tv [untitled] August 27, 2011 5:01am-5:31am EDT
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hometown of syria with aerial support from nato british tornado jets have fired cruise missiles at his command and control bunker in the town regarded as could obvious the last stronghold the nato bombings come despite previous statements from the lines that it wasn't assisting rebels in their hunt for gadhafi there's also been intense fighting near tripoli international airport. who's in the capital says many there are now living in fear of. was there bad while i'm here out if i was. headed by a little don't you think it's about the lives of nobody's seen these people nobody cared about this people for years to keep this issue fairly easy for me i think you may not know. who she. was that it was really was everything that might remind
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people of all the decades of dictatorship has been a trial was this is only for dirty things only for dirty things the fees fighting has continued since rebel forces and to tripoli during the week and much of the city baz this cause a war on top of months of relentless bombing by nato and new evidence of the bloodshed emerged when hundreds of bodies of a fallen hospital abandoned by stuff lay in the arrival of rebel forces his no one can control many residents now leaving any case and on demand some by charging i think. the more i say right out of the show what i was thinking when i was on an article when i was here that is not yet about is it when we interviewed so many weapons and. there's no good time for you anymore the man says not to you know he's done this but it. was great and tough is
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just like doesn't to show this substance it with a leader says the memo said and to keep a modest well he was celebrated as oh another kind that's the candle still at large this battle is not yet over there is no shots tripoli. meanwhile the race for levy is vast oil wealth is gathering momentum states who work together during massive nato airstrikes are now working against each other in the battle to secure a lucrative energy contracts but as sarah ferguson reports it's led to fears that a new regime in libya could easily slide into corruption. half a billion dollars from italy now a whopping one point five billion from the u.n. weeks all that one to pursue three hundred million dollars from turkey is
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discussions a bound about the future of the case get back in libya is the money that's been talking the loudest governments have a strong interest in opening up new found. or opening up business for. everybody. it leads foreign minister has denied that there's a race on with france to be the first on the ground to restart business in libya but the italians have me clear their eagerness to maintain the extremely close trade ties thing joy the end of the gadhafi regime but as the money begins to flow to help the national transitional council as it takes power the big question mark remains avery exactly who these fast funds belong to in the states just coming to an end the borderline between wealth the product well for the gadhafi family and the wealth of the state were not very clear so of it's hard to see how
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much of this money was a direct in the nation of gadhafi as well probably wealth and how much of it was actually. could be categorized as libyan assets because the family were often accused of using libya's riches as their own personal pocket money now there are concerns that the unfreezing of libyan assets without effective monitoring in the floodgates to new corruption is now a lot of opportunities and everybody's trying to. you know it's sort of. trying to exploit this war. everybody could have oil gas and infrastructure projects to follow as the war torn country rebuilds. everyone it seems wants a slice of the action a war is nowadays indispensable for western economies western interest reason to leave. you destroy your ability to travel your appeal it's like
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a vicious circle it's not just italy that have been trying to keep the national transitional council on sight like it or not the many western countries a place for libya will mean big business there for. the land. while there are hopes of democracy in the new media many analysts say the reality is likely to be very different as the rebels have been infiltrated by islamic extremists journalist have escobar says al qaida is already effectively in power in tripoli gas who is the defacto military commander of tripoli as we speak so give you and me do had keen. and he is an al qaeda s. that he was trained in afghanistan he was struck by the cia after nine eleven he was friends with zarko when he was captured in molitor in two thousand and three he was tortured in bangkok you know one of those extremely rendition cia prisons in bangkok he was sent back to the libyans he made
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a deal with saif al islam in two thousand and nine he was released and now he's the military commander of trip from the beginning the window home february seventeenth movement was hijacked by tomato powers by the u.s. military defectors from tripoli everybody was working together including to softly jihad this that's why we don't know what's going to happen next. journalist pepe escobar there commenting on the current situation in libya. fresh diplomatic efforts to and the ongoing violence in syria have been made by russia as it's introduced its own draft u.n. resolution moscow is calling on both sides of the country to engage in dialogue and for president bashar asad to speed up promised reforms are he's going to check out his across the latest. it looks like we're going to see a battle of two different versions of resolutions on syria the u.n. security council russia is putting forward its draft resolution which will be an alternative to the resolution that the u.s.
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and european representatives are putting together a letter has already being dubbed as sanctions resolution the u.s. and european leaders want to put more pressure on the syrian government whereas the russian version of the resolution makes two very important points first of all it cost to the syrian government to expedite the implementation of the reforms that president assad has announced in order to effectively address the legitimate aspirations and concerns of the syrian people and second it urges the syrian opposition to engage in political dialogue with the syrian authorities about what reforms to carry out in the country the syrian opposition definitely could be more forthcoming in that direction so a very important difference there the washing draft resolution does not put pressure on just one side it calls for dialogue it calls for restraint on both sides and here is more on that from russia's and boy to the united nations who spoke with us earlier if there are some constructive ideas from our colleagues. but
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of course simply you know marrying the two would be like two different species from two different planets so what we have seen from. colleagues and others it's completely biased and leaning exclusively on the syrian government that doesn't have anything about the need for dialogue doesn't cut is your position for dialogue in fact our concern is that it's going to push the the more extreme the more destructive elements of the syrian opposition towards. even stronger efforts in order to topple the syrian government so that's why we don't like at all what. to achieve by that resolution and propose an alternative to that to keep the security council involved but to have a devolved into. for months russia has been pointing at the problem with the attitude the west of the west towards the dramatic developments in syria moscow says that attitude has been exclusively about exerting pressure on one of the
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parties namely the syrian government and president sought which effectively sends the wrong message to the syrian opposition prompting them to believe that if they remain insistent in the situation keeps getting critical the west will come to help them you know the way it happened in libya the russian resolution calls on the syrian authorities to allow unhindered access to international humanitarian agencies and to fully cooperate with the un commissioner for human rights now as for how the resolution how far the resolution can go both russia and the u.s. have veto power as we know along with china the u.k. and france and that means whatever resolution comes out at the end of the day it has to be acceptable for at least all of the five permanent members of the u.n. security council if they don't agree there is going to be no resolution. reporting there will still have for you this hour here on r.t. a gathering storm or braces itself for historic hurricane irene it was evacuations
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from the city as well as airports and public transport of being shut down. and a god report says china will be leading the world military power within the next decade find out why washington is so concerned. now the people of the caucuses republic of a posse of have elected a new leader it's been confirmed the country's vice president alexander and cob have seen off the challenge of two rivals in the presidential election well there is much at stake for the country which needs to rebuild after its long fied we're in the panels from georgia r.t.s. tell barden joins us live now from the capital so whom so a winner has emerged how big a victory was it. yes alexander the former vice president is now president of the tiny caucasus republic of cars here the central election commission announced that he won with fifty five percent of the
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one hundred two thousand votes cast this is a small republic voter turnout was put at seventy two percent so high figure and it's virtually the same voter turnout but there was for the last presidential election in two thousand and nine there were minor complaints from the other two candidates the prime minister and another former vice president but they were nothing earth shaking and overall there was few reports when there were no reports of of any disturbances we heard a little bit of celebrate three gunfire last night and we saw some of the people gathered throughout the night trying to wait for results but overall it's passed very peacefully and in a very well organized fashion alexander former policeman is from a police family he fought for the country's independence and cars his independence in the one nine hundred ninety one to two civil war he's had
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a number of attempts on his life in the past two years all of which make him quite a tough figure not a public politician until now but one who has a lot of influence in our cars here. while people were voting for their new president they were also voting for the future talk us through the challenges that the country is facing. mr arm club will face some big hurdles to try and climb over primarily to do with the infrastructure of the country but all of that is because of this very special time at the moment that it is in our cars here three years ago yesterday russian president dmitri medvedev recognized the independence of a car from georgia that was after a war away to the east and south of setia and fears that the georgians may also attack here in abkhazia that came at the end of
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a long independence struggle for abkhazia which started after the breakup of the soviet union in one thousand nine hundred one and one nine hundred ninety two and that left all that fighting left the country on its infrastructure in a very sorry state warms a very famous soviet holiday resort and very famed for its fruit growing in exports both those major sectors are very weak now and mr m. club is going to need to really focus on building those up so but the new cars here with its new president will be able to stand on its own two feet. all right tom thanks very much indeed for bringing us the sub data from tom barton reporting there. the fallout from the mass riots across in one has pushed prison populations there to a record high even so we've still found space to jail a world war two veteran incarcerated simply for recording a court hearing but as artie's lore and reports there could be other motives behind his imprisonment. british prisons are full to bursting the courts are working
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overtime sending young people to jail for their role in the recent riots in england and if they're sent to leeds prison they'll be languishing alongside eighty five year old norman scarth he played the arctic sea cheering the second world war serving his country taking a sense. supplies to the soviet union on the most dangerous journey in the world and now he's serving six months in prison on the whim of a british judge his crime recording a court hearing he said he did it because he's hard of hearing but the judge didn't accept that it was a very harsh sentence and i believe it was because caesar in covering the corruption of the judiciary you see them frown upon a scarth is no stranger to the legal system he won a case in the european court of human rights banning secret hearings yet still some
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cases in england all heard behind closed doors and recording and taking photographs is forbidden unlike in other e.u. countries scarth attends demonstrations where he shouts about corruption in the police and judiciary saying lawyers police and the courts are in cahoots and regularly persecution gag those who disagree with them that's why m.p. john hemming suspects the judge was trying to shut him up we have in theory in this country something called freedom of expression that is people's right to speak out about what they see as wrong as long as they're telling the truth nine very worried this is an attempt to gag an elderly gentleman may not always be right but he has a right to be here luckily for scott he has friends with knowledge of the law and they're acting for him nobody supported them for his case here to the boil court of justice but they don't feel justice is being served to heaven meanwhile claim to being denied essential medication in prison according to reports conditions in
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leeds prison are bad the war veteran can't get any exercise because he's unable to walk for the entire hour allocated scott also says he's being denied access to a lawyer by his jailers discouraging going on every day and every fall leaving this long this is what the trial is over. norman scarth has vowed to keep fighting to. corruption just as he fought all those years ago to keep fascism out of his country the irony is the country he fought for is now the one he's fighting against laura and it's london. new york is bracing itself as approaching hurricane irene asked for us the mayor to order evacuations from the city despite a weakening to a category one storm forecasters say it remains extremely dangerous and president obama had warned it could be historic public transport including the new york subway will be shut down for the first time ever artie's marina port gauges the
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mood in the metropolis. more than eight million new yorkers are preparing for what's expected to be a dangerous and possibly disastrous hurricane on its way to new york city this hurricane is expected to hit new york by nine p. am saturday evening parts of the city was was filled with crowds of people as you saw officials evacuating new yorkers from parts of areas that were deemed extremely dangerous for the first time in history the new york city mayor ordered mandatory evacuation of what he called low rise areas these are areas all throughout new york there are very close to the water as of twelve pm all public transportation will come to a halt it's also been recommended to anyone that lives above the tenth floor to evacuate from their building now up until this point new yorkers were really taking
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these warnings and these forecasts seriously because the last time this city experienced our hurricane a very heavy and dangerous hurricane was in one thousand nine hundred thirty eight but as we saw saturday we saw the winds picking up we saw many people rushing to the supermarkets rushing to the stores to stock up on good stock up on food stock up on water some engineers believe that the infrastructure of new york city because it is so old may not be able to withstand the powers of the wind and there may be flooding in tunnels of new york city some airports may be flooded homes possibly even flooded and or destroyed so at this point everybody is preparing for the worst bracing themselves hoping it's not going to be as bad as forecasted but if it is it is not clear what will be of new york come monday. right over there reporting there
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from new york while you're watching our team live from moscow there is plenty here to have for you on the program including family matters our close up team reports on how an orphanage in the care of regions helps children with physical mental and psychological disabilities find a new home. that's later in the program before that the pentagon has released a report warning that china is on track to become a leading world military power in less than eight years the u.s. documents as the by building aircraft carriers missiles and a valid thing cyber warfare they seem could potentially destabilize asia a con hallinan an expert on asian military affairs believes america has its own interest in creating a fuss around china there's a lot of hype going on right now in the united states and and some of that is because they want to raise the chinese up so they were big danger that way we can keep a large military footprint in asia but it also has to do with internal matters to
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push to cut the military budget the arms companies and then and the military assured digging in their heels and so there is trowing up this kind of chinese bugaboo aircraft carriers this missile which can sink aircraft here it's not even been tested keep in mind they have one aircraft carrier which is one half the size of american aircraft carriers in the millikan's have an nimitz class aircraft carrier so even if they built one or two or even three more aircraft carriers they're nowhere near the level they would need to challenge the united states students. that was con hong an expert on asian military affairs. and russia's far east has seen its third shark attack in the space of ten days after a man was savaged while swimming in pacific waters the victim was taken to hospital with his forearm badly injured and suffering with wounds to his body the man had
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defied a swimming ban of parts of russia's east coast brought in after the two other recent incidents the first recorded shark attacks in the country's history last week saw one man lose both his forearms trying to protect his wife while all of the other case a sixteen year old divers leg was severely lacerated a hand for the shark or sharks is only one way. and now let's take a look at some other stories from around the world hundreds of militants have crossed the border into pakistan and attacked a number of security checkpoints killing up to fifteen they then seized other areas triggering clashes with security forces officials say pakistani militants responded to the assaults killing nine cross border raids have raised tension between the countries in recent months as the battle insurgents linked to the taliban and al qaida. and as long as militant group has admitted responsibility for the deadly attack on the u.s. have quaters in the nigerian capital abuja it happened on friday when
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a car rammed through two security gates despite guards opening fire at least eighteen people were killed in the suicide bombing while dozens were injured some of them critically the powerful blast destroyed the lower floors of the building. mexico's government is offering at two point four million dollar reward for information about a deadly raid on a casino the attack in the city of monterrey left over fifty people dead and many more injured dozens were trapped inside and show to a gunman burst into the venue sprayed it with fuel and set it on fire authorities suspect the attack was connected to organized crime. watching r.t. coming to live from moscow we now continue to explore russia and the latest in our close up series looking at life in all corners of the country.
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and this week we are taking us thousand kilometers from moscow to the city of kirov it's a place full of community spirit were for many people family comes first and as are broad enough reports the city is leading the way in a pioneering project to find homes for the orphans. apart from being a personal tragedy and a difficulty to overcome being an orphan is also a social problem and russia there are thousands of thousands of orphans but in fact most of them have parents or relatives outside of the orphanage but these people simply do not want to look after them or cannot be trusted to do so so this is something that needs to be solved on a social level general social problems that cause these children to be taken away how can they be tackled so it's not necessarily something that an individual or an individual part of russia can prevent but then the same kind of region to try to say ok we're being dealt with all these orphans we're receiving all these people
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but at least we can do is find them a new home and that's what i tried to do as you can see my report. in russia it's hard enough to find a new family for healthy orphans it's even harder for children like these all of them diagnosed with serious physical mental or psychological disabilities. but here at the care of all finnish number one they manage it while in russia there are currently a hundred and fifty thousand children who haven't been adopted here ninety eight percent of all orphans find a new family before six. many orphanages exist by themselves in isolation we are reaching out to the potential parents and the authorities and working with them the first course of action is to try and place the children back with their biological parents who often give them up scared off by the diagnoses that often it
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shows that with the right care these children can lead normal lives that parents have to prove their attitude has changed for other potential adopters their educational courses and ongoing medical support all basics in the west but hardly universal in russia yet staff say these on the main reasons for their success. that it is a cut it. doesn't matter how good the facilities are here or what care the children receive we all of the staff here still know than an orphanage is no substitute for a family a quick straw poll shows as much moved here that our young people there are three of us here me and my two sisters we really want to be adopted by the same family but not everyone wants three kids to orphanages track record is anything to go by they'll soon find a family make the fire new families for these children are commendable but under is only so much that an orphanage can do to solve the problem of adoption that the customer not only adopted four children from orphanage number one but also sits on
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an adoptive parents committee yes the bill can you be i think the problem is the social attitudes towards the youth children it's not a case of money where an average family all of the state support is really there you just have to love the children themselves a loner who is fourteen says she was betrayed by her parents and those who promised to adopt her and never did then she finally found a home that you could open you in the home you were always just a part of the group but here in the family you are needed by someone there is more tenderness more love i'm happy. with the last. so often it does make an effort to connect with the world outside and adoption becomes more widespread and society will be more happy endings like this one. of our. own region. and our web site r t v dot com has a lot more stories and analysis for you and here's
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a taste of what we've got lined up now frances five a it hard to crunch the numbers as growth plummets and debt surges find out why it's feared planned government cuts could soon stand riders to vent their anger on the streets. and it wasn't the engine trouble or armed hijackers that forced a plane to turn back at a moscow airport but a passenger breaking into a mile high strip tease find out more about the unexpected in-flight entertainment at a to the. well shortly here and there as he will bring you the latest from the world of gadgets and high tech that's after recap our top stories in just a few minutes. will.
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welcome back to what you know if you live from moscow here's a look at the top stories libya's rebels in nato are closing in on colonel gadhafi is hometown words believed he might be hiding meanwhile western governments waste no time in securing big business in the war torn country. russia puts forward a un resolution calling for a dialogue to broker peace in syria the document is to counter what is proposed by the u.s. and european states which moscow says is siding with anti-government protesters. and a british court is accused of trying to gag a world war two veteran the eighty five year old has been jailed for recording a court hearing but activists claim the real reason was he.
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