tv [untitled] August 27, 2011 3:31am-4:01am EDT
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next our team mates the heroic captain and navigator who saved all seventy two passengers one of plane's engines failed mid-flight. hello again they're welcome to spotlight they interviewed r.t. and today my guest is. six years ago two russian scientists in manchester discovered a revolutionary material called. last week they were awarded a nobel prize in physics for what is likely to revolutionize another tech engineering today game and oversell of our packing their bags to collect their million pounds. is joining us via satellite link from england.
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born in russia he's thinking of us all of his father was an engineer while his mother was a teacher after graduating with honors from the moscow physical technical university started work at a scientific research center in the in moscow two years later he moved to the netherlands way he met another russian scientist on drug game and whose guidance he continues to work to do physicists later moved to the university of manchester in the u.k. to continue their research six years ago no less elephant game discovered graffiti for which they were awarded the euro physics prize there to receive the world's most prestigious scientific award the nobel prize for producing graphene which can rival silicon as a basis of computer chips so perhaps there is sense in letting silicon valley stay american but making griffin valley a more russian creation at skolkovo. close to the soul of welcome to the show thank you very much for being with us. pleasure
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. first of all have you already got yourself a toke see the oh maybe you got one end of the torch to many of our other problems . i would i would appreciate some advice ok. well the russian government as far as you know i'm sure is attempting to create a sort of a silicon valley here outside moscow well do you think it may be a better idea now to to to create a new graphene value rather than a silicon valley. from a graffiti is of called the a priority of words silicon valley would be you would be quite we would you would know you have published a paper describing the describing your your your invention your work well five years ago right so. far five years what have you been doing since what
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will you now with your research is it all good seed or is something else that was that was only the beginning what we showed in that paper is that we can produce this material apparently. this material got so many fantastic properties that we were still stellar in for the last six years i guess we're going to start it or people these are going to started from for the next ten twenty or you or you or more years or so so you still are working on graffiti and the same on the serious subject you're so so you know moving you're not moving to be measured follow from the subject. unfortunately nor there and the main problem is that i guess the most interesting experiment is still had a fossil of cause this prize really. brings us a little bit behind on this in this rush to get to those very nice experiments can
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you tell us what is this most. made experiment frankly speaking for every single research. might be there the type of experiments because there is this material office a number of very different but very distant properties the mechanical properties the optical properties the. electronic properties for me it's the combination between mechanical and electronic properties which are the most interesting constantin you easier said than a minute ago that you were in this in this paper of yours for which you got the nobel prize you said that you said i quote we can produce good feeling but as far as i know you are not producing anything or you are interested in production or you just interested in research. well we do research on this
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material bugs in order to start our experiments we need to produce those samples first so of course the sample production reproduction of all this material is quite and portland's and. very often the most important parts or for our research you said that you have to produce enough material for your research but one of your colleagues in the united kingdom i quote said in this age of complexity with the machines like the super collider these guys managed to get the nobel prize using just sellotape so. is it true did you really that's. yes that's absolutely true and furthermore i guess a cheaper sounds good eighty percent of researchers across the world who do graffiti and it's actually it's a it's a huge subject you know they they still use this solitary methods of issue
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introduce which we introduced in two thousand and four and you also still use hello tape in your associates. in most cases yes and like it in greek. you have a year do you have enough sellotape now or you still do you still have to do to pick to pick it out out of garbage beds room got an exclusive supply from a few companies ok now. why are you called garbage scientists you know this label garbage scientists is it is it really because beer because you you pulled your first samples are the garbage bin or what is it. yes probably and i totally don't don't don't come although nobody tells us brave enough to say to me two twenty phrases. totally are totally fine who is being called like this and so
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it's an interesting story we were gods it is indeed rooted our colleague electioneer ski who was working with us at the time. during experiments on the way how he clean graphite in the throw in this cellar table with pieces of thin pieces of of graphite into the bin and basically what we've done we've picked a top and. made our first samples from from those that so so you don't regard this next day mad as being insulting to you now absolutely no i don't i don't care how people call in ok now can you tell us when did you realize that what you were doing is really a revolution in physics did you ever realizing it. well. you see we are quite lucky you know all that we can afford to
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work result thinking about producing area lucian and physics we can afford to work just because we were really really like it and already the very first experiments are true. than it was was those samples made from those first tapes we realize that we have something extremely interesting in our hands and it took us to probably easier or you win more to get the shows graphing samples bods the interesting physics we can see in the very in the first experiments ok how many people except you and game contributed to this graphene research because as far as i know usually one or two people get the nobel prize but actually it's a it's a company of like dozens of people is it the case with you. oh yes here i will do that was a pool of great researchers of fantastic people who are doing those first experiments
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you see i don't think that. the prize is due in just on the merits of the one experiment so rouer doing very interesting physics over the over the whole all over the years. in that we we. especially want to think of the morals of you know your who'd been working with us for for quite a long time and. also have a great pool of from targeted pigeons to the sun poles dogs who are from all over the world with us but this science is no. this is this this area so vast now that we rely you know experience not on the on the on our results we do rely on the results of all the community and it is you know it consists of probably hundreds of labs across the world so are you going to split the million
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quid you he going to get it yet is that it's well it's million dollars larry i i'm sort of so busy at the moment i didn't know or thought for it's. thought about this and really come hard here ok you are either teacher and now your colleague andrew again said i quote that graphene has all the potential to change our life the same way plastics did in the twentieth century so do you think that the twenty first century will be there the the age of growth feed the age of game and know myself. oh yeah absolutely defeated changed our lives come completely dramatically so we've had fantastic time over the last years and we arrive to this small one which is which is quite good as
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well but seriously i think it's. it does have a great world potential we still don't realize. how large is this potential i don't want to speculate about its place in silicon or was your feeling there are far too more can complicated questions that. the as a said already there are quite a few properties of this material which we are unique the mechanical teco electronic and if you find it's a publications. because that's you never sold off the nobel prize winner in physics this year spotlight will be back shortly right after the break so stay with us dead up.
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as you know song was sixteen years old when he committed these murders that's not to say that song so or should not be punished for his crimes song is being passed no rational person can deny that sean has been punished is being punished and will be punished. by sours must be executed for the brutal crime he committed this is a punch moment this is not. an imagined. bandstand. cause you've been immersed naam your wants to have or. how i didn't come here ask for justice. and her day for mercy. this congressman. final martin. and my that is now.
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back to spotlight i am al going of in just a reminder that my guests today via satellite link from from manchester is constantin another cell of the man who was awarded a nobel prize in physics this year. consensus well i know that you both you. and regain the colleagues you have just mentioned telling us about your team most of them are russians and i know that you even work at the so-called russian floor at the inverse of manchester although about stories now that by russians so you are a british citizen game is a dutch citizen but do consider yourself still too good to be russian or or british where i don't know european or what do you think oh. i definitely consider myself russian. i'm british as well and we of
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a lot to russian education to. and it sounds absolutely. but you chose to go to continue your work in england because what because the university you're in now gives you more research possibilities what else what if you compare well you already said in a couple of interviews that that the russian system of training in physics is the best in the world but after you're trained compare russian and european british what are the differences. first of all let me let me tell you that it is absolutely normal practice that scientists draw from one lab to another to learn different techniques and obtain different skills i can tell you that if you got ph d. in holland for instance he warned be able to continue as opposed the get there
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because you would have to by law you would have to go away from the country ok there are some some some some researchers of course applied. was the the major difference or probably one of the one of the good thing for me about its. western system of science is it's all pointless and so so easy to move from one university to to another and definitely help in transfer and of the knowledge of the skills and the technology and it's it's it's it's one of the key issues in more them science well president medvedev when he was speaking well a couple of days ago i think it was the national teacher's day was he was presenting awards to the best teachers in russia he he said a couple of words about you you and the game and he said well it's a pity that those russian guys actually got their prize working abroad and he said
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i would like to see more and more russian scientists working in russia getting the same possibilities the same funny advantages and what do you feel the do you share the same concern with our president. i would say that it's did you should you should do it more broadly i should say that. in the in wired's back to russia not only russian scientists but we should in the wide the best scientists. back to russia and that that includes russian british american who else science is very different mission is international and you always get a war always want to get the best result and the best results are produced by the best people and you cannot rely on one nationality only in this in this process you
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have to you master the bastion for us well the really mentioned results of brain drain from russia is that russian scientists are increasingly uncritically sighted in world scientific press and in world scientific publications but since all these scientists are now abroad most of them are abroad does it mean that the younger generation of russian scientists would may not be as successful as you are . two points just toward moore's old blue russian side his broad there are huge number of from past in from the good scientists who work in the russian that's i totally disagree with you on this point and second as i said already exchange of scientists is not about things that's absolute can or practice brain drain is nor is not about the the berthing is the is no
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a real us promises that scientists are coming back to russia and shoot in the shoe russia fantastic school of science we should share it with the war but we also have to get something back from the war and we need to unwind best the best people and i don't think that. makes a big issue here constantin the russian government the kremlin has been pretty much obsessed by nana technologies over the last couple of years and many people a journalist have been pretty sort of casting at there and now this obsession with nana to tell gee do you think that investing into nanotechnology is really the right thing to do for the russian government today. well i guess as you probably misread all this all this initiative. you always need a big flag and i called the the main idea behind this is true and while it is true
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in the us to technology in general and it's the correct things it will be absolutely wrong of course to invest into knowledge of knowledge ian forget completely about micro technology and forgot about. her and concentrate only about on this time minus nine the preference. so invest in into college as long as it is done with was some sound is is a perfectly good idea e you said that she didn't even know there for the ten minutes ago the amount of the money will get within the prize that that means that you are not at all interested in money and in business that you are you are not at all you and your colleagues are not at all interested in the commercial a use of graphene of putting it into is into well real life into gadgets and whatever. well look what. you cannot tell
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it's for also for my colleagues who have foremost to lose who own companies which are we to reach produce graphene who have nothing to do is that they those companies do do exist so some of my good friends and colleagues they do have some interest in in business. why we're interested in having a good time in the lab. if it involves creation new type of devices from from graffiti we will do it so we are since we produced a prototype of liquid crystal display made of woman we had of it of graph you know you are absolutely right it will be very extremely very boring for me to sit for here and try and sue. to make this this device work slightly better that will be towards me but that's an important part of or of jobs and you mentioned spending
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time having good time in the land which she said is that it is always about you really the thing for her for in life tell us about it what is having a good time with your friends in the lab what do you do what do you mean by having good time in the lab. ok don't take your own or. write like picking up squash table and making make in first samples of graphene that's fantastic time. making some new type of devices that's fantastic so for for me the best one is a device which you can produce within the day and you just got an idea where you will produce a device and you measure it in the that's the the best one. any interested in arguments any unusual that's having a good time. constantin this graphene as far as i understand is as
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a unique unique two d. material a material with the unique qualities is it really unique is it one of a kind or there may be other materials with similar or even better qualities yet to come yet to be invented. oh yes absolutely that's and i'm a little bit concerned about this but we are so so much concentration on griffin i really would like to to look a little bit broader now but even the grafin by itself already it's gives us so much fun that it's hard to. go somewhere else but i'm sure and probably we would suspect how to do it there are other materials there reads worse similar interests and problems as well russian kids have have lots of sellotape and we call scotch one of their well whatever so we're where do we have
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to look for these new materials you said it may be other than graffiti which it what it is what does the bins do we have to look for it while we can you can think about combinations of graphene and sums and now some that will produce you a new material and like just put into will gather on three or three russian to gather and the will be a new material or together so there are so instead of using sellotaped to split graffiti you just put it back or you just use some nama glue if you want to glue it back together so that's just one just i just corrine you ideas well last question i have read in the press that the military are already getting increasingly interested in your intervention have you heard anything about that do you think that can that get. this interest from from the side of the military can
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spoil your life make your life aagot. well we were god i know if you guys from from the office of air force or us and from no research to the robber were nice guys and we do have funding from from them your goal for a conference you you see a top talk from from even told that you did the show you a performance of high frequency to the ministers and half of the screen is bland because the say that it is its information so yes there is some. drive from. as well i hate what it is in this. process fired by. the resign about officer issues which is driven more than mostly by the three in the it goes thank you never still of
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a russian russian scientist in manchester a nobel prize winner that will need some help getting these coming couple of days inviting us to see you know we don't sound so please give the time to those that can thank you very much for being with us and just to remind us that confronting the myself was our guest today and will develop with more press than comments on what's going on in and outside russia until then stay on party and take care.
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leave is rebels and nato are closing in on colonel gadhafi is hometown a worry it's believed he might be hiding as western governments make their moves to win big business and the war torn country. the battle of the u.n. russia calls for dialogue to broker peace in syria while criticizing the u.s. and european states for showing bias in siding with anti-government protesters. and a british court is accused of gagging world war two veteran by jailing him for speaking out against corruption and the tradition and. this is r.t. live from moscow i'm marina josh welcome to the program the u.n. is calling for a hold to violence.
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