tv [untitled] September 1, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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our guys it's time for show and talents and i program last time we saw it about dick cheney how he's defended his use of torture techniques in his recent movies command more after speaking openly about how we engage in those acts we ask if you think that dick cheney should be trifled or quotes let's get a producer for treason a sente to find out what you have to say. her boss week former vice president dick cheney has paraded through the mainstream media promoting the release of his new book he did not hesitate to stand by the use a waterboarding and torture in the aftermath of nine eleven and even went so far to say the math is a should be used so well that i despise president is out on the boat tour touting his use of torture we want to know if you thought he should be on trial for war crimes instead well daniel said that cheney should be tried for war crimes played a part in the deception in the run up to the war not told those yes and. there
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should be an investigation into how to burn as well ok so basically the overwhelming response was yes yes yes and charge him with war crimes i think we all know that's just not going to happen philosophic reality gill said the bush administration lied to congress then the un but whether they actually broke laws is dubious james felt that our legal system would never convince him because the rules are different for someone if they're rich famous or powerful and jason added if we start trying our leaders as war criminals i think you may be surprised who else would be convicted so how does dick cheney get away with going on national t.v. and openly admitting to war crimes without so much as a hard hitting question. chomping on the example of how you are a powerful man in the us the rule of law almost certainly doesn't apply to you. as always thank you for your responses and here's our next question for you we just wrapped up speaking of republican presidential candidate buddy roemer who's kept his campaign contributions at one hundred dollars he says no special interests can
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have their claws moved into his actions if you were president let us know what you think if you think that there should be a limit to think that americans should be limited in how much they can donate presidential campaigns you can respond to us on facebook twitter and you tube those responses just might mean. it's not a small courtroom in upstate new york case with a lot of sensitive information is being shared here to aviation companies are now engaged in a lawsuit over a breach of contract and they are rich more aviation which supplied corporate jets and crews to the u.s. government and private aviation broker sports fly air which organizes flights so the interesting part here is the details of this lawsuit being discussed in court and secret cia rendition flights turns out the flights by these aviation companies involved touching down in countries like afghanistan. libya and pakistan and these companies were picking up and dropping off prisoners and distributing them among secret prisons operated by the sea. a around the world all in their private jets
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all organized by tank or now the over three hundred thousand dollars per flight price tag for those secret flights that's part of the documents for this lawsuit you know what i really find interesting is in the past people have attempted to sue the cia the government even the flight companies for rendition the cases have always been put to a halt under the state secrets privilege for a short while back we told you about a group of five prisoners who took their case of rendition all the way to the supreme court the highest court decided not to hear it and use state secrets as an excuse so why is it that any information involving the cia is so sensitive that even the supremes court can't debate it but meanwhile a rinky dink lawsuit in upstate new york pours out extensive details of extraordinary rendition during a dispute between two aviation companies after all in past u.s. solicitor general neil content to all say the government's interest in national security must be deemed paramount to the interests of private lives in pursuing civil actions so hoops somebody must of messed up this time and in the meantime
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hopefully groups like the a.c.l.u. are taking note because this could be the break they've been looking for to get all those other rendition cases actually heard in court. now the saga of how the unredacted version of over two hundred fifty thousand diplomatic cables attained by wiki leaks got out on the internet goes on we can take his father lawsuit against the guardian and release a statement on twitter saying a guardian journalist has a previously undetected act of gross negligence or malice and in violation of a signed security agreement with the guardian's editor in chief alan rusbridger disclose top secret decryption passwords to the entire unredacted wiki leaks cable gate archives now we've already spoken to the state department and commence litigation action we will issue a formal statement formal statement in due course so the u.s. state department is confirmed and they did get a heads up from the organization but they said they have no plans to cooperate with them so could be negligence on the part of wiki leaks could be negligence on the part of the guardian or who knows who else but the mainstream media has been quick
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to jump on this story soak up the drama to put julian assange into the spotlight again i'm fortunate result of this coverage is what's been overlooked what the cables actually reveal and recently made public state department cable provides evidence that u.s. troops executed at least ten iraqi civilians and then call that an airstrike to destroy the evidence among the dead are four women and five children and autopsies performed in the iraqi city of to create show that all the dead have been handcuffed and shot in the head it's a gruesome tragedy and you nobody wants to pay any attention to it joins me to discuss this is kevin just a civil liberties blogger at firedoglake ken i want to thank you for joining us tonight and now correct me if i'm wrong but were you one of the first people that actually spotted this in the cables yeah as part of the. hashtag venture that wiki leaks invited to participate in i was going through the cables and i happened to find this communications log. so once you actually put it out there at
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least tweeted about it then you monitor the media attention and at least from what i could tell it was pretty obvious to me who actually did pick up on it people that are worried about civil liberties people like glenn greenwald out there but we've really seen it plan on the airwaves in the mainstream media at all well no and actually the media watch group fair has pointed out that if you look at the recent coverage from the new york times they give top dollar to be assigned a scandal to their trivia about what he may or may not have done and what his role may have been in the disclosure of the unredacted on published cables that are circulating on the internet right now and they notice you instances you know they they provide a few revelations to readers but missing is this very very scandalous appalling telling of inquiry from the un special rapporteur or phil i'll stand about
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this raid that happened in two thousand and six yeah can you give us a few more of the details that have been released in this cable about the raid. right so in this cable it's a communications log to the mission in geneva and he basically placed an inquiry asking a number of questions about information he had received about multinational forces raid going into a home and as you said in the setup of your segment five children were killed and four women were killed and they were taken outside of the home and they were lined up and they were handcuffed they were in handcuffs and they were executed and the autopsies show you know from the morgue they were able to see that they were shot in the head and that they were handcuffed. and then afterwards a airstrike came along and demolish the home so there wasn't any evidence left for
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any investigators to go in you know such as people maybe from a human rights group like the un to look and examine what it happened what else you know went on there when the un special rapporteur one can find out more information to the pentagon at least comply with the investigation but as of right now the un special rapporteur says that he has not received any more details from his inquiry that he wanted and he has noted that part of the procedure is flawed because there's there's really not much way to enforce the disclosure of information that those special rapporteur is seeking now you know unfortunately this is not the only gruesome tragic story that we've seen from the leaking leak cables are from what's been released but i feel like this is constantly become an issue that i don't know should we be frustrated right because one of the problems you can say is the
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overclassification of so many documents by the government and so you can think that anything fixed is well we just stop classifying everything but here you go we have all of these state department cables that have been released and you have a problem if the media still continues to ignore them what do you do about that. i mean that's a that's a larger question of the way that media has been consolidated of the way that you have the pentagon the way that you have the military industrial complex influence on the media the way you have anchors and pundits that are incredibly different you know incredibly deferential to the powerful who are in government and you know they'll go out of their way to make sure that they don't say anything that could be construed as somehow being a risk to national security and well you can go so far as to point the blame at julian of silence for uncovering details of atrocities such as this of summary
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executions of extra judicial killings torture of renditions and they'll say that this sort of information is going to engage our people and that it's going to put people's lives at risk when in fact in reality the huge problem is that we continue to carry out this activity that we continue to have these actions carried out by military forces and you have people in the state department who participate in a cover up and you have people in the pentagon who participate in not actually doing any investigations and of course killing assigned always better an easy target when it comes to the sensational aspect as just a human being or more of a celebrity these days is the figurehead of wiki leaks that cell you know in the meantime we don't really know the cause it is leading up to be a he said she said between wiki leaks between the guardian and now they have already launched a lawsuit will have to see how that ends up but let's say you know that the
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information is out there regardless at the moment so do you think that this in some way could be used against wiki leaks in the case of the u.s. is trying to build against them. well i think so already and there's already representative miller out of michigan who has renewed the calls and has again called wiki leaks a terrorist organization and this is a favorite mantra of some of the most right wing people but has attempt actually even call them right wing because it really doesn't matter what kind of politician people have been really really willing to call the wiki leaks organization a terrorist organization and i think that you know you raise a good cry and the fact that they're now being put under the microscope here for releasing on redacted unpublished cables is really playing into the sort of plans the pentagon might have to discredit the wiki leaks organization and if you
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know the official arguments that the pentagon are making right now about what has happened it sort of seems like they're painting this picture for citizens in the united states well you may not like the overclassification that happens in government you may not like the secrecy cancer that our government has but if you put it in the hands of this australian this sleazy guy named julian a songe look at what you get it's out of control and so you need to learn to just be patient and we'll get you the details that we think you need to know i haven't i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight and of course we'll continue to follow this out as a lot of stories unfold thanks thank you. still ahead tonight another fox news host tries to make the argument that all of our economic woes have only occurred since president obama took office never were wrong it's night time award and then in happy hour and i phone five goes missing so this is just p.r. try come out all class jenny churchill gets an online admirer stick around for some
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. internet only when you're with. the people we're going to bring to justice o'connor but if. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then a glimpse something else hears you some other part of it and realized everything you saw you don't know i'm sorry look at the big picture.
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all right it's time for tonight's told time award and tonight it goes to megan kelly of her news the midday anchor held a panel discussion on her show this week on the economy and who's to blame for our current conditions so just take a listen to how she starts this interview segment and pay very close attention to the headline banner at the bottom of the screen. it comes as we are seeing the white house under growing pressure from all sides august a to the economy here take a look at this is just some of yesterday's white house press briefing. and you may be a surprise you carried this economy one does it become is it good. now jim is that
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graphic at the bottom white house argues it's inherited a bad economy is that really something is up for debate this fox news actually think there's an argument there we want to begin kelly debate that the earth is really round or the sun actually rises in the east and sets in the west but let's move on next i want to play you another clip so you can see we're making kelly decide to take this discussion so is the when president bush gave an effective argument nearly three years after president obama was elected. you know megan i don't really think that blaming george w. bush for the economy is working on anyone but the obama administration said that they inherited the bad economy and that's just fact but reagan didn't lead at all did obama really inherit the bad economy. leslie you know listening to the folks on the right there get a little tired of hearing that you know it's in particular the comment that he can't get us out of the economic pitch because he had heard it a one trillion dollars deficit. i want to clear
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a few things up for the fox news crowd president obama does own this economy he's actually said it numerous times i don't have to face a voters next year can he convince them that he's done enough to turn the economy around to keep his job who knows but there is no debate about the fact that obama inherited a horrible economy the world was at a financial freefall when he took office thanks in part to george w. bush and his policies and the policies of that it's passed but now the same interview megan actually pointed out that numerous jobs were lost before obama took office so thank you megan for actually providing a little tiny itty bitty bit of context during your interview but i'm going to go one step further than megan take a look at this if the number of jobs lost or created under bush are so bomb it now as you can see during two thousand and eight under the bush administration that connally was shredding thousands of jobs each month now take a look at this part of the graphic it's from the november third election until about three months into obama's new term as president more than two million jobs
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were lost so easy to blame for all those job cuts before he even got into office i don't think so is he responsible for the economy right now oh yes absolutely amazing kelly in fox news can't argue that obama didn't it harriet's an economic mess he inherited the global meltdown but now it does belong to him but nice try big and that's why we need you tonight's tools i work. ok time for happy hour this evening and joining me tonight archie producer jenny churchill and tanya summoner reporter and blogger for think progress dot org thank you for joining me ladies. our first story this is something that just keeps happening over and over and over again and i'm wondering about doing it on purpose take a look. so many engineers at apple maybe they should swear off happy hour and i phone
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five right turns up at a kilgore there san francisco a month before it goes on sale now. now if you remember correctly this happened last time with the i phone four as well when some drunk apple employee decided to well i didn't decide to but was so drunk that they obviously left their prototype of the new phone that hasn't come out yet i don't know if you think they're doing it on purpose or do they just need to put like a a leash on their drug employees not give them about prototypes to just carry around them if they don't they go out and booze all the time yeah i mean i think that at this point you have to deduce that they're doing this on purpose i mean they're not really getting a ton of publicity about the phone right now so i'm pretty excited i'm going to get my really nice ok these are much different really well i thought i saw three so why oh i totally need a new one it's like it's already working and even upgrade at least i was upgraded to. it you think that they would come up with an out for this you know just an app for like maybe a twelve step program for their employees. seems like they clearly need to go to
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the bars and maybe just have an app for that that would work or maybe some kind of little device that make it like blow up of the person realizes they left it bears get out our site and all right it's a really good idea you destroy all evidence slash every other patron in the bar off just a little maybe a little baby explosion yeah all right let's move on to our next story here. urban dictionary it's a lot of fun and actually if you look at my name is the definition there as well but no federal agents also have to use a prediction area and here's something that comes from their web site next time one hundred thirty two of you. want to go to the right so you want to see more of. yeah you know we don't want that to happen so that's why you go to urban dictionary but that's just i guess for girls be able to want to go on the street be cool but
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federal agents actually had to use it to figure out what a man named justin campbell was talking about when he wrote on his facebook page and said that one in there got my pistol concept confiscated i got plenty of other guns i want to work that blank blank blank so they had to look up what merck means which actually means physically beating someone so severely as to cause their death but after that they've got to arrest him on felony charges and you know i'm honestly really concerned about the story you saw the picture i think i looks like a seriously upstanding citizen and i don't think urban dictionary is a reliable source what if you're not like this like what if merc say him they don't know i could not be able to arrest somebody because the urban dictionary said that what they said was bad isn't just like using wikipedia for your college dissertation or like green eggs and ham for cocaine so you can we really rely on the urban dictionary couldn't like people just make up words now to throw police off the trail no you know i mean i think that we should all go to urban dictionary and make up ridiculous words and just start using them and make up crimes i mean
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the whole ruling really really really and then this idea can we get on the let's do it alone how to profit after we do my gone into the i phone. you know this guy's just. forget it let me tell you about chris john libyan he's actually an american student he's twenty one years old from from l.a. and so he showed up at all these pictures with the libyan rebels and so what happened is that he actually made his way he had a one way ticket home from cairo made his way to tripoli to help the rebels and he told the the national that he came to libya because it's the end of my summer vacation so i thought it would be cool to join the rebels this is one of the only real revolutions in the world should you be joining revolution just because. i think they're cool and just i'm just not sure about that i wonder if he actually has a idea what's going on around a list insurance. but i guess i have to point out he is from your home area
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and it's just. i mean i'm just saying it's ok well for you to be like oh my god like summer vacation ever are a few washington d.c. people that have decided that they should go be parts of the revolution so i think there were revolutionaries or want to be really you know you're from washington d.c. who have gone over there to be part of the revolution who have gone to try to cover their evolution ok that's kind. of hipsters clearly would have done this a week ago you know they would be dead if he did you know yeah they did you. just like they really know. exactly exactly but you know i mean you gotta wonder what how i know the job market's bad but as a student like housing a k forty seven skill going to help you is like entry level jobs now looking for a k forty seven is changing there are men aleutians happened to her boy. ok this chinese story resort in china's hunan province has
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launched a p.r. initiative they've declared that they're you know offer free tickets to any female visitors over the age of twenty two who claim that they are virgins and they said that they're doing that for you take it as a gesture of kindness towards the female community so you just say i'm a virgin you can say for free. not so bad honor code. because i want to know that you have a contract and i don't want to take you in some governments kind of starving not happy ok anyway so i think this is where we're going to shorted to women in china so they're saying hey you can see for free just pretend like you're a person i just love that it's like instead of being like a wall give total skanks a free room it was like they had to go for the virgins we're business model right here. here's some tall guys like come here and they'll be girls who won't sleep with you you know i know but it's all your luck thank you maybe it works well speaking of love. really really sweet video that we found online today and somebody
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that happens to be an admirer of our very own journey church i'll take a look. again i was a solution quick. question for jenny truth through our producer. i'm a huge and traditional and i was. but you can. live with the. whole going away some. we need of some time. to. talk i'm from. but really it's just inspired. my way. my place that. i love ginger i love you. but is just the sweetest thing i've ever seen and i think you should totally go up
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to vermont live with them and go out with them you're trying to fire me so it's not really caring madam ok i'm glad to have him come down here but i don't know what to do with your boyfriend. she was going out of your buyer i don't know i mean. you know i honestly think that was the nicest thing that i mean i can't believe that he took time out of his day just to do something nice and i really i really appreciate it thank you but there's a hotel in china you guys can visit. you out of something can i take out a rabs that over the guys thanks for joining me tonight and after tonight's show thanks for tuning in and make sure to come back tomorrow having the post investigative reporter radley balko is going to be on the show to tell us about a dispraise medical examiner. testify one woman now faces forty four years in jail as a result of his testimony and the meantime don't forget for the fan of the live show on facebook and follow us on twitter you missed any of tonight's show or any other night and let's catch telecommutes you've got a slash steal our show and coming up next is the new.
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i don't know the military in one thousand nine hundred sixty six i got over because of the things i saw the things i was doing and there's a reason said we were given for there were no it was a personal protest. during the vietnam war a name to war movement emerged that altered the course of history this movement didn't take place on college campuses but in barracks and on ships and penetrated elite military colleges like west point and it spread throughout the battlefields of vietnam. today few people know about the g.i. movement against the war in vietnam and. after the army we always said free the army or fun travel and adventure but it really meant the army.
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