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tv   [untitled]    August 31, 2011 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT

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from fighting enemies the fighting demons are in a fortnight or r.t. new york going to think about on this year anniversary of that and the combat mission and iraq i'll leave you with that as a for now but we will have much more news more interviews on iraq and the economy coming up at five so come right back here. there are countless child was on the shuttle and by this country. they still here they say. and remember every second of this nightmare. it will remain in the memories and hearts forever. to see so. innocent.
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little angel on our cheek. wealthy british. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with. no holds barred global financial headlines kinds of reports.
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live. we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from around the world. the future of covered. the official placation job on the phone on called touch from the queues out still. like on the. video on demand keys and mine old girls. says feeds now in the palm of your. question. dot com. a telemarketer broadcasting live from washington d.c.
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coming up today on the big picture. it's morning this guy is point blank quiet but suddenly i hear a sweet maladie coming from the farm and mark is thinking i think a bird's eye view of the people below is fascinating now they have turned on the light in one of the houses and three barefooted boys have emerged from another one i can hear a barking dog and crowing roosters sounds have killed just silence as for
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myself i keep flying in the sky i'm a cloud. but twelve year old girl by the name of them is dedicated these lines to a home town of beslan which is situated at thousand miles south of moscow emma lloyd's be videotaped she signs this recording with the simple word hello. to day we're going to interview a man's cap. how are you. fine. what about your family it's. also ok right emma loves her cat she likes to film it on video and she has a dream for us after we finish school my friends and i would like to go to moscow and study high fashion. emma adores her best friends. and my
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gina and. they spend practically all of their time together. that we're finishing and want to says some words tell our viewers. emma she wants to say i wish our viewers happiness and help. these shirts take back to the summer of two thousand and four. the four best friends no longer live in beslan. their name is called the town of angels a cemetery. one hundred eighty six children are buried here and they all died on the same day september third two thousand.
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as. let's go. through slime this is we wait for this is that right. so slow in the be so or ten years old they're twins. at the time of the best run
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school siege they were before. but they still remember every minute of the distant events of september two thousand and six. there was a shocker of the day which someone in this room is the gunman one of the terrorists was here and there for you fired it signifies. on the first of september of two thousand and four system on a military soap were true young to start school. but in a small town like beslan at the beginning of a new school year is a great occasion to slum in the research for a moment children to the festivities. we were told that all of the girls should wear school uniforms on september first brown dress and white apron.
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if they decided at that time that occasion they wouldn't invite their mothers to take part in the history of it as she asked me if i could go to school to recover them a surgical wouldn't want you around were adults already settles. i attached my lips with my fingers bites as if sent in a kiss to my daughter who. i thought when she returned home i would color the cases with. the books the last one the sweetest kiss of all. over with friends to share stories from the summer holidays that festive atmosphere was good sure. it's. the first i thought it was the sound of bursting
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delusional something. valuable really scared when i saw people smashing windows. and running away as fast as they come plus. i. had backed away trying to spot a long unfolding william not my baby in my hands suddenly i thought fine on my back i feel thousand people rushing towards me i thought flashes through my mind i'm going to be killed on the stampede trip.
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between us we were crowded into the gym as if we were cattle man for the slaughter house was searched wherever we could some on the floor others on the benches senior pupils were told just as country prior's from the ceiling only then did i realize what was going on. they dick arms were in that ring. there was one in the middle and smaller ones on each side. the hostages were instructed to stay on the ground more than a thousand people sat on the floor of the gym with bomb suspended over their heads the terrorist made it complete silence the hostages were not to shout cry or talk. still the kids so crying we were told a hundred are and this is where we were then believe or
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a hard thing they came to see who was hopping and who wasn't there some machine guns were always at the ready for that had no effect the kids were crying as loudly as before. we're going to set all the men were taken out of the room much once from to and they never came back. the men were taken to a room on the second floor. there they were shot and thrown from the window. but i don't know if the two can girls out of the gym and write them i mean these were very young girls what would possess someone to do something that oil. one of the boys came up to a terrorist and give him five roubles have to admit i give you money and you let my mother go he said from the terrorist respond out of them we've got loads of money go back to your place. the terrorists spoke to each other in the chechen language
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on the first day they made no demands. i asked the hug of my daughter in law said to my son to martin do you take that jacket off it's too stuffy here since we get asked of hey i'll buy you several jackets tomorrow said no it's a present from my mom. the terrorists announced their demands only towards evening of the second day. they said in a note that russian troops must leave the church or a public which was then and still is part of the russian federation. i hope somebody would turn the clock but. with somebody would kill the terrorists and set us free. but time was it a standstill for the fathers and mothers of the children they never left the scene hoping they'd soon see their kids again. for two days and nights their children had been bullied and familiar they'd been deprived of food and deprived of water.
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on the first day we felt we'd be able to leave the place soon then we'd go to a shelter buy some soft drinks and as soon as we got home we do locks in the. very first entered the school building after the terrorist attack i had a bottle of water with me i always keep a bottle of water on my bedside table and i keep the lights turned on because i cannot sleep in the dark. children in flowers they brought for their teachers to mark the start of a new school year they drank urine to quench their thirst and that made them even
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thirsty or. the only available source of water was trickling out of the trap in the toilets some of the children were occasionally allowed to go there. sponge themselves down with tory's soaked in water thirst was too much of a torture for some of the children this sucked water of toys and clothes. people still bring bottles filled with water to the gym they do it every day they always leave the bottles open to make it easier for the young angels to drink. the best of people take gathered outside on the third day. expected our kids to be released there's no doubt in our minds that baby homes the school that they could be home would never entered our heads.
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and i was pretty scared when i heard the sound of an explosion overhead but at the moment i could breathe more freely at the blast. had ripped open the roof lowing some air into the gym besides many of the people had stopped breathing that was. indiscriminate gunfire panic stricken adults. older. she has a. blood stained children wearing nothing but underwear rushing out of the ship. some of them were shot in the back. they go down two or three bottles of water could one searched. was it when i opened my eyes after the blast i saw the girl sitting next to me but my son wasn't anywhere near me i
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started looking for him all over the place good god i thought could he be dead. all connected about the first thing i saw after the blast was a lightbulb hanging on the ceiling everything a runway had turned black i just went to look for my mother. and i approached a boy lying on the floor blood was in out of his had told me he looks very much like my son and i couldn't bring myself to come closer in photo a woman who was near me. but he said my comic. fortunately for natalia the boy's name was not to my line tell his son had survived the blast and so had her two daughters my mom stylist go on christina.
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natalia is unable to walk her left arm is almost motionless she was injured before the main blast by a fragment from a grenade that exploded in the hands of one of the terrorists then fragment remains stuck in her head for two days as she sat in the gym trying to comfort her three children. are saying to tell you it still has a chance of recovering from her injuries but it requires a long rehabilitation process and much money she's only thirty five years old. my dream is to be in a special forces it was such officers that saved us. i want to get revenge. on the twins slugger larissa escaped death due to their mother's heroism she threw them out of the window right after the gym blast she also saved several other children and thankfully managed to survive the ordeal herself. this is me and my dad.
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rusher is that so much taxpayers' money i mean i can i sit here and a real mastery of the u.s. federal reserve has met and decided little as the global economic recovery slows now it's time for congress and the president to take. the children of beslan may have had some sense of foreboding before the terrorist attack after the tragedy parents found it odd looking drawings startling verses in a row centuries and diaries among the items of their dead children.
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these pictures were made by oliver tug of his son to more he hoped to become an artist though most of his paintings showed landscapes for some inexplicable reason he made an about turn in the summer of two thousand and four. i would keep the hopefulness in train this picture shortly before the tragedy it shows an explosion as you can see one of the schoolchildren was going towards the building they didn't but while the other one was thrown up into the air they were. it was our roots of live true this picture. it shows a school a jhoom helicopters a fire a crowd of people ambulances and fire fighters who wait was at that school. and i was stunned when i first saw it. this desire or straw it why did it all of an year old boy draw a picture of
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a school in this context we will never know the seller died in the terrorist attack . the most horrific part of it all came when the fire had been extinguished and the terrorists and been killed. parents knew years searching for their children. i went through a terrible experience each time i saw an ambulance pulling up in front of the school. i never even looked at the first down the one says they were heading to the more. as soon as that counter one of the wards are unable to meet or shouts to me i've seen the carla i say to him where is she to me or i can't find her to which she
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says i saw her in the chair. there were keys to our apartment in his pockets and i compared them with my own case it became clear that the boy was to more. i still keep the case under the pillow and i go to bed. the girl. three hostages died in that fire i spent three days lucasfilm i don't in a month is dead bodies before i found. many others spend several months there.
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was when i went out of the house and i saw the coffin and i was so glad that i had found her. i put my arms around the coffin as if embracing it as if trying to help other is a point here. i'm not sure i can accurately describe my emotions but i think i was glad and by the fact that they had found her as. time has not healed anyone's for these people the simple fact is over the years these ascensions have learned to live with their pain children are no longer afraid of going to school and in tolls have reconciled themselves with the thought that letting them go to school is not teachers.
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children no avoids generous. today he prefers playing music to playing sports. he lost his best friend in the terrorist attack of two thousand and four and since then he's met nobody they can replace or. oversleep and now i take things easier. i would say. that six percent of what happened six years ago has evaporated from my mind and we've got so. much is left a mere ninety four years. this year and yet his second daughter million will start school. and the time of
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the terrorist attack she was just a year old at one point the terrorists allowed mothers and their babies to leave the gym. and you take a male with a millionaire in her arms. her elder daughter a lawn i had to stay behind not long after she was killed. and the memories that i will hear it's over there. in russia. each sunday and yet ten million visit the ruins of the school to them the place is like a church they come here to pray.
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we thought all people would be like saying thakur what happened things and they would all understand that everything was perishable. but they would realize there was only one thing worth living for and taking care of. so much that never happened. to me in a knows exactly what she's supposed to do in the gym she picks up empty bottles lights candles and puts flowers in order seemed to it that her mother doesn't cry. my daughter's hair is white now but she's trying to stir it when i go to school for the first time ever my first is certain there will be a stream of reasons to celebrate mother with her hair my birthday and i will start school. to last her only daughter in the attack the past years have not helped ease
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her pain to no prefers to put her thoughts on paper rather than speaking aloud. moans and nothing much defines only thing i knew what i'm designed for it's flow was. the first and most treasured flower that helped me understand my faint asperity just. doesn't keep a diary she often spends time re reading those of her job her daughter emma emma had hoped to work in the fashion business she's left behind many miracle verses and funny stories we never know whether the world lost a great writer or dancer. a good.
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we're going on so good when we get together at the cemetery we share our collections have our kids. sometimes you women laugh so the better is by must think it odd that people laugh over the graves of their children and indeed sometimes feel rather uncomfortable. but i can't help recalling some final episodes from their lives. today many cedartown of angel cemetery as a holy place these graves are kept ideally the marble always looks big and span the photos never fade. there's not a single dry flower and the ribbons on the graves mean that particular boy or girl would have finished school this year. with my guards there is
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a sense we live in an entirely different world. what happened then was like having your head in the cats and now the situation is quite different and life is different. sloman luis and now have a brother and a sister their mother and father have decided they must have many children the more the merrier so slyness decided that he'll be a policeman when he grows up and lisa is still in two minds about what she hopes to do when she's older. and the terrorist attack on the best one school number one claimed three hundred thirty five lives including one hundred eighty six children. all of their photos are shown here. take a look come artists musicians economists or doctors or just simply mothers and fathers of a new generation. in
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a recent survey people invest on were asked whether they wanted to have the ruins of the school left as they were or twenty gallon altogether listened they found looking at the land market in human forty every day a traumatic experience. and yet it was decided not to tear down the school instead it will stand as a reminder of the atrocity and not just for the citizens of this line. it will be forever a reminder to the whole world that should never forget what happened on that day. christ skirting our strength to wish evil people is for good people i wish there were doris day that way. and there was this world to be is beautiful as a law there's an different more beautiful.


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