s.c. johnson and son huge tax breaks like this one house resolution twenty five fifty six introduced in two thousand and five to suspend temporarily the duty or tax on air freshener electric devices with warmer units and this bill introduced that same year h.r. sixty one nine hundred ninety four to temporarily reduce the duty on bath and shower cleaning appliances he even said in his floor remarks that he was doing it for the f. c. johnson company saying iraq is today to introduce legislation on behalf of a c. johnson we most hope benefactors like s.c. johnson remain competitive in a global marketplace and two bills of i am offering today will help accomplish this important objective by suspending duties for multiple components of unique air freshener products that are imported from how broad suspending the tariffs will
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bring down as c. johnson's cause it's of doing business which then they can give more to him then there's the national beer all sailors association which funneled seventy two thousand dollars to paul ryan and presto ryan wrote legislation that's chock full of tax exemptions for the beer industry act sororities and fraternities that aren't even in his home state of wisconsin got word that paul ryan was up for sale national fraternity and sorority pac handed him twenty four thousand bucks and paul ryan went to work writing legislation giving them tax breaks to it's really simple if the price is right paul ryan will do it which means he may run for president after all the things people throw money at but this got me thinking. what else could we pay paul ryan to do maybe if every career clown in america chipped in ten bucks and sentiment check he'd wear a big red rubber nose dollars budget committee hearings you think or maybe of all
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the poor and actors in california handed over a few bucks we could get paul ryan to wear a spike compounded collar next then he goes on box of all news i hear fox news viewers are into that sensational stuff you know or how about all the lady gaga fans in america give paul ryan five bucks and i'll wear a meat suit to the state of the union next year the possibilities are really endless war more seriously going to be great if we could at least pay off paul ryan to write legislation that benefits the country and not just as deep pocketed corporate donors currently there are forty seven million senior citizens depending on medicare if they each send a dollar and maybe paul ryan would drop his crusade to privatized medicare is also officially fourteen million americans who are out of work maybe if they just pitched in fifty cents paul ryan would buck his party and sponsored legislation to extend unemployment benefits for the shot right well here's the only problem
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we have to get in line after these people the guy here who's buying two three hundred dollars bottles of wine for his dinner with paul ryan as clifford assonance and started up a thirty five billion dollar hedge fund on wall street i'm reconsideration it might be a whole lot more expensive than i thought to buy the best congressman money can buy so instead let's just all call our members of congress and tell them we're tired of people like paul ryan writing legislation for his campaign donors and giving the back of his hand to seniors on medicare there are even some toll free phone numbers you can use to call congress over it call congress thought or. as the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we've covered visit our websites it's on hartman dot com free speech dot org dot com also check out our two you tube channels there are links to thom hartmann dot com entire show is also available as a free video podcast on i tunes and we have
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