tv [untitled] August 26, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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the suit it's not. any growth rate for the american economy so are we back in a recession last you got to ask ben bernanke you look at long term use of we're ok but is it really as rosy an outlook as you think. january twenty fourth i'm going to contribute. and you'll see why nineteen eighty-four would be like nineteen eighty-four and still today nothing generates as much excitement as apple products but with steve jobs stepping down is this the end of an era. and the fog of war as cloudy information rolls in on both libya and syria on
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mainstream networks are to get serious with reports on the ground from both countries. that actually you know it's friday august twenty sixth four pm here in washington d.c. i'm lauren lester you're watching r.t. all right so where is the economy headed and what are u.s. leaders doing about it if you look at the numbers out today it looks like the economy's going down out today numbers that show the u.s. economy is barely growing it grew just zero point two percent in the second quarter of two thousand and eleven this is down from what was first estimated now the economy is expected to grow this year just one percent that's down from first estimates of one point three percent now this adds to a list of facts that have some economists such as. nouriel roubini saying we're
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headed into a recession some guests on this show think we are already in one now the growth numbers are the kind of news that would put pressure on federal reserve officials or the u.s. government to do more but lo and behold in ben bernanke he's highly anticipated speech today in jackson hole he did not announce more quantitative easing or stimulus as analysts were looking for here's what he did say jackson told part of his speech he said the federal reserve has a range of tools that could be used to provide additional monetary stimulus we will continue to consider those and other pertinent issues including of course economic and financial developments at our meeting in september which has been scheduled for two days instead of one to allow a fuller discussion so we put off the conversation but they are having a two day meeting which is a change and that is odd but is this announcement no more stimulus for right now really a good or bad thing and more alarming perhaps are bernanke used positive economic
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assessment in that speech this morning one that he said financial markets and institutions have already made considerable progress towards normalization meanwhile though bank of america their stock is tanking they're getting more tied billion dollar bailouts from worm buffett to assure people they're staying afloat and the question is is this a sign of what's to come well to answer all of these questions i've posed karl denninger of the market to talk to us thanks for being here so thank you very much for having me on my first question car lot of people were looking for the to hint at the round of q we have three today and that didn't happen he forgot to postponed it until a two day meeting in september is that a good or a bad thing that he's not stimulating the economy right now with with more quantitative easing. well quantitative easing two didn't work objectively the only thing it did was list our prices and now all of the increase that we got over the
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space of eight months came off in about three weeks so all we ended up with is a temporary sugar high in the stock market and higher gasoline prices while higher gas prices are bad from a consumer point of view not good so i don't see why the market would be looking for him to do more of what hasn't worked or why he wouldn't engage in more of what hasn't worked it doesn't make any sense well benefit from that because there are a lot of people that are saying that it's like needed and that when it does come it will be too little too late but the benefit of that there really isn't one and that's the problem is that you add things to the balance sheet you basically make the federal reserve balance sheet larger this supposedly puts more money into the system. that changes in monetary supply and credit supply has shown up but it's not producing the expected increase in economic activity because there's too much debt out there in the private sector and people are unable or unwilling to borrow you
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cannot reduce the economy with easier lending when the problem is that people have too much debt so then is the fed out of bullets to do anything about the situation economy and then they can gauge in what was called in the one nine hundred fifty s. and sixty's operation twist which would be an attempt to drive down the longer in the bond curve in other words make borrowing for longer periods of time cheaper the problem with doing that is that banks existence are vive on what's called the interest rate margin or net interest.
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most of the. monks among the lost city. maximum thrust. muslim ummah deficiency. marks some comfort. muslims maneuverability most mediation decent to the marks moscow's most famous here show on technology some patients cheer on a large we've got the future covered. marvin here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture.
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mission. couldn't take three. three. three. three. three. three. billion dollars for your media project. the party talks. to. succeed the late president bush. europe spreading that crisis is threatening to draw in france as the government announces new austerity measures amid concerns it could lose its aaa credit rating and the deficit reducing package
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will see some twelve billion euros worth of cuts plus a three percent tax hike for the rich with explains the move too little too late and fears social unrest is around the corner. enjoys a tricky a credit rating but now the truth one of the ploys ratios among the world's top rated states many investors but it's a full of the u.s. and p. downgraded just repaying interest on its this year has overtaken education and defense as the government's. and with mr sir cause he's presided over the biggest jump and levels in our history carry too much water since. france has got all of the tolerance limits it's a prime minister as he explained the new road of spending cuts this week but economists fear things so bad those cuts go nowhere near enough we can compare it
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with people saying we're going to buy a lamborghini and they only buy a porsche and they call that austerity doctor's wall for all these huge did burton is bringing crudely under-investment in schools and hospitals. getting. into. computers. old fashioned. the situation's explosive say experts and frauds could be next witness roy it's like those in britain with the proved regions the likely spark the inner part of cities and the suburbs. are socially segregated to stand for more so than in the u.k. or in germany so yes unrest come from the suburbs and spread through nicolas sarkozy's flying
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a fall from france as he can on budget they teased pacific island of new caledonia with students planning street protests over the cuts he's got the job of presenting them to his prime minister he'll let them take the flak for it and hopefully unions students retirees can march directly and protest against the ministers while he's behaving in a certain sort of these absence in this time of crisis writes leading newspaper le figaro may be clipper politically but his failure to tackle the country's troubles now could be creating even greater problems for the future of the new push to see paris. time not update your more world news in brief for you and i think it's a first to nigeria where at least eighteen people have been killed and many injured after a car bomb attack outside the united nations' main office in the capital of a garage when this is say a car drove through the security gates and smashed into the building which houses
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nearly four hundred employees the blast happened in the same area where the u.s. embassy and other diplomatic posts are located and listen group boko haram which wants to implement a strict version of sharia law in the nation that reportedly claimed responsibility for the a terrible. japan's prime minister has formally announced his resignation paving the way for the country's sixth leader in five years his move follows nation my criticism of his response to the devastating earthquake and tsunami that took place in march and triggered a nuclear crisis at the fukushima plant between natural disasters claimed the lives of more than fifteen thousand people and survivors complaining about slow recovery efforts a new leader of the ruling democratic party who will most likely become japan's next prime minister will be chosen on monday. seven states along the east coast of the u.s. including new york and the clearly remote didn't see it as a patient of the arrival of hurricane irene hundreds of thousands of both locals and tourists have been evacuated from its path president obama has urged americans
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to take precautions and to follow evacuation orders the storm traveling from the bahamas has already caused havoc in the caribbean the hurricane has weakened slightly on friday but forceful winds of up to one hundred ten miles per hour still forecast and they're voting has come to a close in the cars here which is electing a new leader following the death of its president so to give passed away and made having led his country for more than six years during which time it managed to gain international recognition partners in the of cars in capital force. three candidates have stepped in to try and take his place the vice president the prime minister and the former vice president all of them at the moment strong contenders it's not known well whether there is a lead contender at the moment as far as russia is concerned russia plays a big role here in helping to maintain the stability of the region they say that none of those no those candidates really are a very anti russian all very particularly over pro russian they wouldn't really
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have a problem with any of those kinds it's having having one so it's yet to be seen what what will happen tomorrow as to who will win this whole contest watched also by many international observers at the moment our cause is independence it's recognized by only five countries in the world but there are representatives of twenty seven countries here to watch these elections some indication perhaps of the interest in the elections here and also of the fact that georgia's calls for people were observers not to cover what she's elections georgia still considers our cause is he part of its territory for non on some deaf ears twenty seven countries worth of death is we talked to one of those foreign observers earlier a representative of the swiss. i was invited to. have. a very quick reaction from the georgian always says oh no don't go zero but my impression
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is good i can't exactly support what you're doing here you know because you're fighting for your sewer into your independence democracy appreciates the context of this country people are fighting for the freedom to just still claims a cause the south set is that he has to be part of georgia and so technically at least there is still a threat but a military threat to the into. small caucuses for public there's also five thousand russian troops there helping to protect. so in both the sense of its territorial integrity and in terms of its economic strength the country has a long way to go it's hope that the next president will go a long way towards fulfilling those dreams. reporting that well next to. team explores the many impressive fountains and water features you can enjoy in the russian capital during the warm summer months and automatically but with
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subject but the. moscow. right. oh the fire going to miss the south where they go in the mountains i'm drinking water to say the political or cultural line logs where they use that simple meeting places all viewed as the sick ones this bus was home to dozens of such interesting walls he says and we start up the at this place in the kremlin at the well known world found. as the main germ of the underground shopping mall of the reality the glass structure of the fountain slowly rotates and every twenty
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four hours makes a full revolution opening night you know she said and if you look in to tell me the time of the five minutes in the mideast cities of the world. the first towns in moscow was located on treatment square dispense the mustering several of the fountains with them built along the lake lanier a river up the street does not see most of the fountains in moscow once provided drinking to muscovites and now timothy decorate many of the city squares and parks the frisky fountain here is the only one remaining of those built before the revolution immersion built in eighteen thirty five it still puts the regional location in seriousness well after feeling the pain from some of the different compositions interesting our functional found since has changed over the centuries before the revolution downton mosco were generally in large measure because they were necessity something like today's petrol stations at the time because after the
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nine hundred thirty five going just down to mexico reconstruction plan which aim to rebuild the city make a. around an impressive many new foundations along the way the streets and alleys were constructed if you want to forget. the eight hundred and fifty one of the history of moscow a number of old foundations were rebuilt and were still was at pushkin square. because of the cold climates outdoor fountains only operate in moscow during the warm season usually from a small tree but. at the beginning of spring they really launch back into the city and are a welcome addition to several cold winter months. the main fountain to add a whole theory as is the beautiful says you can see here cool the full seasons. the creator to the top sellers alley the ground cutting appeal to provide hours of how
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to entertain is just the way a street will come back. on cold windy days it's best to stay away. in the among these young people love this town since many often come away soaking wet. little tontine is very beautiful and also those closer to red square and amazing just to create an atmosphere of some enjoy it's just fantastic i like alex that. being absolutely nothing found in a gang. and the loss of a complex. the founding of the museum and the neighborhood grabbing day and indeed it is important the north the fountains come from my god move and the whole i'm beyond this exit are the desires they are genius i think who felt
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that the signs they are fascinating they can't be there has to feel that. they keep the traditions and did the history of the us. on this occasion is it a good department store that was built next to red square in eight hundred ninety three not only fountains or outside. one hundred seventeen this indoor space continuum one thousand two hundred shops and the centerpiece of the most impressive shopping mall in the surly union was this next feature. the same response is also a public meeting place like a good right in the heart of the american in mexico six unless one has a battle it's opening day with still the spotlight why brilliance of the past one hundred years in the gulf reconstruction is exactly fifty six its original circular design was replacing the current apple base a most recently i mean i think programming system for the water tax was added to
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the promise or lost it is one of the most glamorous and expensive in russia and the exclusivity of its main fountain can only match now if only the spoken wondrous were true that would be a popular fountain. so what other movie display stand out machine could talk to us a song people strange fancy and also known as the french nation stands in is one of the most might be broken by symbols of city's most stunning proud in the heart of the russian exhibition center of its impressive gilded structure was created in much the fifties it features sixteen different statues of maidens each for presenting a republic of the soviet union before nine hundred fifty six. well enjoying the views of central moscow you'll definitely not miss a moment structure on the most of the river not far from the kremlin the bronze monument is almost one hundred meters high to teaching empathy to the grace of
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a ship the monument was erected to celebrate the three hundred thousand first rate of the russian fleet the fountain and man march is surrounded in controversy many mosques might still like the structure but little hated it definitely makes the area stand out joins. thousands on not only the perfect place to relax in the in the warm summer sun but also at night many of them become illuminated landmarks various shows featuring musical performances and light installations are often organized at the city's most prominent fountains consistency and singing attractions are popular with muscovites ex-pats and visit is an ideal and cooling outdoor entertainment show. let's start with the rides at the city's new museum and reserve decision has been known since the late sixty's century when it belonged to a reader sister of thought or a scandal of in seven hundred seventy five when the state was dwarfed by the
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empress catherine the great it received its present name which means thirteen is increasing in english the royal college is located approximately fifteen kilometers from the center of moscow. it takes around half an hour to get there by car depending on traffic. and you can also take an underground train from the city center to the city from the metro stop. this impressive fountain is like a fifth of the fifth in a row and if they let the largest miss the fountain the day in the russian capital fifty five it is wide with nine hundred and fifteen worth yet it was completely renovated oh. a few years ago i made its first attraction in moscow. comfortably isolated on an island in the middle of
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a pond to bridges link it with the mainland. each pumps how to make the jets reach up to fifteen metres an easy can be heard from every point of the plans bank music at times is something to be desired. it is enough that a new view of the suburbanite to trying to bridge was not a fan of fountains she didn't like what she called there to officially streaming water but we think that every estate should have an attraction such as a fountain because our guests when coming here as special and what someone there should have a chance to enjoy their openness to was rough the fountains and the flight without fountain music is also involved it creates a special festive mood and makes people happier than many suggest the grand fountains here at least in a symbolic of that strength and power. i think the sound of rushing water and
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spraying jets often creates a sense of inability history and peacefulness. is just something about a fountain coffee is good for the soul. today there are now over five hundred fountains in the capital they do in the friends of museums squares and tops and send products to show the senses and features they used on the edge of the jews or events recreation and friends time and many alignments in their own right and indeed just at the fountains it might hear many of the cattle stanton's act not just as tourist spots but the symbols of new mosque are large proud and resilient erected to make a variety of social political and cultural. statements unfortunately that's all it's all we have on this week's program about the various bouncers here in the russian capital i'll see you again at the same time next week for more adventures around small stipend so that for me i receive one big three part here i'll buy but
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i'm. monitoring. historical. friendly. dynamic. plans. months ago. i got out of the military in nineteen sixty six i got out because the things i saw the things i was doing in this reason step we were given for doing them there was a personal protest. during the vietnam war an ancient war movement emerged that
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altered the course of history this movement didn't take place on college campuses but in barracks and on ships penetrated elite military colleges like west point and it spread throughout the battlefields of vietnam yet today few people know about the g.i. movement against the war in vietnam. after the army and we always said free the army or fun travel and adventure but it really meant the harm. of their conduced childhood was a little shadowed by this tragedy. these two feel the fear in the face. and remember every second of this nightmare. it will remain in their memories and hearts forever. and in some soul.
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