tv [untitled] August 31, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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top stories on our team people in libya say their lives are now one risk from a massive weapons school williams with untrained hacks as nato says it will stay in the region for security. human rights groups are reporting assad's regime has yet more blood on its hands in syria but with widespread media manipulation that critics say no claims can be taken at face value. the czech president compares euro zone membership to being in a straitjacket as a loss leader slow ever more desperate to solve the debt epidemic ravaging.
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just after nine pm here in the russian capital you're watching our t.v. now nato says it has no immediate plans to end its operation in libya despite the rebels now being in control of most of the country of the alliance is continuing to bomb the town of sirte the main it pro get off the stronghold and earlier on wednesday the fugitive colonel once again valid he would not surrender meanwhile in tripoli people may be celebrating the fall of the regime and what with many now carrying guns it's still a long way from safe. my hammer is a libyan rebel he got a bullet in his ankle fighting against gadhafi soldiers in tripoli but with a shot coming from his own side. i didn't even notice until my friend told me that my foot was bleeding he pulled the trigger by mistake he was saul spirit himself. but. this is a reality of today's levy for when the rebels stray off and march from the country
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tons of gadhafi is captured weapons have fallen into the hands of nonprofessional fighters one of the biggest stories was discovered at the abu salim top security prison in southern tripoli where inmates were released after nato bombed the area of a do this the father of three young boys refuses to appear on camera still fearful of age from gadhafi loyalists he was among the first to seen to help destroy the arsenal. which they don't want well most of all of the hands of my songs on the news i'm concerned where our country will be going with the girls this is a very dangerous thing it's not a toy but with the country it was with arms it looks like libyan kids have already developed a fascination for the weapons of war but. rang up her real life and will go back to guys like se then you're thor's you say you go soon start gathering up friends through mosques i hope police are back on the streets and
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young gunman demonstrate their readiness to. will give you back to live as soon as they ask a system which many here are afraid that this eviction may have a painful withdrawal the girl has become one of the symbols of the libyan rebels and freedom for a new country though people want more peaceful symbols but fear of all of it is if for many to lay down their arms when the guard has played such a prominent role throughout libya's well it's how history. faithfully libya and to discuss the situation in libya further let's cross to. president of the arab lawyers association joining us live from london via broadband thanks very much for being on the program now and from what we've heard from our reporter earlier how much of a danger do all these clowns pose and how do you go about disarming such a large number of people well it's extremely dangerous and i think you continue to be dangerous because we must recognize that what has happened is that the state has
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to set. a proper structure for the agency or whatever and there was a central government now there is a vacuum by itself necessarily produce all the effects we've seen it in many many other countries and we've seen the problems for instance we all remember the. eastern europeans we have countries divided into many countries. we've had fighting between the various factions this is a normal process of lucian this is not. when there is a you have the army change regime that continues to be in control of the present moment the state has disappeared the law enforcement agency has disappeared there is a great vacuum so i think everybody is going to be jumping so it's going to continue to be very dangerous situation i don't think nato. can actually play
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a role to stop it because now we don't have the division between. the side that we support. and decide to decide that we are told now everybody is on the same side ok so so you're saying that there is a danger to will see another civil war breaking out. there is certainly tensional civil war of the civil war there are a lot of factors which the those who are against including some of the western countries for their own reasons and indeed even the. divine the nation into an on a variety of levels there is the old traditional divide and rule process i think many kids would practice this one as well as those who are against even among the libyans themselves so you could divide on the tribal bases you could divide on political allegiances you could begin to look at people pro.
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a lot of us there so there are a variety of. be islamist groups i would also like to look at the humanitarian situation i mean do you think libyans will be able to deal with it themselves and if they need external help who will benefit from being a back position to help the libyans i think unfortunately now the countries are beginning to buy britain france italy the united states of america themselves and this is the west and this is this when they are fighting with each other each one of them is trying to get you some of the cake i do end of the day that out of any other countries like iran is that of countries that the. countries say regional countries turkey iran all those sprinters trying to play a role we have. i think many people play a positive role they don't want to do so because the libyans now are suffering from
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knock off everything electricity water medicine from the infrastructure has cost so there is a great deal of mean for support for i think many people who try and help at the same time i think there will be vying between themselves to get the case ok we're running a little bit out of time but just very quickly i'd like to ask you libya's been under gadhafi through for more than forty years so people are not exactly used to internal political problems even organizing an election is alien to them how i think going to cope then. i think what the provisional government is going to try and move into tripoli and they are going to try and get the various factions to be involved in various political movements tribal leaders to be involved so that there is some sort of consensus because this is a situation which is very different from iraq where we had the american occupation which was supporting one faction against the other probably the libyans will try and get together i think they may succeed at the end of the day but when we compare
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this one with egypt we think probably they will the libyans will be able to benefit from the experience of others so i'm not really all that that's a mistake i've seen in libya but certainly it's very big thanks very much for analysis there are some i'll look to our president of the arab lawyers association . now a demonstrator of course and russia's all voice in nato told r.t. the fact the alliance seems the term and to take control of libya is a worrying time to see but you know. it's a classic situation when separate nato countries are waging war in an internal conflict of a country far away from nature's zone of responsibility but their lines as an organization claims not to be involved classic military propaganda. where you can download all of what the russian envoy to nato had to say on the situation in libya by heading to our free site. mission free
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accreditation free. for charges free. arrangement free. three stooges free. and free broadcast quality video for your media trial against a free real gun party time. now a london based human rights group claims around five hundred people have been killed in syria during ramadan a majority of them are civilians well another group of activists released a report suggesting dozens of people including children have been tortured to death behind bars for taking part in the anti regime uprising. reports all news coming from syria can't always be taken at face value. well the report really does not say much you have to you have to make a note of the fact that the report said eighty eight people all ten of them children are believed to have died in detention the report has also slammed the
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syrian authorities for not providing enough information on those and demons there were no details however outlined of the circumstances in which these eighty eight people supposedly have died this is somewhat of a showcase of what else has been happening in the way things have been portrayed as happening in syria and you get constantly ports from various media sources by certain channels or major arab net for show demonstrations of people sometimes a little signs being held by unknowing person who is filming everything that's going on on the a mobile camera fall that looks like to be immobile camera phone most of the sources which anybody sites are anonymous there are reports coming from various other cities in the center of syria for example or homes where reports of tanks entering cities are being broadcast right and coming through apparently in hama more uprisings happening how fitting plates in here in damascus things that really
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i believe could not be more peaceful when there were reports supposedly of helicopters flying overhead and one major network we actually went outside walked all around the city didn't see anything but birds up in the sky so this is the situation that isn't a masochist right now there have been no demonstrations at least in the center we are based right in the center of the syrian capital they have been no demonstrations no explosions no violence people are just continuing in fact you know this is the end of the holy month of ramadan so people have been celebrating as a matter of fact going out to dinners and shopping and this is what has been going on we are we are another good instance of media news mongering or warm or growing if you will is a case in the middle office there were reports of thousands of palestinians being herded into his feet in the. in a city of latakia their i.d.'s were allegedly taken away and their cell phones were taken away as well they were held there for several days and then and then apparently were released well when we actually went there a few g.
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camp and spoke to the palestinians themselves they said that yes there were disturbances in the city yes there were unknown people starting with skirmishes with the army they are caught in their muslim quarter of town where the camp is faced so the palestinians actually asked for refuge they were provided they were provided an option to go to a stadium so go two thousand out of seven thousand have went to the stadium they stayed there for three days they said the authorities have provided them with food and shelter and water and then they returned to their homes while you're watching r t and still to come this hour premature preparations. u.n. and wanted nobody's go home israel trains at arms itself lawyers ahead of september's vote on the recognition of a palestinian state but as they get ready for a possible uprising experts say they might just be calling for it. and of course they live search me please moscow office in
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a bid to uncover documents the groovy oil giant plans to sidestep its partners and its cluster beach russia's lucrative market share. well being of the euro zone is not so different from being in a straight jacket that's according to the president of the czech republic that's of klaus well speaking at an economic summit in austria the president also blamed the euro for being responsible for the debt crisis that's currently ravaging the european union his comments echo growing his still of the tours a single currency among nations who were once queuing to drawing that prestigious club as a child prime minister also questioned his country's requirements to sign up with a currency block saying they were told it was a monetary union not a debt to you but as the e.u. leadership maintains the crisis is temporary and that the euro is safe and secure something that you'll have brought over to be editor in chief of trans magazine disagrees with. the czech president is probably more right than the european politicians because in effect we at the moment have
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a monetary union here in europe that has really very important structural handicaps and that we go through handicaps we have and i was situation that has become a food loan crisis that is threatening. the further existence of this euro zone everything is done at the moment to indeed arrive at such a situation where it would be rather shameful to accept the exit of a country the first possibility of course being greece but that should not lead us astray in terms of what is the real focus on what should be legal focus of the discussion and that is that we don't have the conditions met to have a structurally healthy monetary union and unless we do same thing about that we will have one crisis country after another there is so much political capital invested in this project that it's very hard if not to say impossible for the
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politicians who are at the moment running this european council to give give up on the idea of a monetary union so it's a question of politics if you look at it from the economic point of view we have a little situation that is a lot more doubtful than the politicians like to admit the end of the euro if we go down that road it's still not sure but the chances are increasing day by day in my analysis it will be germany that as we as we say it will put out the right. two out of the three suicide bombers who carried out attacks in the capital of russia's north caucasus republic of chechnya have been identified and one is the brother of another suicide bomber who blew himself up in front of a concert hall in grozny last year my people have been confirmed dead and twenty eight wounded after three successive blasts went off in the same place in the city where the first suicide bomber blew himself up with my police attempted to stop him
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there for an id check of the second and third attacks occurred soon after targeting the investigators and emergency workers who arrived on the scene most of the casualties were policemen. when september palestine will be expecting a un to vote to recognize it as a fully fledged state but israel fears the decision may result in uprisings and has reportedly started arming settlers and training them to face angry palestinians because policy reports are preparing for bloodshed israelis might actually be calling for it the united nations might be meeting next month to declare a palestinian state but for more than half a million is really safe is they couldn't care less there has been so many decisions they cleared in the u n. that have absolutely no meaning and are baseless un only wanted nobody go home the palestinians say they'll be the ones now
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going home and like it or not nigeria and israeli settlers will soon find themselves citizens of palestine once the un recognizes palestine within these borders now there's no argument this is occupation international law apply for months now the israeli army has been fine tuning its response to going for. about a lot of equipment in all of two hundred. training a lot of reserves around twenty million dollars in the separation the army is also training settlers in self-defense the working assumption of the israeli defense establishment is there comes a ten but they will be confrontations between israelis and palestinians they fear that they will be martyrs protests and in some cases even violence but it's an assumption and many would say overreaction that threatens to inflame the situation on the ground israel has been doing everything it cared to. deliver those useful
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idea of the cold and it's not only the palestinians it's shortchanging it's here. through spreading also among their own population this is not justified because at the end of it the what the policy of are doing is a political step in trying to achieve the through politics and i think this is far better. than to try to achieve a little nothing fair or a war and the irony is that the army might just be focusing its resources on the wrong population you think are we going to leave the country the biggest danger though is that as these radio defense forces prepare for a conflict people on both sides of the border begin to expect one policy r.t. tel aviv. russian bailiffs acting on an arbitration court order searched the offices of b.p. in moscow today looking for incriminating documents and it's part of an ongoing
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lawsuit filed by b. peace partners seeking three billion dollars in damages following the collapse of a deal with russian energy dr ross yes we have addressed this issue go period for invest cafe invest cafe thank you very much for joining us tonight in the a program i want like to ask you the timing of this search it happens right after x. in mobile and signed that deal is that significant oh it definitely is significant in terms of the way this is timed i think it only attracts more attention more media attention to the issue and perhaps makes some media question whether these searches are politically motivated. ok well let's talk about another search b.p. is claiming it will file a protest against the search saying it was illegal is that argument valid they have a right to do so if they deemed that they acted illegally or did something that was outside with they were ordered to do by the courts but so far from what i know they
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have only examined the papers over ninety business papers and documents in the offices of an entity that is related to the company's better world and even court proceedings in to me ok why would he risk noncompliance with a court order knowing that their lives would come eventually was it perhaps hoping to play victim here well judging by the initial reaction from b.p.'s lawyers one can say that but i don't think there is any need to overreact and it was just something that the russian court has ordered to be able to do ok now we're going to get a bit more information on what had really happened russian bailiffs again acting on an arbitration court order search the offices of b.p. in moscow today they were looking for incriminating documents our correspondent that's not an article but has more on this. british petroleum executives have linked themselves of this search to a failed deal between their company and russia's world giants will snaps which
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shows that the surge was unlikely a big surprise for them russian bailiffs were looking for documents that's british petroleum failed to present to the courts even though it was ordered to do so the documents that prove that british petroleum tried to go around its russian borders in order to develop the world's largest and chaps energy reserves that lie in the arctic shelf that of course angered lushin shareholders and follow the case so this search was just one of the steps during the ongoing russian authorities claim that the search was held in the call matter nothing was taken but of course the piece trying to be the victim here calling it an illegal raids but the speculations around the case are very understandable especially in the light of the recent deal signed. between x. morrow and a russian oil giant rawson efforts on oil exploration in the arctic shelf the deal that could have been signed between rosneft and b.p.
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if you have british petroleum did not try to bypass a partnership with russia and we've already said that this is this is a great stone to which mature liam's ambitions in russia. ok well again continuing that discussion it's been a bad few miles for b.p. as we can see in russia from the collapse a deal with russia which in effect excluded from exploring the arctic shelf i mean the curtains in russia shutting down. well it's true b.p. has been in dire straits a recent gulf of mexico disaster and reporting a loss but i wouldn't say the opportunities for b.p. in russia are limited but one thing is certain is that any such appreciate you have to be conducted in accordance with and in agreement with their russian partners and the russian shareholders of the joint venture i want to just a quick comment on the outcome what you think of the lawsuit that b.p. is currently in just an outlook it's hard to judge but i don't think it will be any significant impact your. shareholders all right thank you very much for goatee
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beard from investor cafe analyst thank you very much and now for more on the deal we have more in our business bulletin coming up next an r.t. . hello and a very warm welcome to the business bulletins and of course this huge deal is dominating the business as well russia's rosner has struck a multi-billion dollar agreement with the world's biggest oil company exxon mobil and still comes just months after the collapse of tying up with b.p. american firm will become gross next main part now in exploring the potentially huge reserves of russia's arctic shelf in turn russia's state run world group take a ration projects in the u.s. including in the deep water of the gulf of mexico and in texas the initial investment is expected to be about three point two billion dollars but the partnership could plow as much as five hundred billion dollars into the project
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ross nafta will hold two thoughts of the joint venture. that. i think there's a lot of potential to this deal but there are a lot of obstacles before it comes to realisation i mean some of the obstacles obviously are environmental concerns especially on the arctic shelf political concerns as well about doing business in russia and also technical considerations because trying to drill for oil in the arctic in the freezing cold weather and also in the black sea where you know the of the sea is up to a mile deep all white technically difficult so a potential cure a really big potentially jewel for exxon which is the reason why they wanted to steal so much on my b.p. wanted this deal but it's not an easy jewel to extract shall we say. louise cooper from b.b.c. partners but this new deal doesn't mean the end of problems for marketing partner b.p. it's because office has been raided by bailiffs following
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a decision by the russian arbitration court. to written communications between b.p.'s representatives and the board of. the documents could be evidence these people knew about ross and have to deal in advance and didn't inform the other. members and that's one of the claims of minority shareholders. i mean while b.p. has its own opinion on what's going on let's have a listen. we can almost see these actions as being part of a pressure campaign against business in russia. how ukraine is putting into practice its wants to reduce energy dependence on russian the country has cut its twenty twelve gas purchases by a third to twenty seven billion cubic meters. you will have to pay for a minimum of thirty three billion cubic meters no matter how much gas the country uses is not trying to revise the current contracts with moscow which it says are too expensive and russian president dmitry medvedev said she's done by way of
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position. it's. a look at the markets u.s. stocks are high on continued hope so for federer is that stimulus for the struggling economy a day after the minutes of the latest central bank using for published investors are based on reports of business activity in the u.s. expanded in august more than us. and europe the fruits and the techs closed on the pools to note as you can see the german economic data released wednesday thought pointed to signs of smaller growth in the country not just the fears of a major economic downturn over. and russia is no exception with investors awaiting part of stimulus measures from the feds those are just my sixth diminished out of the two percent on the favorable external factors as. a quick look at some of the individual share moves in the my six forcing have to bounce back from earlier losses folding the deal with at smallville and another all major work well was also
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up after posting strong first half results the company's net profit grossed seventy percent to six point eight billion dollars and crush stock pharmaceutical company from some down point seven percent offers saw a fifty percent increase in its net profit for the first half of year a marker of insiders always a measurable i've seen it wraps off the day trade was. very positive day for the march is a. interesting thing it's kind of on top of. already several strong days in the market it's all basically keep started with growing expectations that there will be . not only interesting wars actions and in september but also fiscal policy action and russia stock market has been going higher and higher all day i mean it was just it's a drag moments higher through the whole day first it opened. stronger and then it started getting stronger when europe opened and now when when u.s.
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joined in in june you to grow. and in all the company news russian internet made him a large you couldn't have just the top net profit by one hundred twenty percent to eighty six million dollars says of the company rose almost thirteen percent in london on the number of beat expectations the company says the results came from strong tyson and increased income from value added services. ok visit europe today it's another business update in less than one.
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