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tv   [untitled]    August 25, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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makes decisions through it through he could made who can you trust no one who is you know of you with the noble mission to receive where we had in state controlled capitalism and school sack when nobody dares to ask why we do our t. question more.
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i'll go back to the big picture on job hartman coming up in this half hour the voters are on the lookout for congressman paul ryan who refuses to face his constituents c.e.o. paul ryan is contributing to america's a lack of trust in congress and remember when our nation grew so outraged with france in the run up to the iraq war that we tried to change the name of french fries to freedom fries and that as a daily take i'll tell you why millionaires and billionaires in america may be restarting this campaign real soon. where in the world is paul ryan who. is cutting from constituents or at least apparently. group of one employed constituents staged
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a sit in outside congressman paul ryan's district office last week upset with the fact that their congressman isn't holding any free town hall meetings during the august recess ryan is holding corporate sponsored town halls and charged people fifteen bucks to ask a prescreen question however yesterday those constituents tried once again to meet with their congressman they were again denied entry into the building by the police take a look. at a complaint sign if you are the building you can't be in the part of the building premises inside the building at all or. the traffic. up and down the sidewalk is much allowed in the east of england is that of the office building you know it is the public knowledge i believe that the sentinel. is right on a lot of people i know paul ryan and now had to actually find a p.c. after he. kills. one time
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they can hear you know you could be there something that you must have a feeling that's right paul ryan is now using the police to make sure he doesn't have to face those same constituents that he's trying to take medicare from some kind of message does this send to voters isn't that exactly the reason why congress only has a fourteen percent approval rating here to defend congressmen who ignore their constituents if they're all friends even not a president a little less government who he said was slated introduction first of all the reason congress has a forty percent number is because they did a stupid no deal deal on the debt ceiling situation they did not lower to get as a result as you for example that's what is weak you know you use it you use right of the record however you don't believe in spontaneous generation but you were wrong on that i sent an email to your producer you were dead wrong and i was exactly right on that you were wrong and i was right for the record you issue a correction like a requested i'm doing it right this ok for the record you do not believe it's about
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those who were wrong about what. we know it was or are going to or are going to rebut you were wrong and i was right it's perfect why do you hate paul ryan's constituents well. if i what if i were in an office and someone came in and sat in my. lobby for ten hours i did issue a warrant to have them prove it if i'm going back in again to they don't have an appointment they have nothing to say so you're going to sit there and stink up the office like julie viewers are now or just spending the practice of oh they haven't i'm just going to have a partner irrationally right about that you're absolutely don't you to somebody is somebody who's you know destructive you know whatever that that's you know people get to go through you know a restaurant for those who don't know as as a as a statement of peaceful protest i have no problem with that but my concern is that we have a congressman who eighty has a history of writing legislation for the people who give him the most money and he is refusing to meet with any of his constituents in a pretty free public venue isn't isn't there something corrupt how much is he
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charging. for those town hall meeting he should be free what was says who says you it says says the concept you don't believe in the concept of representative or you know right yes is democracy in a republic but if you want to make it a point with a congressman pay and you still can use it as lawful certain hours with no appointment and nothing to say and just think up a jointly pretreated for ten hours so we've got no you can't we have these rules where john boehner when he came in he said ok we're going to work you know two weeks on one week off for the whole year plus we're going to take occasions in the middle of haitian right now and then the texas legislature just two months after two years yeah that's very fast and is paid very little for it but here we have our representatives and we are not allowed in the case of orion and a number of others and by the way there's democrats of yours as well to do that there's more democrats doing it than republicans because they had actually had memories of numerically there are more republicans good percentage was hired as core democrats here but why are so few democrats get so so you know just on a on
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a by i don't know if we're partisan basis or whatever you know by liberal conservative basis shouldn't we figure out a way to and i'm not in favor of a law that says that congress must do anything right you know it's a rejection of his big cheese. he kept the big cheese in the front lobby of the white house and anybody can come in any time grab a hunk of cheese and try to talk to the president so that you don't want to go back to bad you were nor do i want to go back to the booze during the good of the president. drunk i'm pretty sure talk about iran i'm just going to. rant was rincon and so that's why as a one party would nominate him for a third term but in part mostly i guess it was the railroads have brought growth it was a good deal but a serious question see we've got you know not just to pick on paul ryan we've got a congressman who although i'd love to come forward we've got congressmen who are writing legislation explicitly for the people who are giving them money to the point i mean paul ryan actually one of the floor of congress and mention by name is
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largest campaign donor when it looked as a look at the. station is better for a sort of more you know although he's meeting with the guys that can seventy one thousand books but if you want to show off the nothing. if you want to shoot well it's nothing like the legislation he agrees alleges i don't know what is the price and then we discussed with for money doesn't shoot ideas the first one is that the money chases ideas that's the point the point is he's refusing to meet with his constituents that he's not he's not refusing to meet with her eggs or using he says you know let him say down your wait wait wait wait he's not refusing to meet with constituents on an appointment basis he's refusing to let these morons sigmas office all day for it and do nothing i have no problem with that morons are saying we just want we just want to public to know they can't afford this is the same stupid a sandbox to get in town hall and rocks ok so so we establish a precedent that now it's ten dollars and then next year it becomes one hundred dollars and here i go yes on twenty i like the income taxes and it was once said that it was two percent so it was you have no forty percent you have no problem
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with our elected representatives saying the only way that you can talk to me is with cash go to ten dollars doesn't go into congressman paul's reelection coffers it goes to pay for the security of the event but the if the then you are having the event whatever it was actually this was a public public event it was paid for it is this is paid for by taxpayer dollars so in general you're saying that you don't have but in the principle of it i just want to get this clear you don't have a problem with members of congress saying no i'm not going to do it over there i know i know that's a different thing you asked me on to discuss whether these morons can sit in his office for ten hours i want to pry but i don't know i don't problem blocking that i would like i would like more transparency i would like more interaction between the people and that's what the tea party who brings it up or tea party officials ok well that and here's where i think actually we may be a green because i don't have a problem with individual members of congress and i can hold public events as long as we all know about it so we can vote him out of office a little that's
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a that's false that's the ultimate term of it is both about yes and. and it is. good to see a certain place all about my spontaneous generation. that of course as we learned yesterday when the huffington post reported that paul ryan has a habit of doing special favors for whoever gives him the most money maybe all it will take is a hefty campaign check for right actually speak to the voters are like most old fashioned grifters he just doesn't care. but use some of the week's must be willed or an interesting or weird science to use remember karelian photography there's still a debate about it but it purports to photograph or reveal the energetic field that
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fills in surrounds every living thing from leaves to you and me it seems that the planet earth has a field like that although it's a lot less controversial and a lot more well known charge dian some sun for example hitting the earth because the northern lights are we can see part of our planet's electromagnetic field you know being racked up by those ions and it appears that nuclear bombs and exploding nuclear plants like churn noble and now fukushima can blow a hole in or at least badly distort that field a group of scientists from sweden japan reported in june physical research letters last week the radioactive fallout from the exploded fukushima nuclear reactors in japan caused a rapid and dramatic response in the years atmosphere in the electric field in the atmosphere right after three of the reactors at the plant melted down effect was brought about by a significant drop in the atmosphere is electric charge ahead ground level known as
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the potential or p.g. it was detected one hundred fifty kilometers about one hundred miles less than a hundred miles southwest of the nuclear facility similar atmosphere changes have occurred elsewhere after nuclear weapons tests and after the church noble accident usual is the result of rain washing the fallout through and from the air but in this case the radiation signature in japan shows that the nuclear fallout was carried over walking distances by dry low altitude wins it's easier and cheaper to measure the earth's electrical field than to continuously run geiger counters looking for a wide variety of different types of radio radiation and radioactive particles so the scientists who carried out the study suggested that if early warning electrical sensors are installed around nuclear reactors are pretty much anywhere else they could be used to detect fallout almost immediately and could serve as a valuable tool for protecting people from exposure to due to nuclear radiation science geeks or greater. after the break america's wealthiest could learn
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a thing or two from the nation across that in my daily take i'll tell you why the wealthiest in france didn't need a memo from warren buffett to do the right thing for their country. that drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions it's going to didn't break through get through to the maid who can you trust no one who is you know in view with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism that's called satchels when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more.
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your take vijay is that part of our show where you can speak up our first comment came to us from the viewer rant line this week in the new martin luther king jr memorial hurricane rolling will be dedicated on the national mall in a grand ceremony that will be attended by president obama leaders of the civil rights movement and several big name celebrities this monument which has been in the making for the last twenty five years is the first monument on the national
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mall not dedicated to america in. president and the first for an african-american and is one of the last new structures authorized to be built on the national mall coincidentally sunday the day the dedication ceremony also marks the forty eighth anniversary of the reverend dr martin luther king's historic i have a dream speech at the lincoln memorial. i have a dream. that one day. this made some will rise up. live out the true meaning of its creed. we hold these truths to be felt that but then that oh man are created. with this spirit called around mind as the one of the goals dr king pursued tirelessly for many years has yet to be realized. i hope you and your listeners around the country will understand that there are six hundred two thousand of us in the district of
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columbia's who still have to dream that martin luther king helped support and that we need freedom which means statehood for the district of columbia we are completely disenfranchised and martin luther king with this in the fifty's and sixty's trying to change our staff it says please talk about the and completed three in the district of columbia you are absolutely right and the interesting story about this when the founders put this country together they were students of classical greek and roman history and they were ideals they notice those ancient republics had both gods and goddesses and they decided to paraphrase ben franklin america as only a gods but we needed a goddess so they invented her she was on our clients in the founding of our country literally on the phone of a country so days of today and has been referred to as lady liberty or lady freedom which actually has
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a different name she's atop our nation's capitol john ashcroft famously covered up her breasts at the justice department she's our goddess of law of war of agriculture in front of all those various buildings and pretty much everything else state capitals all over the country the founders took her so seriously they named her by feminizing the name of christopher columbus they named her columbia. and they thought that the work of government was such a sacred trust seriously sacred work the work of the goddess that people who dedicated themselves to that work shouldn't in any way be able to gain benefit from their sacred work so they would have no representation no dog in the political game because it was such sacred work and so they named the place where these serious honest best among us representatives of this new we the people thing that they created called the government of the united states would work and live they named
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it after the goddess it's called the district of the goddess or more formally the district of columbia that idea of pure ideal is evaporated pretty quickly after just a few years about two hundred years ago so i agree with you it's time to give the district of columbia two senators and a voting member of the house of representatives make it a state after all we have more people here in d.c. than in the entire state of wyoming and we're just about the same as for a moment they have senators members of congress we should to our next comment is from the town hartman page of facebook eric asked how do we get reasonable republicans to cast away their delusions and their me first attitude and start thinking like patriotic americans supporting big business and corporate greed will only lead to the breakup of our beloved country appears ludicrous it verges on traitorous eric i've often said that a person's and a political party's ideology stance stems from their perspective on the world depends on whether the you view the world through they need
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a window as in what's in it for me how will is how will i benefit from the situation or you view the world through a wee window as in how will the situation impact the greater good. the idea promoted by ion rand and other sociopaths if everybody operated maximally in their own self-interest and to hell with everybody else as an actual name in the world of biology it's called cancer it's time to call out the selfish libertarians and objectivists and oligarchy in our nation can call them what they are a cancer in our body politic and our last comments and it is also from the viewer rahm line here a few terms that we use over and over again here in the big picture and on my radio show describe people and issues we talk about often on both shows like bank stores to describe the fat cat wall street executives who trashed our economy and reverse robin hood to describe republican lawmakers who are cutting programs that help poor people so they can give tax cuts to their millionaire and billionaire campaign
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donors well spiro called with a suggestion for a new terms and describe the g.o.p. i'd like to suggest that you start to refer to the republicans as the rich chilean party in order to highlight their detachment from humanity in their cold blooded this thanks a lot. spirit you get top marks for your creativity although david ickes was there ahead i think however it's a fitting description that's it for your take my take the night if you like your comments and questions heard on this segment of the big picture listen up we want to know your to send us your comments but is in the time are the facebook page but twitter that underscore apartment or in the chat room on the message boards your blog at thom hartmann. can also leave a message general rant line at two two five three six fifty three zero six agree disagree sound it's all welcome to remember that your comments may be used on the air.
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france didn't drink pollster frank luntz says job creators kool-aid taste the deficit problem the french government just introduced a new debt reduction package that includes a three percent income tax increase on people making more than seven hundred twenty one thousand dollars a year five hundred thousand euros or the people referred to in america thanks to frank luntz says so-called job creators but no one in france is screaming about class warfare today no one is screaming that the so-called job creators are going to roll into a little well and stop hiring people no one screaming it without their tax breaks millionaires and billionaires will destroy the french economy in fact it was the millionaires and billionaires themselves who asked for the tax increase in an open letter some of the wealthiest people in france wrote we either presidents and
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leaders of industry business men and women bankers and wealthy citizens know this by the way they don't call themselves job creators would like the richest people to have to pay a special contribution. letters sounds awful similar to a letter written back in november of last year by some of the richest people here in the united states of america people calling themselves patriotic millionaires that letter read for the fiscal health of our nation and the well being of our fellow citizens we ask that you allow tax cuts on incomes over one million dollars to expire at the end of this year as scheduled we make this request as loyal citizens we now are in the past earned income of one million dollars per year or more or what buffett said last week in the new york times when he wrote while the poor and middle class fight for us in afghanistan where most americans struggle to make ends meet we mega rich continue to get our extraordinary tax breaks my friends and i have been coddled long enough by billionaire friendly congress it's time for
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our government to get serious about shared sacrifice yet these words american billionaires and multimillionaires didn't resonate here like they did in france and the prospect of any tax increases on millionaires and billionaires here tragically is slim to none that's because unlike france america bought into the idea of trickle down economics that if we give rich people the so called job creators a bunch of money in the run right out and hire a bunch of unemployed people the thirty were years after reagan preached this policy here in america and almost forty years after maggie thatcher preached the same story in the u.k. it's pretty clear the only thing trickle down economics does is create a nation of peons. luckily for france they didn't have ronald reagan or maggie thatcher or a political strategist named jude wineskin who created the political tool known as supply side economics to pollute their economics and so they start with common
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sense common sense the says that economies run on people having money in their pockets to spend i don't billionaires being at able to add to their swiss bank accounts is actually a good thing but it's common sense so when it comes time to cut their deficit the french went after the excess the fat cats who were living large where the country's rest of the country was struggling and the rich in france were willing as their letter noted in the public finance deficit and the prospects of a worsening state debt threaten the future of france and europe and when the government is asking everybody for solidarity it seems necessary for us to contribute as in they realize there's not much quality of life in being rich or living in a poor country a sentiment that most billionaires here in america like the koch brother oligarchy don't appear to understand that america is quickly devolving into
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a poor country with more debt more than forty million people in poverty depending on food stamps and fifty three million people on a bill to get basic health care because they don't have insurance thirty years of reaganomics is turning us into the world's largest third world nation and there's one obvious way to turn things around a way to reduce our deficit and not injure those who are already most engineered by the second republican great depression and that's by doing what france did and raising taxes on millionaires and billionaires. over the last ten years of bush tax cuts have are one of the biggest contributors to the debt in fact let me just lay this out here this is this is our total you know the tax code this is our public debt going out to twenty nine thousand which acting on what you see here is that the bush tax cuts account for the largest piece of it the second largest piece of
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it is the bush their precious right the economic downturn pretty this is no brainer the third biggest piece of it is our wars in iraq and afghanistan which were not paid for in the bush it all out civil war pay for it now we're not going to pay for go shopping. there's the other day out here this is always been with us we've had a and underlined get basically since george washington borrowed money from france to fight the revolutionary war that's nothing new and that wouldn't change if it wasn't for all these things and then you got the two things that the republicans are absolutely hysterical about right tarp which was george bush's contribution but actually turned out to be fairly small years tarp or eight years that we've done and the stimulus act the stimulus act it's virtually nothing to it's that white piece right there so here we are most of all you know most all of those came from the bush era tax cuts and the words are actually in afghanistan and the bush recession over the last ten years the bush tax cuts are the largest contributors to
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our structural deficit and over the next ten years they will likely add another four trillion dollars to our deficit. that's four trillion dollars borrowed from the chinese and handed in our names to the so-called job creators all courtesy of the bush tax cuts and we can add another two trillion dollars. which again there we go and we had a two trillion dollars that we borrowed and gave to the rich for the bush tax cut over the last ten years and with all this money we've borrowed and gave to the american rich what if these so-called job creators don't have laid off workers like bank of america is about to do with plans to pink slip thirty five hundred employees or the ship jobs overseas like jeffrey immelt of g.e. does with over half of their workforce made up of foreign workers pollster frank luntz calls the job creators a term that likely originated from a focus group of the bowels of fox so-called news you know them well a piece of oligarchy facto house organ for the republican party but in reality
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these corporations and rich people are job killers at least here in the united states but frank luntz would be the first to tell you that more tax cuts for job killers doesn't play as well in the polls and economically it's stupid and we have the evidence of thirty years to prove it in the last few years this nation is going to whacked in the head over and over and over again with economic sadness let's hope one of those whacks wakes us up to common sense tax the olive arts. that's the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our website to tom hartman dot com free speech to or. also check out our to you tube channel is there a link to thom hartmann dot com this entire show is also available as a free video podcast on i tunes and we have a free tom hartman i phone and i pad app in the app store and it's honest feedback on twitter tom underscore on the facebook of. our blogs message boards and telephone comment line it's on our dock and don't forget democracy begins with you
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you know there jack and tag your it see them on. a mission. critical patients free. free arrangements free. three stooges free. old free broken living videos for your media project free media gone to our teeth
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on time. still. so.


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