tv [untitled] August 26, 2011 9:30am-10:00am EDT
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little angel. yourself five thirty pm on friday here in moscow you would r.t. the headlines now nato bombs target duffy's bunker in his hometown in libya despite claims the coalition is not involved in helping rebels from the colonel down and such concerns grow over who will get their hands on the country's weapons of mass destruction. before costs for economic growth in france despite the country announcing new austerity measures of twelve billion a year zero cuts and tax hikes for the rich but fears about it could lead to public outrage short across the country. for a public all of abkhazia votes for
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a new president with much of the country lying in ruin after years of struggling to maintain independence from a ga over half of all are causing voters have already cast their votes. if you can if you join me for more on those stories in less than thirty minutes time but now we explore the latest in the appliance of science in russia and all around the world technology update is now. welcome to technology update and welcome to marx the world famous moscow air show where the planet's premier aerospace pioneers have come to show off their latest high flying hard supplied water too deep for the best to divest to soar above the rest of the legendary to coast the airfield in suburban moscow the very place named
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after an early russian aerodynamics genius this year was a tense time around for this festival flight since it started nine hundred ninety three with over eight hundred companies representing thirty countries the biggest draw for the year shows more than half a million guests will surely be in-flight action movie business was also on the bill racking up some ten billion dollars in deals even with all the international big shots bringing their wares russia's open secret made the biggest bush this to hoist cockfight t fifty finally broke out from behind the closed doors covering its development line for crowds in cameras for the first time it's a fifth generation stealth fighter jet propelled russia's air force deep into the twenty first century each maxie's new headlines and highlights like this to hoist superjet in two thousand and nine to two thousand and eleven is already a new decade with new projects like a whole batch of edition cargo and passenger jets in russia's civil aviation pipeline. undoubtedly the most notable newcomer is here could see m c twenty one
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with a full scale cabin model on display for the very first time its final boarding call for a glimpse to the future of this short and mid-range commercial line. dissing the lyle narrow body n c twenty one is actually an emerging family two hundred three hundred and four hundred modifications forthcoming will be capable of transporting anywhere from one fifty to over two hundred passengers per flight at a range starting at thirty five hundred to five thousand kilometers potentially a to seven thousand in the future cabin designs are easily transformable to increase comfort working passage the total order to make these planes into internationally competitive aircraft rests on the shoulders of the. corp on the strength of over seventy five years at its factory in the siberian city of good cause the company hopes not only to bring in reinforcements for the aging to misstate to pull if one fight for fleets but also challenge the dominance of giants boeing and airbus in this market segment thankfully they're not starting from
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square one with a steady flow of skilled scientists and engineers from russian aerospace schools making the project all the more promising. because they were designing this plane with a wide range of international partners inside russia this means working with research institutes for aero hodges the nomics aviation materials and aviation technologies the state institute of aviation systems is helping design the airplanes digital components for a while before you see twenty one will be offered with engine options either pratt and whitney s p w fourteen hundred g. or the specially designed new p.c. for t.v. a project of russia's did we get it now tusk is to provide the advantage of cheaper engines without compromising performance parameters and available resources most importantly in terms of the lifecycle cost as compared to our competitors abroad rather than it's important to point out that we're regarding this engine as the plate full on the basis of which engines will be designed for the home one of these
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airplanes to p.t. fourteen is projected to meet and exceed international standards on fuel consumption emissions and noise pollution new engines are stored but they are the only innovative briefing for the year could shift. people are leaving aerodynamics institute sagi made a crucial contribution to this project their experts produced a new concept for wing design it has an altogether new profile for supercritical airfoils all of their work helps greatly improve the plane's aerodynamics in addition to the supercritical design high wing aspect ratio on a wide reaching airplane is a further aerodynamic advantage but it's largely what the wings are made. they can't. read it if it's here you can see it compass it wing books for the m. c. twenty one airline now if uses unique and advanced technology what's called vacuum and fusion in a joint project between the main design an aero come visit and the sukhoi company's design bureau on the russian side as well as ostrich fish and the material supply
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side to it from the us i think these materials and technologies have made it possible to improve the aerodynamic characteristics of the wing and use its weight and as a result increase the airplane fuel efficiency by up to twelve percent enough of them there are an awful lot of parts that have to fall into place for a passenger plane to break into the cutthroat commercial market but the m c twenty one is already taking its first rides into a sunny future on board the prototype cabinet the moscow air show i could already get a feel for how a flight on that you could airliner might one day be automated latches opening oversized luggage bins spacious seats in both business and economy and of course. every seat. passengers we're most concerned with smooth sailing to our destination and hence find every available amenity the carriers are all about the bottom line all three m. c twenty one models allow for everything from spacious mixed class layouts to the
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tighter tour operator scheme that makes the most out of every last row in any combination airplanes will remain wider than traditional single aisle jets just enough extra aisle space to eliminate the annoying service card squeezed by a dream scenario is time. both turned into flight deck pilots also enjoy every perk of twenty first century aviation with multi-functional l.c.d. output panels to integrate the latest in digitize flight controls. those pilot wings i've had the thing runway obviously this model's not exactly but you could explain it production twenty one by twenty fourteen so there should be more progress to. toward the next mux this year's most triumphal entry went to the brand new long awaited seventy seven dreamliner from boeing which has just wrapped up test flights for u.s. federal aviation administration certification at its home base outside seattle washington with one of the nine trial seventy seven is freed up for
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a short getaway mox visitors got a glimpse at the latest wide bodied boeing billed as the company's most advanced most fuel efficient airplane ever and with russian flagship airline i employed said to take twenty two of the new dreamliner. crews from faraway seattle gave future customers a good preview of what the modern machine is capable of. it was a very enjoyable easy flight we used a lot of the automation on the airplane to make the pilot work load was going to little as possible so the auto pilot course was used to auto throttle regimes just monitor those systems the airplane is equipped with something do you all see automatic pollution reporting so for some crooked damage of all those things we didn't have to make the standard position reports on the h.f. radio airplanes system did those reports course so very very
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enjoyable flight and russian was hardly a random choice for the dreamliner visit as moscow is home to boeing's biggest engineering office outside the us the eleven hour time difference from the west coast headquarters to russia's capital means the company has around the clock engineering operations with an aerospace tradition they grew up alongside and even a time to head of the american and european schools russia provides of bitch pool of specialists that was a big deal in developing the dreamliner to think about the russian contribution to this airplane i think that i would say that materials and. two main areas are. partnership in russia made it possible for me to crawl a little say that this airplane wouldn't happen without our russian presence in terms of design russian engineers complete cling to the new school structure that leads to seventy seven skyward they pitched in on electrical systems after conditioning they designed a crucial video of the wing that provides lift to the pylon for mounting the
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engines and even added some flair to the passenger french interior. when it comes to similar airplanes there are parts in their parts and it's largely thanks to unique new components that boeing is promising a twenty percent bump in efficiency they could help the dreamliner as operators cut two point four million dollars per plane per year this efficiency would be impossible without key parts like this body cord connecting the way to diffuse a large made entirely of russian composite materials to source of these olympe ordered materials this would all boeing a joint venture between the aircraft company envious sim p.o.v. small producer and fully a quarter of the world's titanium is it will boeing in russia's speed last region the unique titanium eloisa are turned into the backbone of the seventy seven breakthroughs in material science achieved here are a major reason the world can expect lighter stronger more eco friendly airplanes in
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the coming years. we are no design in seven eight so on this night and that's the next notification of this airplane which will be the leader will carry more passengers up to eight hundred eighty passengers to a longer distance that airplane. and two in service in two years and where there would be the design of this airplane would also paid a lot of attention to the other the only interest and probably should he in moscow call seventh on this eight that brought it all goes well in parallel with so and it's now been in such the case in the flight tests and will continue to work on the improvements of the airplanes and i'm sure that there will be. interesting projects including the small airplanes that i think he did have will continue. for now all eyes are on the upcoming commercial bailout of the first three miners due within the next month for delivery to japanese carrier a.n.e. and that's just the beginning boeing racked up over eight hundred sales for their
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new standard bearing jet before it even made its first test flight so expect them soon in an airport near you not all of the newbies that boxer commercial jetliners and for many of the far flung sparsely populated russian regions bigger isn't necessarily better it's with an eye on regional small craft aviation it is a choke has been developed and it's already one attention it mocks for greater than its size the assembly lines that some are as safe as could be progress helped put the first soviet cosmonauts in orbit and propelled generations of the air in space craft skyward for more than a half century of its history so it's an auspicious starting place for what will be the first post soviet small aircraft first serial production designed by engineers at moscow based technology it's intended to combine modern performance and bionics with the rugged all condition reliability needed to serve russia's regions. the no hell that designed as can be seen in several solutions employed on this airplane it is excellent they were done in a couple days including the
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a full insuring great performance even at low velocity so its landing gear is very good and allows you to land the aircraft on some standard if fields craft withstand strong winds very will be symmetric engines also shows very good performance which is particularly important for multi engine aircraft and also is a significant advantage in training a craft. before research flew in to take its place in the air show in moscow we had a chance to climb aboard for one of its certification testing flights in the western russian city of somalia. the conditions of the former military airport are luxury as compared to the remote airstrips the research is built to access but it's a good base for monitoring and servicing the newborn aircraft while it gets its wings in the field it can take off and land from dirt lift off with one of its two
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engines disabled and provide crew and passengers with emergency oxygen if flight conditions demand a climb above thirty six hundred meters experience test pilot blood even a mock of going off whips the light airplane around curves with performance parameters to establish these trial flights are no relaxing total jump once it makes muster with russian aviation regulators the first batch are due for delivery to a flight school in lenin's hometown. really stands out for its modern flight control equipment which in practice and i was erik out of the students has mastered this machine to transition easily to modern passenger jet liner. when research old kids to market it won't just be raising a new generation of skilled pilots it will also help revive an important sector that suffered from post soviet konami belt tightening and an aging fleet of light aircraft would reduce the choke and recent changes to airspace regulations the range and flexibility of multi-purpose and general aviation should be back on
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russia's enormous map. this excessiveness a choke and a potential for expansion in russia's small aircraft sector has drawn the interest and the involvement of some of the country's biggest producers that includes the new makers of many a mega engine now we're going to domestically build tension. both at their mosque out airshow display in honor assembly lines salute is most distinguished for powering the skies bigger beasts in the soviet era there are fifteen three hundred push the record breaking maybe twenty five interceptor unprecedented speeds in altitude today they're updating and repair. the engines from the a.o. thirty one f. family the boosters behind a big chunk of the russian air force is fighter fleet from some twenty seven to its descent ensuite thirty suit thirty three m. su thirty four salute also collaborates with ukrainian partners to power several large and tone of passenger and cargo planes as well as the firefighting. b.
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two hundred with all that under their belt the company agreed to an order for what would become its first light airplane engine. how did salute come to the decision to expand from the production of engines for fighter jets into the arena of small aircraft to say no to the decision was made do to the existing need for a new engine in this class of their craft since the engines currently in use were designed back in one nine hundred seventy s. and accordingly it was quite obvious that the demand for a new engine would be high jute it's improved technical and interracial performance as well as economic advantages resulting from the improved fuel consumption rates and in hans engine power performance but if you used the term proxy five hundred s. consisted of production gear attention a propeller the combustor a compressor and at the rear the excess read your box what's called the gas generator comprises both combustor a compressor essentially the heart of the engine. the gas generator is the biggest
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piece yet produced in cell use project for that is the choke turbo prop engine along with it they've developed a custom made experimental stand to confirm their balance for the appointed performance figures. since it is a choke is already flying on the check made him six zero one f. and might see a replacement from general electric stevie five hundred s. meet specs to set it apart. here we join said you to engineers to fire up the gas generator for another round of tests draw power is important but not the only objective given recent shocks to me. stature a lighter less powerful engine it still has that thrust to provide a desired cruising speed in takeoff distance while guzzling less gas is a more profitable formula. sue for seventeen seems to be the engines lucky number projected to be seventy kilograms lighter than the walter model and you seventeen
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percent less fuel so it's still just figures the t.v. five hundred s. is shaping up to be a highly competitive engine for small turbo prop plane so few technical solutions have laid a good foundation for the development of future engine right now we're talking about the gas generator but we're hopeful to complete development of a new engine by twenty twelve when it was from the outset we've been developing our engines completely or different techniques for there is such a craft project it could be used in patrol flights for example aerial monitoring of border areas for the emergencies ministries risk you fleet full medical aid operations and we expect it to be in good demand for light transport aviation. side trust rating journalists trying to make sense of the trials of faith when there's an ever present variable in aviation for aircraft of all sizes for generations me kind has been playing and occasionally catastrophic we use
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a dangerous game with when shifting weather systems every time we take to the skies fortunately now we're increasingly prepared with a face to face with me to keep us from getting away. when she or where we in changes in direction or speed over a short distance can quickly turn a smooth flight into a game tourist one given enough elevation pilots can easily recover but options are much more limited around takeoff and landing that's why russian scientists me how can you have steve has developed technology to provide pilots and air traffic controllers with improved wind shear warning must be able to know them and the atmosphere around there. it is unstable in some cases and airports have been built in places with complicated landscapes take for example hong kong where roughly one in every two hundred fifty landings and takeoffs is performed under hostile just wind shear conditions airports and diffusion will be fully covered with advanced sensor equipment to map out which and in other hazards information that will help
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relieve congestion increase throughput a goldmine for the aviation industry old school we ensure detection systems rely on it in a moment. when profiler three hundred five russian firms laser systems and aircraft engineering concern is ground based shooting laser beams skyward and then determining wind direction and speed by detecting the frequency of the backscatter light at least in principle one light hour when profiler should give more detailed information over shorter distances crucial around airports and low flying aircraft then several anemometer spaced out around the same territory. the task is actually quite simple our device here will now measure the wind profile at an altitude of three hundred meters in the vicinity you can see a tower with special platforms where wind gauges like the one i'm holding are installed. you know this is of course our goal is to prove that the measurements of our lead are wind profile or correspond to the measurements obtained through the
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sensors installed on this high meteorological tower posing with their minds. up against a whole host of spinning anemometers just one scanning module on the l.w.p. three hundred is left to paint an equally accurate picture of the window over this kaluga region test site the stakes are high since the losing system may soon be consigned to the dustbin of aviation history the physical benefits of replacing the towers in the already cluttered space around modern airports is obvious soon. missing the ground based lighter systems would also be less of a challenge but if the numbers don't back up the win profiling benefits then the towers are better left in place fortunately the new technology for very perfectly and may soon be ready for full time action. conditions but the nicholas and the
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test have been completed successfully and most importantly in the near future we hope to get certified by the interstate aviation committee the organization that deals with equipment certification you've got that our task is to provide this equipment for russia's first winter detection system and install invaluable stork which will be hosting next year's major international summit a dozen of these b. should be we should ensure maximum flight safety for the high ranking castes and naturally all commercial passengers flying to and from bloody vostok every day months edition two thousand and eleven features more than ten american military aircraft something unthinkable in moscow when this air show first opened nearly two decades ago improve relations i think it least in four to a multinational treaty and high flying surveillance technology this story starts in the darkest days of the cold war when an arms race and mutual suspicion held the world both east and west in a state of great tension moved by the constant threat of all out war in nuclear destruction and we're trying to do then you believe that great they are
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a surprise attack so now our allies are still proposing inspection of all but america not of the we brand. and all your. anything for a. very. gracious and. japanese eisenhower's me message at the geneva summit of nine hundred fifty five but soviet and western leaders failed to agree on a mutual inspection regime and the idea was put on ice for a generation it was reborn in one thousand nine hundred two however as the treaty on the open skies the united states and russia were eventually joined by thirty two others. signatories to date completed more than eight hundred flyovers it generated both valuable data and at prices boost in neutral relations then on thirty in a tuple of one five four have carried out most of russia's flights to date but like their counterparts in other countries the plane thirty five cations aeronautical
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electronics are weaving company vega is responsible for bringing russia's open skies surveillance capacity into the twenty first century camera and sensor equipment allowed with industry has to be fine tuned like maximum ground resolution for photo and video material strictly limited to thirty centimeters. after years of work they came to modest two thousand election ready to unveil their brainchild defer specifically bill cooper live to fourteen a west would be the most advanced aircraft in the history of the open skies tree. this beautiful aircraft is not simply the first plane in russia or any other treaty on open skies countries that incorporates all types of equipment allowed for use on board it's also automated to a remarkably high level of the equipment is controlled electronically all the data displayed on the screen where they operate a monitor is them up there are you standing by the forward equipment by the aircraft will tickle any tronic equipment isn't still and while the tail
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compartment contains airborne ray does and the infrared camera the best place on board the plane is reserved for photo and video cameras because we expect them to give us the main bulk of information one fixed photo camera shoots directly below the a craft that one another one takes panorama peaches plus two side view cameras and three video cameras all this photo and video surveillance equipment and i believe us to cover a very large stretch of land and gives us a detailed picture of the landscape the aircraft causes of a photo a camera has a separate open call port protected by sliding doors that are designed to prevent from sticking to the lenses during takeoff and landing generally speaking the equipment. very reliable and fully automated. with the cameras and sensors installed in the plane's underbelly crewmen and women on the planes operated them right from that tiny camera with a triple of two fourteen zero s's moved to remote control automation that's the mission commander the individual camera operators and host country observers all
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sit comfortably in the passenger cabin and little and of course we're entering the compartment where the equipment operators six. of us will this is the key part of the plane because this is where we receive the desired information to go through you'll notice that there are two additional seats located behind a jumper with the steps of the representatives of the country the plane is flying a. little to this is a necessary provision i'm just exercising constant control over the treaty flights in focus and here is the equipment that operates the infrared camera and the radio national's i mention that this is the first time in the history of the treaty on open skies that surveillance radar has been installed on board an aircraft so much of the truth live to fourteen zero s. is already flight worthy and ready to fill all its treaty obligations a second plane is on the assembly lines set to join in the formal flights as soon as next year international observers chain of mach's agree the plane is a big step to making sure this guy stayed open to the future it's the end of an
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airshow here in moscow and the end of an era for technology a thing i'm off to get one of these jets back to the states but the rest of the check up team will be back next month with more from the ever changing world of russian animation two men enjoy the right. wealthy british style. sometimes. markets why not scandals. find out what's really happening to the global economy in the kinds of reports.
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