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tv   [untitled]    August 25, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. operation today. the fog of war in libya rebels claim they've surrounded by gadhafi to his compound in tripoli pretty spokesman insists the colonel is still fighting on the front line . these new polls coming on the back of the announcement today from prime minister but it's. part of. a phrase in the libyan capital have the latest information on that story coming up. western states call for tougher sanctions against the syrian regime but journalists there say much of what you use is evidence of a government crackdown is hard to verify. the search and recovery operation is underway in siberia for an unmanned space supply craft that never reach the international space station. the bushies space agency sit through
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a major overhaul following the latest in a string of launch failures join me in a few moments for all the latest. and superstar striker samuel eto arrives in russia to join north caucasus club and cheat. for a record breaking paycheck. international news and comment live from our headquarters here in moscow where it's now just past eleven pm and nine pm in tripoli where libyan rebels say they have moammar gadhafi surrounded but in a new audi a message purportedly from the colonel he says he's still fighting on the front line whatever the truth is and he is promising to transfer millions of dollars of frozen libyan assets over to rebel authorities. force.
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you know we've heard on the pike the information released today when the italian government nets with the heads of the rebel council mark me to drill about happened just behind me in this building here earlier today and we had the announcement at least plans to release half a billion dollars of phrase in libyan assets and we then heard that the rebels had apparently been able to locate it afaik from his i think that the statement saying that that wasn't the case and then we've heard that there's a new kidnapping himself are releasing information or speaking saying they're calling as usual for the rebels to rise up and continue fighting the rebel it's an extremely confusing time and this is really pulled into focus with a lot of critics against saying which is is this really the right time to be releasing money to the rebel council or not so sure it's still very unclear exactly who's in charge the russian foreign minister speaks today on the phone the u.n. secretary general saying that really what he wants to know what should be happening
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is that any priest was excellent happening with guarding libya should be done under the monitoring very close monitoring of the u.n. another situation has arisen stay with this money being released by sleigh is the question mark i get you to this money belongs to it's very unclear at this point in time whether this money is libyan money or whether this money belongs to the gadhafi family is a very confusing as he said a lot of business interests here in the country but whether you like it or not as we said oil is certainly going to play a very big part in libya's feature not been in rhyme over the past couple of days talking some people about this. kill to the hearts of many smaller was and you'll strike oil whether or not that's sayings true but it comes to libya well it's going to play a pivotal role in the country's future here we have to fear we struck and that means. the western interest. check i just want. to travel
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to a party where a future government and. restore some of the worst possible the stranger to the concepts of friends with benefits berlusconi has been quick to k.z. up to the new transitional council inviting the public face of the group but major brill to italy for talks was good at these closest european allies when the native bombing campaign began back in april properly switch sides and began courting the rebels in the fall of the wall most a third of italy's daily energy needs were imported from libya an oil giant any with the largest foreign operator in the country because many here have been doing all they can to safeguard these contracts but it's they will be able to maintain these previously close business is by no means a given. the libya the futility extremely uncertain and there are little guarantee one of the biggest problems have they italy and other western countries
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since the beginning of the war has been a struggle to adequately understand the internal workings of the rebels themselves . amongst the rebels there are many factions islamist tunisian people. if you ask your sick and many chief of these groups of rebels are former politicians that before were with gadhafi and then we completely change their face the winter with the wind as they say i think corrupt politicians. of all mcduffie personally on a number of occasions through business connections less than a month ago she returned from a fact finding trip to libya with a handwritten letter she says was written by aides or berlusconi in it he allegedly says he was surprised by your decision to join the coalition against libya especially after we signed a friendship and cooperation treaty between our two sides the treaty he's referred . he was trying to keep the months before the libyan uprising the letter goes on so
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why did he join our enemies any to mattick dialogue or investigation skating out scenes t.v. the making the friends it was made by the chats they could be anything the conflict will continue i would care to see if it's our euphemism for the cheese among the rebels there is no arts. consensus no consensus talking to me and. it. will be actual person to talk to. the. media now is silly along with many in the west could well find previous lucrative relations may turn out to be just as the rainfall the friendships. the. journalist and broadcaster neil clark he joins us from oxford in the u.k.
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for his best perspective on the libyan crisis good to have you here on r.t. again conflicting reports coming from libya on his whereabouts what do you make of rebel claims they've got him cornered but all we have it do in this war bill is why are to my house and why we were told back in march that kind of guy was on his way out in a jet or away from the country we had claimed his family been captured the son was supposed to be kept on saturday night and then he quotes are again a day later so what what is very clear is happening here is the rebels are trying to teach this to an international audience trying to make out their complete control of the country it's finished the war is basically over and everyone supports them the situation is not what it is rather more complex than that and let's talk about the situation once it is over the latest pictures from libya picked numerous victims of fighting prison break. and children carrying countries
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we're talking now we're showing images of that happening how capable do you think are the rebels of governing a country in chaos once could deathy has gone i think is a very real danger that we're into the sort of iraq scenario here where it was a long standing the dictatorship was deposed by the west and we've had eight years by civil war basically iraq and a million people dead and i would obviously don't want that to happen and be dangerous it's a very very divided society along tribal lines and a good happy regime which was secular good managed to hold the country together for a long period and now we're going to see tribal warfare and it's very clear that he still has lots of support in the west indies of course that he has no support and everybody behind the opposition but it isn't true therefore if there is going to be complete chaos and law and disorder after this doesn't that mean that nato should carry on with its presence or should it leave and leave it up to the likes of the
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arab league or the african union i think the sooner nato needs the better libyans to sort this out but also african union can play a part and basically. in iraq was the major cause of instability was of course that the western powers being there i mean they hold the instability in the first place which is what they've done here what nato is done here basically he's turned his baby is basically transform a situation where there was a demonstration against the into a full scale civil war i don't i don't hold the line that nato is needed really there anymore what about of the moment evolve ministration claims that libya's weapons of mass destruction are secure and does that mean they're actually under rebel supervision and if that's the case just how safe with those weapons of mass destruction b. well i think the american right really all along was to ensure any western mind was to regime change and what we've got in the rebels is a very disparate group of people very broad ranging agendas. and when we say.
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weapons are under rebel control we're going to be we really don't know which groups to grab. and who's a situation could get very much out of hand and i'm pretty sure that in a year or so it's time to look back at the eve of for the invasion with some sort of nostalgia a period of peace and this i think i hope i'm wrong but i see is that libya is in for terrible period of civil war now calls from nato is throwing money the right thing to do to solve the solution but the rebels will soon have their hands on what something over half a billion dollars more promised to come in the future it's not too early to hand over money and indeed if this is cash where will this money go to will actually go to the libyan people. i think it is far to a who who is in control of it still not very clear as to what areas the revenues actually control and getting very very conflicted. and. the real danger now is the money to the people. and of course the western powers who are again change. really
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want to get their money back and they want to get money they want to profits this whole enterprise what about humanitarian aid to make that was entirely bogus this was all about. the new regime we could hand out the contracts to western companies and would be much more amenable to to america generally and so the money is going to go to western corporations it is going to go to the libyan people but also what about i mean we are getting reports that cash is going to be handed out i mean it's very difficult to account for cash isn't it isn't that an open invitation to corruption oh absolutely and i just think that builds what happened in iraq after the invasion and there was an extraordinary levels of corruption. interim government there where you know suitcases full of cash were being handed out to different groups different leaders and you know let's think about a little i'm not a fan of that there wasn't a supporter of his but the country have a good infrastructure because we're good. so you know it's it's
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unfair to say that it was a failed state under colonel good athlete most people probably well it was one of the richest obliquely richest countries in africa and all that now has been wrecked nato has destroyed the infrastructure of the country it's going to take an awful lot of rebuilding and of course the people who provide these nato and not humanitarians this is a big big problem not generally concerned about we do live in libya i think. the last thing the enterprise want because a democratic come. in people first. sized western corporations first interesting here your thoughts neil clark journalist and broadcaster talking to us live from oxford newquay thanks for your time thanks to. the u.s. and e.u. are pushing for more sanctions against syria's government with an embargo on oil sales and likely by the end of the week russia and china oppose the move of call for an interview and some for damascus to start social reforms over two thousand
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people are believed to have been killed in syria since march but it's. reported what's really going on it's hard to verify. this is how the world has been watching them dressed in syria through mobile phone cameras and to footage from the war stricken country has flooded international news or rather. killings and executions supposedly at the hands of president arsons military filmed on cell phones have become a trademark of the regime syrian officials though insists the scenes are staged and the you tube is not credible and i witness accounts is not credible after they come around and shout help they're killing us next door. these are not credible ways to assess the situation the un has condemned over the violence against his people the damascus emphasizes from afar until recently no your mission has crossed the syrian border is a correspondent with saudi arabia based at rb international news channel in syria
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he says the government usually claim itself with the country's image and the good will. and foreign journalists the fact finding missions from coming in and they don't allow us to work can i just take your camera and the filming even here in damascus and you should and i would never call government made a statement ten million reporters in the country everyone has a phone why should they wait with the like of exes to information many people have used their cell phones to film what's been happening and to share it with the rest of the world. and against censorship is a double edged sword while mobile video can give anyone any and perhaps help save lives it can just as well be used to transform the truth and that could come at the cost of people's lives. not his real name is the man behind the camera is a freelance journalist currently working for a western media outlet who cannot tell more than he doesn't allow his face to
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appear on screen hiding the truth about himself he tries to reveal the truth of another kind. of. information about what's going on. there some forces of the. civilians. more sources that she could before she started killing. unarmed. civilians and. broached the new regime freedom. was and isn't afraid of being thrown in jail has been there three times already has afraid of being killed or friends in the world where you go try. this person was for me you were the only one who was three. brothers and it was a really a riff that syrian state t.v. brings their evidence to support their leader. promotion. would be
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cheerful mother crying over her boy apparently this is what it was in the homes but here it is same picture indeed it was made in iraq in the person they could then assert but they just play one of the most oppressive regimes in the world food in all the press has never been serious strong point because this is all we ask all we ask is for the truth to come out the birth sides of the story to be told not just one side all the time the fact that not as many foreign journalists are allowed in . the western world once does not give the right to the western world to grab any story and put it as true but that doesn't look to be among them it is goals and this conflict the press is not just about coverage it's a war and as in every war a goal is to win refuse to damascus syria. seventeen minutes past the
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hour almost here in moscow still to come on a major coup for russian football caucuses who put itself on the sporting map by signing a new superstar striker and breaking the bank in the process all the details for you shortly. first a major overhaul of the russian space agency has been ordered by prime minister vladimir putin but an unmanned resupply vessel on its way to the international space station was lost in the skies on wednesday the search operation is underway although it's thought the craft may have burned up in the atmosphere but there's still concern that some toxic materials may have come down on earth peter one of the reports now. the problems occurred for this mission around five minutes after the launch when one of the booster rockets carrying the progress module failed resulted in the whole spacecraft breaking into several pieces and descending back towards earth they have cordoned off an area of southern siberia underneath where
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this incident took place now that cordoned off area is being tested for any toxic elements that could be there the progress module did have on board. tons of toxic feel now scientists testing the rocks the soil and the water and collimator results suggest that this be no contamination on the ground for the astronauts on board the international space station who are waiting for the supplies the progress module was supposed to talk them up with fuel and food they still have some supplies on board and the worst case scenario an extra so you could be sent up to act as a second to skateboard already warm so he's module attached to the international space station a soyuz no two although only seat three people or six people on board it would take that extra module be sent up to be able to evacuate everybody from the space station but that of course is a last resort scenario something that isn't really being looked into at the minute
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is a viable option this incident involving at this unmanned module isn't the first in recent times it's in fact the fourth that's occurred in the last nine months now a full investigation has been ordered we have heard in the past the president medvedev wants to see the russian space program updated to bring it right up to the modern era the soyuz rocket is the only way we have now of getting crews from the earth to the international space station and back down again now but since the the nasa space shuttle program was scrapped earlier this year leaving the so you struck at the only lifeline we have between people on the i.s.a.'s on the ground. we could see this program temporarily grounded until what caused this problem is discovered now what we are hearing from moscow is that they are fully committed to providing every single bit of supply of the supply network which they said they could give to
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the i.s.a.'s now they're saying that they can they can come through on everything they promised and that this is just a blip in the road. for news now from other parts of the world our headlines from around the world in our world update for you next at least eight people are reported dead after a bomb exploded in a busy market in northwest pakistan but almost believed to have been planted in a child's pricey called left outside a shop police say nine others were injured by the explosion which damaged several shops and hotels pakistan remains a volatile region with bomb attacks on the increase over the past few months. to reckon with that it has pleaded not guilty during a pretrial hearing at the international tribunal for the former yugoslavia he exposed commander is accused of killing almost eight thousand bosnians it's written in one thousand nine hundred five he's noise claim there sixty nine year old client is too ill to stand trial and the hearing comes a day after gordon hatch the one time leader of rebel serbs in croatia pleaded not guilty to crimes against humanity. and israeli military across struck
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a number of targets in gaza overnight with four deaths confirmed by the palestinian side twenty others were also wounded despite a two day old cease fire comes after palestinian militants fired over a dozen rockets into israel on wednesday the latest round of violence broke out last week when gunmen reportedly from gaza and pushed cars and buses in the latter leaving eight people. a superstar football strikers arrived in russia to join north caucuses cloud. someone who's from cameroon and a four time african player of the year reported salary of ten million euros per season marty's correspondent millionaire has all the details. thank you very good bloke you got my hand for the next three years most of summer at those big games will be in russia this thursday the cameroon international left into milan and each leave behind flying in to join new club under which color. i'm starting from scratch i've always possible in europe as a player and here i can start
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a new plus i've played with a bunch of crazies before any told me a lot about russian football and i do need forward to joining the team is the three time champions league winner and the most decorated african player of all time low lightening pace has made out one of the scores most prolific calls scorers increased again this still assigning house of this region of russia the north caucasus into the soccer world spotlight this is the in the. it seems that until recently few outside of russia had heard off but which is now making sports had lines across the globe and it's in this unlikely something that i team of world superstars is being built the story behind this trust that began in january when the duckies tony clark was bought by silly monkey muff a locally born businessman and one of the richest men in russia he found to turn on genes to a contender hoping to transform the republic spinach and process
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a handful of promising acquisitions followed and long brazilians of fans of the cardless the current captain of the club the fact that one of the first where's in the world will be where. there are some three million. americans are very big on britain for it so it's a good development all of the game here in russia. i think it will give a very good image of pro football because. it is one of the best third sinclair's there's not a star of the past russian money in european football is nothing new back in. two thousand and three russian businessman i don't remember i'm only english club chelsea and transformed to mid-level club into you were a parent powerhouse you should have smart has also ploughed his millions into english giants arsenal but this time the situation is different here is the date is to make a little known russian football team known across the world this deal may herald
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a new reality in the european game where international football superstar spraying for russian clubs are after common as golds and ice no question r.t. reporting from the north caucasus. with a recap of our top stories very short if we came out with the latest business news stay with us for that. i've. worked on suppose there's here i see gold is slightly higher now i have to suffer in the biggest drop since late two thousand and eight so the precious metal lost some signs as the comics exchange their margins by the most in over two and a half years to curb all that so let's see what's in mccutcheon in front of broker gold says lucent hundred dollars in forty eight hours doesn't mean the fundamentals have changed. people have to realize that you know prices of any i fifty go up they go down things don't go up and up forever and that includes gold we've had
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a huge rally in the gold price in the past week and so it's only natural that there's some correction. so clearly i think what you're seeing here is the trading activity the noise if you call it in the market but the fundamental case for gold hasn't changed at all in the past couple of days and so i think we're going to see continuation of what we've seen for the past ten years which is the ever increasing . let's take a look at the latest figures for precious metals gold is now at seven hundred sixty five dollars and seventy cents per alice in point four percent and that's after dropping about five percent guess the day for the stock between gains and losses after negative economic reports and equities and lower in new york investors are also looking ahead to the speech off the head of the federal reserve on friday all eyes are now on the other ben bernanke you will announce another round of money to have been. a u.s. economy. and u.s. stocks are trading in negative territory after an unexpected increase in jobless
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claims apple longs to point to one percent telling the resignation of the company's c.e.o. steve jobs. european shares have closed in the red following losses on wall street's well at the foot sea and the tax laws around one and a half years sides and it's a similar picture here in moscow where markets are under the threat in session and the weather is well both the arts yes and the my sex loss over one who side let's take a look at some of the individual shareholders on the my sites. are among the main gainers with the spread i got over one percent meanwhile mining foreign policy that's all it was in there right on the we could gold and other metal miner and now i'm case slipped into negative territory after earlier gains shares gained some support from strong second quarter results the company has boosted its net profit by fifty percent to twenty five hundred eighty seven. a million dollars. x. five retail group russia's leading supermarket chain by sales has posted second quarter
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net profits of seventy three million dollars that's almost seven more than in the same period last year but slightly below analyst for tatts. bank of america has lowered its forecast for russians i know the g.d.p. growth forecasts so you see the strong global economy during the second quarter the rate of growth in russia fell zero point six percent on the decline in oil prices but analysts believe things will get slightly better and the second half the bank expects an increase in corporate profits to spur investment the ride in the car and three more lower unemployment and inflation support consumption. that's all the business is for now for more stories you can always had our websites are so that's called presence in the meantime states are for the headlines with carol.
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for the feel we've got. the biggest issues get an invoice face to face with the news makers. review the latest thing from the. we've got the future of coverage. twenty years ago when the largest country in the world was going
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to certain places of. the fleet. one hundred more each month. which began in germany. where did it take the. russians would be so much brighter if you knew about someone from first impressions form. these from the stars hot seat belts come. if. he is used to it. if by two feet.


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