tv [untitled] August 30, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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legged. well tonight we've got an update on a story that we first told you about last week since august twenty first now five hundred and twenty one activists have been arrested in front of the white house all they can president obama not to make a deal on the keystone x.l. pipeline amongst the top nasa and climate change scientists dr jean's hansen who said that building this pipeline of the game over for the planet now if you remember the seven billion dollars pipeline would extend from alberta canada to texas and it creates more greenhouse gases because of the extraction method of getting oil from the tar sands i mean while the state department gave its blessing
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for the deal and profound it's argue that keystone would bring more jobs to america but this is also the latest topic of our latest show intel segment. all right so you know the activists are against the keystone x.l. pipeline of the state department has released a statement supporting it but we want to know what our viewers about the project could a producer for truth and assigned to the find out what you have to say. the u.s. is the biggest oil addict in the world so what happens when you tell an addict that right next door is the biggest score on the whole continent was it today the u.s. is looking to tap into canada with a one thousand seven hundred mile pipeline straight to texas environmentalist are screaming don't do it and china while they're waiting in the wings to step in if we has a tape so we want to know should the president allow the u.s. to go ahead and build the keystone x.l. pipeline jonathan said no but in the interests of the oil companies it will be
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approved not in the interest of people who depend on the whole a dollar for jonathan talking about the single most important source of water in the region which is right in the path of the pipeline james on the other hand said yes we should let the deal go through this will help us transition to alternative energy we must not let china take north american resources as something else we should think about we already owed them over a trillion dollars so do we want to let them take away the oil we need right from our own backyard and then steven told us we should be focusing instead on solar power even that makes a lot of sense to maybe then we wouldn't be faced with this decision it's just too bad we never made that really tough decision and went to oil we had to get rid of our oil addiction once and for all and now i think we all know what the world's biggest oil addict is going to be. one of the ways thank you for your responses and here's our next question for you we just spoke about former vice president dick
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cheney's book that came out today he got a media blitz being interviewed by every channel a good chance but should he be getting prosecuted instead let us know what you think should be. there were times you can respond to us on facebook twitter and you tube and there's a response just like me. now last week we told you that wiki leaks release a fresh batch of diplomatic cables and they were out there in the open for the public to sort through and find any kid bits of information that could be useful or important however many media outlets are now coming forward saying that wiki leaks didn't remove important confidential material things like lane names of leakers and diplomats who share the information but is it true i guess it depends on what news source exactly you're pulling that information from the der spiegel the german based paper that originally reported this fact between julian assigned and former coworker the bird they printed the following information when diana left back in september of last year to start openly he took with them a complete database of diplomatic cables and supporters accidentally managed to
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reveal a password for that database ultimately releasing the unredacted cables however monday's article in the new york times told that story quite a bit differently it talks about the cables almost as a side note rather harsh on the fact that we have weeks is chosen to reveal its one surprise sources in the opening line there read it a shift of tactics that is alarmed american officials anti-secrecy organization wiki leaks has published on the web nearly one hundred and thirty four thousand leads cables in recent days shifted tactics all sides are a bit of editorializing the paper goes on to put itself in a good life saying that they've always made sure to protect the names of the leakers and to talk it off the times says a newly published cables include the names of some people who had spoken confidentially to american diplomats and whose identities were marked in the cables with the warning strictly protect as you can imagine all of this media attention has also draw a reaction from wiki leaks headquarters so their organizations waited there has
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been no leak wiki leaks issue relates to a mainstream media partner and a malicious individual so before anybody out there gets too confused i think a. if you were to tell what exactly happened here how this information got leaked if personal information is compromised all those questions still to be answered but in the meantime i think it's safe to say that you should never trust just one source for your weekend week's news. well tonight we're going introduce you to the first openly gay republican presidential candidate his name is fred karger fred who you might be asking well that's exactly the way that he's been selling his campaign considering that he's been left out of all the major televised debates and in fact he's filed a complaint with the federal elections commission against fox news for leaving him out of the last one a complaint that he personally delivered to the fox news headquarters in new york so let's get into some of fred's policies to see if that's why he's being ignored or asked the obvious if he thinks that is sexuality might have something to do with
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it joining me from our studio in los angeles is frank carter republican presidential candidate thank you so much for joining us tonight now i want to talk about there's a lot of firsts so far attached to your name you are the first openly gay presidential candidate out there but you also the first one to file for your nomination the first to establish an exploratory committee the first run committee myrtles and i want a new hampshire despite all of that how come you've been left out of all the debates well yeah that's a good question i'm also you know a first time candidate i've been in the political process behind the scenes for thirty years but i first time as a candidate for any office so that's part of the reason you know they have these different criteria for center one person criteria in the polls and i prove that i should have been in the debate i i qualified but they still left me out so that's why i'm a little suspicious of that's why i filed a formal complaint with the federal election commission yeah have you had any answers about that again especially when it comes to fox news. well you know on you
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know my objection is with the executives at fox news rupert murdoch who is there already under investigation by parliament in england first i'm misdeeds over there and and i've asked the f.e.c. to investigate why i've been left out when i met the qualifications and then roger ailes who's president of the network and i've asked the f.e.c. to look into it they've indicated they've got my complaint it was an eighty two page complaint with all the backup evidence and everything so i'm hoping they'll make an expedited decision because that x. box news debate is coming up in tampa in just two weeks. so what exactly is in this complaint i mean are you alleging that they're discriminating against you because it's something homophobic or are you just saying that they're ignoring you they're not giving you the attention that you're due. well you know it's a catch twenty two you know for a first time candidate like myself to get in the debates you have to have good poll
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numbers in order to do that and of course to get good poll numbers you need to be in a debate so yeah i think that they. excluded me i i stated my case i showed them the five polls where i averaged the one percent which was their requirement to be in the last debate in ames iowa i was actually there i did the spin room afterwards and everything i was interviewed by fox news but they intentionally left me out and the first two debates the c.n.n. and another progs news debate you know i didn't meet the requirements and i took it like i mean but you know in this instance in the iowa debate i should have been in there and when i treated unfairly i will i will take action and i did with our federal election commission also let's run through some of your policies here you also support ending the wars in iraq and afghanistan you believe in legalizing and taxing marijuana those are things that we have candidates like ron paul and gary johnson that also support the same time do you think that maybe we need to reform our tax system corporate taxes should be lowered health care reform is
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a bad idea you think the terror suspects should be tried in military commissions not in civilian courts that sounds like what all of the rest of the republican candidates really feel so where is it that you stand out because. your views on roe v wade because of your views on gay marriage i mean let's face it every other candidate out there said that they believe in a constitutional amendment to make marriage between one man and one woman. yeah and for of even scientists is this pledge by the national organization for marriage which would create a witch hunt for people like myself who are gay activists i am consider myself an independent republican and i'm going for that in new hampshire for instance forty two percent of all the registered voters who are independent have left the republican party and the democratic party are looking for someone who can bring back that ronald reagan spirit i worked for president reagan and he had this just undying spirit and optimism and that's what i want to bring to the presidency of this campaign and the ability to get along with the other side but yes i am
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pro-choice you know i am the only full equality candidate i support a marriage of everything connected to that unlike president obama even ahead of him on that and just other social issues i tend to be a lot more progressive or moderate a theatre roosevelt was my hero was the last progressive republican president one hundred years ago and i want to bring back that caring of the republican party i grew up with but also you know the toughness of strong national defense of law and order and smaller government and being fiscally responsible when you know you bring up a really good point there they even our democratic president obama will not come out and say his views on gay marriage i will not fully come out and support it so i'm just dying to know i want something to jump into the race and be you know put on the spies face to face with some of these candidates so let's say that you were in one of these debates and you start hearing michele bachmann or new gang various start rambling on about the sanctity of marriage between one man and one comment what you say that how do you come back to that when response do you get. we're you
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know it's the last century's discussion we need to move on we've got very serious problems in this country of course but you know balancing our budget putting the country back to work and credits for me education so you have michele bachmann and mitt romney and rick santorum side this side of her respect pledge requiring in a way which is a bad idea for a presidential candidate in any way to be beholden to special interest groups by signing a pledge will this one is just so hateful and nasty against an entire class of people they're going to make the republican party extinct and i am for opening up the republican party that's put gave marriage let's leave it to the states i believe it to the courts you know let's move beyond this instead of demonizing entire class of people let's work to bring them into the political process that's what i'm hoping to do but at the end of the day you know i've seen other interviews where he said that you join this race because you want to give young people you know an opportunity you want them to believe that even if you're gay you can't run for the highest office in the land you can achieve whatever you want but how long
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until we really get to that point where that's ok we don't have a hard time voting for republicans candidates that you demonize and vilify people like yourself. yeah you know i think we just need to move on and there have been two big polls over the new york times vanity fair poll shows that fifty six percent of the american public would vote for a presidential candidate who is openly gay you know i'm kind of interesting story i mentioned i worked in politics in republican politics for over thirty years but i was always in the closet i've always been gay but i kept it as a secret because i thought it would jeopardize my family relationship my career well so when i came out of the closet publicly just three years ago it gave me a new kind of reason and responsibility i want to be this first in history a candidate to run for president and i want to send a message to younger people out there right now older i've heard from too that if you happen to be gay or lesbian or bisexual or transgender that's not endurance you are fine you're equal you can do a thing you want to do and in fact you could even run for president i said i want
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to thank you so much for joining us tonight and i do think that is a great match. thank you ana very much. i saw the cons and i think you can find that wasteful government spending a lot of trying to use the police department to find out if his plight as a boyfriend by not tonight full time and happy hour shocking surveillance video involving a police officer plus rick perry the fattest male habits that come up. into that only a military mechanisms do don't work out to bring justice or. i have a right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i think taxes . but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep is if you understand it and then you glimpse something else here's some other part of it and realize that everything is a. bunch of our bloggers a big picture. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right here. i think. even money well. whatever government says they're there keep them safe get ready because you're going to lose your freedom.
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website gawker broke his afternoon that line reads how bill o'reilly tried to get his wife's boyfriend investigated by the cops and that is a pretty good headline you know that according to gawker below use the promise of a donation to a nassau county police charity and hopes of getting police to investigate a detective that he suspected was beating his wife now according to the site o'reilly pulled some strings to try and get the police department's internal affairs unit to invest investigate a fellow officer and the gawker writer claims to have e-mails and sources they can back out these claims and it also reported the bill o'reilly and his wife fifteen years seem to be having problems dating back to last year at the records show that she purchased a new home in her name and move her voter registration while bill left his voting information at their old address reports that internal affairs officer was called into a meeting last summer and told by his boss to quote meeting with two p. i's that working for o'reilly to go over some information because a detective was having an affair with overlies wife and officer also says that his
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boss told him there eileen might be making a donation to a planned forty eight million dollars police training facility at a local community college so. so is bill o'reilly actually using the nassau county police departments as own private investigators are they actually wasting taxpayer dollars and resources just to find out of his a strange white is dating a cop and in fact the case now go against pretty much everything that bill o'reilly says most days on his show the controversial planned parenthood continues raise the house voting today to forty one eighty five to defund the organization which currently gets more than three hundred sixty million in taxpayer dollars to liberals that's sacrilege with cable t.v. and satellite radio nearly everywhere there's no need for government funded media at all especially if the presentation is blatantly unfair cable t.v. and each product of the p.b.s. program to strong privately owned networks will buy them this is a call for sanity the wasteful and unnecessary federal spending past the stuff.
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all right so bill can rail about taxpayer dollars being wasted on programs that he thinks are useless but he has no problem wasting taxpayer money on police doing his personal bidding hey bill newsflash we pay for those police officer salaries as well bill o'reilly doesn't practice what he preaches i am just shocked really but even better here apparently a local newspaper on long island was looking into reports that some people who gave donations to the police we received favorites and that's on the paper's editor and he got a call from an assistant saying the fox news host never received any preferential treatment in the paper never actually asked if o'reilly had gotten preferential treatment so somebody a little bit paranoid author and i've got one more important piece in this story gawker has been a target of fox news in recent months they've taken shots of the site over and over again including just last friday. another web site that once upon a time was mildly popular is glock are but now i understand their traffic is down
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seventy five percent the last year they used to have this celebrity stalker malcolm should research their readers to oh it was horrible and it was decried from left and right. so it looks like fox news and bill o'reilly knew this story was about to hit the web gawker claims that they've decided to try and discredit gawker before i leave their laundry with their public so nice try fox news but bill o'reilly still wins tonight still time award for being a total hypocrite. ok for happy hour this evening and joining me tonight is r t producer jenny churchill and his money heard on the hill reporter for roll call thanks for joining me guys ok just for kicks just for the have to play one last time i can't ever get enough of this clip let's remember nancy grace. let me just.
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say i am praying tonight. they are she was referring to casey anthony but nancy grace is actually going to be i'm dancing with the stars you think that was a little precursor of it was that no i think it was actually subliminal messaging because she said that she got the call when she was on her way to get to find out about the verdict so she knew that. she was so you know well if you're going out to party and do a little dance because she's going to be on t.v. or else mosher to multitask that well her show she had a daytime show that courtship that i canceled she's going all the time in the world that's it's just can dance the dance it up has been there is also going to be on dancing with the stars because it's going to be a great line this is going to be a good light and we were just talking about this earlier tests are going to be on it. i'm encouraged daschle did let's move on from celebrity gossip
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ok let's go back to some more oh wait this is a political process this is actually just really embarrassing to have a new mexico costa take a look. few weeks ago be eyewitness news corps tell you about an officer camera having sex while in full uniform and actually here on security camera at the santa fe came in range we've carried out a woman's image but you can see it's tearing the daylight hours and officers still wearing his utility belt. i don't really have anything to say about that is that it's like. ok ok you've seen the wire you know the last season of the wire mcnulty did the same thing i've actually never watched the wire but i hear they should write some people have been asking if this is an out of context photo of a porn shoot and i'd say i'm really confused because there's a prairie dog in the foreground just uses yes far back like a perverted prairie dog or is that i'm really can feel that it's really just yet i think this is habitat is looking at the intruders and why are you here you know
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you're using my hello this is my home you get that woman's. make it look like the great you. hear you hear anything now look real somehow just never you know me because i don't have underneath a car i mean like i'm just trying to get. some things you might just like that i let his utility belt on again mulder is having. ok now answer why he was a national political gossip. rick perry apparently was telling people about how this really deletes his emails every seven days where personal sketchy for a politician don't you i don't think it's just him i feel like that's the policy i'm pretty sure i read that's the policy of his office his entire office every e-mail after seven days is automatically deleted and it is against and they're not allowed to do that but they say that they don't worry because they print them out in keep them on record in a file right yeah we can trust that there are
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a writer or maybe somebody with matches close by me or firing a last long wasn't there something that happened within a google executive a while ago where one of. the lead every email they had and the other one kept all of them and the one who kept all the email got it. good i didn't even think about that just because rick perry's doing the emails those emails are with someone you know that doesn't mean that there's not a copy out there well it depends on the i mean if he's like emailing it's only google has his e-mail that we were just wondering you know why rick perry says things could be embarrassed about that is that even really matter if you release your e-mails i think this is the case.
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oh. right i mean like kind of almost violent threats towards the federal reserve chairman that he just says that on camera. i don't know i've parted out makes me curious as to what may be in the e-mails because maybe it's even worse when he's not on camera when he's writing with the same time it's like you're reading various news i want to get around to sending lolcat and then he's like going to be super embarrassed there like all day long it's like kitten voters are going back and forth and i mean how much can i really say you can make a montage of completely ridiculous things i said on the show so i can't really comment on someone's ridiculous i think marriage they were for example we all have little problem bears and things are ok let's move on to something else first let us remind you of piece of legislation that we covered here on this show. drug testing welfare recipients florida's republican governor rick scott signing
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a controversial new law that requires welfare recipients down in florida to submit samples for narcotics screening before they can get the benefits governor scott says the goal is to avoid wasting taxpayers' money by giving handouts to people who would blow the money on getting high. are as it actually turns out because we did an interview last week it has not been saving any taxpayer money it's been costing them more money because there are only two people i think that actually did test positive for drugs and in this whole program you get reimbursed because you first have to pay for your own drug test and so it's a failure yet other states still are trying to go for it and alabama is pushing for it but i really like this one of the alabama legislature is saying we'll find you know if you're going to go after these types of welfare recipients let's go for all kinds of welfare recipients anybody who gets federal funding and he even volunteered himself and said drug test me right now and i think you know why stop there after you know corporate executives if they get you know if they get loopholes and their taxes go up there is
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a million of people who go after i thought that was actually the best idea everybody who's ever gotten federal funding. if you go to public schools. you're saying because you know it's actually ridiculous because obviously you know my bet is going to use. is that it will you pointed out how ridiculous it is that it's like we're giving you money and you're poor so you must be doing drugs so definitely point out that ocracy because we know half of all streets probably snoring so there you go there you go. that was one of those things are you not only are you hearing by listeners i say fine then that means all of us without bureaucracy to think before you pass legislation i guess you're right but it was. different right so thanks for joining innovation to come back tomorrow and experience the youngsters getting back on time to get to be a fan of the eleven show on facebook and follow us on twitter if you missed any of the night's show or any other night at all the q-q. dot com slash be alone until next tuesday.
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