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tv   [untitled]    August 31, 2011 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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nato says it plans to continue its presence in libya as people on the ground claim the latest threat to their safety now comes from weapons falling into inexperienced hands. a double suicide bombing rocks the capital of russia's chechen republic gone unimportant a muslim holiday leaving at least seven people dead and eighteen injured. and as israel reportedly trains and the west bank settlers ahead of a u.n. vote on palestinian statehood experts warn it's the anticipation of violence that could actually spark a conflict. just
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after eight am on wednesday here in moscow this is r.t. with me. nato says it has no immediate plans to end its operations in libya despite the rebels now controlling most of the country the alliance is continuing on the town of sort of the main program if you stronghold which is sound little sign of surrender meanwhile tripoli remains under rebel control as artie's financial reports with almost every youngster in the country now carrying a gun it's far from safe. isn't even that he got a bullet and fighting against gadhafi soldiers in submission may treat me with a shot coming from his name so. i didn't even notice until my friend told me that my foot was bleeding he pulled the trigger going to stick he was still scared himself. yes the.
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last. time you see this have all the answers on national fighters. one of the biggest stories was discovered at the top security prison in southern tripoli where inmates were released after a major bomb the area. of the dew could be imposed fuses to you thank you thank you doctor lawyer this was among the first. i don't want weapons to fall in behind some of my songs or the youngsters i'm concerned with our country will be going with drugs this is a very dangerous thing it's not a toy it's not to the country it was with arms it looks likely been kids have already developed the summation for the weapons war. when i go out and have a real one and will kill bad guys like. when you're four if you save of gathering up welcomes the mosques and well police are back on the streets but the young
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gunman in the street the red lights. will give it back to them as soon as they ask a student but many here are afraid that this addiction may have a painful recall the gun has become one of the symbols of the libyan rebels and freedom for a new country though people want more peaceful symbols a fear that all be easy for many to lay down their arms when the gun has played such a prominent role throughout libya's volatile history original. tripoli libya . patrick a as a reporter for the online magazine like to believe that nato wants to stay because it has no clear vision of what actually lies ahead for. fundamentally with the transitional government that's being put in place where you have here is a government has been cherry picked by the west these are people that aren't elected they also mistry and when the debate with the libyan people about why they're in any way more legitimate rulers thing gadhafi i wouldn't say this is in
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any way a revolution if the west western government basically bombing a path. of a rag bag of rebels then filling the vacuum left by gadhafi isn't in any way what i would revolutionize but that's something that i think more fundamentally than that there's been no sense. from western leaders what they were doing in the first place and they've not at any point have a coherent sense of what the mission is and there's a lot of talk a lot of grandstanding over the last few days about this a job well done there is no mission creep would fix any there was no mission creep going on it was only because they didn't have any idea of what they were trying to achieve in the first place and it's no surprise that now gadhafi is gone they're still hanging around because they're still unsure still unclear they want to get some brownie points from this you know and have made some short term political gains as a result. of us jim brown of course front page magazine believes that the fighting will go on even if colonel gadhafi is captured. i think even if they do find
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gadaffi this is only the first stage of a multi-stage war in libya now the tribes are going to fight each other over the over over the years or this long it's going to start the. national transitional council they already assassinated the head of the military i think there's the beginning of the problems this is really a tribal fight these tribes can be but this can go back and forth and who knows how long it will go on nato is in there. in my colon is this is really a war but controlling libyan oil supplies they went to war against gadhafi because they thought they were going to be cut out of future exploration deals in favor of china and india so we had to be replaced now they'll tolerate a transnational council of nato as long as they can get the contracts that they wanted there was billions and billions of dollars but if a transnational council starts getting a problem there will be more warfare to get rid of these people. we spoke to british labor m.p. barry gardener who opposed the allied intervention in libya the full interview is
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available on our website of course our compass for now is a quick read. it was very clear in the original un resolution it was very clear for our prime minister spoke in parliament here that there would be no occupation force that's one of the things that troubled me all that was this week. as to whether there should be troops on the ground as the rebels were going into tripoli we heard those left go left go left these instructions being yelled out by what obviously british soldiers british personnel who were leading that advance group and now that i think is where we've overstepped the line. you without the light from moscow it's now six minutes past the hour here amnesty international has accused syria of killing eighty eight people in prisons
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during the five month ongoing uprising activists claim the victims were imprisoned tortured to death for taking part in the anti government demos this comes after at least seven were killed during a crackdown on the muslim holiday. dr ahmed it but out of the transform conflict of our center and things that serious religious tension will begin if the opposition topples president abbas. will. be showing signs or. if you are. not it he she. is the sects in syria but all. that was issue of course in the unit and not the only house after it and how could it be if we were to give it is some great leader who will strive in the long future a lot of words. yet for good clearly in religious conflict
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as long as everybody is you know we if we are successful we will be hearing we may see some tension. well with r.t. it's good to have a company today and still to come this hour a multi-billion dollar war chest wasted by the united states look at where the american taxpayers' money allocated for iraq and afghanistan went and asked experts if there's more bad news to come. you without the live from now talk to a man who she was a professor at the university and thinks that the revolution in syria is fueled from the outside and aimed at igniting a civil war. i think that the nato alliance using some regional tools like turkey and the gulf cooperation council are working very hard to
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instigate instability in syria and this sort of instability will take a sectarian bent specifically they are working on agitating a civil war within syria and they want to call that evolution they can have they want to but the purpose of such a war is to bring syria down to its knees to destroy syria like they did with iraq and libya of course the point is to recreate this syrian regime in a way that is more favorable to the united states government the nato alliance and the royal arab regimes from saudi arabia to morocco. some of this part here in the russian capital kabul suicide bombing in the russian republic of chechnya that's left at least seven people dead and eighteen injured
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when a question about now joins us live with latest on the story. within it good to see you are bring us up to date what is the latest that you know. well this night of the capital of of the republic of grozny was head spy to last the first ever happens later in the evening on the road leading to the siege is our forte as suicide bomber blew himself up when police tried to stop him for an id check two policemen were killed and hour later at the same time of the first blast of these attack happened when investigators and emergency workers arrived at the scene overall eight people were killed and among them six are reported to be police officers one is an emergency worker and one civilian and the other twenty two were injuries and among them four are in critical condition meanwhile according to believe the mation that we received it just now there are reports that they may be
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annoyed at two suicide bombers but three and the thomson the attacks of such kind is a tactic that was already sent to used in iran and pakistan by other terrorists meanwhile the hand of the chechen republic grahams on could verify describe those behind this attacks as criminals and he said that they have once again shown their true faith as they have nothing secret was these two attacks happening on one of the most important muslim celebrations. it is going to question about with religious thank you. with tragedy in russian a chechen republic has marred the day marking the end of the holy month of ramadan you can log on to our website and see how thousands of russian muslims worshipers are gathered in the capital's masks spilling out of the surrounding streets and lanes we call that put it in full dot com.
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it's a good to have you with us on this wednesday morning here on artsy to global energy giants america's exxon mobile russians have struck a multi billion dollar partnership agreement the cooperation will range from the gulf of mexico to russia's a vast arctic shelf the sweeping deal signed in the presence or prime minister putin of the black sea resort of sochi gives the russian company an under president of. the us energy projects in turn america's biggest oil company will participate in developing vast untapped oil reserves in russia's arctic it's put an end to the hopes of another giant britain's b.p. to be part of the project the state secretary to the ministry of foreign affairs of norway which also has a big share in the arctic has told us what role his country will play in the exploration of the territory. it will need some more energy and it must be
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taken from somebody. in one of the most. promising regions norway has its physical share of the arctic but they also have a competence ties extremely valuable in other. arctic regions and we've seen that the russians are inviting not only or norway in but also all the countries in that we can companies are playing in. rows in different projects they all saw it in russia. you can watch the full interview with an always a state secretary to the ministry of foreign affairs you know just about fifteen minutes time right here. come september israel will be hoping for the best but preparing for the worst the military is training and also reportedly arming the west bank settlers as expect violence on the un votes on recognizing the palestinian statehood next month but as our paula slee reports it's the actions of
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the jewish state not the ballot that could lead to bloodshed. the united nations might be meeting next month to declare a palestinian state but for more than half a million israeli settlers they couldn't care less there has been so many the sessions they cleared in the un that have absolutely no meaning and are baseless un and wanted nobody's go home but palestinians say they'll be the ones now going home and like it or not niger and other israeli settlers will soon find themselves citizens of palestine once the u.n. recognizes. within these borders now there's no argument this is occupation international law apply for months now the israeli army has been fine tuning its response to the un vote. from above a lot of equipment from normal two hundred women. from the also training
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a lot of reserve soldiers very messed around twenty million dollars in the separation the army is also training settlers in self defense the working assumption of israeli defense establishment is there comes a temporary they will be confrontations between israelis and palestinians they fear that it will be martyrs protests and in some cases even violence but it's an assumption and many would say overreaction that threatens to inflame the situation on the ground israel has been doing everything you care to do as this whole idea of abode and it's not only the palestinians it's shortchanging peace here to throw the spreading also among the population growth is not justified because at the end of the what a policy of or doing is a political threat and trying to achieve in which you can with the politics and the thing this is far better. to try to achieve. a little nothing through terror or
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war and the irony is that the army might just be focusing its resources. the wrong population you think that we're going to leave the country the biggest danger though is that as these weighty defense forces prepare for conflict people on both sides of the border begin to expect one policy r.t. tel aviv i want a time for you to get involved so you are always eager to know what you think about our top stories today we're asking you why israel is arming its citizens and i took another starts right now here on r t i here's how the opinions are divided the majority believe it's done to provoke an armed conflict and thus torpedo the un vote on palestinian statehood one for things israel is just protecting its citizens thirteen percent say the aim is to distract the israelis from the country's economic woes and that minority considers the israeli government to be over cautious if you're going to r.t. dot com you can have your say right now. the e.u.
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is economics commissioner olli rehn expressed concern that uncertainty in the global financial market could be re-oiled hopes for a european recovery a special meeting of the european parliament hold calls for leaders to implement crisis measures agreed last month including a second greek bailout to save the euro from catastrophe but with a deal not yet finalized markets are wary of what politicians are doing so says italian business journalist francisco sixty. in europe the main point is the politics and markets don't see a really decisive political leadership until russell. steps in with some political real strong measures to call the euro or i'm afraid will be still dollar tile in europe has not come to grips with the north pole solution for both the great prizes but i would say also for the european
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crisis in fact italy and spain are also in dangers and these are much bigger economy and. therefore much bigger risk and dangerous to your royal we. when financial issues are no easy across the ocean and it's just discussed ways out of the ongoing turmoil. the problem in our economy isn't a lack of liquidity in the world's awash in liquidity it just doesn't know where to go japan's long term prospects are terrible and european welfare states are collapsing and of course the big government policies of bush and obama have made the united states very unattractive so i really think the fed is completely out of the picture all they can do is make things worse by giving us i guess nine hundred seventy style stagflation the problem is the banks themselves weren't terribly intelligent so they took the free money they need a great deal of profit out of it and then lo and behold they decided that they'd
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pay huge bonuses to a lot of traders because these traders they regarded as being superman that was very unfortunate because ultimately if you give me money for nothing it's very very easy to make a profit from it and that's all quantitative easing has achieved for all of us. and you can catch crosstalk throughout the day here and see the u.s. senate committee on water time contracting has found that thirty billion dollars of taxpayers' money is missing and always been stolen by contractors working in iraq and afghanistan over the past decade report claims that money was squandered due to poor planning a lack of oversight and outright fraud by u.s. contractors and federal employees the findings will be presented to congress as washington approach to cut defense spending to tackle america's enormous that the
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contents of the report won't be a complete surprise paul cost control of reconstruction in afghanistan already confirmed. and as a former bush administration official michael o'brien says more waste lies ahead. three more billion could be wasted because things have been built that won't be able to mean they won't they can't maintain them in countries like iraq and afghanistan you have to when you build something like a power plant you have to be able to maintain and operate it and the afghanis simply don't have the ability to do that i predict anyway american firms will have to go over there and they will have to stay there operate these power plants. and if the government of afghanistan karzai says no no contractors will take care of it we'll end up paying afghanis engineers an operators so maintain these things and i feel safe in saying that money will
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disappear. he says and that it's a war doctor called john that says this report is important but that i hope so that it can change the situation those hopes dying fast the recommendations within the report sort of have the air of usual washington type advice build another bureaucracy to watch over them for oversight in this department you know hire an inspector general so on and so forth i'm concerned that the recommendations of this committee although their analysis of waste is very valuable and concerned that their recommendations won't even take place or if they do they'll be wasteful still. all right a time to check out what else is happening in the world with our world update her nazi united nations on a possible rise of violence and kosovo meeting in new york the u.n. acting envoy to the region has called the situation there and unpredictable that's
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a month after a violent dispute with serbia in which because of all authorities try to take control of two border crossing points the region it declared independence from serbia in two thousand and eight and move not recognized by belgrade. funders of protesters have clashed with police in south africa ahead of a disciplinary hearing of the ruling party's youth league leader julius malema is accused of sowing divisions in the party and in virus signature president calling for botswana's regime to be ousted police are trying to break up the demonstrators with water cannons rubber bullets and stun grenades faces expulsion from the african national council for the closed door. and in the united states the number of dead from tropical storm irene has risen to at least forty eight that's a massive rescue and cleanup effort is underway across the east coast thirteen u.s. states have been affected by the storm which caused billions of dollars in damage the flooding caused by irene is believed to be the worst in decades.
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and for a front row seat to a musical spectacle simply go to a video section on our website. i want you to go head to head with drum sticks as a musical battle unfolds in the very heart of moscow with red square hosting the. military. performance are welcomed into the new home moscow. section of our website the first few. dollars. commission free printing free stroke churches free. range from three. three. two three.
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three brokers closing videos for your media project and a free video dance are. ok time now for the business with career. business person would go straight to our top story just months after the collapse of the tie up with b.p. russia's ross yet has struck a multi-billion dollar deal with the world's biggest oil company x. and mobil the american for all of the congress and its main part in exploring the potentially huge reserves of precious itself analysts say drilling could start in four years in turn russia's state run oil google take part in exploration projects in the states including in the deepwater gulf of mexico and in texas the partnership could generate up to five hundred million dollars. yourself a symbolic bank believes that the significance of the deal goes well beyond just
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just. now with this deal there's. greater sign of openness of this sector with regard to foreign investment but i think should be a trigger for greater capital inflows into russia which in turn is quite important because until recently you can be in flow of foreign capital was very severe and russia's influence of the i are still around fifty percent lower than what we've seen before the crisis so i think this could precisely be one of those figures that could finally change the situation with respect to capital flows issue with respect to russia. and that's one of the markets now is declining the biggest drop since may that's all speculation that increasing crude stockpiles in the united states indicate fields around will fall to the world's largest economy but branched out
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into the knowledge stock. and a quick look at precious metals gold is trading flat on wednesday after a volatile start of the week so pressure on metal is supported by concerned that the us federal reserve will ease recall. and further just by the color. asian markets are trading makes the south hong kong stocks are moving higher with gators among property ugh technology stocks but as strongly as pressuring japanese exporters panasonic is dropping over two percent push you fell down to the office. here in moscow the trading session will kick off in around two hours time the markets closed mixed on tuesday after the release of poor micro can all that statistics stats. positive sentiment is waning among russian equities as europe's woes take center stage time monday at a christian believes that this will be the key to moving forward ok through the rest of this week the markets are certainly going to be focused on the economy and
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really on the u.s. and the big stories are going to be non-farm payroll numbers that come out of friday it will see manufacturing or some money factory numbers coming out from the u.s. again that some of them up to trade around but i think the general trend is going to be a string away from looking at the u.s. i don't believe your favorites on europe that's not to say that there was not great regulations out there now russia in particular looks to me in particular straits and we saw on the spot about numbers out of the street they were about it saw. only the gaston so it's had a bit of a pop at the beginning of the rick as well because the market of course understands the chip and understand it's sensational form is pressing ahead so it's not to say there's not some good stuff out about the market's going to be cautious and stocks will trade are great for the song. kestrel bellows will allow its currency to float freely from mid september it was as being facing its worst economic crisis since the collapse of the soviet union stealing public disorder and putting a staple goods fellows to value the civil back in the states the sun may up the
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pre-election spending spree drain the countries which sounds foreign currency has been hard fought hard to find some spring lifting the back to break. up with us this hour i'll be back with more in forty minutes.
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of the news. of the. discovery. communication with the un.


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