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tv   [untitled]    August 25, 2011 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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well in search of progress emergency crews are looking for the unmanned a russian freighter that was taking supplies to the international space station but crashed back to earth in severe ia. and different priorities rebels in libya may be focused on the capture of colonel gadhafi but western nations are rushing to get a slice of the country's oil pipe under the new government. and caught up in the information war while the u.s. and the e.u. are pushing for more sanctions against syria and journalists on the ground say there's a lack of objective coverage coming out of the country. well
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good evening it is ten am here in the russian capital i'm lucy catherine of and of course you're watching our team and our top story today emergency crews are searching the forests and sather southern superiors altay region they try to locate the unmanned russian cargo of space ship which crashed on wednesday that of progress vessel was ferrying food and fuel to the international space station when it fell back down to earth and let's get the latest from forty's peter hall of our peter thank you so much for tracking the story for us now any danger opposed to the people in the region from this wreckage global we're hearing from the school's most bush space agency and those carrying out the recovery operation is that there is no immediate danger to the civilian population living in this part of south side period however what they all see is they're asking those local residents not to go out into the woods so it's the forest and try and find bits of the wreckage
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themselves perhaps to see if it is they have good. and with this they said transporter this transport module was carrying food as well as fuel up to the international space station as well as the office that was propelling it they had its own supply you feel they want to make sure and nobody comes to any harm from any contamination from the those objects and chemicals that were on pools help the recovery operation is underway how to how bitchy to bad weather but helicopters are now flying over the area scouring full pieces over this wreckage that's been spread over a wide wide space the main problem that they think they'll be looking for is the the so used to structure it with propelling the the progress module up into space the hoping hoping that there's no problem when they can finally get all this together and look at see what caused this but there's no problem with the soyuz now the reason for that is the so used currently the only method of getting through to the international space station that's since the end of the strapping of nasa
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shuttle program city so he's a very very important piece of kit not just a roscoe's most but for the international space station and space exploration as a whole so be wanting to get all that together and find out what caused this problem and peter i have to ask i mention that the spacecraft is carrying supplies to the crew members of the i assess one of the implications for them i mean is anyone going to go hungry and not have the things they need it was during the six crew on pulled the i.s.a.'s to russia japan on the united states that we have to realize these are all highly experienced astronauts very hard nosed serious military backgrounds they are used to it they have been trained how to deal with this type of situation they currently have enough food to be comfortable three non-stories hopes that they can launch at the progress rocket or another type of module hope that to you gets to provide them with the supplies that have gone down by september so they may have to face absolutely no real problems but i will say
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these are professional optional things. exactly what to do as soon as the the first this news that training with the good and they'll be ready for all of a trial it seems there is no real risk to them all right well first this is a big spacecraft failure in russia in recent months so how much of a concern is this in light of that in the past nine months this is currently the full accident we've seen concerning the law chose a vessel from russia though in december of last year three. sites closed into the pacific that resulted in several people in these jobs also february of this year we saw a military satellites go off light and lose contact just last week the eighteenth of august a soft light load from the baikonur cosmodrome like this progress module was also was lost in the air that went missing as well so they seem quite worrying signs
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however the good coming out of roscoe's most is that they are still committed to providing the international space station with the the food the fuel and the parts needed to keep the space station ready for the time they said they are they committed to sending all those parts of there so the woods are full of confidence from books because most they can keep on doing the job they said they would hire a little silver lining there that was artie's pope peter all over tracking the story for us. now the founder of the capital science connections innovation agency patrick fuller says it is unlikely that the rocket could have actually caused any casualties the launch trajectory of all of these croft tends to pass over very sparsely populated regions or even over the ocean in the face of the u.s. launches so the risk is really very very remote indeed i think that's not something that we need to be overly worried about the provision of a new launch vehicle and a new launch. for something that's pretty expensive of course it's all in short
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more imagine it is in the case of the russian launches it's all insured so the cost is covered but you know it's a pretty costly process i wouldn't want to put a figure on it personally tens of millions of dollars must be the must must pay that sort of assessment. and that was dr patrick bullock there on the crash after the launch of the and managed russian space ship in serbia. there's still ahead for you this hour a security breakthrough north korea north korea says it is ready to return to the six party negotiations table as its leader kim jong il's says that he'll consider a moratorium on nuclear testing. and it's nice work if you can get it football superstar samuel eto'o signs of a deal with russia's ambitious andriy much alka find out that i watering some of his to be paid. well wanted dead or alive a reward of almost two million dollars has been offered to any regime boy list with village it delivers colonel gadhafi to the rebels and he has also been reportedly
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promised safe passage out of the country if you're announces his leadership. that often is where about you remain a mystery although rebels think that he is in or around tripoli position claims to be in control of most of the capital but there are still reports of resistance by government loyalists and while the battle continues the carve up of libya's vast riches is already in full swing r.t. sara first reports on the western problems that are lining up for a piece of the pie. kill to the hearts of most modern was and you'll strike oil whether or not that's sayings true when it comes to libya well it's going to play a pivotal role in the country's future here we have to feel restruck interest that meets. the western interest to check the torah. but also the rebels are fighting with the future even though interesting to restart sharing with us it's possible he's stranger to the concept of friends with benefits berlusconi
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being quick to k.z. up to the new transitional council inviting the public face of the great mass media thrill to italy it's. these closest european allies in the nato a bombing campaign began back in april probably switch sides began courting the rebels the top of the agenda visit is expected to be discussions about these lucrative energy contracts with libya before the wall almost a third of its lease daily energy needs were imported from libya an oil giant any was the largest port operator in the country with oil and gas contracts running until two thousand and fourteen and two thousand and forty seven the government had been doing all they can to safeguard these contracts but if they will be able to maintain these previously close business ties is by no means a given and the libya the seats of the extremely uncertain and there are little
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guarantee one of the biggest problems they italy and the west and. country since the beginning of the war has been a struggle to adequately understand the internal workings of the rebels themselves . amongst the rebels there are many factions islam based commission people al qaida . and chaotic and many of these groups of rebels are from the politicians with gadhafi and then we completely change their face. as they say anything and i think that corrupt politician is. the personally on a number of occasions business for the actions of the monthly gay she returned from a fact finding trip to the libya with a handwritten letter she says was written by gadhafi to berlusconi days in it he allegedly says he was surprised by your decision to join the coalition against libya especially after we signed a friendship and cooperation treaty between our two sides the treaty he's referring
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to he was signed just team months before the libyan uprising the letter goes on to ask why did you join our enemies or that any diplomatic dialogue or investigation now seems tediously making new friends was that maybe the final chapter if. anything conflicts will continue. to say that the end of. the new phase of the war which is among the rebels and there is no consensus both in italy and in general and the up and coming meeting on. the future reference points in the new libya i'm afraid this is because even the rebels themselves don't know and this is probably the biggest question mark of the transition now is silly along with many in the west could well find previous lucrative relations later not just the speaker but the rainfall the friendship. or fighting between well us forces and the rebels continues to rage leading to
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fears of a prolonged civil war a us government advisor on terrorism dr weil the forest says the problem could still mount a counter offensive and warns that the rebels have serious split political issues ahead of. the gadhafi supporters the remnant of his army cannot at this point in time strategically because they are surrounded and isolated cannot revert back the entire conflict and take back but at the same time he has many supporters in his birthplace and many supporters in the south mr darcy has left the tripoli area to the south to the world in unleashing a new insurgency saw his regime will go but he would become the new rebels and the current rebels now would become the new regime so we are still far away from a complete stable libya you have you know what kinds of mass destruction or nonconventional weapons that are across libya and that has to be secured for
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a lot of issues have to be addressed really before only focusing on qaddafi or even thinking of the contracts the oil contracts to come if gadhafi would have left tripoli before the invasion on you know saturday sunday then most likely he would be in the south or in areas where the supporters are still in front if he didn't leave tripoli at that day then he's somewhere inside tripoli hidden but that would be a negative thing for me and for him because he would be fired if he had left tripoli it's going to be very difficult for the rebels future government to find him in the desert. now meanwhile one of america's best known senators believes that it is russia that could be next in line for a libya style uprising for the republican presidential candidate john mccain has a lashed out at moscow on the american c.b.s. news channel saying that the spirit of the arab spring is due to spread and in fact it also reached china that's according to john mccain now our teams guy and each
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account has details from washington. senator mccain has got a very far far fetched outlook that's for sure he's sure that the so-called arab spring will rage on and will make it to countries like china and russia which according to mccain need democracy just like libya does by the way at some point even libya has already achieved a democracy which judging by the situation on the ground is really far from reality because even as the transitional national council takes over in tripoli that's not the government that was chosen by believing people and many libyans are outraged by the fact that foreign powers have essentially made those choices for them and looking back at egyptians who don't seem to have achieved what they were fighting for so as far as the mark receives concern in those countries there's still lots of questions but according to mccain it's all great and the fire of our placings should move on to other countries first stop syria according to the senator right after could alfy he said it's a start next but food maynard keynes statements are not surprising really because
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he's seen as a mouthpiece to those forces in washington who have this hawkish mentality and would want to see some countries go upside down especially rich nations who are strategically important ones that's pretty interesting that senator mccain is pointing at some of the world's richest countries russia that sitting on vast natural resources and china which is developing the extremely rapidly it's america's biggest creditor it's the world's number one export of goods as we know the senator is basically calling for revolutions in those countries presuming that their livelihood is soledad that they need to rebel immediately polls show that most americans are not happy with where their economy is going also they're not happy with their president is approval rating is below forty percent the nation's fourteen plus trillion dollar debt continues to rise the economy is not generating enough jobs and unemployment remains above nine percent as we know you know we're talking about millions of people jobless the rights of unions that were supposed to
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protect employees were slashed and a lot of states have seen massive protests. about it but their voices have been largely ignored following mccain's logic though does that mean that americans to have to take to the streets and rebel and revolt not clear really want to have to ask him that question because there's a lot of discontent in mccain's home country but to senator mccain obviously you know kelly is other people as one wise french writer. in the united states and some even countries are calling for an arms embargo as well as wider sanctions to be imposed against syria when the crackdown there russia and china are opposed to the plans saying that country should be encouraging dialogue in syria not punishing it in our ports from the country with reports from the country completely scares at the moment it is difficult to verify the way that it is proceed from the outside is decidedly one sided as many open ocean reports. began to work part of the morning this is how the world has been watching the unrest in
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syria through mobile phone cameras i wanted food is from the was stricken country has flooded international news or rather. killings and executions supposedly at the hands of president our son's military coupe and cell phones have become a trademark of the regime syrian officials those seized the scenes a staged the you tube is not credible and eye witness account is not credible become. and shout help they're killing us next door. these are not credible ways to assess a situation the u.n. has condemned over the violence against his coupal for damascus emphasizes from a far until recently no u.n. mission has crossed the syrian border as a correspondent with saudi arabia they are being a national news channel in syria he says the calculations claim itself because this image i look at the good will of my thinking it is a ban foreign journalists and finding missions from coming in and they don't allow
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us to work can i just take a camera and go filming even here in the mask and you should and i would never wait till the government made a statement very generally in reporters in the country that everyone has a phone why should they wait with the local access to information many people have used their cell phones to film what's been happening and to share it with the rest of the world. but this one point against censorship is a double edged sword while mobile video can give anyone a voice and perhaps help save lives it can just as well be used to transform the truth and that could come at the cost of people's lives martin not his real name as the man behind the camera is a freelance journalist currently working for a western media outlet it cannot tell more and he doesn't want his face to me on screen hiding the truth about himself it tries to reveal the truth of another kind . of. information about what's going on. there
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are some foreign forces on the ground that are going to billions while. most of the. that's good forces are killing. unarmed. civilians and. broached the mocker here in freedom. plaza isn't afraid of being thrown in jail has been there three times already. his afraid of being killed or friends in the room where. this person was filming it was the only one who was very. particular growth of and those are very peripheral syrian state t.v. brings their evidence to support their leader. promotion of the bet was so i would be cheerful mother crying over her body apparently there this is that was in homes but here it is same picture indeed it was made in the right in the person's name
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they can then assert but they just play one of the most oppressive regimes in the world food in all the press has never been serious strongpoint because this is all we ask all we are for the truth to come out for both sides of the story to be told not just one side all the time the fact that not as many foreign journalists are allowed in. the western world once does not give the right to the western world to grab any story. and put it as true that to be in london it is gold and this conflict the press is not just a golf coverage it's a war and as in every war the goal is to wean roof notion r t the mask in syria. now as always if you want to get any more information on the stories you've seen here today or more just go to our website r t v dot com here's a taste of what is what else is online for you online right now now iran files
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a lawsuit against russia in the international court over moscow's with usual to supply its s. three hundred air defense missiles to tehran plus tuesday's earthquake in the u.s. causes panic take into reactors at a nuclear power plant outside of washington d.c. i'll fly all those details and more at r.t. . right well north korea so that it is ready to return to six party talks on its nuclear program without preconditions it follows discussions between its reclusive leader kim jong il as well as russia's president dimitri meet a bit of syberia that can yang says that it will also consider suspending atomic tests erik's wrote in from the national campaign to end the korean war believes that it is south korea as well as its ally the us who aren't really willing to negotiate. and there is nothing to stop any party from sitting down at the table now you have the opportunity to stop a production of nuclear material you have the ability to discuss such issues you
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have the ability to begin to develop a peace process that could lead to demilitarisation and lowered tensions in the region so will they do it will the south koreans and the united states sit down it remains to be seen at this point i think not without the international pressure on the united states and south korea i don't think that will necessarily see if they're talking about the precondition you must stop production on a certain date before the talks not on the day of the talks those types of arguments seem to imply that someone doesn't want to speak because we have more than twenty eight thousand troops stationed in south korea and close to one hundred bases and posts in a tiny country is this really to defend against the north no i would contend that it's relates to china and the desire by the united states to maintain its military
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presence in korea. well on now to some of the other international news stories making headlines this hour steve jobs a founder of the electronics giant apple has resigned as its c.e.o. following health problems he'll be replaced by chief operating officer tom cook jobs who underwent a liver transplant following pain we had a cancer so that he could no longer handle his duties the fifty five year old has been on medical leave for an undisclosed condition since mid january. and now student protests continue to shake chile as demonstrators demands free education as well as changes to school funding thirty six people were injured as rioters burned pharisees and clashed with police officers three hundred fifty people were detained in the capital protests in the country started three months ago after president pinera was sweeping education reforms. another four time african player of the year samuel eto'o has agreed to a deal with the russian team. for
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a record salary get this thirty million dollars a year now the arrival of the superstar striker is a massive coup for russia's premier league and what's that andre family on the mouth of some of the world's most ambitious clubs r.t. is maria a question over has the details. the latest news coming from of the angy football club is really capturing the magination of the world of football and it's really themes that we are witnessing possibly a new dream team gathering on of the russian soil as we can now officially say that a long awaited transfer of the interim illinois striker. has been completed the negotiations took more than a week but on wednesday so signed a contract and he became an. player the cameroon international under one's magical examination and will start training with his a new team today meanwhile this move makes him the highest paid football player in
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the world as she will pay over thirty million dollars pay yeah and in the three years contract he will receive over nineteen million dollars last of all when and gold one asus of the space of a few months the dentist any football club has made had lies all across the world by boeing leading international football players the team has already legendary brazilian roberto carlos the team has already signed contracts where the silver and also famous a russian a football player you he's of course meanwhile all that happened after the football club was bought by a locally born and businessman and also one of the richest men in russia. and now he's spending millions of dollars in a bid to make this club which is situated here in russia's north caucasus known all across the world you would have each of done so for a sports commentator we managed to talk to he believes that was a really good investment. for the owners believe it. is one way
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to create a normal and some spirit and. the concerts a new direction to a new examples for young people that it's not cool to see when you turn to school to. become some you want to came from poverty and know who gets forty million dollars a year many experts believe that signing atto. move for the development of the un g. football club into a new level of development in the international world of football. well now on to business with you here. hello and a very warm welcome to the business program there were some turbulence in the market has cost over russia's hopes for a sustainable high oil price current last six percent in around two weeks and after a short crisp eyed it's continuing to lose ground and expectations libya will
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resume exports how would that look sandra from the capital believes russia's economy should be able to withstand a lower oil price. this time around compared to two thousand and eight russia is more immune to a decline in oil prices and the key reason for this is a flexible ruble policy because what we've seen in the beginning of august when there isn't the downgraded the united states and the all the markets sold all the ruble depreciate and the central bank allowed it to depreciate so the central bank protected local interest rates local bank inside to buy flexible exchange rate so we think that even. if you knew. the ruble will take most of their most of the heat and they can we will be more protected from external negative professional folks. which brings us to the markets kurt is also flat with investors looking ahead to this speech will be head of the federal reserve on friday all eyes and now on
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whether pump or nine he will announce another round of money printing to prop up the u.s. economy. gold is trading flat to negative off to plunging almost six percent from busting the biggest one day drop since two thousand and eight market watchers saying pastors are putting profits after the yellow metal sales to conquer nine hundred dollars per ounce level and here across asia stocks again the shop lead as u.s. manufacturing data helps support the view that the u.s. economy is slowing but not falling off a cliff. and finally here in moscow very she has has openings in the right as you can see it's currently a losing point three percent and on wednesday both are just in the my six editor one percent of biggest of the vices you can see on the screen of wednesday's closure. actually investors are looking for a catalyst to make some big moves currently the only spot is the news from the u.s. that investors are eyeing we spoke to an analyst
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a good provider for the dollar and he's out of the market is basically unpredictable now as in travel by fundamentals. he is really unpredictable what's interesting that in markets i drew and by purely by sentiments right now no one actually looking at any from the mantles just or anything but i think the markets definitely expecting you know meeting where some investors expect one thoughtful kui three or others to buy bernanke it but i think. in any case it's very difficult really to predict which is a silly it's true and purely by sentiment which is changing just from very negative to worry positive change can happen in one or two hours time. by russia's breasts if north caucasus region could be a power just silicon valley the blueprint suggested by local authorities involves establishing a high tech part making some i can parts for solar power systems. but the one billion dollar project could break even in two to seven years with the cost split
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between us just and the state officials say a silicon valley in the region will help attract investment transvaal of alternative energy sources but the project still needs to be approved by the russian government. so it's time for neuer more news and last time.


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