tv [untitled] August 25, 2011 4:01am-4:31am EDT
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potentially toxic wreckage from be unmanned russian cargo space ship that crashed on wednesday the progress vessel was ferrying food and fuel to the international space station when it fell back down to earth for the first time in its thirty year history well let's now get the latest from our correspondent peter all of us following the story for us peter now the search is underway for potentially toxic wreckage so how much danger is there for the people in their region and fannie. will those taking part in the recovery operation and ross cosmos the russian space agency a fairly confident that there was nobody in the vicinity where this this wreckage fell now is spread over a huge area of of southern siberia the rocket split into three parts of the failing to make the required speed to exit the earth's atmosphere however due to the the terrain that's there and just the fact that this area of woodland is very popular at this time of year with people picking not and other fruits there that they can't
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be sure for yet whether anybody was in the area but one thing they have said is they have telling people who live in that area do not go out into the woods looking for pieces of this wreckage don't go hunting to see that is the progress module wasn't just carrying food for the international space station it was also carrying fuel for the space station and the rockets powering it also laden with fuel the fuel that was supposed to bluster out of here in the spirit they don't want anybody becoming contaminated or having any of the health effects due to exposure to the now the recovery operation is underway it started out very slowly to two terrible weather conditions in the area that's now in full swing and they'll be looking to put together all of the pieces of this this rock. the rock the soyuz rocket that was carrying it as this carrying the progress module now the soyuz rocket may be the piece that they're keen to look at the soyuz as it stands the only. to all
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mankind has to carry human beings into space in the only ferry between earth and the international space station since the space shuttle was the space shuttle program was strapped earlier this year so a very important piece of case the people from roscoe's most of the investigators are very keen to find out if it was a problem with the. spacecraft that caused this and we are hearing from inside ross caused most that until they find out what caused this the soyuz will be grounded and will be grounded until they find out anything else and no more soyuz flights right now is the latest we're hearing from roscoe's most are absolutely peter well while the search mission is going on let's tell concentrate on the crew members of the isis as you just mentioned the spacecraft was taking a lot of things there and food supply is actually as an important component because the oil and the crew members have to maintain their you know routine there on the i
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assess so what does that actually mean for the crew members are they not going to be left without food. well what we are hearing is this going to currently six astronauts on board the i.s.a.'s from russia the united states japan now they were giving a huge they were given a huge resupply from the last shuttle mission that can last them for several months quite comfortably these are all very highly trained astronauts they train for the situations where things go wrong and they will be implementing the training right now should they be forced to rush in their food the go through what they've been told to do and how they were told to do it now we're hearing from the the program manager of the space station from nasa should the next space flight that was the next supply flight that was due to take off in october be able to be put forward a little bit to take off soon and then they'd be able to take up the slack and they would have no problems whatsoever now what i mentioned earlier on though about the
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soyuz being grounded we're hearing this is where we could see a problem for the crew on board the i.s.a.'s six people up there. will docked at the international space station at the moment there are only three seats on boards a soyuz module should they have to try and evacuate people from the space station their only space for three people all not module without as i say no space shuttle anymore only the soyuz the only way to get up there and take people up there and take people without us this could grid prove something that we're going to have to keep an eye on the food situation though it all comes down to the astronauts training and they'll be looking to get food up that as soon as possible to them. good news that they're going to be ok food wise peter and this is not the only spacecraft failure in russia in recent months so is there reason to worry. well it's not as old in fact it's the fourth in the past nine months in december of
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last year three a glow not positioning satellites plunged into the pacific ocean not caused several key members of the russian space agency to lose their jobs in february a defense to lights went offline on the eighteenth of august just last week as the light launched from the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan like this progress module was went missing as well now despite all of. the russian the russian space agency saying that they are they're confident that they'll be able to meet the supply of food and fuel and components that they they signed up for and that they promised they saying that these are just buying of problems and that the supply of food will continue from the russian side. right peter thanks very much indeed for bringing us the latest on this. the founder of the capital science connections innovation agency dr patrick full access it's unlikely that the rocket could have caused any
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casualties the launch trajectory of all of these croft tends to pass over very sparsely populated regions or even over the ocean in the case of the u.s. launches so the risk is really very very remote indeed i think that's that's not something that we need to be overly worried about the provision of a new launch vehicle and a new launch. something that's pretty expensive of course it's all in short or imagine it is in the case of the russian launches it's all insured so the cost is covered but you know it's a pretty costly process i wouldn't want to put a figure on it but certainly tens of millions of dollars must be the most favored sort of assessment here. watching r.t. coming to you live from moscow still i have for you this hour a security breakthrough. north korea says it's ready to return to the six party negotiations table as its leader kim jong il says he'll consider a moratorium on nuclear testing. nice work if you can
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get it full superstar some military assigns a deal with russia's ambitious punji much find out the eye watering some of these to be paid. want to dad or alive a reward of almost two million dollars has been offered to any regime loyalists who delivers colonel gadhafi to the rebels he has also reportedly been promised safe passage out of the country if you're announces his leadership whereabouts remains a mystery the rebels think he's in or around tripoli the opposition claims to be in control of most of the capital but there are still reports of resistance by government loyalists and while the battle continues to carve up of libya's vast oil riches is already in full swing r.t. sara first reports on the western powers lining up for a piece of the pie. hill to the house of mesa motor was and you'll strike oil
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whether or not the sayings true when it comes to libya well it's going to play a pivotal role in the country's future q we have to feel restruck interest that. the western interest to protect it is well. also to rebel to why don't we do you believe in government interest to restart showing all of us what's possible a stranger to the concept to friends with benefits being quick to k.z. up to the new transitional council inviting the public face of the group that made djibril to italy its. these places european allies when the nato a bombing campaign began back in april when the power up of the switch. sides began courting the rebels in the top of the agenda third visit is expected to be discussions about italy's lucrative energy contracts with libya before the war almost a third of italy's daily energy needs were imported from libya an oil giant any was
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the largest foreign operator in the country with oil and gas contracts running until two thousand and forty two and two thousand and forty seven the government had been doing all they can to safeguard these contracts but the if they will be able to maintain these previously close business cars is by no means a given in a post gadhafi libya the future looks extremely uncertain and there are little guarantee one of the biggest problems for both italy and other western countries since the beginning of the war has been the struggle to adequately understand the internal workings of the rebels themselves. among the rebels there are many factions tunisian people. and many chiefs of these groups of rebels are from the politicians with gadhafi and then they completely change their face the wind with the wind as they send you to me i think that corrupt politicians. of all met gadhafi personally on
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a number of occasions three business connections less than a month ago she returned from a fact finding trip to libya with a handwritten letter she says was written by gadhafi to berlusconi in it he allegedly says he was surprised by your decision to join the coalition against libya especially after we signed the friendship and cooperation treaty between our two sides the treaty he's referring to he was trying just two months before the libyan uprising the letter goes on to ask why did you join our enemies without any diplomatic dialogue or investigation berlusconi now seems to be making the friends there was that maybe the final chapter that deathy many years of conflict will. continue. i would say that the end of gadhafi opens up a new phase of the war which is among the rebels themselves there is no consensus both in italy and in general in the up and coming meeting on who will be the person
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to talk to who will be the future reference points in the new libya i'm afraid this is because even the rebels themselves don't know and this is probably the biggest question mark of the transition now is silly along with many in the west could well find that previous lucrative relations may turn out to be just as the rain full of friendship surface. meanwhile while america's best known senators believes it's russia be next in line for a libya style uprising former republican presidential candidate john mccain is lashed out of moscow on the american c.b.s. news channel saying a spirit of the arab spring is due to spread and could also reach china artie's garnished account has the details from washington. senator mccain has got a very far far fetched that's for sure he is for that the so-called arab spring will rage on and will make it to countries like china russia which according to mccain need democracy just like libya does by the way at some point even said libya
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has already achieved a democracy which judging by the situation on the ground is really far from reality because even as the transitional national council takes over in tripoli that's not the government that was chosen by the libyan people and many libyans are outraged by the fact that foreign powers of essentially made those choices for them and looking back at egyptians to don't seem to have achieved what they were fighting for so as far as democracy is concerned in those countries there's still lots of questions but according to mccain it's all great in the fire of our praising should move on to other countries first stop syria according to the senator right after could alfy he said it's bashar assad who is next to a fault but too many mccain's statements are not surprising really because he's seen as a mouthpiece to those forces in washington who have this hawkish mentality and would want to see some countries go upside down especially rich nations or strategically important ones it's quite interesting that senator mccain is pointing at some of the world's richest countries russia that sitting on vast natural
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resources and china which is developing extremely rapidly it's america's biggest creditor it's the world's number one export of goods as we know the senator is basically calling for revolutions in those countries presuming that their livelihood is soledad that they need to rebel immediately poll showed that most americans are not happy with where their economy is going also they're not happy with their president is approval rating is below forty percent the nation's fourteen plus trillion dollar debt continues to rise the economy is not generating enough jobs and unemployment remains above nine percent as we know following mccain's logic though does that mean that americans too would have to take to the streets and rebel and root balt not clear really someone someone had to ask him that question because there's a lot of discontent in mccain's home country but to senator mccain obviously you know hell is other people as one wise french writer said. reporting there all the u.s. and some e.u.
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countries are calling for an arms embargo and wider sanctions to be imposed against syria following the crackdown there but russia and china are opposed to the plan with moscow saying countries should be encouraging dialogue in syria not punishing it with reports from the country scares and hard to verify the way it's perceived from the outside is decidedly one sided as marie said reports began around four o'clock in the morning so this is how the world has been watching them dressed in syria through mobile phone cameras into food from the was stricken country has flooded international news or rather blooded killings an execution is supposedly at the hands of president arsons ministry of food and cell phones have become a trademark of the regime syrian officials those seized the scenes a staged the you tube is not credible and eye witness account is not credible and could become requests now and shout help they're killing us next door. these are
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not credible ways to assess a situation the u.n. has condemned over the violence against his people the damascus emphasizes from afar until recently no u.n. mission has crossed the syrian border hyundai's a correspondent with saudi arabia based at rb international news channel in syria he says the government should claim itself for the country's image and the deal it might like he is a banned foreign journalist and the fact finding missions from coming in and they don't allow us to work they cannot just take a camera and go filming even here in damascus and you should and i would never wait till the government made a statement there are ten million reporters in the country everyone has a phone why should they wait for the lack of access to information many people have used their cell phones to feel what's been happening and to share it with the rest of the world. but this is what going against censorship is a double edged sword while mobile home video can give anyone and perhaps help save
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lives it can just as well be used to transform the truth and that could come at the cost of people's lives. not his real name is the man behind the camera is a freelance journalist currently working for a western media outlet he cannot tell more and he doesn't want his face to play on screen hiding the truth about himself its rise to reveal the truth of another kind . of. information about what's going on. there are some armed forces on the ground that are going to believe you while. the security forces are killing. unarmed. civilians and. broached the. freedom i am muslim isn't afraid of being thrown in jail has been there three times already. his afraid of
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being killed or friends in the room where you go. during the process because he was filming it was the only one who was sorry. but you have brought this as a reserve were arrested syrian state t.v. brings their evidence to support their leader. of the. show but be cheerful mother crying over her body apparently that they said that was in the homes but here it is same picture indeed it was made in the iraq in two thousand and nine they condemn the sad but they just play one of the most oppressive regimes in the world food in the past has never been a serious strong point because this is all we ask all we are is for the truth to come out for the birth sides of the story to be told not just one side all the time the fact that not as many foreign journalists are allowed in. the western world once does not give the right to the western world to grab any story.
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and put it as true but that doesn't move to be among the media's goals and this conflict the press is not just about coverage it's a war and as in every war they go is to we refuse to damascus syria which in our view live from moscow and remember if you've missed anything we're covering here you can check it out on our web site r t v dot com and here's a taste of what else is online for you right now iran files a lawsuit against russia in the international court over a moscow's refusal to supply its as three hundred air defense missiles to iran. plus tuesday's unlikely earthquake outside of washington d.c. the two two nuclear reactors offline could have been caused by controversial mining method known as fracking all the details at r.t. dot com. north korea's reclusive leader kim jarrell
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who rarely ventures outside the country is heading back home after talks with president medvedev and russia's republic of. says it's ready to return to six party talks on its nuclear program without preconditions from a national campaign to and the korean war believes that south korea at its ally the us who aren't really willing to negotiate. and there is nothing to stop any party from city down at the table now you have the opportunity to stop the production of nuclear material you have the ability to discuss such issues you have the ability to begin to develop a peace process that could lead to demilitarisation and lowered tensions in the region so will they do it will the south koreans and the united states sit down it remains to be seen at this point i think not without the international
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pressure on the united states and south korea i don't think that will necessarily see it they're talking about the precondition wait you must stop production on a certain date before the tot's not on the day of the talks those types of arguments seem to imply that someone doesn't want to speak we have more than twenty eight thousand troops stationed in south korea and close to one hundred bases and posts in a tiny country is this really to defend against the north no i would contend that it's relates to china and the desire by the united states to maintain its military presence in korea. watching r.t. to some other international news this hour of steve jobs the founder of electronics giant apple has resigned as its c.e.o. following health problems will be replaced by chief operating officer tim cook jobs who underwent a liver transplant following penn create
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a cancer that could no longer handle his duties the fifty five year old has been on a medical leave for an undisclosed condition since been january to feel. after being shaken by tuesday's earthquake the east coast of the u.s. is bracing itself to be hit by hurricane irene having rain and winds earlier batter parts of the caribbean sweeping through cuba and the dominican republic it's expected to become a category four hurricane as it passes over the northwestern coast on route to the eastern u.s. coast no deaths or injuries have so far been reported. student protests continue to shake chile as demonstrators demand free education and changes to school funding thirty six people were injured as riders aren't barricades and clashed with police three hundred fifty people were detained in the capital protests in the country started three months ago after president pinera proposed sweeping education reforms. well before time african player of the year
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two agreed a deal was russian. for a record salary of thirty million dollars a year the arrival of the superstar striker is a massive coup for russia's premier league and puts firmly on the map as one of the world's most ambitious clubs. has the details. the latest news coming from of the football club is really capturing the imagination of the world of football and it really seems that we are witnessing possibly a new dream team gathering on the russian soil as we can now officially say that a long awaited transfer of the interim millan's striker atto has been completed and the negotiations took more than a week but on wednesday so signed a contract and became an. player the cameron international under one's magical
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examination and will start training with his a new team today meanwhile of this move makes him the highest paid football player in the world as will pay over thirty million dollars yeah and in the three years contract he will receive over nineteen million dollars last alone when an goal bonuses in the space of a few months the dentist any football club has made had lies all across the world by buying leading international football players the team has already legendary brazilian roberto carlos the team has already signed contracts where the jersey or the silver and also a famous russian a football player you these are of course meanwhile all that happened after the football club was bought by a locally born and businessman and also one of the richest men in russia. and now he's spending millions of dollars in a bid to make this club which is situated here in russia's north caucasus known all across the world. but you know caution in reporting there well we'll hear more on
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this in our sports update with andrew later before that we'll take a look what's happening in the world of business with yulia. hello and a very well welcome that's right time to delve into the world of business and the recent turbulence in the market has cost a shadow over russia's hopes for a sustainable high oil price well look where there's reason to seen heavy losses on the prospect levy it could soon resume. continuous rollercoaster ride as oil prices were high at this solemn but if you go from b. to b. capital believes russia's economy should be able to withstand a lower oil price. this time around compared to two thousand and eight russia is more immune to decline in oil prices and the key reason for this is a flexible policy because what we've seen in the beginning of august when there s.
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and p. downgraded the united states and the all the market sold off the ruble depreciated and the central bank allowed it to depreciate so the central bank protected local interest rates local banking sector by flexible exchange rate so we think that if. continue. the ruble will take most of their most of the heat and we will be more protected from external negative external shocks. time to have a look at those figures oil prices are high underpinned by the crisis in oil rich levy investors all looking ahead to the speech at the head of the fed reserve on friday but all eyes are now on whether ben bernanke you will announce another round of money printing u.s. economy. gold has slumped to one thousand seven hundred forty three dollars losing over nine percent after hitting another record of nineteen hundred dollars earlier this week and three falls down to profit taking on hopeful new measures in the u.s.
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to try to bolster its recovery. across asia stocks again in shops as you asked by the factual data helped support the view that the u.s. economy is slowing but not falling off a cliff. and european shares are seeing a positive start today on the back of a strong performance in the u.s. markets finally here in moscow off to dropping slightly in the past minutes of thursday's trade the arches in the my my six gaining just under one percent let's have a look at some of the individual show moves here banking stocks are among the main gave us the solid up one and a half cent meanwhile mining for the metal is in the red on we could gold and another metal mine and l m k is up. supported by strong quarter second quarter results the company has boosted its net profit by fifty percent reaching five hundred eighty seven billion dollars and another bunch of second quarter results ross is leading supermarket chain by sales x five retail group has posted second
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quarter net profits of seventy three million dollars that's almost two hundred percent more than the same period last year but slightly below analysts food costs . russian foreign direct investment almost tripled in the first half of the ground eighty eight billion dollars have crossed the border with manufacturers and financial industry receiving the most capital meanwhile the road eighty two billion dollars to fled the country making russia's net foreign direct investment about six billion dollars. there's always time for now you can always look so on to our website to get more analysis and more stories that start to dot com slash business and another business update in less than one us time.
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welcome back you're watching r t coming to you live from moscow i'm marina joshua these are the top stories failure after launch emergency crews are searching for the unmanned russian space freighter which crashed on wednesday in siberia the sun is rocking was ferrying food and fuel to the international space station when it fell back to earth. rebels in libya promise a bounty of two million dollars for colonel gadhafi dad are alive that's as western nations wastes no time in jostling for a slice of the country's oil pile under is a new government. and the u.s. and e.u. are pushing for more.
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