tv [untitled] August 30, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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back last year we got over four hundred million barrels of oil from the saudi arabia we bankrolled a state it doesn't allow women to drive. there's a sandstorm coming to the us over oil and the right to build an x.l. pipeline pumping straight from canada's tar sands but this oil doesn't have a squeaky clean reputation either so it's time for the u.s. to choose ethics or economics. and this isn't a jerry springer apple so it's a racial riots straight from the streets of milwaukee wisconsin for what many have called america's most segregated city so where's the love or for that matter the mainstream media. i wanted to write what i remembered about this event there janie
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tells it like he sees it but some say you should get his vision checked because some of the details about the war on terror are blurry and vast so is he telling the truth or does he have a selective memory. good evening it's tuesday august thirtieth eight pm in washington d.c. and christine for a sound you are watching r t well starting off this hour i want to talk about something that's been going on for the last several days just a few blocks from our studios right outside the white house every single day a group of protesters has been gathered outside speaking out against a proposed oil pipeline that appears to be in motion to be built this is called the keystone pipeline and would extend about seven hundred miles from alberta canada to the gulf coast of texas and would transport oil sands. this is
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a seven billion dollar project and what apparently double oil imports from canada critics call this the dirtiest project on earth some saying it's yet another example of big oil getting what they want hundreds including well known actors and scientists have been arrested while protesting and those in favor including the white house state department they say it's not minimal impact on the environment and that if we don't build it someone else in the china well brands olson is here in studio to talk about this is the communications manager of the rain forest action network ranch for those people who are unfamiliar with this i mean you guys have been outside people against this project have been outside every day for what seems to me more than a week talk about the biggest issues against this proposed project well this is the biggest oil pipeline that's been proposed in states and decades and it's basically a lifeline to the canadian tar sands and what we've been out there for the last
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week saying and for the way houses that we don't need to double down on our oil addiction we don't need to be spending seven billion dollars on a pipeline that is going to expose one of the largest in the united states to oil spills and increase pollution for communities in the gulf coast but the fact is everyone not everyone but most people in this country own cars i don't i rode my bike and work today and how. people have cars we're going to need oil for decades to come lie not get it from one of our friends as opposed to somewhere in the middle east i want to show you a clip from this commercial and then you can comment on it. well to cities that doesn't allow women to drive doesn't allow them to reach their homes or work without their mental guardians commission in the state when the testimony of the counselor. why are we paying their bills and funding their oppression today there is a better way. from canada is it will sound the same. choice we have
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to make so grand what about this notion that the proposed project the tar sands pipeline will help win this country are getting oil from the middle east well the commercial was produced by conservative party hucksters in canada and their claims are just flat wrong increasing imports from canada is going to do absolutely zero to decrease imports from the middle east if you look at trans canada his own research the research that was given to the state department to oppose this pipeline what it shows is that building this pipeline down to the gulf coast is really about exporting oil and in fact one of the primary refineries that's going to be taking this crude oil from canada is half owned by the saudi government so this is really just a series of lies that the canadian conservative party is trying to foist upon americans and it's just not true what about the fact that you know if we don't do this most likely there are other places namely china that has expressed interest in
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doing this and i read that if this project is if this pipeline is got this could create up to twenty thousand jobs jobs the thing that most people in this country say we need most right now talk to me about this and the fact that if we don't do it china well well again this information chinese don't have the heavy oil refining capacity to even take any of this tar sands crude there's no pipelines to china the reason why the canadian oil industry wants to build this pipeline is because they want to get the export markets right now the only customer that they have for this oil is the united states. they'd like to get a higher price on the international markets and so that's why they want to get to the gulf coast and if you're concerned about jobs the real place to find those jobs is going to be in transitioning the u.s. economy off of oil decreasing the man that's also the best way to break our oil imports from middle east so we need to be transitioning to more efficient fuel more efficient vehicles get americans back to work in those car factories manufacturing
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prius's manufacturing electric cars all those things that are going to increase our demand for oil decrease those imports from middle east i mean you seem to be saying that this is better for canada than it is for anyone in the u.s. is that right well really it's better for canadian oil companies it's not good for the canadian public they don't have the refining capacity in canada that's going to be giving anybody jobs they're going to mainline this down to the pacific coast of that they can export the product so really the only benefit comes from this pipeline is going to be for the pockets of canadian oil companies what about this i've got to ask it right now we're facing some really really tough times in the united states of america record unemployment just a lot of bad things for people and i know you're not alone in your opposition to this hundreds from what i understand have been arrested have been speaking out but why should anyone even care about this environmental issue which you know by the way the white house impact report says will have minimal impact but i say anyone in
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the country the general public even care whether or not it's an environmentalist are in favor or not in favor of a pipeline about this and chasing oil is a dead end so you know you can get jobs for anything and we think that it's better to put americans to work transitioning our economy out of oil and digging us deeper into what's fundamentally going to be a black hole we're literally strip mining for oil in the tar sands when you strip mining for oil you're pretty sure that you're getting to the bottom of the barrel and so what we want to see is a future that is going to allow my son. a two year old survived an unhealthy in a healthy environment and in a healthy economy the way to kick start this economy is to put people to work getting us off of our addiction to oil so are you saying that this specific problem isn't this specific project isn't exactly the problem that it's just yet another example of this country trying to find another place to get oil from or are you saying this project will actually have some really negative attacks but this
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project is going to be hugely negative effects we're talking about spending almost eight billion dollars doubling down on oil infrastructure this is a pipeline that will be in the ground for more than fifty years we need to be building wind turbines we need to be building solar panels we need to be innovative not relying on a technology that's hundreds of years old how many more days will processors be out we're going to be out until saturday here in washington d.c. and then we're going to be taking the fight back to the states where the state department is going to be having hearings in all of the states along the pipeline corridor or so this is just the beginning all right thank you so much for giving us this insight very interesting i've seen you guys out there are a lot of days and. i've given up you know not thank you communications manager of rain forest action network randall sen. i want to turn now to some other things going on in this country that perhaps give us a feel for the pulse of the nation these days there are of course a number of factors to consider but i want to look right now at president obama's
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approval rating for the third week in a row it's the lowest in his presidency take a look this is a gallup poll for the third week in a row forty percent now this also includes a two day low of thirty eight percent during a couple days last week the economy of course of primary concern for people from both parties but in many cities across america the struggle is manifesting itself in the form of extreme violence especially from young people who feel they have no prospects or jobs or other ones in the future one of those cities is milwaukee wisconsin where earlier this month there was mass violence in the form of riots take a look at this video this is cell phone video taken at the wisconsin state fair earlier this month in milwaukee county now according to nine one one calls and witnesses hundreds maybe even thousands of young black kids were attacking white people in the streets i know one call came from someone saying his mother had been attacked others who said they were pulled from their cars or even off their motorcycles i
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don't know about you but i didn't really see much of this covered at all this is race riots in a major city in the united states of america however most of the news most of the major networks seem to look a little more like this nancy grace will reportedly be competing on the new season of don't thing with this let's talk about the drafts or should i say dresses well you don't say injuries are you expecting a child and she made that announcement at the video music awards last. all right what's the deal here why are problems like a race riots still happening well to figure that out earlier i spoke to milwaukee zone alderman bob donovan i started off by asking him about the issue of race throughout his city and how it's led to some of these serious problems. oh have been christine with all of the blocking has been labeled and continues to be all of
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yours a segregated community i think that's changing to some extent but certainly when you look at the city of milwaukee compare it with the suburbs which are largely white the suburbs are walking is segregated we are seeing a greater toward other parts of the city but more and more it's becoming a minority community couple there would be a huge problem with. camille in the cloyd meant in milwaukee center city some placing it ad close to fifty percent that has its problems that unfortunately there are far too many individuals in milwaukee who are chosen to ignore it so when you actually have some of these when you have fifty percent of any kind of population unemployed i can certainly lead to
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a host of problems i'm wondering now i mean is this a play is that if people visit milwaukee is this a place where you see you know interracial couples walking in a street or a is it simply kept a cell separate that people don't even acknowledge each other oh you certainly see here to get a racial couples and i mean i you know i wouldn't want a piece of the picture or. is that a realistic milwaukee's a good city we have a great downtown and we have many great amenities and i said that we've got some problems but certainly as we had a racial couples and you know all of those were due to these. are long gone we're seeing a significant numbers of blacks throughout the city and a large of hispanic population walkies a very very diverse community but i guess i'm not i mean this is really surprising to me to hear about. hundreds of young black people mostly guys.
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consciously attacking people inside and outside of the state fair a few weeks ago one of the calls i heard was from somebody calling in saying there's a black on white flight in the middle of the street where does this sound from. well you know that's a good question and i'm simply saying we need to first admittedly we've got this problem and i think this whole community was really was a wake up call where the current state very good at the same time i will tell you it is problems have gotten a limo walking i believe for whatever reason there is an effort to keep some of it under wraps. and that concerns me the largely. many elected officials in the walk here who choose to ignore this because it's such a volatile issue i'm simply saying it to come out with a ten point plan to try and begin to address the problem first by admitting the
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problem exists and then taking steps to address it i think that's a really interesting point i know that you have said this before that when it comes especially to race and youth violence a lot of people simply throw their hands in the air like you say they choose to ignore and they don't want to talk about it and they certainly don't want to think outside the box when it comes to dealing with that. i want to hear about some of your plans in a second but just in terms of people kind of choosing to avoid it and making this sort of the elephant in the room what have you encountered. well the way frankly we have a very close community with my opinion is in denial indicating that as bizarre as it may sound. what occurred at state there was not a racial slur sir it was we that we as a community lead to come together and it meant there and then. work together in fashioning a plan to deal with it but when that is coming from the mayor it becomes very
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difficult to to begin to galvanize the community and when you've got the number one leader saying oh nothing to see here not at that. i've just been there as well i know that when i've been reading about this kind of been looking for something from the police department there in milwaukee and it just seems to be a series of no comments we're not talking about right now when the mayor and the police are not addressing this problem how is there any hope of it being fixed. well you're right although i will say this i think there's what you're going to see some leadership coming from some other segments it malarkey and it's about time i read some very productive meetings with other individuals rope a community there are indeed will i'm going to stand up and see if we've got some problems let's explore how we can work together to solve them and fortunately when
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you're dealing with politics we. are too many individuals in this community who wait to see which way the parade is handed and then run to the front to lead it well so be it but some of us are going to take the bull by the horns and do what we can do it because this problem sadly god that's not just happening and milwaukee in terms of people going whichever the wind blows whatever way the wind blows i'm talking a little bit about now we don't have time for all ten of your points but just one or two things that you think could really change the tide there. well i'm opening three things right off the bat number one we seriously need to look at our juvenile justice system i can spar over the did and this and i nearly threw a saying the reality of growing up in an urban environment just did it so number one we need some significant changes to the movements to the jew who killed the
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system secondly i'm hoping to what's critical in my estimation is that gun people who are the feds are facing real challenges be taken out of the environment that the skull was a dead those problems and gotten into boarding schools even to the boy the resurrecting orphanages if necessary to provide a more stable environment every kid deserves to grow up in the same secure nurturing environment and for a variety of reasons that is simply not occurring here in milwaukee and then my dad and many many other large urban centers throughout america but i did ask you i mean you said it changing the juvenile justice system that's a process that could cost millions of dollars and millions of dollars that most cities and states don't have right now you talked about taking children out of
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their homes i mean i don't think that's really going to fly with a lot of people whether or not you think their parents are doing a good job of raising them you know some of these kids live with their parents and plucking them from those environments just seems like a hard idea to sell. well and you're right i don't necessarily advocating it that at the same time we've got a lot of kids in the boston care program that is largely a broken system i say and were able to take some of them into a boarding school environment or an orphanage i'm certainly not at. but cheating taking kids from good families. will also say this there are a significant number of families that would with a chair and the burden. that their children are residing by god if we need to we need to operate was good something. that was in the locky alderman
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bob donovan let's talk now about the way america will be perceived in the future rather than what pivotal time when we're starting to have the gift of perspective when it comes to pretty significant events in recent history of course coming upon the ten year anniversary of the terrorist attacks of nine eleven and just how the six year anniversary of hurricane katrina and we now have some perspective about the way the wars we're involved in started it and in the last year or so some of the key players in all of those events have come out with books their versions of history as it unfolded the problem is that much of those so-called historic accounts are at odds with one another so earlier i spoke to cia analyst ray mcgovern and i asked him to speak about the impact that these books coming out by these high powered people have and here are his thoughts. well it's totally self-serving of course surprise surprise and the worst thing is that there are very few people to put them in its context into perspective. dick cheney was the one
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primarily responsible for starting the war our first real words aggression were in very defined them forces the supreme international crime differing from other war crimes only and so for as it contains the accumulation of evil with the whole case kimberly's even what it would of torture be kidnapping people putting people like also the police whereas of the children much less a request so that's what the word aggression on least where we get the mystically like illegal eavesdropping and all kinds of stuff mostly at the behest of dick cheney there was nobody to stand up to him but he doesn't seem to be denying i his significant role in starting any of these things the reason for that is that our current president has chickened out and taken on one side and what sense is the look ahead when we have and it's as though you know somebody is so close to so many murders ok and they say well you know it happened in the past we're just going to
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look ahead this is a total total. of criminal war and they should not be allowed to see it and i just i mean it was so hard because dick cheney did was visit cia headquarters regularly when they asked the deputy director for intelligence how many times you know like between nine eleven and the attack on iraq how many times we go there and she said well it was about somewhere between five and then. they don't have records of how many times the police presence now people say it's either usually the place president is the same as when i was there usually as a president obama or sort of with the twenty seven years never wants to the vice president come and visit us to help us with our analysis can get a break if we if he. he needed help we would come down to him so he was in there at least five people see multiple times and he twisted the intelligence and to his
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discredit george george tenet p c you know i don't mean politically correct but i mean pandering and. you're craven he thought his job was to. use the president is that when the president was so were and so george tenet but the hist of dick cheney served up what the senate intelligence committee later called intelligence that was uncorroborated contradicted and sometimes nonexistent now that's not existed the reasons for the break but it's always just a caver dick cheney and it got us into trouble deep in the middle east and they've been saying just hang on to kenny for us for one more question are it's not just the talk that that's going on here it dick cheney is now making the rounds i think mostly on n.b.c. it seems like he's defending his book from owning it and i want to take a look at just a piece of an interview he did this morning with n.b.c.'s matt lauer on that show given the fact that it severely damaged our reputation around the world and there
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were no stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction you still think it's worth it you know sure i don't. think the damage our reputation around the world i just don't believe that i think you know the critics here at home argue that but in fact i think it was sound policy that dealt with a very serious problem and that they limited saddam hussein from. from the kind of problem a prisoner of war. so dick cheney doesn't believe that this impacted our reputation i was however one of the statements like this but in pakistan i could have well to the degree they're not contradictory to our i don't know what he said after that but you know when he was interviewing interviewing cheney's boss bush and he said do you still think torture is right and bush said well my lawyer said it was all right and i left it at that you know so you have to chop and change people when i challenged him i'm still in public in atlanta i was i was called immediately very
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high person and c.n.n. saying she was free and i said. if you're asking me if i. actually was a real hard you know you might want to do your homework good questions a real question as some sort of real question you'll find it's a real high try something. interesting i want to talk now about another book that's getting ready to come out this one written by a former f.b.i. agent ali soufan who's having a different sort of problem his now war it's called the leak they are the inside story of nine eleven and the war against al qaeda he lays out some significant information that no one is disputing the accuracy of instead and says the cia is demanding and that a large portion of the book be cut there is saying that a lot of the information here is classified but the author is saying not only is it not classified it's available for anyone who looks for it and talk about this very different problem about truth being kept out of the public line are those the old
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approaches probably question what is truth here the agency has its own on record with the vents here and they contend that these enhanced interrogation techniques which are really torture and others who found those better than anybody else that they didn't is metaphoric they were counterproductive to these you predict any information of these suspects it was through the traditional interrogation techniques which are to develop a rapport give a person some something to believe that he can confide this i'm from ancient and you know the head of the head a government intelligence at the time said you know no good intelligence is so good it's come from harsh interrogation techniques but this shows that in the last five years come a difficult years come also show that that was the head of army intelligence so you have army you have the f.b.i. he has in the middle unfortunately she is in the position of being able to question
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roles of evasion when somebody in the white house summons up the courage to say look this is ridiculous you know soufan knows what disk. there is a list bob marley who shows a good student doesn't live in the past and says look i professionals as a real professional you guys were hacks movers were contractors that you were hired to do the job and you did it in a reasonable way you torture your wardrobe ordered the chick behind it i didn't even three times give you a break because it means. you were an analyst for the cia for many years analyze this for me some of us that we're seeing coming out in these books from rumsfeld to george w. bush to dick cheney and these mistakes or looking back regarding iraq regarding afghanistan how do these different versions of history kind of play into what's going on now in libya in syria how do these different versions affect the decisions that will that have been made since and will be made in the future it's
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a really good question they'll be affected directly ok take libya now let me put it this way if libya's main export were were to moan. instead of oil it people chance would be in there who's responsible for for that it's the french just as they were responsible for the suez and for taking over the sewage back to fix the gate what we need is the very pure oil bill clinton gets and will be the tell him to save money and so the british the french and italians came to bush and said we're the bush kerry press corps what's the difference came to obama's and can you help us if we were you know i don't want to get in a ground but yeah you can have all my bombs or my this isn't like christmas and stuff so billions of dollars are going to that and price that should be going into the schools and at the courthouses in to the of the civil structures of this country very very interesting thing you think that that there is and will be concern will continue to be i direct relation between some of that intelligence
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that's sort of being spied on and some different direction and terms of the future i mean how do we stop that well you know we have this constitutional you know. more than we have this constitution used to have anything they say that to george bush called it just a piece of paper but it's not a nice was a solemn oath to protect to defend the constitution and so did those people so did president obama and the constitution allots to be to the people by which of their representatives in the house of reps is this will probably have to declare war ok the president can't can't make war without the congress that's what he's done so was not a word we use by mean we were just we're defending civilians were in reality the killing was just a felony so we have here is it typical or were to to acquire or to take control over their natural resources which of course in this case were was port authority so let's get afghanistan iraq and now syria this way but syria well it's
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incredibly strategic part of the world we want to be there on laws including pull a permanent military base there why. because of people because the natural gas people say afghanistan good we can sense well look since the north of afghanistan ok portman islam as a war has as natural gas and when it's not worse and we're all we are with iraq it will be problems you can't get here from there so the political pipeline through afghanistan and pakistan also i suppose you so we want very interesting perspective as always because i appreciate you weighing in and giving us that unique insight from a cia analyst from a government local kristie and that is going to do it for this evening but for more on the stories we covered car see dot com slash usa we also post most of our interviews on line you can find those on you tube dot com slash artsy america and should also follow me on twitter you can find me at.
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