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tv   [untitled]    August 26, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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get it out it's better what a whirlwind of a week although made some of the biggest topics with my panel of guests in tonight's big picture rumble. drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through get through to people made who can you trust no one who is you know with a global missionary see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sackfuls when nobody dares to ask why we do our t. question more.
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wealthy british style. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines cons a report on our. thanks. ready to rumble it's time for friday night's big picture of war as a teller three expert political commentators to debate the war the week's top stories our panel tonight how the. conservative strategist and associate at
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blueskin solutions she's got why did you ever serve. democratic strategist erick annuity and brian darling oh mr human events contributor to red state dot com and director of government studies at the heritage. welcome you all let's get started. that's official it's official there cheney has a new book out in my time he's bashing rice tenent paul he wanted to attack syria. this this is the probably the most aggressive guy who ever got five deferrals from from the draft that i've ever heard of in my entire life here he was in an interview with n.b.c. not only admitted to work right seemingly to brag about this in your view we should still be using enhanced interrogation yes no regrets no regrets should we still be broader boarding terror suspects i would strongly support using the again if
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circumstances arose even though so many people have condemned it people call it torture when you think it should still be a tool yes. and then george w. bush in his book decision points basically so the same thing he said three people were waterboarding and save lives so is it time to convene a war trying to work crimes tribunal and try these guys for who the crimes that they've confessed to after all we put people to death japanese to death for doing this to our soldiers. are you look like you're going to take me but i'm going to try president obama you continued many of the same policies that the left condemns on the war on terror he's on torture and what he detaining individuals are going to talk about it is that still actually trying to close down guantanamo bay in the republicans filibustered the funding necessary to show that he did not he never shut it down like he promised he said he was going to democrats had full control of
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congress for two years and he didn't do so so it's on him not only that did he start a military conflict in libya i mean has he not attacked and use drones for the world and i get it that you're trying to make this about barack obama i'm talking about dick cheney and george bush i mean. it's interrogation techniques we used one of them interrogation techniques and torture equate that with what happened to our people by the japanese they're the same they're with the united terrorists victims of the water torture of putting. was over people's families i was saying a lot of it back to conservative columnist christopher hitchens when and himself was water boarded and as previously stated that it was more of a came back and said this is torture i mean i think that it is not entirely inappropriate it is. as a disappointing part of our foreign policy our defense policy and it's a disappointing a moment in our personal history however and also i would like that i think. that
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they are radical ideal world with unicorns and poppies i would like to see me held accountable for a lot of the things that he's done you know outside save the valerie plame. it was another thing that threatened this country in terms of him violating some of our laws and what i can but i also want things to go out it came to having an affair and like a leaking a cia agent are what i do or say here's a here's a follow up to this just very quickly president obama went into cairo and gave his talk here's what he had to say there are some who advocate for democracy only when they're out of power. once in power they are ruthless in suppressing the rights of others so no matter where it takes hold government of the people and by the people . sits a single standard for all who would hold power. you must maintain your power through consent not coercion over and over and over again in the middle east this speech is being cited by people on the ground as the thing that inspired them to
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take on the barak to take you know what's his name and in tunisia. to now we're seen in libya this is what j.f.k. did when he went to use for lynn lynn or should be in berlin and this is what ronald reagan did when he said tear down this wall and weave and barack obama with his speech was taken down three dictators george w. bush with a war has produced five million refugees killed over one hundred thousand people thousands of american lives and two to three trillion dollars in u.s. dollars hasn't this isn't don't we now have a complete repudiation of the bush policy no and there's been a regular motion to reagan's policy was where i can as a constitutional democracy that have elections and afghanistan as a democracy you can say about about egypt you can say about about libya we don't know we are going to happen to know you couldn't say that about the soviet states after the first round was you say hearts and minds has always been an incredibly
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important part of our foreign policy i think obviously you know there's bush didn't do it as much but we do it with aid we do it with state department diplomacy secretary clinton has been phenomenal in this and it has been very effective because when you put in and you put in more pressure you put in more violence and then you become kind of a triangulator it like we saw often in iraq and we've definitely seen that in afghanistan where it becomes there's no exit strategy from a lot of these conflicts and modern warfare particularly in the middle east where you have thousands and health and hears of people fighting for the same territory you have to you can't be another additional triangulator and i think that's some of the problem that that violence in drone attacks and you know a lot of these other things do let me talk a little bit about the you can go in with a speech and you can inspire people to rebel but then you never know what kind of government going to come about. as a result of that no you don't so you may need the. opposition to come in that's right wrong you know ronald reagan said tear down this wall he might have been you
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know something horrible but it turned out well and good yet it didn't it was never going to take a while i mean here there was you know. i actually you know what i'm what i'm pointing out is that what obama did in egypt standing next to a dictator and basically saying tear down these dictatorships is the same thing that reagan gets all this credit for for doing and i think i would i right so nobody wants to give obama credit no i'm astounded but i would also say that i would like to see obama live out more of what he said here to ok you know now i see that because i seriously he would have liked it he had and he got it and i would say he has forgotten why he's there and he's ruled out much more as a dictator than as a ruler of it was this here to. obama campaign person. all right rick perry his between. mitt romney no who has been campaigning for the republican nomination for what twelve years not. just at least to me i really was born that way there you
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go but this week we learned more about rick perry he thinks the private health insurance is a huge problem. extending private health insurance all americans a huge problem he compared homosexuality alcoholism he signed a pledge to only appoint pro-life judges to federal judiciary positions it's been revealed he's executed more people than any governor in modern history including innocent with his own gun probably great well. he would if you could if he's opposed to the sixteenth amendment he's previously called social security a ponzi scheme is this really the guy and it was obvious and i'm directing this with you erica but is this really the guy that you you think the republicans and i'd like to take up of course but let's remember and beat obama let's just remember i mean i think he's into the race and he's he's definitely gotten people excited let's remember in april donald trump was at the top of the heap too so. about a week i'm. sure he's only been in the race for how long two weeks so i mean i'm just saying that you know we're going to learn more about him we're going to see if
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we like him but the reality is he is the most scintillating character that's entered the race he's put excitement into it and you know i want to know to learn more about him and he has been reelected many times of texas you know. well i mean it was texas governor be president he was pro-life. and he supported the right to keep and bear arms and he did pretty well so we're seeing somebody use maybe a similar but very different from president george bush but just because somebody is against gay marriage because somebody is pro-life that makes them not qualified to be president i don't agree with that he had written a book should be american people could read the book find out exactly what the guy stands we're going to do to social security he's also started this himself from this back i mean the fact that he is surging ahead in the polls is not at all surprised me first of all i think everyone has been you know willing to admit that the g.o.p. field at this point has not been particularly exciting or resonated with republicans
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kind of at large so the fact that now we've got a new guy and there's something that you know maybe could be hopeful for people i think he's obviously going to have a big boost i think you'll see it go back down once people get to know him a little bit more and they can kind of compare and contrast them with some of the other people that are already in the field and i think in terms of like what rick perry brings i mean he's in my mind i think it's crazy he's talking about secession and will be the first republican to say that abraham lincoln was wrong or of the party that we should not for the union more so i think the thing is that he's going to be exciting to a lot of the evangelicals he has more government experience and running a state and he's a damn good politician i mean. it might be the the grifter part of him or it might be some brilliant politician part of the user group. two terms in congress. perry is certainly the elder statesman so speaking of republican politicians and republican politics the minnesota republican committee just got busted they they
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took this thing down for putting up as you can see this web site. ok i call it busted they they had six republican senators members of congress who will look at officials on a basically an ied they are bidding starts at two hundred fifty dollars you too can buy this member of the house or the senate so put your legislation through paul ryan has taken the habit of writing legislation that specifically helps his campaign donors is number one donor as he johnson actually won on the floor of the house and said i stand here to be half of us see johnson and son asking for their tariffs on their air fresheners to be reduced so that they could be more profitable he's he did the same thing the national bureau wholesalers the fraternity and sorority pac i mean which isn't even in his state you know is national i mean certainly the thirty's and forty's he's not holding any free open town halls he's starting to get some serious blowback from his constituents four of his district
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offices all four of his district offices are no threat of being occupied so is the republican party now officially the best political party money can buy. i mean this is about a problem that this pervades politics i mean you pointed out some republicans but i could easily point out a lot of democrats in the same thing because it's nasty who are right to raise money who are writing who are doing the work but we're doing some questionable things yes we all know no but i know that you donate he's expected to raise about a billion dollars in his reelection bid when he ran for office the last time you refuse public financing so we could raise more money from lobbyists are you joining me brian in my call for public financing of election no i think there should be no public financing but full transparency i think public financing is probably one of the only way is to actually even a playing field the problem is what's the what's the alternative if you're going to raise money and you don't get here. voice out your constituents don't hear what you have to say i mean at this point we've made it so that money is hand in hand with this political process i think it's absolutely tasteless that they would put big
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even next to elected officials name and that's disgusting where are the democrats to do it and say the exact same thing democrats are also running away from their constituents during this august recess just like republicans and that's also why the solution is transparency yours is public funding of abortions what's your solution no i agree with brian i don't i don't think that we should have transparency about what is that means how do you how do you institute how do you improve what i think we have to mean we demand that you have to show your donors are easy is that what they're in court has said you don't have to that's unconstitutional that's not true if you take campaign money for an election bid you have to disclose your donors there may be organizations that help you out that don't have to disclose donors in fact they now are spending more money in this in this cycle that we just saw in wisconsin the outsider is a sions that are invisible with these black money pools or whatever you want to call they spend more than the parties so on accountable money is more of a political force in america no than accountable money so how do we make that
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accountable with the supreme court saying well if you want a full transparency you should have it and then you can get rid of the campaign limitations on the amount of money you can give to a candidate maybe that would solve the problem then you could give unlimited amounts of money to a candidate you agree with i think the problem with the modern information age that we have here is that we know that money equals the ability to get out and to speak and it is a lot like speech in this in this fashion but it controls speech it is a barrier to speech as well if not all the times bought up by somebody else where you can't raise as much money and put as much literature out and the ads out and so at this point transparency i don't think is not i don't think it is and i'm not going to answer i think going back to kind of what happened with paul ryan and some of these other guys i'm paul ryan called the cops on some people who were trying to meet with them. that worse then the money is when you flat out cannot access your representative and i think that as a representative in congress you have an obligation to be accessible to the people
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and the moment that you're not in the moment you should look for another job and fifty four percent of the republicans are refusing to hold the open one hundred sixty one percent of the democrats are refusing to help them at their word on that yeah see that it's an african clique i mean we have a systemic problem i mean if we have a breakdown of democracy in america i think we can point we can we can drive it all back to the supreme court not just citizens united but boston versus bloody buckley versus the late zero all the way back to santa clara county in eighty six and democracy is breaking down we've got to figure out how to put it back together you know in the united kingdom if anybody spends more than one hundred thousand pounds to get one person elected. that you know that's the end of it it's a crime they have term limits well the public wants and we do we can they're called elections more important to talk to donors than constituents to actually winning that's the problem and it is right now i mean you we look at we look at the numbers that are running and i mean we've we've all worked on these races. when you're scheduling out a candidate you're blocking out call time and that's fundraising call time they're
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not even last not knocking on solar they're funded by the government a government funded speech and they're allowed to run and just when really they're not when they're spending half of their time on the phone or a nice fundraiser as opposed to meeting people and being people listening to their grievances you know they have there now or at this time there's a bird and a fundraiser in main in arizona went to publicly funded elections all of a sudden you know literally you know average working people and housewives showing up and getting elected people who you know couldn't have done it otherwise and it was a great thing the supreme court i pad down the street it was anything about i mean it's just challenging because you want to get the message out your constituents too so to get the money that you need to air commercials what if we don't if we made political advertising on t.v. the same as cheapest backward can't do it again whether there should be tobacco advertising. basically i'm not siding with brian on that but.
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let's go to our break for a question last to our last question hurricane irene is headed for a store near us and a scientist we've all heard of knows what it takes take a look. at. this. next spring after they've had several months to crank on the data to work on the data we will be able to show that storms are connected with climate change and those are the floods in the midwest of the united states north america and so on this is. very mind. people in the us are the only only big government not without a policy for climate change so this is this is some to think so is climate change responsible for irene or is it something like you know god thumbing his nose at eric cantor for john the people in joplin missouri that they had to cut payments to their schools if they want to get federal relief to rebuild their homes that's the deal. but what pat robertson is not going to face with the gays you know i don't
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know at this point mike is it a debt deal and all of that dirtiness that try to wash it all away but then i can't really explain what they're doing to me or i don't trust anybody in a boat tells me that once this happens we will learn it's all about global warming but we're not going to know until after it happens it doesn't sound like sound science to me down from his name a science guy is here if he's going to lie jerry is that is that it appears to be you know the nation. well i think that the media is doing a great job of scaring irene away as the more they talk about it and the more people buy bottled water and checks and beer weaker irene get and so i think that the idea is having a great power. stimulate the economy. that is life and here. brian thank you all thank you so it was good after the break tired of the freeloaders in the us economy in my deal with
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those persons have been riding the gravy train too long without payment for sure. drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to be. made who can you trust no one who is you know you with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism school sessions when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more. for.
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a mission. could you take three months for chargers free arrangement free. three stooges free. download free broncos quality video for your media projects a free media john darche john tom. we need to go after all the freeloaders living in america you know those guys addicted to welfare that's bankrupting our nation those same guys who don't pay their fair share in taxes those guys are just dirty up the place and expect expect the people around them to clean it up it's time to tell them the free ride over
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so are you listening g.e. exxon mobil citi group because i'm talking to you and i'm talking to you as a person is after all according to mitt romney that's what you are. corporations are people my friend we can raise taxes and of course they are everything corporations are also that goes to people so what do you think it goes. tragically the supreme court agrees with it and ever since the high court handed personhood over to corporations those giving them the same rights as we the people to meddle in politics and influence lawmakers the one area these corporations of focused most on is tax dodging as i point out my book on equal protection these corporations unleashed in army of corporate lobbyists to wriggly american tax code was so many loopholes that you'd be hard pressed to find one just one corporation in america
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that pays any amount even close to the official top corporate tax rate in this country which is between fifteen and thirty five percent of course republicans who are wholly owned by the corporate persons argue that corporations are taxed far too much already but that's a lie as this chart shows as a percentage of our g.d.p. corporations in the united states already pay less in taxes than in any other developed nation in the world except for iceland. but that's not good enough i guess as rick santorum points that he thinks corporations should pay no taxes at all well but the big thing i've posed is to take the corporate rate which makes us uncompetitive particularly exploiting goods take the corporate rate and cut it to zero for me factures well ricky wake up and smell the coffee and many corporations already pay no corporate taxes in fact they paid less than no corporate taxes they
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get welfare but she put your in more than fourteen billion in profits it somehow paid no taxes and even managed to get a three point two billion dollars tax rebate or horizon those workers are on strike because the corporation is trying to cut their benefits which earned more than twenty four billion dollars in profits last year and like she paid no taxes but instead got a tax rebate over the last two years of over a billion bucks not to mention bank of america boeing exxon mobil citigroup wells fargo some of the biggest corporations in america paid no nada none zero zip taxes in the united states and twenty zero and news corp the parent company of fox so-called news they also escaped without paying any taxes last year yet the millionaire talking heads over there still paying the taxes are today i guess
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that's why they hired ricky santorum as a contributor earlier this year. it wasn't always like this in america though there was a time not too long ago when corporations did pay their fair share during the one nine hundred sixty s. back when america was grooming and the middle class was growing corporate taxes made up twenty two percent of all the revenue going into the government but today it's about twelve percent as in corporations have managed to get their taxes cut in half. coincidentally millionaires and billionaires but at large the c.e.o.'s of these corporations have also managed to cut their own income tax in half and today enjoy the lowest levels of taxation in america in more than fifty years corporations pay less in income taxes they pay less in property taxes and they get hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies also known as corporate welfare and all of this is paid for by you and me but most americans
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struggling day in and day out to make men and meet all the very same corporations were getting tax breaks to ship our jobs overseas for even more tax free province and it's not like corporations exist in their own little bubble free from government services they use all the same stuff that we as people use like roads and railways court system our police and firefighters our military a user but they don't pay for they like us use all of the commons they just don't pay for it these guys are moochers so now is the time to cut the free riders loose we've seen for the last thirty years where corporations do with their tax breaks and that's pay their c.e.o.'s mind boggling amounts of money screw over their workers ship jobs and factories overseas and even crash our markets over gravy train ends today and it ends by declaring once and for all that corporations are
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not people that they cannot lobby our lawmakers who represent the people and that they have to pay their fair share go to move to amend and put an end to corporate personhood for good. that's the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we've covered visit our websites of samarra been dot com free speech dot org an r t dot com also check out our two you tube channels there are links to tom hartman dot com this entire show is also available as a free video podcast on i tunes and we have a free time our but i phone and i pad out in the app store because of this feedback on twitter and. facebook at thomas or our blogs message boards and telephone comment line it's on marvin's dot com. and don't forget democracy begins with you when you show up and participate have a great weekend we'll see you next week tag you're it.
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drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions didn't break through get through to be a mayor who can you trust no one who is you with the global machinery to see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called satchels when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more.
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