tv [untitled] August 28, 2011 6:00am-6:30am EDT
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in the ski planet reticent this is from jim in steam we could switch it to look you think of skin color you. know so it's. today's news and the week's top stories colonel gadhafi reportedly offers talks with the libyan rebels to arrange a transfer offer power meanwhile the opposition's western allies are eyeing payback as a carve up of the country's oil gold thank you. both those kids off is effectively gone crosses over not the kinds of goals the libyan capital kabul joining me in reflection of from tripoli in just a few moments. but north korea will limit nuclear arms testing and production and international security in the region resume a pledge made by the country's reclusive leader on a rare trip to russia. bust a lot of the progress an unmanned space ship ferrying supplies to the international
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space station is missing after crashing over siberia. flight from moscow you're watching our weekly program here on our team this sunday it's two pm in the russian capital first stop colonel gadhafi is reportedly ready to begin talks to transfer power to libya's rebels the news comes a week after a decisive breakthrough in the country's civil war and tripoli was the scene of a major battle as the rebels took control of the city from a cafe loyalist r.g.s. reopen otieno is in the libyan capital for us. we are receiving reports that kentucky wants to hold talks with the rebels to form a transitional government. this information chief has apparently called a.p. news agencies had orders in new york and has found that he easer ready for negotiations with the rebels to form transitional government and he's appointed his
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third son saadi to lead these negotiations this news comes just one week after the rebel success for salt on the libyan capital tripoli which became kind of breakthrough in the libyan six month long civil war and just days after the colonel himself announced that he would fight his dad and called libyan people to come and fight against rebels and to die. meanwhile many here are skeptical about his intentions because it's not for the first time that the colonel expresses his readiness for peaceful solution of this crisis we know that he'd repeatedly announced ceasefire with the rebels but he'd broken many times so he didn't earn trust enough to be sure that these negotiations will actually take place meanwhile the rebels are progressing quite well they're now claiming that they are control in most parts of the country which is actually true including the casual
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tripoli virtually now are almost completely under their control there now claiming that they're preparing for an assault on his native town still he's thought actually to be his last stronghold and there's nothing that they're just waiting for later to help them clear the path the situation on the ground in the libyan capital is very complicated and it is very close to humanitarian catastrophe actually this is the she is currently facing severe shortages of running water electricity few and medicine people are trying to deal with they are using public taps to get through. and since the city's municipal services happening paralyzed streets of the capital tripoli full of garbage and people are also trying to cope with that themselves also people here people believe in fear of anarchy because
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there is no police in the city and people are trying to do without and styles the water now is maintained by armed volunteers there are checkpoints throughout the state not safe here in tripoli because we are receiving from time to time reports about sniper shooting that's why people are afraid to leave their houses and that's why tripoli now looks a little bit t. and in some districts even abandoned. western powers have begun their own fight for the vast oil riches artie's sour furthur ports now the neighboring states lining up to secure lucrative energy contracts. still to the heart of most modern wars and you'll strike oil whether or not that's things true when it comes to libya well it's going to play a pivotal role in the country's future here we have to feel restruck interest to meet. the western interest to check it or. also to rebel
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to bargain with future libyan government intervention to restart shelling all as possible the stranger to the concepts of friends with benefits berlusconi being quick to casey up to the new transitional council inviting the public face of the group from the grill to italy saw. these closest european allies in the later the bombing campaign began back in april probably switch sides began courting the rebels in full the wall almost a third of its lease daily energy needs were imported from libya an oil giant any with the largest port operator in the country because many here have been doing all they can to safeguard these contracts but the if they will be able to maintain these previously close business ties is by no means a given. in libya the seats are likely extremely uncertain and there are little guarantee one of the biggest problems italy and other western countries since the
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beginning of the wall has been a struggle to adequately understand the internal workings of the rebels themselves . amongst the rebels there are many factions commission people. if. you are sick and many chiefs of these groups of rebels and from the politicians with gadhafi and then they completely change their face. and as they say i think they are corrupt politician and it will make it be personally on a number of occasions three business connections in the month the gay she returned from a. explaining shit to lydia with the handwritten letter she says was written by a tibetan skating in it he allegedly says he was surprised by your decision to join the coalition against libya especially after he signed the friendship and cooperation treaty between the two sides the cittie he's referring to he was trying just to months before the libyan uprising the letter goes on to ask why did you
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join our enemies or that any diplomatic dialogue or investigation berlusconi now seems t.v. in the making the friends it was that maybe the final chapter of the many feared conflicts will continue i would care to see them thank you if you talk to the chief among the rebels there is no such. consensus no consensus holds and you tell me every time you actually have a person to talk to. be. with her foreign media now is silly along with many in the west could well find previous lucrative relations they turn out to be just as they killed the rainfall the friendship there for the. well nato has been denying previously reports that it was helping the rebels in the hunt for colonel gaddafi despite the fact british strads have banca his hometown
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journalist and broadcaster new york clarke says the use of this information by all science is a hallmark of the conflict. what is very clear is happening here is the rebels are trying to reach the into the international war crimes and make out their complete control of the country because it's finished the war is basically over everyone supports them the situation is broad walk a complex and it's a very very divided society along tribal lines and if you doubt the regime which was secular good managed to hold the country together for a long period and now we're going to see tribal warfare great and it's very clear. we still have lots of support in the west these tools but you have no support and everybody behind the opposition but it isn't true what nato has got here basically is transform a situation where there was a demonstration against the regime there into a full scale civil war the western powers who are. really want to get their money back and they want to get money they want to profits this whole enterprise about
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humanitarian intervention that was entirely is all about. and installing a new regime we would hand out the contracts to western companies and would be much more meaningful to american. broadcaster there neil clark commenting on a post in libya well remember you can also get the latest news on the situation in libya as well as blogs analysis and much more on our website our. it emerged this week that north korea is ready to return to international talks over its disputed nuclear plans with no preconditions the announcement came as the country's reclusive leader of the president to meet the needs of egypt and russia on a rare trip brought kim jong il rolled across siberia in an armored train also to discuss a vital energy deal for his state struggling economy. fall of the fifth. a man of mystery north korea's kim jong il who first just out of the u.s.
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spotlight the great leader as he's officially known home constantly fears for his life. which is why you avoids planes has armored cars and eats chopsticks designed to detect reasons but the fear of ongoing sanctions and tough financial times proved more significant as kim jong il embarked on a widely publicized trip to russia making tracks from pyongyang in a special armored train gifted to kim's father by stalin the leader crossed the border with russia and made his first stop in the far eastern town of pass on from there he traveled on the translate here in railway to the by call region with the republic of borneo as his final destination and a meeting with president medvedev his ultimate goal but before meeting with his current russian counterpart the north korean leader stopped to pay his respects to the first soviet leader this past of life is one of the biggest in the world by
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stopping here kim jong il has made sure that the entire world knows what might have been russia's past is still north korea's future as kim jong il's press service scramble for their multitude of motion picture cameras to document the great leaders every word that two men get down to business but as far as i understand the democratic people's republic of korea is interested in the implementation of this trilateral project in which the russian federation and south korea will also take part some technical matters are going to be settled now some time ago gas problem delegation at the level of the vice chairman of the board visited the d.p. r. k. yesterday i ordered the chairman of the board alexey miller to tackle this issue the pipeline which would bring say green natural gas to the heart of asia would mean money for the struggling north korea and a new market for russia the north koreans are not going to. price for gas imports from russia. because the pipelines are the pipeline has to be extended
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into south korea so it's a korean market but the. formal state of war between north and south korea is a huge obstacle and this is yet another situation where russia has an advantage bush is in the perfect position to play this role because of their closer relationship with the united states over the past years because of the fact they aren't seen as a lot i did with north korea as china is you know president obama. once said that we must change our way of attention from what separates us to what unites us and russia plays a unique role right now to help lead the world in that direction markedly different approach from some of the other members of the six party talks like south korea and the u.s. was constant sanctioning has failed to bring results and results are what this treaty with russia but appears to have achieved with kim jong il's announcement of
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a desire to return to the talks and implement a march for human production and testing of nuclear weapons if the talks resume for north korea is a chance to recover from recent data famine and get some much needed food aid but for russia it's a chance to do what everyone else has failed so far catherine as are our will on the them. still ahead for you this hour a storm brewing in new york the streets of the metropolis stand empty as hurricane rina sweeps leaving devastation in its wake. and france is feeling the pinch as surges and growth stagnate with fears huge cuts could spill over into angry riots. the hunt continues for the wreckage of an unmanned russian space ship that crashed wednesday the progress vessel was carrying supplies for the crew of the international space station when
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it fell back to earth in siberia shortly after alone ch it credit should say spread fears that its toxic fuel could be dangerous for locals and the environment triggered greaves takes up the story. the moment it's came crashing down. launched on wednesday from the baikonur cosmodrome three hundred twenty five seconds later a progress craft atop a soyuz rocket plummeted back to earth i thought it was a plane at first then i realized the coins never fly there quietly then it turned into some bright object and then suddenly it was partly i heard a loud noise it was like three bangs one really loud and wider it was due to dock with the international space station on friday delivery essential supplies to six crew members on board rocket malfunction has been blamed for the unsuccessful launch as a craft ascended into orbit a signal failure here meant the third stage in the sequence in this part of the
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rocket was an activated as a result it failed to ignite and propel the progress out of the earth's atmosphere . teams have be sent to southern siberia's altai republic to look for signs of any wreckage amid fears toxic fuel may seek into the surrounding soil and water supply so far they've drawn a blank but already the repercussions of the bush mission of being fills much further afield with the question of how to resupply the international space station proving the most pressing. operational always keep in mind that possibility off guard was not talking to the international space station for some reason so they could all board pairs of water and food supplies to survive on for another three or four months and deal. with graft arrive to the space station time then maybe on the side of ross cosmos russia's place agency for the last still
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raised significant alarm bells this or use a rocket carrying. the crew is slightly different but not much there. well that was the progress they're going to want to make sure. thing is similar they could go all about what you want what happened. oh that's why there's more turbulence of russia's space program back in december when three globalist satellites the country's alternative to g.p.s. plummeted into the pacific ocean with this latest setback roscosmos has been forced to tighten called the controls in hope there won't be a repeat of the problems possibly good news for the six nationals currently on board the international space station especially since after the scrappy u.s. shuttle program is now global importance on the success of the soyuz. greaves party. well following that latest rocket malfunction the return of three crew
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members from the international space station is scheduled for early next month has been delayed despite the setback for the site many experts believe it's still the most reliable way to transport people and cargo into all. the soyuz is a very reliable vehicle but it's still got something like a one in fifty a little better than one in fifty failure rate so as long as you're using expendable be cause this sort of failure is bound to happen you know fiftieth to sixty in flight the soyuz is a more reliable system of the shuttle remember the shuttle did not have an escape system so when it failed the crew were in very serious trouble whereas the soyuz has a very effective escape system so both the rocket and the escape system have to fail before the astronauts are in any danger. that was mark ourself from the british interplanetary society now. millions of new yorkers who chosen to stay in their homes despite mandatory evacuations are bracing themselves for the worst of
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hurricane irene heavy rain and strong winds have already started plummeting the city parts of the east coast something us have been devastated leaving millions without electricity as among those preparing to weather the storm businesses that are either have boarded up their windows or keep along their windows and you can feel the wind increasing you feel the rain increasing the rain is coming down like sheets of water in new york city michael bloomberg did how about this conference seating and urging all new yorkers to stay away from their windows move away from their glass windows because he says the winds are going to pick up speed friday new york city michael bloomberg for the first time in history issued a mandatory evacuation of certain parts of new york city three hundred seventy thousand people live there all these evacuation zones a lot of people chose to not move chose to stay in their homes and you did get to
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speak with some people doubt were heading to the stores to buy up supplies saturday here's a little bit of what they have said. this is the only rule one that really had a major. or so. who knows of no we don't know the whole thing arms around it like going out in the in like tons of water like hurricane katrina like that me the public transportation system in new york city has also been shut down and that includes the trains the crosses i can tell you that the city is prepared for the worst most new yorkers are hoping that the stories being overblown that it's been hyped up but i can't imagine that in. in this kind of time a time of economic crisis where city would go and spend so much money and the federal government if this was not a serious storm minute this point we're waiting for seeing it seems
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a little bit like a movie where you don't know what's going to happen but you're just prepared and that's this circumstance here in new york that's not right now. i'm from moscow you're with r t coming up a new president but all problems as the people. in the caucuses make their choice at the ballot box what lies ahead for the new leader as his republic struggles to rebuild after winning independence from georgia. the richest sector of french society is pledging another three percent of its annual income this week to help the country battle its descent into debt as growth slams france has also announced some trouble billion euro worth of cuts for starters daniel bushell explains the move could be too little too late it's clear social unrest could follow. enjoys a triple a credit rating but now one of the boys ratios among the world's top rated states. is bitterly to follow the u.s.
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and beat their own gradient just repaying interest only this year has overtaken education and the feds as the government. closes presided over the biggest jump in debt levels in our history books that carry too much water. france is going to solve the. problem is the us as explained you rolled up spending cuts this week but economists fear things. those cuts go nowhere near enough lead. people saying we're going to go. and buy a porsche and call the austerity doctors board frauds these huge pit birds and is really truly a dream first mint in schools and hospitals. getting. into story. computer. very old.
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fashioned. the situation. explosive c. experts and frauds could be next to witness routes like those in britain with the proved regions the likely. part of cities in the suburbs. are certainly segregated to very high standards far more so than in the u.k. or in germany so yes when risk comes from the suburbs and spread through nicolas sarkozy's flying a call from france as he turned over budget day to his pacific island of new caledonia with students climbing street protests over the cuts he's left the job of presenting his prime minister to let them take the flak for and hopefully unions students retirees can march directly and protest against the ministers while he's behaving in a certain sort of these absence in this time of crisis writes leading newspaper le
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figaro may be clear both politically but his failure to tackle because she's troubles now could be creating even greater problems for the future. will see. the people of the congress this republic of have settled upon their choice of who they want to lead their fledging country but as president alexander on one the presidential rivals now succeed to clyde recently from el masse after playing a crucial role in not causing this long and bitter struggle for independence from georgia and his boss he has more. he promised to make a stronger state now what it's on the flop has the power to do so winning fifty four percent of the vote in friday's presidential election out of two rivals is giving him a clear mandate but some citizens of the small caucasus republic willing to travel a long way to support their man as i came from crimea to vote he helped war
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veterans like me a lot when we had tough times. aleksandr unthought was vice president one the man he succeeds as leader sergei volkov option died in office last may the two saw taz independence recognized by russia and a number of other countries in two thousand and eight with both men helping prevent war with georgia of the same year for almost two decades after a pause it declared independence from georgia in one nine hundred ninety one military conflict along with fear and uncertainty marked life in the country the mood now seems to have changed paperweight battles were independents led many scholars in a process capital you can see how badly the parliament building was damaged cleaning up the rubble and getting things back in order will probably be the toughest part of the job for the new president keeping good ties with russia and restoring the economy will be the top of and clubs agenda. and we have to admit it and it's true we see some growth but there's no no we loans and serious investments
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in. the campaign was monitored by more than one hundred international observers from countries including france austria and israel and i was invited to. have an earthquake or reaction from jordan always says oh no don't go sir but my ideals are any independence and i can't exactly support what you are doing here you know because you are fighting for your summer and to go to the independence democracy for an election observer said nord the threats and gave the pull a clean bill of health for those elections for a while prime to have an operative of the highest rank as well as the result of the outcome has meant another positive step for democracy in the region according to the election monitors the new man faces stiff challenges and leading his country with a hostile labor in georgia and a legacy of difficulties following independence citizens will be hoping the man
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they've chosen as president will help herald a new era for their country disability. don't forget you can watch the news you want when you want it or to home here's a taste of what we've got lined up for you there right now a personal account of nine eleven is bound to a former f.b.i. agent who claims the cia could have stopped the attacks he's prevented from publishing his upcoming concise story. and its hats from the deep a first man is mauled by a shark and rushes far east find out more about the search for the sea predator at our team dot com. a look now at some world news in brief for you this hour in syria two more protesters have reportedly been killed by security forces but activists say there was sporadic shooting in separate cities it comes as close ally iran has reaffirmed its support for the president to say he
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should answer the legitimate demands of his people the arab league has decided to send a mission to the country saying it will no longer be silent on the crackdown against protesters over two thousand people have been killed since anti-government demonstrations began in march. at least five people have died in brazil after a trial popular with tourists you rails in rio de janeiro with thirty others were injured some of them critically after coming off the tracks the tram skidded down the street before crashing into a lamp post investigators are trying to find what caused the accident because two months after a french tourist died falling out of one of the trams as it was crossing a bridge. venezuela's president hugo chavez has announced he'll start a third round of chemotherapy at home instead of cuba where he had two previous courses of treatment chavez underwent surgery in june for a malignant tumor in his pelvic area the exact nature of his cancer has not been
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nearly a billion people in the world are going hungry every day. in the united states even our trash cans are food the food you just have to go get it all of these perfectly good eggs because one was cracked didn't even get all over the other ones just thrown away nothing she's from the terminal. clearly like the upper five. in the dumpster at one am this morning three pm this afternoon on the grill the cake is made from and one dozen dumpster egg whites. delicious breakfast for the family ate some toast for about a week every year in america we throw away ninety six billion pounds of.
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