tv [untitled] August 30, 2011 2:00am-2:30am EDT
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holiday in the bull goldman tells the rim branch the crumbly it used to be the most acute hotels in the world the reuben certain. members of moammar gadhafi family have reportedly been accepted in south geria on humanitarian grounds this as the whereabouts of the fugitive colonel remain congo. violence in syria claims of more victims with fears growing that political unrest could lead to religious clashes in a traditionally multi-faith society. and you're as a recovery is still on track as the years parliament's economic committee admits the pace of growth is weak concerns over the greek bailout contained.
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good morning to you live from our headquarters in central moscow you're watching r.t. with me nice and now it's ten am here in the russian capital eight am in tripoli and family members of colonel gadhafi have fled libya to neighboring algeria this comes as rebels claim to have killed the colonel's youngest son archies river notion of reports now from the capital as people struggle for stability following the recent rebel takeover. graffiti all around the city proclaims welcome to new tripoli the city has indeed changed appearance recently what used to be one of the most beautiful on the african it's rainy and coast now looks neglected and duty . with fighting still continuing in parts of the city and in the rebels and gadhafi forces and army over another kind has taken to the streets. where i mean here.
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we have forty one you like the gift you still have this and now you clean. all glass in there. with police no longer on the ground armed volunteers maintain something that ordinary residents are very concerned about if there is a gun they say it will fire sooner or later i was. going to be. home to the biggest aquaduct in the world tripoli has been without running water for more than a week already when you authorities claim is your technical problems not because of the street fighting. that's not good weapons in the hands of youngsters and professional people some calls himself live in middle class now the rhaetian are poor his family is in the mood house in the center of tripoli but just like every
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resident is struggling. this is hard i wish close like women were doing fifty years ago with hands like this put this battle is nothing new comparing towards behind him some he says. we still don't tell has this. not for the whole good. but at least we get rid of. it at least we have our freedom and baseball is seems to be shared by many here. although today may not be the best place to live it's dangerous from both humanitarian and security point of view such as a water medicine food coupled with people with guns everywhere and no police but the residents of the libyan capital say they've been living without fresh air for forty two years of gadhafi is role since they get it back nothing else matters there is not an hour to faithfully behavior. but columnist for foreign policy and
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focus can hellman says the nato operation in libya is an implementation of bush era plans to gain control of. the united states has for the past sixty years felt if it is to have a little or economic influence in a particular country or region it also has to have a military footprint and i think what people need to do is to see that this is the first nato want aeration in africa and that this goes back to documents during the bush administration which called for the creation of an african command which course has been done which calls for an invasion of an african country not using troops but the air power and all of these things have been done and they have to do . with control of resources and right now africa is up for grabs. and human rights activists matthew lead the un has already drafted a document that would ensure its future presence in libya. in some places this can
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pager morton clear and says things like we can do this without getting a new mandate from the security council i.e. we can move peacekeepers from missions that already exist and put them in there we can send military advisors there was what there's one line where they just say they don't say this is controversial at all they say that security council's protection of civilians mandate implemented by nato does not end with the fall of the gadhafi government and therefore nato would continue to have some responsibilities and this is what i found surprising because that's a controversial statement that said that's really the position of some countries but the idea that ban ki-moon would take that as his position without any equivocation is probably wrong. and we of course are always eager to know your take on our top stories today we're asking you how the situation in libya will unfold with rebel forces having entered the country's capital let's take a look at what you're saying so far opinions are divided right now almost half of you believe the rebels will be stuck in a small war for years to come just over
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a third think once they've got their full grip on power and oil it will cash in on the country's rich resources the rest of you are split between two opinions whether the diplomats will take control of the situation from here or rebel forces will fight on until victory is claimed let us know what you think down the line are seen . russia has continued its calls for the syrian president bashar al assad to end the bloodshed bloodshed in implementing promised reforms this comes as human rights activists report at least six more people were killed as government forces continue their crackdown on protesters. in syria and reports that the country's political violence is now putting its religious harmony in danger. protests in syria start out with political slogans. and violence breaks out people come to blows over issues of faith not politics.
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with more than four thousand years of history damascus like the rest of syria has been home to multiple faith for centuries but with an increasing political unrest many are starting to wonder whether this could upset the delicate balance of religious tolerance in the country for now who is enjoying the quiet comfort of her home like most christians in the country it's a life she's been used to since her childhood but then i was growing up in a place with christians jews and muslims and everyone got along just fine was to do actually but it's not like this everywhere more than seventy percent of syrian population are muslim and just like christians most muslims here belong to different branches of the religion take for example the president himself bashar al assad is a follower of the elder branch or islam who are a minority among the predominantly sunni population so some of those dissatisfied with the current regime spread there in a more steady towards its if someone for
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a problem with the government. some people believe this because of this gene belong to this tick and we have to struggle against the sick and this can be a bloody battle indeed over then i don't know why my son was killed he was just working in a shop in his killers knew that he was not politically active but he also knew he was an alawite and there must have been the reason for his murder so she violence is something that's new to syria where religious minorities have a special status largely because the country's leader is himself a member of such well we are protected by a law which allows us to live according to our customs since the pruett are started a lot has changed and strange for us it must be coming from the outside. whoever is rocky the goat of syrian religious tolerance we aren't reaching your goal just yet reeling attitude on the streets is still that of acceptance but if the political unrest worsens the lives of many religious minorities in syria could be at stake if
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you look at the masters. of political science at stanford. she doesn't believe the opposition movement in syria is a natural formation who is the opposition until now nobody knows really because first of all the opposition i feel that it's actually was born outside the country in the president. has called for a dialogue and so far. feel has attended president assad will never step down if that will happen we're going to see a turmoil not only in syria we're going to see and all the surrounding countries laggard now in jordan soon really cut out all the gulf areas everything it's going to turn upside down. the majority of the syrian population stands for reform as there's no better alternatives as one of the investigative journalist simon our
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stuff. the idea of adding more sanctions to syria is completely counterproductive most of the syrians i've spoken to special have been in beirut recently and others are outside of sort of the middle east really even though they're very much part of the opposition are absolutely petrified that what sanctions will do would be to make everyone's life harder and to really make make everyone just think about what they were going to how they're getting the next day whether they'll have a job and so on rather than say this is going to punish the regime so that i think will be very very counterproductive and has been rejected by i think like a few of the syrians i have spoken to most would prefer dialogue and i think this is very much the way a lot of them would like to go now whether bashar assad is capable really of doing this it is a different question but the idea that there should be that the time has come for there to be some kind of real negotiation with the regime is very much high on the agenda because you don't see most of them are petrified of the all the alternatives
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either nato getting involved having another libya type situation or the alternative which is that. the people involved in the movement becomes then so concerned about how they're going to live their everyday lives and the sanction regimes that the power of the movement is is is is going away from them. well you can follow the latest developments on the story on our website and our twitter feed check out the latest pictures from the spot and the latest tweets of our correspondent in syria and her latest message artie's arena galoot because there's that being accompanied by a military as court stopping people from speaking openly about their experiences will stay in touch with her on the ground follow us at r.t. underscore com to be on top of all the latest developments in syria. in other news concerns over the pace of the eurozone economic recovery continue despite monday's special session of the european parliament's economic committee
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those gathered for the meeting to discuss the debt crisis we're told that ongoing turmoil on global markets still poses a serious risk for greece also remains a pressing issue for european officials as it awaits a second ballot back in july but there are fears the rescue plan could be due as some countries express concerns over how the greek government will pay back one hundred nine billion euro deal patrick young executive director of the investment firm dva advisors told r.t. that respect tween e.u. nations make it almost impossible to reach a meaningful solution on the crisis. this is a fascinating meeting because i actually it demonstrates that within the e.u. and so there is a very very significant struggle and argument over what is the process by which the eurozone needs to be saved the difficulty is that a lot of the politicians are owned and bureaucrats involved simply have been too
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slow to realize the extent of the problem because they managed to pin to with a crutch for the past five or six years they thought they could keep doing so you keep throwing these false agreements that signed wonderful everybody says the euro zone crisis is solved and there is within a matter of a few weeks we have a further crisis in another a cause. i mean we need more money very very fundamental argument going on within the european union the euro zone needs to come together with sensible moves because at the moment they've been throwing money at any possible problems and all they're doing is all here bring it all for cracks in the edifice in the structure of the building and that just won't do you know the french and the germans are appalled by this whole situation because they want to try and get together a kind of fuzzy warm solution to what goes on but it's just not realistic the french and the german government want to blame ignorant nasty speculators but actually the speculators are wrong the speculators are people who are looking after
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your and my pension fund money and they see the euro zone as being in danger so there's a very big argument looming today. and across the atlantic economic recovery also leaves much to be desired in a bit taints a disturbing trend u.s. president obama has appointed a new economic advisor who have the difficult task of boosting the economy economic growth and tackling high unemployment but u.s. economist and radio host richard valvo says the matter is the american government are undertaking are insufficient. for two to three years now president obama has been saying that his program to deal with unemployment is to provide incentives and stimulus for the private sector to hire people that clearly has not worked and what we need is to have the courage to break in there and have a government really do something where ninety was throwing up his hands and saying well we'll just wait basically and hope that the economy comes back which in
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a basic way has been the policy now for three years and the fact that it doesn't work seems not to be a sufficient frightening prospect for these politicians and leaders to do something but i think they're making a terrible mistake because the costs of this delay of not doing anything are very very severe and are impacting the majority of the american people in ways that are going to have impact on our country for years into the future it's a desire of those who have made a bundle over the last forty years to get through this crisis without paying the price and to put the burden of the bailouts of the banks of the crisis itself on the mass of people to have a conversation always about shall we cut social security shall we take away medicare shall we take away medicaid to have the whole conversation about the burden on the mass of the people rather than on themselves. economists max kaiser
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predicts people's anger with the state of the american economy and since bill onto the streets you can watch the kinds of report next hour here in our t.v. here's a quick look at what's in store. you know the global insurrection against banker occupation we've been telling you about it for months now it's coming to new york state anonymous joins occupy wall street they're encouraging twenty thousand people to occupy wall street are they going to set up tents like they have in the square now or in a square in tunis or in cairo in tahrir square they were demanding the dictator go . the dictator in this situation are the banks they need to surround the new york fed which is only a few blocks away and demand the head of the new york federal reserve bank to leave and they're not going to leave until the head of the new york federal reserve bank leaves.
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nearly a billion people in the world are going to. the united states even our trash cans or food the food you just have to go get it all of these perfectly good eggs because one was cracked didn't even get over the other ones just threw them away and she's from the german oh. we really like. the dumpster at one am this morning three pm this afternoon on the grill a cake is made from one dozen. egg white. delicious breakfast for the family ate some toast for about a week every year in america we throw away ninety six billion pounds of.
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coming up to eighteen minutes past the hour here with our team a look now at some of the global headlines for you this hour the former japanese finance minister has been appointed as the country's new premier after a parliamentary vote a day earlier you're serpico noto both elected head to head i should say the ruling democratic party of japan having won the runoff has now become the country's six premier in five years replacing notes of calm as administration came under fire over its response to the earthquake and tsunami earlier this year and the nuclear crisis which followed. the u.s. state of new jersey and vermont are struggling with their worst flooding in decades it follows a massive storm which turned up the u.s. east coast killing at least thirty eight over the weekend hurricane irene later downgraded to a tropical storm also called power outages and over five million homes and
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businesses across the country total economic damage from the disaster could reach twenty billion dollars. or grabs it again sending flames and sparks shooting high into the air and not with slowing down its hopes it comes only eight days after the most recent activity no casualties or damage to property have been reported some planes have been forced to alter flight routes to avoid cross is the largest active volcano in europe. bright lights big city that's where most that's what inspires most young russians to leave their home villages in search of employment and excitement that is are. going on i should say discover the rule exodus is leaving many russian communities fighting for survival. and no hot water or stable it was true city supplies in yours form of sheep or stores and grocery store or miles away for the
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generous i'm sure even branch is not the most difficult thing. it's having no members. not that they used to be so many families living here but then some people died and some left everybody is gone now even the road. it used to be a successful tiny agricultural community were everyone knew each other's names and celebrated group pieced together that yearning has been here all her life with no nearly all that's left of the village where her memories this used to be a collective farm back in saudi of times and now it looks more like ancient ruins rather than something which actually functioned not so long ago it's astonishing especially knowing we were just around two hundred miles away from moscow. as a hobby siggy travels around the country and explores deserted towns and villages he
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says he's used to seem tumble down barns and abandoned houses even in these new years known for centuries for their great harvests some of your not on the earth this is fertile land you can stick a pole in the soil here and it will have peppers growing on its one side and tomatoes on the other sure some of the cultural facilities are still left in some areas but mostly the lands empty abandoned. official figures show that over three thousand villages in russia became deserted last year alone and many small schools and hospitals have shut down there's simply no one to educate or treat anymore wife in the countryside is no longer attractive especially for young people who are fleeing to cities looking for a better wife. it's not the village which is becoming extinct it's the youths reasons for self motivation people are leaving their villages for big cities but they often don't know what to do there so they can find a job or a family build
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a life. of course there are examples of successful forming businesses in russia but experts agree they're only a drop in the ocean and aren't enough to motivate the youth to work and live in rural communities and as many try to survive in cities looking for work the countryside is dying out a little some traces of wife still exist here and there it may not be too long before they fall silent altogether. but. when. he got to school or to central russia. other kind of more are all our stories you can always log on to our website. and you are nine right now freezing beauty i see wonder. are situated in latin america check out more fantastic pictures in our free video section lots. of threats
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from outer space astronomers warn a comet even union will make a close call with earth later this year scott or when the asteroid is jupiter parnell past our honor our talk. business is next here in our with kareena. iraq into business here in our team thanks for joining me well that's the russian and russia's lacking investment and the coverlet may have trouble keeping its pledge to maintain al post at current levels the big companies say the process is expensive and they need greater incentives for perspective however analysts suggest that the newly introduced tax reforms should provide extra revenue for exploration
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. this is one of the biggest steps taken by the russian government over the recent years and reformation although we want gas sector taxation and it did indeed is quite important for both the russian budget in the future and for the oil companies and now we're coming to a born where oil production pretty much still growing and so you can use stimulus and most likely use some still some economic stimulus in order to attract investment so part of your companies simply don't want to invest this is one of the first steps the government is taking to actually give some incentive to all companies will this reform by itself just simply the crude oil wells produce the reduction gives around three to four dollars of additional casualties will companies and an oil price of one hundred dollars per barrel of. crude prices are up supported by strong u.s. data that allied fears the world's top well consumer was sliding back into recession lites we just trading at eighty seven dollars a barrel while bread is at one hundred twelve dollars per barrel
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a quick look at precious metals gold is regaining strength power prices dropped more than two percent in the previous session it's currently trading below eighteen hundred dollars per ounce while silver is losing percent trading at forty dollars sixty four cents per se. asian stocks are trading higher with hong kong stocks leading the gains as investors show more appetite for risk assets hang seng index jumped over two percent japan's nikkei is over a percent higher with exporters among the best performers so he up the four percent financial stocks were higher as well tracking sharp gains for the sector in the u.s. the more holdings added three point two percent of its issue financial group rose three point three percent. here in moscow the r.t.s. opened in the black as well as the noise it will stop trading in a few minutes so here you see monday's closing takers. with the trading week beginning on a high note douglas rolls from we're also capital says tuesday's trade will see
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more of the same. the only people who will come forward towards the us industrial production or brazil are in the week and it will be continued. straightening in the new reserves dollar zero three helped push a commodity prices neutral to benefit the rush of. you know of course of people. you know the thing you know will process will hold up study reform see of the years and. cross and cause some softening you can prices and you know which might give full rushes some more business for bit of correction after a. spare bank will get its european expansion that's a lower price russia's biggest lender has agreed to buy fox back international worth a thirteen percent discount now the acquisition is estimated at five hundred eighty million euros down from the earlier lowest price of six hundred seventy eight the
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drop is due to the latest volatility of the markets where at one point v b i lost twenty two percent of its value however the deal still has to be accepted by the shareholders of the east european. russia sixty billion dollar program to revive the north caucasus is beginning to bear fruit of the first stone of a new ski complex as late state aims to turn the troubled region into an attractive tourist spot looking to actually create up to two million tourists and just five years in a coach the healthy. the first tourist complex in the area of north caucasus will be located here in the republic of china which are the case here hidden in the mountains of the great carcass a strange now which you can see behind my back is the start of the construction of the first cable car which will go to two thousand meters this project which is called the out of this project is a milestone in the economic development of this region and is also undertaking by
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the government corporation the resource after north caucasus earlier we managed to talk to the general director of this company and he told us some of the details of this project this is the biggest infrastructure projects in the world now. at least in the europe and service projects includes far ski resorts. ski resorts has the start to solve for economic zones with special facilitations. in tuxes meanwhile by the stars are for the two thousand and eleven to two thousand and twelve skiing season the first stage should become struction will be completed with three new hotels being built and functioning cable car meanwhile this project is not unique but there are plans to build it and not go for tourists conflict that's across the area of north caucasus with a total investment topping sixty billion dollars. that's all business news for now
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